7 prjo Mil r I - .-. .1 :'i.'V:'i i'v-':.'.,:, W'4''. ,r i " ' :Jg urn) , A Xmas Sale .of Cut Glass Important--lnteresting Economical The Entire Show Room Exhibit of the "t , - Bergen Cut Glass Go. v ( Come to this sale if 'you are interested in cut glass. Examine every piece, Stroll around the many tables filled with ittering,, sparkling, perfectly-cut pieces. Notice that every piece is marked with two prices. Take note -of the fact at every piece off ered in this sale is perfectly cut, of the finest quality; Made on the richest American blanks. (Over n thousand pieces involved in this offering. -A collection greater than ever shown before in Portland. ' We laid our clans for securing the showroom samoles of this famous cut glass house two months ago. We were told at under no circumstances would they arrive here before January. We knew at the price$ they were to be sold for Tanuarv. that even then the sale would create the Greatest interest V. ,. .'.-. I . . . . . " . : - 7 . - .. . . . . a .. A VThink what it means now,; TWO WEBKS BEFORE CHRISTMAS, to naye tne opportunity or seiecung awi lA,i KJV VUJL ULiAOO in OUT enure SlOre Al UXUt-f iE.J-UV,HUro, mis ta m eyuimtut dic, auivt wi . fitcsa jx the Bergen cut glass were so low that we, were forced to reduce OUR OWN STOCK. ( . 1.50 FLOWER BASKETS $3.00 $10 BEDROOM LAMP $5.00 , ' $2.00 BUTTER TUBS $1.00 irhete baskets are made in the most These lamps stand 14 inches high and are Tubs appropriate for batter and cracked iceful shapes imaginable and cut in the fitted with bulb and 6 feet of white silk ice. Cut with a large buss star In the bot t ge pin wheel pattern, notched handle. cord, all ready for use. The dome is of cut torn and one on each side, with elaborate I tic aa titdtv -orwtjr c 64 tk Ess, beautifully cut and with effective crys- diamond cuttinf between. I$5.00 BERRY BOWLS $J.75 . tai pendants. ' (ha wdm nKir , berry bowls cut in the hob star pattern, 1 1 v . $150 FERN DISH $J.50 th deep icaUoped top and three smau feet. $L0U BON BUN DISH 7&v Fern dishes with nlckel-platea inset tut K-ii KAtiATun et?T mk nA ' Sht-inch jelly or bon bon dish, with seal- in the pin wheel and bob star patterns. t u::r:t vrsx i&J&v centcr $4 mayonnaise bowl $2.75 -i-r::: : : wi By w .-. M.imi.. .n w . which 1 1 Tlf 1 m 1I1I1I Allllll III! Llini d WJIK H ...... . J , mr-w ww m . . . - , aT V ' inch mirror. The tumblers may be pur- $2.25 CELERY DISH $1.75 may also be used for whipped cream. Cut ased separately at 33c apiece. . ' These dishes are deeply cut in the star in beautiful and original patterns. $2,50 Sugar and Creamers $1.75 ,nd talf! j.: $5 WATER PITCHERS $3 Sugar and creamer, set in the most at- uiitti $1,011 This is the five-pint sue and made with ictive shape , imaginable, beautifully cut A deep dish cut in the chrysanthemum notched handles and Cut lip. Very pretty th notched top and handles. and hob star patterns, with a scalloped edge, tnd useful. .. , ; fists rioor Sale of Art Needleyorli ' Finished Pieces Worked in Silk : ' Half Price This is the first time this season that you have been given the opportunity of securing prizes such as we offer in this sale . , ' Beautiful examples of the finest art in finished pieces werkedrrailkncOTsistingfi runners, pillow tops and library centerpieces. They come in a variety of attractive styles, in different sizes and in different colors. ' ' . i, Beautiful designs such as yellow buttercups, corn flow ' ers, wild and American Beauty rose designs, in a wonder ful collection, a few of which we describe. Library Sets - 4 . Three-piece library sets. of heavy brown linen fringed ends and elaborately embroidered in shades of brown and ecru silk. . , . ' j . ' $18.00 Oval Centernieces 9.00 $20.00 Oval Centeroieces $10.00 : $15.00 Pillow Tops, each. i $ 7.50 , Sets in French gray linen fringed and embroidered in the most exquisite mulberry shades. This pattern is a ' conventionalized design of flowers and leaves. : . $18.00 Table Runners. Special. . , $0.00 , $14.00 Pillow Tops. Special . . . ...... j , $7Xl0 $17.00 Table Runners, size. 22x54 inches, in large rose design, fringed ends. Special. , , . . ; . ; . .... $8.50 $11.00 PILLOW TOPS, $5.50 Water lily design elaborately worked on fine art linen. ; Very pretty and decidedly artistic. gooa oo Hand Embroidered Austrian Chemise Our Own Importation trom Vienna v Chemist Selling Regularly at $3.00 and $3.50 - - SPEOAllSSr4m''- -Chemise of the finest sheerest percales, cut on good fitting lines with straight front and semi-fitting back. The necks are cut, square, round or pointed and are fancy scal loped, reinforced underneath so as not to tear. The front is beautifully embroidered in many attractive and elaborate designs. They have hand-made eyelets through which rib bon is run. . . fourth Floor In the Linen Store and 75c IMPORTED TOWELS Special 49c ' pine imported towels of all-over tk with damask ends and border, i towels of birdseye damask and -fck. In two sizes 21 by 38 inches a 21 by 40 inches. Hemstitched and Hoped ends. $4.50 TABLE CLOTHS Special $2.98 Each ust about one hundred of these ths in vthe circular patterns, artisti- ly desisTied of extra heavy weight A of Irish manufacture. ? Size 2 by 2, bTdtf Napkins $3.98 Doz. " jln this special lot are only 75 dozen pkins of an extra size, measuring 28 26 inches. In four patterns stripes, hire stripe with floral effects and nsy patterns. Of pure Irish linen. Guest Towels 25c Each Webbs Irish linen buck guest towels , fine all-linen huck with hemstitched is. size m oy it incnes. Art Linens AT SPECIAL PRICES This hew work comes in hand eyelet hbroidery arid rose with" scalloped ge. Of fine quality linen in artistic nd work. -:- inch doilies, special, each....$ .15 inch domes, special, each... S ,vo by SG-inch scarfs, each, . ... .$1.75 by 45-inch scarfs, each. .... .$2.00 by 54-inch scarfs, each: , . . , .S15.5U inch napkins, scalloped edge $3.50 vch napkins, scalloped edge and eyelet embroidered corners, doz. $5 ' Victor and Columbia Phonographs ; A Special Offer For $72.95 As an Xmas special we offer a combination which appeals to those purchasers who wish to make an Xmas gift that will give pleasure to the entire family. One that is educa tional and instructive. Tomorrow we offer a $50.00 Columbia Favorite Machine with a $25.00 Mahogany or oak cabinet and a dozen records Special $72.95 Delivered to Your Home Upon the First Payment ft - - ' Section-Fifth Floor TABLE COVERS 'and SCARFS Of beautiful tapestry, brocade or velvet in rich beautiful - color ings. . . ..:'. The table covers sell . from $1.25, $1.50 to $6.00 each. The table scarfs sell from S1.75, S2.50, $3.75. to $4.50 each. -;,:...., ' BATH ROBE BLANKETS ;.$2.47Each.-;V Fancy jacquard designs in floral and conventional patterns , with ; borders to match.- In a full and complete assortment of colors In cluding grays, tans, browns blues, frcds and greens. Each blanket is large, enough to make a complete robe. - ' r NAVAJO INDIAN RUGS ; Make ideal Christmas gifts and ' you will find here the largest as sortment of real Navaio Indian IJugs in the city. The prices too ,,wiii awm vu.jrwu ma . c uuy. m. v the reservation and can thereby afford to sell them at these low prices. t r Small size rugs from 20 to 24 .. inches squarejpan b.ehad at $2 and $2.25. - . . T " Large size Navajos , sell from S4.50, $0.00, $7.50 up to $45.00 each.. Smartly Tailored Suits Selling Regularly at $42.50 to $60.00 Special $33.75 Suits of cloth, velvet and corduroy in plain tailored and novelty styles. The jackets are all lined with a fine quality silk and the skirts are cut in the newest straight gored shapes and trimmed to match the jackets. In black, navy, brown, taupe and fancy imported two toned and fancy mixed materials. You will find quite a variety of novelty trimmed styles, many of which are made of fine, imported materials. Some of the jackets show the cutaway fronts and semi-fitting backs. Novelty and Johnny Coats Selling Regularly at $35.00 to $40.00 , Special $25.00 Coats of all descriptions full length and Johnny styles coats, for general utility and dress wear, Coats of cloth, plush and brocaded velvet of cheviots boucle, chinchilla and fancy two-toned diagonal cheviot. In black, navy, gray, brown and 1 fancy mixed effects. Some are made with fancy trimmings of velvet and braid many of which are lined with silk throughout. , Third Floor Visit the New Picture Galleries Pretty, Attractive Xmas Gifts , Coles Phillips Pictures, Special 35c We have a complete assortment of Coles Phillips pictures in color, and framed with a dainty ivory-finished moulding, having dainty rosebuds at the corners and across the top. In this line of pictures you will find about fifty different subjects each one immensely attractive. Framed' Pictures, Special 50c Harrison Fisher pictures pictures of cupids, Madonnas, English hunting scenes, musicians' and . poets' heads reproductions of the old masters and a complete line of religious subjects. AH are framed to suit the picture, some with mats and others framed, up close with antique gold, walnut veneer and carbon brown mouldings . and some in dainty Dresden frames. ? Imported German Prints $1.5 Each r ' These pictures are reproduced in color and are all copies of some famous painting. They are framed with a two inch mahogany moulding. About twelve different subjects. Size 14 by 20 inches. Copley Prints $ 1 .25 and $2.50 Each We have a most complete and comprehensive showing of these, the famous Copley prints, both framed and unframed. French and English Prints $1.25 to $5.00 These prints are reproductions of the old masters, done in wonderful color schemes and framed with old gold frames. sixth rioor Now for Xmas Dress Goods In a Sale at Half Price $ 1 .50 Dress Goods Can Now Be Bought at 75c Yard Plain and fancy dress goods in staple materials that represent the output of the best American manufacturers. Materials that carry with them the certainty of long service and hardest usage. Such materials as serges, cheviots, panamas, cravenetles, novelty striped suitings and mixtures. Suitable for dresses, suits, coats and children's apparel In navy, brown, Alice, Copenhagen, tan, taupe, heliotrope, gray, garnet and black. All Our Cloakings at Special Prices $3.00 BOUCLE CLOAKINGS. SPECIAL, $2.25 Novelty cloakings, 56 inches wide, in cardinal, tan, leather, cham pagne and navy, brown and green mixtures. " $3.50 CHINCHILLA CLOAKINGS, SPECIAL, $2.50 56 inches wide one of the greatest novelties and most popular cloakings of the season, in gray and black. $2.50 FOULE CLOAKINGS, SPECIAL, $1.95 New striped cloakings, 56 inches wide. In gray and white, brown and white and tan and white. These cloakings are the warmth-without-weight kind. ' $4.00 NOVELTY CLOAKINGS, SPECIAL, $2.75 Our entire stock, including French boucle, in all the newest Autumn combinations; reversible cloakings and cloakings in the latest combinations. oo& rioor -We Direct Especial Attention to Our Leather Good Stpre -WhereYouWUFindNovelties of All Kinds from England, Austria, France, Germany and America Special sections devoted to gifts to men wonderful collection of -unusual-things for women. Our entire importation of foreign nov cities for the holidays are landed. It would he wise to make your selections now with assortments complete. j rim rioor MmeMeini The Xmas Gift Practical , If given a broader choice here than possible in other stores, i why not make your selections of things uncommon? Of fur I nishings out of the ordinary run of styles; out of the regular rut that other 6tores run in from season to season. Why not buy distinctive, attractive, snappy things for men, particularly when it doesn't cost a bit more? ; . : w Want Things English? London? Here They Are From the World Famous London Stote Wtltfj, iflargetaon & Co; A large importation We have just received the very new- esx juonaon styles in . . 1 Men's Sweaters, Sweater Coats and Vests Made of the finest Australian and Scotch wools. t Light in weight, but extremely warm; in styles distinctly English. Soft browns, grays, blues, lavenders, , tans and in combinations found only in these exclusive London garments.' ' . . KNITTED VESTS SELL FROM $5.00 UP - , SWEATER COATS. FROM $10.0Q TO $22.50 EACH Men s Pajamas $2.00 to $3.50 Suit Pajamas made of an extremely fine quality silk finished Soi sette and fancy striped novelty materials. Made on good lines andsilk trimmed. , Pajamas From $5.00 to $ 1 2 Suit In silk mixtures and pure silks in plain colors and fancy pat- terned effects. Ihey have military collars or V neck styles. Every garment especially made and trimmed with silk frogs. . Men s Bathrobes $5.00 - -Especially attractive bath and lounging robes of heavy blanket materials, bordered and patterned in the most attract ive designs. Made with girdles to match. , In gray and red, gray and white and blue and white mixtures and many other combinations Of effective colorings. Men's Handkerchiefs, $1.00 for Box of Six Handkerchiefs of pure Irish linen, with a narrow hem and a neat embroidered initial in one corner. Six handkerchiefs to a box,. - .': --.S-hSJ:- Men's Handkerchiefs 25c Each Pure Irish linen handkerchiefs of fine quality, with an ex tremely soft finish. In one corner is a small script letter or Longfellow initial. 25c each, or" box, of 6 for $1,40. Men's Handkerchiefs 50c Each A narrow hemstitched handkerchief of fine quality pure Irish linen. Embroidered in three different medallion designs. . rirrt rioor Holiday Sale of FINE FURS At Special Prices V MINK SETS MOLE SETS . BLACK FOX SETS POINTED FOX SETS BEAVER SETS ERMINE SETS If it is to be a gift of furs it may be choscn in this sale. No matter how humble the , fur may be", it is genuine. More over, we do not handle furs that we know Will not give sat isfaction. Besides, we protect our patrons by giving our ab solute guarantee. , For this rea son you- need not hesitate to buy your furs in this store. All our furs are of first qual ity and as such offer great econ omies at the prices quoted. f 325.00 235.00 $210.00 $115.00 $125.00 $ 78.00 $ 73.50 f 68.50 230.00 $138.50 $400.00 Mink Set $300.00 Mink Set $250.00 Mink Set $150.00 Mink Set $165.00 Mole Set $100.00 Mole Set $ 85.00 Mole Set $ 85.00 Mole Set $275 P't'd Fox Set $200 PYd Fox Set $125 PVdFox Set $ 90.00 $100 PYd Fox Set $ 77.50 $150 Blk. Fox Set $115.00 $ 85 Blk. Fox Set$ G8.50 $ 65 Blk. Fox Set $ 48.50 $ 45 Blk. Fox Set $ 29.50 $100 White Fx S't$ 78.50 $100 Beaver Sets. .$ 77.50 $ 65 Beaver Sets.. $ 45.00 $125 White Ermine Set $95 Third t'loot itlarsftall-Jfielli & Co., Cfjicago Own and control the famous S.JJN SPUN handkerchiefs. These are old to the exclusion of all other makes in this famous Chicago department atore. ' "?. RecognUing our position here in Portland, they have made us their principal representatives for the sale of their famous SUN SPUN handkerchiefs. Tomorrow we make an exhibition of $20,000 worth of these su perior handkerchiefs. SUN' SPUN, 95( BOX Sheer linen handkerchiefs, packed three in a box, each hand kerchief embroidered in a different one corner design. Another style packed three in a box, worked in Madeira effect, scal loped edge and open work corners. ' SUN SPUN 35 EACH Fine quality linen, embroidery Initial worked in the long effect. 35 each, or 3 for f l.OO. , , ' . SUN SPUN 25 EACH ; Linen hand embrjddred one corner effects in floral designs, long effects, dotted and butterfly effects. : -. , SUN SPUN 50 EACH Linen handkerchiefs, hand embroidered in one corner and edged j with a finfi"Valenciennes lace. ; , : ' ' SUN SPUN $2.50 EACH - ' Linen hand embroidered handkerchiefs, beautifully worked fa artistic designs in one corner, ( - SUN SPUN 25 EACH - -rLweiglo handkerchief with hafld tmbroUcry cprfCCC-1" " SUN SPUN 25 EACH These handkerchiefs are of a sheer quality linen, hhovn?, ' block initial in. the corner and has a narrow, hemstitch e 4 It 0