THE. OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER; 8,- 1312. K y Town 'Topics TONIGHTS AMI'S GMENTS HKII.IO Wlkr TV'blliHilde In "The T.riibonn." BAUKlt Tt Vakcr' I'layenr la "Tbe Orer. Oltl'HWCM VaudflTtllo (In Bungalow theatre). LYRIC Renting ft Flood MmhIxhI Coined; com- iwny In "Tli Jlwry M!ntrel." THE EVfPKKNS VaiwlMMe. ' PANTAUES VtuderlUe. V. : . Weather Conditions. - ' Portland, Or., Dee;- J 91 8, A large high oressure area overlies the Rocky Mountain and Pacific states and a disturbance of decided character la central over the lake region, Light : rain or enow haa fallen In the upper ' Missouri, and upper Mississippi valleys - and in portions of the lake region. Ix f cal raina have fallen in the Gulf atatea and fair weather continue on the Pa elf lo elope. It la much colder in the upper Mississippi valley and upper lake region and the temperatures continue below normal in the north Pacific atatea. The conditlona are favorable for fair weather in this district Sunday, except In southwestern Oregon, Where, cloudi ness will increase and be followed by rain. : -. -.- ,:. . FORECASTS. . Portland and vicinity: Sunday, fair. Northwesterly winds, shifting- to south easterly. '. -I - . . . Oregon: Sunday, fair, except increas ing cloudiness followed by rain south w't portion. Easterly winds. Washington; Sunday, fair; northeast, erlv winds. Idaho: Sunday, fair. v , , EDWARD A. BEALS. w - ; . . District Forecaster. took Shares Awarded A verdict awarding 6500 shares of stock in the Coaet Range Lumber company was re turned in Circuit Judge McGinn's court Krida y night In fa vOr ;of I. Wt Lana against H. j Mahon and O. 1C Want worth, Th5 stock ja of the par value of $10 a share and Its actual value ia said to be 12 a share. Lane claimed tha the atock was awarded to him for services tn organizing the Sunset Lumber torn pany and later In reorganising the Coaat Rang company, In turning over" to the companies options on valuable timber lands, and in selling 1850.000 worth of bonds for the company. a Ha complained at ha had been defrauded of the stock through the efforts of Mahon and Went- worth. According to his story of the dealings the entire stock issue was made to Mahon that funds might be borrowed to carry out' the plana of the company and that the stock held In trust for him waa never returned. ? ; Court Paroles Boys For stealing : wheat from cars in the North Bank - yards three boys were found guilty la . Juvenile court yesterday and were pa roled , by Juvenile Judge Gatens, as it was the first offense for each. ! The boya would tear open sacks and allow - the wheat to run! out on the ground, ac cording to testimony, and would then collect the wheat, aellingjt to. neigh bors at reduced prices for chicken feed. Two of the boys are 11 years old and - the other Is 14 years of age.' Two other boya confessed to stealing bicycles and - - cleared-- the mystery surrounding the disappearance of 15 bicycles. One, 11 years old, confessed to the theft of three wheels, and the other, 13 years - old, confessed to five thefts. A third boy in out of the city and the caaea were: held over to next Saturday that he may appear. Owners of the wheels are also to send statements of the dam age done their machines before sentence it passed. Somestlo Trouble Domestic trouble In the families of Ben Holsman and F. 8. Taylor, wherein Holsman la accused " of kidnaping Taylor's daughter," !!" to be taken before the grand Jury. Hols man and Philip Ruthfield were held to the jury yesterday on charges growing 6ut of their arrest last Saturday at the Byron hotel, where the former waa liv ing with the Taylor woman, who was hla former wife. Holsman claims ahe la atlll hla. wife, as, the decree of di vorce waa unalgned at the time of the affair.' Taylor claims hla daughter haa , a legal decree, that Holsman forced the girl to the hotel, keeping her there three days through fear. Ruthfield acted aa a friend of the family: In the fight hla small fingernail - waa bitten off by . Holsman.- ' - . '::"z.i'2r...' To Znspeet Larraoee Xxteaaion the atreet committee of the city eounoi; will make a trip of Inspection tomorrow morning over the proposed extension of ' Larrabee street to the east approach of the steel bridge.- Mayor Rushlight haa vetoed the ordinance providing for the extension and haa entered Into a tenta tive agreement whereby the city wilt save something like $40,000 by accept ing from the O.-W. R. & N. company a . right of way over private property. The company asks In return that the city permit the company to fill a portion of Occidental atreet. . - . WW Investigate Car Serylce Mayor f Rushlight yesterday appointed a special committee consisting of Councllmen , Joy, Wallace ard Montag to investi gate the aervlce and traffic conditions of local street car companies, The com mittee will hold the first of a series of public hearings probably some time next week and it urges citizens of the city to submit any complaints they may have to make. All complaints should be addressed to the city auditor. " Bestaurant Kan rined Though abso- lutely denying that he owned a restau rant at sixth and Qllsan streets, Ira D. Watson was yesterday found guilty In a few minutes by a Jury In Circuit Judge :' 4f r .-. Si r?. STOCK little better Our goods are always moderately priced. . , - ' ''1 ' '' -''l-',,' s ;' rfv.-.';'VV.3, 1 -:'.7"v'' -' ' - Our selection is always for the masses. Out facilities for making your Xmas shopping a success are never lacking. ' ' v ' V . It to even try to convince you of the fact. G. HEITICEMPER CO. JDiaraoacLDealera. and Jewelexi- -. Old in Portland Yeon JMew m location, 130 Fifth Street - , . Mail Orders Solicited. : Phone Main 1888, A-1083." - McGinn's court of selling cream without 20, per cent or more of butterfat and was fined $40 by Judge McGinn, The case was appealed' from Justice of the Peace Olson'a court, where he was found guilty and given a fine of $25, and Judge McGinn . added to the fine on this account. Watson ; and hla wife both swore that she and LeRoy Lomax, an attorney, owned the reataurant. Wat son claimed that he was not given a proper trial la tle lower court Charged With Kidnaping Charged with kidnaping the 17-year-old adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. James Level of 26 East Forty-ninth street, John M. Level of JTacolUJW8iib(i j jQLxfilate4J9 the other Levels, was bound over to the grand Jury, after the' case had a hearing In the municipal court This affair ia the outcome of a 11 year fight which is said to have waged between the two Level families. The foster parents have not eeenuhe boy for two months, charging .that John Level has kept him In confinement He, on the other band, refuses to reveal, the hiding place or what became of the boy, de clarlng that he la seeking revenge upon the foster parents. .. It is said that fl nanclal matters started the trouble. ' Case StW UnsettledSince Oregon' first woman Jury. failed to agree upon a verdict In the - case against ,. Marcelle Bortell, recently tried in the municipal court for conducting a disorderly, house, the caae will be retried next . wtek. Police officers In the caae insist their evidence against her is the earns as it, many almilar cases brought heretofore, and they see no reason for a decision in this issue; f With the "disagreement of the woman's Jury, the case is still on the Municipal court docket, ready for another trial. Whether or not the next case wilt be tried by a jury has not been determined, but since Attorney William Farrell, who represents her, asked for m jury In the first case, he will likely aak for one in the second case. :f Judgment Against riyan A Judr ment of $1000 against L. J. Flynn to Mann Beach, printers, waa returned yesterday, by a jury In Circuit Judge Gatena' court when a suit on a con tract - was retried. . The money - was claimed aa the purchaae price of an architectural magazine which Flynn bar gained for but never accepted, though he deposited a check for $500 In escrow. Later he started a magazine of the same nature under .another- name. The su preme court ordered the case retried after-an appeal had been taken from an order of non-suit by Judge Gatena at the first trial. Judge Gatens held that the delivery should have been made by Mann ft Beach while the supreme court neia tne purcnaser must taice possession of what he has purchased. Taxpayers Tile Appeal An appeal from the decision of the board of equal lzatlon denying reductions from assess ments of property on Washington street between Eleventh and Fifteenth streets was filed in the circuit court yesterday by Samuel May, attorney for the asso ciation of property owners. The as sessed valuation of the property Is $2,- 004,000, according to the assessment made laat aprlng. Reductions of from 20 per cent to about half were asked in the petitions submitted to the board. The owners claim that their assessment Is out of proportion according to rentals received. lues for Son's - Death. Damages amounting te $60,000 are asked In a suit filed tn the circuit court by E. B. MoFarland, a farmer residing in this city, against the Oregon Electric com pany on account of the death of hla son. 19-year-old Neal J. McFarland. who was electrocuted on October 7 at Mof fat Wash. Young McFarland and an other youth entered what Is known as the "death chamber" where the high ten sion wires enter and come in contact with a wire carrying about cO.000 volts. The other youth died Instantly and Mc Farland died within a few momenta. Will Give liaek Ball. A mask ball will be given on the last day of the year by tha Women of Woodcraft Mount Hood Circle No. 151, and the women are making elaborate plana for the affair. Eight trophies for cos tumes Will be awarded. ' The committee on" arrangements Include Meadames ;Mary E. Wheeler," Lou Ellen Cornell, Bella Pef fer, Minnie McGregor, Minnie Weber, Dona McDanlel and Nellie Starr. Floor , committee, Etta Wheeler, Lizzie Evane, Warren Cornell and William Jett x; Tree Trip. Siyiday, December t, 3 p. m., Third and Yamhill streets, to San ford (Nlnty-flrst and . East GUsan streets.) Sanford will be'the last low priced subdivision within city limits. Cheapeat view property ever offered in Portland. Ten cents a square foot See Sanford. Portland's greatest opportunity for the homebullder and Investor. Free passes at Umbdenstock & Larson, 28$ Oak street, or at Third and Yamhill, Sunday 2 p, m. To . Slscnss XCnnlclpal Ownership "Municipally Owned Telephone and Lighting Systems" wUl be the subject for discussion at the luncheon of the East Side Business Men's club In the CUf ford grill at East Morrison and Grand avenues tomorrow. H. D. Wag non will be chief speaker and L M, Lap per will serve as chairman of the day, ' inlte Against Candy Compaay-Two attachment suits were filed in the clr- XMAS JEWELRY 13 the finest that has been shown in tfie city. As usual, our ervice is ahvays a than elsewhere. , Building 'cult court yesterday against the J. N. Matschek Candy company, one for i 7J.04 . by the Kohn-Boldemann com , pany and the other by the Stollwerek : Brothers company of New York for $880, ( Six dollars of the first amount Is of the candy company which were pro tested..;.; '.i; ; ,k f, :,: .-iv' - ;;' '( ' : ; K ' Sump Adulterated KlUtv Because he found that the milk shipped from the farm of M. J, Domes, of McCoy, Or, had been adulterated with water and coloring matter, City Milk Chemiat E, C. Calloway yesterday emptied 225 gal lons of it in the sewer. Domes Is a well known breeder of fancy cattle and hla herds have taken many blue ribbons at dairy and livestock shows In tho northwest during the past few years. To Xeep Ky customers believing In me and my methods, is a prime, asset in my success, said a merchant to me yea terday. - He was referring to his ap pearance since we have been pressing his clothes for $1.60 a month. Ought you not have ua take care of your clothes t Phone Main 614, A-4S14, and we wllltyall. ' Unique Tailoring company, 20 Stark. -;;o,l.''t-V.. r ' To Xeep SSy friends believing In me and my methods is a prime asset in my sdbcess, said a business man . yester- day. ; He was referring td his appear ance since we have been pressing me clothes for $1.60 a month. Ought you not have us take care of your clothes? Phone VAialn 614, A-4314. , - Unique Tailoring company, 109 Stark, " . Kit by Anto, Asks flB.OOO Because be. waa Injured when hla automobile Waa struck by a car at. Sixteenth and Lovejoy streets, . Robert F. Hayden Is sulr.g the Portland Railway, Light . A Power company for $16,000 damages, of Which $5,000 represents the damage don the automobile. The suit was filed yesterday In the circuit court Wife Alleges Desertion Though pos sessed of four young, Children Amela Kijowaki aska that her maiden name, Amela Kurnauszka, be returned to her in a divorce suit filed agalnat Marcln Kijowskl In tha circuit court Deaer- tion , Is the charge against Kijowskl The KljWskls were married in Fort Bragg, aL, February 1, 190$. 1 h Tiremaa Sues for 115,000 For injur ies received In Jumping when a Paclflo Bridge company's sewer digger was ac cidentally . ahoved across the track of the Southern Paclflo in front of a spec ial freight locomotive on which he was fireman, Carl Burgeyne has started suit in- the circuit court against the bridge company for $15,000 damages. Bat tt . Auto Eire. Failure of William A. Leet and Eileen Leet to pay H, C. Behnke for 26$ hours' use of an automobile at $3.60 per, with the ex ception of $10 once paid On account la claimed aa the basis of a suit for $660 filed yesterday in tha circuit court against the attorney and his wife by Behnke.. ; ? ;. . ' ' :- . Sr. tana to tectnre Senator-elect Harry Lane will deliver an address to morrow, evening at the Woodatocg M. E. church : under the auspices of the Woodstock Improvement club. A music al program by Reed College and local talent wlU be given, and refreshments served. -' - - Jit, X. W. Freeze, the neurologist with offices , in the Merchants Trust building, has earned the title "Portland's leading eye . specialist" becauae of tha many successes he has had in cases given up as hopeless by others. No mat. ter how bad your eye or nervous troubles may be, eonsuit him, - Vow York State Society te Meet The New York State, society will hold its regular monthly, meeting Tuesday night, December 10, at Christensen's hall. Eleventh and YamhUl streets. All New Yorkers, whether residents of Portland or not, are cordially, invited. TVs to Tow Advantage to investigate the unusual Christmas shopping pos slblUtles now offered at Alder Street Pharmacy. Exceptional values in hand bags, toilet,- manicure, brush, manicure and deak sets, vasea and leather novel ties. 242 Alder. We " seU hair mattresses ,. retail . at wholesale prices for ,80 pound beds from $7.60 and up. We renovate mattresses and return - them the aame day. Port land Curled Hair Factory, H. Metzger, proprietor,' 226-22$ Front atreet Main 474, A-1874. . . t HTavaJo Indian Bugs We have an es pecially fine lot of genuine Navajo In dian rugs which wo are selling at ex tremely low prices. One of these will make a most acceptable Chrlstmaa gift W. B. Glefke company, 108-110 Front street - ;,.-,. , .:. .,..:...:,.... A S Christmas Present Buy one of our splendid umbrellas with extra de tachable handle In beautiful gift box. Made expressly for Jaeger Bros., Jewel, ers, 266 Morrison, between Third and Fourth. Jaeger Jewelry Is Jenulne. The little store on the Seventh street side of The Journal building will make an ideal location for a florist's ahop or a high-class tailoring or millinery establishment Reasonable rental. Ap ply at Journal business off lea A Simple Home Bemedy for rheu matlsm, lumbago or kidney trouble. Two ounces Salgren mixed, with four ounces olive oil and take in two teaapoonful doses, will cure the moat obstinate casa Salgren contains no alcohol. ' The David X. Botsford lerrloe Handling the advertising of a large number of local concerns, has removed to 1020-1023 Board of Trade building. Jaeger Jewelry It Genuine Large diamond rings, fine white, for $100. Jaeger Bros., 266 Morrison street, be tween Third and Fourth. . Steamer Jessie Barklne for Camas, Waahougal and way landlnga dally ex cent Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet dock at 2 p. m. The Bed Cross Pharmacy, corner Sev enth and Ankeny .streets, is the only store In Portland authorized to use the Red.Croas label. v. ' : . -. Clifford's Oregon Tlews. framed for fhrlatmnii. 7 Sc. romnntrrlil mirk Anna at commercial prices. Studio 411 Stark street " Xdaocabee Wight at Baker theatre Tueaday, December 10. L. & K. O. T. M. See "Baker - Payers" in "The Orey- toound" Ken's Tants You save $1.06 to $2.00 pair when you buy of me. Jimmy Dunn, oom 815, Oregonlan building. Take ele vator. littther Warren will speak today, Bun- day, at 8 p. m. at Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Taylor, on "DanleL," Admission free.';:;.:y,i,- ;;V-r'--nv 4 - Swiss acass Keetlag to appoint can didate for consulate. December 16. 2 o'clock in the afUrnoon, at Swiss Hall. i Vt. A. Wlia tnit nrlaraa tatnTaa dentists. Third and Washington, Kntnallst Associations-There will be a meeting of. the Mutuallst aaaociatlon at room 210, Y. M. C A. building, Tuea day, Deoember 10 at $ p. m. This la to further consider the movement for: co operative stores. Unusual Gifts tot Xmas and prizes for card parties at the- Shop of Fine Arts,1 corner Seventh and Salmon. . 8pltantia Ylolla Stndlo Selling Hlrach building, Washington and Tenth. Monogram Tobs for Chrlstmaa We make them. ' Jaeger Bros., 266 Morrison, between Third and Fourth. fl Take Tow Christmas List to Alder tMt-Pbarroa-? dood-jraluea . In. gift novelties. 242 Al&Wt 7 '.,';;;:. Selling out leather suitcases and bags at bargain prices. Keller Harneia Co., 49 N. 8th, ... v...;1 . v;; :y Dr. WUllarn O. Tlaok, osteopathia phy sician, moved to 806-7-8 Ablncton build ing. , v:", ; : 'i;;,' '::.rV'': Dr. J. XL Crowley has moved to 608-4 Northwest bldg.,. N. W. cor, 6th ft Wash Dr. G. 22. Wells, Dr. J. Xnntet Wells, offices Ablngton bldg. Marshall 464$ ' Tnloa Transfer Company, furniture moving and atorage. Main 241, A-2341. : Dr. W. A. Bogers, osteopathia phy sician, has moved to 718 Selling bldg. Tine dog collars, ' harness and blan kets. Keller Harness Co.. 46 N. 4th, Dr. DUa X. Dearborn. 800 Union, ave N, both telephones. , Dr. John SeU wood returned. 428 Med ical bldg. See Aroason's diamonds, "La Val leres." ,-''i 'i',' "'V ''''eMaam-MMaw iVV,;-.V y'-'i'v;l' Dr. Breltluf, Splnologist, Royal bldg. :. Diamonds, $16 to $1000, at Aronson's, Dr. Swain, dentist returned. Dekutn. Wooster Sells Bverythlng 488 Wash. Weber Academy of Stasia reopened, Oarage for rent 605 6th street HOTEL MULTNOMAH ; 4 Beeervationa fox 2few 'Tear's Bye, December 31, Are Made Under The ToUowing Conditional A deposit of $3 per person ts re quidel for table reserved from I p. m. until closing. A deposit of $6 per person Is required for table reserved from 6 p. m. until closing which amount la to be applied on your waiter's oheck. In payment of merchandlae on "above date only." (Ci gars and cigarettea excepted). A "Special" 32 table d'hote dinner will be served from 6 to 9 O'clock. No charge for reservation. After which hour our "regular" a la carte menu will he Introduced, at the same prices usually charged. If you desire a "spe cial" dinner served at any time during the evening we will be pleased to ar range with you accordingly. We advise you to make reservations at an early date. An augmented orchestra and special featurea will be In evidence, thus as suring you a very enjoyable evening. . Respectfully yours, V . It C. BOWERS. Manager, Christian Science Lectures . Francis J. Fluno, M, D., C. 8. D., member of the board of lectureship or The First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston. Mass.. will deliver two free lec tures on Christian Science, the first Thursday evenln g, December 1 2. at t o clock, in the Maeonio Temple: the aao o'clock, in First Church of Christ, Sci- enusu ine puoiio is coraiauy invitea. fteaufar Santa Claus Prices The Xmas spirit has gotten Into our prices.' It haa made a real 25 per cent discount on all gift novelties. They are going raai. uorao toaay. au a Prescription Pharmacy, Sixth and Al der. Card of Thanks. ' We, the children of the late 8usanna Zlmmermann, hereby express our sin cere, appreciation- ef - the many kind nesaea and the, sympathy shown ua in our late bereavement in the death of our dear mother. Especially are we grateful to the members of Thusnelda Lodge No. 1, O. H. S., and the Swiss Ladles' Aid society. Her children, by Mr. and Mrs. J. Relsch. Dry wood and coal. Albina Fuel Co, East 182. C-1117. , Good coaL Edlef sen. Railway Exoh. 6. Journal Want Ads bring resulta v "No More Wash Days for Me" writes one lady la aa un solicited letter to the Troy Laundry, t,-- rhoae for" our driver te stop tomorrow morning I "All my life rve been bothering with wash day at home, until I fairly dreaded for Monday to ap proach. Flnally, a neighbor who had been -sending her fami ly washing to The Troy prevailed upon me to give It a trial. ;. , "Eagerly I Opened my first bundle when It came back Wedneaday morning. How snowy white the clothes were. How sweet and fresh they smelled. And the greatest sur prise of ail was the small charge. "Wash day la now a thing of the past at our house." (Name furnished on ap plication.) ' Phone for our driver to Stop tomorrow morning. Go now and do likewise," TROY LAUNDRY , PHONES , East 33 B-6118 (Uotstora hervtoe) Des Presents Uniques pour les jours de fete, achetea dans las Indes Orientates et dans la Perse, utiles at artlatiques, sana duplicata t de prix ordinaire ia Mason de Worcester, ' Chambr-a No. S01-17, Portland. Oregon. T. O. KAQUS. ' Letters From the People (CommunlcarloiU nt to The Tooraal tat pabltcatloB In tbl department tlMHild be writ tra on only one aid of tha papr, thouia not eieeod too worda la looglb and most be ae eompaalad tr tba nuuio and addreas of tha aender. If the writer doee not dpalra to have tha name publlihrd, he ibould so atate.) Unfolding a Cooperative Plan. jtahland Or Tn Ta thai VAUnr of The Journal In The Journal of De- eemoer , in the department of "Letters From the People," is an excellent arti cle headed, "The Cooperative Common wealth," by Hal E. Hobs, which ends brqsting-Tinyofte"Wh6beii6vea"a8 he doea to explain what procedure will be followed to accomplish the desired end." I cannot tell what procedure will be followed, but I can tell what pro cedure might be followed, to secure a cooperative or Industrial common wealth. At present four bodies are pro vided for ' by. our atate constitution, namely, executive, legislative. Judicial and educational . We might so amend our constitution as to make it provide for an Industrial body, say a atate su perintendent of Industries, a county su perintendent of . industries and, indus trial trustees fop nnh nrrlnef a vmnn of preoincts, whose powers and duties wiouia oo w .acquire, maintain, hold tn trust and manage the Industrial prop ertiesthat is the productive and aisiriDotiva properUea that ' are couectiveiy need, -of the precinct, county and state In the same manner that our nrant atat AAiintv and district educational officers acquire, maintain, noiq in truat and manage the achool ' syatem. With our consti tution thus amended; the' following would prevail in the labor world, name ly, collective ownership, democratic management and cooperative effort in the production , and ' distribution , of wealth wherein two or more persons are engaged. , As work of the above descrlp tion would be done by cooperative ef fort, the title "A Cooperative Common wealth" la appropriate. As the official body above suggested would be an in dustrtal body, the tlUe "Industrial Commonwealth'; la ' also appropriate The beat method to obtain a conaumroa tlon of the aforesaid commonwealth Is by . organisation, agitation and educa tion, a after It Uke th auffraglsts of our atate went after equal suffrage. They wanted it, and never stopped until they got it. The ornnlntlnn f partlaan induatrial league, with a dues paying memberahln tnr . .. PurPa of industriaUiing clUea, atate Inn tiatlnn A . . lu rry on me agitation and education, would secure the end. - D. M. BROWKR, M. D. Bodailm, Trne and False. Portland, tDea 6.T0 the Editor of The Journal In The Journal of date Mr. Goodman writes In explanaUon of the red flag adopted by the 8oclal!ets. I arain hearty accord with many of the policies of Soclaliam, as I underatand but would like to aak Mr. Goodman it we are to underatand that the So cialist party has for part of its pro-gram-the-endorsement of such pflnct pies uttered and written by parties who are reputed Soclalista, of which give a few quotations as samples: - 1). "I am In favor of free love. What kind of love are we In favor of. If not free loveT I do want to abolish marriage, I do want to see the whole system of society as at present constituted swept away, We want no bonds at all we do want free love." (3). A Christian cannot be a Social ist and A Socialist cannot be a believer In Chrlat or God." - ($). Another in a amaarti ritarm" God as "the Gink up there." and to Christmas Umbrellas $20 Umbrellas cut $18 Umbrellas cut $i6 Umbrellas tut -$14 Umbrellas cut $12 Umbrellas cut $11 Umbrellas cut to $15.00 to $13.50 to $12.00 to $10.50 to $9.00 to $8.50 to $7.50 $10 Umbrellas cut $9 Umbrellas cut to to to to $6.75 $6.00 $4.80 $3.90 8 Umbrellas cut $6 Umbrellas cut $5 Umbrellas cut SSOOTEatTBTG. a m. iTESESiTH nr oeabgb. Vmbrellas Becorered With All Grades of Gloria aid Bilk. A closed-oil, sllk-warp Gloria gQ Abetter quality Gloria at 2 QQ The very finest Gloria for QQ Pure silk, taffeta or serge, JQ fA black or colors . .7. ipaJ.UU ,A1i.0??l,r FV0 lowest Prices. All kinds of handles In stock or from ZdC 111) zet Ve Pit a Wew TJmbrella to Tom Sandle. We Have All Kinds Cheap MEREDITH'S tf&Sglll STORE sa Washington, Imperial Hotel Bldg. "HOW LONG WILL IT LAST!" That is an important fac tor in deter mining what paving . to use. BITULITHIC STANDS THE TEST Foster Ct Klciocr Outdoor Advertuert rArrrso BvxxnTzaa raiHTZD WAJUbS Vast Seventh and Seat Xverets StreeU Bast llU. Fined for Fishinn f XODS A1TO IIIlS, TtlX xooirs A KB BASKETS. OUTHT 60118, a lurx.ES, artnmwo xviyhu, . , v ; ro CKXisTsiAa , . Axosxa j wzaszxs, trx' oas. Christians as "you who believe in that little. On Chrlat" - (4). ; "SocIalism will recognise - no differences as to the share of the gen eral product between the good and bad workman, but will give both every op portunity to make themselves more val uable citizens and comrades. Good and bad alike will be doing their social best for the community (If the Inclination can be legislated Into the Indisposed) and will be entitled to . their full en joyment of the wealth created by' the whole body."' -.'.?. ;' .'.; i; ;M' - The majority of the people recognize the existence of, and deplore, the many bad conditions,, but the Same majority can. .not be -inveigled Into- the- belief -that It Is neceasary to dethrone God, Christ w Ml Our $10O Diamond Rings re the talk of the town. We have swell little rings as low as $25.00. Others as high as you want to go. A large assortment of Pendants, Brooches, Ear Screws, Scarf Pins, Cuff Links, Bracelets, Bar Pins, Crescents, etc. , , , . Clocks of Every Kind, $1 Up ' Table Silverware, Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. Tea Sets, Bowls, Trays, Bakers, Casseroles, etc., at moderate prices. 2 BRUSH, COMB AND MIRROR SETS An sterling silver. Mesh Bags,: Vanity Sets, Chatelaines, Manicure pieces. . We carry the gen uine imported Parisian Ivory Toilet articles. No., charge for. en graving. ' v-i'HvVv.,.,,:A;.'5' -i"v.J-i:.V';;'-v OUR $5.00 UMBRELLAS in beautiful gift boxes, with extra de tachable handle included, make the nicest kind of a Christmas pres ent. The handles are of gold filled, silver and peart, and every one is guaranteed by us. We also .carry art; excellent selection of gold headed canes., 'i-:":-:'--.:-? ' :;-.:;" '7- All Our $1.50 Fountain JAEGER BROS. 266 MORRISON ST- BETWEEN, THIRD AND FOURTH 5 i-'vT'M'W1.". I " ... I T . '.'.i,' Double Top Dust-ProofDamp-Proof m Double tons positively entering Viking Sectional Bookcases. These bookcases protect your books perfectly and they will not crack nor swell. They are made to last for generations. -The double tops are only one of tbeif splendid features. 14 Viking Sectional Bookcases "tare frlctlonlesVsteel door guides which , keep- the doors from binding;, sticking or rattling. The door disappears as by magio when opened, and drops so softly yon do . not hear it in closing. Viking doors are; - instantly removable without taking down sections or disturbing books. : Made in every style and In the finest : selected seasoned woods. Come ia and see them. . ; .; ; - A Fine Chrutma Gift For the Homo 4 in ) 'Everything for the Office" jm fl A TiI STATIONERY & Illri).1V1 PRINTING CO. Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Booklet ; Makers and Bookbinders ' CORNER FIFTH AND OAK STS. - bread, the FOUNDATION of a Good Meal RfeaaSnBBQBr Advantagcls besides concur with, regularly washing your ccr. It pro longs the life of tto finish. VVedDt!: v withoutcncrobchsngcntheusb cfyci.TCr. Phcna us between 10c:rJ 4 P. i tiuli taaaM lawtltvll and decency In order to tt? ' t 1 edy. . If the leatlura of t!;- i pmty can .et down to" tUHik',: m are admonlrlx-d to do by some t spenkers, they , will soon . becoms . vlnced that some of the 'brand f whose . utterances I have juot 4 have to be eenaored before being tuf 1 loose upon' the community or eUn r,! gether dissolved and repudiated ly ( party, before it will be trusted wim t reins of government,. This same Wan i of Soclalista Is one. of the worst at;--mlee the proletariates have. "The bn , ; writing iaon the wall they mut v - -are going,",- ', ; C. A.. McLEMOUU PatrlokJr-Boyle-la-seaklng a ' t teenth term aa mayor of Newport. It. I. That Last For Years DONT WASTE GOOD MONEY. BUY - SOMETHING THAT IS GOINO , TO WEAR A LIFETIME. Jaeger Jewelry Is Genuine - Gold-filled r Watches, $1.2.50 guaranteed timekeepers. They are new fresh from the factory, (Fake jeweler; are Offering; second-hand watches. Don't be fooled). We carry all grades that can be depended upon. Our, thin models are very nifty. -We are selling" fine , 17-jeweled, 16-sizc, 20-year, gold-filled watches for $27.50., They are guaranteed railroad timepieces. , All kinds and sizes for ladies. Feu Reduced to $1.00 THE LARGE JEWELRY STORE 'J prevent dust or moisture from 1 .. . ff