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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1912)
OREGON r DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 7, 1012. APPLE TRADE SHOWS IE M Markct la but Mtfla dinncrm! nnt e Is ii Trine - Weaker and Lower; Grille SpKzenbcrgs , Arc V ' "'- , ssriv ;.: jy ..JNot-EeJntf . Ottered ,; Jack Xoskey in Mutiny. . . Jack Koakey, sidewalk mat for Mark Levy & Co., ia In real bad along Front street. . Not ltjJ cause there Is anything that can be said against Jaok being a good 4 fellow, but ho' has shaved his t '. mustache. Me was one of the or , lglnal five to agree with another not. to ehave for the period of a ). a month. The compact has boon broken. Juck Is shaved and u.e 10 lhat is said to have hep for' felt will be taken cnr,of by U;e other .members of the comblna- nation. . , " Tim . 't.nn.iiHn h. Urmia trnd . 1 lie : condition , of the lappie traae Joca y remains' unfavorab e. Suppl es ( are belnj offered at lower prices bythe wuiiii jy uuijr a, jew Yoi'JCLiBB weinb tfptcd." .::-,;,... ' ' ., ' j iicre is practically no oirenn oi the bettor quality of SpiUenhergs lii the SS WITH VERY . . GOOD SUPPLY CG h.k;hi iraae at ims nine, eo many va-1 ""jnK wnicn win nayr to be con rleties are available, som of. them ducted during the tlrst quarter and the extra rancy ana seninir at low prions, lhat the trade will not pay the price de manded for the finer Spitz, therefore inero is no movement. wnne in aome quarters it JS reoorieq .T ... . ----- . i' that a smaller amount of apples are be Ing offered by the. country, the trado in Reneral says that It Im fulling Its full lequtrements on consignment and docs not have to go Into the country to buy 1 an. i In this market for-a number of years, '-rviora Tciiecia me mui.u weaupt ee- lftliat has been apparent to many for ion time.. The trado here Is very much Inter ested In the recent suit of the Davidson Fruit company of Hood River against a (Seattle crowd, the court tin re decid ing in favor of the Oregon shipper. ' DItESSEI HOCiS AUK IX)WEIl . Country killed hogs are weaker and lower along front street. While a : nominal amount or businens Is still passing an high as 10c a pound, the gen- era! , markft Is not above 9w9c for best offerings and heavy stuff is sell ing down to 8c. ' v ' FRESH EGGS VERY' SLOW .. - . t Market for freah rggs Is very slow 1n the local trade. Receipts are wore than ample to take care of the requirements and some of the leading interests say they cannot Clean up at 43c, btorage eggs are weaker at 2S$30o for best quality. BRING OUT STORAGE CHEESE BO frightened have become eome of -the eastern packrs who brought out carjonds of eastcfn cheese that they are withdrawing it from storage and . offering It to the trade at lower prices, even though there is a demand for all the Tillamook stock available, " The trade here does not take kindly to the outside product on account of a differ- . eni flavor. : . GRATE SEASON JENDING fcsason for California cranes in en.l. ing -an very limited supplies are now offering. Kales are belna mnd t jn advanced price west offerings ranging . - A shipment of Malaga grapes from Poaln havs arrived In good condition ana arc uein quoted at ti per barrel. I'EItSIAN DATES ARRIVE . 1 le ;iong delays isrload -of prfan nines nave arrived lu the local markot 111 goou Rnape. 1. nst stock waa delayed l "v me. war in ijurope, ships ar re- puncu bi 1 vswj.c a Rouna. . i FORECAST FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau sends the following notice to shippers: Protect slifpments as far north as Sc- Sttla SKHlnst minimum fMiinpMtiirM nt about 34 degrees; northeast to Spokane. 22 degrees: southeast to Boise, 18 do- Kiwr, - nouin 10 ruasiynn, es rtegrees. jMiiimtnni leinpcrnture at i'ortland to night, about 36 degrees. I'ORTLAND JOHRIXG PRICES Ttio prtrM are thoe it which wholosiilern "1 w rrmiipn, rjccjH ua omwwlsc vtuted' i..?utt'ri 'Ef, ,nd Poultry. "-rutiiva Rominmi ettr eri iiiery. ciihen S Wi P"si. aeniffajci Uair, .jog ' KO(i9 Nomlntl rndld bval eitrsa 1.1c orillnitry, eand, 4i)e; upot having.' price lima off.. 40c f. o. b. Prtliid; hpst mmem. Kle- """"'l i..", .tvt'wr, f.i.,,'u .i.oil 084. . .i..ii writ. . i.i r rvuuim nen, Lioiiayjir: nrlnir jatfclSei irww, loflle; ftkla ducks . 13m i:ie; Indian runnorn, I2e: lurkpvn ur.?i- Irtiwod. 2022e: i'Ieon. uM. Si: WWII, UAME JerkruhWts, 2.002.25 pet faw wild grew, fS itosen. r ' BUTTKIt rAT-l'mducin'" price, for Port. Und ilellwy. ier lb.. mc ' i 1IEICSK Noi(ilul: frculj itrfgnn funoT tun rruui. twliw nd triplet, 18c: dile. iBUe Voung Aawrlet, 20e, H ' Fruiti and TageUblax. hli; eastern, 10.60fd;il.00; 1'eralan dates, ,T1i Al'Pl.kS 75cs7$2.25: eooklnc BOOCOc - rofA'l'OES Sellius prtee: Kxtra. cjiuic 75e! .- .fholoa, .60c; ordinary, UOc per cental; buying - ii'T. i.rww, iiw cvwmiT yoinia: sweeia i ft Wr2.a, (r rentsi. .. OMO.NS rl.IS(1.23; saaoolallon soiling ... iht(. ir'i vcui., u. o. naiuing (Mjima; 1 ".in ii' ', wniie. vi;(irJ lant, Jfl.OO; carrots, RinjtJrK; iwr ,.k' Imr. suits, tlt 12.1 sack; Ctilibage, 1 1, (Kite 1.25; jo v inatoea, per box, l.i; lugs, H.HWrt 1,2.1; strlnc henna, lw; green nnloiis, 10c doieit tiiiiieboi? peppers, bell, 12e lt.; head lettuce. 2 2 per erstn: celery. 7ScI$1."n dosea: ecu l lb.; peaa. ltte lb.; cauliflower, Ticisjf 1.00; rhn- ' liaro, r.'-'- i1'. . Masts, Fish 4ml previsions. - .' vbvoutrll MIPl'IU ,... . ... .. U.lrt. P.ll..U 11... -....I. . . W ' j 'M(;'ii vi... u, uua;n and oeav w, lain. ttoi, jui;, uruiHry.,ia(iUie;. pout' , HMt, BACOX.'eTC Hams, 18fl;i0c; break. f tocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain, Bte. . t.,V: 'UIKLCT'V PRIVATE WIRES Sf ' l,u MfriaXL-J 1 rur..",!! ii.i .-.vw orange 12 3 I pn,,ru -, jwvjwm . uoua. irrccn a.ilt 7aa a.i; bananas, StStOc lb.; leemmr, Jfl.7fH fio- 7c; kbK IZVie; calvoa, dry. 21it2l'ic:'.eulf llnies, l per lia); (traiwfi-ult. la-OO; -plncapn'lea' "kin, salted or green, l7W2oc; givm hlilea Be lb.; peara, box; rapes, .Lwsknts, Jt4e less than salted; tsheep jn-lta. sailed, crates, tl.004il.10; ersnberries. IhmY in in .til II: ilry. IZmiiM lb. OVERBECK&COOKECO. jt TO ALL EXCHANGES r , ' Members Chicago 60a rd ot Trads I .- Corresponaenta of Logan bryas Chicago. New ork. . - J.C.VVILS0N&C0, KSUrsZRS "KI'W" TURK' STOC1C :EXtfTKXtt8 I NEW YORK COTTON KXCHANOB CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADK THE STOCK AND BOND KXCUANGE . ... SAN KRANCLSCO ,.rOKTMM OFFICE 869 Oak St", dronnd Tloor, iewls Bldg, I'bonesfUarsluill A-41S7 EVENING UP iM THE , New York, Dec, T. The trading today appeared to be principally in the nature or evening up operations, but shorts were not particularly nervous and an a COIlfllPOUpnnA mft.lArnfa i'(Kril ni uoA -- I corded In most iriHtancoH. It la antii.t .U... u - . .... . known lu findings nxt week in one of ino important caBes at U-ast, which it una nua upder-consideration for quite a porlod rt(j jnaptnuoti m thor current seMng-movement' hnd-iwlnctJpt oir Id the - rendering ..of ; the decision lo the Union Pacific merger suit and'as;' ' th lutter decision :was somewhat of a sur prise, it Is not improbable that rather clone attention . will bo paid to the WttMiilnxton.advlcea. ,. ' The bank statement issued after the close today in the exhibit as to actual conditions denoted an improvement in the money pohltlon.; The suhntuntlal ro. auction in loans -was doubUo.-oi a leflec Mon of the recent heavy liquidation., The cash tons was only nominwi and that item will doubtless bo amplified by tUe expected arrivals of . the now gold e- uiou m uunaon eariy in the week. The action of loreMn exchange Is somewhat suggestive of the further effort on the i "'1 " "ew- ok imnkers to secure ad ditional supplies of yellow ' motl, esi Pfclally as the political news from the other aide during- the last. few cays has been somewhat more Isslirln.,' Whilo the position of the stock- market lias been icroatlv Imrirnvi1 hv rnnt,.. elimination of weak? accounts and eni Pansln of tho shortf lutereat still there na, not yvt appeartd any distinct iimi of a nronoum-pri rVvlvii , i i .;.JX" ment Inquiry which has long been a bar- wj(iuukiih nupen ii appears west eSBential that Investors take hold ft wrporaie issues on an Increased j scale owinjr ' to .. the 'smoynt of . new i iukt ivit. k .Range of New T6rk prices furnished by Overbeck A Conk Cn 91. 91 1 im.m ilim j . .... - - - w.a v. 1 t, qui ia in g. :v, lllRhl Uv I Auiuk-uiuatf J K.nirfr rr, M : !l 67 1 Aaw-rknB 0. A Vd), c,. mi, f.T Auii-rKua ('an,, e. &0 iil ill 7I4 'J 117 72 JOS 10 W lo&T tin io 62H 1H1 2D4 27 05 17 81 ',i li:i I.IOTS Hj 140 14 77 Wl 33 411 4.'li 82 AuirncHn run, p.k, A nuPllM I 'j.t Jill a 87', 67 Aowrlcan tur, n.,rr. 1.1 117 711 10. ABirieiin Mult. e..... Auivrlrn tituelt, n AnxroudH Mtiiliijr 0.... 73 w" it W)4 72 H 1W 41 UN 40 Ainenen Woolen, e Atehlwm, t. Atctilnun, p ....... B. o'e,.!, ....... Meet Hucar t 100 m 1"'!4 64 0 6t4 flOU, llrooklyn RiipH .Trnlt mnaamn j'urine c.. CentrRi Iuthxr, c,... Central Leather, p. ... t'. & ti. Wextpru. -.. 17 1.7 W 17 O. O. Weitern, p... C, M. & St. P...T... 11314 l. NiirthweaterH. c t'hesappiike & .Oliln.. dolorailo K. k I.,' e. l'Jtiiiollilittftl Ua . . .. j:i 1.-I7 WW lu iVi"i "4n'i 1S4 32 140 140 V, 14 )oro I'n.nkieta, . . , .', Ota Producti. v nyn I,laware A )udiKn.. 11. itiV Krle. c XI 42 M Krly, 2d lit..... Krle, in pf.... (ieueral Kieetrlc 'JKI 1S4 f. Northern, ore IbikIr 42 42 42 i:ih IS 120', m. orthem. p "i-'jia5 lee inettmtlea IIIIiKil Onlrnl Int. Hammer Int. Melrimolilan. e lWilliJ1i!l2S 11. 'Hi HHViill2 lt2Vii Int. Mi'tr.ipolitau, pf. .. I-ehtifh Valley Kaimaa t'liy Semhern... lainlKTiile i Naslivilln.. n:.l : rt:i'4 171'? 172Vi!25a!l71 27 u 141 Miwliiuj National 21... 24 M., PI. ft B. S. 11.... M., K. & T., c 14114 27 W So 27 '42 1 H2k, iijui 121 litu, in 27 U '42ii 20 111 11.1 121 iiivi 114 IT0U 2T4 6t4 42 20 M-. h. n , MlttHOiiri Paelfb: ' .Neniit CoiiwiMdated ... New VorK Cintrnl N'irfiiPf & Weatern. . Il2i 111 112 n.'Hi 121 a. Norlhvrn I'aelfle, ci P. M. h'teaawhlp Co,.,. I'eiiiuylranln Ity. ...... V. !., I,. C. Iteaitl!, e. ,. Reartlue, SM pf. Headline, )t p !tr"hlW I. ; H e.... itepublle 1. ii S., p ItiM-k laland, e..,....,. Ttiick Island, p. . . IM. U S. 2d pf.. . L k S. .. 1st pf.. Southern I'nelfle. c Smtherti hallway, c.... Siiutlii'in Hiillnar, p.... Texan & Tiieirl? T.. St. U ., e. 1.. St. U & W., pf li'lVa I21i 114 170 4 i Ho, ss!4 2.1Vi 7 2:tA 4.11; co 25 !i 2l" 4.1 VJ 301. 2ti', 2.1 4ft 30H 31 los! liit'i., 2S 2S 2'i so'.i 2rs, 0!ii SOVj 22AJ II 2t I. men raeirie, e l ulled Ktat( Itublier, 117'H for' tls"Vi 43 Ids i, tl7 hit 4 hit t;:: l (12 'A I'nitert Mates Jtuliber, pi IKMITt, lOHij, 1 nircn wtntea ... .'. no (4 tis tsu 1on',!ks lwv, I lilted Hlatea S. tJo., p 1. tan tflpiwr Vlrjiltila Clu'tnlcal VValrjsh, r Wabash, p W. fnlmi Telegraph Valln)tKiUe Kleetrle. AVIfminalh Central, e.. tun- 44t(. 4.14 4 jl'Vi 7.1 so Taxu aalea 227.MW ahares. , fast baeeo, 152Sc; boiled ham, 2714c; picnics Hie: ewttilife, inc. , MEATS racking houac Sleera; NA 1 ,b 12o; eovra. Nu. 1 atm.b. lit: nn. aul wetbera, lO'.ic; lamlai. 11 e; pork l0ln. lTfee! OVSTERM Klioulwui buy, tallun ( ) per 100 lb. taik ( ; Olympia. v)!f Kulloi,' .;.2.'.; per J Hi. aarit, :; canued, eaU-rn 6ic ean; ffl.OO doaen: eauleni in aliell, tl 756 ii ppr Kaij rasr cluma, 2(a2.25 Nn, , HHH Nonilunt Kuek rod, 10c Ih.; dpeiaod flounder. 7c; halilmt, 'Mlle; strlpd baaa 2(K:i eatflah, 12c: aalnion. lotfiauo: aulM T.'. lb.; ahrimps. 12Wie; Iwrch, tic lb.; tonieod Sc lb.; lobaters, S!tkr lb.; herrlnca black haaa. 20c; stmgeon. 1214c; -silver suieit. Tc blaek cud, 7e; eaalera oyatera. full ni,..,,n, aulld pack, 13 per (tallmt. ' I.AU1) Tlercea, lie lb.; compound, tierces 10c. 1 - Hops, Wool snl Hides. WOOI Willamette valley, roara. Cnt-AiH 10M2OC lb.; ineliutn Khrimahlre. air- Kk..ii fancy lota, 22c ir II).; eastern Oregon, 142t)c, aceordhig to ahilnkuge. Ititl'S rroflueers price- -1912, WffflOc, ae- eurdlns t'i quality. MIIHAIK lt'12, .B6e lb. , curnivt on cascaua ha kk iota nnm. Ink I, ear lota SJIJc; leas car lota, Tm? Hi.; mis bark, ear lota. Or; lcsa carlola f.c lb HIDES -Wry hldea, 2021,-; green; 'OV.10e: Grocnrlot. HICK Japan style. No, t. Riitgric- No 4Vje; New Orleans hiad, B'St?c: Ormi ftVie' Si:OAU-"Cube, 10.15; poud.V til.w trait or beriy. 4fi.Sij Ual,. i.M; dry graiiHlatrd. IS.i.1; i yellow, $5.05. (Abors ouotations are SO days net eh. ) BKANS Small white, Rie; large whlto, 5c pink, 5e; bayou, 4ej llinaa, 3ft,.; rpda, ftc. HALT Cre, half grounds Haat, s.5t) iwr ton; f,o, Irt.oo; : tnbla rialty, 60a, ls; lone, $17; hales, $2.20; extra fine harrttla, 2, 5s and lOs. $ ou; Juuii) rock, 2tt50 per ton. UOBY-New. $2.75 per' case. . Faints, Coal Oil, Etc. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 8c per lb.; fty lb. lote, no per lb.; leaa lota, 8W. nor 11) LINbKICI) Oil Haw bbla. ptTe gal.; kettle boiled, bbla. &2i! gal.; raw eaaea. 65c; boiled, cases. 57c gal.; hU of SJ.0 gallons lo less; oil cake tivnl, $44 per tin. TURl'KN'I'INK in eases. We; 'wood barrels, TOe; Itmt ' barrels, eo ,ltr ., gallon ;, lo caae lota. 72c.. .j - - - ' ... .' OIL MEAI-Carload lots, 137.50; less than earload Jots, 4() per ton. - . ;.. 8un Francisco Produce Market. San Francisco. Cal., .Dee. ?. Eggs Bxtras, SSHo; select pullets. 39c. Rutter Extras. S4ci Drima firsts 95o; firsts. 31c. ' t ' .",'',-' , -i :- ;, r., .'- ! cheessorcgon- - xancy ' fiats, l7e: ?"Jf America, l8ei; California 1 l4f? VV younK Americas.7 18c; I'otatoes,- per cental Oregon . l8ei; California flats, Bur- cr.niis, soc; sweets, bitcof 11.30, Onions. per saek KUverBkins,1 30c; ffl 1 1 s"V rS3.(HHi"Mu:. i6 choice: .00; AA L-tDnrl'ie.l 11 ft ft ra , iri.,i . a .. ard, old,' .5raM; new . $s.ooJ.2BdUoB Arft Firmer With Tops at $7.80 choice, $:.Qil3.0U; fancy, $3.904.00. SenlUe Produce Market. Seattle, Wash..' Dee. T. Eatra rel Iratwhi lc;.laa.Utft.i',.4u..dai itm ago, ssjaao: - !-.- . . .. - . ... , Wlttter Wnsliinctrin Crenmarv flr iK37c; eastern. 32c ' -Cheese Tillamook, 19c; Toung Amer-Icas.- 3le. - - . .. onions-canrorn!a. . socifnti.oa ner pi.tntoes-Locnl. $l3tfll; yaklmas. $14 '1$. . . v . . . . HOG MARKET DIME OFF , III , JO. IN T Indications Point to Further, Loss in Price During Coming Week, Owing to Lower Values KJsewhcre;, Ex m YARDS . ctjlkut Iiemand for. MJtoiu:i4Qu 444 4 4 '',.(-.:: Today's fiog Markets. i- ." , ; . Tops. , 4 i North Portland "M'.7.0 . 4( Chicago" 7.B0 , 4 -'Kansas City :,.',, -.T.SO'.; 4 'Houth Omaha. .. . . 7.65-. 4 4) 4444 . BVTZira BZTTCB cows. The ttnltsa fltatss goveninient Is sss lng; Uiat Its various Institutions get the bast, A carload of fancy Holatsla helf. ri liavs nssn pnrohased by t&a govsra ment from ths Osorgs Mokel Cow oom pany of this city. The animals -will go to tU Indian scOiool at Chemawa, , TU stats et ONgon has Tollowsd with ths ptuchase , of carload of similar stock for th reform sohool at Balem. All the poor stock will lis disposed, ot by tts stats as quickly as possible ana eowl tout pay their board substituted. r- 'rv ..PORTLAND UVKSTOCKRCN... - 1. Hogs. Cattle. Calves, Sheep. Knturday Friday . . , Thursday . Wednesday Tuesday .... Monday ... Week ago. , Year ago . . 2 yrs. ago . i 645 t 1 .1217 . 4.10 . r7 . S35 .1713 . 227 . 104 1st 201 27 1HS '220 85 '21 1 73 ,127 1041 2 Id - 79.1 .203 The situation In the hog trade Is 'weaker with a loss of dime in the price from yesterday. While two loads were sold during the preceding 24 hours at 18 for extreme topa. similar quality sola this morning at 17.90 and what is ordinarily called top stuff went a frac tion below thla. v There was . another fair run of hogs in the yards for the day. but considering it was the end of the week the showing was liberal. Only one buyer appeared and the entire lot was sold to a Puget sound Interest. Indications point to a further ddcllne In the .swine trado at North Portland durintr the comln week. A very liberal movement ia expected and as values here, even at th decline are still nbove those ruling In the other stockyards of the country, the outlook Is for local values to follow the slide, .. DCany Feeder Bogs Arriving. Quite a large number of feeder and very hunt weight hogs have been re ceived here recently but the bulk of of- ferinsa hav betm generally of top quali ty or witnin a rraction or it. At Chicasro thore was a steady tone In the hog trade for the day with no change in prices. Offerings continue below those of tho same period n year ago, Tops sold there this morning m J7.80 for nominal lots. Run was 7000 jtiesui. compared With 13,090 a yfar ago. Kansas City hog market was firmer for the day and tops advanced to 37.80 or the name price ns at Chicago. South Omaha was weak in tho hog di vision f"r the day. tops dropping to $7.05 with a run of E000 head. Hog shippers today: I.. K. Kd wards, Drain, 1 load; K. Kuns, Buhl. Idaho, 1 load; Litter & Wiseman. 1 load: M. W. Shrunk. 1 load; C. E. I.uckoy, Canny, 2 lends direct to Union Meat company. North Portland hog market range: , Rest light :...$ 7.90 Medium light 7.86 Rest heavy 7.80 Medium heavy 7.75 Heavy - 7.70 Cattle Situation Strong. Situation in the uattlc market con tinues strong at North Portland. Thore wh only e nominal offering for the day but tho trend of the demand is similar to' that shown during recent days. Quite fair offering of cattle are ex pected In the. market during the coming week. Christinas nupplies are due nt that time and ?leeted lots will undoubt edly bring a premium over ruling quota tions. At Chicago there was a steady tono today in the cattle trado, prices bein quoted nominally steady at previous prices. North Portland cattls . range: Heavy feed uteors f?.157.S5 Choice steers 7.00 5 7.1 5 Common steers 6.75 Knncy cows . G.25 Ordlnarv light cows 6. 00 Kancy lifht cows R.fio Ileavv calves KOOififlftO Best bulls : 4.ooi,1.0 Ordinary bull 4.00t-2B Sheep Trade Very Firm. Considerable strength continues in the mutton division of tho local mn'rUe'.. There was a small supply available, dur. itig tho day, two loads arriving ovci trlght. Kxiragood lambs are quoted strong at $6.25 while ordinarily good f toek is worth' about $8. Yeariinjrs of heHt, quality are in demand around t.ltl with extreme quality nt $..15. Tops of two or three-year-old wethers are quoted at S4. 76 4.85. Stuff sold earlier in tho week at $5 were weighod off cars, making $4.S& tho filled price. At Chicago there was a strong tone in the aheep trado with fractional ad vanced prlres. Khnsa.t City had no sheep for tho day but the tone of the market was firm. No sheep arrived at South Omaha to day, that market continuing nominally steady to firm Tho only shipper of sheep for tho day was HuKh Cunmilngs who had two loads In from llalsey. 5enern! 'mutton market: Best mountain lumba...$ fi.jr, Good east mountain lumbs... Tiest Willamette valley Iitmlis t;.oo Good Willamette valley lambs 6.75(8Vr, 1'oor lambs 6. tin if).ii 4. S3 4.00 3.8.) Htjst yearlings 5.10 1 Ordinary wethers ., Fancy ewes Good ordinary ewos .' Saturday Morning Bales. nous Purer. Ni Oaratena Packing He. . !K) Caratcna I'acking i'it. ; . rvr-M t'araleiia Packing IV l Carsteiis racking Co...... 4 Clirstcrts rucking i 7 Carstcna Packing 15 Cui'stens Packing To 4 Arc. lba. 102 1!7 214 : WW) 214 SIS Price. $7.00 7. SO 7.7S 7.qo 7.00 7.N) 7.Xi CIirt'AfJO SHEEP STHOXG Frnetioital Advaneo Is Quoted; Hogs Are Steady. Chicago, Hi.,' Dee. 7. Hogs Receipts, 7fl0!; year ao, 13.000; lert over, 6100. Market, steady. Mixed and butchers. if.iibtt'j.ta; goon ana neavy, $7.67 Hi ij 7.S0; rough and lieavy, $7.167.65; light. a 1 . 1 u f 1 . 1 v. Cattle Receipts. 800: market, ateadv. Sheep Recelnta, 1500; market, Btrong. OMAHA It(KiS IX)WEH Five .Cent Drop Is Forced; Xo Other ;' Offerings. "" : : . " j outh Omaha. Dec. 7. Cattle none. ; Hogs, 8000; markst'fiteady to Gc low er at $7.507.65. - ' Sheep, none. '.,,. ' KANSAS tlTV'-MVKSTOCK in uie inras. .-. Kansas City, Deo. 7 Hogs 4000, mar. ket steady to 6a hjlgher. Tops, $7.80. fettle 200; mariket steady. - San rrancisco Grain Calls. BARLEY, (. . ! Onon,- Jlli.-. Jiow. Close. December ..1S7'4 137V4 May ,.,....13SM 18Si 335 1M OATH. V. Dec. ....160 ISO ISO ISO , VHEAT IS FIRMER AT : PIE OF YESTERDAY; Somo of . Buyers Are Bidding Up '. From Low l'olnt, but th General Range Is Same; Damage News la 4 4 4 . Argentina Harvest Is On. ' 4 (Special Cable to, The Journal.) lluenos Ayres, Argentina, leo. 4 7. The weather In the north U ;: fine, and harvest Is progressing., 4 - Pamage has resulted In the south to no mean extent, and the high early promise is being reduced. The urea damaged by hot winda, la An Important one, ' V ' : 4 4 4 4 4 4 ', rOBEIOJf WHEAT MARKETS. r ' llTerpoolWWbeat closed unchanged to (L tbwsr.' ,"'V"'iT --.?;, :r Berlin Wneat closed Ho lower. JParlo Wheat closed 4o lowsr to lo higher. '. : .". , Budapest Wheat closed i' lower. : .' Antwerp Wheat closed unchanged. Bassos ; Ayres Wheat, closed fio higher. ' -, , ' PORTLAND GIUIPT RECEIPTS, -cars.- Wht. Harley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Monday US 29 12 27 13 Tuesday ... Wetfnesday. t.3 47 62 12H 35 2(1' 410 JO ft. 7 , 18. 3 e s .,-72 2 1225 240 : 11 , 6 7 .6 5 4 4 60 ma I'M 2 7 ' S 7 3 6 64 44 R43 825 i 7 13 7 6 19 49 133 1043 Thursday . . nuay .... Saturday .. Year aro... Ttl. this wk. Year ao. . , 843 S's'n lodate.9592 i'ear ago ,.b77 At the advance. of a cent, quoted yesterday, the ' market for wheat Is firmer. The better position is due to tho Improvement In the foreign situa tion Tor cargoes. ' latest cables from Argentina fully confirm tho , early reports of damage that have been exclusively printed la The Journal. These damage reports are now having an effect upon the trade generally throughout the world. A cable from Broomhall says there Is a growing tendency toward firmness atnont: owners In Argentina, as the ear ly high promise will not be maintained. The bulk of tho wheat Is raised In the part of the country ' wherrf damage re ports and unfavorable weather exist. This disposition is serving to keep for eign markets firm. wlille there was no change In the price of wheat for the day, bo far as the range was concerned, some of tho bidders were bidding up . from tho low point. Oats continue easy and rather weak at unchanged prices. Today's prices, Portland delivery: WHKAT New crop, producers' prices, track basts: Club. 7T79c: bluestein. SI82c; red Russian. 75ff277c; forty fold, 77378c; Turkey red, 78c; Willam ette Valley, 785i79c. BARLEY Producers' prices, track basis: Keed, $23.60 W 24.00; brewing, $2S.OOfi;29:00; rolled. $28.60. OATS Producers' prices, track basis: No. 1 milling, $26.00; white. $24.50 $25.00 ton. FLOUR Selling price: Patent. $4.10 P4.30; Willamette valley, $4.20; local straight. $3.70ij.0; export, $3.603.b0; bakers. $.10tt4.30. HAY Producers' prices: . Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $18; .ordinary, $14.50; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tim othy, $16.50- a'ifalia, $11.5012; vetch and oats, $13; cheat. $10.50. MILL-STUFFS Selling price: Bran, $21.50; middlings. $931; shorts, S33.0-tonr - - v.... t ..... WHEAT 1OWKR IN CHICAGO Market Closes With Loss of to U Cent for the Day. Chicago, !ee. 7. Wheat closed, with a loss of to V4c a bushel from yester day after opening unchanged to' c higher. Liverpool was fractionally lower at the closing but the change was scarce ly sufficient to note. The market there opened with a ateady undertone as a re-1 suit of a firmer market In Rarls and l the scarcity of LaPlatte offerings with I a growing tendency toward rirmness in Lluenos Ayres. Tade in tho Chicago market was confined mostly to local interests. Ran'ga of Chicatro prices furnished by Overbeck A Cooko company, 216-217 Board of Trado building. WHEAT Month. ' Ojicn. High, Dee MSt May l0';i 00 July 8S 8S CVwe. Wti 0O 87 i !0'i 87 ARGENTINA IS A HELP CORN Pec 41 4.1 4S 4H' May 4H 4fi 4S4 41 B July 4'JJ l 4P1 41)', OATS pec .12 U R11A May ' X 34, Xl R2B July Jlilf 3!i 32 82 PORK Jan 10W 10.17 IOTA 1933 B Huy ., 1SS7 IKctT . 1877 1S80 A LAUD Dec 10S7 10S7 10S2 1012 B Jn. KMIO I'AIO 1i5 lKiS B May 1023 1026 1022 1023 U 111 113 Jan ...1(12,1 HL'5 1025 1 025 A Slay iU7 JOoo Wi UU7 A (iOVKKXMKX'r TO IWESTIUATE Alleged Produce Combine at Seattle Under . Fire. tt'ultcd I'reaa Iaacl Wire.) Seattle, Wash., Dec. 7. Letters re ceived by tho Davidson Fruit company of Hood River. Or., written by members of the Produce Distributors' company of this city, are to be placed la tho hands of the department of Justice tor an in vestigation into charges that Uto Se attle company Is a combination in re straint of trade. Growers doclaro the company Juggles prices of foodstuffs, being ip complete control ot tho local market. The letters laid before a superior court 1u!eo yesterday in a civil suit by the Davidson company declare the six i blK dealers wiio tmnuett to rorm tno Produce . Distributing company .meet every duy at 11 stated hour, and that thev do all their buying through tho common channel of this city. NORTHWEST BANK STATEMENT PorttaBd Ba.nks. Clearings todJiy , .-. . . .$1,007,872.62 ) Year ago l,ti,024.S4 - Tncoma Banks. Clearings today f Ralanees today , . .... 760,330.00 . 49.565.0J Money and Exchange. London, Dec. 7.-Cohsols, 79 d; silver, 29 il-lfid; bank rate, fi per cent.. New York, Dec. 7. Sterling exchange,.! long, 4.S1&; short, 4.85M; sliver bullion, 84ic. f - ' - : j San Francisco, Pec." 1. Sterling ex-1 chnnge, fill days, 4.79V; eight, 4.14; Doc, . m. ................ ,-i......k ..rti....;... ...x 'l mlum, aight, par, . " , New Yorjc Cotton Market. Month. Onen. lilarh. I,ow. fines. urn WIS 4 H 4i Mar. May July Kept. Oct. Uoo. 11U 184S '. J 8S7 14143 1 J240 1230 lit J23,' 1232WS0 1178SS0 lTG2tJ i22a:s iies 1225 iii 1221 1221 Journal "Want Ads bring result, ONLY 3 III lYv BEHANGED DEC. 1 3 Stay of Execution for Taylor, Commutation for Faulder Expected. (Salem Bureau of Tha Journal.)' fiairrrn tynr1-er; T?1tls-'not be lieved John W. Taylor will hang next Friday , morning, The governor Is ex pected to grant him a stay of execution till the supreme court can review the testimony. Commutation of Noble Faul der's sentence Is also possible. - . , (Special tn The Jomnl. ' Albany,. Or.r Dec, 7. Judge J. K. Wentherford of this, city has under taken to secure a commutation-' of -the death sentence that has been passed on John W. Taylor of Harney, one of the men scheduled to he executed at the penitentiary next Friday, Th,e judge wlll'leave here this evening for eastern Oregon, and has already wired to attor neys at yalo to file an appeal. ; Ag there was no bill, of exceptions taken at tho trial, It Jhas been 'deolded to act under a provision of the recently passed Initiative bill, which 'gives the supreme court Jurisdiction to review the subject matter of a case. Judge Weatberford lins -received word by. w.ire from tho district attorney of Harney county that he will consent to having the case reviewed by the su preme court, hut Owing to the difficulty In communicating from place to place In (he southeastern part of the state. Mr. Weatberford has doubts If he will be able to get into communication with the trial judge in time to stay the execution. As a last resort, an appeal will be made to Governor West for a temporary .stay of execution until the necessary legal steps can be taken. STATE WILL NOT PAY (United Press teasaS Wlre.t Salt Lake City, Utah, Deo. 7. That the state will not pay officers for guarding private property, because it would be Illegal, is the decision here today of the commissioners of Salt Lake county In refusing the request of cop per mine owners at Bingham to con tinue the 800 guardsmen there on the county payroll. These 800 guards were deputized during the miners' strike and put on the county payroll, but now tho situation is quiet, and the mines are working at normal capacity. Mine owners fear the withdrawal of the guards might start trouble. Liverpool tvneat jjiarget. Liverpool Dec. 7. Wheat close: De-' cemner, iaza; iwarcn, is juu; May, 7s 2d. WHEAT CARGOES FIRM. London, Dec. 7. Wheat on passage firm, with fewer offerings. Miners' wives in South Wales are In revolt against the new system of pay ment under the mines act. The street pavement is a most important factor in the upbuild ing of cities BARBER ASPHALT has, in every progres sive city through out the country, and under the most ex acting vtests, demon strated its durability and economy. TSAHSPOBTATION CHANGE inQ.-W.R.&N. Steamer Service Effective December 10, steam er llassalo will leave Portland daily, except Saturday, at 9:30 l p. m. Returning, will leave As toria at 10 a. m. daily, except Sunday. ' The llassalo will make all way landings in both directions. Effective on and after date shown above, the steamer Har vest Queen will be withdrawn from service. . Make reservations at City Ticket Office, Third and Wash ington' St1., or Ash-street dock. )R BINGHAM GUARDS iE'TO EFFICIENCY IN ARMY (Hutted press Leasee WlrO ( New York, Deo. 7. Usage of alcohol among officers of the army and navy Ii the "most, baffling obstacle to prog ress," according to Colonel Mervjn Maus, chief surgeon of the eastern division of the army in a report published' by the Journal o Military Service, Issued by. ..of .fleers on flovernor's Ialand ,', ."No one addicted to the use of al cohol beverages should prfcppotnted'.to Important positions, civil or military, to the command of military or' naval forces, or any other position of 1m portanee and :responslbllIty,, ' writes Colonel Maus. '-,'"'.:..,-. 1 To back up his assertion he gives the following reasons: v..'"'...-'r-.V '.."".'' "It lessens working capacity,' rrtareh ing endurance, accuracy and rapidity In rifle firing, ability 'to command troops and solve military problems; it causes sickness, Impairs health and usefulness and adds greatly to the nonefficiency of both officers and men," E BOSS CAS (Special to' Th Journal. 1 Washington,, Dee. 7. W. D. Guthrie of New York, attorney for J. f horburn Ross, former president of the Title Guarantee A Trust of Portland, argued before the United 'States supreme court today that the Jail sentence and fine of $676,853.74 Imposed upon Ross Is too swcre. Rose was originally sentenced to pay the fine and 790 years in Jail. On ap peal to the supreme court of Oregon the Jail sentence was reduced, but the fine was left standing. Rose was convicted of misappropriat ing funds in trust. 6 HEARS TH Household Checking Accounts A CHECKING account for the home is a par- . ticularly desirable and systematic method of accounting for household expense! ' Paying all bills by check means an absolute receipt for bills paid. , -. ; '' -.:;.;;. Our officers will -be pleased to confer with; women regarding-xhecjdng accounts. . Lumbermens National Bank Comer Fifth and Stark . RESOURCES 6 MILLIONS Ladd cVTiltonBahk ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock V- - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $1,000,000.00 . t COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Letters of credit, drafts Issued, available in all Corner Th i r 9 an 3 FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 '. SURPLUS $900,000. OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS TAJfSPOKTAT10K. , . sett and Naden Harbor. Sunday at 10:00 p. m Nov. 10 and 24, Dec. 8 and 22, for Refuge Bay, Skldega.te, Cumshewa, Pacofi. Lock port. Jedway and lkeda. B. C. , , . GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Passenger trains leave Rupert, Vodnesday and flaturday; at 10:00 a. m., for South liazelton, B. C. tlS5 miles). Returning, leave South Haselton, Sunday ahd Thursday, at 10:00 a. in., arriving Prince Rupert at 6:00 p. m. . GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM f . (DOXTEIiE TRACK BOUTS.) Chicasro to New York and other Atlantic Seaports.. " Through PULLMAN STANDARD and TOURIST Sleeping Cars. DORSET B. SMITH, O. P. A. I J. H. BUBai3, Qeneral Agt, . Phone Marshall 1979. I : Passenger Department . ' n-A City Of floe, 69 Tift h 8t., Portland, Oregon. " acestts roa ai. t&ansa tlahtio steamship trarrs . Iff ANCHOR STEAMSHIPS lsw York, touaojidsrry and Glasgow, Mew X ora. Palermo aad Hsyles. . Attractive rales tor ticketa betwan tW lork and all acotch. fcutiUah, Irian, Coo. tlnen-tai and Mediterranean Point Bi. cerioc Aocommodation, Uxceilonl Cuts tie, cxioieut Service. Bsaetfa- Uon to local kgnt ol Anchor Juins or HKNDEKSON BROS., General Ageala, CIltOMKO. 111. COOS BAYLINE TBAEB BEEAKWATEB. v 6tlls lroa Aiorth dock.'Portian'araT 8 p. in.'. i Nov. 26, and thereafter every Tuesday evening at 8 p. m., Freight re ceived until 3 p. m. on. sailing dayv Pas senger tare first class $10, iooojid. cluss $7, including' berth and 1 meals, Ticket office at Alns.worth dock. Portland & Coos Bay Stca-iaaliip Lino, ' L. It Keat ing, aguuL REPORTS m ill Chief of Engineers Says Ccr.i merce Docs Not Warrant ; Expenditure. . (Washington Bureau ef Th Journal.) ashingtow,- Deo, -Although - this Improvement has been provided for, the chief 'of engineer's reports to congress thnt "At the present time ho commerce exists that would Justify the govern ment in undertaking the Improvement of Oregon .slough or In making a sur vey to determine the cost ot Improve ments;' v '.',..;--';''-; v'-v ' vv ; Congressman! Havyley Introduced a bill to amend the act granting to the Bilets Power & Manufacturing company Aright of way for - a water ditch or canal through the Bilets Indian reservation, and extending the time for completion of the canal three years. V , Hawley made' an argument thla morn ing before the board of engineers In favor of Including in the Coos Hay pro- ' Ject an appropriation to reconstruct the jetty which Is reported dangerous to commerce, ; He arranged to have a hear ing, for a committee from Marshfleld -In case Incomes on, .- ''"'5 -' v The postoffice department has ordered the mails from liandon to Langlols In creased from three toilx times a week. ARREST SURVEYOR FOR , ASSAULT AND BATTERY On the complaint of Louis M. Head, ' a well known advertising man, J. L. Sousineau, a surveyor was : arrested shortly after noon today at East Forty- ( fifth and Uelmont streets on a warrant charging him with assault and battery, Mr.. Head alleges that While getting oft the car last night near his homo, Sousi neau, who was waiting for him, struck him several times before he could de-' fend himself. The affair will be heard In the police court Monday. . and travelers' checks parts of the world Washington Streets TBAXSPOBTATKMf. CAN ADA "S. a Prince Bnpert" Leaves Seattle. Wash., Bundar at 11:00 o'clock midnight lor Victoria, Vancouver and. Prince Rupert.. B. C . "S. & Prince John. . Leaves Prince Rupert, Wednesday at 11:00 a. Oct 30, Nov. 6 and 20, Dec. 4 and 18, for Granby Bay, Kin eolith, Pt. Hinipson and Stewart. B. C. JYiday at 11:00 o clock midnight Nov, 8 and 22, Dec 8 and io. for Mas- ' i ' EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Angles u . WITHOUT CHANUE. S3. Bose City Calls 4 p. m., Dse. la. The iaa Francisco t Portland 8. Ik c . Tioket Office 133 7111(4 ft. Fbonss Btian 8609 and A-2 ...t. sax fiu Cisco, los axgl:.l 1 ANI-.elAAJ--l)IWJa-lJli;i;C-i .... : KOKTK PACtPlfJ 8. 8. CO. 9. 8. C04N0JCE sad . 8. xz,rI t T Evsry VUndy, 'trr)lly, at f , Ticks! office Hi A llt'ri et, r r ; iio a kiniai lilt, A'i MAH'IIN J- HI'tl t.,r, f .Vf. U. KLttwd... ?.. i. V