For tlip Youn Olrrordrpbo $10.50 flnrf W.50 Three-Piec Suits Special $9,50 These suits are remarkable for their ex cellent wearing qualities,. and, offer an un usual opportunity for practical economy. Made of navy blue serges or cheviots, tan and brown diagonals, The coats come in the Norfolk style and plain box style, trimmed with self or plain colored cloth. ' ' J" , . . k . Sizes 10 to 16 years ... ' ' Children's Coats Special 06 Sizes 7 to 14 years . An assortment of chUdren'a coats repre senting the best- poasjble styles. . . In navy chinchilla with sailor collar, strap across the . back, trimmed with fancy buttons'. Also coats of fancy diagonal cloth in box style with high turn-down collars, trimmed with plain cloth, also plain cloth trimmed in contrasting shades with fancy -collar. , ' 012 Coats for Junior Girls Special 09.45 Sizes from 13. 15 to 17 years 1 Fancy diagonal cloth coats in tan, gray and brown mixtures.' Round collar forming large revers in the front trimmed with reversible cloth and buttons ; has turn back cuffs which are also trimmed with the cloth. ' ' ; Junior Dresses for p750 , ' . . Sizes 13, 15 and 17 years Dresses of navy blue or brown serge trimmed with six rows of red soutache braid down the side front, on the cuffs and collar. . Has set-w sleeves, turn-down collars and red silk hut tons to match the braid. The sleeves and belt are pined with silk.' Christmao SilIC Hosiery tr;;16moiM:CS:f .No more acceptable gift could be offered than a pair of soft, lovely silk stockings, p " Our silk hosiery stock is unusually' complete, and all desirable sorts can be found here, from rave to' gay. You can buy silk hosiery at $15.00 a pair as well as silk boot stockings at 35c the pair also all the between ; ' prices, and at every price they axe beyond comparison : for quality, fit and finish. ' " AT 89J A PAIR ' Can be had fine thread silk hose with double cot- , . ton tops and soles: In black, tan and bronze. , THREAP SILK AT $1.00 ' Pure thread silk stockings with double all silk pr cotton tops, In black, white, tan and colors. The' best stockings. that can be made for the price. . ; AT$1.50APAIR Black game, light, medium or , heavy weight thread of all thread silk or silk with cotton tops. In over 25 colors. AT 32.00 A PAIR Thread silk stockings that rival the French in fancies, light, medium or heavy .weights in black. . . AT $3.50 A PAIR Extra heavy all silk stockings in black or colors. A stocking celebrated particularly for theatrical Silver for the ' Dressing Table --Two kinds of women it is sure to please: i The girl whose silver toilet outfit is. not yet complete. , - The, woman whose silver things have grown shabby with yean of usage. , ' The very large and beautiful collection of open- stock sterling toilet articles in the Jewelry Store offers wide choosing of distinctive patterns that matched up from time to time.' One of the prettiest and best of these is the "Thetis," a working out; of, the Creek key design and'amalj flowers. Also engine turned pattern, , The following list gives the prices of the dUV fcrent articles in both th above-mentioned pat-'" terns, as well as in the Ipsa expensive daisy and violet styles all sterling silver: Mirrors $7 to $10,50 Hair Brushes on sale at. . .$3.50 to $5.25 Combs. 85 to $1,75 Military brushes sale price, at. $6 to $8.00 Clothes brushes, sale price $3.25 to $4.50 Powder jars on sale at.. $2.75 to $5.25 Buffers85to$2.25 Files, hooks, etc.. on sale at... 65 t6 85e Tooth brush jarf 05 Talcum, powder jars on aale,,$l to $1,25 Whisk brooma on sale at... $1.25 to $2.23 Half receivers,: on sale, at.,. 82.25 to S2.75 Cold cream jars on sale at.v;.;u:w to 91.00 use. 7 From Paris We have brought the finest French stockings in various styles, with beautifully embroidered ef fects of shot silk real lace insets chiffon em broidery as well as handsome open work embroid ery. -A beautiful, worth while assortment, with the prices ranging all the Way from $5 A PAIR TO $10 A PAIR Tlrtt Floor Exposition, of Objectof.Art From every country we have brought hera for your inspection objects of art suitable for Christmas gifts. They represent the crea tion of the genius of the world, ) v ; V : ' , Welcome. -' " ,-" H iuc iicct uaiy mwoyo' lottiin Boys' OO.5O to 07.50 Suits ; ' Special ;05.95v.c7-S56&i We've selected a "full line of boys tailored suits for this saLrjl in ronoia: ana sac ftyies, single or aouDi? oreasteq. Made of all-wool mixtures in brown, tan, blue and gray, a wU a fancy '-T-A11 the late' up-to-date models are here represented. They boast of the best tailoring and are made on excel Jent lines that FIT. Not the indifferent sort oi 'auits that are usually found at Good lineaj? bur fcoya suits is what we aim to give iii every garment in this boys section. V.'. ?v';.: f Wash Suits for thq Younrfei : Boys . in sizes from 2 to 7 years ' " 01.35 to 02.25 Wash These boys' wash suits come in white and colored striped galatea, plain chambray, linen, poplin and percales. Made in military style, aide button effect in navy an wqiie or tan ana wnue ptnpes, ana tnrnmea in sen colors. Also suits with large sailor collars, single and double breasted ' styles, trimmed with plain pipings ; some have scalloped collars. ..1 - a. 3 JL !.L " 1 T 1 . 1 . . . A- . oinera ar innunca wiui emoroJigery. 01.00 to $1.25 WaisH jSuits 69c Th?s suita are for little boya from 8 to 7 years, and are made tin Russian style-with military collar. In tan linen trimmed; with white or blue, blue and white and navy and white stripes, also plain cadet blue and light blue others come with sailor collars. ....... . rofcrtfc S10M, At the Flash of the .GREEN LIGHT ; Whenever you see the flash of the green ' light you know at once that it signals a special sale. . It indi cates at all times an unusual, advantageous economical offer- 1 1 -It directs the atten tion of our patrons to important sales, often f not advertised. ; It is your .guide to the mtny special events constantly oc- yw. . . currmg yirgugnout y tne atore, 4 Uesa In every instance it J- blazes the way to practical, substantial economy. - Visit the Great Book Store eijtltoen'js 5oofcS It is an education to see our Children! , Book Department, the finest and most com" plete assortment of books for juveniles on ; the coast hooks to suit every purse and every requirement. It is a pleasure to show them to you. The fol lowing is only a very small portion of the children's bocks we carry. "BILL, THE MINDER" "Written and illustrated by W. Heath Robinson $3.50 "JUST-SO STORIES" By Rudyard Kipling, with 12 illustrations in color fa. 50 "Grimm's Fairy Tales" Bound in one-half suede and il lustrated by Rackham with full color plates f 6.00 "Andersons' Fairy Tales" With illustrations by Hans Teg ner; a most fascinating book for the child 85.00 "AESOP'S FABLES" With full page color plates by Edward Detmold .... ,...$2.00 "The Book of Baby Birds" With full page illustrations in color by Edw. Detmold $2.50 "Russian Wonder Tales" With SO illustrations In color, priced at .....$2.50 "Christmas Tales and Chnstmaa-Verse"- By Eugene Field, Illustrated in color $1.50 Women's Boots 04 Pair U. ; A NEW SHIPMENT OF i THE LATEST STYLES . ; JUST RECEIVED Bqilt over new models, 14 button style, semi-receding last and Cuban heels.' In such leath- ers as patent colt, dull calf and' dull kid, with either plain or tipped toes, and. clpth . orj dulL. kid toppings, -This line is in six sizes, from numbers 3 to 8 and widths A A to D. We especially recom mend these shoes for their ex cellent wearing qualities. These $5 -Plumes MaRe Acceptable Xmas Gifts This sale of ostrich feathers is notable for its wealth of beautiful and varied colorings. Nowhere else can you buy,', nor have you ever had the opportunty , to buy feathers of such beauty and quality as these at this special price of $5.00, ; ' They are 19 inches long and measure five Inches across, Every shade imaginable can be found here from the dainty pastel and white colorings to black and dark rich effects. - ' ' . eoad Tloct. : THE LAST DAY Of: the Great Garment Sale at $15.00 :NEV SUITS-NEW COATS NEW DRESSES SUITS of serge, cheviot, whipcords and fancy mixed' materials In one and two-tone effects. Conservative styles ' of finest qualities iu many colorl an4 all si?es. , . COAT oljcheyloVboucles and fancy Scotch ?ldakngs fn eyery ngw and dcslrtWa style. K Some are semi:fittbg, i others loose-fitting and many with belted backs. ' "r f 'u DRESSES of serge, velvets, corduroys and shepherd checks. Also dancing and party dresses of soft chiffons in pastel shades. '..'" f .. " ' . rwr rjoor. Picture Framing at Lowest Prices The Newest Mouldings Expert Workmanship Xmas Cloyca for Men, Women A Sale Remarkable for Its Low Prices $100 Women's 16-Button Gloves :$2.65 16-button length Maggioni glove, known fpr its perfection of quality and make. Real kid overseam style, with plain stitched or black em broidered backs. $1.25 Women's Cape Gloves, Spl. $1.15 One metal clasp outseam cape gloves the "Bacmo" make. $1.75 Women's White Cape Gl'vs $1.55 $1.50 Women's Dress Kid Gloves, $1.00 White cape stock-made gloves, with heavy embroidery backs. For dress and general street wear. 2-clasp glace dress ,ldd glove, made from first quality selected skins. Overseatq sewn, Paris point stitching on the back. Shown in black, white and colors. $1.75 Women's s Cape Gloves, Spl :$1.25 $1.25 Women's Kid :90c Gloves, Special.. .. A fine, f oft glace lambskin glove, in 2-clasp overseam style. Em broidery stitched on the backs. In black, white and colors. , . Women's Fleeced Superior quality of cape gloves, made with one pearl clasp, popular spear-rback style. A fine finished glove and one that will stand rough wear,- ' $1.25 Women's. 1-Clasp Gloves. . . 95. Lined Gloves; mi 5 Women's one-clasp pique kid gloves, made of heavy lambskin. A durable glove for street wear. Shown in black, white and colors. A special line of" fleece-lined mocha gloves. The overseam style, shown in tan and gray. For misses and women. Just the glove for school and general wear, Women's Silk Lined Gloves. Cashmere gloves for women, of a good trade cashmere, all lined throughout. and colors. Come in silk black Men's $1.25 Gloves, Special 95c A strong, durable cpe glove, prix seam style, which i$ an excellent wearing glove for every-day and, driving purposes. MeiTs $1.35 Glqyes.rSpeciaL$-l Men's one-clasp out seam mocha suede gloves for dress and street wear, shown in tan and grays.' 0 OPlrrt rioor From the Baby Shop HAND-EMBROIDERED DRESS ESSL50TOS38.00 These v are in long and short lengths, and are worked in French eyeletv scallopsr Irish crochet and -Valenciennes insertions. Some have plain hems and others are beautiful ly scalloped at the lower edge. Sim- ilar models come for the two-year-old. One particularly pretty pattern is worked out In dots. GRETCHEN STYLES AND FRENCH LONG-WAISTED FROCKS, $3.85 TQ W'OQ Many of these hive very hand somely embroidered skirts and are for two-year-olds. DRESSES WITH YOKES OF MUNICH EMBROIDERY Baby's size :. . $ 7.50 Three-year-old-size $10.00 Four-year-old size .... .$12.05 HUNGARIAN DRESSES IN WHITE OR COLORS $2.00 TO $2.75 These are cut in the kimono styles, out of Marseilles, crash and poplin, and are embroidered in effective .color design and finished with tasseled cord or belt KIMONOS $3.00 TO $15.50 Cashmere kimonos, buttonholed around the edge, feather stitched " in several ' rows or embroidered in a bowknot design. "J ,J';bvV PADDED SILK BATH OR SLUMBER ROBES $5.25 TO $10.00 - . , NIGHTINGALE AND KMONO SACQUES Cashmere Sacques ........ . , , . 2.00 Crepe Kimonos ; .... 3,00 Satin Kimonos , $14.50 BIBS 65c TO $5.75 Quilted piques, lingerie and little French styles, trimmed i lace or Irish, crochet. :. Some of these may be belted down by. means of a ribbon run through beading. . .. FOR THE CRIB OR BABY CARRIAGE ' PILLOW CASES, buttoned by hand and embroidered with eyelets. . . . : ..$1.35 to $4.50 PILLOW CASES, bordered with French frills of lace - and embroidery. . , ; $2.00 to $7.50 ' SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES IN SETS, embroid- j ered and scalloped . , . $2.50 to $6.50 ' - HAND-EMBROIDERED TOWELS .Cross-stitch designs in colors. ..,.r.v.. ,.,$1.15 Scalloped and embroidered, ; . . , .$1.75 to $3.50 . GERMAN IMPORTED BUGGY ROBES $10.00 --These-arrmaderof crickcrdothThlcWiS'adfrof eider down, and are worked fn French knots or baby ribbon in forget-me-not and daisy designs.. There are hoods to match the. robes at $4.00 and shoes of the same material at $2.75. Women's Knit Underwear NOW WITHIN REACH OF LIMITED PoCKETBOOKS Malie Ideal, Acceptable Gifta Silk underwear makes a desirable and always appreciated present, ihd these fancy trimmed vesta are particularly apropos at this season of the year. A SPECIAL OFFERING fJV GLOVE LK WEAR '" That sells regularly at $2.00 to $3.50 .r::r gach This Is a special sale of pure glove silk vests, which can be had in white, pink or light blue. They are made with plain fronts pr fancy fronts embroidered in effective floral and con-' ventional designs. French band finish at the top. Vests ai $150 each ' -v"'-. 5 y :";h-ri5 Silk mfeed vests in ivory tint or a pure white". Made with 4Y" or aquare necks, hand crochet finish,, Vests at $2.00 each tAU silk Swiss ivory white ribbed vests, handsomely cro cheted by hand in various exquisitely pretty patterns. Vests at $2.25 each Kayser glove silk vests in white, pink or blue with many pretty embroidered front pattern. . . 1 - Vests at $3.00 each ' ' , More elaborate Kayser glove silk vests in a wide variety of hand "embroidered fronts of' new designs. ' Vests at $4.0 each ; ,J Band top vests of Kayser silk In white. . Made low neck and sleeveless. A host of patterns in very fine embroidered fronts, v Vests at $6.00 each Exquisite hand embroidered vests , of Kayser'a glova silk, embroidered in dainty designs in the prettiest patterns imagin able tu pure wniic. , j t V 1 Victor CSL Columbia Talking Machines For Xmas Gifts $1.00 Down-SLOO a Week ti. .'.'' 'ii4'" .'.' K. ;'-.i"t' .w-'ijfi'. :'V:i;;''v,i1'''ii;4,:.."''' Every model' made by the Columbia and Victor talking "machine companies is to be' found in our phonograph parlors., ; We extend an invitation to have you hear ; the various - machines. Our record stock covers every range of selection Courteous . demonstrators . at your service. . -.Wewill deliver. any machine ta your liome upon the first payment, ' t Ilecord cabinets at special prices, ' i r ; . 1 . . i -, Basement. v 'y