o-G i.Dimi Saturday, 5:30 U)G:QiUv Li., i:r Lcailud L :ll;i 1 L. giciah OfTcr-Bcay Payments, Iia L-kv UIOOS KODAKS FOR. GIFTS ' F?c'ctr extensive' line; of the ' famous Eastinan ra&ke.-'-- An. expert frori the fac- tfsy if t'.KAt 0'i at-all times. : , GOVT. WEATHER FORECAST Fair tonight and tomorrow; east to ' southeast winds. . OUT-OF-TOWN PATRONS or those wishing to shop by mail or phone ' will find relief and helpfulness through the service of pur Mail Order Department IN PURCHASING FURNITURE Use bur Household Club Plan' and pay in easy installments. We gladly extend this courtesy at either regular, or sale prices. Now for Greatest Sale of Men's Overcoat Portland Has Ever Known f-T Mm 1' V. I i . i - , c ... " m-jC-P) i I ,,m v --.- ",.,., w . ,. .-,..r.v XCr 'Tl 7 ll l I A T I HL Mil : -. I'll : f .,1 t ; ... I ' 4ft" " Phenomenal Purchase Famous Society Brand CoatG ! 1,11 'l I- ! '.,1 H .7 l. HI ll I lli ! nil' I " Tl' ' I " ' l''' " M ' I l" ' ' I J'- 1 I ,ii,m .1,M. , ,lL'.l,.Jl I. ! - HH il.J H' '..Ill J-MH lL" 1 T . II '.l' Ml'L I IIM l ' ,T .', J, -I .1 I I ! ..J- .llnj Season'sSmartesl,Snappies1,NobbiesiSiyks EVERY COAT SHOWERPROOF; EVERY SEE 33 to 44 -here's a Coat Sale without; parallel in all Portland. And we'd never ' been able to make aa offering so phenomenal had it not been for this immense special purchase of our Clothing Chief, who's now in the East Fully 350 of the famous Alfred Decker and Cohn Society Brand Coats included in he lot While others are offering you Coats of early Winter styles, we offer you your choice of the season's smartest nobbiest, newest and snappiest styles at $17. And there's not a Coat in the entire lot worth less than $25, many of them $30, $35 and as high as' $40. ' The Men's SoreS NOT a few, but many styles to choose from full and three - quarter iengths, lined throughout and part lined. Convertible, military and shawl collars. Swagger models "with full and ' C DacK Den-are popmar as tne tagian. styles mcmae the new models known as the Mohawk, King George, The Scott, Lancester and Stormfair. Even the short, fitted, belted English models are included. Richest of Winter fabricshandsomest of new shades. Every size 83 to 44. And every Coat show er proof. Men the greatest Coat offering Portland has ever known is here for you tomorrow. $17 is our price for actual $25, $30, $35 and $40 Society Brand Coats. . ; Seven Direct Elevators IT6moitow-ls"La8iDay of Great QsiiaM SMrt Sale i's Our Annual Holiday Sale '3rActnal'-:$3Q$2'.Qrad 98c An Shipment of Fresh, Crisp, New Garm'ts HAT an event this sale is! The anticipated response was spontaneous! Just, the opportunity, so many men, their wives ana motners have been awaiting. , uur annual sale of the famous uotham Shirts. Every year the New York manufacturer sends to us an immense shipment of Gotham Shirts to use in this event and make possible the reduction you enjoy by price concessions to us. Thousands of Golf Shirts of excellent quality madras, percales and Eancy mercerized fabrics. Smart new patterns and colors. All with extra collars. All coat style with cuffs attached. Twill pay you to 'purchase the Shirts for months to come at this sale tomorrow, ; It's the last day we offer $1.50 and $2 Gotham Shirts at 98. ENTIRE AISLE OF MEN'S UNDERWEAR SECTION GIVEN TO THE EVENT .fry ' rb; Ties Special at 5"? ; .. 5 " V ,.ji3:,v;ihK2 ;grosgrahi .tube; -':Hud Tics, piped edges, c'';;ds. They're the new v ir fetching. ' Sold 0.vir,.pri?e wmor-- -i.i-V 75c Silk Web Suspenders at SOc ' They're packed one in a box and suitable for gifts. The Silk web Suspenders we offer in this 'sale. They're of very fine qual ity, and regularly sell at 75c To morrow only, 50. $1.50 Combination Sets for Men at $1.15 A mos appropriate selection" for any: man are these Combination .Sets. Packed to gether in neat boxes' are one pair of men's Hose and Accordion Silk Tie in colors to match. Regular $1,50 Sets, to morrow, $1.15.. Men's Silk Dress Protectors at .These cold winter days find big demand for these large silk Dress !Protectors for men. They're mat? bffine quality silk, in black, pearl and white. Speical for tomor frw, $1.29. Men's $2 an3 $2.50 Silk Neckties' at A beautiful gift for any man, in quality to suit the most exacting are the Knit Ties we include in this sale. Silk knit and accordion knit in Four-in-Hand styleT Alt in the newest. Regular $2 and $2.50 Ties, tomorrow oniy ai.ao. , -J liAin : Jl I Ml" (p f ll ' llfl' USJJli'T 'flirt 1 1 IS III ' ' Ij '''Jiilyjfij1 ii . fr4 1 11-1"'-? J) ti - ' ' x HI i. i &'-' plf''!1 -i '( 7ib .J. 'mm imBwwwPww- i $5 Sweater Coats' Special at $3.39 ' Worn alike by men and women, these, all-wool Ruffneck Sweater Coatsi zl Of fine quality, heavy Hveave,i: comfortable and Pwarm. Regular $5 Sweater Coats $3.39 Sxurt il MorMiOB StrMt Enmmoi Coats ' v. : 1 4a N IMMENSE -special purchase of Boys' Overcoats that. has just ar rive.; in our stock. Undeniably the greatest .opportunity of the year for mothers to pur chase high grade Coats for the boys at a price iar below the wholesale cost. The popular Thitary etvle predominates in this group'of Overcoats: All made from stylish and V;.:e. Styles with belts, velvet and self col- iars. jiany imea in wool ana june quauty fteen. Choose tomorrow. These Overcoats f.)fboys 3 to 10 years. Regularly a a an $5,6, $7.50, $3.50 and $10, at only J J.OJ tToixA risor ' Hw BulIiUnf HiU OrAtrg U14. .i'. .1 Santa Clans in Toytown 5th Floor Bing's Metal Trains : Bing's famous tll-mcta! Trains, con sisting of engine, with clockwork speed regulator and brake, one tender, three Pullman coaches, 26 inches long, 8 feet of track. Price l CA complete, during this sale $1JU Bing's Battleships r. r They're famous the world over and an untiring novelty to every-one. Uaschund as illustrated, 11H inches inches hign. uuiidog, hj inches long, m inches OC long, 7 high, both priced at, each rft.T - - ... -- Bing's iroilijerful BattU Ships, reli able, clock-work. Japanned correct naval srer with connlDtr tower and bridge; 16 Inches log. JPrl3ed..... . .S2.73 Bing's U.' S. FireboaU Modeled exactly after the U. S. fire boats are these Toys we feature to morrow. : Have hose winder, india rubber hose that throws stream of water while boat moves. 1 Priced dur ing sale ?1, $1.50, f 2.50, f 3.50 Ding's Metal Trains at 7 5c ',"."', . i " s, Bing's all-metal Trains, con sisting of engine, tender and one car. 16-inch length, 5 feet of track to form cir- 7C de. Priced at only I IC Bing's Freight Trains' Bing's realistic miniature Freight Train. Has heavy cast iron engine, 3 , double truck freight cars, latesfde sign. Train 34 inches long, including 12 feet of track and stop rail. Priced fff CA f or tomoro w only ej Ue v U Carls' $003Coats if P!83 AH Full Length Sizes for Girls From 6 to 14 Years of HUNDREDS of Smothers will purchase 'tomorrow. Coats for the "girls from this group. They're of tull length box style, in cheviot material In blue, brown, red and gray."'! Some styles lined through out with flannel, others have sailor collars and belts, still another-style made with tigh storm' collar. For; ages 6 to 14 years. Regular CM. OP j $5 Coats, on sale tomorrow tDeOtl j ' Children's Dresses Of serge, chal- lies and cassimere. In light " blue, pink, white and tan. Some of figured challies, all one-piece style, pleated skirts. Some low necks and short sleeves. Sizes 8 to 14 years. At prices ranging from $9.50 lAe Off k1 11 to $20, tomorrow only, at " Vll ,V wuuvucu a auuvuui ji iiannei- ette. In light blue, pink and tan. In kindergarten designs, with plain or sailor collars. Sizes 4 to 10 OQn years. , Special tomorrow at Ovl Age !llJI;, SO Yc;r GolJ-Fffled Watches, $4.98 ' N eV.ceptlonal opportunity to purchase for ft or self 10-year guaranteed Gold- l.'.'.cd'VVrftcl.; at a big reduction. Styles for men, women, ltys a:ii f ins. Upen tace or hunting , (closed) cases. n:uficls. Titted with guaranteed Swiss of American Kr'jcVerbOvker an,d Trenton movements. Regu- AO ukr ?i.S0 Watches, on sale tomorrow at only ?!,; O 1.50 Wl Juliets, Pair $ 1 .19 COMFORT and convenience in every ; pair. Women's Felt Juliets, with fur, trimming hand-turped soles and medium low heels. In oxford, gray, wine, brown,: black, green and red. Regular- C 1 1 Q ly sold at $1.50. Specially, priced for tomorrow at, a pair V Grocery SPEClAliS! Demonstration on Mono pcle canned goods," fruits or vegetables tnd glass Boiled Ham, pound 33 Home Baked Ham lb. 45 Stuffed Cucumbers, 6 25 Stuffed Bell Peppers, six for 25. Pickled Lambs Toneue, 8 for 25. Pickled Pig't-Feetr 1254 Sliced Beef, pound at 33 Sour Kraut, the quart 10 Roquefort Cheese, lb. 50 Imp Swiss Cheese, lb. 34 Imp. Macaroni, 2 pk. 25 Peaches, 3 cans for 50 Pears, three cans for 50 ii Fitf rM -Orocery," Basement Store. 8aemeaV"ttt Buildlaf ' Pairing Dishes $3.1? A SERVICEABLE and acceptable gift ' a r ft t h ft 4 Si'l Vftf-Plflf nin rr v - w j f uvvu : ayuimt Dishes as illustrated. ' Only SO of them tobe sold . at this special price. Neat burnished silvet fin ( ished, with enameled pan lining. - Reg ce ular $4.50 Baking Dishes, tomorrow, at '.'eJJe If A j A. J. A 'W1 t V . . ..: T,... t , .. ' . ... , ; . r. . . Stand Mirrors In: heavily Perfume Atomisers Of 'IJfn1lHh7 ;fnl' nickeled frames and ' stands, Devilbis make, t reliable and alUIIUtty OpCCl S with or without shaving outfit guaranteed, .newest designs attachment, $1.50 to $8, y4 OFF both cut and pressed glass, 75c ' "VI HIV, , to $8, on sale at just OFF frpnoC pr Af CoDar tnd Cuff Boxet-In Pipesif0'f men ofmeer- Ul HarOCbt H large variety,, of newest de- ,chaum,' ealabashtnOst. -hM(( m-t- T signr"ReguTarT$12rngr With withouthe nafuSlSconTinf and $1.50, tomorrow at v cases, 25) to f 12. : " tation ebony; SOc to $5,f4 OFF 1 : y 1 ' ' : ...... yjti." jf g