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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1912)
i I i OIJ DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, Dl 1CEMEER 5, 131S n 0 i, At tbo I7otion Counter 02.50 and 03.00 Values A very attractive lot of hand some Leather Handbags, shown, in black, brown and tan, with neat coin purse fittings. -Come in medium and large size, shown on good metal frames.; : Round or broken bottom bags "that sell regularly at $2.50- Q 1 A A $3 each.. Special. . .tj) 1 .fX A Friday Special Sale of women AM tilts Fine, Well-Made, Gannents Especially Designed for oiout women - tome in wi uo 5i Good Colors and Latest Models Reg.: $25 Values Here is where the stout woman has an opportunity to purchase a fine;r well-made Suit at a ;saYin';The latest models shown in midnight blue, brown, grayand black, 1 faultlessly made and finished. Reg. $25 Q 1 O f values special at , 'X D 1 0. 1 0 f.!ay We Offer a Very Important Suggestion fcr Your Benefit, as Well as Ours? , Don't Delay Your Chrstmas Shopping. We Are Ready Earlier Than Usual With Bigger, Better and Dreader Stock for Our Patrons. Your Every Want Is Here and at Great Savings. Open- C'Otft WSfflp) ffl& at 0:30 S " x" 'VA A.I,I. ,1 , f piooo at 5:30 P.IL T7herever You Turn, Friday, You V7ill IIeet Unuaual Opporturiitieoi to Save ! SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE FOR BOTH THE HOME AND PERSON, FOR IMME DIATE NEEDS AND GIFT PURPOSES. Our Bargain Friday Sales are without a rival. This is simple enough, h Our customers profit by our system of superlative value-giving. Come early and take your time. ; Our bargains continue at -all hours throughout the day, thereby giving our patrons a much better opportunity to make their selections. We of fer no premiums, BUT WE DO .GIVE THE MOST MERIT FOR THE MONEY OF ANY STORE IN PORTLAND. , You may depend upon every statement we make regardingthe dependability of each article quoted in this on any of our advertisements. Our' personal guarantee is behind every item. The general bpinipn of our customers. is : NO PLACE LIKE ROBERTS BROS BIG STORE FOR GENUINE BARGAINS. Try to. shop early. v O ' 2 fn , . m - - - ,-m .. At tho Drue Counter Ohx?iotms Best 50c CbChm-m TTT-- Best 50c Grado rfiJC DO Grado A very special Friday :- offering of Fine Stationery, shown in attractive holiday boxes of holly or floiral de signs. iComes. two . quires of paper - and envelopes to match. .' A very acceptable Christmas gift. This sta tionery sells regularly. at 50c a. box. Special -OQf tomorrow at '. . MEN'S SUSPENDERS, 50c VALUES. PAIR 7. .20c A showing of men's fine Suspenders, made with all elastic web kid ends, finished with imitation gold buckle a large range of new patterns and colorings to choose from. Each pair in a fancy holiday bar. Re"90r ular 50c values. Friday, pair" .L 7 V Bargain Friday Specie In Men's Men's Kid Gloves of Best Cape Stock, With Spearpoint Backs Shown in Popular Shades of Tans (? 1 1 C and Browns -Regular $1.50 Values, Pair D 1 1 O One big 'snap for tomorrow. ,A sale of men's Kid Gloves, made from the best cape, stock, - shown , with spear point backs. Tey come in the popular shades of tans and browns, and in all sizes. Your.QI '1 K choice from regular $1.50 values, special at P 1 1 0 t ; ; 1 1 : : ; , . . r A Bargain Friday Special of Inf anto' or- Combination Siuits f7---rr:-C0NSlSJlWG-,0F .TOQUE, yr 'r I W A SWEATER AND DRAWER LEG- frLf!$ H GINS, SHOWN IN SIZES FOR 6 'Mj Ww " ; .M,.rJ f MONTHS TO 3 YEARS. REGU- Tl mm 'Ate -j J LAR $2.50 VALUES, TOMORROW (f1 7 I'M ) - " T",s Senuinc surprise sale is for , i -t ' , i ' ' one day onlr'?arSaifi Fday, arid at this ridiculously low t:--j ,.V; , '-price they are Bound to just fly away. They are even better fjffji nan h? accompanying illustration; sh9ws them to be. Fine all M&Wz': W001 knit' RomPer Suits .consisting, of toque, sweater and .drawer - pP J Ings combined,; finished . with - buttons' at- the.:;waist.- ;'They . V s' I come in plain white or cardipal and white with tan trimmings, ' 4 V v also navy rin'rc rimminis. Come neatly packed one suit 'WLr IJnllboajustlthe-thing-forthe cold-wint ' feVfamake a desirable ?ift pr.any little.tot. Regular $2.50 COn ' : . values, specially priced for. Bargain Friday, .. "OC 4000 Yds. of Dress Percales and Duck Also blue and white checked Ginghams, regular 8c and 10c qualities, priced ' Friday dp at, yard ............ An immense assortment of desirable ' "styles ,; to choose from j over 4000 yards in me dium, and. dark colored Dress Percales and Duck ; also blue and white checked -Apron Ginghams in all size checks-i-it's a most unusual opportu nity to - purchase ' standard quality wash goods at nearly, half real worth ; regular 8c and 10c grades v are . under-L priced for Friday at. ... .Uv Women's Fine Wool Union Suits NON-SHRINKABLE, STEAM SHRUNK GARMENTS IN WHITE 1 A AND GRAY, ALL SIZES, $2.75 GRADE AT, SUIT. I V ; ;"An. extra special offering of a very fine line of Women's Wool Union Suits made-by, the celebrated North Star: Mills". 'They, are "perfect fitting garments that have been steam shrunk,;shown in the desired winter weights in high neck, long sleeve styles in ankle length, all sizes' in gray and in .white from 34 Ho 38. Those who are the most particular in regard fo their underwear will be pleased ' O i f with these fine garments. Best $2.75. Union" Suits priced for Friday at vL I " WOMEN'S WOOL HOSE, 65c.Ot GRADE, FRIDAY AT, , . . . 1 . . . OyC .special underpricing 'of Women's high grade Cashmere Hose of the finest quality, made full" fashioned,. with rein forced heel and toe. . Theyxome in all sizes from, 8 'to 10 and are guaranteed fast Frit st black; best; 65c . quality, IQ riday.only .... OsL KNIT VESTS AND PANTS, 35c 1 ( GRADE, FRIDAY AT. ........ I yC . WomenV seasonable 'weight, slightly fleeced cotton Vests and Pants, fine, well fitting, neatly finished garments in all sizes. The pants come in ankle length styles and' the vests with high neck and long. sleeves; garments that sell f A regularly at 35c ea., Friday only I VC Fine Gray Cotton ; Blankets Extra heavy' and with wool finish, regular $1.75 grade, priced for Fri- C I 20 day at J) ltOy Your special "attention; this week is directed to a fine lot of underpriced Cotton Blan kets, about 300 pairs. They come in full double size, are extra heavy arid have a nice wool finish;' blankets that are both warm arid durable, the kind sold regularly at $1.75 a pair; priced for (PI 3 A Bargain Friday. . 1 wOs r DAINTY AND SERVICEABLE XMAS GIFTS SHOWN IN MANY STYLES. TRIMMED WITH GENU INE FUR OR SILK RIBBONS. BEST $1.50 AND $1.75 VALUES, BARGAIN FRIDAY " Received iust in time for our, Xmas" trade, a large ship ment of women's Slippers and fur trimmed Juliettes, which far surpass any showing we've yet offered. What, dainty, serviceable gifts they-make,-and how much good, solid Amf nrf nni Mn rt fmm ihtm Thtv mmc in nil and colors and are trimmed with genuine fur or pretty ribbons. Are shown Qfl with hand turned soles and sell regularly at $150 and $1.75, spl, tomorrow yyL Fine leather lined slippers in opera and Everette; styles, shown in black and- tan. Best $2.00 values, special at. . . I$1.49 J Misses' and Children's Shoes hi button Best $1.50 values, special at. ... 99c and blucher styles, all solid QQr Best $1.00 values, special at - ; 79c throughout, best $1.50 values at y JK v -':'" ' ' ' " " ' ' " " ' " ' ; V " . 'J Extraordinary Jrid Specials injCliFisinSas HandSepdliiefo special Poplins z2 20-inch Fancy Messalines shown in neat small dots, stripes and figures. Also 24-inch solid colored Silk in all wanted shades, 50c ' and 65c, at It has taken much time, and a great "deal of care toother these' out of-the ordinary values in Silks. J We wanted to please and surprise you. Now we know, we will without va doubt. At; this sale you ;have choice of several hundred vards of Funcv Sillr M shown in an unlimited variety of stylesneat; colorings in small stripes, dots and ngures. iney come mcnes wiae, at xne, same saving price we oner;a splendid lotf-solid'Colored-Silk-Poplinst-theyc)me-full4-in ma.nj vi , juui nunuay uttui indy. uc duyyucu dl Ulii date al agrcai A saving; Regular 50c and 65c Silks are priced for Bargain Friday, at.'. Women's Fine 20 -Inch Umbrellas Made on Paragon Frames with steel rod and Djurectoire han dles, best $1.25 grade, W'e . have just received a special purchase of Women's fine Gloria Umbrellas that are decided bargains - at tomor row's price. . They are the popular . 26-inch ... Umbrellas, made on paragon frame with steel rod and with the new nlain or fancy Directoire han dles, and are covered , with hih grade, wateroroof Gloria. They: are the yerv best values to be had at $1.25; under priced for Bargain Fn- Qt ' Thousands - and ;" thousands I of Christ- :' II JI. a 1 - J-- i . . J-.LMJ' mas nanuitercnieis ior women anu ennu- v ren;;assortments in eyeryjine arenow complete. .- I he variety or styles is so extensive that we can suit every taste, and they are arranged so you can select speedily and - effectively. - The greatest ? lot of v. Holiday Handkerchiefs ever shown in Portland. ' , Regular 5c embroidered Handkerchiefs,. 2Y2c Regular 15c embroidered : Handkerchiefs, 9c . Regular 18c embroidered Swiss; Hdkfs, 12Vic : Regular 18c embroidered Handkerchiefs, I2l2c Regular 25c Embd. Handkerchiefs, 18c Regular 25c Swiss Hdkfs., Embd., 18c Regular 35c Embd. Handkerchiefs, 25c 35c and 40c Swiss Embd. Hdkfs., 23c Box 6 Hdkfs., 75c values, special 48c Box 6 Hdkfs, $ 1 .00 values, special 79c Box 6 Hdkfs., $1.25 values, special 9Sc Box 6 Hdkfs., $1.75 values, special $1.25 Box 6 Hdkfs.; $2.00 values, special $1.48 A Great Sale of Christmas Heckwear Shown in a Fancy Holly Box : -V- Regular 35c Neckwear, special at ea., 25c Regular 5oc Neckwearrspecial at ea.; 35c Regulaf65c Neckwear, special at ea., 48c Regular 85c Neckwear, special at ea., 65c Regular $1.00 Neckpieces, special at 75c Regular $1.25 Neckwear, special at S3c Regular. $1.50 to $1.75Neckpieces, $1.25 Regular $2 Neckpieces, special at $1.43 Regular; $2.50 Neckpieces, special $1.75 Regular. $2.75; Neckpieces, special. $1.93 Venise Lace Collaro for coat or waist in white, ecru or cream color, shown in round, square and pointed shape. Lace Collars, values to; $1.00, each 48c Lace Collars, values to $1.25, each, 75c Lace Collars, values to $ 1 .50, each S3c Lace Collars, values to $175, each $1.25 Lace Collars, values to $2i00, each $1.43 New Cloaltinga . V ' For ' tomorrow, we are of fering a very tempting value in the new all-wool cloakings, in fact, it is our entire stock of this season's double weight Chinchillas, ; En'ish , Boucles, Scotch mixtures, novelty Zeb clines. etc.. .'h grade fab rics that ; are nerfect in both weave and coloring,' the kind sold regularly-at $ 3r$3.l0-aTTd $4 a yd.: priced ; to you while there is yet plenty 1 ! A C of wear time at. .iD 1 ou for Christmas Gifts Beautifully made of Lawn, Dimity, Organdie or Dotted Swiss, and trimmed with Laces and Ribbons, regular 50c i! ' Yes, we have a wonderful assortment of dainty little Aprons and for Friday we are offering you a big special. They are made of fine pretty embroideries, laces and ribbons. Dozens of dainty patterns to select; front and what a rsweet- little gift they make. Come m eany tor cnoice. . Keguiar 50c values,, very special this sale 1 c . . i 1