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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1912)
CULCQN DAILY JOURNAL, 1'OUTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, . DECEMBER 5, inn ;m m A FAVORABLE TONE AT 57,25 IS PI KAXS.iS CITY IJTVESTOCIw V.W.l Hoga Are' Steady,'- EUeep Showing Strength In Tarda. Kansca City, Dec. 5. Hogs, 8000; mar ket strong." Tops... $7.tS. .f t Cattle. 8000; market steady, 'i Sheep, 1000;-market tTmr.-'t-'VtyV-'.'; Bortlaad.8aul. ' Clearlnpa toluy ........... .J1.SS3,J" - i . , . . xacom Banli. Cleartnrs . ....Jisi " ' Balances 4-1,;. L. j OF 1 CEWT FOR WHEAT I AllesiaU Find Hlckey to Be !.- , TJu!t! Pre teaaed Wire,) Buffalo, N. lec 6. Tlmt J. franl; Hlcltey, aceuned of the murder or .lfifi'i Josephs, 7 yars old, and a ri nf othi-r crimes dating back tor 10 years or more. Is believed by alienists to be sane, Is th report hera today. The recent outbursts Of Hlckey, It is said, wer planned to bolster up a defense on trn grounds of Insanity. . ;;'jfew Toi Cotton Market. Open. High. - Close. 1274S 12568 1251W5J n7172 123637 Jan,, Meh. May 1Z40 .! 1148 JtiJ 1258 1264 1229 1227 Receipts of , Local Trodact U Much Market Is About Cent Higher Alonj ' the Street ; Only Limited Stocks Coming Forward; Turkeys Are Very Slow. . Xopg Ar Vp Dime for a 7ew Head ..tut Itecelvera Ar Asking More for Ordinary- Stock; Sheep Feed. ing to Start in Yards. Dealers Hold 10,000 Bales More Oub Bids Today Range as High, a $ )' 1 2 4 3 July .... 12 126 1224 11 S 1I0 Heavier Than Usual for Tills Time : Than Are Available for Market; 78 Cent Per Bushel, Track Baals Cftllfornla'g Immediate Wants Well alken Care of; Oata Bearish. Oct. .... ll4 Deo. ... 122$ 122$.- 1213 ' Sales To DatS Approxlmate 63,600 Cln'iitcd; Btorge Gooda Is Cheap, Journal Want Ads bring results. Bales. - .1; TODAY 25,000 BALES OF HOPS : lEU II HANDS OF PRODUCERS IN OREGON SO.iiE BID At! ADVANCE TO SELL AriD SHADED PRICES ARE RESUL 111 STEERS WITH A SHORTAGE IN SUPPLY ;'.' ' ''; ;.' u '.";..(, ' , , vv' , ADpiCE IN THE PRICE mmmm - PortlasA PrOduc Market. : Fresh eggs easier.' 1 ; " , : ,. KtoreaR eggs eHlnf. . ' ,v Chickens higher. ", 1 Turkeys stow. ,..' , ' Hop trade active. .'. V j '. -Dresel veals 'flrnL.::$,;?:5.i Dressed-hoes weaker.'"'.. . . -Sweet - potatoes tJrmer.', : Bananas scarce'.. !-' :v'5;v:" .'... . , ,, , ' '-f; " , , Y The eg market shows signs of break-Ins-, earlier this season -Joan lor many , rears.. Receipts are somewhat- heavier at this ttm man usual so lata In thi reason, and as , prices are still rather high, , it Is but natural that soma re action should set In. . . " - i ' All sorts of prices are being spoken of and. asked along Front street for strictly. freBh egas. which alone Indi cates that the market does riot hold th usual good position for tnis perioa. n ' While sales are nominally renorted by receivers as hiph as 4c a doicn, the bulk of the supplies aro not being moved hi mis mure; in race.; are not movins at an. Most or tne sate reported aur In ir the UHt 2 hours Were around 42c but even this seems an, outside limit so far as Uietrade being able to clean up. With receipts of frenh eggs Increasing ttnA nfl.A ia hlU that nnlir . vtfrv few of even th leading retailers are able to purcnase any thing outside 01 me sior . age goods, the situation Is far from being a pleasing one to olthor seller or buyer. Coll storage eggs of best quality are Selling rather freely at SOo a ' dozen. Thfn,make the price between these ot t r ' ....nd. lh Host fresh product too UtrTeat. resulting in a very slow call for . tne latter. . ,:: v-:s '; . ; ; t . I 1 tin m 1 I 11 ll ..y-'.'.r.-v- CIIKESE, MARKCT 48 STEADY :,'' .J-,..'- ' I "i ' ' t-l ,,; J, ' Market for rhees is holding Steady In - th'. locaf trade. - Leading handlers . say they are moving; off supplies just - aoout as weu, ss orteruias, tnererore no accumulation is. ahoyvn. Twins and trip lets are holding at 19c and daisies at l?q a pound. , K VOUxi ADVANCE BETTER With a fight on for butter fat and .with creamery Interest paying mora for tho fat than they are getting for the butter, efforts are being made to fores a higher price all, through, the butter market. . . - - ; i DRESSED VEALS ARE FIRM Much strength Is shown in th local market . for dressed veals. Offerings from the country ara .limited and best euppHesAere readily; moving at Ho 1 pound. V" .i 1 t-. ' iresed, hogs -era not so firm and the extreme top of th market today is 10q a pouiKit:, fij.j, , - , , Owing7 ti-"tba std.rm;. off r tha gwlf rnAt un1 thA Almit In AlitnmAnt. m U a Pacific tvast,, bananas rather scarce Orleans destined for' the coast was carVotnts. were, so badly damaged asvto J :YIILD GAME ,18 .SLOW. - Tbere lull In the demand for wild FHiim lu me Micai marKeu yuile a few ..shipin.ona...of ducka have- coma forward ton country ar In. better eupply; , but vmiiniiu. ur jiiuncu. niriiougTi prices -re- ...i - ! i'llWl 1 1 t 1 11 ill r-b5-.4.L-: SWEErS TO ADVANCE An aavtnce m mo price or sweet po tatoes ia probably-, hera for tha next shipment, ; owing, to the lack of future , offerings from tho fields. Cellar stored sweets will : shortly coma forward -and MM..Mll. M.tTl ....... . . --vex v . '. 1 1 . - : FORECAST FOR STOPPERS ' "Weather fiureftu sends ; th" following aa' ' -vti i.v a, - 'v . t -; Protect V shipments " as"; for north as Seattle against minimum' temperatures pf about H degrees- tiorthoast to Spo kane. 28 degrees; southeast-to Boise 20 degrees: aouth to 8isklyou,33 degrees. Minimum omperatur . at Portland to- PORTLAND JOBBING, PRICES. Taese prlcM are tbewe at ifUlch Vhofeiilers nu w muni, jictji u oiurwi stated Buttw. b aaa oultr. BtnTEK NomluuL. itr rrm.P -k I'.GGS Nomlnil Ctndled . lor! - a!n' "dl?t i0":, "spp tKWliig-price 'loss off, 40af. r.o. b. orOand: -bt ter,&! ordinary 27ffi2SC: ttcondi, 3.ooji3.80 ce ,.y,V9-i PlTfcYw-Hyna, 13 i8V4c: spTisw; 1S(flfl3i eei' 10Ucj fekla docks; lSa 18Hc; Indian rimoers, 12cj turkeyi,- 16ff lge drM.ed, 20(8S:c;. pigeons,- oldV fl jSaaiSi ? OAMB-Jdckrsbbit, ' i.002.!a Bet ' dasen wild w,.5 doKo. : .v,'. ' ; , , ' . BDXTEB rATI'rodur' price, 'for Port land delivery, per .-lb.. MhitJ r . - 1 : :CHBKHk Meailaal s frees Orejoa faae;'-fnl cream, twlnr and tilpleta. 18o; deiilea, ipuC: l'oang Amerles, S0c, ' v ' ?. . ' ifnlts aad TeWshs. -cJVJP VRESB rRUlTS New : save! - orsngM $2 BO 03.60; bananas, BQOc lb.; lemont, 3. 74(20 50; limes, II ft 100; rrapefrult, 16.00; plneapplea. - 6c lb. r Pear 10 bo; rapes, btftketa, 15c: :: crates, $1.0031.10; cranberries, JocaL 10.78 mi bbl.l eaitern, . I10.60ta(11.00. " I APPLKS-75c2.26; cooking, W(890e bot. POTATOKS-soUinf price: Extra choice 73c: choice, 5e; ordinary, eoe per cental; baring rrk-e. .carloads, 40tai50o eooutry poiott: rweu 1.8(92.00 pr cental. . , ? ; ONION8 ILlBQliS; association SeHlns prlcw,-T5 per . ceaUl, t. evb. ablpplng poinU; California onions, 80390c; garUc. 7iJe, ' V'EGKTAHLEtJ Nw tnrnipa, 807Bcr new beeU, J1.00; carrots, 60fa70o per ick: Dr anil.a, lailv25 sack; csbbace. t.00t,25; to rmatoea, per bwr, $1.60; lugs, lUOflllaj; strlna bettna. 8(il0ci fraen onlona, 100 doaea buaohps; r'ppera, Dell, 8ae lb. t heed lettuce, $1.86i 00 dozen bunchaa; oalery, 0Q7fle down; tea plant, 889e lb. J peas, loe lb. J cauUf lower, 60 75c; rhiibarU. $1.26 boa. ' Masts, riah aad ProrUlona, ' ' DRESSED. MBAIS Ooontry killed! frogs OYERBECK&COOKECO Ptocks." Bonds," Cotton. Qrstn. Ete. 113-317 Board of Trade Bulldlag, LiKECT PRIVATE WIRES VfO ALL EXCHANGES , Correspondents of Iogan A Bnraa Chicago. Kaw Tork, J.C.IVIL50N&G0. .SCCKSXBS. NEW YORK STOCK KXCHANQB NEW TOKK COTTON KXCHANOS , CHICAGO EOAJRIJ OF- TRADH THE bTOCK AND BOND EXCHANGS PORTLAND , OI-T- JCE C39 Oak St., Ground rioor, lewis Bldg. . Pbones Uhall 4VJ.0, A-41S7 ,. The, condition of tho ehlclten market is aomewnat better, while In Borne quarters there Is s disposition to be lieve that little change has appeared In the situation recently, most of the re ceivers are -obtaining Mo a' sound more for supplies than they wars a .short time ago. .v'-." .-.'7 l' k -.' Hales of both hens and fancy springs were reported along - ther street this morning aj 13Gj18b pound, aoma dealers reporting the fonnir and others the higher price, v.- ; , ,. There is a very dull situation in tha turkey trade at tha moment So much stock, was carried over from Thanksgiv ing and placed In storage houses that buyers aro taking hold sparingly and then only at most 'favorable prices to them, t Best dressed turkeys ara selling in a limited way as high as 22o, but tho bulk of the offerings ara of rather poor yuKiuy ana are scarcely moving even at SOn nnnnri ., ,. ....... .. i- . Live turkeya " ara qtioted' rather fair ai iowiso a pounq, put naturally ttiere Is not a brisk demand for those owing to the abundance of dressed stock In storage. While soma dealers profess to believe that they will receive more ad vantageous prices ror the latter for the Christmas trade, the street lb general Is nui qi wis opinion. i VALL STWGETS A FIT OF THE BLUES - Nw York, Deo. 5.A seml-panlo was - - -v.. ..v mud y vy the action of Secretary of the Treoaury Mo Veagh. In refusing to place tho sur- C"" v uojruani in ma national bank. 11m tm a. . general conditions do not call for any audi unmo measura. - - - : . - Wall o U. . " v m ' "i'-uni lu outlay that It threw luelf Into. saveral fits, culminating in a very serious decline In practically all leading Issues except -x njniu. j, no iauer was m points advanced at the closing. . KR.anRof. 5'Tork prices furnished 1KSC1UPTI0N lOpeul rilghl Low' 1 : l 1 ' i I amaiKumaled Cop, CqA American v. rOf., .,. 5814 -u.n.iau van, 34 American Cotton. OIL cl 67 Americas Uioo., ..,.., 44U Americas Rmelt, C.....I T5 Aumnm uinin v 1 .11 u.uiaun, e. ........ 1... uon Daiumore Ohio. e... 106 HNmVlva RinM tPniil ni unadlaB Paririo Central Leathrr, e,,.. 20 im. at ureal tveatern. ef Ui Chi. A Km.thwa.rM ihai7 Cheaapeaae A Ohio.....! 81 iiraao r. as i., c..., 83 OonaoIIdatMl Uaa . . . . lui Cnrn Prodncts, e. . , . , , ,1 18 vcutvan at nnaacHi ... Denver R. a., e.,.. m-i et ,.. tieneral Blectrl ....... DrMl Knr.hj.rn r. llllnola Central r"..,.'. int. uarrea(er ......... 1st Matropnlltaa, e.,... . . ..u ........ Klflu. ntv Ijooiayllla . abi!iiie Mltaourl radfle n ationai Mad ,,?, Nevada Ocrnaolldatcd Now Tork Central,. Norfolk A Vt'eatern, P. U. Steamrhlp Co...' laonijirauia ar. ..... P.. b.. l t n. Ca:. Reading, e.i.V... ..... Hepablle I. B.f e.;. Rw-k Island i St. L. A S. P., 2d., p. . Bout her a "Hallway, ' e. . . . unron, ra-inc, c. ...... Union Pacific, p trnltcd State Rubber, e United States Btel 0.,. United States Steel, p... i'ibb uopper . Virginia Chemical . ' Wabaah, e. ............. Weatero Union Tele.... Weatlnihoace Eleo... ... wwconma uentrai, e. Total sales tHATOO 169 92H, 110 62 U f3 shares. 23i 169 V S3 7H4 IWi 2H 10714 2814 Bna: 1Astr MeJlMaatal f ktAW a 'L ;- - anaai,. w, u.uuini, arr. rvull una 0TTt HH lie: finrr Tfl. 14c: ordInrv 2U(mian 1Aa lai emKa 1 ML aa .....! Vf.T. Tl tiiUta vimv vrA Dta.. . fist Ucon, 162Sc; boiled him, 27 Wo; Dlculoi MBATS rtcklnf hot--Stwf' No. J itock. 3 25; W alW Jo. sack, j , eanaed. eaatern; 66c tan; 16.90 doaen; eastern In shell, W.Jfid 3 per 100; rasor clams, $2(8125 boa1. FISH Nominal Hock cod, JOe lb.: dreaaeA floondera, Jet halibut, .Ille: striped tun. itwiu uc. uuimt ivnivt soies, 7e ahrlmna. . 12V,e: Derch. 80 Ih.i t 8c U.r lobsters, 0o lb.; herrings ); black bkh i iiurjEun, uc; surer smalt, Te; black cod..- Tc: eaatern enters, full mmi. solid Jack, $3 per gallop. . ,7 j LiAtUr uurees, ISO 10. ; eomponEd. . tlcraaa, 10c.-. ., ; . : . . : '- y Hope, Wool aad Bides. 1 :! WOOL Willamette Taller, mn. ivwu 10fe10c lb.; medium KUropihlre, ile: choice faucr lota. 2o oer lb.: eaatara nni-an 'ij9o. aecoming to ahrloksge. - . ' nopa-rroducers' price 1912, lOtlTc ae eordlne to quality. k h aiutiAin iia, azne id. ; , '' sin" CHITT1M OR flASP.AUi nann toi tnal, -ear lots 6Hej Wa car lots, Be lb.; J913 bark, rar lots. 6c: 1pm irW. r.m. ih HIDES Dry bldea, ao21c; green, mloV; a Ud hldea 10llc bulla Vrn ii!" 7a 7cs kwfrWf i es, dry, liaaHei eaR laiHo feae than salted; sheep Pelts, salted. $l; dry. 123l2)4e lb. .. ' :-. 7 , Qrooarlea. ' " -y RICK Japan style, No. 1. RHtJSerNo, S, 4Hc; New Orleana head, BHetc; Creole, 6Uc. SUGAR f-ulw, 8.1B; powdered, 8.W; fruit or berrj,. 5.86; ' beat. $5.55; dry granulated, $5.75 0 yellow, $6.06. Autre quotations are 80 days net cueb.) . P.KAN'ft Amall m-hll. KU.' I.n pink. 5e; bayou,r 4He; llmaa, Sc; reda, he. ' bui vre, nan (rounoa. luoa, 1.00 per ton: 60a. fJ.OO: tabla dalrr. . Kfla. lis. 1ww $17; bnlM, 12.20; extra fine barrels, 2a, 6s and iua, i.wiao.uu; lamp roc a, 9x0.00 pet ton. . H0J.B1C New, $2.75 per case. -. ; Paints, Coal 0U, Ete, WHITE! LEAD Ton lota. 8c d lh.f nYM IK lota. 80 per H.;, leas lota, 8 Ho per lb. I.TNtiKKU OIL Raw bbla. fiOa r.l.i k.tH. boiled, bbla. 62e gal.; raw eesea, 65c; boiled, caees, 67e gal.) ' lots ot 250 galloni le loaa; ell cake meal, $44 per tin. - TtKPENTINK In caaes, 73ci wood barrels, 70c; Iron barrola, 60c per .gallon; 10 cas lota, T2c. , OIL MEAL Carload lots, $37.80; leas than carload lota, $10 pe too. Ban Francisco Grain Calls. . Ban Frioclaco, Dec. 5. flraln ealla: - A W' .'it v .; ,. . rtnen. none. December .i..,i.,.-,,.,,.,.,l.llH8 138t4A Northern December.... ......,15014a 151 14 A v: .v. ,.1-' BARLRV ; . .... December .................. ,144'4 J ' Ma ......... ;.,.mi " :.43BUV . OATS. - .?' Karthera December.,..,, 160B 161U1 - Tacoma lias Stockyards. Tacoma. Waeh..' Dec 5-Tacoiha has th lflrarnat Ktfx'ltvir,l in tha il.l, I. operation today. Tha O.-W. R. & Nt Co. announced tu new yards completed yp pnmy. 1 ney nare a i-apaclty lor vn omiitisr jo cars at ono timn and win hold SOO hsd nf cattle and 2500 head of she?p and hogs. ULTB ABXT HIOEIR. , lata In th day thsra dereloped a firmer toho la tha mutton market and advanced prloes wars tha role. Best lambs sold aa lags aa $8.10, whila son faaoy. Wethers went at the sama time aronad 98,10. ,. ; ; . ....:.. :--; j , PORTLAND UVESTOCK BCK Hogs. Cattle. Calres, 6hcP. Thuradaf ........ 450 .. .. 201 Wedmaday.,',.,,,. M3 '..' 27 Tneaday ; ....... 8)14 J68 Monday '.171S . .': 22S Satanlay V...i..-227 y ; I'l lday 4 . . ut)2 " i - 60 ' wees ago jtoiway, n Yea ago ... , ... ... 473 87 Two jresrs sg9..., 123 . iaoj 'lio - 78 1274 Von 210 1S72 217 615 : Higher prices aro being paid, and de manded for cattle In the North Portland market Receivers aro asking from 10 to ISo mor for their supplies than dur ing recent days... One extra fine but 'small lot of steers sold this morning at $7.25, or an advance of a dime over any recent . value. . .This stock was of select quality, and, according to buyers, was well worth tha premium paid; 1 In fact, any pf the leading buyers would have been glad to take nold at the ad vance. C't'iih'1.-'1 ''.VW:":, It is the demanding of extreme price for poor quality that Is rousing the Ire of buyers at this time. There Is only a fractional portion of present arrivals that ara really worthy to bo placed In the killer class, and yet for -only fair ?uality holders were demandlni; $7.1 OW .15 this morning. ; Leading buyers withheld their support. They claim that while they ara willing, 1n fact anxious, to take hold of tho choicer animals' at the better prices, they do not agree with sellers as to tha worth of tha poor er BtOok. Li-a. .-. . : - 'fc.&.-C, .- Receipts Aro traiaUsr. . i Terbaps"thTf reatest " aid" to 7 the strength In tho cattle trad for the day was the smallness of reoent offerings. Today's run, -while somewhat heavier than during recent days, was extremely limited, totals being but 201 head. To date this week total cattle offerings at North Portland were but $28 head, an amount about as large as during a sin gle day when offerings ara rather lib eral. ' ; - , v- v '--' At Chicago thr was a steady tone In the cattle trade for the day, offerings totaling 7500 head. . ., - -- Kansas City cattle trada was steady, with offerings of 3000 bead this morn lout h Omaha cattls ; market was steady to strong for the day,: with toft steers at f .76, and best cows and belt ers at $7. .' :' Cattle shippers today: . T. M. Proffitt, Baker, 8 loads; P j. Brown, Baker, 1 load; Blaokwell 6 DeArmond, Baker, S loads; C. F. Oxman, Huntington, X load. Norm rortiana eatue range: Heavy feed steers. ....... ...$7.15 Choice steers 7-00 Common steers Fancy cows . , . . . ., jroinary liffni cowo.,,,,,,,. rabbv lla-ht eows . : Heavy calves ,B.00.60 Best bulls 4.0005.00 Ordinary bulls m i r. . fvrtA,oo4.23 WU1. read Sheep. ; A new branoh has bma established at the Portland stockyards. . Several inter ests bava started to purchase and feed sheep for the market . Quarters have been secured at tha stockyards and plana are under way to take cars of about 20, 000 head by various Interests.- McCul lough & Rumble, well known shippers, have operated Quite extensively la this branch recently. The firm purcharaed a bunch of wethers at $4.30 and will feed them here, later returning them aa kill ers to tha market . i , General conditions In the sheep trade ara steady with only fractional change In values. -' . - Sheen ehlrjoers today: Charles Brulhl. Benge, Wash., i loads; Roosevelt, AV'ash., 1 ioaa, At Chicago there was a strong tone In tha sheep trada but prices were station ary. Run was 12,000 head. Kansas city snoop martcei was nrm with a run of $000 head. . ; Sheep woro ateady to strong at South Omaha for tho day. Top lambs sold at $7.60, best yearlings $$.10 and swea at . . . uenerai mutton maraet: ........ . 7.2B 7.18 $.75 $.25 $.00 .AO Best east mountain Iambs,.,. $5.8504.00 uooa east mountain lamos... o,ooyt.i Beat Willamette Valley lambs 8.76 8. 85 Good Willamette valley lambs 6.36 5.60 Poor lambs . .4.50 Best yearlings) -1 v. , 4 . -. ... 1 . 4. 85 4.J04.60 4.00 3.85 Ordinary wethers 4 . Fancy ewes ....... Good ordinary ewes Hog Market Steady. Steadiness was shown ia tha hog trada at North Portland for tha day. There was a fair offering during the morning ana wants or auuers ara sup Oiled.' ' - ' -: ''- . - Top hoys are still being quoted up to is, out tne duik or to arrivals, even of quality, do not bring-above $7.90. ' V .At Chicago there was a ateady tone In the hog trada with; tops at $7.70;' Run was 28,000 compared with 28,000 a year ago' , " ;.&;..-; ' ' " Kansas City hog market waa strong With tops at $7.65. South Omaha was steady to easier for hoga today, tops reaching no high er than $7.66. Hog shippers today 1 E. S. Johnson, Payette, Idaho, one load: W. "L. Turin, Nampa, Idaho, one load:" A. J. 'Willis, North Powder, ona load: J.W. Chandii- Wallowa, one load hogs and cattle; J. w, rowers, wsiiowa, ona load; W, It Evans. Pilot Rock, one load. . North Portland nog market nun' Best light ...v... ,..$7.8008.00 ..--' - 7.85 . 7.80 . ' 7.75 7.70 4 ' Oregon Sop Situation. Bales. 4 191) crop',, ,,,,,118, C00 Contracted ....,.,.....,,,30,000 4 Growers' hands ... 85,000 e Sales 4 63,000 soapitulaon. :- 5: 'X,v?i: Crop ,,..t,..ll $. 00 Contracts Sales ........ 8S,$00 Medium light Best heavy Medium heavy- Heavy ....... Thursday Morning 's Bales. - -. 6TEERS -; . '. f f . Barer. ' Barton Co..... Bartoa A Co. Unloa Ueat Co. .. J. H. OoBDolly. . . Union Meat Ce. .. Union Meat Co. .. Colon Meat Co. .. JT. 13. Connolly .. I. K, CoDiiollr .. J. B, tioijnoiiy .. Unloa Meat Co. ., . No. Y.'.'l 14 .....'13 COWS Cnlon Meat Co. Union Meat Co. I'ulon Heat Co. Bartoa It Co... Union Meat Co. narton at vo. ........... Colon Meat no. J. B. Connolly Unloa Meat Co. aTAQS Ave. lba, ? 1838 1177 ' ' 8S8 1,'r 1040 ' 12IR ' fllKl " 94 1 1070 750 106S 1258 , 100$ '' ' 12K) 1100 ' 1320 1190 . - H0 901 BOO TTnton Meat Co. ... . .. . . . 1 Unloa Meat Co. ......... 1 HEIFKItB Union Meat Co. , 1 Bartoa Co.,.,......., 4 E... Connolly 3 t'nlon Meat Co. 1 EeacntU, uroa. s . BULLS ' Union Meat Co, 1 J. a. -Connolly .......... a Union Uest Co. ......... 1 rD WBTRESa McOos A Itua ....,....1W - -UcCoe 4 Sua .........237 . OLD WXTtlUtS Union Meat Oo. .........183 1370 1040 .7.10 880. K!U 20 457 mm 1300 9X , 64 Frle. $7.85 t .78 ' 75 2 $ 50 - .50 6.25 e.oo 8.8H B.60 $.oo 6.75 t.d C.50 ; B OO e.oo ' 4.50 $.00 $.180 4.00 $(1.00 eoo 5.83 $750 5.75 $4.75 4.00 4.00 $4.80 4.S0 ' 7 $4.88 Unloa Meat Co. . tIaiea.J Frj-e 4s Co.. ... Caratena Part Inc. C Carateni Parking Co. rre o.i... t'r A to. I nloa Meat Co, I nlnu 5Ift to, ..... Fry ji Cu. ........ . . , .... Iftl noes ...v. st ... f2 .,.97 MS ... Ii ... t ... t t.. 7 SCI ivt Sio 11 1M : i:m - Sl 8T0 S.0f ' .0 a.oo .' it 7S1 7. , T l 7.00 Remaining with, growers.? .26,000 Deaiera hands ..' 10,000 .r Available market iiV.V, .' 35.000 Of the csClmated errcp of 118,500 batos Ot hop grown In Oregon thin season, 25,000 bales remain .unsold in theMnu of producers at th) present time.; .Thin amount available for market la aug mented by the addition of about 10,0 Jii bales purchased by dealers earlier In the seaaon, wmch makes ar. total of SS.OOJ naite practiciny unsold and on lbs mar ket at this time. . Tha. situation In the hop market here at th present time 1a the best in the entire -world so far as volume of busi ness Is: poncemed.. While noma wild estimates place the volume of sales as high aa 1000 bales dally, a careful can Vans of the sltvatlon would show sales Of rert.kDS $50 bales each Our. Thin In Itself Is the greatest volume of trade passing at any point in tne entire world, Orowers are free offerers of hops and were u not zor the fact tnat an unuau (11 ly heavy volume of ouelnens Is offerod by brewers, there la, no d-jubt -that a lower crioe would result. Thia la indi cated by tha more free offering of hops by California arties at l:wer prices. Thi best bops available thr and that is at present in tne Menaocino aistnct have txen offered to local nurtles down to 15c a pound and have not found taken. Cheaper quality la Offering n.i California from I to llo a pound. Up to tha last two days tha principal portion or me local nusinesa naa Dean for Erglleh aocount, European brewers being in the market for anything of fered In the hop Una by local growers at a I rice. Hcreti foje th Englisa tilde has steered clear of anything from this section that was not of prima or choioe quality. . r During tha last two -daya there has been a noticeable Increase In tho order for hops received hero from American brewers. '.-.-.. A lata New York mall advice says ef tha general nop situation: - , ... . Balea. Receipts for wek ............... 2,903 Receipts from Sept 1.... ...... ...34,87.1 Receipts tame time last year..,, 40,515 Exports to Europe for week 400 Exports from Sept 1. ....... ... .20,786 Exports sama- time last year. ,, . ,12,996 Imports for week 710 Imports front Sepltmboi lifrTrrTii-l.aas Imports sama time last year..... 921 'There liaa been a little buying In New Vom sUto at 20 28c. Locally there has been a good deal mora inter est. Brewers have seised the oppor tunity ot securing stock so much below earlv ourchaaee tnat thev have bouffht quite neaily, and dealers nave In con aequenca been busy. , "Tha shipping of stock to England has also continued on a liberal settle, and the clearanoea slnoa September 1 ara already 28,000 tulcs, or about $000 bale more man xor me same time last year. "Prices hera have not changed to an appreciable extent, but the feeling is easy, particularly on racincs. tngHsn Cables report dull, weak markets, and Continental advice are weaker. It will ba noticed that oifr Imports ara vary heavy, and tho iow.r orrenngs iron ikrmanv iiiaku It very nrobable that further considerable shipments will be made to this coun'.ry. - New York, hop prices perpounflr State, 1913, prima to choioe. . , ..80 State, 1912, medium to good.,...M State, 1912, common ...........22 State, 1911 ...i... ....... .12 Pari fin coast. . 1912. curima to - - ehoioa 20$ 22c Pacific roast, 1911, prima to good ',.., . . . .. .18 15c Pacirio coast, lu, meaiurr. to good ....IT Pacific ccaat, 1912, common.., ..14 - choice 14 Pacific roast. 1911. common to Pacific coast, older. growths.... ftOlOo Imported, 1912 .,...424Jc CHICAGO WHEAT ADVANCED Market Opena and Closes With Rise . . .-, 0( to H Cent Per Bushel. Chicaa-o. Dec B. Wheat was rather dull today but tha opening and closing wars at an aavanca ot. to aa irora yesterday. , . .. There was a firmer Liverpool cable at tha start to add bullishness to tha situation here, and tha damage cable from Argentina was a big factor, Range of Chicago prices furnished by overbeck & cooks t-o.. zis-z;7 Board ot Trade building. .. 1 -WHEAT . ' ' .... ' Monti. Open. Hlgs May July ... Dee. .......... May .-,'.-..... July ..,.... Deo. ......... Mar July 844k OS 90 91H 88 ' CORN 48. OATS Ixw. efloae." M'A 84H .80A ..7 A.7 . ' it 90 7H ty 60Vi 1 .494 OATS 81 824 Kil - ml $31 ' 814 49 U 48 40, 814 83 foek; e . Jan. ..,....'..1927 J47 102T May 1S.S - 18W 1S01 LARD Dee. ...... ;..10M 1002 1000 Jan. 1063 May ...1015 Jan. .........1025 May ......... 9iu loea 102J BIBS 1030 . 907 10S2 1015? 1025 902 :,49H 4B 4814 1 82KJ. M A 8314B J 760 A' 1943 1875 - ' 3001 . J (M0 . 1020 1027 A 095 CHICAGO SHEEP STROXG Market Is In Very Good Condition; , Others Steady. r Chicago,' Doo. 8. Hogs Receipts, 23, 000; left over, $600. Run year ago, 28, 000. - Market steady: mixed and butch ers. $7.167.70; good and heavy. $7.80 7.70: rough and heavy, $7.10(7.tf5; light, $7.l67.?2H. Cattle Market steady. Receipts, 7500. Sheep Market .! strong. Recelsts. 22,000. OMAHA SHEEP STROXG Missouri River Market Better; Hoga Rather Easy Today. -South Omaha. Dec. 5. CattleRe- relpta. 2900. Market steady to strong; steers. $8.2508.76; cows and heifers. $.607. y Hoga Receipts. 18,000. Market ateady to caster at $7.507.65. Sheen Receipts 8900. Market atnndv to strong: yearlings, $5.26 Q $.10; weth ers, ' $4.2504.60; lamba, $7.20(07.60; ewes, $44.20. ' Carstens, Tarji IngCo 7 ( aratcna Tntllug Co..,,, rrye to , a . " , WETUEItS Sferrett-Obelee 20 ,J it. J, 0111...... ....... 1W LAMBS it . cm ...'...V....... 3.1 : Sterrett-t;berle ...... i , RH i mixki) mvttox ji. j. cm ...... ...,v.v23 in. ,. , I no 8t0 ., 7.00 89(J . 7.00 ICO ' $S.10 lOfl ' . 8.10 80 $10 79 4.10 1 I 4 riAr', Hot Winds Damage. . , .' Special Cable.) . 4 Buenos Ayres, Argeutlna, Dec, 4 4 i 6. Hot winds In tha aoath are 4 reported and this , has r caused 4 . much , apprehension' here; Re- 4 4 porta of damaga ara conflicting. . A,,..- r.H,.....-.LL.i. , 4 ' ' BLTTE3TXM: WK33AT WAHTSl). ' (rnrnlshed by jr. O. WUsoa U Co.) -. Xondon, Doo. 5, Wheat cargo market firm with few offers. Oood demand for bluestem cargcj, ,37s 3d,' December, Uvarpool. :,:.j;f :f& t')& rOBRIN'-WlUaT MABK$?'-- C l.Werpool Wheat fWisod Mid blgber. ' . . ' . BerlinWheat closed uocbanied. Antwerp Wheat, closed Se lower, r:-JX,:"-. ; ParlaWheat rloaed 1(81 fte lower. ) : i i ' ; '(iBndapeat-f Wheat cloned lower. :. ' "' "k fi Bassos; Ar resWheat cload 9 i . " P0 BTL AS D- ii BAI ft. RKCBipTSiX' , Wtiflat.Barley.rioor.OatS.Uay. ,29-..(ia..r,i; IH' 13 X- '7''':!"7'.,;.J:;: .'.? 12 1204 . 101 20 1258 810 1034 MolKlay 118 Tsasdsyi '.'..'. 'J;.,.V 3 Wedneadsy fi'.vv't'F'4 T Thnradny .,..;,,;':. 53 Year ego ......... 64 fieaaon to dle..,.0tW) tear ago , 7oi Tho wheat market has a firmer tons and In, some quarters an advance of a cent a bushel Is being tjuoted. High bids for club today ara 78o a bushel, tidewater, track basis, -Bluestem bids range, from 79o to 81c according to quality. '! .- ..' ; ;; While for a while most of tha busi ness hera has been for California ao count, sales in that direction are less brisk and exciting. Shipments from tho Pacific northwest to California have been so heavy recently that the Imme diate wants of the trada there seem to be quits well taken care of. Some ot th shipments which went forward to the south recently have been delayed - In shipment for at least six weeks, owing to the Insufficient tonnage available. Naturally these delayed ar rivals, together with th recent heavy buying for southern account, , have quieted the demand somewhat Millers ar again 'good buyers of wheat and It 1 for this account that tha advanc in the price today was forced. Oata market Is softer, with leading buyers Inclined to play the bear side, , Today's prices. Portland delivery: WHEAT Nw crop, producers' -prloaa, track basis: - Club, 7fei78oj bluestem, 79S81c; red Russian, 767ec: forty fold, 7778c; Turkey red, 1778o; Wil lamette valley, 78c. . BARLEY Producers' prices, track basis: Feed. $2126; brewing, 282; rolled, $26.50. , , OATS Producers' prices, track basis: HO. 1 ".milling. $27 -whrlt,-$a$ ton.-- FLOUR Selling price; Patent. $4.10 480; Willamette valley, $4.20; local straight. $3.703.0; export, $3.603.70; bakers. K101.30. , it - HAY Producers' prices: Wlllametta valley timothy, fancy. $15: ordinary, $14.60: eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tim othy, $1.50; alfalfa, $ll.6012; vetch and oats, $12; cheat, $10.60. MILLTUFFB Selling prices Bran, $21.60; middlings,: S281r-ihort, $23.50 ton. X Jourral Want Ads bring results. TBJLHSPOSTATXOS BUT TOtJR, TICKET TO San Francisco th Exposition City. From ther go eoutn oy water on euner in - Yale or Harvard These palatial steamships offer every com ror t ana luxury, Sak Francisco to Los Angeles $8.35 , BOtnrD TBI? $19.70 TdSanDiegoSlO ; .xovtro txzp $i8. ,;"'.;' For folders and reservations apply to PAOinO NAVXOATZOH CO., 680 Market St. 68 Market St. - Baa rraaoisoo, caL JXwal Agent, Trank Bollam, ... 198 Tfiixd St., rortlasd, Phone Main 638, AISaft. XXXX(iX,i' STATEMENT OP CONDITION OF - IBANK tiFF CAUFORMAi? IL A;' SAlf HIAIICISCO ,o .-'- Includirtf Ite Branches in Portland, Seattle, Tacoma X:''h-r-'.o ; 'j and .Virginia 'City. ".- . AT CLOSE OP BUSINESS NOVEMBER 25. 1912. ;VS' '!,. . ''.-..' y.'r:Yj-' ASSETS. '!"' iv' ! - 1 ' i Loans and Discounts . . .V . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . $3013,46.81 Bank Premi$e$ (San Francisco and Branches) t a- 4,166769.26 i . Other Real Estate, , , . . . . ... . 2 ... . , ; ; ' 484,000 DO . Cuatomera liability under letter of Credit 5,210,654.1 J . "i Sundry Bonds 'and Stocks. ';.;','. .'"..'ti".. '.'.:".;'.. 4,626,622.77 v' United States Bonds to secure Cirailation.',V'.. ....Vm.VC 5,037,500.00 ; Other United States Bonds....,, -' a i a, a I a a m $f a i 7'"' 285,000.00 ' Redemption Fund with U. S, Treasurer. 250,000.00 'S Cash and Sight Exchange.... . 14M,026J2 ; ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $59,818,041.69 ,1 V LIABILITIES. . . ' t, Capital Paid In Gold Coin,-;.ltk,(,;;,iM 8,500,000.00 , Surplus and Undivided Profits. ...,.,.., ,. 7,922519.52 . Circulation..;,. , 4,968,997.50 , Letters of Credit.. A 31300.68 5 Other Liabilities .,. 429352j08; 34,632,771.91 ' ' $5918.041.69 ;-v-Y'i'v:.f Portland Branch, Third end Stark y WM. A. MACRAE. . JAMES T BURTQHAELL, I X -X itX'.t-: MwtXXiX:X XXXyP'' Assistant. Manager. i . . v " nuruitt ur ins wnuuiun ur ; : f mercantsnMon "X. FX: X'-- -XX: X-X RESOURCES XlZ--XXX XX r Ail.... -r,... 1 ti(" tf aim uiowuuij.,..,., ....,,,,.,...,,.,yi,jvi,,tf.i United States bonds. .... .... . . V. " , 400,000.00 Other bonds, stocks and warrants. ............. ... ' 662,515.83 Real estate and mortgages. X.ZXXX.i.iX.W,. ,10,037.69 Furnitureand fixtures ... . , . ..... .. .. .............. . . 31,984.56 Banking, premises . . . . , . . ... . ... ..... , 87,912.90 Cash and ducfrom banks . ...... . . . . ... . . . I. . . 1,13973.40 ctArt X' XVHA'iXy-XX: .tI:Y. 7;:X:y . son nnn no LIABILITIES , vv Siirnlna anrl tinrfivirfr'fi nrof it r 119 R7fi 4 National Sank notes oiitstanciing. . , .... .......... - 250,000.00 Dividends unpaid. ,XXXX'X,Xil,XX"rm' - H3 Deposits ' 3,268,779.72 , - l L ' ' - $4,139,069.95 ; V UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION 1 . , Deposits, liovem . v. .V s3.268.779.72 Deposits. November 26. 1911........... $2,743,616.97 X: Gain ....... . 525.162.75 . EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles - WITHOUT CHANGE. - ' BB. Beat sails 4 P. m.. Deo. ft. ' ' The Baa rraocisoo a S-ortisaa S, 8. Oe. ticss vino xi xaura Bt. yaones Mala 36oa and A.S539. BAN rKAKClSCO, 1X AK(iELK9 AND BAN DIEGO DIRECT " iroxTx Acmo c a. oo. ' ' : ' b. b. xoAvoxa aaa a. a.rtDr Ban every weooosuaj, s'leraaieix. at s p, na, Ticket of flea Z1-A Tblra. t. near Xiar rnoitM warn it. a-isi, MAHllN J. HIUttCY. lass, Asnv . W. H. 8LU88KK. rrettbt Ageot ANCHOR LINt STEAMSHIPS Jtew York. Iouaondsrtjr an aiasaoir. Sew York, valsrmo aad Xasiea. . Attractive rates for ticket ttwea New York aaa alt seoica. .nllab, Irish, Coo; tinental and Medlterraneaa Points, sjn. parlor AocommodaUon, Saoelleat Cnlsla, fclclen Barrio. Apvlj fi Beservax lion to local agent o Anchor JLine or HENDERSON JKO&. Ueneral Afeotav ChlPSRo, 111.; a .- -'.. - .' - - , CONDENSED REPORT-OP.. . . , . - , The United States National Bank , . OF PORTLAND, OREGON. : . . J, Submitted to the Comptroller ofthe Currency athe Qose of Business November 26, 1912 : ASSETS.' " n-; "l " "' ' Loans and discounts, X:.T7X::t,$ '6,590,817.95 ' United States bonds at partv..V.r...i;.... 1,050,000.00 Municipal and railway bonds '. 7t i i . . 1,478,019,63 1 Bank building .... . , . . . , X ..... . -w 125,000)0 i Cash and exchange ... XiXXX .1;'4,S3L291.09,;:' Total .. 413,775,223.67 , ; .: AX ' X Z-X LIABILITIES. ; - ;' 'V Capital . ; ....... . . f . . . . . '. .';;' . $ 1,000,000.00 Surplus" and profits ; . . , . 1,095,186.15 arculation V...;.. '.V.U'.V;'.;:-. 800,000.00, Deposits ... 10,880,042.52 Total ..... $13,775,228.67 Capitol Stock Xt )h i- S $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $1,000,000.00 v' C OM MERCIAL AND SAYINGS A CCOUNTS ; Letters of credit, drafts anil travelers checks . 'X x;x Issued, ayaflable In all parts of the worU Co rtoe r T b Ir a hndWashingtorl S t r e 1 1 1 C003 S AYJUINiSj r fit&AMs - aaaaiWAU, -. t ska ft tntiu Aikiaawaarth itMtf Va.r riaaaat h i k p. m., NoV. 28, and thereafter every ceived until 3 p. m. on tffllllnjt day. Fab ! AnA. fai'Q tKrmt .titans, till saTTiifec.-i 4nii imam fiw, acv.UUU CIHSJ i it L..l.xttiia- Karth unA a.wvo 1- rrli. . ' orfic at AinBWorth, dock, Fprtland & Cuo Bay SieamaUip Xiu , 1 XL iitit- FIRST NATIONAL Billll! , CAPITAL" $1,500,000 . ; SURPLUS $900,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF . THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS : 13. 00