ancli CUIcc VycII::, Far.qo Express Co. IV'laln Fl. Dpccl:il rIallin .it j I Toyland Ifourlti Fl.TIic ILarncst and Most Complete GSocIc In tlicMcrlliw . . J l-ieaclquartcm for Green Trading Stamp Premlums-Parlopson Alii Flee: 25c liiKsns at 15c Thousands of yards of fancy Dresden Ribbons in richest of color combinations for holiday purposes. 1 ' - . C. C. Chapman Gives Foint crs at Banquet of Commer cial Organization. . aln Passes, in Colorado Main Floor, Cleanup s .'.o ' Egyptian Scarfs in rich met!' : designs. Full size. ---Values r; .to. $7.50. -' Elocked and Prospectors ' Way Ea Lost. - ' . 'The ' Daylight Store" Entire Block, Morrison, Tenth, - West Park and Alder Streets nCi-ijiiJiS- BGIHSIK mmm Ms.; W "fc (Special to Thi Journal.) , - I,a Grande, Or Dec. B. La "Grande Commercial club men are eettllns down to a year of apparently greaf fruit, lol lowing th$ banner house-warming lieM Tuesday right. On that occasion a new elixir of commercial life was "gunned" Into the already lively and enterprising 'Institution by C. C. Chapman of . Port land, who brought concrete jiugsestlons to the club members at a banquet fol lowing an, Informal- program.. . Musical ' numbers, vaudeville attrac- . tlons and initiations into tho mystic order tf Ed Margallsm, a by-product of , the club- itself, comprised the program of amusement. ' At 1 o clock the dinars, ; 200 strong, were feasted at the Foley grill and then heard Mr. Chapman pralae the new club home In the fly- ; story Foley, building just completed" "Vou have not been the first to cbtaln excellent quarters, but you saw the neel .-and got It',' said Mr. Chapman. The beat methods of publicity work were discussed. i , , Late this week the newly elected 11- - lectors will name a president and trean- ' urer, C, M. Humphreys being " the per niunent berietary, lie resigned as city recorder' to take tip the secretaryship and his usefulness in the Office has already been established. " The new dlr rectors are: IL T. Love, It. I Lincoln, G. L. Larrlson, M.- K. Wall. I. J.' French, J., Q. Snodgrass, August 3, Btange and J. II, Keeney. - "OLD AND UGLY" WIFE Tl ASKS DIVORCED (tJnlteC Pr I-wined WlrO Logansport, Ind., Dec. 6. Urging her husband to get a divorce as soon as she Is sentenced,-Mrs. Elizabeth ' Lang, a bride of a day, who ' shot and killed Mrs. Mary Copple at the wedding sup per because the latter said she was old and ugly, pleaded guilty today to t a charge of manslaughter. - Sentence was deferred. ' Lang, 1 the : woman's husband, announced that he would stand by his wife. MALHEUR COUNTY HAS ITS FIRST GOLDEN WEDDING i " (SpeHal to the Jonnml.) ' Vale, Or., Deo. S.Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gellerman. nloneers of n stern Orpeon. with -half a hundred relatives and de scppdanta, last tilght made merry on the occasion of their fiftieth marriage anni versary,' the first golden wedding to be celebrated In Malheur county. AH fx cpt One of their seven daughters,' with their husbands and children, assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. n. Sluts In Vale", and from t to 9 o'clock recalled the past across the festal board. ; ? The seven daughters, each of whom la married ' and has " children, - are- as fol lows: Jvtrs.Hattle Teter and Mrs.'DelU Jonca, lioUt of Ontario, Or. ; Mrs. -Ma wujuawv Mra L.11110 nope ana, Mrs. Ainfllln. Eootf! all of Vale: Mrs;-. John rdcrBon , of- -Mallicur- valley, all o wnom. were present, - ana Mrs. ,. Vena Ixveland of Jordan 'ValiejV who was unable tov come f The grandchildren number . 25,-. and 'great-grandchildren three more. ..; - . Fred Gellerman was born at Hanover, Germany, September i, 1839, coming V America ,ln 1868, and sottllng. first In Clayton county, Iowa; where he' met his wife, Hannah Drodge, -who also was born in oermany. at. UerlIn.July.12, 3 S 4. They were married In Iowa. In W2r and In 1863 crossed the plains by o team, settling In lender county, Ne vada,' that 1 year and ' later moving to Echo county In the -sama. state,,.' - - Alter tne sanneck Indian war or 1S7S, liiey migrated to their present home in Oregon. A. book might be written on their many thrilling escapes and; .hard ships, but notwithstanding all the trials (lie family has passed through, the first death, is yet to be recorded. . v JOHNSON'S BRIDE WEARS' PREDECESSOR'S GEMS Si , ' rtnlsS Mm fi-il Vim .. Chicago, III., Dec. 6. Seated' In a big automobile beside her black husband. her fingers' and throat gllstenlrfg with her newly 'acquired diamonds, relics of tiie first wife, Mrs. Jack Johnson, the eecona, xormeriy iuciiio Cameron, a white girl, left here yesterday for In Uianapolls on her honeymoon. - Johnson declared that he; expected to .proceed by automobile to Indianapolis, and there board a train for Kew York : and Boston, i-. -,::;-..v .LUMBER FOREMAN GONE; ; HABITS.GOOD; MYSTERY ..: v . .. i - V . , . - y- .-4Salem Burma of The Jonrrat.) - ' Salem, Or. Dec - 6. George Skeels, contract bosaat the gpaulding Lumber company'! mill here, has disappeared, .and It is suspected thore has been foul -play. II was last aeen Sunday after noon about the mill. about 35 years old and has a wife and children. "As ho had exemplary, habits and was never addicted to liquor, no natural reason can be given for his sudden dis appearance. 'Ho had been ' employed with the company several years. " Mrs. Robert.Goelet Dead. ' I (United twued Wlr.t l Paris, Dec ; 4. Mrs. Robert Goolc-t died at her home here today; She had liopn unffprlnir . with rnnpBi fn mouths and It was known she could not recover, r, -.v - . - . ALTED T11LE Tha Fetd-frtA far All ijes. For tfnr.ts. In valids,anrj Growing cliUfirca purcNutritbtip building llieholebodjr, I ivisoratesthe nursing motherand the aTd ! iliH? ''t f""" 1212? powder tona A qcick laacli prepared b a tzhzle, Vde no subsL'lsta. AsVforl'CSLICK'S. , (United Prens Leaned Wire ) Denver, Colo.. De-- &. The bllazard which swept Colorado and Wyoming yes terday and last BSkM has subsided to day. There Is a foot of snow on the level here, and three feet In the moun tains. All the passes are blockaded, and it is feared (Jiat many prospector are In peril. Relief parties are ready to start on news of any strays coming In. COFE WORSE THAN WHISKEY, SAYS M D. . " (Colted Prmii traard Wire.) Pasadena, Cal., Dec 6. Pasadena club women are studying the after effectaot a pure food luncheon- served . by . Dr. Margaret Goettler at the Shakespeare club, in which candy made of "bran and coffee from bananas were typical deli cacies. Dr. Goettler also advised club women to stop drinking coffee with cream and sugar,t and to take" to whis key, as it is less Injurious, '. ' - Ve food reformers have been" called goats because we use the tops of beets and celery, and such vegetables," said Dr. Goettler, '"but I would rather be a healthygoat than a sick womanr, . : ' SHAN1K0 MAY CONTEST ELECTION it .... 1.. m..' T .. . . Shanlko, Or.; , pec. 6.- The f rlenda of Mrs. . Leola - Lorlng." who was defeated by R. AV. Birgfeld by only one vote, claim that four persons were per mitted to vote who are not residents of the city. ' This was ope of the most hotly contested elections ever held here. Notwithstanding a heavy 1 snow ; storm, It women availed themselves of the opportunity to vote. Mrs. Anna Magee received 10 votes for mayor, though not a candidate." . . t" The Joy 0! Get- ' i ; : litfg Ooine TIZ A Ten Minute TIZ Foot Bath and . Your Feet Are Like New. . Bend for Fre Trial Package Today. These are not supposed to be your feet. You may be a mere man. But your feet or any one's else feet In a TIZ iuui uhwi urn raipirre mei., , - Away grt the corns,- bimlong.' calluses in' viiiiDiaiiis, mo ticnea, soreness and all foot trouble. Follow tha minim.. of. happy TIZ feet and you , will then realise that TIZ works on a new prin ciple,, draws out 1 all, the poisons, that cauire foot troubles, and TIZ Is tha only remedy that does the work ' Don't for get this fact, and don't . under nnr -Circumstances accept a substitute. v Be good to your -Met and demand TIZ. ' All drug .. stores,' . department or general stores have It. at 25 cents box, and for those who don't know what real foot comfort !s write to Walter Luther Dodge & Co., 1223 8. Wabash are.. Chi cago, 111., 101- a iree trial package today, Bii:ulithic Pavement The average property ' owner, the man who i t. foots the bill, is enthu- siastic over it. v Pretty i '' 'good proof oflts : Economy CALIFORNIA HOTELS ; .' AND RESORTS GAU FRAHGISGQ Geary Street, above Union Squart . European Plan $1.60 a day up American Plan $3.00 a day op ; New Steel and Wick structure. Everr ' snodara cravBntanca. Moderate ralaa. Canter of theatre and ralail dUtrict. Oa ' ear lifea traaaf rritif all orer citr. Elaa- ' tjriO omaibiu saaata train and ataamara, San Francisco 7Js Balnforced Concrate Bldg C!2S Eooma. El firBt-cHu retanrnta within 1 bloc Jatsa if I. f-i FO to 94 pr flay. F. I ft A. W. Tarrin, rroTis. ana 1'yrs. A 5i M' Mails Sp3Cial all . - 4 i- ' JU , .' .... ,i-'7 S3.00 Second Tloor : miim- :-$S0.00- Mails .'812. . At $3.00 75 beautiful trimmed Hats in newest color ings. Plushes and Felts trimmed with wings ftQ Aft i . and flowers. Exquisite creations to $10, choice d)eUU At $5.00--About 150 i Hats in this '- splendid group. Handsome models in plushes, velours and velvets, trimmed with wings I and flowers.; ; We are dC Afl placing regular values up to $15.00 on sale at oDeUU At $12.50100 Pattern Hats, the season's most popu lar shapes, trimmed with ostrich fancies,- novelty hands, ostrich plumes and ribbon effects. We are r j a offering these Hats, regularly to $30.00, at aj)laVi 01 85.00 Corsage Boqucts 01.00 82.50 Flowers, Special at 08c 150 Corsage Bouquets of vio lets, orchids, roses and lilies of the valley. These have sold in the regular way M fA up to $5.. ClfDice atOlaUU 100 dozea beautiful new. Mil linery Flowers, silks and vel vets in the latest shades. Val ues in this assortment up to $2.50. Choice 98c S1.25 Millieepy; Elibbon ai 25c Yd 2000 yards of high grade Millinery Ribbon in, this sensational , offering. Satins, Taffetas and Grosgrains in all the most ' wanted colorings suita ble ' for Christmas fancv : work; Qualities that formerly sold . 1 Z ud to $1.25 a yard, oh sale tomorrow at extremely low. price of wul A Phenomenal Friday OHerlnfl 2d Floor About a hundred and fiftyotihese splendid Suits to be sold to morrow 'at a sensationally low orice. Strictly high erade. gar-' ments in the most popular of the season's styles. Plain tailored or fancy models in mannish mixtures, serges, cheviots, diagonals, tweeds, broadcloths and stripe novelties.' ; Semi-fittng coats wth round or square corners and lined with excellent quality peau de cygnei Velvet of plain collars.: Skirts with 09 08 panels and pleats. All sizes from 14 to1 44; reg. $45, , ef tiaWaO Women's Long Coats $14.98 Garment Salons second floor.. .'Exceptionally, smart and stylish and made from finest, of materials. -These coats are unques tionably the best values to be had in the city. Fancy mixtures, diagonals, double face goods, tweeds, polo cloth and chinchilla in popular "Johnfiy" styles, also models on straight loose lines. Velvet collars and cuffs. .Others braid trimmed with (A OS patch pockets. All sizes. Special for this sale at PlTfeaJu SHU Petticoat Special for 83.98 Second Floor. A great Friday sale of 300 beautiful Silk Petticoats. Scores of different styles in messalines and taffetas in all the season able plain shades, as well as changeable, flowered and Dresden ef fects. Come with string or adjustable tops and cotton or silk drops. Wide and narrow accordeon pleated flounces also kmfe; 90 QQ pleats. Trimmed with pin tucks and bands. .Priced at only MflyO Sale Flannelette Kimonoo LotNo. 1 at only $1.98Lot No. 2 at only $2.98 Second Floor; Women's flannel ette . Kimonos in beautiful rich patterns.- High or V necks and short sleeves.1 Some have sailor collars,' silk trimmed. Empire and loose fitting styles, all sizes. Extra special i " ' ' $1.98 Women's flannelette Kimonos in variety of patterns arid colors. Empire and coat style, with short sleeves. . Some with large satin collars, others trimmed with fancy buttons and vel- tfO no size? P6a?0 vet ribbon. AH GJ) (UN ; 1 wmi Whs WW' mm , ? ApipiESsitle mMb . Sof. . Mem Men's Store. Main Floor!' Morrison street way. Never were the ' ' 1 - . ' . - V stocksjso inviting and never the range of choosing so complete. If you are undecided what to buy. for "Him" Visit our big Men's Wear Section,' where hundreds of suggestions may be found. Handsome Holiday Sets $1.00 ; Silk Tie and Hose to Match Men's Silk. Hose and Tie to-match, nicely. boxed to -- - imitate a dook, a very auraciive uonaay gut ior men Complete line' all 6hades to choose, from. 1 AA Neat Christmas Card enclosed.' The set at PlaUU V?MMA.a S- 04 OCf Silk Hose, Tie and Bordered Kerchief L Put up in a fancy Christmas; box. Fme silk Four-m-Hand Tie, "with silk ..hose to match. Also ilain white linen Handkerchief with- Border'to match ti1 Of and hose, Christmas card. - Per set only lal tzs-u v,r v. Men's Linen Men's pure linen Initial with plain , hem. Put up mas boxes.', , ' . Men's Linen Kerchiefs, Men's 'Linen Kerchiefs, Men's Linen Kerchiefs, " Men's Linen Kerchiefs,. Men's Linen Kerchiefs, Handkerchiefs Handkerchiefs, also handsome Christ- in box of box of box T of box of box of 6 at f i.0 6 at 11.35 Vat'f2.T5 6 at 94.25 6 at f 5.50 E.&W. Collars 25c Grade iOc The famous 'E. & W.'V Wnd purejinen Collars,'" sold regularly "at 2Sc each. , On sale tomorrow at 10 Come In 12 styles. Men's 51.50 Shirls A" timely sale of, men's high, .7fV grade Shirts." rlA special .par"- (Hi chase just received in time to .. supply your Christmas needs Qjr ' at a aeciaeaiy iower price. - Crisp new stock, ; direct - from the maker. Snappy new patterns; also plain white coat 6tyles with cuffs attached. Plain and pleated bosoms; all sizes; $1.50 Shirts 95c mvm: "Napoleon" Hat, for only. $2.00 Soft or stiff styles. Compare favorably with any $3 Hat on the market All the' popular colors and mixtures.? , - - "Christmas" Ncckwcari at 50c At this popular, price we are showing a splen did line of the season's newest - effects in knitted and cut silk. Shop here. Men's Boxed Ties, Special 25c Men's holiday Four-in-Hands hundreds of patterns to choose from. In pretty Xmas boxes. Oxford Cloth cio ;; raiamas $1.75, 2,00, $2.25, $2.50 Main Floor, Morrison street way ' Men's heavy oxford cloth Pajamas in plain white and colors. Also in neat stripe patterns. Frog trim mings, side pockets and military collar. The well known "Univral" brand; rioted for style and, durability. All sizes, different weights. Men's Flannelette Pajamas, Special only $2.00 Men's heavy grade Flannelette Pajamas iri plain and fancy patterns, . Cut in good generous sikes, full length : and full width. nn Frog . trimmings, side pocket, military: collar.; Priced at Z.UU r, Carter'Unlon Suitsi Trom $10 to $5.00 Yi '.-''Carter". Union Suits once ' worn, always" worh. ' Particular ' men will have no other. ;-Allweights in wool and cotton. Every gar-" f C IA ment perfect in fit and finish. Priced from ?1.50 up to 4.UU 010 Silk Waists ro Second Floor. Charming new models in taf fetas, messalines, chiffon, crepe de chene, brocaded .silks and combinations of chiffon end brocaded velvets, exquisitely " dainty styles in great variety; all sizes; tA QO valued to $10 are now priced ;at. tPtaJP Holiday Sale Second floor.' Entire line children's coU ored fclfc Hats and Bonnets, from $1.65 to $4.25, on sale at just HALF PRICE Fancy Knit Shawls, ; 75$ up to 4.T5 Child's Blanket Bath Robes, only 11.69 Plain and fancy Tea Aprons in all styles, on sale at 29F, 59eS 89$, up to f 3.75 LieatlierNGoodo For Xmas gifts. ' Card Tets, ; Toilet : Sets, Manicure Sets, Neckwear and Glove Cases and, Sets, Wallets, Bill Cases, Card Cases, etC" Complete" stocks, r moderate prices. Hand Bags.. 98c, $1.98, $2.98, $3.89 to $17.50 Collar Bags ....... ...69c, 93c, $1.37 to $2.49 Music Rolls. . .. . . . .93c, $1.19, $1.49 and $1.93 Handkerchiefo In Immense Assortments The" one "gift "that" will be pleasing toalI. Our Christmas stocks are' now replete with anything you may desire in this line. Depatt ment ':Mainv;Floor.,:u':.. Inintial Kerchiefs, 6 for $1.00 Misses' fine Initial Handkerchiefs ' of im ported Irish linen, Hand embroidered . ini tial. Six in fancy Xmas box. .. , , . ; Initial Kerchiefs, 6 for $1.00 Women's pure .Irish linen - Kerchiefs, with narrow hemstitched edge and hand-embroidered initial. , Six in neat box. , , , t, "Amryswyr'Kerc'fs, 3 for 50c "Amryswyl"',? pure : linen hemstitched Ker chiefs: peasant needle art embroidered. Put up 3 in attractive box; T . Child's Kerchiefs, 3 for 15c Children's hemstitched Kerchiefs, with or without initial; also plain white with colored border. v Put up in handsome Xnias box. "Brctonne" Kerchiefs, 6 $2.00 Women's "Bretonne" .Kerchiefs, finest im ported Irish linen, with hand-embroidered corner. Narrow hemstitched edge. ; - v . "Innesf all Kejrchief s 3 $1.50 Narrow hemstitched edge,' peasant needle art embroidered and initialed. Pure linen Three in a pretty Xmas box. .-, o - . ( "Onyx"! Silk Hose $1.75 and $2.00 ( Qualities, Pair Main floon Superb assortment of women's black and colored Silk Hose in heavy, me dium and gauze weights. "Black, with fancy colored clocks and black with CI OC lisle tops and soles. All sizes, pr. vl.OD $1J50 "Onyx" Silk Hose $1.C0 Women's "Onyx" Silk Hose of excellent quality. Plain black, white ' and popular colors.- Reg. $1.35 and $1.50 values; all sizes. $1.50 "Onyx" Em. Hose $1.10 "Onyx'1 Silk Hose for women, fancy self embroidered. ' Splendid quality, in black, white and leading shades. See them now. $1.75 "Onyx" Silk Hose $1.35 Women's black silk Hose, with lisle tops and soles. All hand embroidered in self and colored designs. , All sizes. ( : " v $3.00 "Onyx": Silk Hose $1.95 Wdmen's all black' hand-embroidered Silk Hoser alsowhite," pink, sky, bronze gold and silver, .Very richest of designs. $5.00 "Onyx" Silk Hose $2.85 "Onyx" Silk Hose in a fine selection of artistic, exquisite ornamental hand-embroidered designs. $3.75 to $5 values. . Infants' Stockings, 35c Pair Infants' medium 'weight seamless silk and wool Hose, fine ribbed, in white, sky, black, or tan. Sizes 4J4 to . V Child'sT25c Hose, 3 for 50c Fine ribbed, fast black, double knees and extra spliced heels, soles and toes. Sizes 7 to Zyi,.. Regular 25c quality, ; ; ( "Pony" Stockings,. 25c Pair "Wayne Knit"' Indestructible Stockings for boys and girls. Fine ribbed, medium or heavy weight - Sizes 6 to 10. , Women's Winter Udwr., 50c Women's fine ribbed; heavy" weight fleece lined Vests and Drawers. Gray or white, high necks, long sleeves, ankle length. $2.50 Union Suits, at $1.93 "Carter' Union Suits for women, wool and cotton mixed, winter weight, high neck, long sleeves, ankle lengthj $150 grade. ; !rode' Union Suits, $15 Hand finished, tuck stitch, fleece lined Un ion' Suits for women, winter weight, high necK, long sleeves, ankle length Boys' 07.50 Suits 03.95 Boys' all wool School Suits in several styles, some with extra pair of pants. Double-breasted models in fancy blues, tans, browns; extra well made. Regular values tig, to $7.50. . v ' . Boys' $15.00 Suits S7.95 All wool double-breasted Knickerbocker Suits; smarts stylish models, cut full to allow plenty of freedom. Fancy grays,, blues, browns and tans. Ages 9 to 17 Values up to $15.' ' " years. Special Shoe Bargains Main Floor. Special reductions on all men's and women s Footwear tomorrow and Saturday. Hun dreds of styles to choose from. , Button and lace effects. $5.50 and $6.00 Shoes, Special at $4.85 $4.50 and $5.00 Shoes Special at $3.85 Regular : $4.00 Shoes, Special s only $3.4g Regular $3.50 Shoes, : Special only ; $2.98 Bisoin caczBV-XAXv nooi Women's Crepe Kimonos at $1.79 Stylish New Waisls, Spec'l 5115 Women's Crepe Kimonos Iri plain and figured designstyled Empire, shirred waistline and side fasten ings, Some with large satin col lars, f Many Styles and all sizes.- I'riced at only $1.79 Dainty styles in Lingerie Crepe and Marquisettes, high or low necks, long ot short sleeves, open back or front." Attractively trimmed with French knots; embroid- d1 , t P cry, etc. 34 to 46, at only 82 Embroidered Corset Covers at 51.37 Main -l'Ujor. Beautiful serai-made hand loom Corset Covers.' f-l nn I'ut up in handsome box. We special them at low price of Ol.Ol : fll tin mr r rl CT1 CD ' Butter at Delivered only ; with other pur chases Grocery Dept. 4th Floor Choice Seeded Raisins, pkg. : 7$ Orange Peel at only, pound 15 Lemon Peel only, the pound 15 ' Citron Peel at only, pound 17$ -Ctrrrantsrspecial packa jcat 10 . 50c Frou Frou Wafers only 35 Ililvilla Ceylon Tea, pound 75 ' ' i rDp.DenttohSleepIiniCj Garments 50c to Gl.lO Children's Udwr. Dept., Main Floor "Dr. Denton" Sleeping Garments" for children are made from fine knit merino fabric, neatly finished and designed, especially for children who give their night clothes hardwear. Soft, durable and elastic in texture. Sizes for children I to ' 10. CI Ifl These garments are priced from 50 to OltlU Children's Fleece Lined Underwear Fine ribbed, heavy winter weight Shirts and Panta lets for children from 1 to IS years of age. Shell finished, with covered seams; excellent fitting and of extra good quality. This. line in cream only, or Lined with soft warm fleece. The garment )C Child's .Merode" Undcnvcar, From Ce to 4'Merod'"Undewear hand fimsheiina,nd'87!3rarred tT r.: tion, ' Children's garments come in winter weight wool' TOYLAND ca4SIi Flcc?l mixed. High neck and loner sleeve shirts and anVle lcr In sizes to fit children 2 to 15 years of a;je. We aNi in won'.en's Underwear. Children's garment, n AJvvryj r-1: L: t!.2 C . '