THE 1 OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL", PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY. EVENING, DECEMBER 4, 1912. tr Tlhe . .Stoire ' of ' "Easy Slh jpipiimg' ? Opmaiiiip Iff Ob Italian rWeZ Marbles ; 1 vVLK7 'V rJ ""any of these are familiar to U i r7v5: 1 .all in their fflMmirtcr urhi4-nea W MM v4 1. ' I ".( ' .... ' 1 ' 1 ..all in their o-lramincr wMt-nea while others we are showing I are new and present the won- jl dcrful cloudy tints so peculiar i' in, rar mirkUa ' mauvy ashes of roses and dull amber. - One-very handsome 'piece entitled "History" is of a woman in a delicate rose col ored robe; she is seated upon a settee of very beautiful marble, making the figure about 24 in ches high. This is priced at 9165. Other nieces are marked as follows: Jeanne D'Arc . . . ; . . $25 Laughing Boy S27 Venus De Milo.$13.50-$20 The Greek Slave 13.50-820 Three Dancing Girls. . . . .S22 The Thorn Puller. .$15-$23 Cupid and Psyche ........ 812 Cupid and Psyche. ; . . . .$27 Ambition . . . . ..... .... . $00 Rest (an exquisite piece) . . . . $170 The prices range all the way , between these quoted. '' Sixth Floor. ' MEN'S STORE Here Men Have the Joy of Distinctive Style. Not Only Correct Fashions, but Correct Ap plication ot Them to Individual Requirements Hosiery, Handkerchief and Tie Sets I Combination Xmas Box for Mep Necktie, Hosiery and Handkerchief A ttractively Boxed No trouble now in matching colors-j-a Joint that appeals to fastidious men. The handkerchief is edged with a shade that matches the socks and the tie is shown in the same color. All are attractively put up in a Christmas box and would make an ideal gift One that wouldplease any "man. Price a box, $1.00 and $1.50 TIE AND HOSIERY IN BOX Silk four-in-hand and silk hose shown in gray, wine. tan. navy and purple.1 The hose and tie match in color. A , , wv u , .Fnce,-:sd;.;pl,UU..:; . J NOVELTY TIE AND HOSE SET Silk accordion knit hose and tie in black and white, blue and white, black and red and other combination colors. Price, per set, $li25; Vint ' rioor Stealing One Month From the Calendar In This Great Unexpected Sale , New Suits- New Goats New Dresses Taken From Regular Stock ' And Offered at LESS Than January Prices A Sale Unexampled, ' Unparalleled, Without Precedent Bmmonba, pearls; anb tfjer rectousi Atones Set in All the Newest and Finest Effects The only aim in our advertising is to get the real facts of our ' goods andprices before you in a way that carries conviction. The fame of many specialty jewelry stores rests upon reliability and high prices. Our fame is based on reliability and low prices which is a more intelligent and a more progressive combination. A pure diamond or a perfect pearl loses none of its beauty foe having been bought where silks and oriental rugs and stfmptuous linens are sold. Our jewels have the quality and their settings have the dis tinctive artistic workmanship that are displayed by the special ist, so why not buy here, particularly when our prices are lower than the specialty stores? FINE WHITE DIAMONDS IN TIFFANY SETTING Single stone rings, perfectly cut fine white diamonds set in 14-karat gold or platinum. These rings are specially priced from $12.00, $24.00, $35.00, $75.00 to $260.00 THE LATEST DESIGNS IN NOVELTY RINGS r-Gorgeously set rings comprising the banquet, Princess and cluster styles. Set with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, opals, pearls and turquoise. Some are set with combination stones, and others of fine, intricate platinum work outlined with small diamonds. . SPECIAL FANCY RINGS, PRINCESS STYLE Diamond and ruby set in platinum, special. $95 00 All diamond settings in platinum, special . .'. .$60 to $175 DIAMOND BANQUET RINGS Set in gold and platinum, prices from $85.00 to $175.00 Diamond and ruby banquet rings $513500 Diamond and sapphire banquet rings J5175 00 Diamond and sapphire cluster rings. . . . .$75.00 to $9000 Diamond and pink topaz cluster rings $4500 Diamond and ruby cluster rings .$75 00 Diamond and emerald cluster rings $10000 Diamond and turquoise cluster rings ' ' . $10000 Diamond and opal cluster rings ".7.7. $90 00 PLATINUM AND GOLD DIAMOND BRACELETS Bracelets both wide and narrow, set with "single stones or Clusters of stones. Ranging in prices from $10.00 to $300 PLATINUM AND GOLD DIAMOND BAR PINS All sizes and styles gorgeously set and wrought in many novel designs. Prices . , $12.00 to $295.00 BROOCH PINS SET WITH DIAMONDS OR PEARLS Prices range from. $10.00 to $50.00 PLATINUM AND DIAMOND EAR DROPS Long, narrow effects ring styles or single stones. Prices range from... , . .$60.00, $120.00 to $135.00 . NEWEST'LA VALLIERES OF PLATINUM ' Set; with diamonds, emeralds - and diamonds and pearls Bowknot, cluster and scroll effects with single.and double tan-, dem of graceful drops.: All the very latest desiens. Prices . -nr. no, $25,00, $3750. S50.00 to aiSnn The Greatest and Most Important Event of Its Kind lhat Will Be Held This Season. Any .Garment in This Sale, Special This sale was primarily planned for women desiring to make advantageous purchases of wearing apparel. It Is composed en tirely of modish, correct garments, and, incidentally, qualities and stvlesnot freauentlv oresented in Ka1(fl at this 4-imi We selected this, the psychological moment, when these garments appeal to the practical woman as a most desirable Christmas gift. Though modestly priced, they afford worth while economies, for in almost every instance the reduction from regular is from a third to a half, and even more. A Goat Tale Tersely Told Coats of plain and fancy woven materials such as cheviots, boucles and fancy Scotch cloakings in every new and desirable style. . - - - - - . Coats 56 inches long, plain and fancy trimmed effects, as well as the popular Johnny-coat in 42 aend 48-inck length.; Some of these coats are made semi-fitting, with storm collars and belted backs, others loose fitting and velvet and braid trimmed. The Story of the Suits , Every new and popular style is included In this sale of suits in . plain tailored and fancy trimmed effects. Made of serges, cheviots, whipcords and fancy mixed mate-; rials, in black, navy, wine, brown, taupe and iancy two-toned effects. Every jacket is lined with silk and made in the correct thirty-two-inch length. The skirts are modeled on the new straight gored style. A Brief Sketch of the Dresses Smartly tailored dresses of serges, velvets, corduroys and shep herd checked cloths. Every new style in plain tailored and fancy draped models is represented here. These dresses are suitable for all occasions, and can be had in all the fashionable colors. Dancing and Party Frocks Of chiffon in light blue, pink, white, maize and lavender. Fjr misses and small women. Made in becoming simple styles. TMrd Floor New Chiffon Waist Patterns SELLING REGULARLY TO $3.95 " Very Special $1.38 Sold at the Lace Department, First Floor These waist patterns are of the finest quality chiffon cloth, with plenty material for making an entire waist in the kimono style. They are embroidered in silk in many handsome and effective patterns, and outlined with a dainty soutache braid. The colors are white, cream, brown, navy, Alice, sky blue, old rose, gray, black in fact, all the desirable shades can be found. When made up you will.have a waist that cannot be duplicated for less than $9. . postscript1' The Luxury of Wide Aisles Looking , out from , the secure and comfortable mezzanine floor, we surveyed the throngs of holi- day shoppers, some bustling about in ereat hasten others loiterirf? over the counters or strolling leis urely from one section to another. , ' "How happy , every one is !" bubbled the girl in. the blue suit, 1 as she leaned over the railing to 1 get a' better view. '"It doesn't, seem like the . 'strenuous season , at all. Yet the joy and the ex citementare here.' ( r ,. , "Perhaps it's the holly color i; scheme," I remarked, as I : took ' note of the cheery garlands of red : and, green which transformed-the stately pillars, and I seemed to ' make the place glow with warm light and welcome. . . 1 . The girl in blue smiled her ap- , preciation. ' '"It is beautiful," she replied;. ' "but I think there is another rea .son. It's the glorious spacious-.' ness of the place. You can wan- der at will here, even at this sea- . son, and not be jostled or pushed. The aisles are so broad that there is room for everybody.'. , I glanced over the constantly moving crowd at the," wide" -soaces between the counters. Jul ' noted the air of freedom aijd ease which prevailed. I remembered scenes of disorder and hopeless confusion that had characterized my Christmas shopping expedi- ' tions in other places and shud--dered. ' ' . v There is room enough In these broad aisles to install dozens of sales tables the familiar long, " harrow kind with their potpourri " of odds and ends and "flaunting bargain signs. But it is not the -intention of the Lipman, Wolfe & Co. store to do this. Even though there be hosts of bargains crying out to be displayed, and though the business arguments in favor of added sales- at this , season, this store will hold to its ctistom of giving every consideration to its patrons including the luxury of broad, spacious aisles. . Success here is not measured entirely U the volume of sales. There still ii f fte4slsujtea and . -ethics of business that mean much - to-this store. Navajo" . Indian Rufjs $2.00 Each These Navajo rugs 'come in small sizes from 20 inches to 24 inches square. . fThey make ideal pieces fpf sofa . pillows,- table mats, chair i seats and many other uses, i Genuine Navajo ruga in larger sizes sell from $2.50 to $45.00 each. Fancy Bath Robe Blankets $2.47 EACH ' V These blankets are full size, large enough to make a complete robe for any adult Woven in fancy and conven tional patterns or Jacquard effects with . borders " to match. .All the -best color combinations such as gray, pink, light blue, red, brown, dark blue, tan and green. The . material in these ' robes is of a fine soft quality. At the Flash of the GREEN LIGHT Wherever you see :he flash of the green aght you know at ance that it signals a ipecial sale. It indi cates at all times an unusual, advantageous and economical of ferine. xi unci. is wc inven tion of our patrons to important, safes, often not advertised. It is your guide to the many special events constantly oc curring t h r o u ghout the store. In every instance it blazes the wav tn practical, substantial economy. Q Columbia and ' ' Victor -lkinMachineT SlDowri $1 Week Delivered to your home upon the first payment. -: ' - Large Cover All Aprons Special 59c Selling Regularly at 85c. These aprons are made of dark or light colored percales in checks, stripes and figured pat terns. Some plain colored. In pink and blue. Made with round neck, ki mono sleeves, with bound or piped edges. Full length but toning down the back and with belt ' $1.25 INFANTS' AND CHIL DREN'S SWEATERS, .. SPECIAL 790 These sweaters are knit' in a ; fancy stitch, with high 'neck, turnover collar style and belted, In cardinal, white, white with blue trimmings and white with red trimmings. ; Sizes l, 2 and 3 years. extrx Just received children's new, Dutch aprons from Berlin. En tirely new in style and In fab-' ric; Prices 75c to 85c - - Holiday Umbrellas $2.50 Each Made of taffeta silk, paragon frame, cases and tassels. Hun dreds of up-to-date handles to se lect from in plain and carved woods, silver trimmed woods, gun metal in various shapes, rose woods, cherry and horn, all de tachable. Sizes for men and women. - Holiday Umbrellas $3.50 Each Made of extra quality taffeta, taped edged and' waterproofed. The frames are tested paragon Hbs and steel rods. The handles come in fancy carved hardwoods in 12 and 14-inch, silver arid gold capped woods, all detachable. Sizes for men and women. Holiday4 Umbrellas ' $5.00 Each , ; Black and colored imported -silks oh best quality English1 frames, extra tight rolL Women's - handles are ebonized directoire, . hand -carved : woods, long effects, embossed solid silverf carved eboay, pearl and silver combinations and gold capped, all de tachable. Sizes for men and women. .,- , rirst-rioot Chafing Dishes and Percolators. Enjoy the Sunday evening , , meal, the preparation there of, as the cozy little party gather about the bubbling brew. Ah! that is when things taste the oest. . . THREE-PINT CHAFING DISH, $5.00 In nickel or copper finish, with the latest improved alcohol burner, ebony handles and hot water pan. . CHAFING FORK AND SPDOM i osr These are of heavy nickel plate, and go well with the above chafing dishes. ' STOVEPERCOLATOR, $3.75 Being of heavy nickel elate, it ma v h set on the stove without the least danger of injury. Ebony handle and improved pump; size V pints. Sixth rioor , Chafing Dish Accessories in Great Assortment 1 .fH' ' I a