The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 03, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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AKElt-Tli Buker PUycti In "The Wosun
Ho Mitrrktcl." ' '. ;". '' ' "'"'.'' '''.
lAmckentlug & Hood Munlcul Coroefljr com-
puny in "JiiB ierry Miiuiren. , -, ,
TUH EMPMiH ViiiflevlUe. , ' "; '.
I' A NTAOKSVtudwrlllo. V '"' .
V- Kor muiMment tdTWtlnlnr . ft
Weather Conditions.
Portland and vicinity Bain ton'rht nd
Wfdniidr. Bouth to outhweirt wind. -,-.
Oregon Rain went, rala or ihow per-
linn tiiiught and wflnaay. , Jni w uiu
own to Matawcrt wioa. .
V8blngtnEli toulghl! na Wednesday,
. Idaho Rula or dow tonlKht end Weauiitflir,
' ,;, V;' C ''' Acting DUtrtct ' ITorecaatet
Woodmen to CeleDrata Webf oot camp
No. . 66, Woodmen; of the World, will
ctltbrate its twentyseconi anniversary
; ' next Friday evening at the temple of
the order, No, 28 Kieventn sireei. ah
; members and :. their , . frlenda ara re
fluested .to bo resent ; The program
will be musical and literary and tome
! ofi ; tha best ' professional talent will
( take part in : tha entertainment. i Sach
woman who attends Will, receive a sou
venir.' There wU be. n addition to the
. general program, dar.cingf throughout
tho .evening. - The program follows: 8
led Ion by tha Lucas & Levanwey or
ehes,tra; address of welcoma by GeorgO
Rossman: vooal selection, by .webioot
camp quortet; short historical talk by
A. I Barbur; vocal solo by Miss uauv
erlna N. Covach: a reading by Miss Dor
othea Yegen; , vocal solo by Robert fcur
ton; awarding of prises by J. ,W. Cfos
ley : selection : by orchestra; solo by
. Bnas MoOrsdie for .Damages For a
broken collar bona and three fractured
ribs, one of which punctured ' a lung,
..Albert Bagner- seeks $26,000 damages
from Walter W.' McCredia, part owner
' of the' Portland baseball clubs, and his
;wlfe, Alice McCredle. Tha suit Is the
rrJtlt of an automobile accidentwhich
frriLurred at Union avenue and Killings'
worth street, ?aat July, when tba boy
1 was run down by tha MoCredles' auto
; mobile as he stepped out from behind
a car which be had Just left. The boy
; resides with his mother,,- Emma tlch-
thorn. and Is It years old. Mrs. Zilch
thorn, as guardian, filed tha suit In the
. circuit court, and charges carelessness
and negligence. . :.
-V.' Assessed 350.Ball Money Becauss
he waa not present In court when his
case was called Charles Jleit waa as
. sessed $260 ball money this morning
and his bondsmen will be called upon
Ho pay the amount. Judge Morrow,; In
r declaring the bond -forfeited, said he
intended to nut an end to tha habit of
men leaving town when cases were to
coma P. ' Halt Was under bonds on an
neal from a 160 fine lor assault ana
.... battery Imposed by the Justice's court.
' axayor .irames Committaa Council
rtien Jy and Schmeer were today ap
pointed by Mayor itugnngni a commit
. tee to confer with City Engineer Hurl
burt a 8 to the best method of securing
'"' the right of way for tha Rhino street
sower through the cornen tract to
- Powell street. The committee has full
power to act. . ' :
. JJomfort Station Bids Opened The
City park board yesterday opened bids
' for - tha construction of a publio com-
Wear Benjamin Clothes
This is'the'Oyercoat
month. Ours, coyer the
whole , overcoat proposi
tion,1 and they're right up
to date. We won't at
tempt a description the
list is too long, the var
riety ! too big and your
time tod valuable to rad
a long-winded .advertise
ment. -Remember, we
are giving one quarter off
" 1 on all our "
Easy Way to Save , 4
Bu f f uiri & " Pendleton
311 Morrison, Opp. Postoffice
Irwin-Hodson Co,
92 Fifth Street
LET US . .
z SELECT ;:-y-7
rThat Chris! mas
Present -;' yi"
Special Monogram Paper
Copper Plata Carols "
Leather Goods . ",
92 Fifth St
The Irwin HoHson Co.
Urt station at Sixth and Tamhlll
titreets. The lowest bid for the work,
which will be done under the surface of
tiia .ntreet. was by the- firm of Gleblsh
& Joplin, the bid of that firm being
$14,689.' . Bids for the construction of
a publio recreation building at Penin
sula park were also opened, but owing
to the fact that each bidder figured on
a different plan, the bids will hava to
ba tabulated before the lowest one can
ba determined. - 1
Thirty Bays for Insulting Woman
Thirty days on tha roc It pile was the
sentence given Ernest Olson this morn
ing In the municipal court for Insult
ing Miss Laura Evans, 890 Kelly street
Olson approached tha young woman at
61S Johnson street where h Is em
ployed. Tha woman ran to a neighbor
for help, the neighbor taking after Olson
with a pistol. Olson stopped, when com
manded to do ao. Patrolman Lima was
nearby, brought tha man to tha pollen
station, keeping him there until fills
morning, : Olson Is employed by a local
hardware firm. H pleaded intoxica
tion this morning.: "Being drunk Is no
excuse for such an offense,1 said Judge
Taiwell. "A man who insults a woman,
drunk or hot drunk, deserves a rock
pile sentence, so the court will five you
$0- flays. ,V.;, ',')': , :yf., ,ff ''
Oonpia Begin Xlfs Anew After
searching the city three days, the father
of ;; ' Sadls , Taylor, 881 : Montgomery
street located her with her former bus
band this morning In the Barton hotel.
Where they had patched up past trouble
and agreed to begin life anew. Taylor
reported Saturday to the police-that his
former' son-in-law" had ' kidnaped the
daughter, taking her to Vancouver,' B.
C but they have been In Portland all
tha time. When tha father located them
a right followed, in which the police
were called. All parties Involved agreed
to go to tha police station; and ' talk
their troubla over with the chief. The
conference was postponed until . after
lunch, as the chief was toot ready to act
as peacemaker. , .-
Boys Conference a' Bncoesa The T.
M. C, A. and church club boys' confer
enca .that closed Sunday night a-Eugene
waa tha best and largest gathering of
its kind ever held In Oregon, it is said.
There were 24? boys - present repre
senting 20 different cities and towns
and HI organisations. Tha boys had
entire .charge of the program through
out tha, two days' conference, and are
credited , With , . bavin t manaaed tha
.meetings extremely well. Portland had
tfle largest number of .visiting delegates.
leaves f 12 f o low Masses That
her soul may rest In peace, Elizabeth
Shane, whose death occurred in New
berg recently, left $126 with which she
directed her sister, Mary Khan to pro
vide low i.itssea. : Tha will waa admit
ted to probata yesterday and shows that
th entire estate is to go. to Mary Shane.
The estate is composed of 2000 shares
of mining stock, two quarter sections
of land, about $500 in cash and two
small lnsuianca policies. , v ,
Approves Claim ' of tlSOO Probate
Judge Cleeton this morning approved a
claim for $1600 brought by tha James
Qleason estate against the Rachel Haw
thorne estate for legal services ren
dered Mrs. Hawthorne by Mr. Gleason.
Tho services were rendered during the
last few years of Mrs. Hawthorne's
life, and were admitted by the Haw
thorne heirs, but for the sake of legal
ity, the matter waa submitted to the
court for a decision, j. v
Tazolct tor 83000 Damages A ver
dict for $2000 damages was returned
by a" Jury in Circuit Judge McGinn's
court this morning in -favor of Bertha
J. Boatright agalnat tha Portland Rail
way, Light & Power Co. She was in
jured by stepping Into a ditch at the
Anabel station, on- tha Mount Scott ear
Una, when the trailer car was stopped
about 20 feet from the station platform.
The damages asked .were $5300. . ...
Xndiaa Aeonsed of Murder Columbia
George, a Umatilla Indian, recently in
dicted for the murder of an Indian
squaw on the reservation near Pendle
ton, was brought from tha county Jail
at Pendleton last night by Deputy Unit
ed States Marshall Will Griffith for
incarceration in tha federal section of
the Multnomah county JalL Ha is held
without ball on a charge of first degree
murdr,.l ' :; .. .1 ......
SCorrison Street Ordered Opened Mor
rison street, between Sixth, and Seventh,
after being closed for more than a week
owing to the dangerous condition of the
MarQUam building, was this morning
ordered r by Mayor Rushlight t oe
opened to streetcar traffic. The mayor
Issued the order alter he had conferred
with Acting City Inspector of Buildings
a. Hi. jvremers.
, Bandy Boniavard r.xteniioa A com
mittee from tha East Side Business
Men's club met with City Engineer
Hurlburt yesterday : to consider a plan
for tha axtehsion of Sandy boulevard
from East Sixteenth and East Davis
streets to tha Intersection of East Burn
side and. East 'Twelfth streets. The
club la back of a movement to consum-
Club' for Monat Bootl Boys. All boys
living In the Mount Bcott district over
15 years old, are" asked to Join the
Lam ex club of tha Laurelwood Method
ist Episcopal church, a recently organ
ized nonsectarlan club. The club meets
every Sunday morning in the clubrooms
of the church and attention is paid to
the social, athietto and moral needs of
the young men. " . '
Annual Christinas Bataar Tha - an
nual Christmas bazaar of St David's
Women's Guild Will ba heW at tha par
ish house, Morrison and East Twelfth
streets, tomorrow afternoon and even
ing; attractive articles for Christmas
presents will be on sale, and a musical
program will be given.
Arrested by federal Authorities A
man giving the name cf Lon. Crawford
was arrested last night at 4J0. Morrison
street and turned over to the federal
officers. . White slavery .charges have
been' made. - Mrs. Crawford, his wife. Is
held as a witness.
Tha' Arts anfl Crafts Shoe for tfc
past four years occupying tha second
floor of tha Til ford : building, is now
located at 404 Morrison street, south
side. New name, The Art Craft and
Curio Shop. Everything new and novel.
Agency tor Dedham pottery, tha Pohlson
Galleries, and genuine Indian curios.
Tern on 1011001 Meeting The Parent-
Teacher association of the Vernon
school wilt hold Its regular monthly
meeting tomorrow at $ oMock. Miss
Harriet Wood, . with . other speakers,
will talk on library work in tha publio
schools. Everyone la cordially invltel
to be presents -
Vamad Engineers F. P.1 Vaughn and
P, M. Lowe were this morning named
engineers at the courthouse, to ufrrf
Charles Powers " and George Peterson.
Tha appointments were dated December
lriw tieh is to faeaiverl00"-"inoHtlL .'""!
sir, O. T. Trbmmald has moVed his of.
floes to The journal building, 7th and
xamnui,,: rnones main 670, A-f876,
Anto Driver a Cowards-James Parens.
a laborer, was struck and dangerously!
Injured by an auto yesterday afternoon 1
at Sixth and Iturnslde street. Tha driver
ran away, leaving the injured man on
the street . Detective : Craddoek was
neatby, taking tha man to the polios
station, whore ha Was given medical
attention. An auto driver by the name
of Hudson struck J. F. Swanson, $19
Grand avenue, last night, stopping to
taka him home. Swanson was crossing
Sixth and Hoyt streets, when the car
tilt him. - . ,v AV v . Y , , ;': , j
Bobbers Vse Taalj Two men using a
taxicab to leave the Foster hotel last
night robbed the room of Stacy Pleas,
ant and A. I Chase. , Tha loss con
sisted of a pair of shoes, gold watch,
fountain pen and $31 In cash. No traoe
f the thieves could be taken up. as
they left the hotel la the auto, their
visit not suspectad until after tha loss
waa reported,. ,;; j:v,, ;
KothWs-Tesohsr's Circle Tha Moth
er's and teacher's Circle of tha Holman
school will hold IfcS 'jmonthly meeting
tomorrow at 1:80" o'clock. , There wl 11
ba an entertainment by the children and
refreshments will ba served, -; vfl-
Btaamer Jessie ' SarUns for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at t p. tn. ' :j. ..
." ;,,,';.T"''""., ) mmmimmm .""-''v ;
Olfforfl'a Oregon Views, framed for
Christmas, 76a. , Commercial work dona
at commercial prices. Studio 41S Stark
street. j
Br. B. O. Browa Moved to 1 15 Mo
hawk building, , Third and :. Morrison
streetst ( , ;
"Safety Yeoman 'insurance Moose
HalV. Thursday night, December 6.
Everybody come.' Admission free. .
- Superior Coal Xs Betteew $.oo a ton;
office, a th at Oak. Main 154, A-1B4L
Jiactora at library Will a. 81001111
ft m ' . ...
j Once. you are familiar with the splendid
service of our garage department, your
worries will cease.
Ft fit A At
s iiwav vi su.v9 uiiu u tare un uie jou
jv every hour of the twenty-four.
. .. tjft i ... 111'
With" at least i $5000 per year KmBitioW Sh3 earning ttpiaty.
' It is possible for a first-clawl bian tcf eanf $10,000 if hie will work'
Kar3 enough. ' '"? """':;-fi'l
After January I I expect to see Uie greatest activity in Portland
realty .we have ever had, and with over $3,000,000 worth of Port
land's best property all ready for sale, I should get my share.
.. . ... t
The properties which I am selling (Westover Terraces, Golf Park
and Eastmor eland) are fully improved and ready for homes. It is
not necessary to draw on your customers' imagination regarding the
improvements. They can see them. , ':-.'
I prefer experiencVd fearestate "meribut that is hot necessary.
Men, who have had selling experience in other lines will receive con
sideration. " '
The most successful men I now have never sold real estate until
toming with me.
, . You must be a live wire, however, because friy offer is a live one,
dealing in live prcperties, and "dead men get lonesome around here.
Call for, interview with Mr. E A. Clark between 9:30 and 12
noon, if possible. 5
lecture St, the East Portland branch
library, east Eleventh and Alder atree'.a,
on ("From Chelan to Crater Lake," this
evening t I o'clock. .
1 Andrew Xaa has retorsed from China
with a unique line of Xmaa goods. Sao
ond floor Globe bldg., 11th and Wash,
trstumal Gifts for Xmaa and prises
for . card parties at the Shop of, Fine
Arts, oomer Seventh and Salmon. ,
. Br. Wm. O. Tlaok, osteopath, moved
to $06-7-$ Ablngton bldg., Third st, bet
Washington and Stark. 3 .
Imported Silks, gowns, embroidered
goods, curios and furniture. Chinese
Bazaar, 410 Morrison. ;
i Peterson's Photos please parfJoular
people. J8H Washington st, 101 Bu
chanan building,
Ba, J. IK, Crowley has moved to 40 $-4
Northwest bldg., N. W.eor. 6th Wash.
Br. W. A. Sogers, osteopathia - Vhy
slcian, has moved to 719 Selling bldg.
Br. O. IS. Wells, Br. 3. Banter Wens,
offices Ablngton bldg. Marshall 44$
Br. Git an Wlieeler removed from Mar
Quara.bldg. to 40J.I Medical bldg.
... -.vp . n M..', 1,. ;.,.;;;. ,; P--
- W.' A. Wis and assocf atea, p arnicas
dentists, Third and Washington, ,
Whaeloclt "mill am s, attorneys; hava
moved to 42(-$-l Henry bldg..
'! Beat 93d Diamond ring at Aronson's.
Dr. Bttelsoa returned, ' Belling bldg.
Bast f2S Diamond ring Aronson's,
What Is lit $1 KENSUAW $t. ;
Andrew Xaa.has fur mandarin coats.
Efficiency Is the key-
yfmmmmmrmmmt 1 ' t
MAIN 6244-
A. ez8
at rwcrfTrrmT
. .
Wait tie Services of
M Ml esiei
Mo;; CL A
Do It Now,
The Xmas photo must be attended to
at ' once. Clouds - and rain don't count
with Aune. You'd do better to get In
ahead of the last week rush and to se-i
Aune, , Columbia building. ;
Is the time to attend to your Christ
mas gift portrait. .There is quality in
my photo etchings, water colors and oil
portraits. C. Elmore Grove, $81 Wash
Ington. .W', :'. ". .:.-
r Dry wood and coal Alblna rul Co,
East 1$3, C-U17. . - '":; .
Bab K UttM K4m'i o roar torbM(l-nllt
S IIUI la our nun nd huloh la inauntlf
Kondoat, th original una tnuin,l
Ctrrhl J.IItU Bli
t, romti, nitMptMi.
oothlnif.oollnnd taMllnf. O.t tab and tou
win iwj. wmii n im jour nom, lor eoini,
ongbs, or tbroat, ektarrh, hy Imf, Mthtna,
to. Sn1Unr tubM, 2Sc ea4 idf M J1 druf la,
Bkmpi FREH. V
KOMtiON MM. ".. WIihwwIIi. TWwe.
t .""L !!!. Ujtar
21 &perts Handle
Each Shirt at
Efficiency in this day ',
means specialization.
From the time a Shirt
enters the Troy Laun-
. dry it is handled Jby 21 dif
ferent people, all expert ia
doing one particular thing.
; The old ironing machine!
are a thing of the past the
modern steam presses a reve
lation to those who do not ,
know how shirts are handled. '.
No. shirt is permitted , to be
delivered before it passes ;
careful inspection. : , ; ;
; If you've 'been dissatisfied lh
with the way your shirts
come back from the laundry,
try the Troy next week.
Ton Can Depend on tha
Troy" . -
Phones: East 33, B-6118.
CBotaford Bcrvioef"
Annrnn! r-riri inn
m wav a 'wa wasaaw
The Keystone Woolea Mills Store, 84 Third street, next door i
the Portland Trust Co., one of the finest clothing and furnbh'uv;
stores in Portland closes its doors.- ' v ,
For years the Keystone Woolen Mills' Store has had a wonderful
trade;' a following the best dressers of the city. Always carrying
full lines of high grade, exclusive clothing, fine hats and furnishings.
The projprietor has spent a small fortune on fixtures, plate glass,
etc. Lavish expenditures have bn made from time to time in
fitting up the interior of 4he store attractively so as to form a proper ,
settino; f or-the high grade classy merchandise, making one of the
exclusive stores of Portland. As the public know, business has not
been at its best in the past year, yet the optimistic proprietor, be
lieving that with his swell store, nothing could ever -happen to
cause business to: fall off, and 'thinking that-ini ordering a larger
winter stock than usual he, could sure make the place pay, he now
realizes his mistake, for he had ordered far more high grade clothing
than any ordinary store could handle... Day after day box after box
of merchandise has arrived, and not until he saw that he could stand
it no longer, and that he was putting up a losing fight, did he give ;.
up and see the doors closed. Just as well be frank about it; the
creditors must have their money. , ' 1 ' t
The Store Is Forced to the Wall
( This beautiful stock consisting of Stratsford System and Griffon
Clothes, Mallory, J. Ji. stetson and imported Trencn veiour uais,
r"1..f CV.;4a rinn.r'i Qi'llr arn4 WnnT .TTndrwar.' TJslfvwf'kil and
Silk Hosiery, Silk Ties, in fact everything to be'fourid in a high class,
up-to-date clothing and haberdashery store.
, Store has been ordered out from top to bottom. Not" one article
is reserved; even the plate glass show cases, tables, counters, etc,
are for sale. Ev?ry article in the store will go. Every classy, dressy,
nobby suit; every article of haberdashery, contract goods and all
will be sacrificed to the one purpose of exchanging it for cash. This
store has failed to meet its bills, and conditions exist wherein cost
and values are ignored, for the stock will go if it has to be sold to,'
the highestbidder. . . . . ','.' . t.
The public will remember that every article, clothing or haber
dashery is guaranteed merchandise with the Keystone labeL-- ;
The store closed its doors last week. In the meantime a large
force of clerks have been employed and are working day and night 4
invoicing this stock and at the same time marking every article in
plain figures and in many cases goods are being marked way below
the wholesale cost.
Sale Will Open Thursday, Dec 5th, 9:30 A. H.
Merchandise will be sold wholesale and retail. A big crowd of
discriminating buyers will be there. It will be the greatest slaughter'
-Portland. TVi'
Keystone ,t Woolen Mills store, 84
btarK, next aoor to ine roruanut j.uai v,w. uaiiv.
Anyone wishing to make bids on all or any part of the stock or
fivfiirM rail at 723 Chamber of Commerce.Maia B129..
For Full Particulars See Wednesday! Papers
Xrtok for Uia Blf aiaotrlo tlffo.
BUT 23
Time to Get
Your New.
We sell the
better kind,
for men and
women, ' at
prices on
rz 4M WaeMarto t, at Teata .
Pbon to
U tin IIS .
, A-2113
" ; ; .. ."'.' if
Prompt delivery fn
eat anil barrel tots.
i WHEN you Kavd to
pay for paving, you
want your, mo&eyY t.
worth. Insist on bi-
tulithic it's proved
ri it'irin n i rr"
m w mmm m m
Third street,' between Oak and
"appHlsTolrie seeder of
convenience, c omfort
and' the appointments
of the best hostelries at ,
a modest rental. Strict-'
: ly i new, fireproof, and
just a step from down
.town. 'With and with
out meals.
Yamhill and LownsHale
Oregon Humane Society
Offloa 330 V&loa Ave.; Cor. Market BU
. noaa East liaa. B-asis.
Horaa ambulanca for alck or disabled
anlmala at a moment's notice, prices
reasonable. Report aH-eases o cruelty
to tbla otfloa, Opao day and xastht,
Foster aSt Kldccr
" Outdoor Advertiser .'
5inrTEB BTTTuUBTXara .
, vosTua i t '
Bart Beveatk aat Zaat Srvratt Streets
U1L - B-8S4,
Your Want
Ads to .
The W
Main 7173
11 0 T E L
Geary Street, tboro Union Squori
' European Plan $1.80 a day ii?
American Plaa $3.00 a day c?
fHaw sled aa4 Wcfc etrwhire. trt
tnoiarm cenvaniaac. Mod. rt-.
Cotr of thtr end rua dwtnet. 0
u lnM traafrri all tt cut. Li
Sria aotatbM Uelas and iwwwt.
. . ..... -
t ' '. ,
f . ; i 1 ' 1