The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 03, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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    Y , , "
:4;-i ,.i'w4,V
11 TO I
forty -Poll of Body Shows
. That Democrats Will Have
L Only Seven . Votes to Their
j Opponents' Seventy-seven.
8otsaj Idaho, Deo. 'The party poll
f the newly fleeted twelfth legislature
f Idaho shows that the. Republican
will have 7 votes to 7 for tha Demo
crats when the two houses meet In Joint
Uenion. The aenata Is made up of 11
f.epublleans and 3 Democrat; the house,
I Republicans and 4 Democrats. ;
J , Sonata Membership. .
Tbe membership of the senate, aooord
Jng to' tba official canvass, will be aa
fellows!. t, ' , '
Ada county Sherman D. Fsirohnd,
Jlepubllcan, Mora,
J Adama county (Joint dlatriot with
Washington county) Edward M. Bar
Ion, Republican, Welser.
t Bannock county J. Frank Hunt,, Re
Jvubllcan, Swan Lake. 1
t Bear . Xka county J, R. Bhepherd,
Republican, Paris.
f Bingham county (Joint district with
JJonneviUe eounty)deorg W. Kdglng
,on. Republican, Idaho Falls.
Blame county Joseph O. Hedrlck,
Republican, Hailey,
a Bolae county Charles W, Luck, Re
publican, Lardo.
Bonner county Byron Defenbach,
Republican, Sandpolnt.
Bonneville county (Joint district,
Jvlth Bingham' county George W. Edf
gngton Republican, Idaho Falls, i
Canyon county H. "C "BaldrlAge, Re
jjrabllcan Parma. .
Cassia county Hector C, Haight, Re
publican, Oakley, ,
v Clearwater county (Joint dlatriot
yith Iewts county) Adams O. John
on. Republican, Nes Perce. -
i Custer county Rvnel . Maobeth,
democrat; Mackay. " . .
Elmor county Worth S. Lea, Repub
!can,,,Mountainhome. , ' '
Fremont county John W. Hart,, Re
publican, Menan.
I Idaho oounty Hiram E, Sweet, Re
publican, Grangevllle.
Kootenai county P. W. Johnson, Re
publican, Cocur d'Alene,
Latah county George Fields, Repub
lican, Moscow.
5 Lemhi county Don C, Reed, Demo
crat, Leaxlore,
Lewis . county (Joint district with
Clearwater) Ailams O. Johnson, Repub
lican, Nea Perce.
i Lincoln county C. F. Borden, Repub
lican, Shoshone,
i Mes Perce county Jacob L. Ooodwln,
Republican, Lewlston.
t pnelda county D. W, Darla, Republi
can, American Falls.
I Owyhee county Dow Dunning, Darn
erat. Enterprise.
I Bhoshone county -Walter H. Hanson,
Republican, Wallace.'
1 Twin Falls county C, A. Robinson,
Republican, Twin Falls.
I Washington county (Joint dlatriot
dur Adams. county) Edward M. Bar
fori. Republican, Welser. .
'" Directory of zflalatoM. ' -
Tha official ' eanvaea rlrta out the
jeraonnelf of tba house of repreaenta-
fives lor we twwiia aessioa aa xoi
lows: ' .
Ada eonnty Charles F. Koelsoh.
Charles D. Storey and H. A. Lawson of
Boise; Frank M. Oardnar of Eacle and
fr. IL McDermott of Meridian, all Re-
publlcanSr '
i Adams county William M. Brown,
Eiepubucan, Xandora.
Bannock county 11 V. A. Ferroaoti
f Focatello; D J. Lau of Soda Springs,
nd W. IL Menflsnhall of Thatoher, all
I Bear Lake county -Fred C. Bvajia of
JThomaa Fork, afid Charles E. Wright of
aviontpeller. both Republicans. -
Bingham couhty P. O. Johnston and
Inert B. Dickenson, both of Blackfoot
oth Republicans, ) ''
Blaine county Stewart Campbell of
alleys John E. Parks of Howe, both
Boise county Arnold Maoklas, Re-
tubllcn, Roaoberry.
t Borner county A. H. Connor and
Earl D. Farmln, both of fiandpolnt, and
p.- B. Elliott of Bonner-a Ferry, all Re-
, . Bonneville oountr W, L. Bhattuck
and Charlea L. Warnlck, botb of Idaho
Falls, both Republican.
i Canyon county A, J. Rockwood of
Roswoll, a 8. French of New Plymouth,
R. W. Oakes of Caldwell. Henry a
xlakes delicious doughnuts
, Xottolcne makes delicious
dpughnuts free from sogginess,
' grease and indigestion. Therea-
fn ti3 tnat Cottolene contains
vegetable oil not animal fats
Ihfeats to a much higher degree
,t$an butter or lard, fries so
jcjiickly that it forms a crisp, dry
cfust over the dough and prevent
,the absorbing of the fat
! 'Cottolene is decidedly better
than butter or lard for all short
cping and frying.-; Itis healtnier,
', it is quickeiiit is more economical.
;Coltoleco costs no more than
lard; you use but two-thirds of a
Ppund of Cotto
Hae to do the
vcork of "a full
pbund of hutter
OttoIoM b never
t'ii in bulk al
v?y in e!rtigfat
it from dirt.
Bradley of Nampa and Harry T, Lewis
of Frultland. all Repumican. -
Casata county David A. Taylor, R-
publlcan, Burley. ' ' '
Clearwatnr county William C. Chand
ler. Republican, Oroflno.
Custer countv,C. A. Clark, Demo
crat, Jfnckay,
' Elinor? rounty-sfoaeph Rosevear,- Re
publican, Oli'iinw T'Vrry, - . .
Fremont" county Ouy E. Bowerman
Of fit. Anthony, Ralph 8. Hunt of Rex
burg, Rohert Gilchrist of LewlavlUe and
Rodney I). Merrill of Ann ton, all Repub
lican. . '
Idaho county Abe h. Harchelrode of
Winona and H. Floyd Church of Orange
Ville, both Republican.
Kootenai county William H. Edel
blute.of Rathdrum, Roger O. Weame Of
Coeur d'Alene, Charles A. Norton of
Hayden Lake and William S. Sargent of
St. Maries, all Republican.
Latah county Columbus; Clark of
Jullactta, William H. Mason f Moscow,
and August II. Oversmlth of Troy, an
Lemhi county Roy B. Hemdqn, Dem
ocrat, Salmon City,
- Ijewla ' county Eugene S, Friend,
Democrat, Kamlah, -
.Lincoln county R. L. Adams of Ru
pert, and E, Ralph Evank ef Qoodlnr,
both Republican,
,Nes Perce county George Fincke of
Cameron, and Sherman C, Cast of Cul-
ilesac, both Republioan. .
Oneida - county James Nellson of
Weston, Adelbert Henderson of Clifton
and James Johnson of Preston, all Re
publican. ' '
Owyhee county William Healy, Dem
ocrat, Silver City.
Ehoshone 'county Albert H, Feather
stone of Wallace, Robert O. Jones and
J. M. Sinclair, both of Kellogg, all Re
publican, i . 1
Twin Falls county O. I' Hay ford and
Fred Nlhart of Buhl, and C E. Booth of
Twin Falls, all Republican.
Washington county Frank D. Ryan,
Republican, Welser. ' : "
For advertising cigars Callfornlan
has patented a figure Of a seated man
which realistically raises a lighted
Cigar to Its lips, draws soma smoke Into
us mouth and expels it as tha cigar Is
(tlolted Prew Leed Wire.) '
Weehawken, N. J Deo. 3. Blind 40
run. Mr. Amanita Cola. 48. never
knew the cause of her Infirmity until
wtiilam,' hr ,17-vear-old son., acci
dentally shot her in the forehead. The
knit a flattened out a trains t tha bono
and did not seriously injure Mrs. Cole,
but physicians in examining the wound
discovered that her skull was mora than
twin tha mirm.ll thlckneatr. Thev said
that undoubtedly tha thick skull . had
pressed against the optlo nerves and
atrophied them, thus causing bllmlnesM.
Tha bullet flattened over that portion
cf the brain where scientists agree aighf
nerves center, jui uvctura iiku u
operation would probably not restor
tha woman's vision, berauaa the opti)
nerves had been so long disused as to
b atrophied.
,'" Huntington, Or., Dec. 8. Con- '4
' alderable disausslon has -bvn " 4
aroiised by the discovery of a 4
4 large body of gold quarts on the ' 4
4 , hill within a few blocks of the 4
4 Ctpot at this place. It was 4
4 found by Dan Gallagher, an old 4
4 time miner and sheep foreman, '4
4 1 who has roamed ' the eastern 4
4 ' Oregon hills for many years'. 4
4 Dan says It la good, but is tak- ' 4
4 ' Iff steps to have- tha quarts , 4
: 'properly assayed, lit doesn't 4
know yet whether to placa the 4
4 valye of his find in the one or 4
4 1 two million class, but la positive 4
4 that he has made a great find, 4
4 yet one that has been walked 4
4 'over and ridden, over by thou 4
4 sands. ' 4
4 4
3 ...j .."!"."" m 1 :"" T- ' ,i. ,
-'if "you hava dyspepsia try a continu
ous treatment of hand inada Jabor.
sk Pun Fifiiinrnuin?
''"' Ill 1.1 ,i . t I
In a few momenU your hair looks oft, fluffy, lustrous j&nBl
; ' nbundant No falling hair or dandruff. ,
Surely, try a "Danderlne Hair Cleanse"
if you wish to Immediately double the
beauty 'of your hair. Just moisten a
cloth with Danderlna and draw It care
fully through youV - hair, ' taking one
small strand at a'ttroa, this will cleanse
tha hair of duat, .dirt or any excessive
oil in ' a few moments you will bo
amaied. Your hair will be wavy, fluffy
and abundant and possess ai. lnooin
parable softness, lustre and luxuriance,
the beauty and shimmer of true" hair
boalUi... . -i-,i.,"i ,i;
Besides beautifying the hair, one ap
plication of Danderlne dissolves every
partlnla of Dandruff; cleansea, purifW"
and Invigorates the eoalp, forever atOp
ping itrhlng and falling hair.
Dandorlns is to the hair what freah'
showers ofii rain and aunshlne ara to
ve(?etatIon., It goes right to the roots, !
invigorates and strengthens them. , Its
exhilarating, stimulating and Ufa producing-
properties cause the hair to .
grow abundantly long, atrong and beau- 1
tifuu ;,"'.'
You can feurciy have pretty, soft,
lustrous hn!r, and lots of It, If you wllt
.lust gf t a 9 cent bottla of Knowlton'a
Danderlne from any drug store or toilet
counter and try l as directed.
Mm Vff 'W I I I .M1 U I I I 1 IT t ' mi ... I r 1 l'""naMl I I II H I I II1 III '1';! l I sj iF ' ; .
& am m nm rn m mm re j sj ,fw v
Here it another masterpiece of Port
M, V" m,in pint
land architecture. Many of you
will recognize it at a glance. You
know where it is, and that is the ,
I wish to bring out
Out Lovejoy to
Road, and
out Cornell
to Westover
The first thing for a man to consider, of course, is whether he shall
build a home. , -
The next point is, what character of a home shall he build?
The third point, and the one that will mean more to him, as the years
go by, than either the determination to build a home or the character
of a home he shall build is,
Too , many men build their homes on a certain lot, SIMPLY BE
That's the poorest excuse any man can advance.
I know a score of people, excellent people, men and women of good
judgment, who built a home upon a lot because they OWNED IT.
That's their only reason.
You should exercise just as much care, more, in fact, in determining
where you will build your home, as the kind of a home you will build.
If the man who built this home had investigated the merits of several
other building sites before he built this magnificent home, he would
not have built it where he did.
I am satisfied that the biggest proportion of homes of elegant appoint
ments that are built in Portland within the next two years, WILL
$4500 per lot.
Terms. . . , , .
Director of Sales, 818-823 Spalding Building.
I" a!w3ys uniform
t J dependable.
, f,,,, -e, J .i,!