- THE OREGON SUNDAY ; JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, ,1912. r j ill elective, It orowuir Either Employer or Employe " , May Not Accept Provision ;jof Compensation Act; Notice Must Be Served State. s 5. v "The proposed . workman' compensa- - lion bill, whlca-waa drafted by -ft com- inlttee appointed by Governor West and , , nubjnltted lor his approval recently, was ;nmd Uctlvf and, not compulsory on , wither Employer or employe, for the iMson that there is a grave doubt If - the present compulsory compensation ' .Jaws now In operation are constitution - - el. Recording to James B. Kerr, a mem 'br of, the drafting: committee.. .. 4,Ia regard to the propostdvregon measure,'? said Mr. Kerr, nO-4UeUoa of, constitutionality can be raised , be- - m use the act la elective la character. Washington and : New York excepted, lother states having compensation Jawa; '' have adopted the elective system ahd .their; constitutionality has been' uj; Ulned, "While the New . York law baa' . already ; been held unconstltutlotial b . flip court of appeals, the highest court. o( the state.. ' This- court-Jheld it was In ilolatlon of both,tfa federal and stats : X N &"i Must Share 'With mty$:$: , " When the committee undertook the ' work, of drafting- the.iOempehsatlon bill ,,-the provisions of similar bills njw In .operation were carefully staled,' 'jud I UUewe patterned oir bill largely "on . the- Washington :'lawii jso? truly termed composite. 'K ''P' - T- . i "The commission undertook tthe work : ithr A view to the,facV thaf three f parties are vitally ulionferfteds, in tb ,"peration of the measure, They' are ) the employe, employer, and the taxpay . ers.' t Under the present system, which 1 la well nigh unendurable, the law is so 4 complex, and the machinery of courts 1 J sol Involved that 'In litigation, a work man , Is compelled, usually, to enter on a protracted .lawsuit, and If he does ? wtp,1 must shares a Judgment with his I attorney, who1 does nothing more than uo convince Court". ,nd Juries of an obll '. 1 ration that clsld..f ram . th f lrt ;' "And the mpldih3ftalUoii'-'a(oL cases is mtie netter. ;i.nJa few-in-" stances, he is curable f6t.,the' Injury (f an employe, but'ditajrathered , at various nlacea indlcktWa thi-'lari-ef hni. ; portion of Injury to!; mpifoes occur jrom aangers innerent in the occupation i: and! from dangers which human ftfroj sight can. not guard ga'fnfct. '.:,- . "Many employers thoritopk vi liability Insurance feiri: protection, out that .does not do awa with lawsuits -'end, the consequent heavy economic . waste. ,, v "The third party the public bears the burden of costs of keeping in oper j atlon the machinery of the courts. This Ms the taxpayers' . contribution to this ' economic waste. And In addition, many workmen. Impoverished through injuries . that keep him from productive labor, f com to be wards of the- commonwealth. "Again, the public bears the burden, v Poverty engenders crime, and once more , the taxpayer is called upon to pay, ' i .', Employer Hay Sefuse. k . '"These are a few of the reasons why . the commission prepared a bill which, . I believe, will do away with much of . .",1111s great waste, and injustice, which follows la the train of the present sys- c- tem. ' n.- "In making the act elective,' we real ized the sentiment of, a large propor tion of persons affected by legislation , of this character la In favor of mak- J Ins; It compulsory, but the question of , constitutionality stood la the way, for " one thine. ?As a result, we drafted it lny such a manner that any employer can ef use to work under It. If he does so, however, he ' shall not . be permitted to plead In , defense of any action brought bys hi ' injured workmen that thelhjury was a - result - of contributory -'taegllgence, the negligence of a fello .servant or that ' th; Injured person asaumed the risk X which resulted in his Injury "As regards the wofrkmsnIJi ,t ' idem enaaced In hazardous oceutiatton automatically coma uniW h prpvialons f unless he verves notice In writing on 1 hl employer to the effect that he does J not desire to do bo. ; notice Kuat Be Barred, -.' "If adopted, the act will become per- atlve July 1, 1913, and such employers who do not wish to work under it, must serve the state with notice to that effect f- at' least fifteen days before It is an M. operating law. . i' , '"In the matter of the administration i, of the law proposed, we decided on the r plan in force in the state of Washlna-- , ton, and for this reason the passage of ine bm win create a state industrial , . J Commission of three members. This . jcommlssion will receive moneys payable ' under the act and deposit it with the . state treasurer, whenever a clatta is allowed, on account- pf dtath : or , tuch r disability as enables' a claima'nt to re- .,' . ccive an allowance oyba way of retru ." -law Installments for a period xf two years or more. It will become the dufy ? of the treasurer to set apart a sum 1 I sufficient to meet the .obligation, or If J the claimant la entitled to compensation I for life, a sum sufficient In view of : -lhe Itf expectancy. -of "the" claimant. Such' funda so . aet apart are required , i po, jnyeiea m seunyes.'a!f the. class authorljied for the. Investment of sav - Jngs.-wt funds; V,,,. "'The act contains allowances. for in Juries, temporary or permanent, death i and permanent disabilities along a 'Standard scale. In considering the ex v tent of compensation to be fixed by the I proposed act, we were cognizant of the t race mat low compensation meant lnlus ) tlca to the workmen and high compensa i tlon a handicap to induatnes which com petlng organizations outside the state f' would not he slow to take advantage of. , Although we found 4he compensation al- . ; lowea under the Washington law was sartsfactorr.' felt that It srould be J substantially Increased and, therefore, the act we propose carries a schedule ' approximately 28 per cent higher than obtain In Washington, "Our bill likewise contains an lm i portant feature which is not found In Uaehinjrtea,- tiamaly. I a. .pcovlifla.. icrlJ?lll aa.drafted met with tlia unanimous first aid and surgical , treatment, andlapproval iof the committee, which rcpre hoopltai accomodations. This provision t sents labor, the employers and the pub- allows tbercOmmlBfion : to expend nottnc t large, and I elleve 'that even more than- In. any one-' ct4 fori handeff Justice will; be . dispensed if,. It ftrsfc aid, together with medical atten tion, and transportatlonr- It.,i believed thlg wtU make it possible . te- relieve much sufferiongjtod many lives will oe Bharing; of Buxdea. "Our most serious consideration-was given to the question .of , determining the sources from which funds should be provided to administer the act and meet the payments to be made under It Returning to the three Interested parties, we decided each should share the burden. Obviously, . the employer should make the largest contribution and the workmen should also aid, nd the public, too, . Therefore, we devised a provision. under which employers comlngi; under the act shall each month retain from the wages of his workmen a sum equal to fivsrtentlia of one per cent of such wae and shall pay the amount so retained with his own contribution In sum equal to nix times such amount or three per cent of his monthly pay roll. The state, as the third interested party, shall contribute an amount equal to the workmen. Prompt payment Promised. "To balance . the whole matter, we then arranged the bill to provide that both empluyer . and employe vara ; re relieved from maki'ngf paympnta-'When-everjrtoi ifejeidonta have occurred-In his particular Jhve of business, "necessltatr ing'the expenditure ' of funds no pro? euredi'Tbia will place a premium on lnaiviauat care m an lines 01 enaeavor. 'prompt payment of moneys will bs secured throuffh. the fact that any em ployee defaulting In payment will b, denied the benefits of the act until h li4s' squared his Indebtedness. V,Ut;,ls personally;' graUfj-inffjthat tba jepmes to he. the law of Oregon." LIBRARY NOTES : The annual exhibit of children's books is now on display In the children's de partment of the central library." These books will serve as suggestions to many who wish to give books as Christmas gifts to children. y The stories for Friday,' December I, in this department will be "Santa Claus Land." "Little Fli" Tree," and the "Star Dollars," at S o'clock for the little folks. At 4 o'clock "How King Arthur Fought With a Giant," win he told to the older boys and? girls.. Parents are cordially invited to attend these etorles, , Will O. Steel will lecture at the, East Portland branch library. East Eeleventh and Alder streets, on Tuesday, December 3r:-t o clocks on -"From Chelan-to Crater Lake." The. lecture will be Il lustrated with stcreoptieon Views show ing- the natural wonders of Oregon and Washington. . " The next lecture In the course on, so cial rethics wiirbe given by Professor Arthur Evans AVood" at the1" ATbllia branch library. 85Q Knott street, on Tuesday evening, December 3, at 7:30 t?clbek;.;v;The subject will be ''The Fam Uy ' the "Basis of Civilisation." On the evening of Friday, December 8. at 7:89 o'clock, Professor Harry Beat Torrey l wiU,, lecture at the East Port land branch library. East Eleventh and Alder streets, bn "HowOrganisms Come ln Contact With .Their Environment. Ths Nervous System land Sense Organ- i ' ' ' m n . , n , '' ' ' ; ' In OfiA year ttift Rrltlnh rnrl. nnmt Pftict fcfatuwnh 3,047,000,000 lettera. URGES STATE AID FOR SOIL UE R. B. Miller, Traffic Manager of O.-VV. R. & N.;. Informs Chamber 'of "Commerce of Present Need. ' -"V : . ;Xack of scientific method,in agricul ture and . out-state development s will cost Oregon $10,000,000 in ten; yearsr Support of the agricultural college o that: fti "soil mlBBionary' or expert adviser may be located in each c'dujity of the state to carry on education by demonstration wilt not only save this araount hut. Win. tQJ7regoj! an agrl cuitural prestige beyond measure in money value. , .-. .t- .- The cost of such support would be as nothing compared to- the. benefits. It, B. Miller trafflo' manager of the O-W, K. &.:N. company has reached" the above conclusions after an exhaustive study of Oregon conditions extending over a period of several years, the re sults of which he baa Just announced. Adviser foi Hack County. He wrote .to President TV C. Knapp of the Chamber -of Commerce yesterday briefly setting forth the. situation and it1 need as, he has .determined it, and suggesting to. the Chamber pf Commerce that it take the initiative In a campaign that' will secure- from the legislature an appropriation '.sufficient to meet tils college's needs " 't:,.: : -: t'; ; In suggesting that an ; agricultural1 adviser be located In every, count Mr.: Miller is 1 concurring with such other authorities as Joseph N. Teal, presi dent of the state conservation commis sion and President W. A Kerr of the Oregon Agricultural college, j ,:. " ' " Results, for this plan wherever tried bays been Immediate, An agricultural adviser was stationed in Sherman-Mor-row-Gilllam counties last year. Diver sified farming had always been con sidered i Impossible. A year's 1 work brought .revolution in i; production and started 'a retrogressive area on the pro gressive line again. J ; ' Where demonstration stations have been established in Sherman, Crook and other counties farmers all about have profited ;ln a: way that permits nslns them s' evidence of the. money lncreas to the entire state If demonstration edu cation were systematically taken up. -Coonqsa. Behind Cities. . ; v. Mr. Miller's letter to Mr. Knapp. takes up fjrst the alarming growth of slow ness of county settlement compared to the -city. ,.'.Ke,v affirms) 1 the railroad's readines tocontlnua-lta.-wide-spread work In the promotion of agrloulture. After making known the contents ef Mr. Miller's letter yesterday. President Knapp wrote, him saying that, the mat ter would be given consideration ,by the trustees of the; .chamber , of com merce at lt meeting. next Tuesday, December 3.' - -. y : -t : Mr. Miller'g letter '.follows: : v ' Portland, Nov. SO. Ti jp, Knapp, preV i ldent Portland Chamber, of Commerce: For the, ten years from 1900 tci 191,0, the Increase In. the population of' the sate of Oregon was as follows: ciSntlrf state, 83:per.cent..:-, 'iV .' i Multnomah county 123 per cent tlState ekclu8lv9,ofjfujtnomah;county; 14 per cent ; , ' . It 1s- with respect to the amall- in fcrease JnpopulaUon' of the state, ex cluslve'of Multnomah county, "that par' tlcular'attention Is called. " In view of thft -opportunities which ' tfie- state af fords and the efforts that have been made by the railroads and communities to encourage immigration, the showing Is. unfavorable. , Better System Urg-e&." I The situation seems such "as to com mand the serious consideration of the business Interests pf Portland and oth er places throughout the' state,; as well as of the carriers, and lit our 'opinion, the corrective measures to be applied must be undertaken in connection with agricultural development; that la to say, the growth and future welfare of, tbs state andvtbe northwest ; generally, re quire v. ft mor diversified - and sye tamatio.chlUvation of , 'the soli and the raising, of more, and better livestock. We have endeavored In every practic able : way t(. improve the conditions In thut-egard 4n: the territory, served by our lines, and iwtll continue, to do. so. Much lies been, aecompllshed through the Operation of our farming demonstra tion trains .and by the agricultural de partment of the company. It seems to us, however, the work should be con ducted on a more extensive scale and that It , lp-properly function ,of , th, state, i 'xK-t&TC " -V v BlvJde taW .XntvlWots,41 7 the AgtlcuUural'':feoll ind" expert- ment station is not provided with funds that will enable It td carry on the necessary field work, and the legisla ture, at the coming., session, should au thorise an appropriation sufficient for that purpose and commensurate with the, result to be obtained. My' idea Is Ihaf the state, should be divided into distrlcts.'each In charge of an experi enced man, acting under the direction of the' agricultural .college end exprl- ment station, n : t - It occurs -to ua that the -'.Portland Chamber of Commerce may wis'.i to talis the initiative in the matter, at ; , i;ust the -"cooperation . of . other con . u rrial bodie,":to ;the; en4 -that a- si. -wi.la campaign may be inaugurated i .r the! greater ' development . of , agrii ultui e through legislative aid. Thla letter is Intended to pre.sRHt tlio Sublect only In. a verv trenm nl w.iv as I am ue the chamber fully rrniizt s its Importance and that the abovn suy gestlona. will appeal to you strongly. I will, be very glad to meet witn th trustees at any, time if dealrod, r present such further facts as ' thought will be helpful. f .... : ' Yours trulv. r: ' 1 MAN UE1. SOUGHT BY: i. 'ASPIRING DANSEUSE S ' (nalltd Prew Im4 Wln.X ;?';-- v .... j t. m n amhukhAI.. i .. . . J .. . . AjUUUUli, inuv. u. luayu uu hv h tmr that Oaby DckIvs la re" celving 16000 a week during her present American tour, a pretty aanseuse m uei lin wrote to ex-King Manuel of Portugal beaatJiK him to promise that if she cams i ijirnin, li niili4 '""nnmnrorhlam" lior IV v,suv W "ww.v. ,.,,' r ... - hv hi ftttintionsJ At least that'is the siory tney are leinns a no nuus ui Pall Mall and Piccadilly. . J-J i amr , and want , to remain" a gooil t.l H ohm. la umiA trt hiv . wrlttpn. t'tult lull. with an advertisement suco as you couiu e;lve'tne I could get rleh.''.' T-;; . Being deficient In a sense of humor, his ex-majesty Is reported to have been exceedingly nuujou u ,ui, whiuchi, , :, vfiMM !... nun ,Hn,urni i tti r-cs- Organising, the Ship Bcalere' and.C.lean era' union of Ban Francisco. ; 7 V ; ), PHONE Your' Want Ads to T.::n7173 a fnfi Prescription Kv - -Xf s'i7j Department at Your Service ' f v i X Dafl:n4 Sunday, 8 A. M. to 10 P. M.i- , X; -:---: ;.. ;iVvX:Vi.3:,, V .... .; -v jjjx ' 9 ft a)0 'ATTTO DE1JTXT KXT ICE. Pirst aid for the In jured at. Short Wotioe. FBESCKtPTXOinl OAXZOm roa AND DBX.XTZBEO, WE SUITS TO AJTD BS. LITE VKOTO PIWI8H- vk;: CAXt va uv. uu. shall 4700 or A-6171 i i. wiimt' i n H . fiU&JJJ H - v .., ,, ... -tV.V t T X- '! X. ; v;;.:;-''V:: ( , Shop Early : --z - 't T.tJ e.l; -i J ' - J- Open Evenings TU1 10 o'clock IT ttfCCT TV A IW AMEIUCA'S 4 LARGEST PfeUO 5TORE; A i tot Tin ft Stoppers la Our Beautiful Basemen Parlor, X.ABXEV MIT BOOK, Telephone Service and Pies Stationery , la Art Depart, 'meat, on the Second Ploor. aKlBZOAI EXPRESS M02TST OBBBXS, 3A Zloor A , Unique CoIIecti6nvS of Antique Jewelry - . " ; " . : 7 Begin Your nristmas onopping nere tomorrow -1 We (Aave been ifcarttcularly 'i fortunate the Past Summer-1 In obtaintng a number of exceptionally fine e x am ples of Antique Jewelry Including Neckl aces, Brooches, Rings, Bracelets, La Vallleres and other pieces. They are certain to meet with the enthusiastic approval of - connoisseurs and collector s and are , moderate-' in price. It .Is . suggeate.d that you- make utonr-T Visit while the. ," collection ila still complete. Bare peatls-are perfectly- , 4fnl fitunnlnu rtlaunn In. rhmestotfe:; ffotf'iif i a nd pearla- y 10 PJ , vX uUji-wliai floor v'. .'?! ' -d'..-. -. ! Qujr raSft '?aortments b,ave been completed, to a degree, that will make ' theta an. invaluable ource . of suggestion, no matter what or for whom Uhe gift is to be or what the expenditure intended. Among the many at ' tractions 'these new assortments hold f6r early shoppers are the unique novelties which, once sold, cannot be duplicated within this season.- To you and to ourselves the occupation of our new $350,000 bome meana " much. For us the crowning achievement of 47 years of business life in Portland; -For yo M signalizes nevif era in shopping values. AJwaya the lowest ill priceVbecausS of the gfeat'vqiums of business' carried on ' in drugs and gifts, we are now enabled in oyr new "out of the high rent district" store, of which, we ar the ; sole owners, to price goods lower than ever. And as always, we V guarantee ..satisfaction or money back. COMMENCE TO ' SHOP TOMORROW MORNING IN THE CHRISTMAS STOfcE BEAUTIFVL. 7 r "What to give'' is a most perplexing problem. Often wholly inappropriate presents are given because the giver is unacquainted with the needs and tastes of the recipient Wood'Lark'lGiftCertilicates Solve the problem. XBuy ,thf m for any' amount, j Redeemable in iny" of our twetitvf ive departments.- , - i . Engraving for the xnui;j c- l v '.7 f .. ' " The-Moat Skillful Artists' Employed. fCULUXHO CABB8, XJtTITATIOirS, Xv-aCOUBAY OXBXTXROS ASB ftJ&OXQQMAM STATIOHIHT. place Tour 6rdW Early ici 'Avoid petty , " ; ,j anq . inconvenience. ' 8 Sheets riaest-Paper, staaped with any two initials, e n v e 1 opes t Qg match, attractively boxed, only OuC " ' Mala Ploor ;X?tX.'X THIS COUPON Good for EXTRAS STAMPS FREE On combined ; tar? i " chase 6f $l 4or 'm6rei ' In addition to lt regular sUitipS:' ! No EXTRAf -stamps without .this coupon. GbtlpOh Godd-JjiTU'r-'i o'Clock iOty, Monday; ; Decembtr: 24 6n "bur first thfecfloors. '. One Coupon of this date only will, be received from each customer. ;' B .. pfl' ; r - -, , ' X" i IOJIGEST STOCK XBT ?OXTw UJTD OP , , Wood-Lark x Conklin and 1 - Waterman ; Fountain Pens f . zir osrv boxes pbou uac to a x Main Ploor, , I Nappies . Stx-lnch Handled sravnles. fern or 1 star deslrna. Xeg-a-. I f Q ts e.vw .V, AA I J Water , Pitchers Tea-inch ' Glass Water P 1 1 e h e r, sunburst pattern. Beg (n on alar S3. 50. special yt0J Water Tumblers Set of six Tumblers, sunburst pat ten. Befula S3.75, IQ special price, set of six 17 B6rry Bowls Xlfbi-tnoh Cut-Olaas Berry Bowls,' tar-er - snaburst da- 0O A Q ,SirD4.:resUc S forj. pO.t5 Oil Cruets Vineyar and Oil Cruets, sonflower designs. Regular 9X75, tfi nn special at $10? Water Sets Six Glasses and Pitcher, la star or sunburst design ; rs dQ oe ular $11.50, for $0.7U Fern Dishes 8-lnch beautiful footed Pernerleu, with star or palm design; sUver lining; regular $8.00; $a nr ,.Pt.?J special Art Xspt Scond Ploor. New Articles Displayed 7 in Fine Leathers The true gift-giver of today is bet ter known by the wisdom of his se lection than by the amount of money he spends. So long as the Sift bears distinction its cost may be ropped out of consideration the gift spirit not being measured In dollars and oents. In this connection you will find the Woodard-Clarke displays an Inspira tion. tSo many things can be bad at such moderate prices that the, wants of any one may be satisfied. The following lists are suggestive: For Women: Bags and Purses. Sewing Bags and Cases Jewel Boxes. Manicure Sets, Telephone Slreo- tories. Appointment and Memo Pads. For Men: Stud and Pia Boxes. Plasks and Drink- lug Cups, Slipper and Shoe Cleaning Bets. Pooket Lighters and Ash Sets. Cigar and Cigar ette Cases. - Wallets and B1U Polds. Coin and Tobacco Purses. SOXJB POBT- 5u5 iajtd iinnpt P o r t f olios and Writing Cases. Desk Fittings. Perfume and Medicine Cases. Photo P r ames and Cases. Clocks. PUt Brush Sets- Cloth Brushes and Whisk Brooms, Collar Bags and Boxes. Tie and Handker- ohief Cases, Ink Wells" and Letter Sets. Cigarete and Cigar - Holder Sets. Pitted Traveling Bags and Suit Cases. "MABX CBOBS" LEATHERS AKD X GLOVES A&oo WE BVGBAVE TOOT HAKE CDTr 1ST GOLD OB ALL LEATHERS rR m s uwiyi i en m urn m i a i a I .r ; Manicure Bet " $1.98 to $4.89 Concave Back Brushes 2 98 to 8489 Hall Buffers 69c to $1.98 Hall ttlee " 33c to 69c . Salve Jars 23c to 79c Button-Hook and Shoe-Horn Combinations 69c Manicure Scissors ; 83c " Cutlcl Sticks lie Cuticle Knives 19c to 69c Useful Gifts at Very Small Prices POB WOMXH AHD GZBL8. Solid Steel Embroidery Solssors re priced at only.... uUC Solid Steel Maaleure Solssors; Pn. priced as low as ...OVC Hail Piles, with handle; priced. Off- as low as sJC Good Pair Household Scissors; J C warranted grade:..'. .......... ; f.UC HanBuffersj good (jnalltybN (?ftl erer at the small f.Hce-offrTT OUC f smau Pearl Pa JCniveg plap4 Cfkl w sale ... at. . , ., OUC .Thermos Lunoh Sets; the' hew eo pjt ;ladles' size,, at. ...Pj0 Small Tattoo Alarm Clock; i t tf gilt finish, at.'. .-. ..,p l.bU POB MEH AHD BOTS. Zngsrsoll Watches; that made me uonar ramous ors: Ever-Readv. tf sj ' Gem Junior, and Kndcrw.. . . J) l.UU Safety Basors; $i:op grade tl nn Hall pinchers; high steel; priced at Thermos Lunch Sets; for the GO Aft working man .pO UU Snavtng Brushes; Rubberset make. . rr.rrrr.rrr Good .rocket HnlVs, t . Jq W. price - or. $1.00 GoodBasor Strops, on sale J ' Q0 Aluminum having Mugs, for i e the low price of,,,, .,,,OC Hat Brashes 81-49 to 8198 Course and Pine Tooth Comba - 796 and 8149 Hair Beoelvers How Our Ad Man Bought a Set of PARISIAN IVORY Believing in the good judgment of the fair sex in matters requiring taste and a knowledge of value, he made his wants known to the young lady in charge of the Pari- 59 to 8219 sian ivory Ue partment in this manner;. "upiposing you were se lecting as a gift for a very dear friend, or for your own use, a Parisian Ivory Set. With your experience' in handling this beautiful and durable wear, what articles would you select as being most needful for daily use, and Also a few of the most ornamentally ', ,;; in answer she displayed on her , counter one of every article car ried in stock. Then she and the' ad. man together selected the ' articles which are illustrated snd Th e Radiop ticon displays on a screen or white wall or surface any post card, picture, magaslne, photo, etc., up to 5 inches by 7 inches, enlarging to almost any site with wonderful accuracy of color and detail. Just attach to your electric light socket. Come in .and have us demonstrate the Radl Tptlcon. for you. Ask for free book, "Home Enter- C7 CAi.lMC tainmenta." PricesJp .OUtO $ id Glass Hat-Pin Holder, all sizes, ior covering wun " . r . fancy work. From OC 10 IOC Glass Hair Beoelvers on sale at the low price of only, each 9c Pourth Ploor PerftmeAtCrmizm That Work Cut - glass designs excelling any we have ever carried; and. added to the beauty, TKST WOBK, and the parts can be replaced d 1 a. t ft when worn.,..pl 10 $11 "Mloleaa, tha fine odor to fill atomizers, at, or. FAHCT PEBPVMB PAI AGE GOODS PBOK POTEST BUBOPEAH Ij AMEBZCAH-MAXESS. Mala Ploor CAMERAS Powder Puff Boxes 8119 to 84 98 Cloth Brushes priced herewith. These are mere ly a suggestion for our customers from our complete stocky...,.... Such a Beautiful Paris tina I la lvory not 'wll grace ''' th dressing '-T table.-tit any Calendar. Clocks 84-98 w - Princess Mirrors . 83 98 to 85-89.! 83-69 pouaoir no mat' j. , um . 1 1 u V r 1 ter how modest . - :;-ii.'.' v.:7'-'iSM ' ,.' " 'T ' nr Kumptliouir. : . , ' ' ' ?' ' ; '"' V 'X-'l - -r - . '.Mv We .nrxsr. ' X'. : Photo Prames 19 to 8319' Pin Cushions and Jewel Boxes' - 1 8109 to-82 19X V"!-L andksrcklsf Boxes 96 49 knd 87.69 . - AHD PHOTO S U P P LIES. AHTX-TBTTBT GOODS. BEASOHABLB PBXCXS. AHSCO TEST POCKET Camera, for j CA picfrs2Vix8 p.aU Ansoo Ho. C'for 1 C pictures 3ttxtt flO Ansoo Ho. 5, for pictures q 4 q pr 4x5, at only ......... .1 lOOU Ansoo Ho. 0, for pictures Oft ft A ix6i, postal-card else. . . . $U.UU Ansoo Ho. 10, for pictures ()C ft ft 3'Ax5H, postal-card slie. . . S$).UU Ansoo Junior Special, for p.lc If A t tares 2 x4 anastlgmat lens. . . .iprO Aatoo ho. 10 Special,' on sale, at tCC the price of.v fUJ Wa'l VrSm $2.00 tO $5.00 -Basement t Drugs and Patents Compoaad,.w, Ml one TyfHQ ptpsla Tablets' ? Belson'a deU. Vfii tine.'lioienges0;' Harper'a ..Kaad- . sdytvit.;,!0" rtt',Sx "liL peotoraat w . f ,Om;s'AnsTWtc Ensojrspsg7cJ nese olIli!.frT,r; koenlg ' Herre ', Xoalo... ..'.,, ,0V Snecus Al. tl A trans.f .... f Olycero Medi- OQ cated Plaster. ?B.Ilaflonna"Capsrr oum .Porous plas Urs, s p e c lal OC, 10 a., 3 for C Oomp oun d Ca 1 thartlo Pills, OC. bottle Of 100 -WC I S 1 suns' Liniment, for rheumatlo At pains,, sprains, "wy. Lane's Idttle Llvsr Pills, for torpid Mver and - oonstl nation. 15; OC- two.for....,"'C, rib. Surgtoal cot ton - (short son., f lljeO... fW i.T pbameb picrrmsi. ; ; A number of Small Pramed Pictures and Mottoes, in oaks, brown, black and gilt frames, values to QC $1.00. at only. OuC XAVGXHG BBAS8 JABDIHIEBES Hammered Brass Jardinieres, wtth chains, 11.60 values, on ftn' sale at ........ .............VOC BBASS SMOXXVa BBTf.' ' We h a V e t h e m . rang I hg in fro.?.! , 75c to $6.00 Borne very" new Ideas in these neat- ly finished brass sets. - JAAHESH PBVXT 8AEXET8." ' sTIcOne Quarter Off on all our Japanese Pruit Baskets and Trays.' We have a number of different new weaves In these beautiful brown baskets. X .V ' : '. .' PLAETES) CASTS. Lkrge assortment of, Plaster Casta finished in old iv.ory and verdigris Mercury, Dante, Venus de Miio, Lincoln, Dutch .Boy and others. ;H'?X''fAEL'xaBOBS. " Beautiful Long Panel Mirrors, fin ished .in white or old gold, wltli Frenclt prints . at top. Very best French plate glass. fc e Oft. $8.00 Values; . ji!, , . , ...'.spOeUU ' '". '" d7-'i iV-. ' 'ft Avr., : i:, . ' . KOUHT HOOO. . Original Photos of Mount Rood framed In fumed oak with calen dar pad at bottom, in a pice little J to Eastern friends, for,,, X Jo 1.00 Department. Second ploor Olive Oil aa17e. JO '' Aln ni "for i; mmmmmmTmmmmm . Only.,,.. VC, f .; .1 TN '''.' i6e My v.. xiomeoDatmc uent. lKtim ll HOMEOPATHIO BILLS OP CAMPHOB Tartar. BOB COLD XH .THE HEAD, PETEB, 100 Bps em e. bbadache, bevbalgza. f- altf.Vr-r-HOMBOPATKIO f OBB THBOArTB" iTrilVll'Jl hombgjpathxo c A l b h s tjla on?v . r -6 CEBATB, AH EXCELLEHT HEALIHG Jl L ,L'" ':. PBEPABATIOH for WOUHDSTbUBMS, buo Chalk and 7. sbuzses ahd chapped hahds 0rr, j , Messaalue Ploor WE MAIL 0B9S&8!