G THE OREGON SUNDAY ' JOUFJAL, PO Turn to Back Page of First Section for a Third Full-Page Announcement of Llcinday's Christmas Sorc fgivs--Dcf4ed l! A MF1FD FJ? A JS3K Best seJves your gift problems: "n They're a rIIlI i tMI liv beautiful! lithographed Bond so attractively 1 t1 ST ' 7Ij and artistically designed that they in themselves MerCllcWUlSe DOnU carry a message of good cheer. Issued in any - rr7"rr7P-rr- 1 -. . - amount, large or small,-and the-recipient may choose when they will and in any section of the store from immense and varied stocks just the article they most desire. When in doubt as to the gift for. members of fam ily or. friend give a Meier & Frank Merchandise Bond. Special booth at which to, purchase therat on the first floor,4 main building. ' CHRISTMAS PACKAGES PREPARED for forwarding to ai part , of 1 y of -Ajas packa;. WE'LL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR. the deferred delivery whenever desired. ..'- ' -r-vU':-- ,.--'ii''l v';. ;4 1 , GIVE INFORMATION REGARDING mail and express rates.; Aiept pacta' for mailing and express.';:'';' v.;'; V.:. '--V ) f'- - ) ACCEPT ORDERS for shopping, and execute them quickly and krefully, t with the tame degree of satisfaction at though you shopped in, person!, . I Store or me Qtrisimasi RELIEVE YOU of the task and trouble of boxing and wrapping ofyour Chr! s gifts. s,?0 ..v : v-'f t :s U '1)4', . v :, : mas The Clristmas Spsrk Astiirplliie Big CSKirisfcfi&s' SsMhg amis -v Exquisite $45, $0 &l$55 Sillt Dress Patternsf $3300 ... I.1 : , , f ' , i .- i i in .- SELDOM such anofferas this we make in. exquisite Silk Dress Patterns, so suited to the making of beautiful, evening 'gowns and fancy dresses. Every pattern possessing a wonderful individuality. - No two alike and only 25 patterns in the lot. Every one an imported novelty of finest quality. Of Charmeuse, in allovcr velvet brocade. Choice of laven der, Gobelin, American beauty, black, pink and amber, plain Charmeuse with brocaded velvet borders. In black, heliotrope, gobelin and old rose. Of silk voiles, sheer and dainty in tex ture, with velvet brocaded patterns. In pale blue, gray, helio trope and gold. Ordinarily you'd pay $45, $50 and .QQ Aft $55 for these exquisite Dress Patterns, priced PJJUU 1ST All Fancy Silks Reduced Five Great Groups to Choose From Innumerable are the uses for which these fancy Silks we specialty price tomorrow are adapted. You'll find a wonder ful selection to choose from in the five great groups we. nter in this sale. Every new and wanted style and color suited to the making of dresses, waists, slips and scores of dainty gifts. Safe to say that when you see the quality you'll vouch that this is, indeed, an exceptional offer when such silks are priced at 49c, 59c, 69c, 79c and 89c a yard. CKooseReal Laces at WHAT woman who does not take. greatest of pride in possession of and is interested in the mere men tion of Real Laces. And here in the first floor section we carry a most comprehensive stock of . princess, Venisc, Irish, cluny, Bohemian and real Point Laces at prices ranging aQff from' 50c to $50 the yard. For tomorrow real Laces at HfVi VALENCIENNES LACES II BEADED ALLOVERS Admirably suited to the mak ing of holiday gifts are these dainty Val. Laces, in i to 1 inch widths, French and round mesh Lace Edges. Three lots have been grouped together to morrow at great, reductions. 4c to 7c VaL Laces, yard, 3J 7c to 10c VaL Laces, yard, 5 12c to 20c Val. Laces, yd., 10 EMBROIDERIES For the making of corset cov ers and combination garments you'll find these eyelet and floral design Embroideries very, popular. 18 inches wide. 3 lots grouped together at special prices for tomorrow. To 75c Embroideries, yd. 49 rtt 1 Tv . 1 1 - i in a. $i r.mDroiucrics, yara ai oaf? $1.25 Embroideries, yard 89 The most simple dress con verted into a beautiful evening gown, by the use of these bead ed Allovers. 42 inches wide. In. black, white and colors. $1.00 Allovers, yard at 75 $1.75 Allovers, yard at $1.30 WAIST PATTERNS Many a holiday gift problem will be solved through the pur chase of these dainty embroid ered Waist patterns. Some made of Appenzelle work on voile, others hand-embroidered on batiste. Every Waist pat tern neatly packed in holly boxes. .,, $4.50 Waist Patterns, $2.98 $4.25 Waist Patterns, $2.69 first moot JTtw SuUdlnr mil Ordara TUUd. Our Wonderful Christmas Otters in Fine Jewelry N OWHERE in the entire Northwest is greater selection Df Jewelry and Novelties to be found than in our First Floor Jewelry Section. Purchasing; as we do great quantities from the foreign markets and American fac tories we are enabled to offer you greater savings than elsewhere. Come tomorrow and choose from these and other exceptional specials that we have to offer. ft It A a ' .H I I LN 11 1" d d 9 ... 2- ft Mesh Purses In the popular finger ring, draw-string style. Made of Ger man Silver. Just as illustrated, (J9c Coin Holders Of German silver, in etched design, as il lustrated. Longchain or finger ring style. Compartments for 5c and 10c coins Q $9.00 Opera Glasses Only $5.98 i.. Popular, useful and stylish arc the French Opera Glasses we include in this sale. Numbers of them will be purchased tomorrow for gifts. They're just as illustrated. Every one a high-power glass. In white or Oriental pearl, gold or silver j mounted, adjustable nanaie. Regu larly $9, tomorrow special (Jg (3 If 1"W 'HUH!1 Mesh Bags A3 illustrat trated. The famous Bailey unbreakable style, unlined. A varicu assortment, in 4-inch size, each - $1.25 to $1.75 Beauty Pins Made of solid gold. In a great variety of designs. One design just as illus trated. Ordinarily you'd' pay to $1.75 for QQ these, at the pair... Ov $1.50 r.' EwMm Iti Mesh Bags As illustrat ed. An exclusive Parisian importation. Of German silver, gate frame, silk-lined, each, $6.00 to $10.00. $3 to $4 Rings With stone settings, of rubies, emeralds, pearls, opals, gar nets, etc. In clusters, soli taires and fancy settings. $3 to $4 Rings, (J" QO tomorrow, each.. tyA70 Pearl Necklaces and Ropes of Pearls, they are worn now by Paris women of fashion. For tomorrow we offer two special groups, and every Necklace or Rope of Pearls in the lot worth double the money we ask. Choose from these two lots at 98c and $1.49. ririt Floor Kw Ball ding Mail Ordtra rilled La Vallieres Of sterling sil ver, rhinestone and pearl ten dons. As illus trated. Regu larly $2.00, to- ST'. 98c Chains and Charms A dain ty gift for the baby. Just as il lustrated. Of sol id gold. Charm to be engraved. Reg- $2.50, ea $1.49 Kraemer Lighters Every smoker finds convenience Kraemer out fitconsidered the best. As illustrated. Includes with the lighter, benzine fil ler, extra sparkers, w i c k c, cleaners, packed in HKp gift boxes LIMITED f ID I II I - Wlfc 1 ill 1 4; , r,t l Beautiful Fur Sefs wl collar and $34.00 1 TTViTr i . i . - jl. . .1 '.'' i r i t i . . i ... . I . .. wearing or rursi ' iNor a woman, miss or cii d t f T . " t . .. . , t ui vurs ur rur -gai. Assurcaiy no more accepiaDici scrv rur oais, we specially price lor tins sate. KenaDUitl is $55 Fur CoaU $34 i The ever popular Astrakhan Coats, in the 38-inch length. Made with shawl collar and cuffs, black satin lining. Regu lar $o5 Astrakhan Coats, only t $75 Fur Coats $48 j ' Rich and stylish are these near-seal Fur Coats in the 98-inch. length, with shawl col lar and cuffs, black satin lining. Regular $75.00 near-seal Coats on ba,etfJIQ AA tomorrow at the low price of 0tOUU $135 Fur CoaU $97.50 Near-seal Coats in the 54-inch length. Rich, in quality and modish in appearance, have selected beaver shawl collaV and deep cuffs. Beautiful pattern silk lining of finest ity, silk frog fastening. ' Regu- tfA7 fA lar $135 Coats reduced to only DU Children's Furs Less A most pertinent gift suggestion for children is a set of Furs, and for this sale our entire stock of Furs for children is offered at decisive reductions. t 'I V $50 Fi BeautifilFi raccoons piece anima e with bed l satin. .. Regtlaf ctai 'tomorroy Muff, or Colli $10ahH A'grealfs-' raccoon w opossunn.. saie. ' ln.snat around the n rurs jn gray Regular $10 a $35 Re Red Fox;S stole, " with tW from two ent silk bed. . Rerf sale jat.the $ 515.00 and $6.50 Blacken Round or Square Shawl Col Never Such a Coat Offering at 5 C EE the Coats included in this remarkable offering tomorrow and you'll wonder that Coats of such style, of such splen did materials and finish could be purchased at anywhere near this price! Just one of many of the smart, chic styles shown in illustration. Both full-length and the popular, new "Johnny" Coats included, with close fitting collars, large shawl collars, or velvet trimmed sailor collars. Both semi-fitted and showing the youthful straight lines front and side fastening straight and cutaway. Of smart double textured fabrics, of chinchillas, bouclc, zibelines, serges and worsteds. Tans, gray,, mode, navy, black, fancy mixtures and diagonals. AH sizes in the lot. Women and misses who haven't" already purchased the winter Coat couldn't do better than to choose tomorrow from aa this splendid group. Specially priced now at only 0 l&aDt) 8oond rioov 3Cln Building Hall OrUn TUlad ' ' - s r, l .A vKfiTO eerie New Amberware Toilet Articles T'S the newest creation in dainty Toiletware - this of beautiful transparent French amber. Onlv a few months apn AmrwTnilpt Artirlps miri thAirf.Vc - rN vftvi. ktvv-o a uuu W illOl annearance in New York's shoos but the nri'ccs asked were mfteeA pvnrhitant -A . i i 1 - --n.-. ill UIIV1 U 1 fused to put the ware before tlie public at the price demanded elsewhere. Jo learn its true cost that was the order we sent our European offices and they searched the market, purchased tor us a beautitul assortment at a price that enables us to sell this elegant new. cold inlaid Amberware at far less than it has ever been offered elsewhere Vmtr r, n of prices will prove this point to you. See the special display in our first floor drug section tomorrow included are Brushes. Combs, Mirrors, Puff Boxes. Travs. etc. You'll aeTcc. the beautiful tmU.inUiA a, berware is ideal as a citt what woman wouldn t be dehjrhted with so daintv and eleirant a Tdilet 9i- pv range, the piece from $1.00 to $10.00. TOILET SETS AT ONE-FOURTH OFF Grouped for your choice tomorrow at one-fourth off is a special lot of neatly boxed Toj1et Sets Brush and Comb, and Brush, Comb and Mirror. In ebony, imitation ebony and rosewood- plain and silver mounted. Regular prices range irom $'2 to $Vi. Choice -tomorrow at just exactly ONE-FOURTH OFF First Floor New Building MftU OnUra rtUad. w v $33to$38TIovelt Monday Pare Food Grocery Specials UR Pure Food Grocery has long been recognized as the greatest source of economy in the purchasing of Gro- s. And whether advertised or not you're always assured that we are never undersold. Royal Banquet Flour Made expressly for us and sold here exclusively. The Flour that can be depended upon for best re sults. Sack. $1.20; barrel, $4.70. Victor Cocoa, per' pound, 25 Jersey Butter, two pounds 66 Salt, 3 packages tomorrow 23 Corn Meal, in sacks, special 28 Searchlight Matches, 0 bxs 20 Choose "Silk-Maid" Hose A SENSIBLE and acceptable gift for mother, sister or wife or daughter would be a number of pairs f the popular and serviceable "Silk Maid". Hose. Of all pure thread cocoon s'ilk.. Machine knit to the. finest degree greatly increasing the wearing quality. Beautifully fashioned and rein forced, 7-inch double welt tops. Buy Silk-Maid Hose by'tfce (PI box (3 pairs). Guarantee in each box. Price always same, pr. vJ- jgl Suits $ 2 2.45 TRULY one of the most important of Ready-s to-VVear offerings tomorrow is this special group of modish, new tailored Suits. Models included that you'd be glad to pay $35 to $38 for and those who choose tomorrow have the advantage of our sale price $22.45. Fetching novelty and semi-dress models. In serge?,, zibalines and tweeds. In plain blues, black, brown I gray and in the smartest of fancy mixtures, stripes and broken checks. Staple and new novelty shades. . Jackets cut straight and cutaway, with straight lines and with Empire backs. Richly finished in velvets some plain, others finished with t flat - silk braids. . . ' Suits that madame wants for general utility wear, for afternoon and visiting uses. Actual $35 to $38 models tomorrow at $22.45. Saoond rioor sj1j Building VU Ordipa TUltd Kingsford's Gloss Starch, three p packages oc. i Macaroni, large packages, 20 Rolled Oats, in sacks, sp'l. 40 Small White Beans, 4 lbs. 25 r Pearrat-Butterr per-ponnd 20 Fancy- lerwa Corn,-3 rans 23" Strawberry or Raspberry Jelli- con, 5 10c packages, at 25(? Lemons, special per dozen 23 CCC Whole Dry Milk, 25c can at W. Sahnqin, special 2 cans at 25 U h 4 W h mii "TSiiv "Tl PHONES PACIFIC, MARSHALL 4600; HOME, A-6101 All Ostrich Plumes Reduced Tqinqrfow WHAT a timely offering; thisOstrich Plumes at a reduced price 1. And there's nd doubt there'll be hundreds of them purchased tomorrow for gift use. v , ;. And every Plume included in the five groups listed below arc of hafdy aleteete-thHng-4ittffyea fticfi splendid savings possible for those who purchase tomorrow 1 $10.50 Plumes, tomorrow at $7.95 II $16.50 Plumes, tomorrow at S12.45T $12.50 Plumes, tomorrow at $9.4 $15.00 Plumes, tomorrow at $11,95 $18.00 Plumes, tomorrow at $13.95 $20.00 Plumes, tomorrow at $15.95 Second rioor 3fw BtiUdlnf-MftU Orders U1A Ner Adjfista Y4 They've n-, lltlncty tlu S. H. & M. M 1 laUc.no fi pie U8 of cla ' Of fxcplleni, flounew finl": rown nf,tljo bout the HP' hlf pr-ttlroai tS.uO, 16.00 d; 4