2 " THE OREGbN SUNDAY JOURNAL,. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1912. . EDITED BY ' rK8r ' vC' : Ml .V' " 1 . - o , , ' 111 -- . ; V - 1 1.1 , fM .,,...-.b.v.-. . . ,"i-T'' ' t '.;: ii Un. John Claire Monteltb, who la visiting in Lewlston, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. lished In their new Portland Heights residence on Davenport street. Monteith will soon be estab Plcture by McAlpin. "0 ,N with the dance, let Joy b 'uncouflned might well be so- rctety'a slogan this season. . There has been such a compar atively arnall amount of enter. - laming -ma m -mai wiui io .excepuon -f dbut; party; or two-anil enRano . ntenta,-that Are alwaya of toprpost In- lerest."-thoe .'131110. ;Jh.. .jjrj al xanlt liave turned eagerly to dance and teem lo find aMcd :at: in' tripping lh-llKht fantastic. Iast week ahould have tirong-ht-MtlafaPtJon to all ao Inclined. KVrt oam the" Monday Nlftht rlub l&nre( then the formal hop at Vancnuv. er Barracks on Wednesday, followed by reverai Informal dinner dances on Thanksgiving-, and the Subscription and Academy club dances Friday. A pretty tea of the week was planned Wednesday as the first of a series by lira. Frank O," Owen for a prenuptlal compliment to Miss Dorothy Morrison, whose marriage to Donald Green on Wednesday is the center of interest this week. The, week Will be brought to a busy and interest log, close with the Horso show on Fri day, Saturday matinee, and Saturday Bight. - ' ; More than usual brilliancy marked th? first Subscription dance of this season, , enjoyed by a large number of guests In the. Multnomah ballroom Friday even " tnr. In the receiving line were the pa-1 tronesses, Mrs. William 8. Biddle, Mrs. ' David T. Honeyman. Mm. L. Hawley ' Hoffman, Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. r " t j muM Jul n, r,. v. DUPV- . Un. r ; .; . Amohg : the many . beautiful . gowns wern ws that ot Mrs, Honcymah soft ; damson' charmcuse with f lashes of pal blue, an silver orrranients.1 Mrs. tAdd' Fink sotin. with embroid ered bands Of Jridrhcent trimming. lrs. Hoff mail Black,. Mrs. Uradleyi-Plrikcl)rffn. ', Mrs. J3h vn-?Ttaiii jchanneuse, with '. averdress 'f blu m.r(i(1eicd net and elaborations of r"d rodps. Mr,s.i Biddle Bright frreen chiffon, with crystal trimming over white Rutin. Miss Oenevleve Thompson White satin, with elaborations of rliinestones. . Miss Charlotte Ijaldlaw Foundation ' of pink satin,, wttlr overdress of white net and trimming of pink satin roses. Mrs. '.Thomas Sharp White char meuse. ' ". Miss Allcearey Old rose satin. Miss Oorhella Cook Old satin com. i iajx"-i iu blned with aqua marine and gold chif fon and gold lace. Mrs. Henry L. Corbett Smartly fash ioned gown of rose satin. Miss Dorothy Morrison Oreen chir fon built over yellow satin. ' Miss islcy. SmUh Old rose chiffon over ntessaline f tho same ahadc. .. Miss Claire Wilcnx-Tiirqiroisn chif fon, -heavily beaded with crystal 'and draped over lace with smnrt touches of pink. Miss Kvelyn Carey Blue chiffon pan nier gown, with pink rnses over blue. Miss Jean Mackensle White chlffnn over white satin, with' diamond trim ming. Miss Cully Cook Gold and peach pink satin, draped over i wiVv hand-painted scarf and elaborated , with out-steel beads. Miss Barbara Mackenzie Pink satin. with pink chiffon and lace. Mrs. Antolne Q. Labhe Blue net, with bodice trimming of coral velvet and cut steel beads. Ml8 Isabella ' Gnuld Orchid char- mcie. Mies Mildred Iloneyman Paris gown of white satin, with over drape of rose chiffon in panel effect. Miss ( Isire Houghton White with tour hes of pink velvet. Mrs. Adrian S. Fleming, of the Bar racks--Black with cream lace. Minx Mary Brownlle Dewdrop net over pink. Miss Louise Burns White with trim mings of silver. Miss Mary Kobertson Imported gown of shimmering shell pink. Miss Grace Iloneyman Farls creation of white grosgraln silk, with baby pink roues, c Miss Rosalind Kingsley Debut gown of white satin, covered' with fins whits net, with., embroidered border in arapeq errecuv ? fi'''n- - . v - Mrs, Robert : tW ForbesPink flow, ered net over white satin. Mrs. Guy .W. TatbotTwo-toned bronse satin,, with bodice and sleeves ef cerise chiffon. ' Miss Polly Young, of the Barracks Blue chiffon, flowered In plnK, with trimming of the same shade. . Miss Anita Bums Royal blue chif fon. - .,''' .r'-r ' -,:':;,.: Dinner parties of vsrlous six were flulte the thing before the subscription dance Friday evening, , The largest of these was -that given by Mr. and Mrs, J. Wesley Ladd for Miss Claris Wilcox The table was centered with graceful arrangement of pwik artificial roses in silver vases with artificial ferns. There were forget-me-nots for the young wom en, a beautiful cluster of orchids for the honor guest. Seated about the table were Miss Wilcox, Miss Isabella Gauld. Miss Claire Houghton, Miss Mary Brownlie, Miss Louise Burns, James Maltlsnd, Dwight FuUerton. Jordan Zan, Maurice Dooly, William Wheeler,' Ferd, Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Ladd. Mr. and Mrs. David Honeynian's guests were Mr. and Mrs. E, C. Shevlin, Mr. and Mrs. Antolne G. Labbe, Miss Jeam Mackensle, Miss, Grace Honeymah, Rodney Ollsan and Philip Fry. Circling Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Hoff man s hoard were MIsb uoroxny iaorri-' son, Miss Malda Hart, pari Wernicke, , Donald Green and the host and hostess. Dining with Mr. and Mrs. Henry'U Corbett were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brad ley and Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Sharp. Kurt Koohler entertained ss nis din ner' guests at the Multnomah Mr. and Mrs. Guy W.. Talbot, Miss Cornelia Cook, Misa Anita Burns and Harold WcllS. ' .. When . Bishop Charles Bcadding eol- emntses the wedding, of Miss Dorotny Morrison and Donald Green Wednesday evening at half past eight in Trinity church, Miss Jean Morrison will be her sister's maid of honor ana tne lour vi lla flower girls will be Dorothy Gtn. Aull Green, MoIHe Green and Ann Adams. Mr. Green has chosen " his brother. Alan Green, of Saginaw, Mich., ss his best man and the ushers are to be Landon R. Mason Jr., Alexander Mor rison, Jack Latourette, Thomas Sharp, Henry" Wcssinger and C. M. Weather was, of Aberdeen. A reception is to fol low at tho rectory. One of the many lovely Thanksgiving gstherlngs was the dinner given by Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett which brought to gether Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ladd. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koehler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Colonel and Mrs. H. C. Cabell, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Corbett, Miss Stella Mead, Miss Falling, Miss Mary Failing, Kurt Koehler, Curtis, Bailey, B. Cass and Roy small. Miss Evelyn Wilson and Arthur M. Sherwood will plight their troth In the middle of January although the exact date has not yet been announced. Much keen anticipation is directed to ward Miss Tina Lerner, the beautiful find brilliant roung Russian pianist, who is to inaugurate, on the evening of Mon day, December -9, the series of concerts to be given this season by the Portland Musical association. Miss Learner, who is how in San Francisco, landed but re cently in New York where she was met by Miss Marldn Bauer, a close personal friend, and' with whom she remained during her brief New York stay. She expressed herself as especially charmed with the thought of playing In Portland, Miss Bauer's home, and meeting her family and friends. A number of af fairs are being planned to mark her stay. Among those who will entertain for. her are Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, Mrs. Warren . Thomas and Mrs. John F. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox had as their xnanKsgtving uinner KuesiB, Miss Evelyn Carey, Miss Mary Robert son, Miss Claire Wilcox, James Malt land, John Roland, Charles Holbrook and Thomas Myer. American beauty roses were the dln- Ingroom decorations Thanksgiving, when Mr. and Mrs. Gay Lombard asked Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murphy, Dr. and Mrs. George A. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Owen, Mr. and Mrs. James a. Dougn erty. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McDonell, Mrs. Kltsabeth Freeman, Mrs. Jack Munger, Miss Tongue, Jordan Zan and Thalea Linthicum to enjoy a dinner dance with them. Mr. ahd Mrs. David T. Honey man came in later. Miss Mildred fioneyman has post noned her Wednesday luncheon compl! mentlng Mrs. Landon R. Mason Jr. (Miss Katherine MacMaster), on ac count ,of . the death of Mrs. Mason'i grandmother, Mrs. Fender. A notable affslr of the week was th tea given on Friday by Mrs. E. D, Kingsley to mark the entrance Into so ciety of her daughter. Miss Rosslind Kingsley. About 150 guests called t meet the young debutante who was charming in a gown of white satin un der fine net with embroidered border, The drape was caught up on one side to show the wreath of deep pink rose buds on the skirt. A wreath of the W.aSMITH & CO. WmMmll ,;- .''Viv-i-,-' ' f a --' ,.-r-', -. risiTwa 5.m oghavkhs MOJVOGItAM STATIONERS Tfclrd floor Washintfoa Bldg. t,L U and 4th on Watliirgton gf. ANOTHER PALATIAL HOME IN WHICH IS FOUND THE CHICKERING PIANO A list of Chickering owners in any American city reveals the most prominent names found in the Blue Book of that community. Here is reproduced an interior view of the magnificent home of George W. Boschke, showing a specially se lected Chickering Grand in fanciest mahogany from Eilers Music House. J 1 fi n ,,, IJ mki i' roses also adorned the sleeves, and the girdle was fashioned of American beau ty.. She ' alternated in carrying two beautiful boquets, a cluater of orchids and violets and a Dresden bouquet of pink roses, white carnations and lace! Mrs. 'Kingsley was distinguished ' In black charmeuse elaborated with black lace over white lace and Jet. The rooms were filled with a profusion of beauti ful flowers showered upon Miss Kings ley. Yellow chrysanthemums made a smart contrast In the library; where the punch bowl wss In charge of Mrs, George Maxwell and - Miss , Isabella Gauld. Pink, whits and mauve chry-' santhemums , prevailed , in the drawing room' and in the dining room the table, decorations were pink Kllarney rosea. Mrs. A. L. Maxwell, Mrs. Charles Scad ding, Ms. Guy W. Talbot and Mrs. Wells Gilbert were at the table. Mrs. A. E. Hockey, Mrs. Daniel A.- Bhindler and Mrs, 'Wallace McCamant assisted in the drawing room and the young girls who floated were Miss Charlotte Laid law. Miss Mary Bro While, Miss Grace Mackensle, Miss Martha Whiting and Miss Greata Butterfield. -T - w ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Antolne O' Labbe enter tained with - an informal .dinner'; last evening to celebrate their second wed ding annxersary,--,',-'K.:;: ?--k;--y.J ',":J.?- : ' ',','"; '5'.V'' iL. Madame YoniBol to n.' .Miss J JPictlyon Bolton and Miss Edith Nicholson, enter- ! talncd a few friends Informally yester- , day4 afternoon for Mrs-' W. C Knighton of - Salem, who had been spending the ' week with Mrs. A. L. McCully. The dec- ' orations were the artlstle result of Miss ': Ella , Stephens' work. In the. drawing Continued on Follow! ngr Page.) : Plant Sibson's Roses Don't trust ta luck in,, buying roses, buy ours and then you'U'know,. Phone ; Sell woo4 950 or B-2593 for ca'tatogue. THE SIBSON ROSE. NURSERIES. , ;, ' " jv ,, 1180lilwaukieAraf IT -Great YearlEiid WTT TO) J I A t I EVERY FUR IN OUR ENOR MOUS ST O CK REDUCED Prices Will Be a Revelation to You! Never before have you had the opportu nity to buy such fine Furs at such low prices as we offer in this Year-End Sale. With every sale we make a welcome com parison with Furs sold elsewhere. Com parison will only strengthen the reputa tion of our superior stock. of fine Furs. There are no prices lower than ours any where. Prices that are made to approach our values are impossible, as you buy di rect from our factory. That saves you the middleman's profit. l f ' : We are manufacturers, and we guar antee every Fur garment that leaves our store. This sale (Commences Monday Prices without seeing goods is mean-4 ingless. Examine our Furs and prices you'll be convinced. Sale commences Monday. OOR MOABIBOIT OPPOSITE OLD X.00ATX0X SXCLVSmi rtTBKIEKS MAIL OXSBB8 Promptly rilled BTTLB BOOX TltZS tTPO RXQUEST ' av 3 1 - : ESTABLISHED 1868 Diamond Importers Manufacturing Jewelers ' Opticians r CHRISTMAS GIFTS BEARING OUR STAMP OF QUALITY Constitute the highest essentials necessary to meet the require ments and the associations with which they become endowed. Either for mother, father, brother, sister or friends, our various departments respond promptly with useful, practical and styl ish suggestions to fulfill each particular fancyalso moderate, prices consistent with the best obtainable. fc PORTLAND'S Largest and Finest Stock of LOOSE DIAMONDS PEARLS RUBIES EMERALDS SAPPHIRES AND OPALS Incomparable in quality, color and. brilliancy, and rendering the broadest scope for. comparison. Your inspection solicited. PATEK PHILIPPE WATCHES SOLE AGENTS FOR OREGON ! 233-23 5 Washington Street Between Fourth and Fifth Mail Orders Given Prompt and-Accurate Attention ! ! ..V.iH- c A"