Till- OREGON SUNDAY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 1, 1012. 53 ivuiuumi )t mini ijnii nuunu -v. M7-619 HENRY RI.DU. ' ' . BARGAIN IN ROOMING, HOUSE. 'I'liln lj downtown house In on of Hie best In tho city: Cnrpota, furniture, lidding, everything In first class condi tion. VVUh reduced rent, private baths, all outside rouniH, tills Is the best prop osition in Portland. Bold recently for JlMoo, but you can Uuy tills week for 19000, on easy terms, , , ... HEAT FUJtNl SHED FREE. 45 rooms, downtown corner, steam hent and running water,, food lease at rcntioiml)lo runt, .heat and hot , water furnished free, This is a fine transient bonne and a money maker; - requires $1000 rijuh, - , , . in a APARTMENT HOUSE. 1 20 rooms, flue west side location, Mfully and carefully furnished by ; building attractive inside ana out; Iporches to all apartments; rent than 5 per room; apartments all rented; wo can make you a price that Is right v , - - ' , . 13 APARTMENTS. ' " ' A nicely furnished apartment house of 67 rooms, Nob Iilll location; house clearing $20Q a month, 8 years' lease: if you have good real estate value of $2000 we can put you In this place. . SURE MONEY MAKER. 33 rooms, mostly In housekeeping suites, neatly furnished,. J. block from postof f Ice, steam heat, house always full; moderate rent, only $900 required, balance In small payments. '' . - j BKATTTirULLY FURNISHED. ; 11 rooms, hi goou :ino in iuiwuin good lease, well tapestried, all arranged. in suites for housekeeping, Income $160 Fer monthf Jots of first class furniture; 400 cash handles. 'J ' ' SWELL TRANSIENT IIOtTSBr This Is one of the best transient houses in Portland and Is clearing good ri'ioriey;1 has 19 rooms, rent only $100, stoam heat, beautifully furnished, best location In Portland; worth $3000, wlti sacrifice for $1600. only-tfalf cash. ' -. vrtiv rt i I'iP 1'ibv Ttrrtiwft and well furnished, completely fitted up jor Housekeeping; snap at tmv; $150 aown, balance on easy terms. TO 1 1? 1 TLAND ROOMING HOUSE) CO., nenry piny. OREGON, . Now la the. time to buy. We have, the largest list In the city for you to look over. They have all been Investigated, and prices reasonable, and. terms easy. Borne of them will exchange for real estate In city or country. It will pay you to talk with us. . Swell Apartment House IX rooms.' west side location. Three and four room apartments; hot water heat.: Furnishings cost $5500. A very Dwell place, rent $200 per month. Three year lease. Cheapest rent in city. for modern house. Price $3760. Will take $2000 cash, balance good unincumbered acreage, .-'-. ' Alvord-Carr-Hunter Co. 119-221 Board of Trade. t 11W1V13 WHO privaie Duma, merging porches, woodllfts, wash trays, ail Conveniences: rent less than $3 per J-oom; long lease, centrally located. Be sides your own living, you can piace ui the bank from $60 to $80. If you have got $360 you can buy thin. It is the bent place of its size In the whole city. 605 Yeon 4ldg. Well Equipped Boarding House Consisting- of 8 rooms, modern house, close in on West Side; rent $45.00 per month; furniture for sale for $350. Otto & Harkson Realty Co. 183 nrst ctreet, 72 ROOMS $8000; 40 rooms $4000. 44 rooms $6600; 22 rooms $1500. 18 rooms $800; 14 rooms $1076. . 14 rooms $95; 2a rooms $2100. 12 rooms $850; 8 rooms $300. Vi RAINIER REALTY CO., "80 Lttfttber-Exehange. ,.. . , , $400: Rooming house, 8 rooms and bath, 6 rooms, S housekeeping, rjnt $27. Will take $200 cash and $10 per month. RliRht trade for clear lot Tel. Marshall 4878 or call 814 S. 14th St., west side, between 12 m. and 8 p. m., gunday. 35 ROOMS, $300; rent $125 per month; within 1 block of this office. This Is ! giving It away. First come first served, , hurry,. TuU-i a chance for you to jnaKe some money in rooming ims piace 1 ill-.. It ...In can Vumhlilv 20 ROOMS housekeeping; cheapest rent - in fcity,-close in west-stdo; will sell at sacrifice i small cash payment, bal ance easy terms, owner, rnone Mar. shall 2516. rtlshed, fine-location, clearing $200 per month: price $3600; fcSrms. aoi Henry biiig. : " lTlavlshly furnlshou rooms,' all rented to gentlemen, clearing $70 monthly above all expenses! best location In city; large yard, furnace; $1200, half cash; might Taae some iraae; zo itn ai. ('15 ROOMS, all housekeeping, strictly i modern, line nouse, lease: rent du; i Income from AO rooms $90. This Is the best place In city for the price. $760; 1 terms. 507Clay st. Phone Main 371. a "iinfiMS EXTRA GOOD. x'vnK Hill district, every room occu- :".Vi. Uiio. In fina ahnnn: owner rone. saPfeBoll: make us" an offer. - K) 61 Yetm Mdg. UOTjiU for rent, furniture for sale, small payment down, rest easy terms, located in a booming town near Port land. Call room 27 Ksmond Hotel, cor. Front and Morrison. li room transient hotel, all modern, good furniture, making good money; must sell: centrally located; price reasonable; call Marshall 8632. A-l8, Journal. TfTTOUSEKEEPING rooms must be ' sold, as the owner 1b very ill; big bar gain at $700; some terms. Phone Main 3628. awk for Tibhlts. 408 Jefferson st. it-i nnnMS centrally located, steam it heat, running water in ll rooraa, I clearing $75 a month: $259 required bal- ance 80 per montn. qui nenr uiuk. II ROOM rooming house, all rooms fun, for sale at a sacrifice: owner has oth er business that takes all his time. N-82, Journal. 15 ROOMS, modern, fine furniture, Is clearing $100 mo. above all expense,; snan at $1000; price $700, half cash. H. lk JAM f.gl oe l.w. 00 ivui. iiyni uvaiA. Vri r.iSlSR f)N WKST SIDK ?'NeW apmt. house, consisting of 30 apartments, 2 rooms eacn; rent s.av per room. Particulars 801 Henry bldg. $150 HANDLES OR WILL RENT. Completely furnished new, 9 rooms, always fuH. Bargain. Call today, 102 12th near Stark, Phona Main 6022. SvANTKi) -20 rooms or more. Trade f 12 rooms and good furniture, first 'payment. 611 Corhett bldg. Main 7491. : , Vwm i..lrtt..Tf n c nine I 'nut tSOrt - Take I860. Clears $40 above ex- nenses. v 78 N. I4tn at 1U0 down. $20 per month, good rooming house, 12 rooms, worth twice afl mtich. Owner. 609 Johnson. IbRO'pMS on Parkist; rent $40; nicely furnished: $300 takes It; terms if de- .Irviljr 506 Teon mag. I fT . iidOM rooming house; wli! seTl Ji:heapJ. Si ve terms. No agents. J-155, 'journal. 10 ROOMS, H. K., on corner; brick ' building, tv it u inus. wiui. uwn KANTA ROSA rooming house. 22 rooms. nrlce right, by owner. 8694 E. Mor .u. or 806 3d St. I Tfi-"S7OM8, transient, corner brick, long J". 1 esse Price, riulck sale, $650. I must vifiY nice 12 room apartment house owner, ave agent's fee. Address 407 rohimbia- phone M. 6720. Call landlady. f,TTi7inM hoLel. dlnlnir room, good loca- I tion; terms; no agent. East 1017. llOOMIJSG HOl'SUS HI , ..LOCATORS 51H11''R0THCHILD B3 West Side.;, To lease, a furnished house of 42 rooms, all furnished In single house keeping -rooms, Cook stoves ami sm plates in. each room. A good working man's house and In district where house will be .always full. Will rent for $15) per month and give three year lease. Alvord-Carr-Hunter Co. - 219-281 Board of Trsdo. Close in 4$ rooms, a workingman's house. ' All furnished for housekeeping. Reasonable rent, 6 year lease. Best east side lo cation. Cost $3500 . to furnish this house Will sell to the first man that shows us $1500, Alvora-Carr-Hunter Co, 219-221 Board of Trade. 30: Rooms ' RENT, $100; 8 YEAR8' LEASE. - Fine - downtown j location, all newly renovated; can clear-$150 month above all expenses; will consider trad as first payment. What have youT . 11. K,. JAMES CO., 88 10th, near Stark. ' $400 ; ,. 1 Will byy -the furniture -of-a-10-room house, close in on-East Side; rent $35 per month; terms, v ...... ,v y . Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 133 First Street. . . ' " MUST sell at a sacrifice on account of ; health,. 15 rooms, good location, clear ing $70 month: rent $30; long lease. Price $400. 860 First. il r- STOCKS AND BONDS 58 WM. E. DAVIDSON & CO., V . 8TOCKH AND BONDS. : ' 2H-217 Lewis Bldsr.; .Phone Mar. 7 T 8. We Will Sell: ,, 100 United States Cashier. .. ..See us 1000 Palmer Oil Co.....,.;....... .25 100 Arnn. Telegraphone Co., ..t . .$1.85 6000 Riverside M. M. .......... Cheap 6000 Metallne Con. Mines. ...... Ask us 20 Port. Concrete Pile Eq,....$6.60 2000 Central Ore. Oil & Gas....... .15 1000 Almeda Con, Mines. ...Very cheap 100 People's Amusement Co... $9.25 6000 Port. Home Tel. bonds... .Bansain 10 Pacific States Fire Ins. .. .$125.00 1000 Peerless Air Motor.... Bid 600 Multitype Mach. (old stock) -.37ft 1200 United Placer Mint 22 it, 200 Universal Wrench Bid ' 5 Coin Machine Mfg. $55.00 10 Amn, .Druggist tiynd. ......$14.60 100 Poulsen Wireless Corp.. Make offer WB WILL BUY: United States Cashier. Port. Home Tel. bonds and stock. Poulsen Wireless Corporation. Railway Exchange Bldg. bonds. Amn. or Canadian Call Switch. Amn.' Telegraphone. American Druggist Synd.' Central Oregon Oil & Oas. Pacific States Fire Ins. I'mbdenstock & Larsen B. I. & Co. Johnson-Bradford Safe. Tamarack & Chesapeake (Ida.). Tacoma Coramnv. Marconi Wireless (all companies). Mascott Copper. Hubbard -Elliott. Pick & Drill. Metallne Con. Mines and many others. Get our "inside" prices on above and all other stocks and bonds before trading. Others do, and why not youT Call and get acquainted Maybe we can help you and will if we can. Call, phone or write us. W. E. Davidson & Co., 216-21T 'Lewis bldg. Phone Marshall 77 8. TALK WITH FLETCHER 3000 Alaska Pet. & Coal... .. .024 3000 Alameda Con .make a bid 2000 Automatic Call bid 6000 Black Eagle -. snap 10 Blumauer-Frank Drug bid 2000 Central Ore. OH & Gas cheap 6 Coin Machine Mfg bid 60 Co-Operatlvo Supply ....bargain 1000 Govt Stand. Powd . special 1000 National Copper cheap 3 Pao. Coast Hafe & Vault. .. .cheap 6 Pacific States Fire cheap 1500 Peerless Motor x snap 2J Portland Con. l'lie way aown 7 Poulsen AvlrelesS bargain 500 Realty Assoc. Bonds.. big bargain 2700 Swastika ..blJ 100O United Placer cneap 200 Universal wrencn snap 36 U. S. Cashier bargain Ail other stocks and bonds: see me. Have the most complete stock Informa tion bureau In the state, and over 18 years' experience. ' I WANT: Almeda Con. National Copper Black Eagle- Portland-Con; file Chi.. N. Y. Air Line Poulsen Wireless Govt Stand. Powd. Realty Associates Johnson-Bradford U. S. Cashier Safe universal wrencn Metallne Con. Virginia Louise Mt. Scott Cemetery wasnougai w a 225 ABINGTON BLDG. DIVIDEND paying stock in Idaho cor poration for sale cheap. If you -want a good bargain, it's here. F-146, Journal. BUSINESS CHANCES SO PRESSING and dye works, wants part ner. Will pay 'good wages and half of profits. Established 8 years; wagon, etc. Will teach buyer the business. Price $2)0: 803 Lumber Exchange. FINE chance te obtain well-established office business; small amount of cash reciulred; might consider some exchange; don't fail to investigate. A-203, Jour nal. PARTNER to invest $800 with my $1500; clear $300 each out of deal, man or woman, carpenter preferred. Box 67, wood a too tc ESTABLISHED slabwood business fo? sale, horses, wagons, wood, and wood saw, etc; doing a good business In this city. Main 37011, A-7366. WORKINGMEN'S httel, doing a big business; ideal for man and family; low rent; furniture for sale very rea sonable. M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett st. FOK SALE Best paying saloon in Van couver, Wash.; cheap rent; Independ ent license. '.50F Journal, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Established electrical con tracting and fixture business; fine lo cation, good trade. Will sell at invoice. Phone East 871. . FOR SALE A money-maker, the only bakery and candy business In county seat town of 2500 people. Call at 310 Lumber Exchange. WANT to let logging contract to parties having one or two aoimey engines; good chance. Address 82 E. 11th st Fhone Sellwood 1758 WANTED Farmer in transfer outfit, . well established and doing line busi ness; good opportunity for right party. tor particulars, can ai a it.. m . FOR SALt: Small country store with P. O. in connection, i.easa or sen building. DX-87, Journal, I AM looking for a good industrial In vestment Ploase sive full details. U 146, Journal. . FOK SALE Cheap, by owner, confec tionfrry, cigar and lunch, stand. Photne Woodiawr. fcUd. WANTED Job or newspaper plant; give price, Invoice and terms. Her ald. Houlton, Or. WANT to lease country weekly with view of purchasing; Near Portland. A-205, journal, WOSdWORKING PLANT At a bargain. Special line. Established trade. Call after 4. Tabor 639. ' CORNER grocery; cash trade; doing a "nice business; will invoice. Tabor 4192. WOULD sell aalf Interest in ( dandy pnoto post cara niuaio very cnoay; too much business for one. 2".o 3d st. FOR RENT -Barber shop, fully equipped; owner leaving city. Tabor 682, FOR SALE Paying restaurant foffnan and wife; owner 'leaving on account of health; complete $300. H-91, Journal. FOR SALE Good candy business, west side . location, good lease. N-146, journal. A SNAP -Two chair barber shop, $200. XT-137. Journal. FOR SALE Alameda Cleaning and Dye in g works. I'hone East 6004. $375'' PUTS", you into a. nice ff,rl renTf TrHSnerTSin! Timber T.x DAi iMiiiENTH. mnBrHri. -f.om Tam. ine best money maker--ever presented. 601 Swetland. - $200 BUYS blacksmith shop; $100 cash 7 and $15 month. Phone Sell. 1788. ROQMINor IIOl'SLH llt'SINLSy CUANCK3 Grocery Close in, East Side Invoice $8000; sales $3000 per month. This is a good one and will stand the tent; rent $35,' FRANK B. FORD CO., 826 Chumbcr of Commerce. Phone Marshall 748. ' The Oregon Locators . 510-511 Rothchild Bldg. Business Chance Headquarters If you want to buy any kind of a bus iness, come ana ree us. we nave every thlna- that is for sale in this city that's worth having. - ' '''" ' : : I have fully equipped, modern laun dry In thriving county seat town, dolntf fine, business and will stand the closest Investigation,- Have a good reason for selling Price, $10,000r Well worth itr Deal direct with owner. T-138, Journal. FOR SALE Ladles' ready-to-wear and furnishing business; located on best street In best town in the Willamette valley; doing strictly cash business; well advertised, favorable lease; agency for well-known lines of merchandise; stock and' fixtures about $9000; good reason for selling; cash or first class Income property considered. Address WX-83, Journal. " " ' FOR SALKSmall llvory in town of Terrebonne, a R. R., good 3 room house, 3 lots, wagon, buggy, , hack, horses and harness; good business, close to stockyards and hotel. Furnish all feed for stock. More stock shipped from this place than any point on rail road. Price $2500. Geo. Hamilton, owner. Terrebonne, Or. - . . -: ' . MKtCHANTSr-Here is a location where you can make big monpy, I have leased for -long term of . years large storeroom; tho best street in city for cash business; will sublet space at very low rent for butcher, grocery, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, teas, coffee and confectionery. H-85, Journal. Greenhouse Well located, modern and up to date; making good money; sell on terms. Henkle .Gt Harrison . : ' 611Gerllnger Bldg. ' $2000 HALF Interest In suburban store. Invoicing $4500 to $5000, doing $2500 to $3000 per month business. Will sell for $200 or trade for improved acre age near carline or house and lot clear of debt Thorough Investigation. B. S. Cook ft Co.. 605 Corbett bldg. BRANCH MANAGERS wanted We want branch managers with a few hundred dollars to open up rich terri tory; large returns, as this Is one of thes best-paying businesses. Northwest Film Co.. 600 Yeon bldg. I HAVE 4 acres all under cultivation, with furnished house, berries, horse and cow and buggy, chickens, all read) to go onto. Price for lease and every thing that Is on the place $265. Close to h'ortiana. bui, neon mag. Portland mill, doing good business, wishes capable man with $5000 to be come interested; money used to increase plant; good Investment, with services. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 211 Lewis bldg GROCERY PARTNER . Half Interest with fine groceryman, clean stock, good established trade. Clos est Investigation, $860. 502 Swetland bldg. COUNTRY store for sale at Invoice and freight; splendid location: good busi ness, books open for inspection: no com petition; close to city. Q: K. Fargo, 600 Yeon bldg., Portland, Or. RESTAURANT Best stand on East Side, located where you get the busi ness and get big returns on your In vestment; lease; well established. A sound offer. Price $1650. F-145, Journal. FOR SALE Well located grocery; stock up-to-date and clean; doing good busi ness; might consider residence lots as part payment; no agents. S-134, Jour nal. SACRIFICE $325. Corner cash gro cery, candy, bakery, creamery prod ucts, low rent, no delivery, no store near. Best bargain ever offered for prices see owner-a zav est jranc FOR SALE Pool room and barber shop; win make you $200 per month; do not answer unless you have the cash. I mean business. $1600. B-152, Journal. MEN of Ideas can secure patents or In terest capital. Write for lists of prizes and needed Inventions. Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C. BEST hotel barber shop in Vancouver will, be sold cheap; 2 chairs, fully equipped; only $160; receipts $40 week. , 1 IV LCL, T II ... 1 ...... 1 . FOK SALE at Garden Home station oni Salem Electric, 1 acres and a part or all of two well drills. F. I. Webber, Hillsdale, R. F. l. 2. FOR SALE Butcher shop and small stock of groceries, doing a business of $250 a week; cheap rent and fine trade. N-153, journal. GROCERY iiest east side location, do- Ing good business; sen at invoice, about $2000. This is worth looking up. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 211 Lewis bldg LU.VCHltuuM, conrecuonery ami ice 1 f rpam in school building; two schools; no opposition; lease, cheap rent; f rom owner iguuit; u'i iiii..ii. r-nx, mmim'. $200 BUYS a nice little confectionery store on Washington st, with cheap rent and plenty of room to live in. Call at E05 Yeon bldg EXCELLENT opportunity for a first class tailor; business established. Main 9307. . WILL PAY cash for grocery, confec tionery or cigar stand. Give partlcu lars. Bold Realty Co.. 206 Alder st. GROCERY, 1 block from school, rent $25 splendid location, 40U casn. jor- dsn. 619 Lumbcrmens bldg. WANTED Small grocery, with living rooms that $2U0 will handle. Journal. ' ' HAVE a good bunch of fir for sale cheap. JYUgnt consider a traae 01 101s In Portland or acreage. E-122, Journal.. PARTY with $500, hog and chicken ranch, cigar store. W-W car. 4th and Salmon. FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery store; good location; nice fixtures; steady trade; will Invoice. Tabor 3611. HAVE strangers here looking for all kinds business. Bring them In. we can sell them. 303 Lumber Exchange. MILLINERY, busy street, west side. Well established ; 'lease, Invoices about $2700, 303 Lumber Exchange. . GROCERY with 6 room cottage; rent for all $25. Will Invoice $750. 303 Lumber Exchange. 500 Business Cards, $1 511 Buchanan bldg. 286 Wash. t LIGHT grocery, 6 living rooms, fur nished, rent $20 month, good business. $600. Terms. 613 Lumber Ex. LIGHT grocery with large living room, rent $13. Price $400, par trade. 613 Lumber Ex. FOR SALE cheap or trade, 20 h. p. Advance sftam traction engine, used 3 months. Lock box 847 Pendleton, Or. SNAP Grocery, confectionery, living rooms. Rent $12; oaylng good. Tabor 1540. . 500 Business Cards, 75c ROSE CITY PRINTERY. 192 3d HALF interest cleaning nd pressing business; will teach tlie business. Price $160. X-130, Journal. WOODWORKING PLANT At a bargain. Special line. Established trade. Call after 4, Tabor 629. HAVE buyer for good business chances, cigar and confectionery; list with us; 830 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED Partner with $1000 in plan ing mill. Must be honest. Telephone r..n. , -, . .. .. r'l: 'Z' . ' .-i j- :- CIGAR niI"t,ufe(:Uoi.ey store for t.ale cneap. inquire til 18t. BARBER shop-for sale; good location. I'hone Nasi lit, FOR SALE or trade,' small tore, 73 N, 6th Bt. " SO . Pacific . , . Incorporators .Company SPECIALISTS IN : INCORPOR ' AT1NG. Incorporate your business. ' It . will aid you In getting required ' canltul without liability of part- nersliip. Corporations formed promptly In any state. Expenses iuftll. Advice freo. ... .When you Incorporate. ; lnoor- i porate rlc-ht! - , , , I'ACIFIC INCORPORATORS ; CO.. ',- ' Ml Lewis bld : ;:Tvi Am Not. a Grocery man 75 CENTS OJf. THE DOLLAR; ' "; On the wholesale price will buy my stock of groceries -and fixtures and To lpdo scales. No stock' over 6 months old. I bought this business without knowing anything about it and will sell at the above price. Someone that's in time will get a snap. - - II. UUNTIIER. Marshall 16. , 919 ,Teorf bldg. Grocery Close in Will invoice $1500; rent $22.50; ales $45 dally, most cash sales. FRANK li. FORD CO., '--'126-Chambra of Commerce. , Phono ftfUrshall 748. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITT. Automobile business, best paying proposition in city, including 4 auto mobiles, tools, stock, fixtures and office furniture; autos alone worth price asked. Will sacrifice for-$3000. Present owner compelled to leave city oh account of Other business Interests. This is the oldest business of Its kind In city. In yestlgate at once. Z-83, Journal. ADVERTISING Clear several hundred dollars monthly; not a scheme, but proven, legitimate money maker; finely engraved plates and exclusive Portland rights, $70: ordinary business ability only capital required; might be handled in spare time. Address Specialty Press, Denver, Colo. .-. Drug Stores We have 3 good ones in the suburbs; one $2000, 810OO cash; one. $2500, $1259 cash: one $5600. $3000 cash: 4 In the country which are all paying. See Nedd at werry, 207 jumper jcxenange uiog., zu and Stark sts. BEST hotel proposition in Portland. clearing almost $10,000 a year. Will buy Itself In 18 months of good man sVemimt. About 16000 cash handles it If you are short a little come in and let's see if we can't get together. Pa cific Coast Brokerage Co., 618 Board ot iraue. WANTED Party who has $500 to pay expenses for 60 days to Join me in a big paying business in San Francisco. We can clear $4000 annually. You at tend office and handle your own money. References exchanged. Particulars by Interview only. Call Tabor 3582. CONFECTIONERY store, $800. Restaurant and lodging house In sub urbs, $600. Partner wanted in real estate office, $6.00. ARNOLD & CO., Hotel Brokers. Room 15, Washington Bldg. NOTICE. ' "5 , Bring me your rooming houses, ho tels and anything you have to trade. "We trade the earth." SLAUSON-CRAIG CO.. Exchange Dept. 304 Oak st. WE can assist a limited number of meritorious enterprises to secure cap ital. Wo will be glad to. talk yours over with you. It will cost you noth ing it may solve your problem. Pa cific Incorporators Co.. 913 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE General merchandise busi ness. Excellent location. Will sell be low invoice. Good reasons for selling. Will sell or lease bldgs. For particulars write or call on owners. D. H. Kangas Co., Hockinson, Wash. HELP W&S.TED MALIC 1 EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell our homes In all parts of the city on easy payment plan, and close-In restricted residence lots on both the east and west sides, also close In acreage. We furnish some prospects and assist In closing sales. We supply lots and build to suit purchaser; liberal commissions. Ask for sales manager. PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able bodied unmarried men between ages of IS and 35, cltiztfns of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the nglish lan guage. For information apply to re cruiting officer, Worcester building, 3rd and Oak sts. Portland. Or. SALESMAN Real eKtate. on new town site proposition; easy terms; big ad vertising campaign; full office sup port; good commissions. Address O-206, Journal. , MANAGERS, executives, salesmen, naif - hour a day's application to Sheldon's Instruction will save you time, energy, worry and expense, 505 Spalding bldg.. rortiami, Aiarsnan nzz. 1 WANT a reliable party to take charge r . nin)m tr,nii. hntui ntr.u 1 iocated. who can invest four or five hundred dollars for expenses, etc Phone today Main 8056. Allen. WANTED Man to take active part In good paying legitimate bunlners; n small amount of money, required. Call at Room 414, Imperial hotel, between It a. m. and 4 p. m. WANTED A-l SOLICITORS to Introduce household necessities; good commission, permanent work, small de posit required. 46 Lincoln Apartments, Monday. 10 to n. WANTED At once a good hustler to sell an automobile necessity, big money for workers, sells on sight. Write for particulars, room biz wucox bldg. WANTED An active, energetic man to solicit in city; good compensation and chance for rapid advancement. Call Friday, 6 12 Journal bldg. MILL foreman to make additional In come without loss of time by get ting in. touch with us. .Address M-144, Journal WANTED A few young men to learn watchmaking arM engraving, profitable worn, plenty or openings, tor informa tion write 210 Globe bldg.. Portland, Or. CHEF Headquarters and Helpers. CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT. 285 Ysmhill Street.- WANTED, 'young man to clerk and le Uver In grocery and liarket; state wages and experience. V-134, Journal. STOCKYARDS foreman at Kenton; a steady man can increase his Income by writing P-137, Journal, WILL give boy not over 10 good home board and wages for light work. 143 East 82nd st.-, Montavllla car. WANTED Man who understands pick ing chickens; only those with ex perience need apply. Hazelwood Co. STEADY roreman at Kt. Johns or Rainier to Increase his income by addressing N-151. Journal. - LEARN to operate moving pictures, full course taught; secure positions. 404 Rothchild bldg., 4th and Washington. YOUNG, man wanted to make fires mornings for room. Board cheap; a good home. Tabor 2871. TWO men wanted to learn to drive and repair autos., Madison garage, 1111 Hawthorne. , G. O. McCroskey. , WANTED At once. I men to learn to drive and repair automobiles. Call at Hawthorne Garage. 448 Hawthorne. MEN wanted to take their Turkish baths at the Corbett bldg. baths. . FIRST class hat renovator, with tools. K-12 1, Journal. WANTED First-class corset solicitor. Call 314 North I9th Sunday. WANTED Delivery- boy with a bicycle, r.xty,-ywTrnf,'llllll'" WANTED First class painter Monday on Kelly Bt., between 30th and 81st. THOROlXlliLY experienced slTk anl drefs .goods .salesman. ' Roberts Bros. I UOOTULacK wanted. Jnqulre 2'il lstl BUSINESS CHAKCift AR11 YOU MAKING YOUR DECISION? Tho critical moment In a young mans life comes when he decides on his trade or business. That moment may settle the success ,or failure of his whole life, TholtU. 8. Navy will help you decide on a successful career. It offers over 60 different trades and kinds of work besides seamanship. If you have your trade, 1 you probably can use it in the Navy and enter at higher pay. If you haven't & trade the Navy Will help you select ono and teach you. , J You can have four years to make up your mind on your life ' work four pleasant years in which you'll be Boe ing the world, meeting fin fellows and making and saving money, . ,' i . If you are between 17 and 25, call at Navy Recruiting Station, Railway Ex change Building, Portland, Or., and find out about pay, hours, promotion, trades, training, etc., and whether you, are suited for the Navy. Or send for a copy of the famous book "The Making of a Man-O'-Warstnan," which tells in simple language and Interesting pic tures every detail of dally life in. the Navy, Free. Read It, and show it to your parents. You won't forget to send. If you'll send today. , Address Bureau of Navigation, Box 827, Navy Popt, Washlngtonf D. C. I WANT A FEW MORE SALES-' MEN. SEVERAL OF MY MEN . HAVE MADH FROM THREE TO FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS THIS YEAR AND OUR OPPOR TUNITIES ARE GREATER NOW THAN EVER BEFORE. I WILL SPEND OVER TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN AC VERTISINQ DURING 1918. COME IN AND GET LINED UP FOR NEXT YEAR'S BUSINESS. CALL BETWEEN AND 12 A. M. ROOM 820 SPALDING BLDG. MEN WANTED. Men who have some cash or some thing of value to trade In, men who will become permanent citizens close to brick plant where they can get steady employment and live on a 5 acre tract within' walking distance; best of soil, land all cleared, ready lor cropping, close to town, close to railroad and good schools. We also guarantee a mar ket for all the vegetables and small fruits that you can produce. It you have nothing to turn in as a first pay ment, do not take our time, but we are willing to. give you plenty of time to pay for your homo at 6 per cent, after a small payment is made. See Mr. Eastley. CHAP1N-HERLOW MTG. & TRUST CUMFAisr, Third Floor Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Family men for mills and factory wink, coast town ovr BOOO inhabitants; growing rapidly, nuo wnue men employed in more than 20 mills and factories, which run steady year around; city has streetcar, elnctrta light, water and sewerage system; one rail road; prospects good for second railroad, all vessels load at mills; fishing Indus tries as well as farming lands splendid; no wages less than $2.25; give nation ality and address EX-143. Journal. THE Continental Casualty company, the lareest haalth and accident insurance company in the world, has several fine positions for men with eome insurance experience to act as district managers for Baker, Lake, Coos. Clackamas, Clat sop, Wasco. Linn, Morrow, Douglas or 8herman counties; more than one county If desired; most liberal district manag ers' contract and a square deal. Conti nental Casualty Co., Uregon uepi., hiu Wilcox bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED Roliable man with a family to drive a four-horse team on a lurge fruit ranch, who desires to own his home; an opportunity to get possession of a valuable orchard by a small cash Davment. and make all eubsnuent pay ments from earnings; wages, $65 per month. Address B-142, journal. HELP AV AN TED MISC. 40 HAVE you a few hours to spare T Wo want man .or woman In each town; no capital needed;- an hour's work shows aoiiars eariiuu in vaio imi, iiitooi sample. C. O. Mfg. Co., Dept 80, 1(0 Warron St., N. Y. ' SALESMAN, an all-around hustler, for general trade; commission contract provides for $35 weekly, balance month ly; references and bond required; nd novice. D. W. Barrows, Station A, De troit. EARN $7 to $12 dally restoring faded colors In rugs and carpets; whole or spare time; demand everywhere; big Broffts; no capital; free booklet. Eldred, iept. 200. Detroit, Mich. lilUU'-l'ri your opportunity t make $400 montniy; spare mm;; no matter where you live; no canvassing; guaran tee free booklet will show you how. 1L E. Rodgers. Dept. I). M., Boston, Mass. LOCAL representative wanted. No can vassing or soliciting required; good Income assured. Address National Co operative Realty Co., V-909, Marden bldg.. Washington, D. C. WANTED. T. C. S. STUDENTS TO ATTEND Fraternity meeting Monday night, Dec. 2. Good program. - Headquarters 605 McKay bldg. Main 1026. AN Intelligent person may- earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspa pers. No canvassing. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 707 Lock- port, N.T, LIVE salesmen If you do not get our side line proposition for 1913 you lose money; we manufacture advertising nov elties from sheet steel. Newtou Manu- facturlng Co., Newton, Iowa 1 WILL start you earning $4 daily st home In spare time, silvering mirrors; no capital; free instructive booklet giv ing plans of operation. G. F. Redmond, Dept. 2 si, boston, Mass. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS HEADQUARTERS, 606 Mc Kay bldg., Sd and Stark. Main 1026. We win prepare you for spring examlna tlons for government positions. MEN wanfed to learn a lucrative pro fession. If you are dissatisfied with your occupation fit yourself for good paying business. 409 Commonwealth bldg. MEN, WOM.EN, get government Jobs, $20 week. Write immediately for list of positions open. Franklin institute. Dept. 338 W., Rochester, N. Y. RAILWAY mail clerks wanted, 190 month, Portland examinations soon, coaching free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 340 W. Rochester, N. Y. ., CAPABLE salesman to cover Oregou; ' staple line; high commissions; luo monthlv; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit, Mich. BE a detective; earn $160 to $300 per month; travel over world; stamp for particulars. National Detective Agency, Uept. 613, uniuago, WANTED Ambitious young men to be come traveling salesmen and earn while they learn; write for particulars. Bradstreet system, itocnester. m. h SALESMEN Double your income by selling the greatest cigar trade stim ulator on market Cawood Novelty Co., Danville, IO $100 MONTHLY and expenses to travul and distribute samples for big manu facturer. S. Scheffer, 762 Sherman, Chicago. ' BE, a detective. Travel over the world. Splendid opportunities. Stamp for particulars. National Detective Service, j,os Angeies, (.ai. EAST Side Practical Telegraph School, 769 Wasco st. Day and evening ses- slogs. ' WANTED For housekeeping in bach elorB home, German girl or widow of about 80 to 35 years. WANTED Roy apprentice, for deliver- I h fn il irutrira eir. 1 A tl Iff Il'lta. ter Drug Co.. 1021 Belmont jjfca-aad women 10 learn- ttta-WlMtr trade in s weeks; positions 'guar anteed. Ore. Barber . College, ,238 Madison. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $8.60 ur. Harvard Tailor. ;U ltd St. NIGHT SHOW CARD SCHOOL Day classes, 611 Wilcox bldg. - HKLP Wl XTKUMISC. , 40 LOCAL manager in each city to supply local automobile owners, supply houses and garages with Cisco a big money saver; no competition; large im mediate profits; must be able to handle salesmen and, have from $50 to $250 cash, depending on awarded territory; no proposition like this ever before of fered; don't write unless you can qual ify with cash as well as references, and we will submit an unusually attractive contract E. C. Routjiahn,. 127 Duane st., Now York City, ' ; MOVINa-PICTURE ' OPERATING. ' ; Double your present Income; learn to operate moving pictures; operators earn $25 to $35 weekly. We have the only Bcbool in Portland. Theatre experience given; terms reasonable: secure 'posi tions. We start you in the MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS on easy tprms. Call or write. Information gratis. NEW YORK FILM EXCIIANGW. 528H Washington, near 17th. MEN , ' AND LADIES WANTED Big pay and short hours. Demand la in creasing daily for expert operators. Operating taught by experienced electri cian and chief operator, 20th century methods actual practice and training given in a moving picture theatre, best references.- Rsk Moving- Picture Opera tor School, 304 Alisky bldg., Sd and Morrison. 111 LOCOMOTIVE firemen and braltemen for nearby railroads; $80 to $100 monthly; 18 to 86; experience unneces sary; no strike; promotion to engineer, conductor; railroad employing headquar ters; no charge for assistance to. em ployment State age; send stamp for application. AX-200, Journal. FREE Illustrated book tells about over 860,000 protected positions In U. S. service; mora than 40,000 vacancies every year; there Is a big chance here for you, sure and generous pay, life time employment; easy to get; just asK for booklet 0-368. No obligation. EarJ Hopkins, Washington, D. C. SALESMEN wanted.' We want live 1 salesmen to handle our line of calen dars, fans, aluminum and leather nov elties for 1813.. With our liberal terms a man can clear $60 weekly. Write for territory. Model Calendar Co., Dept. 3, South Bend, Ind. ' WANTED Manufacturers' agent to sell on commission In Oregon and Wash ington a well known line of go-carts with an established trade. Must be well acquainted with the furniture and de partment store Duyers. Answer wun rei-erenr-es TX-88, Journal. A REAL opportunity await every man ami woman seekins to throw aside Ihe shackles of drudgery; get out of the wage earning class; be someDOdy in the big field of business; others are doing it. Stoddard Mfg. Co., Hollywood, ai. . OREGON LAW SCHOOL. a thnrnue-h practical course In law. No tte lost from regular occupation. Recitations evenings. Term commences October 1, 1912. Samuel T. Richardson, dean. Address M. Morehead, secretary, 816-317 Common weitnbiog., roru. ure. OREGON AUTCfsCHOOL, 266-68 11th St., Cor, Jefferson. Practical instruction in repairing and driving automobiles; tuition reasonable! part cash on enrollment balance at time of graduation; we assist our graduates to positions, USE your spare time to build up a mail oraer Dusmess ot your We help you start for a share in prof its; 27 opportunities; particulars free. Mutual Opportunities-Exchange, Buffalo, N. i . UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $8.60 up. Taylor tne Tailor, zsa pumsiqe m HELP WANTED FEMALE LIPMAN, WOLFE St CO. require the services of experienced saleswomen In all departments. Apply superintendent's office, 7th floor, between 8:30 and 10 a m. THE Municipal Department of Public Safety for Young Women. 407 Mer chant Trust bldg.r will be-glad-to- give advice or assistance to any woman or girl who may be In need. Interviews are confidential except In cases de manding criminal action. Office hours 8:30 to 6. Mrs. L. O. Baldwin, supt: THERE are many of the best homes i needing competent girls or cooks and general work. Call at Domestic Service Bureau, room 806 Central bldg., 10th and Alder sts. LADIES of good appearance, capable of meeting public, who -would be satis fled with $12 per week and up; must be prepared to work outside, .rain or ghlne, J-149. Journal. UMBRELLA MAKER Woman experi enced in umbrella sewing, repairing and making; purmanent position, good salarv. Lennon's, Morrison st, opp. Fostofflce . ' 1 WANTED Hosiery saleswomen; must be thoroughly experienced; none oth er need apply. Apply superintendent's office. 8 to 10 a. m.. Olds. Wortman & King. GIRLS to learn hair dressing, face and scalp - treatments. ueuucea rates. Evening class If desired. 610 . wetland bldg. PROMINENT phonograph establishment desires the services of competent ex perienced saleslady; permanent position; good salary. R-95, Journal. COMPETENT girl to assist with general housework; no washing; apply Sun day and Monday, 175 E. 16th st; take Bunnyside car, CAPABLE salesladies, thoroughly ex perienced In dress trimmings, laces, notions and ribbons. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. ; WANTED First class help to register with us. Cooks, second girls, several food general housework places. Main 320, A-7655. ' WANTED Competent woman for gen eral housework, age 25 to 40. Apply 454 E. 18th st, north, 8 to a. m., Mon- day. r . ; WANTED HousekeepeFfor email fam ily; all working; good homo and rea sonable wages to right party; call today, 46 E. 26th St. LADY to help In shooting- gallery and bowling alley, Vancouver. Call Sat urday or Monday. 21H Hall st. WANTED Lady barber at once: must be experienced. Call 605 Main st, Vancouver, Wash. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 6722 36th ave. S. E. Mt Scott car to Archer Place. Call Sunday. ' ' WILL Miss Clark of Alaska, who called on the 1'orliana rnonograpn Agency regarding a position, please cau again WAIST finishers; only experienced ap ply, no otners. Apprentices wauieu. 434 Morrison WOMAN for general housework, light cooking, go home nights, 8 adults. 714 E. Salmon st. HBjH school girl can get fine room, board and carfare for help In family or two. rnone WANTED 6 live ladies for lodge workj gooa money x-au, FEMINADE CO, 613k, Dekum bldg. Lu- cratlve positions ios representative. APPRENTICES wanted to learn beauty parlor work. 610 Swetland bldg. WOMAN to do small family washing at home, west slug, i journal GIRL to assist with housework, small , family. 653 Johnson.. . .. APPRENTICE, hair dressing. $16 full course. Combings bought. M. 1916, HELP WANTED MALE AND TESLUiE ' 29 "MOLER BARBER COLLEGE Wanted men and women to learn tho barter trade in 8 weeks.- tool a free, a t rh s n r9to- get -1n bmrtn s rf or you f; self. Sena orrree catalog, or can at 35 North 4th street. - YOU can make yourself a better sales man, manager, or executive. hour's StudV4i'day will do It. HluMon's School tpuldmg bldg. Marshall J 7 . UU-I.OIMI.NT T. M. C A. INDUSTttT A I, l..:.. i..; . MENT AOK.XCV. . SECOND AND asm I ii:;;rr3. HEADgUAKfiitH. for competent loggers, nil 1 1 in n, n. r, construction men, farm hunK n4 t classes of skilled and unsklUvd nu-...-. Write, wire, phone or call st our pense. Marshall 1271. A-7715. A square deal to employer and employe No charge to employer. WANTED AGENTS tl AGENTS on salary or commission; tlie greatest agents seller ever produced; every user of pen -and Ink buys It u;i Sight, 200 to 60 per cent profit: one. agent's sales a mounted to $620 In sit1 days; another $82 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X-244, La Cross, Wis, USE your spare time to build up a mall order business of your own. We help you start for a share in pmr its; 27 opportunities; particulars tru. Mutual Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. . - AN IntelHgent person may earn $100, . monthly corresponding for newspa pers. No canvassing. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. , 708 Lock port, N. Y. " ,' AGENTS get in with this winner; not' another -on market gets the money quick like this one; repeat Orders sure; bis profits; free particulars. Lelnnin ger & Co,,' 808 2d ave., Detroit, Mich. , AGENTS make big money between now . ana ennstmas; our line a Dig money maker, no capital needed?, free samp I ; case. Write today K M. Feltman, 6 HQ Sycamore St., Cincinnati, Ohio. ONE man's commission last week $238. Belling Washington Nursery Co. trees. If you can walk, talk and write an or der, write us today for territory. Wash Ington Nursery Co.,- Toppenlsh, Wash. SALESMEN wanted to aid us in sup- plying the' brisk demand for nursery stock. Address. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Oregon. , WHY not write health and accident in surance? Openings for agents and district managers. A. E Crafts, 601 - Kauway iuxenange oiog., rortiano. WANTED Man or woman in every town to sell automobile necessity, something new, sells on sight big money. Particulars write 31$ Wilcox bldg. SALESMEN, agents. The best money making proposition . ever presented, 601 Swetland. SITUATIONS MALB READ THIS ONE . v If I could only find a man that was Btrlctly sober and reliable, industrious, , handy and willing, educated and refined, . one with whom I. could trust my home or my business and on my return find It as I left it. I would consider myself fortunate. All right, here ha is, and more, too. Address for interview T 141, Journal. ; YOUNO man wants position as book keeper and assistant with printing firm; experience both at trade and of fice; can install or operate cost system and sot of booke; use typewriter; refer ences. v-137, journal. ' POSITION wanted by experienced ste- nograpner as typist. Dining ciera or rrneral office assistant: out of town Sosltion considered; references given if eslred. B-148, Journal. ' PERMANENT position desired by man witn s years experience in irons ana produce, A-l references. Address or phone. Room 265, Foster hotel. WANTED Position by experienced grocery elerkr win -worK-for small wages to start Can give references. C- 199, journal. WANTED Position by druggist Have had 9 years experience ana am a Taduate of pharmacy. O. L. Perkins, 94 13th. Phone Main 1298. ; YOUNG married man wishes position on a ranch; expert stock man wants a long Job. K-140. ournal. ' PLUMBER with 8 years' experience In Portland, .desires steady employment; best reference. J-157, Journal. CARPENTER and builder wants situa tion day or -contract. 49th and Woodstock. J. B. Young, COLORED man wants position as por ter or janitor. East 8988. ' Green. . EXPERT accountant wants small Bet Of -books to keep. P-142. Journal. CARPENTER WORK to exchange wki painter who baa block, fall. Bell. 893. SITUATIONS FEMALE . 4 BY competent, reliable, refined widow, housekeping position In nice home In good circumstances, and where there are young children; good home more essential than high wages. F-143, Jour nal. , -.. - - . . ' AN- expert milliner and ladies' tailor wishes position in good store, where eithor or both services may be required; good salary expected; no objection to going out of .the city. P-141, Journal. WIDOW of . middle age would like to keep house for respectable man. N objection to children. Phone Tabor 1215 or B-l 50, Journal. . LADY Caterer will manage small ban nuets. luncheons and afternoon re freshments; will furnish , waitresses. Phone Marshall 2594. . T ELDERLY lady wishes to care for a child from months to. 4 years ot age. Mother's care, 408Jalmortst, between 10th and 11th. YOUNG ladv stenographer deslrea posi tion; experience legal, wholesale hard ware and public work. . Phone Marshall 2143. YOUNG Widow would like situation as . housekeeper for widower or oacnaior In a nice home; best of references. B- 163, Journal. LADY wants day work ironing, fin laundress, cleaning; references. Room 17; B-1971. EXPERIENCED private exchange oper ator and bookkeeper wishes position; referencesVV-130, Journal. YOUNG fTeYman lady, 25, wants house work with good family. Inquire at 763 Borthwick st. '---" - - -.-' YOUNG lady desires position as cashier or any kind of clerical work.: Quick, accurate, reuapie. A.-ia, journal. LADY, 43; Christian; wishes position housekeeping In widower's family. 2881 Jefferson at Basement front door. EX1-ERIENCED, first class bookkeeper desires few hours' work forenoons. Telephone B-2302. WANTED Position in physician's or dentist a ortice or nurse in aept, store. References given. O-208, Journal. GOOD Swedish girl wishes housework in a small famUy. west side preferred. Main 3224 or call 107 E. 16th N. WDMAN cook, experienced, wishes wora in city or country, all round or pas trles; wages 310 week and up. 288 Mam. , TWO ladles wish places as housckeep- ers; good cooks. 168 E. 67th North, Tabor 3803. , WOMAN with 7 year old boy wan is position as housekeeper. : Phone Main 71 T. . LACE curtains, lace bed spreads, drap eries, done by experts, , Woodlawn 2684. : - . - : :'y ": ' - " LACE curtains. , draperies, . bla tike t s, , laundered by expert; 25 cents up. Ta- bor 817. ' '' '": :--' -:. WOMAN wants position to do huse work. Phone Main 717. - LACE curtains hand laundered. Special prices to hotels. Phone Main 1 46. DAY work, housecleaning. $30 Clay -room 7; phone Main 6083. " , y . HIGH echoot girl wishes work in after- noons or evemngn. i-hj, WOMAN wants work chuniberiiiHli. " Phone La.'t Phone Mam in., LADY wants day , work. 2334. '-'.; SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE MAN and wife Janitor or care of apa-rt-ment house.' Main 3628. y. . DRESSMAKING It) FIRST class flreswmmcpr wisnm pioi.. engiiffptncnfr vrQr: "' " good style, v Price per thiy $3.5i. Mani 1153. DRESSMAKING and l.u! n rate work snd rf""" Rnorn 203 Guodnough i s i ; , Vuml.Ut ,' i -