THE "OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. "THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 28, 1912. 3 C3 TTHSm All (Jrctiit r urcnases l oaay, i oiuorrov ana uaianuc ui uu; muutu vu yH iiciuMw vivvvuuw utw mw m; wv j - ResertaTables- " .... . . i- ., . l-i - t -- :''":.! w ""'",,., ,-' ''. . Furs remodeled, renovated and manu- Visit our Beauty Parlors, balcony, first t .When jurcha &OVT. WEATHER FORECAST 17) f) fi bfr YHP llZJoJgW equipped floor. HairdressinrnanicUrinshampoor "T-JTSS Fair tonight and tomorrow; south- IM II ill U v(Ij UvJIm Ua shop. Everything in Fur. we are pre- Ing, facial massage, electrolysis, etc., done Meier Frarak'st l 9. 1 st . Fifth Floor Daily, W . to U A. M. and , ;??-Y0UNG 4 OLD Including Matchless Offerings In Holiday Gifts In Needs 2 to 5 P.M. for the Person and Home Articles of Importance to Men, Women and Children 1191ST SURPRISE SALE 75c Pictures 49c - Nicely : suited for Xmas gifts. Framed Pictures in sepia finish. Assorted subjects. Mounted on veneer mats, 1-inch walnut finish frames, 11x14 size. Reg- AQn ularly 75c Friday only MEIER & FRANK'S 1191ST FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Real Lace Neckwear for Fri day Surprise at Hal Price? , Purchase of a Sample Line Real Irish, Filet, Cluny Lace and Hand-Embroidered Conceits JUST in time for the Great Surprise comeY this excepi tional purchase of real Irish, Filet, Cluny Lace and Hand Embroidered Collars, Fichus, Yoke Coat Collars, Stocks, Jabots and Collar and Cuff etSrheyVe-itew-and l-Vjt dainty conceits you'd ordinarily pay $5 to $50 for, at Vll Women's to$1.50 I Kid Gloves $1.09 Women's K i d Gloves specially re duced for Friday only. In glace kid, suede, mocha and chamois. One and two-clasp, pique and overseam. sixes sy, to . 7y3. White, black and all colors.-Some Perrin's teal - Frenchr-2-clasp.-Regularly $1.25 and $1.50, Friday only, pr. 09 Women's 95c Ker chiefs Special 45c Just 500 boxes enter the Friday Surprise. . "Amriswyr embr o i d ered corner Kerchiefs for women. All done by peasant work on Shamrock cloth, 4-in. hemstitched, packed 3 in a box.' Every Ker chief different pattern. Ordinarily they'd sell at 95c the box, Friday only, we offer 500 boxes at, each 45c 25c to 50c Rib bons, a Yard 17c Just in time for the making of Holiday gifts is this Ribbon Surprise offering. Plain and fancy Rib bons. In warp prints, stripes and plaids, satin and taffeta. All colors, 5 to 6-inch widths. -Also suitable for hah bows. Regu lar 25c to 50c Rib bons, Friday only, yd. lie Vint floor lffln BnUdlaf Man Orders Mld St. . MEIER & FRANK'S 1191ST FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $"l 4.25 for Womitfs Reg?: ular $25.00 Tailored Suits THIS is the opportunity that hundreds of women. have been waiting for. ' But ft" should , be remembered that itV ! only for one day that we price these tailor-made Suits for womer at $14.25. 'r.ViSv'V They're all made from mannish serge and nicely tailored, Somr have silk braidbound edgesoth ers braid-trimmed with velvet collars. Hieh eirdle skirts. All ',5ft sizes. In navy, black and mixtures ot orown ana - gray. r women regular $25 Suits, for Friday only Tit Wi 1.35 Sxmd Tloor Hla BnUdlaf VaJl Ordwa FUlsd MEIER & FRANK'S U91ST FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE iio.95is 0 on Fine Silk and Wool Dresses THEY'RE just as illustrated, -these Dresses for street, .business 1 and i af enjCKnwear ! Some of serge and others Cha'r meuse. All made in Norfolk stymie with waist and skirt joined. One style of each, silk and . serge, shown in the illustration. Dresses, of silk with lingerie col lars and yokes. Others with Robespierre collars, lace jabots, pleats', tucks and button trimmed. Many Dresses trimmed in con trasting colorsi AH sizes. Colors juvybrowrtj-taupe, grays, . mix-; ... tures and black. For Friday only we specially price these Dresses at '$1 0.95 oond Xlooiw-M tin Bnflfiln ; 3BS4U Ord.n TUUd '! VI 11: Si - MEIER & FRANK'S 1 191ST FRIDAY SURPRISE I MEIER & FRANK'S 1191ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Women's 5Qc Hose Sale Semi-lfede Robes ior Friday Sale, 29c $10 Patterns, $6.49 is' 1 HAT every woman will find Hose in this Fri- yiHAT a wonderful gift for mother, sister or day Surprise of fabrics such as she desires, we wifethese Semi-Made Robes of silk em have assembled a great group of both plain and fancy broidered on net.. They're a most apporpriate evening styles. Of lisle and silk lisle. Made in out sizes, have gown for either women or misses. Made from 3 yards ribbed tops. Some with maco split soles, full fashioned of 45 inch flouncing, 8 yards of 4 inch bands, V2 yards j and seamless. In black and, colors. Regular aa plain net In white, black, pink, blue, alice and a j 50c Hose, specially priced for Friday only, pair ZC gold. Reg. $10 Semi-Finished Robes, Friday at bD4 : . Tint noor Mln BuUdln -MU Ordr rnid ffrrt loor Bw BuUdlnf 1 J v MEIER & FRANK'S 1191ST SURPRISE SALE Handsome $6Q0Tea Cloths Friday $2.98 ' . . ' NEVER too many of these All-Linen Tea Goths in the home. And what a desirable gift they make! Every housewife takes great pride in these Cloths. They're daintily embroidered and scalloped. All round style, 45 inch diameter. You'll agree when you see them that they are exceptional Tea Cloths at the price we offer them for Friday Surprise. rfy qq Regularly priced at $6.00, Friday for only !) e0 rirst oor mw BoUdln Mall Ordwi rUlsd. 1 MEIER & FRANK'S 1191ST FRIDAY SURPRISE 60c Linen Moire tor Friday Surprise, 49c UUNDREDS of women who prefer , Petticoats made from serviceable as well as attractive materials may fill their needs at this Friday Surprise, in which we o'ffer Linen Moires, in dark plaids and stripes 36 inches wide that regularly sell at 60c. SpeV mA dally priced for Friday Surprise only," the yard 45C linn nor BUta BoQdlng SUU Ordirs ruiad 1 . MEIER & FRANK'S 1191ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Actual $5 5aSolid Oak Chairs and Rockers at $2.79 If R1DAY Surprise from our great Furniture Sec- tions that will find hundreds of eager purchas ers ! Solid quartered oak Rockers and Chairs as illus trated. Box frame style, with cane seat, substantially built and nicely finished. Regular $5.50 Oak Rockers Art t and Chairs. Specially reduced for Friday, each I U Ponrth Bloor, Both BuUdlaffa. 1191ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Men'sSOctoPSc Cuff Links A SAMPLE line of Lin.k Cuff Buttons from one of the greatest factories in the country. All the newest styles and design. Wonderfully suited for gift' purposes. Come to the men's furnishing section, just inside the Morrison street entrance, and purchase Friday only these 50c to 75c Cuff Links at 29c a Pair MEIER & FRANK'S H91ST FRIDAY SURPRISE 8 Big Friday Toy Specials C$lDolls 60c Dressed Dolls at 49c rffsat73c Dressed Dolls with assorted dresses. K 4 MJ Handsomel, Eft n $ loll" high Re8ular,y its- 40c Building Blocks, 29c 'A:JjiV.jHave" hai?" ' Full set of 12 Picture Building Blocks, Stfiw Pj with embossed and plain animal pictures, ' IK ' lari'y $i oo." "1iftlbers nd letters- Regularly 40c, Friday 7Zi rnday 29f. .' ' . $1.00 Mechanical Toy Trains 73c -Mechanical Trains of engine, coal tender and passenger coach. Circular track 87 inches long. Automatic stop engine.. Regularly $1. Friday 73. 50c Toy 35c Tin $3.75 Kitchen Villaget 39c .Tea Sets 23c Comforts, $1.69 Toy Villages con- ' Tin Tea Sets, Kitchen Comfort eisting of 8 card- elaborately decor. Tables, oak finish, board houses, streets, ted, in bright tensilei drawer and 'parks, trees,, -car- teolors, 12 pieces, flour Vin, 36 inches Hages and -people. whh iarge tea high. Table dimen- Regularly 50c, 1-n- pot. Regufarly sion, 16x26., Reg- day, only 89f. Jti&wZ& jilaU3J5, at.jl.6a. 60c Set, Poll furniture, 49c 4-piece set of Doll Furniture. Ta- gr2i b!et Fclding Settle and two Folding T!5j5! Cha!rt Fainted red or green. Each jZyrf et in separate carton. Regularly 60c, fFfS jf Friday .only 49fJ ' -;- ' J.x;.y ': .TJk " ' "J 1191ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Sale of Guaranteed Watches, Chains for $1:3.9: A GREAT many m en who prize the possession of a high - grade gold watch, always, use a re liable Watch of lesser tfafue for ordinary cur- mV) fl poses. Such men .ind Ol Jl aU by wil1 find in tbi ducement. Ameri can guaranteed Watches. Open face, nickel case, plain or silver dials, stem wind and set, thin model, small size. With each Watch is included a serviceable rolled gold coat or vest chain. These QO Watches, with chain, Friday at DJL0,i7 . rtrrt Floor Bw BuUdlnf . .... 1191ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Men's 50c Sife Hoser Pair 29c ATTENTION, MEN 1 This Friday Surprise holds for you an exceptional offr. Fully 300 dozen pure silk Hose of all-thread silk, with lisle soles-r-the kind that wear. And an extensive selection of gray, tan, navy, green and lavender. They are regular 50c Silk Hose, priced for Friday only, 29c Pair $15-$20Suits ANOPDlot of Men's Suits, including a few remain ing from a sale some weeks ago, when they were specially priced at $12.75. The group iSfepleni9hed with $15.00 Suits from our regular stock. You'll fid $15 to $20 Suits and to fit men of every stature. In gray, brown, tan, cheviots and tweeds. These Suits for Friday only, $11.85 Boys' $2.50 and $3 Russian Suits, $1.94 Every small boy delights in these Russian Suits. Made with sailor ind military collars. In brown, gray and blue. For ages 2 to 7 years; $2.50 and $3 grades, for Friday only $1.94 1191ST FRIDAY SURPRISE Neat $2.50 Brass Smoking Stands 24 A MOST appropriate gift for the man who smokesthese Brass Smoking Stands I Just! one hundred offered at this price, They're im ported Stands. Made of polished brass, SO inches high. Style as illustrated.1 Regular $2.50 Smoking Stands, com' binirig asb. receiver, match box stand and cigar holder, for A Friday Surprise only,' at j) 1 iA :, "' f: ' fltrt ruHain Bnndlnc MEIER & FRANK'S 1191ST FRIDAY SURPRISE The New Hinged Frame Real Leath er Bags for 83c NOTHING more popular in Hand bags than the thin tail ored stvles. For the Fri- day Surprise we offer the much favored gate frame Bag, as . illustrated. Made of real leather, extra . com purse and patent catch. Morocco grain leather, no Well lined, Special for Friday Surprise, only, each OuC Regular 75c Playing CarH Sets, Friday, Only 41c 1 Just at the beginning of the Winter card-playing season, and most appropriate for Holiday gifts are these Congress Gilt edged Playing Cards, in leather cases They're most pertinent for Bridge prizes and for travelers.- Ordinarily, you d pay 50c for the Cards alone. These regular! 75c sets, offered A "I for this sale Friday only at HklXr MEpi & FRANK'S 1191ST FRIDAY .SURPRISE Vnietf s $1.50 Lbng Cimonos at Only 88c AT THE Surprise price we offer them, these Ki monos will be in p-eat demand. Only 88c for long Kimonos of cotton serge twijl. Short waist or Empire styles. Witb V shaped or large pointed collars. Trimmed with fancy border or one inch satin bands. Small and. pretty designs. In blue, rose, red, v lavender, gray and tan. Regular $1.50 Kimonos 00C , oond noovmia BuUdtair Butter JcrsezJuttfiJb yL68 J J Avondale Butter, 2 lbs. 69f Cloverleaf But'r, 2 lbs. 69 Butternut Butter, 2 lb. TO Royal Banouet Butter, 2 lbs. for 80 Blue Ribbon Butter, 1 lbs. for so g r ii u n Coffee Special Coffey lb-.foc-?74 Victor Coffee, lb. for . bot Tea Room Coffee, lb. 39 Meierfrank Coffee, lb. 35 Royal Banquet Coffee, lb. for .45 . .. . r ;r Victor Cocoa, worth 45c, lb. for 25 Tm rood Grocery, Bassmf. White China Cups and raatitPairft)r Only Direct from' the" Austrian factory, come these thin, .white China Ciips and Saucers. Dainty shape just as illustrated. .Supply the Cup and Saucer needs Friday. For one day only these ar offered at this special price.: ' He PHONEACIFIC,MARSHALL"4606rHOMEA-6i6r '