THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. V.THURSDTY-' EVENING, NOVEMBER 28. 1912.- 13 FOR REXT -FLATS 13 tii'ii'tu mnilArit tt winm And lower flat, not furnished; no small children.' 307 llth t, near Columbia, A. )'.. Ponlsen. , , M0OEHN.5 room flat. 2 blocka north old steel bridge, fronting river; beautiful location. li.tu. 6 ROOM flats, furnished and unfu rn lahed. U1414 B. 13tb, near Haw. Iliorne. East 4123. iiouEHN 4 rooms, over corner store, $11 TiTrf 8U Williams eve. Woodlawn , jour v, ,J u.'KTt roim flat: k. 27th ami 1 li . ..... . w - Flanders tEAUTIFUL I and 4 room flata, low rent, i Marnci .i., "" ' .- FOR" IiENt-t room tlat Wi U. r- bett at' Key at 814 'Qorbett tt FCKXISTIED FLATS BO TWO modern furnished flats, ona 6 1 room downstairs and one I stairs, no children. 404 Flint at. near Russell at and ; Williams ave. Phone Nast iszv UPPER newly furnished fhH 'ATS"' 1 block . froni carllne. No. 897 t-un Rafael at., near Union ava. Phone East BUSY. W.-A. lier, owner. DECEMBER 1, furnished private flat, 087. W.VA. Tyler, owner, 4 rooms, nam, moaern, close In, very desirable location. Mar- i in i in . i i hi i KKW modern 4-room furnished latj sleeping porcn; i Diocairumvar. 4079, bus Maraet. ptmcw m, .HOTELS. 04 HOTEL PORTLAND European t-lw only 61.86 at 1 P. ' UKLVi.jJh.HB. European. 4th andAldr. STORE'S AND . Q3T1CES 11 FOR RENT Desirable atore room,, 289 East Burnslde,. between Union and Grand ave.: suitable for ahoe, Jewelry, bakery and delicatessen. Inquire Mc Carger. Bates ft Lively. Yeon Bldg. l Wa rflhnnsfl"J OOx 1 00- For rent, on railroad, adjoining Gold en Rod Mill Co., Alblna, Columbia 215. en timi wui vu., . STORE, 279 Hawthorne, near. bridge, i v.. ..... .M. tranlr In mar. Apply nawtnorne ". .v, $10. modern pleasant store and base- ment. otat rosier iuwu, l Anahel. D-iiSK room for rent 603 Board of Trade bldg. A-S070, M. 6684. FOR RENT HALLS 50 mivn i innm TI1TT.H WOR TIKNT Large one for Monday, Wednesday of Saturday nlghta; small one for Monday . or Saturday nights. ; Special rates for afternoon meetings.' Central location. rensonaoie. ti i zua vominmmi m. SMALL hall forwent Howe-Davia Co., - Ill -gd-et. " - WANTED TO KENT '- 7 WANTED To rent farm from 10 to 60 acreswith Improvements. Must be reasonable. K Garrison, 1600 Holla day ave. .. .-'': -. - - - '- UOKSKS. VEHICLES, ETC. 18 JUST arrived from eastern Oregon, 10 head of farm horaaa . and mares, weiKht from 60 to 1160, Work any where. Brown's Stable, 11th and Flan- oars BIB. 2 CHEAP work teams suitable for ranch or any alow work; can be aeen until sold at i union ave. : a GOOD team of big work mules, cheap for cash, or will take horses In. ex- change, m union ave. $36 takes black mare: $60 takes gray, wooaiawn i3Vi, vwoy st jv en- ton. ONE team, 2000 lbs., young, true, color bay. Price reasonable. G. McLaughlin, nycamore. i none I urtinmiii 10 ACRES of land at Falla Citr $1000. or will exchange for horses. 14 Union ave. '. , A GOOD top grocery wagon with good team and harness. 14 Union ave. LIVESTOCK S3 wa .iniu i wu gooa Jersey cows. or 6 years old, 1 fresh, other coming fresh about. May or June. Must be gentle, easy' milkers, giving rich milk. IbliiVERAL head of fresh dairy cows and i very gooa cream una ramuy cows; 7 that will be fresh within 10 days. , Prices right; take WoodBtock car to iitfth avenue, go 3. diocks west, FOR BALE Good, fresh cow; also 6 montha old colt A Scbamonl, Tlgard, ONE Durham and Holsteln, heavy milk- er, and one Durham. Tabor 1644. Ken dall station, FORTY choice dairy cows for sale. M-110, Journal. POULTRY 37 FEW fine thoroughbred cockerela cheap for quick sale. Don't need them; want on! y. - .puUU, Barred Rocks.- Minorca a, (1h, Leghorng. Games. 602 K. 33(1 N. "l OK SALE 14 Anconda hens, 1 rooster, - also 10 June chickens. $80 Williams , ave. DOGS AND UOUSEUOLD PETS 46 IMPORTED HARTZ MOUNTAIN Rollers. New lot Just received, extra fine, healthy singers; no culls and uo harah Chop notes. SPECIAL PRICE $2.60. CANARY AND PARROT FOODS FOR sale. Mail orders. We ship to all parts of ihe country and guarantee safe ar- rva'. Oregon mrq vo., ornce 230 2d. bfl'lZ puppy for sale, thoroughbred, about 4 months old. 486 Skidmore. Woodlawn 3318. p&UbiAN cats and kittens, cheap. Ped igreed stock.. Phone Woodlawn 2275. ' AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 Now You Can Afford , To buy a car. We are offering special prices on used cara to clean up before Jan. 1. Write or call for price list ' The White Co, . 6 SEVENTH ST. , BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED ' . CARS. We have a few snaps In allghtly used cara. and MICHIGAN cara taken in ex change. All cars fully guaranteed. Call or write at once. ' MICHIGAN AUTO BUGGY CO, $63-371 Hawthorne Ave. Phones East 1421, B-1346. K12 .FLANDERS Five pasa. 20 h. p. . fully equipped; good as new. Snap, $650. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. ' , 493-496 Alder st. Main 1161; A-4837. 1912 CHALMERS , Chalmera 6 paRsenger 38 horsepower, aelf-starting, fully equipped; good an new; must have cash. Will aacrlflce for 1200. rnone A-6513. . N. W. AUTO SCHOOL. 1130 Alblna ave open Nov. 1st automobile, saa engine construction, operation taught, compe . tent practical instructor. Wdln. 160. LOWEST RATES LOANS ON AUTOS. PRIVATE PARTY. 61$ ABINGTON BLDG., 108 Va 2D ST. WANTED No. 1 old auto tires, 7io id. aeuverea: xvo. i auio tires, Co lb. Inner tubes. If to 23c lb. , J. Leva, Iks Columbia at; Main 6198. LOAN'S .. ' on Autos Bauer, 209 Alder at. FOR SALE 1 "Marvel motorcycle, new this spring, free engine; will sell for 1130. pnono Kant 6078 after t p. m 'Aiiiuo-immra. is rjermomn. ran ; . pir garage, 278 12th st Main. 18C0, LARGE 6 passenger foredoor Cadillad auto, Hourly. Rex Auto Co., 860 - 1(,"r-..M"1" fl,!)g- A-3277. . AT a'Wi'KuJn, crtNlit slip of $S00 on Chalmers, Peerless or Pope auto. juACNCIIES Alfl) BOATS 04 45 H. P. launch, write Carlook ft Mull naupt, IPZtt t.mmpcr nt tmnmnn n MtfelCAL INSTRUMENTS 4 34 MANDOLIN; and guitar playera, club organlzinvfor amusement only. Ia- t)Or OQHO. FINE violin, bow and case, $16. Owner, Main 9461. ; ' WANT to buy upright planB, must be cheap. State price. E-119, Journal. , HOCSEIIOLD GOODS 68 600 STOVES, heaters, f 1.26; cook stoves. it. i , half ' nrln furnitur price's below cent S3a-83lBt St FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 FORCED OUT MU8T SACRIFICE Every piece of furniture MUST BE SOLD before January 1. Buy .now. MONEY TALKS $1 does work of $2. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EX. H fj. Morrison, r.em mn. FuR V.'.LE New and .econd-hnna Car ' om .and pocket billiard tablea, and bowling alleys and accesaorlea; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender.Co.. 4$ 4$ 6th st. Phones Main 799, A-17B9, NATIONAL cash registers, credit regis. ters, computing scalea, electrio coffee mills and all atore appliances, bought sold and repaired. Sell for cash or pay ments. The Pacific Store Service Co, 22i BtarK. Mam tin. FOR SALE Reasonable discount, check "for ($16) sixteen dollars, drawn on Merchants Savings & Trust Co. bank by. Arthur II. Hurts with Btoddard-Day-toh Auto Co. Phone Tabor 1240. evenlnga TO save trouble of storing will sell used doors, windows, frames, caBiiig. wainscoting, mouldings very cheap. Phone Woodlawn 2029. SAFES New and second-hand; large assortment: safes opened and repaired. Moaler Sate Co.. 108 2d st Phone Main 767. UbKD MACHINES, all make, casu or terms. Prices right Dinger Sewing Mpfhin Rtnra KRi Morrison uL 1 BARGAIN 3 nearly new pool tablea; aiirn hav irroi'trv and confectionery paying good; leaving city. Tabor 1640. FOR SALE The Elite Tailor and Clean. lug shop; very reasonaote, iat vn Ion ave.; good location. FOR SALE Coaater brake bicycle, lu . .1.1... . 1 SI T 1 . 1 t Pfi gooa conuuiuiii ( . j, buk $10 NEW HOME sewing macuine, all attachmenta. 162 Grand ave. L. C SMITH typewriter, cheap, need money, iwbi, journal DERBY DESKS and office furniture. Haley Desk Co.. 210 7th at Main 687. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $8.61) up. Tayior ine taiior, oin n, via. ONE water neater, gas range office desk, sanitary coucn. rnone ta. t. BICYCLES, $lft and up. BargalniO motorcycien. ii aiuwm WANTED ailSCELLttN EOUS 5 . NOTICE TO MOVERS Wa want to buy everything In fur niture, stoves and rugs that we 'can get All we ask la an opportunity to make you an offer. Will pay all the casn It Is worm. rnn tu. can, WANTED People of Portland to know that 1 pay the nigbest cash price for second-hand household goods. N. M. g8ter, 1.4-lZB uranq ave. e.asi loot. Wll'L pay part caah and fine talking machine outfit for piano Or motorcy cle. Portland Phonograph Agency, 360 Alder. WE ARE lu need of a carioad of office furniture of all descriptions. Let us make you a cash offer. Phone Main 2344 CO V ELL FURNITURE & COMM1S SION CO. Pays the best price for your second band furniture, carpets and MlOVeS. ZU main av WHY sell your furniture at auction? We pay highest prices. Make no mis take; address 11. R. Beater, 248-60 Haw thorne ave. Phone East 3134. WANTUL by toe Eagle furmture houae, your second-hand furniture, highest cash price paid. G. Long proprietor. Pnone woooiawn ion, na union ava. HIGHEST price paid for 2d hand furnl- ture, ciouiiug iuiu juua. juarsuau 3721. ulDnCDd1 a' I It "1 1 ONI l-imTUIT 268-370 E. Morrison st E. 1022, $1000 worm OI gooa mniuun m mice. WE need the goods, you need. the mon- ey, Rose City Auction House, .tv-sio . . . i 1.'., IS, BE WISE; get more tor your second- kan fnrntrnra hv HAllinir it in Auction Co.. 211 1st. Main 8951, A-2446. WANTED Complete moving plctur outfits, folding . chairs, etc F-lll, Journal. WILL pay cash for second hand fur nlture and stoves. 414 E. Morrison. WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc. Cam era Exchange. 245 Morrison. LOST AND FOUND 21 THE following is a list of articles found on the cori-of the Portland Hallway," Light & Power company and turned in at tne airrerent division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as Indicated: Turned in at the East Aukeny barn, November 27. 1912. Phone B-1168: 1 package ladles' underwear. 1 package stationery. Turned in at the Piedmont barns, No vember 27. 1912. Phone C-1227: 2 suitcases, 1 handbag, 1 basket, 4 mis cellaneous packages; l package meat. 1 pair slippers. 1 bunch keys. Turned in at the Hellwood division barn. November 27, 1912. Phone B-6164: 1 sultcnse. 1 garden hoe, 1 letter, 2 boxes clothing, 1 umbrella, 1 handker chief, 1 package stationery, 1 box poMUm, 1 nooK, l string or rieads.o Turned In at the Savior street barn, November 27. 1912. Phone A-5586: cap. I .packs" pickles. 1 hand basket. LOST Watch foD, initials W. F. M.. Tuesday, Nov. 26, between 21st and Alberta sts., Williams and Killings worth avenues; finder please notify i)ll len Rogers, Jeweler, Alblna and Kill lngsworth avenues. Phone Woodlawn 2863. Kewara LOST On M. V. car, package contain ing diploma and hair brush. Leave at Journal office. Reward. LOST Open face gold watch, initials D. M. li. and fleur de lis chatelaine pin. Phone Tabor 6Z. Reward, LOST White English bull terrier bitch; Answer llUT, Aimna ave. icqward. PERSONAL . ' 22 MADAME ESTELLE, spiritual medium readings daily. 128 13th, near Wash. MOBT thorough manicure; late of Kan (ias City, Mo. Office 606 Northwest bldg.,.Btn and wash., Mar. 2836 DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala- dies, acute disease, wash. bldg. cor. 4th and Whsh.. room 41. Marshall 448. E. HURTT, spiritual medium, consul tation, 10 to 8. Rooms 26-27, Miliner bldg., SbU' Morrison. ' ELECTRIC treatments for rheumatiam. M. DeBarr. office 16, first floor. Mil- ner hldB, MRS. A. V. KROPP, apiritual adviser; consultation dally 9 to i, 66 Grand ave.; E. 3346. QO I A "I IP A Wish to see the case 1 OVln I IUn can't cure (no drugs). Dr. Douglas, n. -A".. union av. n. JOHN SLATER, apiritual medium; cir cle Friday evening, 8 sharp; consulta tion in to 2, 28 Aider, near nth. MECHANO-Theraplet J. B. L. Cascade treatment cures rneumausm, stomach irouoie. jizr iiawinorne. a-ibai, DR. J. M. CROWLEY has mqved to 60.1. : 4, Nortnwest niog., cor, etn and wanh. MRS. CLARA HAY, spiritual mediumT 8 to 4 dally. 21 N. llth at n I H R P F A specialty ; lawyer, 618 ui ui ivi-' 'Kotncniia pmg. vmy, wn FREE aovice. divorce, claims, adjust iraiMwii stt.'wwi1 Marrr- Bin-. BAiM of Figs, remedy for diseases of wnm art aim i ihvis at m nin m v t rUSE Bassett'a Native Herbs for constl- BAvJ 12 to $10 by buying your trunk or ultcaHfl at 632 Wash., cor. 17th st SCI K N TI FIG-, massage by appointment only. Miss Carroll, Phone Mar. 117. PERSONAL FOR RICH AND POOR. ' One dollar for bIx months' treatment Cure or money refunded under register, ed guarantee., Hours 10 to 6; Saturday evening to o'clock. Office $20 Swet land bldg. The Standard Medical Soci ety, incorporated. MRS. STEVENS, 1 .yeare Portland's leading 'palmist and clairvoyant has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy' on sale. 667 Vi Williams ave., corner Knott Off'oe hours 10 a. m. to $ p. m. MRS. W. It WRENN, spiritual adviser, 294 Jefferson, cor. 6th at Circles Monday, Thursday, at 8 p. m., and Wednesday at 2 p. m. Marshall 4239, A- REAL REMEDY for MEN'S MALADIES We have the latest and best products of medical science, ALDER ST. PHARMACY. 242 Alder. RELIABLE ANTISEPTltJ CONES " You watit the best there are to be had. Wt have them. ALDER ST. PHARMACY; 241 Aider. I,AFE AND SURE Dr. Brown's Female Specific for delayed periods. Prloe XI. 26. For Hal a ,bv the Morrison Drug Co.. 220 Morrison street. Phone M. 8868. SPIRITUAL Medium,- Rev. M. A. Price. Readings, healing, dally. Circles. Tues., S. Wed. and Hun.. 8.. 886 4th st M. 7227. WANTED a young lady roomate: large room ror two, ueai uoivi in vuy. w 182, journal, SPIRITUAL and mental scientist con- sultatlon daily. 326 V4 BiarK st. r Professional ABSTBAOTB-i JOHN A. BERRY, Atty.. collections, ab- atracts examinea, wri wv"""".: .il legal questions. 817 Allsky bd. Mil 8828. AOCQBDEOW PUTTTUO tr I.JIh' taOnr Acr.ordeon. . ix. DlDUiiaii) side and sunburst plaiting,, buttons cov ered, goods sponged, hemstitching, etc., 883 Alder st Main 9372. :ACCO0HTAaT rraua. COLUS. BER RIDGE ft .THOMPSON, 334 Worcester oiug. m ASYXSTXBZH-a FOSTER ft K.LEISER, outdoor adTertla- lng; painted bulletins, paimea losters. B. 7th and E. Everett sis. Last 111, B-2224. AXOBZTXCTfl ft BUIXPE. si... .itimat.. fnmishiid. Before you build see Williams. 176 Madison street ABTXTICIAIi UUBS rn ..... ..... a, flot thtk best It pays. Write for catalog, 'ihe Peter son Artificial Limb Co.. 498 Wash. . ABBATIB8 WELLS ft CO., assayers, analytical chemists. SIMft waan. mniu iv. MuxViAiNA asaay otlice, laboratory, ore testing. Marsnau zrtu. AXXOSSSYB. KORNEGAY & THOMPSONv lawyere; general practice, collections, abstracts examined. 4U2 Northwest bldg., 8ta and wasnington streets, A. E. COOPER, Attorney at Law, Gen eral practice; aosirci euiuiuou, 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Mala 878. A-3071. SZU.X BEfAXXUIQ PORTLAND Belting ft Repair Co, 84 1st; belt repg. Motorcycle belts $3 up. BXtAJUC BOUiC MAK.IC8.8 HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 108 2d at, Blank Book m'f'g.; agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Lai Ledger ; see the new Kureaa leat. a-jij. jama BSASS IQVSDXX AMERICAN Brorae ft Brass Works, 668 Upsnur. Brass, aluminum, puospiiur bronze castings. Main 4116. BUSUsXSS CA&BU WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. Jth floor Journal Duuuing. 'iE CARWCR ASPHALT PAViNG CO. purtianu miice u aiwn'" mu. CABPEMTEB ABO BBPAX2UBO GET your bouse built altered or re paired by Ilrat class mechanics. Sell- wooa jo -so. A. E. VUkS'l'KUM, House, ltice, i gn repairing, remodeling, oiug. nm, CARJPET CLEAJlIMCt JOYCE BROS., Electrio Cleaning Worka, carjets cleaned and laid, refuting our BPeclalty. K. 440. B-1963. 204 E. 19th N. CAJaPET WXAVXSGt NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from ..r ,r.r .uLmi- nur R. Morrison. A D j miiui, 'tiulsiiNftuLA Rug Works, rag carpel land rugs. 1618 fatton p. ttwwm CHZBOVOalXSZa .... w..tAM. invrnwn nails .nulnki UUJtlMD, f. -." " ,"V.Lf, 1. ciaAtifin treatments on coast Lady attendant. 207 Globe bldg. CHIBOPSA.CTZO ggYSIOIAg DR. HELEN W. JACK, 222 14th st nervous and chronic diseases. treat ments $5. Main tbu Adjustments restore health muuraiiy 11U a limiim. v.. . .- CIBCUXAS ZJSTTEK8. MULTIGRAPH1NG, Printing, atenog raphers. Hill & CO.. 222 Henry bldg. . ,. .,..,. li (Li ultlirrnnhimr i!o lac. simile sigs. oug i!iii8i uma. . . CAJISY IdAJBrUPAOTUBEB.8 The Aldon Candy Co.. 12th and Gllsan sts Hlah grade cnocuiates. COAX, ABB WOOD II II 11 IUI lk JT ialViJM N V IBS Stt W SB '.ZJZTn KHOHT Wuuu. iLi'a. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. $2.60. INSIDE GREEN 6HORT $3.6. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co. . . .... . nAA, . wain aitg. -iwi, CONSUMERS' FULL CO. (Atner. Coal Mln. Co.) Coal direct from mine to consumer. Save mlddlemen'a profit. East 118 U-lli o. puniveig. i-. pv. m xnjfiv. pACTblABWOOD CO. Wiii- Green slaDWOOU, oig ana sinau msiae block wood. pianor . irun go cordwood. NEER k FARK ior A-l dry 4 lu l.r and oak cordwood. n.n ai.H to order. Pro mot A A I H.Tivrv Main 46. A-4647. UUrtL Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST 818. B-1867. DELIVERED ZaT'i. F. J- EVERTS. Ft Curry st L'pnKnmv Kuel Co.. HI Grand ava. Cos.1 that glvea heat and satisfaction. East 214. U-334Q. iTQiiipfc service BOX. planer, diock. sisd, coru wooa ana coalT Standard Wood Co., S47 East . ... . . ..It I ) ,AK tstara. tjn. n-'" ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of green and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men- oota cohi. COAL and all kinds of wood. Phone Holgate i uei jo.. peuwooo ia. PHOENIX, Fuel Co. Dry wood $1.50 per ioao. dzi tsnvier. Main aatt. Eut.Wl'BKN handles wood and coaL ooacMiasiOM mebckabxs HENRY EVERDING. 46-47: Front t Butter, eggs, poultry, vgai. nogs, hides &HLROD Ranch Egg Co., 114 Union ava Butter, egga. .poultry, veai. noga. 4 PAJfY-ABTP-CMAMra. ftU fflCTS MONROE ft CRISELL. 146 Front dairy, - eneese iactory macninery ec auppwea, OAjrcura HEATH'S Dancing Academy, private lea sons morning, afternoon and evening. Class Mon. and Frl. evenings, assem bly after. 109 2d; bet. Wash, arid Static, 22 I LEARN the truth about dlffereht rem edies before you risk your health and money; Most of them are either Illegiti mate, poisonous and dnngoroua or abso lutely ;worthles. Antlko No. 8 Is the rarest remedy In the world for ills of women. Contains no poisons and Is harm less to the most sensitive persons, and It may therefore be used with every confidence.. For sale and guaranteed In Portland by the Jefferson Drug Co- 2d and Jefferson st. and by the Heldfond Drug Co., 220 Morrison st. NO MATTER what has failed when in need of a regular monthly remedy, ret a bottle of Antlko Mixture No. 8 and be (convinced it Is the best and most harm- less remedy ever put on the market for fialnful and suppressed periods. Abso utely guaranteed and for sale In Port land by Jefferson Drug Co., 3d and Jefferson. Main 7642. A-T916. . HAVE YOU SUPERFLUOUS HAIRT SPECIAL OFFER FOR 80 DAYS. To any lady with hair, on the face, neck, arms, hands, bust, eyebrows, moles or warts. we will give free treatment to convince you what can be done by ex perts. Come In, have it number of hairs removed, watch the results. . i i ELEC TItOL Y SIS CO M PANT,- 804 Swetland bldg.. 6th and Washington, HAlRUREbSING and manicuring par lore. 216 Tllford bldg.. Miss Hedlund, MLLE. ROBERGE, nhysical culture; of ; flee 29 3d floor, 8504 Alder st MRS. A. HAMOT Expert chiropody and . electrio light baths. 326 Stark st SAM CINQ PROF. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School. Walts, twoatep, threestep, ecottlsche; lessons 26c; every morning, afternoon and evening-. All dances guaranteed first lesson. Do you know, anyone who walks can learn to dancer Stage and fancy dances tauaht daily, ' 85 A 6th at. bet. Stark and Oak sts. Main 7637. HEATH'S school, lessons dally, waits, two sten. three sten. Baltimore or schottlsche taught In first lesson. Alia- av nwg,.-na-and-Morrison stsr "" PrBJgAT0I.0QI3T Moles, wrinkles, scaln specialist Mra Courtrlght 711 Dekum bldg. Main 6042. SOO, CAT AITS HOBSB HObPIZAli BROWN BROS., 646 Wash, Main 4086, A-fuso. nee. si is. lztn. k. M4U. B-ZZ87 PBXSSMa KIMtt 6CSOOI, c. Valentine's system ladies' tailoring. dressmaking taught 162 Grand ave., between Morrison and Belmont WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second hand motors, western Electric Works, 213 6th st Electrio. uiovor apBOiallats, - Jamoa, Mc- tvenzie met, wks., ivs union. Kaat 117. EflOKAVEBS. EMBOSSED stationery, engraved cards. viamtun vo., uj Mancncater Dldg. Bklfi. HAM, JMOiaB AB XiaJeOAX Treatment by SDeclaliat Glasses fit. (.ed. Dr. F. F. caseeday, 418 Dekum bldg. FARM IMgl.tiMt.hi A AJ1JD YBJUCia P. E. ESBENSHAPE. 214 Front, farm Implements, tools, lawn & field fence. It. M. WAUt c CO.. 322 Hawthorne ave. wnoiesaig agrieutturai - implements. xovMomx xd ma email h.q Phoenix Iron Works, E. 3d-Hawthorna. uenerai tnacnine ana rounory work. BOWERS & PARSONS, 100 Front M. Mta. n urnuure nospitai, packing. jfDitS AMU XAXLU&suaiSX REMODELING and new work. V. & Fmiey taxidermist 249 Columbia st GLASS AHD UIAZUIG Tlmms. Cress ft Co., 148-8 td at Prompt service. Ring Main or A-2023. ttAttOiOttfi SBUUraill STATIONARY and marine, electrio equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and- retail; engine repairing. Reierson Macninery Co., loi Morrison. ttBBUaAJb KJBfAUUira GENERAL machine and electrio work. .pair eiuvinu motors ana ayna mus a specialty. E. Hippely, 324 Oak, BAT rACXOttY LADIES' and gentlemen's ha la cleaned and blockeU; all work guaranteed or ra rlini'vpu VVm mMkA it i,..i . i , . ladies' beaver hats. Phone Mala S442. Tne Royal Hat Works, 223 1st st BAJtS a&ESBIMQ UP TO DATE hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatment. Hair work made up. 610 Swetland bldg. aoooa FEBVET ft UANEBUT. Leading wig and-toupee makers, finest stock or human hair goods; hair dress ing, m a n 1 1 n p 1 1 r u . . onH . roenU 147 7th, near Morrison. M. 648. IB AUBAB CM . McCARGAR, Betes ft Lively, $01 Yeon mug, r.very iorm ot insurance. Dooda PACIFIC bTATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire insurance com. JPBg SZAXJBa HIGHEST price paid for toola, old ma. cninery, copper, ruoper, DOItles. M. 327J KOCAK JDBVBXiOrXSa ROLLS' developed free; prints, 2o up; mall order bolicitea. 206 Mercnauu Trust bldg. &ASTES1T 8UDJE8 STEREOPTICONS sold, rented; operator iuiuionou, reuBunnuie. xiaoners, BUOW cards, signs. Enterprise Art Co., 72 8th X,A9Iti' XACLOBIBO THE National Ladles' Tailors, guaran tee fit work by expert designers. 131 10th st. near Washington. Mam 1780. XJUfDSCAFB OABwDEBlBO Paclflo Landscape Gardening Co. , We design ana oraw plans Xor parks, cemeteries, residential tracts and su burban homes; furnish tne necessary trees, shrubbery, etc.; our work la ab solutely guaranteed "done right" oy practical, experienced men. We also plant and care for lawns, shrubbery, do general up-keep" work on - private grounds, experienced men furnlsned on snort notice, f none Main ssie. ZiATHtt ASS riBOXHaS CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO-74 Front Leather of . every description; tap manufacturers, findings. UP B EASING KATHERINE KING teaches the hard-of-hearing! 30H Central bldg. Mar. 298. 3C.OCKBMITH V. J. Foychek, 224 Main st, locksmith, gum repairea, saws iiiea, aeys made. SSAOBJBSBjY B. TRENKMAN ft tO., hydraullo and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, rmilll'B Miqvumci j, ,cfqiiw. i m. tin. ZCBSSBXQEBS HASTY MESSENGER CO., open night ana nay, aimn as. A-aiea, MOBXGAGB LOABS. JOHN ICER. mortgage loans. Insurance. 803 Yeun mag. . Aiain UOTOBS AJTD SYBAU08 , MdtorsirTIyTnaTitdsTSO H-M-H Eiec. Co.. 81 N. First M. 8210. MUSJC SCEOOZ.8 AJTD TRACSZBS PIANO, violin, mandolin, guitar,, banjo Instructions, 60o. ; 492 Hawthorne ave. RAGTIME guaranteed' in 10 to 20 lea- p., ,C I VI. Ml". Iia T E. Lawson, 126 14tu. Mam 6197. P? ano lessons, 60 cents. ., a rit eons popular prices, n-iii journaL PERSONAL PERSONAL MISS STOCKS gives readings dally; mental scientist treatments for gen eral , debility. , 666 Morrison st, cor. 18th. A-6666, W car, y-i LOANS WASTED : ' 80 p More Interest Than Loans r Seller's contract for sale, a good one, fiurchaaer'pay monthly balance $1040; Iberal discount See Mr. Logan, 816 Spalding; bldg, IF you want to loan vour money on first class real estate, list It at once with the 7 SLAUSON-CRAIO CO' MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT., $04 Oak st. near 6th. ' Loan Wanted at Once Will pay lO per cent Interest for $600 r 8 months: 19000 security: must have It at once. F-104, Journal. WANT loans $800, $1600, $2600;' 2 vr., 8 ner cent; city, county realty. No brokers; see Chase, 627 Chamber of Commerce. - $100 CASH to man who secures me a . . $1000 loan... on new- buflgalow; Uni verslty Park. Q-82, Journal. FINANCIAL SI CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or Bailer's equity In contract of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H, E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. MPSIO BCHOOIS ABP , TBACHJBS P. F. KISSNER. Violinist practical . .teaching, JQ lesson $16. 1$ Breeden piog.. is. in. comer 3d ana Washington, CAROLINE SH1NDLER RULAND. voice." timnu. m fiiiearer. aisin 360. OBHAUEBTAZ. WXBB ABD ZXOK PORTLAND WIRE ft IRON W'KS, 294 n rn,, aii;iinei.-niri wire ana iron. OSTroPATBatOPHYSlCLtBS" DR. L1LLEBELLE PATTERSON, ape clallst on nerves, acute and chronio diseases. 416 Columbia bldg. Main 8981 tR.AG.iJi M. BROVVN. 8U9 Journal bldat Hrs. 10?30-4:8U.M. 3809. Res.Ta bor2921 PAUTT, OZX. ABS QUUIB PIONEER PAINT CO, 18$ Flrat at wain mat. A-IDII, RASMU8SEN ft CO.. "High Standard paint ne. cor Sd Tivinr m 1.1171 THE BEAVER VARNISH WKS, makes yjiKxju proaucta. ask your dealer. PAXSTIKO AITS VAPXBJirO. GOOD work my motto. A. Osbourn, 281 J., tthpii. o-.xei, cast ai4. FOR best wurlt prices -rlKht,-call P.-A. Doane. 3V K. Wash. East 1096. TINTING $2 room up; paiuung. paper- iiMUBuiK. . j. names, plain 1334. PATCH T ATTOXBBTS PATENTS nrortirH of .1 K xti, 1, torney-at-Law. late of U. S. Patent Of. flee; book free. 7lit Board ot Trade bldg. PIPE PORTLAND , Wood Pipe Co. Factory ana ortice. is nn and ifork. Main 8488. riiUMJB rACTOBY MRS. HARTNESS, feather worker, Haa RAVfirM npr pnnncrHnn mitk iM...t.i w vv.hww .va A 111 U CI leal Dye Works, 27144 Taylor, and is now iocn at oov ismniii. Main Z8Z0 OSTRICH plumes dyed, cleaned, curled. Willows tied from old plumes; satis faction guaranteed. 837 Washington. pjrfUBXBGr SUPPLIES M. L. Kline, 84-86 Front st, wholesale piumping ana steam supplies. POPCOBS COSTECTIOBS. STANDARD CRISP CO., 29S .Gllsan. j 11 vnp.,, Aurnui, gaiteq nuts. VBIXTIBa. ANSLEY Printing Co.. 260 Oak. Mala yiaix. i-nnnntt 10 pi esse. PjUVATB BCHOOl. PRIVATE school, shorthand, typewrit- ini iiiuuerii iuuiuoqb: expert instruo- nun. ;mn bu main 3BW3. HOOPIttG. PAIJfTIBQ. BEPTHIrTa TIN roofing, repairing, painting, jobbing. J. LobII, 312 Jefferson. Main 1 1424. ISEuui ft G1NTER, sheet metal works. mi niiuy. bu Dsvier. u. a 04 a. A-lSys. BUBBUB STAMPS ABS SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun- innKiiam ptara. Main 1407. BADUt-S, trade checks, brass signs. Btenclla. Kreba Bros.. 114 2d. Mar. 1871 BABB; POOBfl WlBJOWa United Glass ft Glasing Co., sash, doors, plate glass, llth. Gllsan. Main 4421. SABIXO&ITJ1C ROSE CITY SANITORIUM, strictly ma- l.mltv l.n.mtal 1111 X ' " . ... ... -... . 1 '."i""". iiurin arq St. SgQWCASES ABU PIXTUBES THE JAMES L MARSHALL MFG. CO , wau ipatv TVVAslema - tore, office, window fifcturea. 4thnnnli 6HOWCASKS of every description, bank. BIOBS AJ(S SKOWCABBB WAHALANDER CO.. 618 Com'wlth bldg. Show cards, cloth signs, window trims. SPAXXSH TEACHES Helen Woods, Spanish translator and teacher; terms reasonable, cast 0381. TOWEL BUPPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co., 8 th and Couch sis. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. bhnn.l Main 11 A A.111A XAXEOBXHt SCBOO& KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College. Learn dressmak'g, taiioritig. 1434 llth. XBwABBYEB AMU BXOAB C. O. PICH Transfer ft Storage Co- of. flee and conxuiudioue 4 siury brick warehouse, watt aeparate iron rooms and fireproof vault lor valuables. N. V. cor. 2d and Pine tu. pianos and furni ture moved and packed for snipping, fcpecial rates laaue cu goods lu our inrough cara to ait domestic and foreign i . . .. t td, .itfia pvinia, main Den, A'liivv, OREGON I RANSFER CO. tstaDiisned 1370. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, tree trackage. Offices and storage. 474 Ulisaa street 13tu ana Gllsan. Main 69. A-l 169. PORTLANL van and Storage Co., lnc 13th and Everett; most modern stor age warehouse in city; low fire insurance rate proof of this. Free trackage, mov ing, packing, snipping; reduced treignt rates on household gouas In tnrough oars to ana irmn east, xaain PO.U. A-lttO. BAGGAUai ft Omnibua Transfer Co. Baggage checked at your home, 'fur niture moved,, stored or packed fur ablp. ment Park and Davis sis.; Phones: Main .tov. A-.aa,, XYPEWK1XEBS TYPEWRITERS, slightly used, L. C, Smiths and all other makes at reduced prices and easy terms, L, C Smith ft kir TvtiAWHtAl-V&a lab it TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt. Q A k.nJ. 1 14 li. 1A or M.. JfA ,M ,1. 7. . V. PW 11,, ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun Ingham Co.. 231 Stork. Main 1407. TYOMB; BtABEBS Q. Kuden, violin maker, expert repair - Ing. Rm. 312 Allsky bldg., 2t6 Morrison. WHOLESALE JvBI M. A. GUNST ft CO- DJSTRIBUTORH OR FINE CIGARS, ruHlLANP, UK, EVERDING ft FARREL. produoe and commlsion merchants, 140 Front st. fortianu. it. rnon ta sin 17 a. ' MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 220 30 ALLEN ft LEW IS GROCERIES. 07 CHATTELS, SALARIES .' " NEED MONEY t ' " ' ' See Us , You can get it TODAY. ' . This NEW COMPANY was organised to help people in need of temporary assistance, and to pay off loans with the HIGH RATE money lenders. 'Special November Ratee: i .4Q Weekly Pays a 8 10 Loan.. .96 Weekly Pays a $ 26 Loan 1.40 Weekly Pays a $ 60 Loan ' 1.80 Weekly Pays a $ 76 Loan 2.20 Weekly Pays a $100 Loan ; Other Sums in Proportion. Loana for one month to one year. : Business confidential.' No extras. - PRIVATE OFFICES. No Investigation. No red tape. We Buy and Sell Mortgages. Portland Loan Co. ,. ' - 207 Macleay bldg. COR. 4TH AND WASH. ST8. ' , OPEN MON. AND BAT. TILL 9 P. M. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN .NOTES. $10 TO $100 - r CHEAPEST AND BEST "PLACE TO ., BORROW MONEY. -' 1 1 ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY..; BUSfNESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS-8 A. M. TO P. M. , . SAT. TO 9 P. M. ' .: '. STATE SECURITY CO., ' 808 FAILING BLDG. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAEST On watches, diamonds, jewelry,' kodaks, furniture storage receipts, guns, pianos. . Elby Company . -Collateral Bankers and Broken. 120 Lumbor Ex, bldg., 2d and Stark.',: SALARY LOANS. . CHATTEL LOANS. ' You can get $6 to $100- today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. D. D. Drake. 807 Spalding bldg. A desirable place for ladles and gentle- men to borrow money oa diamonds and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond raiace. Bit wasn., opp. uwi prug oture. MONKV, on any security. ' . Confidential; no delay. Bold Realty Co.. 208 Alder st MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon, their own names: cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H. Tolman. room 817 Lumber Ex. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. E. NICHOLS. . ' 616 YEON BLDG. MONEY sold on Installment: confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. New- ton. B14 wenry niog. CHATTEL and real estate loana, no red tape; conditional; mortgages oougnu Aqoipnus t.a,ne. 414 ADington oiog. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewel nr; strictly confidential. 141 tt. LOAN for- the asking, - salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bld MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 MONEY TO LOAN On city or farm property. THE HARBOLDT-WILSON CO, INC. 710-"18 L1S WIS iJUlljJJlKU. 4th and Oak st. Marshall 4200 A-7168 UARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, cnamper 01 commerce oiog. We have on hand funds for invest ment In food first mortgages. 'If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with "our mortgage loan department MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. SLAUSON-CRAIG Cd ' Mortgage Loan Dept. 304 Oak st. near 5th. I HAVE money to lend; on Improved Portland property. A. E. Poulsen, 418 way axenange. Marsnau not MON AY TO LOAN ON HEAL ESTATE, $268 AND UP. J. Hi. NIUHOL.S. 815 YEON BLDG. - $2600 at 8 per cent, private money, Im mediately available to loan on im proved real estate, city or country. 613 nenryi niog. MONEY to loan, Improved Portland , property; special facilities for large loans 'iitie er lmst tjo., 4tn and Oak. $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKensle ft Co., (jerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. TO loan, estate funds on real eatate at current rates. Inquire attorney, room iMi muikw piqg., aa ana Morrison. MON ui Y to loan; large loans a specialty, buildina- loana: lowest rates: fir in. surance. W. Q. Beck. 815-816 Falllnr. PRIVA'lE money to loan In sUlns of $50 uu uy wu . yoiBuuai ur voiiaterai MONEY to loan on Improved real eatate, I. L. White. 701 Commercial Club bldg. 'rXTTT T tOll tfIA 1 . - . 1 " Ann iw.u ,viuvv vi 1 em estate. Farrlngton. 414 Commercial Club bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per eent Louis Salomon ft Co.. 229 Stark at. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE." tha hp 1 iwrtti t.;namner or Com, MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent W. H, Belts & Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. $2000 tO LOAN for 2 years. Bell ft Reg- ir, iui ueriinger Dtag, JlOOO, $1600. $7500 and $8000. Car lock & Mullhatipt, 1026 Cham. Com. CITY and farm loans; mtgs. purchased. rienry u rninnomnn tJO.. w llcox Pldg. $1000 to $2500 to loan on real estate. W. B. Moore, Wilcox bldg. $3000 or part to loan. Money can be had at once. Phone Tabor 771. MONEY TO LOAN f f IT .18'' BEST .TO 11 mw DR. IOLS1AN (1) He is an HONEST SCIENTIFIC or extraordinary experience. During an active practice In ailments of men covering a period of more than 16 years,, I have had unexcelled opportunities for ob servation. I can make the positive assertion that I have treated and eured more men on the Pacific Coast than all the rest of the specialists put together. This vast , experi ence coupled with years of study places me among the leading specialists of the world. My reputation for the past 16 years can leave no doubt as to my ability, honesty and In tegrity and should be sufficient to convince the, most skeptical - that I possess skill and experience acquired In such a way that no Other can Share It: that I am the foremost.' Bpeoiaust on. the Cout; and that In placing yourself under my care you are assured of a square deal and a permanent' and. lasting 221H MORRISON ST., COR. cure at a fair and reasonable fee. I would FIRST, PORTLAND, OR . like to have you for a patient If you- will - , , . como to me on a strictly professional basis, . accepting the inducements that I offer, which are my ability, 16 years' experience, time saving treat ment and cure of certain ailments. -a .. . THE GREAT SECRET of my success is easily explained, and sufferer! from any form of disease should impress this fact on their . mind before selecting a physician. I absolutely and positively - employ scientific treat ment only, such as ' is acknowledged to have the greatest merit and advised and prescribed by-the -most -celebrated Tnedical scientists, authors, lecturer and genito-urlnary specialists the world over. I have at my command, thou, sanda of drugs employed by all scientific physicians, from which are se lected those best adapted for the treatment and cure of each Individual case, according to the symptoms and requirements manifested from time to time. My vast experience In the treatment of Men's Aliments enables me to de termine with unerring skill the combination of drugs most applicable to each case, the one calculated to bring quick and permanent result, there by effecting surprising and wonderful cures of cases which have resisted treatment -prescribed by those who have been left behind in. the rapid prog ress of tho scientific practice of medicine. 1 My practice Is limited to the disorders of the male, and la farther con fined to these special and chronic affections of the- pelvlo tract. These include LOST "VITALITY,;- ENLARGED VEINS, HYDROCELE. BLOOD DIS ORDERS, CONTRACTED AILMENTS AND BLADDER AND KIDNEY DIS EASES,' , I have taken up these ailments especially, because thousands of lives are ruined and thousands of men are held down by. chronio weakness or' disease, which the average practicing "physician does not understand and usually tries to make light of by telling the-patient that nature will soon repair the waste.-;..' ' - .-...'.-'-' ; - -r. i. ....',;. . ... . I Offer Free Ccnsultatlsn and ExaraiQati?a -tm itrrTffwaye1Wme 'reliable AD- 'VICE Will be given you FREE of charge or obligation. My Immense prac tice has been built up by honest service.. LOW FEES snd the fulfillment of every promise. I never refuse the man .Who needs help. . If y6u cannot call WRITE for self-examination blank. ' . My methods appeal to those who Insist on the best 1 never use a NEW DISCOVERY until it ha proven safe and successful. If you need help make ' your wants known.' No matter about money, .Call or write' me. SEE AD DRESS ABOVE. My advice is cheerfully gtven Free of Charge or obliKft- . tion. MY OFFICE Is open all day. 9 a. 111. to 8-p. m.i (Sundays 10 a. in. to 12 p. nu. .-- - --.(, - , - - .- -w -x , NOTICES Notice 1m hereby given,' That Sealed bids will be received oy Anson utls Rogers, treasurer of board of commis sioners of port of Cooa Bay, a municipal corporation duly organized under the laws of Oregon, at Chamber of Com merce office. Coke building, Marshl'lebJ-' Oregon, until 10 o'clock a. 111. of Monday, December 9, 1912, then to be opened a. th renular Ueeiinc of the ' board o. commissioners of said port, for the pur., Ph.lA .nf . k:.lla,, A hnn1. n ' uaiA r.if I aggregating in principal $300,000, duly authorized by law and ordinance of Bald port, each bond to be In suoh amount and payable at such place as purchasers shall direct in gold coin wlu interest thereon in like coin at rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July of each year, in accordance with in terest coupons thereto attached, $25,000 principal payable 20 years from date of Issue and Ilka sua, each -year there after unul aaid series is fully paid. Each bid with certified check for I per; centum thereof to be enclosed la sealed envelope without distinguishing marks except the words "Bid for pur chase of berlea A bonds of Port of Coos Bay,' The right to reject any and all bids 'Is expressly reserved, Addi tional information, copy of ordinance, rules governing bidding and issue of bonds can be had on application to said treasurer at Marshfield, Oregon, or First National bank, Portland,. Oregon. Assessed Valuation of said port ot Cooa Bay as approved by county com missioners January, 1912. $8,357,058; bonded Indebtedness none;' population estimated. 16,000. . ; , IJated November 4, 1913 at Marsh, field, Oregon. ' ,.,s. , ANSON OTIS ROGERS, .' Treasurer of Port of Coos Bay. Address. Marshfield. Oregon, . ' U. 8. ENGINEER OFFICE, 821 Custom House. Portland, Or, November 25, 1912. Sealedjproposala for Jilrlng.-or 4-"to-8-TnonthBTohe or two large capacity suction dredges with about , 2000 feet discharge pipe, on pontoons, necessary tenders, barges, labor and materials for dredging channel In Bakers Bay, mouth of Columbia river, will be received at this office until ll a. m, December 10, 1912, and than publicly opened. Infor mation on application. J. F. MclNDOE. Major Engineers.' PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLYING TIHi! . STATE INSTITUTIONS , Sealed bids are Invited by the State purchasing - board for supplies ' and stores, for the Oregon state institutions, for the six months ending December 16, 1918. , ;,, . '-y. Bids will be opened at 2 p. m. De cember 16. Lists, with Instructions to bidders, may be had try calling on or addressing C. D. Frazer, secretary state purcnaaing ooam, saiem, w, NOTICK I will not be rcirponslble for any debts contracted by anyone In my name. Dated. Nov. 26, 1912. Henry Hornshuh. 743 E. 10th st. Portland. Or. SEE MB FREE. If you are worrying about any aliment ln eluded amon$Jthoae within which I ape "lallze. I Invite yon call at my office and I will give you S'HITIC a yonscientloua N examination and dl- k ' ,V, agonsls and advise you of the proper course to pursue te . . nf vour worry and ria youraeii m. . - your ailment My years of expeaience and my qualifications have made me an exoert in the treatment of the atU mnen?w?thVh?ch MEN .'J. Every man calling at my office le assured of my personal and Individ ual treatment until a .cure 1st ef. fee ted. LSi. . . 2iri-ri it t t a iS f Kit " Improved German Remedy, for BLOOD POISON I administer the remedy according to the very latest method. , Come to me If you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged Veins. Pimples. Nervous Debility. Nerve, Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles. Blood Poison. Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Aliments. Piles or Fistula. 8 to 6 7 to 8 Dally: Sundays It to L Examination Advice Free. J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. 81$ WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH, PORTLAND. OR. i ' man DDL 8 ai l)S!f23fl I " Banevsil la ; YMfUIr Each Cap- ys , nlsbeMulMlDYi : i:':.w...1 yy.y VM; St taBreoeottierJWs nvT. r w inrAiTCMfiTJ