The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 28, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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Commission Men Report Very Satis-
factory Thanksgiving Trada With
Heavy Volume; Market i. Clean
Up Well In All Lines. . . -
Front street practically, disposed of
all ih turkeys on hand yesterday, and
those that are left over will bo mostly
In the posxesslon of retailer. Prices
were shaded a bit toward the, last, but
on me wnuit wiJ iubiabi jiuiu onwmau
torily. Tho demand for dressed chicken
was active toward the cIobs of business,
and thla market, too, was wall cleaned
up. Aa the supply of geese and duck
Was not extraordinarily neavy, me mar
ktt on tht'Me. too. was fair."
No business was transacted on the
street thla morn In, but house opened
their doors during the early morning
to take care of express shipments. Com
mission men generally report a very
.Htlfactf.ry ;Thankglving trad In all
Hues, wnn a pig vommo ot iraae,
1 These prices are those at which
wholesalers 'aell to retailers, except aa
, omerwise statea:
Batter. Zm ana Bonltrv.
; BUTXEH Nominal; extra-creamery,
cuoes anu tuDs, aoytc; prints, ivftw
17c; aairy, Z3?zc.
liaaS . NominalCandled local tr
IrtA. 40 42 'Ac: ordinary, candled. 40c
spot buying pilce, loss off, 40c f. o. b,
fortiana;. oest eastern, oic; ordinary
t?tHc; seconds, 13.003.60 caae.
- LIVE POULTRY Hena, lie; springs
ISc; geese, lOtPllc; Pekln ducks, ltjl
like; Indian runners, 12c; turkeys, H
triiOu; -dressed, ZOtfiio; pigeons, old,
11; young. $a.ooJZ.bO dosen.
aAMEJackrabblts, IH.00OI.t8 per
dot.: wild geese, $6 do.
BUTTJfiit sat froaucers- price, for
nrtiana aeuverr, per io,. seec.
CHfcKSE Nominal: fresh Oresnn
fancy, full cream, twins and triplets.
Uci daisies, 1'C! Voung America,
auvc. ,
rtnlts and Vegetables.
' FRESH sKUl'lS Hw navel oranges,
iz.puwe.uu, Bananas, inv io.; ltinuna,
k.ittM limea. II ter 100: irran.
fruit, $6.00; plneapplea, 6o lb.; pears,
81.50 box: grapes, baskets. He; crates,
Bl.0ilftl.10: cranberries, local. I9.7& dbt
bbl.; eastern. 81O.6O0U.OO.
l APPLIlj-i6c 82.86 j tooklng. 606?60o
POTATOES Selling price: Extra
choice, 76o; choice, (5c; ordinary, 60c
?er cental; buying price, carloads. 40
Oo country points; sweets. Jl.bS2.00
per ceniai,
, ONiONtf tt.1501.26: association axil
in ir or Ice. T6o cental, f. o. b. ahlnnlna
points; r xllfornia onions, 04J80c; ger-
CVeUETABLES New turnlna. 60(9 75c
new beeta, 11.00; carrots, t0T5c per
sacs; parwmps, tiwi.tu aaca: caDDagt,
"81.0001.26: tomatoes. Der box. 11.50:
t . . i i nffli lie. i u x f. '
green onions, luc aosen ouncnes; pep
lr. bell. 204a lb.: head letuce. 11. HG
' 01.00 dosen bunches; celery, 40 76c
aosen; ig piuii, . ao ip,; peas, luc
lb.; cauliflower, SOW .5c; rhubarb. 1.23
Meats, Tish and Provisions.
DRij.6bli.JU. AlKAXa Country killed
Hose, ttlncy, 10tyl0Vc; ordinary,
10c; rough and heavy, 6tfc; fancy veal
ISttc,' ordinary, liivic; poor, lie;
lambs, 1010c: muttou,' ?8c; goats,
ETC. Hams. 11
. lie; breakfast bacon. 18028c; boiled
cam, i (tfe c; picnics, isc; cottage, 18c.
MEA.TB Packing house Steer. No. 1
lock, 12c; cows, No. 1 stock, lie; ewes,
Ho; wethers, lOftc; lambs, ilHc; pork.
ioins.'-ii nc.
OYSTEKS fihoalwater bav. ncr pl
Ion per 100 lb. sack, )t Olym-
rla, per gallon, 13.25,- per 100 lb. sack,
i; canned, eastern, 65o can; 16.60 dox,
eastern in shell, 11. 752 per 100; raxor
ciams, dox.
- flail--Nominal Hock cod, lOo lb.j
droistd flounders, 7c; halibut, 7llc;
striped bass, 20c; catfish, 12c; salmon,
7jio lb.; soles, 7c lb.; shrimps, 12Ho lb.
perch. So lb.; tomcod,' 8o lb.; lobsters, 20c
lb.; herrings, ( ); blaok bass, 20c;
aturgeon, 12V4c; silver smelt, 7c; black
cod, 7c; eastern oysters, full measure,
ioua racK, ii per gauun.
LARL TlerccB, 15c lb.; compound,
tierces, 10c.
Hops, Wool and Hi lea
wwu-r-Willamette valley, coarse
cotswoid. izoc lb.; medium Shrop
shire, Zicj choice fancy lots 22c per lb.;
eastern Oregon, 1420c, according to
. HOPS Producers' price 1912, 10
18c; according to quality.
AlOHAIR 1912. 82fco lb.
1912 nominal, car lots 6Hc: less car
lots, bo lb.: mz Dane, car lota, ac; leas
car lota, 6c lb.
HIDKS Dry hides. 20021c: areen.
V410o; salted hides, 10H llc; ljulls,
Sreen salt, ilc; Kius, lZVic; calves,
ry. 24t24Uc: calf skins, salted or
green, IT too; green hldea, llHo leas
than saitea; sneep pens, salted, ii; dry.
utaiio jo.
' RICE Japan atla. No. 1, 5Hfli6c;
No. 2. 4Hc; New Orleans head, 6fc7c;
creoie, ec.
SUGAR Cube. 1S.15: nowdered 16.00:
fruit or berry. $6.86: best, $6.66; dry
granulated, $5.7C; D yellow, $5.06.
(Above quotations are 10 days net caah.)
' BisArss aman wnite, ho; largo
-wuiie, oc; pina, oo; oayou. ittc liinas.
e: reaa. ba.
gALT Coarse, half grounds 100s $8.60
lull, UVB, ,,.VVi uiui, ui i y , ovb, ig,
00a. $17: bales. $2.20: extra fine bar.
rels, 2s, 6s and 10s, $4.0006.00; lump
lui'K, lii'.uu par ion,
HONEY New, $175 per case.
Paints. CPal Oil, Etc.
WHITE LEAD Ton lots, 8c per lb.;
evv io, io, so per iu.; lees lots, tffte
per lb.
LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls., 61c gal.;
kettle polled, bbls., 63c gal.; raw cases,
66c; boiled, cases. 6Ho gal.; lots of 250
gallons lc less; oil cake meal, $44 per
' Um.
, TURPENTINE In cases, 73c; wood
: barrels, 70c; Iron barrels, G6u per gal-
ion i iw fuse iois, jiic.
tnan-carload lots 4U per ton.
(Special to Tbe Joarniil.)
Hood River. Or.. Nov. 2. The an-
s nouncernent by professor C. I. Lewis, of
m u. a. u., to tne enect tnut trie
loganberry will make a superior wine
189 Oak St Ground rioor, tewls Bldg.
Pbone Marshall 4120, A -1187
fitocka. Bonds, Cotton, Oram. Kte ,
816-317 Board of Trade Bnxidlag.
Member Chicago Board ot "Trade
Correspondents of Loeiin St Uryaa ,
Chicago. Kaw Xora.
and should find a ready market at re
munerative prloeaT Supplemented by ex
amalt way, has caused considerable In
terest , to to awakened In the matter
nero along me smn Dorry growera.
berrlea on a large seal expect to Bet
several acrea to loganberrioa - In the
spring. The berries grow extra large
la this valley. - ''."'
San Francisco, Nov. 28. Wheat-
White Australian,' $1.67 !4J 1.60; Sonora,
$1.70(j1.72V4; northern 1)1 ueo tern, $1.66
W1.60; club, 1.47H1..62Vkj turkey red,
$1.65 1.60: red Russian, $U61.47.
Btrley Feed, good to choice. 11.47 V4 1
fancy; $1.60r poor to fair,- $ i,4lV41.45;
shipping and brewing, f 1.61ft wLM:
chevalier, $1.701.80, ,, - '
Egga Extras, , 44c; selected , pullets,
Butter Extras, 23c; prime firsts, 33a;
iirsts, . . ( .
Cheese Oregon flats," faney,. 17o;
Young Americas, 18c; Coll fornla, 14 H
?18c: Young America, 170iH4c: New
ork .twins, : 20 iicj Wisconsin, twins,
Potatoes, per cental Oregon Bur-
banks, 00c; sweets, per sack, $1.25.
Onions, per sack California silver
skins, 15036c.
Orannes. ner box Valencia, fancy.
14.00W4.60: do choice. $2,7644.00; do
standard, $1.603.50; navels, fancy,
iq.604p4.00; choice, $2.75Q3.25.
(Continued From Pago One.)
president's proclamation was read V
Dr. W. . Roagor of the Christian church.
Dr,. Luther R. Dyott of the Congrega
tional church gave the Scripture read
ing, and prayer was offered by Dr. W.
B. Jlinson of the White Temple. The
White Temple choir sang an anthemand
tho offertory solo was sung by Stuart
Magulre. A generous offering was re
ceived for tho poor of tho city.
Dr. Benjamin Young of the First M.
E. church delivered the acrmon from
the text: "Bless the Lord, O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits." He
said In part: ,
"It is a good thing to have an ap
preciative frame of mind, for we are
dependent upon God, oven the things
that are possible to us having been put
witiiln our grasp by God. Do not try
to count him out, for in him we live
and move and have our being.
"Keep Soul Open."
"There Is a personal reason why you
should bless the Lord today. The atti
tude of mind Itself is a rare value to
one. Any - man knows that It is not
healthful to either body or mind to
cultivate a misanthropic spirit. It Is
best for one to be sweet and beautiful
In soul; there Is a pungency of soul
which may bo the expression of strong
character, but sourness of heart or of
mind Is an indication of a warped
or diseased nature. Things may not
suit you, and perhaps they never will,
but as you work to make things bend
to your Ideals, keep the breezes blow
ing ucrcrs the field of the heart. Keep
the sou 1 open- toward - tho sunlight of
heaven and tho fermentation of discon
tent will be kept away. A sour stomach
la a bad thing, but a aour heart la far
"You are thankful for personal
growth. This does not mean that you
are an egotist. In keeping pace with
tho year, your views have changed.
This haa been a year of changing views
and your soul has a larger stature.
There are gifts of graco and favor,
love and strength, which have been
given and we ought today to halt amid
the turmoil of the world and give
thanka to God. -Ingratitude is base and
Social Problems Pending.
"Our social problems are receiving
more attention than ever before In our
history. The complexity of our life is
bringing many new problems to our
attention, and It Is sometimes difficult
for ub to adjust ourselves to that which
is so novel among us, but the heart of
the nation beats true to the best things.
Our cities are slowly growing better,
the people are better housed than they
used to be; educational facilities have
been augmented at a rapid rate in re
cent years; children are getting better
protection; labor has more dignity and
Is getting a better wage. The founda
tions of the republic have been laid in
that which Is socially right, politically
fair and economically just. Our found
ers builded well.
"Ther are evils to be overcome.
There are great sores festering on the
body politic. There are wrongs to be
rl Klited. There are more and larger
opportunities to be Opened to our citi
zenship. Justice is not yet universal.
There la work for all high minded and
patriotic cltisena yet to do. Wa are
thankful for progress and we should
be thankful for that whlctr has been
given us to make us great.
'Surely, If any nation under tho sun
ought to go down on Ita knees before
God today. It is America. Let us catch
the spirit of those Pilgrim fathers who
bequeathed us this magnificent heritage.
Let us stand for the largest things for
our people, and let us build up In that
which la honest and pure and righteous,
knowlwg that 'Righteousness exalteth
a nation, but sin Is a- disgrace , to any
people.' "
Services on East Side.
A very interesting service was given
Inutile First Presbyterian church, when
a large number of the Presbyterian
churches of the city united and held
services at 10:30 o'clock. The sermon
was delivered by Rev. S. W. Seemann,
pened to
C A N A I tined to make
waiwau in tne complexion of our population,
size of our cities and cultivation of our fields. There
will be 60,000 new people a month landed between
San Diego and Puget Sound. What are the people
of Portland doing to prepare for this influx? Noth
ing:. What must they do? Everything:. , The time
to act is now. It is a serious condition. Par sighted
men see the point.
R P f 11 n V is the one and only bona fide effort
UiXiU UEi- that has ben made in this city to
PORT take care of the Kreat' steamships that
y will soon be plowing: up the waters of
the Willamette, BRIDGEPORT is located on Port
land Harbor, between the bridges, on the west side
of the. river, with 5 cent carfare, streetcar Jitfe, five
railroads, and, best of all, deep water. The property is
essentially desirable for manufacturing: purposes or
investment. As an investment it is incomparable. As
a factbry site proposition, it is unequalled," But. the
pastor of the Hope Presbyterian church
of Montavllla. , ,
Union servioea were held In tho First
Church- of Christ, Scientist, at 11 o'clock
thla morning, with all the Christian Bel
ence churches of tha city united.
On the east aide of tha Willamette
rhrer-unlon-' services Vero held In- tha
First church of tho Evangelical asso
ciation, by members of tho First United
Brethren church, tho First United. Evan
gelical - and the First church of tha
association, at 19 o'clock, with Rev, C.
C Poling preaching the sermon.
Rev, L. K, Richardson preached the
sermon at the Clinton Kelly Memorial
Methodist Episcopal churoh at 10:30
o'clock, whan the congregations of the
Kenllworth Presbyterian, the Holgate
Baptist, the Woodstock Methodist and
tho Clinton Kelly, ohurches united.
The pastor of the Atkinson Memorial
church, Rav. Frank W. Gorman,
preached tho sermon at tho united serv
Ices of his church, the Sunnyslda Meth
odist Episcopal, the Waverly Helghta
Congregational, . the Sunnyslda Friends
and tha Mount ' Tabor Methodist
churches, held at 10:45 o'clock In the
auditorium of the Sunnyslda Congrega
tional church,
Torso Pastors Take Part.
Tho congregations of the Temple Beth
Isrsel, the Church of . Good Tidings and
the Church of Our Father united In tha
Church of Our' Father and held union
sorvlces at 11 o'clock with the tbroo
pastors taking part. J
Among tbe other churches where spe
cial services were held this morning
were In the Trinity Episcopalian church,,
at 8 o'clock and at 11 o'clock, when Rev.
A. A. Morrison had charge of the serv
ice; the Pilgrim Congregational church
at 7 o'olock, when Rev, Henry fnr
cott, pastor of the Westminster Pres
byterian church, had charge ' of the
"sunrise" prayer service; tha First
Church of the Nasarene at 10:30
o'clock, and In many of this rmaller eat
and west side churches,
- Services-are nls'd tq ae. hold this
afternoon In Y. W. C, A, tt 4:30 j'clock,
when Rev. Luther Dyott, of the First
Congregational church, Aill prttach on
"Thanksgiving for the Unspeakably
Gift," and tonight in the First German
Reformed church, when a sacred con
cert will be given by the choir of tho
church, uniting with the choir of the
First Church of the Evangelical asso
ciation, for a benefit collection for the
Louise home, and In the First Church
of the Evangelical association, when
Albert Blttntr will give an Illustrated
lectura on "Travels Through Italy."
(Continued From Page One.)
tan hospital with fruit and candy for
the children, and a piece of chicken for
the little colored baby who Is the pet
of the Institution.
Everybody was happy early today at
the prospecta of a good "feed" and tho
nurses promised to stretch a point by
slipping a few rare goodies to the sick
and suffering, . .
Special services are being held at both
Institutions today, attended by all who
are able to go to the chapel.
Salvation Amy.
Aside from providing needy families
with necessaries, the Salvation Army is
making but little preparation for a
Thanksgiving celebration. A festival,
which will include a musical program,
will be given tonight at the hall at 07
Salmon street, and a program will be
given at the hall at 47 Second street.
The Nazarene Army served dinner
this afternoon to many homeless per
sons at their quarters, 720 Mississippi
avenue, following a campaign on the
streets for funds- and donations.
Associated Charities.
The Associated Charities have fin
ished their work, In supplying needy
families with provisions for today, this
having been done rather than to serve
a big dinner at one place, In order that
families might be together In their own
homes. One friend of the association,
Mrs. C. E. Bolds of 1067 Senate avenue,
is serving dinner to 10 little children,
who by reason of a quarentlne on their
home or for other similarly good rea
sons, are unable to be at their own
Prisoners Olvea Feast.
At the city Jail, 32 prisoners will be
given the regular Thanksgiving dinner
this afternoon at 8 o'clock. The res
taurant which supplies the meals at
this place announced last evening that
the great American bird with all neces
sary trimmings would be served. Jailor
Ben Branch Informed the prisoners this
morning, instructing his trustlea to pre
pare special service for the holiday din
ner. During the day,, various parcels
of fruits, cakes and edibles are being
sent to the Jail by persons who have
friends locked up. These special din
ners will be held until the regular meal
Old Pooplo Entertained.
At the Patton Home the old people
were given a Thanksgiving feast,
through the courtesy of a number of
prominent Portland cltliens, and this
afternoon they are enjoying an enter
tainment by Portland singers and en
tertainers. A big dinner was served
to. the old people at the Mann Home
also. At. both institutions the spirit
of tho day Is being' joyously observed
and, every one of the men and women
are reported In good health.
P. B, L. h P. Baby Show.
The babies of the employes of the
Portland Railway, Light & Power com-
The greatest thin that ever hap
the Pacific Coast. Des-
such tremendous changes
4 -
pany are all taking part In a baby shew
and entertainment which Is being bead
thla afternoon in the Hawthorns bulg
ing, least Water street and Hawthorn
avenue,-- Ths new social aervloo depart
ment organized by tb company to help
Its employes has charas of tho affair.
Prises consisting of valuable bits' of
merchandise will ba given for tho babies
rated highest between tho ages of U
months and 3 years.. . -:,
3MT Home, '''i'r-'.'!.
AH tha . tiny tots at ths Waverly
Baby Homo, Including those In tho nur
sery, are to partako of the, big turkey
dinner which wa served at tho homo
by th attendants at 8:80 o'clock thla
afternoon. Throe turkeys real large
ones were used to feed tha 75 at the
Institution. , Plans for this dinner have
been going on for several days,
County Hospital. '
The county hospital,. Second and
Hooker streets, was tho scene of a big
affair this noon, when over a hundred
people, Including the attendants at the
hospital, were served a chicken dinner.
The cooking for this enormous dinner
has been going on for three days, and,
all the nurses and others versed in the
art of kitchen "doings" were pressed
Into service to holp with tho prepara
tions. ,
P" Battery, Second Pield Artillery.
Ono of the largest dinners served to
day was that at the Vancouver barracks,
given by the "S" battery of tho Second
field artillery. Following the dinner a
splendid vaudeville entertainment, con
sisting of band and orchestra music,
and many specialty numbers, was given.
ISO Check Cheers Children.
"From a friend" came a 160 check to
Juvenile Judge Catena a few days ago
for the .waifs and wayward children
with whom the Juvenile court has to
detU. The hearta of many youngsters
will be made glad by the doner whose
deeds speak louder than words. A
Thanksgiving dinner such aa many of
the youngsters have never eaten will be
served to the wards of the court who
are detained at the Fraser Home,
Prisoners Enjoy Dinner.
Nineteen beautifully-browned young
turkeys await the onslaught of tho men
and women confined In the county jail,
and the usual Thanksgiving dinner trim
mings accompany the birds. Sheriff
"Bob", Stevens Is host of his charges
both at the Jail and at Kelly Butte,
where tho rockpllo prisoners will ho fed.
At the Jail the following menu will be
served: Turkey with dressing, celery,
cranberries, sweet potatoes, white pota
toes, bread and butter, coffee With real
cream, tea, mince pie, plum pudding, ap
ples, cigars for the men and candy for
the women. About 100 prisoners are
confined at the Jail, including a dozen
women and as many are at Kelly Butte.
Boys' and Olrls Aid Society.
. It Is a jolly afternoon at the Boys' and
Girls' Aid society home, East Twenty
ninth and Irving streets. Turkey din
ner, with all tha trimmings, Is being
served, and about 82 persons, including
the adults in charge of the home, are
the gueats of tha day. Several boys
and girls, for whom the society has
found homes, are spending the day, and
giving their thanks at the society head
quarters. - Volunteers of America.
A supper will be served for -the poor
and needy by the Volunteers of Ameri
ca this evening In their hall at 267
Ankeny street, at 8 o'clock. Provision
will be made for about 300 persons. In
addition to that donations will be made
to needy persons who have applied to
the Volunteers for aid.
The hotel chef Is a busy man today.
For the past several weeks ho has been
preparing the proper "fixings" for
"roasji young turkey," the feature of the
menu of every hotel and grill In tho
city today.
Every chef has vied with every other
one In preparing the one best dinner In
the city, and it might be safe to say
that everyone has succeeded, for a study
of the bills of fare would put one on
the doubtful seat as to where to dine,
if hrs own home were not within reach.
If the selection of a place should be
left to the grill which had prepared the
neatest menu card for today,' another
serious Question would arise, for not
only the chef, but the grill chief has
worked in anticipation of today a dinner.
The Portland has prepared a simple,
but extremely neat card, bearing the
hotel seal In gold on the corner. The
On Northwest Municipal Bonds
Resources 6 Millions
Ladd &Tilton Bank
Capital Stock - - $1,000,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits $1,000,000.00
letters of credit, drafts and travelers checks
Issued, available in all parts of the world
Corner Third and Washington Streets
Imperial hotel has a beautifully n
boasod card, snowing ths turkey, the big
yellow pumpkin and eomstalks while
the Hof Urea has prepared a folder
menu, on which la, handpalntad, a beau
tiful girl In pursuit of the luslv tur
key, Tho Bowars haa alao prepared
ZoWer, oa the outside of which Is a
band pain ted picture of a beautiful wom
an, each of different design. Hnvelopes
hava been provided io mall tueao fold
ers. At tne Multnomah, a small turkey
tf avor graces tna otherwise slmpl menu
earo. v '
Tho Seward, tho Oregon and the
Louvre fcavo tha regular cards announc
ing the specially prepared dinner.
(Continued From Pago Ono.)
and titers wero succulent fowls on tha
market at as low as 15 cents.
Trwly tho Thanksgiving spirit Is In
the very air.
And In recognition of this fact about
nine tenths of tha population Is taking
a day off.
Union, services -were held this morn
ing at tho Whltw Temple, the First
Presbyterian and other churches. Sec
tarian lines were fbrgotten.
AH. over tho ctty appetising feasts
are being served, and those who. have
plenty havo given of their surplus In
order that those who havo not so
much may be served.
Babies Bins on Choice Birds.
Tho babies at the Wavorly Baby
homo and tha old folks at tho Patton
homo for the agd, are dining on the
choicest of the turkey tribe.
Inmates of tha county and dty jails
and the prisoners at the rock pile wero
not forgotten. Tho county hoajjltal
aavo Its patients a gorgeous dinner and
the Volunteers of America and tho Sal
vation Army havo seen to it that needy
families all .over the city wero provide
for. Tho volunteers will serve a sups
per for 800 derelicts of tho highways
and byways at the hall of tho organiza
tion tonight at o'clock.
Taking it altogether, Portland nevev
had mora causa to be thankful. . The
great majority of tha people realise
Uhis and only hope that future years
will treat them as kindly.
(Continued From Pago Ona)
being picked. A few ripe strawberries
are In tha market
Perfect Day in San Francisco.
malt Ivm LmwS Wtra.l
San Francisco. CaL, Nov. II. In San
Francisco todsy - ths thermometer
ranged between 60 and (0 degrees, tho
sky was blue and when a slight hase
which hung low in the morning air had
cleared away before the sun, tho day
was perfect.
Los Angelec Basking In Son.
(United Pms UhmI Wire.)
Los Ansreles, Cal., Nov. 18. Cloudless
skies helped perfect Thanksgiving
weather In Los. Angeles today. The
same conditions prevailed throughout
the county and eastward to ths Arlsona
border. The temperature at 10 o'clock
was 64,
Seattle Reaches 00 Degrees.
(United Pths Uwad Wlra.)
Seattle, Nov. IS. Seattle Is enjoying
Ideal Thanksgiving day weather. Ths
day Is clear, and temperature Is at oven
60 degrees.
European Situation Better.
(United Fmm tuned Wire.)
London, Nov. 28. Government offi
cials consider the danger pf a general
European war virtually ended. Both
Belgrade and Vienna show a quieter
tone,, and some adjustment of the diffi
culty is expected by which Servia will
get" a commercial outlet to ths Adriatlo
sea without encroaching on Austria's
political claims. No details have been
received hero of the great Adrlanople
fire, which has been reported from va
rious sources. Tho story that Pyroxy
lin bombs dropped by aviators caused
the conflagration Is not credited here.
Sultan stnd Cabinet Announce
Abrogation . of Constitution
as Result of War,.
lUsltea rrai Um4 Wire.)
Constantinople, Nov. 88. Abrogation
of ths Turkish constitutloa and a re
turn to tho absolute monarchical form
of government, which prevailed up to
four years ago when the Young Turk
party banished Sultan Abdul Hamld and
established a limited monarchy. Is the
p an announced by Sultan Mehemld and
hia oablnet. It was said that the pres
ent form of government has proved
unsatisfactory after four years' trial
As a result 'of excitement in Constan
tinople over the Balkan war the moment
or the announcement and tho fact that
It will precipitate another revolution has
not dawned upon the rostuents. '
The defeat of the Turkish troops in
the principal battles with the Balkan
allies undoubtedly is responsible for
the announcement It is evident that
tho sultan and his advisers had planned
Just such a coup and the present war
developed the opportunity.
. For several days tho authorities hare
been sending the Voung Turk leaders
to places of confinement on the Asiatic
side of the Boaphorus. The constitu
tionalists In the army are being removed,
and their places flllod with men opposed
to the present regime. Tho Toung
Turks are crippled because of the ab
sence of Enver. Bey, the ablest of their
leaders, who is in Tripoli.
It is generally admitted that the
Young Turks-are responsible for wreck
ing the Turkish army organisation and
that any change from their rule would
bo beneficial.
The SUltan Will not ha Mhrnn an
It is regarded as improbable that Abdul
Hamld will be restored, as h Is op
posed by the most Important men of the
new regime.
Jour-al Want Ads bring results.
San Francisco
The Exposition City, on yonr way Bouth
this year. From there take either the
Yale or Harvard
$8.35 SIO
Bound Trip $18.70. Bound Trip 818.
These palatial steamships have spa
clous decks, roomy and airy berths, the
best of meals and service. Good music.
For folders and reservations apply to
680 Market St. ea Market Bt,
aa rranotioo, calif.
Local Agent, frank Bollaat,
lfii Third St., Portland.
Phones, Main 638, A-4B96.
"Hassalo" and
"Harvest Queen"
Leave Portland 10i3O p. m, oxoopt Sat
ox days.
Arrive Astoria 8i30 a m., oxoopt Iu
days. Layover Sundays Portland.
Leave Astoria 10 a. au, exoept Buaaays.
Arrive Portland 6 p. m exoept Bandar.
"Hassalo" will connect with steamer
"Naheotta.- at Astoria for all nolnta .
and from North Beach.
"Hassalo" will stop for passengers, on
hall only, as follows:
Down trips at St. Helens, Kalama,
Rainier, Stella, Cathlamet and Ska
tnok&WtT Up trips at Altoona, Pillar Rock.
Brookfield. Skamokawa, Cathlamet, Eu.
reka, Oak Point. Stella, Ladu, Rainier.
Kaluma and St. Helens'.
Leave Portland 8 p. m.; latoxdays 10i30
Arrive Astoria 5 a. m., exoept Monday.
Layover Sundays Asteriar -Leave
Astoria 7 a. m., except Sunday.
Arrive Portland tp. n, except Sunday.
''Harvest Queen'r will handle U. 3.
man, ana ao au ot me way Duameas.
Make reservations city ticket office,
aq inu waiinigi,un
Mow York, Londonderry aad Olaagow,
Bew York, Palermo ana Hayies,
Attractive rates for tickets betweeo New
York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Coq.
tlnental and Mediterranean Points. Iu.
eerier Aeeonuaoaatloar Bsoelleat CalaUe,
Efficient Service. Apply foe Beserva
lion to local agent ot Anchor Lane ot
tiassuaaayjet unua, ueuerai A sent a
Chicago. 111. B
Sails from Alnsworth dock. Portland
S p. m., Nov. 2, and thereafter every
iuujr evening si a y. m. r reignt Tt
celved until 3 p. m. On sailing rinv P..
senger fare first class 610, second class
$7, Including berth and meals. Ticket
office at Alnsworth dock, Portland A
LOOS tiay oieainBiuy juiuo. Xi Jeat-
Ing, agent. -
San Francisco end Los Angeles
89. Beaver Balls 4 p. m.. Sea. a.
Tae Ban Prancisco ft Portland B. S. Oa
Ticket omoe isa Third st.
PhonesMela 0003 aad A-S&69,
;,w-obtbi tAokno'if. s. cOvftS'
. g. BOAKOZB aad 8V B. ELDXB SaQ
Every Wednesday, trnatly, at I p, Ok
Ticket office 1S1-A Third at, near ill .J
I'boeee aiaia Mil. A-llii,
V MARTIN J. JHHLE7. Pas. '"AgmC'
,. ItviLUU-Ul, Sietcu 'Agent,
1 " ' ' V .''.' '. 1 ' ! . . ,, 1
Thief Breaks Window J.ixvelry to U
value of 1110 was takea from tho w '
dow of Loffcrt'a Jewelry store U an
Washington street this morning by some
person w-o throw a stone through tho
window, making an opening large ncuKi .
through which to put his arm. The loot
consisted f is topaa rings. Patrolman
Cordes found tho broken window about
6:80 O'clock. Tho act had been com
mitted about to minutes before the dis
covery, as tho night watchman had re
ported at the stora at that tlroo. , v
,.,.,..', ..,.,,:.., ,
Sustains Brekom Xof While, walking
along' Fifth and Aider atrweta ywsterday
afternoon, ono of R. J. Forbeck'B less,
was broken by an Iron fire escapa falling
upon him. The heavy Iron was leaning
against a building -now under construc
tion. A team driven past tho iron
caused It to topple, falling toward the
sidewalk. Furbeck was given tempo rnr .
aid In a nearby store, but , later takun. .
homo. . '
AT Wilson Auction House, cor. 3d and
Yamhill, special auction ssJs 10 a, m.
FORD Auction House, 211 1st at", auc
tion sale B p. m. Special offerings.
:;BHr SWtp
lis Is the Best Buy ia Oregon
$95 Per Acre
195 AOXB highly Improved farm, ono
mile from Carlton station and directly
pn the Newberg electric-extension to bo
built this spring: 4 living springs on
property; 116 acres in cultivation;
acres in heavy oak timber, balance all
cleared in pasture; wHl fenced and
cross fenced; good buitdhigs; en main
county road. Adjoining property with
1-year-old trees sold for I860 per aoro
PKOFO8ITZ0B. $7000 caah; will take
aome city property In exchange, balance
to auit.
418 Board of Trade Bldg.
Inside Property
To Exchange
We have a client with 8 (rood propo
sitions t txchan Total equity 40,"
000; monthly income 1481.60. Will con
sider Improved Willamette valley farm,
acreage or city property. Only propo
sitions of merit will be considered. Ko
phone information.
Can supply 13000, 83600, 116,000, 810,000
on good properties at 7 and can handle
$26,000 and $40,00 at (. Submit propo
sitions If good.
E. S. Jackson
B44 Stark BV -
4800 Sixth street, one acre of
grouna, two nouses; oouievara is Be
ing built past this property. Small
houses would rav bit.
85500 Fifth street, near Cawthers;
apartment site.
S6750 Fifth street, near Sherman;
apartment site.
ST800 Portland Heights, 100 100;
tine view, irees, enruDoery. eta.
S18.OO0 Morrison street, corner
.ievenm; apartment site. Adjoins
East Side library. Elegant location; -11000
below value. For few days
811 Lewis Bldr. '
Price SI 1,000.00
Two houses on 100x100 situated on
Broadway, between Seventeenth , and
Nineteenth, brinalna In SS6 Der month:
all Improvements in and paid for.
Broadway is one or tne coming streets
of the east side, This property can be
purchased on very reasonable terms. ,
803 Board of Trade Bldg.
10 Net 10
Bonded Lease
Best caving apartment hoUsft !ri eitv.
contains 20 apts., with all modern con
veniences. Including flreleas cookers and
sleeping porches. Lot 60X100; good west
side location; 680,000 will handle. , -J.
E. NICHOLS CO.. 616 Yeon Mdg. ,
City and farm Loans
Any amount at currant rates,
a vl sasow,
408 Oorhett Bldg. A-1418, Marshall tl
CERTIFICATES' Of title made. Title .
1 run ,u i,,wi, piu.. Tin im
J. M. Short and wife to Arthur
Dowsett, lots 8 and Id. block
1 Roberts' addition to Gresham
ahall's addition ..............
G. C. Parrott to A. R. Parrott,
east 40 feet of lots 1 and 2,
block 316, Marshalls addition'
Alameda Land company to J. A.
Kills,, lot 12. block 86, Alameda
G. W. Priest company to Albert
Hegman, lot 3 block 78," Wood
stock .."....,,,..,:
O. T. Rakes and wife to R. Woo
er, east H of lot , block 1, Oak
Park No. 2 v 1
Agnes May BalteS to Fred Top-
. 600
e.i2t 7, block 6, Wlllametto
Heigtwa auaiuon .. ,.
Fred Topken and wife to Calla
Burchard, lot 7, blmk 6, WU?
lamette Heights aiaition . . ..
Anna E. Bainter, o E. W. Reder.
lots 11 and 12, block 1, Clare
addition .;.,. , .
Isabella odd ; Rltter and hue-
band to i A. Taylor et al,, lot
-ahmckJu Dunn's al-iition.,..,,.
George A. BroUie to !; T r.
Strong, lots t and 5, bio. k ;i,
'East Creston . . ........ .
Alameda Land company d v..
; rrn Oregon Trust .... - t .
w.v n - ... .... ...
C M. fcadeiey .
lot Z, M- iv !... '
tn ' Fran;!; . "