V THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, THURSDTY EVENING, NOVEMBER 23, 1912. nan i i ii i ........ ' v W . I , . .Announcement. '. About January IS I will be obliged to vacate 'my present studio, so have those photos made now, New studio In Morgan building, when completed. C, Elmore Grove, 263 Washington. company, the two make the. day com plete anyway because they are always "at homo" wherever their trunks are unpacked. It is customary for. the sin gle fellows of the company to pair off for bachelor "feeds," and the women, too, if no special invitation is offered them, find some congenial, happy spirits to make up a Thanksgiving party. ; Several Thanksgiving dinners - in which thesptans will participate as guesta of Portland friends or acquaint ances will be held after the night per formances at local theatres, , ; ' WHAT LEBANON - CLIMATE WILL-DO nW0 ' v JU ttV ACTORS PREPARE FOR BIG FEAST It I lmpwiUw that fhoi eootrlbotlns newe : fur the Sunday aocletj iwftee ahould bate It reach the lr oi the eovieir eauor nu than r'rldnjr. Newa U lw.J welcome ana thnee who bare a f filrt early In the week would router ret faroe by (tending mew repurw tlo u aooa after aa poaamie. At the Garrison. yOCJETY Is receiving a mighty im- ,V puis at Vancouver Barracks this wuon, and post affairs are await-, t 7 fd with- keener anticipation by , Portland f rlends than for a num ber of years.' Last evening: a formal hop began what promises to be ft series of unusually popular dances given by tlip army people. The gymnasium was embowered In cedsr boughs and festoons with flaga making brilliant contrasts. The supper room was screened off with a hedge of green. In the receiving line wore Colonel and Mrs. George 8. Young. Colonel and Mrs. Morrison, Major and Mra, Adrian 8. Fleming and: Mrs. Clay ton, wife of Major Clayton. Miss Isa bella Gauld, Mlsa Grace Honeyman, Miss Clair Wilcox. Miss Maisie MacMaster, Mlsa Jean Mackenzie and Miss Louise Bums remained atthe post last, night .as the guests of friends. Among other Portland people who responded to invi tations for the dance were Major and Mrs James Canby, Major and Mrs. jamea . V. Mclndoe. . Captain and Mrs. Jlcnry H. Robert. Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Talbot, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 0. Honey man, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Forbes, Mr, and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd. Mr. and Mm. E. C. Shevlln, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Van Schuyver, Mrs. K. A. J. Mackenzie. Misses Kan and Mary Robertson, Miss Mildred Honeyman, Miss Genevieve Thompson, Miss Clara Weidler, Misses Maida and Katharine Hart, Miss Char lotte Laidlaw, Carl Wernicke, John Banks. C. C. Hlndman, Roderick Mao leay, a N. McArthur, William Wheeler, Frits Behrends and Joseph Ferguson. .' : . . . - : Young Girls' Bazaar. Tomorrow Mrs.; Ralph W. Hoyt will open her home at St Clair and Main street! all day for the third annual! bazaar given by a group of seven young . mlssea, frota-1 J-to- 15r-Miss- Elisabeth JIuber, Miss Amy Robinson, Mlsa Kath- ryn Hoyt, Miss Charlotte Breyman, Miss KadJne Caswell. Miss Helen Honeyman I and Mias Consueloi McMillan.. The r young girls have been busy plying their 1 needles lor a yean, and will offer for r aala a beautiful array of fancy articles of all kinds, as well as lea cream and noma made candles. The consummation of their work comes in providing Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners in liomes where such luxuries would oth erwise beunknown, Wood. Mrs. Edmund L. Bevereaux, Mrs. l)avld T. Honeyman ' and Miss "Hazel Dolph presided at the table, centered with a basket of the season's fruits. A profusion of brilliant scarlet berries and greens was used abont the room with churmlng effect. Assisting in the rooms were Mrs. Gay. Lombard, Mrs, Landon R. Mason Jr., Miss Genevieve Thompson, Miss Malda Hart,; Miss Ma rlon Jackson, Miss Kvelyn Wilson and MIks Anita Burns. 1 About 60 guests called during the hours. Short Notes. Count Posao of Sweden has arrived In Portland on his way . to San Fran Cisco, and ia spending a few days at the Multnomah renewing our friend ships. The count passed six months here last year. ; Mrs. George Maxwell is leaving Sat urday for Hoqutam to join Mr. Maxwell. She has been spending several months as the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Vincent Cook. , .- - 1 .. . ;; r; Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Johnson of Salem spent the last of the week in Portland as the guests of Mr, and Mra Willis E. McElroy. Mr. Johnson is a brother of Mra McElroy. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blckf ord have as their xnanKsgivmg guests juage George H, Burnett of the supreme court and Mrs. Burnett of Salem. . , ; ., , .- . Bliss Morrison Complimented. Mrs, 'Frank G. Owen inaugurated a series of teas yesterday with a smart prenuptial compliment for Miss Dorothy Morrison, Wednesday, bride-elect of Dor.ald Green. The drawing room dec orations were a beautiful combination of yellow chrysanthemums, roses and violets, and mauve crysanthemums were arranged about the hall. Mra. C. E. S. Mr. and Mra I. N. Fleischner, Mr. and Mra Marcus Fleischner, Mr. and Mra Henry Metzger and Mrs. Isam White are leaving for Seaside In the morning, The party will be the guests over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. jl j. Fleisch ner at their beach home. Sirs. Henry Hostess. Mrs. Charles K. Henry entertained with II tables of bridge yesterday after noon, .when favors were' captured at each table. Pink, carnations and pink bouvandia made lovely decorations through the rooms. , . Nebraska University Dance. The Nebraska University Dancing club will open a series of informal parties at Murlark hall Saturday evening, No vember to, , , Card Club Luncheon. Mrs. Frank Freeman entertained the members of her bridge club at luncheon yesterday before the regular play. Central W. C. T. U. Meeting. A social meeting marked the regular gathering of Central W. C. T. U. yes terday afternoon in the new quarters, fourth floor of the Behnke-Walker building. Mrs. Barkley was in charge of the program. Mrs. Cobb gave a vocal number, playing her own; guitar accom paniment Mra L. M. Downing gave a reading and Mrs. Trimble spoke on "Woman Suffrage"! and. told of some of the duties it entails. After the program. Thanksgiving refreshments were en joyed. A large number of guests were present ow b Patlietic Appeal If .1 - tV'vl Yes, They Are Entirely Human and Generally Have, i Good Appetites.' - Ruth Agnes Collins. "I am sending you this picture to show what Lebanon climate and cow's milk will do for a baby." writes Mrs. K. L. Collins of that city. Her name is Ruth Agnes. She is ten months old and weighs 27 pounds. The' picture was taken when she was eight months old ana at that time she weighed 23 pounda AND VERE PREPARED Just now. when the women are plan ning for, a study of government in or der to become intelligent citizens, it Is I interesting to know that at least one I group ; ef Portland ' women have for a long time been, informing themselves along this Una They are members of the Mount Scott W. C T. U. The wom en of this union have for several years Deen studying tne- social and political I problemr systematically The economio ana ethical phase of civic and social questions have receiyed attention through courses of lectures, book re views and general investigation. Tba calendar of the union for this year is an attractive-eight-page folder. xne iirst meeting of each month Is I given over to a study of general de partment work of the organization, the other meetings of each month have a special study hour for governmental and sociological problems f the-dayv-Mr j. w. wiiKins is president of the union and Mrs. L. H. Additon Is the leader of the study hour. Mrs. Additon is a member of the American Academy of Social and Political Science and la alo connected with the National Social Lsg- isiauoa association. Mrs. Esther Frankhauser. the mnmi. ibuo superintendent, directs the Bible study of the union. The general mot to is, "Overcome evil, with good," and the department motto, "This one thing Mill T . f V Ul x uu. , Thanksgiving daV finds a hundred or more actors and actresses 'ion the road" in Portland. They are being well taken care of in today" Joys, gastronomlo and otherwise. ' None of ''them but would Just as soon he In Portland on Thanks giving day or any other holiday, as any. where else, so long as they must be away. from home.. . r Actors, meaning actresses also. ' era entirely human, though; to the layman thejr eeerq to live altogether in a half unreal i atmosphere or their own. R. ing humsn they naturally would find their keenest enjoyment.on Thanksgiv ing day in sitting with their feet under the old - home table. : That of the Question with so many of them luo uein dcbi xnmg is to dine with Port land friends in ' their Ihompa hotel dining rooms. eaf rrin. where special effort la made tn tm hi Thanksgiving void in the VAnriaMi heart as well as in his atomanh. Portland's population has rrown ma oosmopolltan that It would be unusual If the itinerant . actor ' did not find friend of . acaualntanoea mM it business and professional man. Where these friendships have been renewed by mummers In the city today the Port landers are hosts at Thanksgiving din- ners. -." - -. . . Where man and wife amonv the actor folk are touring together, as is the case with Mr. and Mra Holbrook Bitnn Of "A Romance Of the . Underworld" : - ; ili - .-rt;,r .S? --Ujr gjft fJ v. Your Christmas Problems Solved AT THE LJTTLE STORE CREDIT EXTENDED TO YOU A little money goes a long way when you find the right place. Our selections are com plete We suggest that you SHOP EARLY. ' We Name Only a Few Attractive :. Articles Attractive Prices GENTS CUFP LINKS AND SCARF PINS IN PLUSH LINED BOX, special 75 SOLID GOLD SEAL RINGS, SOLID GOLD BIRTH STONE RINGS........ S2.00 e. rtri a v v vnv avtMw . . - . Asm savarv a v. WALTHAM, ELGIN AND HAMPDEN WATCHES, 20 YEAR CASE,-IADIESni.50,-GEimV 8 PIECE MANICURE SET, STERLING SILVER.. $5.50 8 DAY MANTLE CLOCK, GUARANTEED . . ,.$3.00 , STiSKLINu 5ILVEK THIMBLES i Ii DEPOSIT A SMALL AMOUNT ON ANY ARTI- CLE AND IT ' WILL BE RE. SERVED TILL XMAS - JEWELRY STORE 141 Third Street, Near Alder 2i S&tJ. Buy Now For Christmas ! THE OWL" IS SPLENDIDLY READY FOR YOU-A DEPOSIT - RESERVES ANY SELECTION r ENLARGEMENTS For Christmas -An enlargement from some negative that you possess and prise will make an ex cellent gift If handled right. Bring It to us if you would have the best results. 25c Amid the miserable cries that dally come to the Associated Charities' oftlce was the recent appeal of an Italian widow, whose husband bad d.'ed leav ing her with four little children, ajj'.d respectively 6 months, 3, 4 and 6 rers. It was a pitiful sight that met the ' visitor's eye when she reached the cot tage a primitive little structure of only two rooms, built by the father's hands, furnished only with cheap arti cles, yet every one mementoes of the , love and tenderness of the father who had died a martyr to his family. In an agony of grief the widow a delicate, : pretty little woman, sat rocking herself to and fro the house cold, the children neglected. She was a reputable Neapolitan wom andevoted to her children Dathetlcal- . Jy. flepenaent on-her husband, etrong family ties, without knowledge of Eng lish, unable .to read or write; not very : clean, perhaps, but possessing some of ' the heroic virtues. Gradually the visitor learned the fam ily history. Petro, the father, was only ' the "man with the hoe." His life had HAIE JHAT GIVES FATHER TIME v THE LAUGH" Wt an just about as old as me LOOK People judge ut, by the way we LOOK. - The man or woman with grey hair ie be ginning to get in the "Old Timer'e Ciaa.,, fhii Twentieth Century doea NOT-want GREY hsirt-it wanti the energy of Youth. The big things are being done by the YOUNGER generation. There's a tort of "Hat Been" look about thoe"Grey Main." There is alwayi one to criticise and smile scornfully. Father Time is a stern disciplinarian. Get the best of him. Give him the laugh. Do not be a "Has Been." It's unnecessary. Uu HAY'S HAIR HEALTH SIM and f- l Drt Sttrtttr dinct tn rtaitt if trie iJtaltr'i nmr.- Send 10c fir trial tttUt.tiu$ Un SPtihltiti C,. Nimari. A. J. tOK SAXZ AND RXOOMMEKDES BY BKTD. r MORE DRUG 00. SULPHURRO Seattle, Sept. 12. The C. M. C Stewart Sulphur Co., . 71 Columbia St., Seattle, Wash. Gentlemen; After my experience with Rulnhurro I consider It the very beet cure for Rheumatism in the world. I have no words to express my gratitude to you for this remedy. sgfgned) MRS. M. K. SULLIVAN, til Situ aye., south. Sulphurro in SO cent and 91-00 bottles, t all drugstores, Health booklet on rrqtiest. -Sold by - Voodard, Clarke & Co. JlTrKtrla's I.rgt Orna;ttore. . if .au rrouistXr TlUeo, been one long routine' of work, but he had dearly loved his little family and when those terrible pains In the chest- that unaccountable weariness had taken possession of him and his phvslcian had ordered rest, he only shrugged his Dent shoulders.. Impossible he was trying to buy the little home for the wife and babies. All the day he toiled and at night collected kindling to save expense. v The expected happened his death in troduced us to the family. Someone has suggested that grief Is for those who have time and wealth, "We can't mourn much that have work to do," and in the Interests of publlo economy, neighbors offered to place the little ones In various orphan homea The mieouun: wny is u tnat the commun ity Is willing to pay ft per child per week at an orphans' home and refuses to give the same amount to the poor mother? Is it not because the institu tions have able managers to explain their needs, while the poor woman Is not in a position to do so? In the home Is love the greatest thing In the world. Why should children be dragged away from a mother who Is reasonably effi cient and home maker, because disease or accident for which she la in no wise to blame have made her dependent? The Associated Charities realized that these little embryo citizens must to some extent determine the future of the state, and therefore not only our altruism but self interest urges that its necessi ties be supplied In such a manner as to insure health and education for the children and give to them standards of decency that they will strive to main tain when they have homes of their own. To help solve this community prob lem in such a way as to raise the value of the children's lives, the principle of cooperation was applied in thhj case Never was the cooperative spirit bet ter manifested. The county and As sociated charities Joined In furnishina emergency relief the priest gently aid ed the visitor In soothing and comfort ing the widow and persuading her to resume her maternal duties. The Visit ing nurse gave lessons In baby welfara and personal hygiene best of all tht good neighbor was found who minis tered to the family as he would to rela tives in distress. To form a definite plan was the As sociated Charities' manifest duty. Unwise relief, miserable doling which pauperizes must be avoided; there should be an adequate,- definite amount to keep the family together Anxiety for the family's e'eonomio ad justment had tormented the father's last hours. Mr. H. of the firm where the father had worked generously con sented to pay off the debt on the prop erty and the Associated Charities' legal aid committee stepped In to safeguard It from the moral vultures who prey upon widows and orphans. A capable guardian for the children was appoint ed. The Junior league has undertaken to supply clothing, but, so far, though the family has not been allowed to suffer, no definite sum has been subscribed for a pension. Mrs. S. Is willing to work, but she cannot be asked to work with so young a. family., and at the samb time carry out the lessons in domestic and personal hypiene. Charities urges the public to support the society in its work. Good charity is costly, but.lfpays dividends in good citizens. , ' Captain Alexander Gow of Seattle, who Is connected with the' Stanley ttol. lar. steamship .line, is g gaesLL the Imperial " Don't Run After Car xxever run after a street car; nine times out or 10 you don't overtake It, I and besides another will come along sometime. A woman in a neat tailored suit rusned along the east side of the street waving frantically at a car golne north. She had only one bundle In her hands but ehe handled it rather gingerly, and as it was something in a sack, she grasped it around the top, much as a darkey is supposed to hold a chicken oy the neck. She sprinted across the walk, paying mue or no attention to anything except the car, and as she reached the curb she miscalculated the step, stumbled and fell. It wasn't one of those knee arm rails Professor Krohn teaches in the aesthetic dance stunts, ' but a fall Cream puffs are rather tempting foolt-t li "i uu um-iucuijr lasiy wiien properly I handled, but connoiseurs and epicures I aiuce are agreed that they ought never to ne sat upon. Those in the bag were no exception. iney sent out a creamy protest that started somewhere up around the wom-l ans neck and continued all the way down her front Vesuvius, in Its most hilarious moments, never poured out a greater flow In- comparison to lte size than that paper bag. The woman was helped to her feet by sympathetic on lookers, who promptly retired when she gave her coat a shake and sent flecks of cream in ?T different directions. Moral: Walt for the next rar. Yes high time that you began your holiday shopping; You've experienced the discomforts and inconvenience of last day, last hour Christmas shopping before. Right now manyJorehanded people are choosing their gifts at "The OwL" In fact Christmas shopping is now on in earnest. And, of course, we're ready yes splendidly ready, with a big showing of appropriate gifts for young and old. What few items appear here may prove remindful : Ask for FREE SAMPLE of HARMONY ALMA ZADA FACE POWDER DEYTLBISS Perfume Atomizer 50c and Up They're the 8x10 BROMIDE ENLARGEMENT 100,000 Christmas ano4 NewYeaVt Postcards at l c Each w i iic ucu Bcickuuu yuu vc ever accn rw tt. v' " dnTmry 3 "uwi specials are always of interest This List of 24 SPECIALS --ior FricUy and Saturday- Christmas Forethoughts IN GIFTS FOR YOUNG AND OLD Silver . Deposit COLOGNE BOTTLES Like Thee Only 50c "The Owl" German Silver Vanity Case Perfume Atom izer Zoo 2-in-l Dolls Novel Hair Pin Holder Ormolu Gold Jewel Box Silver Gray Jewel Box Olass Puff Box Brass Ash Tray Child's Work Box Coin Purse Manicure Scissors Novelty Cigar Cutter Mirror Pocket Knife Hair Brush Toy Animals Cats, Dogs, Bears Receiver, with Parisian Ivory Top The Owl' Child's Hand Bag Pipe Rack Brass Ink Well Brass Ash Tray Brass Paper Weight Brass Match Holder Toy Cat or Dog Novel Hat Pin Holder Ormolu Gold Jewel Box Silver Gray Jewel Box ' Smoker's Set Leather Trinket "Boxes Parisian Ivory Basket Parisian Ivory Hat Pin Holder Novelty Bow Pin Glass Hair Receiver Pin Tray Roly Poly Toys JEWEL-BOX In Ormolu stiver urey Silk Lined, Only 25c mi kind thatdis- ffjfej tribute the JJ C I I U III c evenly and with no waste. You'll make no mistake in buying a De Vilbiss they are guaranteed. The one shown here priced at 60 You Li m per s! You Need TIZ Puts Life, Vim, Energy Into Tired t tet, Limbs, Spine, and Is a Won der for All Foot Troubles. r 0? Gillette Razors With Each 25 CeUuloid TOOTH BRUSH we will give Fri ' day ft Saturday, FREE:'":" a regular 2St size of Williams' Tooth Powder. V The Tooth Brush is guaran teed we'll give you a new one if k the brlstler come : out Your chance to secure two regular 25c articles for the pnee of one. our Such economies never fall to Attract the attention of the most thrifty buyers of drugs end other needfuls. At these special prices we reserve the right to limit quantities to purcnasers. "Todeo1 Oleentas rinlA, regular S8o else, for Baker Oarfcollo Salve, also regu- ih aoo sue, xor. . u ..... , , 8Se else Soeodoat Tooth Powder, for only lOo else 7 airy Soap, "Owl' spe cial 8 for 85e else Kondoa Catarrh Jelly for only Vow Skin, the a So slie, special at ojOrT?...,. ...... .7.,.. 85o else Essence of Olager, the vw ' pmuac a,. 8-rrata Oascare Tablets, bottle ef 100, special at Ylolet Ammonia, cur regular 85e else for only......... 9. U 3. Shaving Cream, regular 85o sue. for. i '. Bland iron nils. 85o slie bottle of 100. for Epsom Salts. 0 sound package. 9rt- for only it-' Owl" Witch ' Kasel, 40o Quart VQ- else, for only rjfC Santtseptlo Motion, regular N Ha else, for only...?...?. x"C TSo else Bennett Asthma Bern- xQ edy, for only. BOo sise Mentholated Syroy XQA White Pine for JaJC Carter Bromo, the Boo slse, -epeclai trrrrxixvrrv Bpeom Salts. 10 pound paekage VQA at the special .C Lennox Bate Tonlo, the TSe slxe, AC special at "ivC "Owl" OUve OH (Imported), our ClH 8So siae, for,... ............ ...O C Potter's Hair stela. 81 else, C7 specUlat ......Of C Plver's Pace Powder, 8So else, ft 7 at the special K....UIU Pinkham's Compound, $1 slse, CQA at the special ....T.....I. D7C Oriental Cream, the regular auo slse, at. 7QC ISc 15c ISc ISc I 17c 19c Pree Trial Package Brings Joy. " If your feet feel as If thnv vort iivk I In the mud if they feel as if each step were a trip-hammer blow get a uox oi ii irom any druggist, 26 cents. e. HAIiE WON THEIR WAY INTO POPU LAR FAVOR THROUGH SHEER MERIT True It la that the "Oiriette'Ms widely adver tised, not only through the leading publications of the country, but by thousands upon thousands of satisfied users. The "Gillette" is a big suc cess. We have all popular styles but suggest these two: Pocket Edition vary eempaot ... for travelers, at . . ....... . Brush, neatly arranged is leather oaseJJJaJVf i v'' '' tfv AUU Cn Ape nit One ounce of "Owi" price of which is 35c, will be given, , FREE with' -every ounce of Nile - Blossom Perfume, the price of which is $1 Friday and Saturday only. Other Safety Razors Oem Junior and Bver Beady. CJ 1 jpiJ,J J The Aate Strop Safety Basor.l A Drop All Your Foot Troubles Into TIZ Foot Bath TIZ foot bath drawi out th I poisons inai lodge m the foot pores; neat day you will be looking at other sufferers Instead of being the vujcvfc ui viuuiiuiBerauon. vjorns are euuo, ounions are reaucca, reel are I araaiier, aiioes m rme. And If you have never tried tills wonder. TIZ, write to wa ier uuwct uoage & Co., 1ZZ3 B. Wa bash ave., Chicago, III., for a free trial package, or get a 25 cent box at any drug store, department, or general store, you will never know real foot comron until you have used TIZ. Children Who Are Sick! v Mother Who Tain thi.tr own mmfort msA Ka I Kelfara of their, children hould Dever be With. luroot rar h liirouRUont the aealOB, They Crnintl- wta box of HolberjUras'a Sweet fowdar for I muran, n Break up i patloji, Teethtaf Dtiwrlera, Headache and Btom- Cold. nth Troublee. Relieve Fefertihneae, Ue by THESB l-WWPliam KBvlB FAIU ",fa bf 11 tr.gr Stor-, 2.. iMn't tccxttt any nl ttrtte. r Sample malleff FUE. Addraaa. A. S. SAFETY BLADES FOR ALL STANDARD Gillette Blades 6 for 50c 4 tnmnnnmk ill Parisian Ivory Will Solve Many a Gift Problem. Buy It Now It i durable; it ts beautiful; it , is practi cal. Furthermore, it is : inexpensive. No won- def. then, : that ' it has become so popular. There are inferior grades. Our's is tht superior kind. And you 11 find : the largest and best collection of Parisian Ivory at "The Owl." SPECIALS 25c Napkin Rings at 25c Oval Pin Trays at ....le 50c Powder Boxes at ; .,65c Nail Buffers' at ........ 65c Powder Boxes at ...... o9f $1.25 Photo Frames at ....OS $1.25 Large Combs at 984 $2.50 Puff Boxes . .2.23 $2.50 Hand Mirrors at ..s2.23 IairBfashesTconiCavfrTypr v rows Dnsties, at ....js.w Engraving Free. 'TOE OWL'S" INTRODUCTORY OFFER of Milk Chocolates In Pound Boxes Only, at Pound, Special, Pound.. 3As Yoult' be convinced, after you've tasted them, that they're really better than many that you " have paid as much as 75c pound for elsewhere. Our regular price of these Chocolates is 50c pound. 'A Just to induce you to test for yourself the toothsome- ness and deliciousness of Milk ' T f till t ltd I Chocolates we " make this - introductory offer OQn Friday and Saturday at only, pound,' V TEMPTING Take Your t Choice of day - It, Cocoanut Surprise at IOC Peppermint Creams Pound Winter green Creams Cocoanut Bon Bona Cocoanut Gum Dropif r ii Cocoanut Delicacies InPlh Sniced Tellv Daintiea AUlilUe tr f nf -w - COLLAR BAGS FOR $1.25 - What rnan who la aaftais-!. particular about his lTj 1 " ' YZ3t collars would not be 'J, ftp I L ' ' - well pleased with such a gift? They're ' made of excellent quality Ooze fin is h leather, are lined with Moire Silk, and have silk draw cord. . Out side snap pocket . TassSsfesCi JA for collar studs. Come In several colors. ' (J i J 9 L'"9 J ' -4S T" Established 1892 V Eileen Stores on the Pacific Coast JlIaaCSSEVEN-ni AriD VASIIINGTON STREEiTSOI IS PI ! Hi : at ".-. ,v