THE OEIIGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 27, 1212. TOf fM I IS T ODAY AT 23 CENTS FOR TOP Front Street Merchants Receive a ; Carload of Walnuts From Call - t ornla i Fin Huckleberries Ar Jn From the North; Potatoes' Quiet. i The Thanksgiving turkey rnar- j . ket la winding up today with ' tho top price on dressed birds . ' at 23 cents. . Soma cull birds , : were offered as low as 18 cents. 4 "Yesterday the movement was ac- live and it la believed that the market will clean up well before: 4 ' evening, - Becelpts this morn- lng were light. , , T v .After all, t cents turned out to be tlie average top price, for dressed tur ; ' keys On Front street, In spite of efforts ' to force it higher. The bulk of business this morning was transacted on a 23 -cent basis for , No, 1 stock, while "No. 2 held at 20 cents, and No. 3,. or culls, anywhere from 1 to 20) As a result of. Hie lower market the demand for No. 1 birds has been strongest, and less choice stuif ihas rnoved rather slowly. rOULIU STEADY ; While there Is little doing in chickens, as compared with turkeys, the market seemed a little steadier today, and live hens were quoted at 12 to 13c, whereas . yesterday ine top price was lac. vine duck market has cleaned up fairly well POTATO MARKET SLOW ' V ' - i i The potato market continues to drag. with the best stock selling: at 75 cents f. per hundred pounds on the street. Less choice potatoes are quoted at SO cents. ' : PRESSED MEATS CARCK .Dressed pork and veal is no more plentiful than it has been for the past several days, and the demand is steady for all that is offered. Some very icliolce hogs were received this morning, and they were promptly picked up. GAME IN MARKET i : Front street had a few wild ducks , and some snowshoe rabbits to offer this morning. Belgian hares' have been - among the offerings for several days. " WALNUTS ARRIVE For some time Front street ha heen bare on walnuts. This situation was relieved this morning by the arrival cf a car from the association in California. CHOICE HUCKLEBERRIES Soma very fine huckleberries were re ceived on Front street this morning. They were quoted at 8 to 10 cents. per pound in 25 pound Doxes. J" FORECAST" FOR SHIP"ER9 LOCAL MEAT SIB . ;,;e ACTIVITY UPON ESTABLISHED BASIS Purchases Reported at 77 Cents for Club and 80 to 81 Cents for Blue- temi Oats and BarlejrMoveJow. ly In Comparison to Dally Receipts. , PORTLAND GRAIN RECEIPTS. -Cars.- Wheat Ba'y. Fir. Oats. Hay. Monday ... 100 16 ? 15 J9 Tuesday ..100 . 14 .. ." 12 23 V 15 Wednesday 12 . 2 v 10 16 Year ago . . 47 ' U ',, 7 ' 14 Season to date . .8873 " Xll V" ?8S Tear go . .6323 236 1 1200 764 1504 English country markets easy. " French country markets steady. A little more activity was reported this morning In the local wheat market, some purchases" having-been -made on -a basis of 77o for club and 80 81c for bluestem, At St. Louis wneat was o higher this morning and tne report from Omaha Eave cash wheat a similar advance. The liverpool market showed strength on war reports and Paris closed very strong and la higher. Berlin closed o to o lower, ( Budapest reports no change and Antwerp 2c lower.- 1 There was active buying on the break in Winnipeg, which had tendency to further strengthen the situation. Minneapolis reports an increase or 1,250,000 bushels in wheat on hand dur ing the "past four days. The local oats and barley markets are qutet with, rather slow demand as compared with the receipts. Portland grain and bay markets: WHEAT New crop, producers prices track basis: Club, 47c; bluestem, H0& 81c; red Russian, 76c; fortyfold. 77c; Turkey red, 77c; Willamette valley, 77c. BARLEY Producers' prices, track basis: Feed. $2126; brewing, $28 29; rolled, 826.60. OATS Producers' prices, track basis: No. 1 milling. $27; white, 128.0026.60 t0FLOUR Selling price: Patent. $4.10 4.80; Willamette valley, $4.20; local straight, $3,70S.9O; export, $3.5003.70; bakers, $4.10 4.30 barrel. HAY Producers prices: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $15; ordinary, $14.60; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy tim othy $16.50; alfalfa, $11.55J2;. vetch and bats. $12; cheat, $10.50. Mll.LSTUFKS Selling price: Bran. $21.60; middlings. 2931; shorts, $23.60 ton. WHEAT AT CHICAGO Market Opens Steady and Closes at a Higher Point. Chicago. Nov. 27. The wheat market opened steady today and December went a half cent higher during the day. Re porta from St. Louis and Omaha in dicated a stronger market. CATTLE ARE STEADY TO LO'.VER; IIS ID SHEEP ABOUT STEADY Receipts at Yards fn North Portland ; Light Today; Business Will Be at , Standstill Tomorrow - on Account of Holiday," " ' "" Protect ehipments ss far north as Se attle against minimum temperatures of about xti degrees; northeast to Spokane, 24 degrees; southeast to Boise, 24 de grees; south to Siskiyou, 38 degrees. Minimum temperature at Portland to night, about" 2 degrees. " " ' PORTLAND JOBBING PRICES per k These prices are those at which wholesalers sell to retailers, except as otherwise stated: Batter, Eggs and Poultry. BUTTER Nominal; extra creamery, cubes and tubs, itSftc; prints, 36 $7c; dairy. 23G24c.' ,EGUS Nominal Candled local ex trad, 404246c; ordinary, candled, 40c; spot buying price, loss off, 4uc f. o. b. Portland; Dent eastern, 32c; ordinary, 7 28c; seconds, J3.003.6O case. LIVE POULTRY Hens. 12c; springs. 12c; geese. 19 He; Pekin ducks, 124 12Hci Indian runners, 12c; turkeys, Ft (ti'iQc; dressed. :0:4c; pigeons, old, ill young, 2.uui(f.DV ausen. - GAME Jackrabblts, J2.002.!5 BUTTER FAT Producers' price, for Portland aelivery, per ib 36V4C CHEESB- Nominal; iresh Oregon ncy. full "cresmr twins and triplets. 13c; daisies. 19',4e; Young America, iOlic. ' Fruits sod Vegetables. FRESH RU1TH ficw navel oranges, $2.6a3.60; bananas, 4i.e lb.; lemons, k5.25W6.60: limes, $1 per 1U0; grape fruit, $5.00; pineapples, 6c lb.; pears, , $1.(0 box: grapes, baskets, 16c; crates, I1.00&1.10; cranberries, local, $9.76 per bbl.j eastern, $10.60 11.00. APPLES 76c(iji$2.25; cooking, 600o box. POTATOES Belling price: Extra choice. 76c; choice, 65c; ordinary, 60c per cental; buying price, carloads, 400 60o country points; sweets, $1.86 2.00 x per cental. uiuin i.ivi.zo; associauon sen A ing price, 75o cental, f. o. b. shipping I points; alif ornla onions, 80 Q 90c; gar- 7V4CTKC, . ... VKUbiAtiLisa wew turnips, egigiiuc; ' new beets. $1.0u; carrots, 60&76c per sack; parsnips, $1$1.2b sack; cabbage, 1 81.00 1.25: tomatoes, per box. '11.60: i lugs, $1.10 1.26; string beans. 8 10c; - gieen onions, lOo doxen bunches; pep . ' pers. bell, 34o lb.; head letuoe, $1.6 tJi'iM dosen bunches; celery, 40 & 76o Ooion; egg plant, 8uf8o lb.; peas, 10c ' - lb.; cauliflower, 604f 76c; rhubarb. $1.23 box. ,, , Meats;- risk and Provisions. DRKSttEO MEATS Country killed: Hogs, Han cy, IOIOVic; ordinary, tU 10c; rough and heavy, 8$i9c; fancy veal, - 13Hc; ordinary, 12c; poor, lie; lambs, 1010c; routtou. ItalHc; goats, jjc; beef. 7l0c. 11AMS, BACON, ETC. Hams, 18 19o; breakfast uaccn. 1528u; boiled itam, 27 ci picnics, 18c; cottage, 18c MEAT Packing house Siter, No. 1 - stock, 12c; cows, No. 1 stock. 11c; ewes, T' "'JWu wot bars, luoi iambs, ilftet pork, . , loins, 17"ac OySTEKS Shoalwater bay, per gal ' Ion (. ); per 100 lb. sack, ( ): Olym , Ida, per gallon, $3.25; per 100 lb. sack, $9; canned, eastern, 66c can; $6.50 dos; eastern In shell, $1.75 2 per lOo; razor clams, $2 2.86 box. b'ISH Nominal Rock cod, lOo lb.; drecacd flounders, 7c; halibut, 7 a 1 1 o ; Striped bass, 20c; catfish, 12c; salmdn, , -5 4io lb.; soles, 7c lb.; shrimps, lifc lb. rerch, 8c lb.; tomcod, 8c; lb.; lobsters, 20c b. ; herrings, ( ); black bass, 20c; sturgeon, 12 V&c; silver smelt, 7c; black rod, 7c; eastern oysters, full measure, solid pack. $3 per gallon. 4 LARD Tierces, 16o lb.; compound, tierces, 10c. i v -'Hops," Wool and Hides. WOOL Willamette valley, coarse Cotswold, l20o lb.; medium Shrop , slilre, zic: choice fancy lots 12o per lb.; tBHtern Oregon, 1420o, according to shrinkage. HOPS Producers' price 1912. 10 "-..lie; according to quality. MOHAIR 1912. S2VkC lb. . CH1TTIM OR CAHCARA BARK i . ..... a , .i i- lots, 6o lb.: 1911 bark, car lots, 6c; less car lots. o IB, . - HIDES Dry hides. 2021o: rreen. . Ht10c; salted hides. 10 lio; Tjulls. . green salt, T7c; kids. l2Uci calves. sy444tMi,.Maif jikina salted it areen, 1720o; green hides. ilHols r than salted; sheep pelts, salted, $1 dry, Groceries. '" '"' RICE Japan tyi. No.' I.' 5H$Ho; No. 2 4o-, New Orleans head, lQ1a; l.rrol. B-Ia a.'-.'..' ... . --' ... ,. Ki:(jAH Cube, $6.15 powdered. $1.00: J i "it or neny Ij.Ku; oest. 16.66. dry g'UlUllated. ?S.7f; . H yellow. IR.Oa. lAlmn duotatlons are 31 days net cnslij Bli.VNa Small white, 6 'Ac; laris Ransre Overbeck Board of Deo. . . . May ... July ... Ie. . . , May ... July ... Dec. . . . May . . . July Nor. .Ian. May Nov. Jan. May Nov. Jan. May of Chicago prices furnished by & Cook company, 210-111 Trade building: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. 84 86ft 84 854B 90 91 90 90 87tt 88U 87 ',4 88UB CORN." 47 47H 47i 47 A 4 m tt- "-"--" 47 -- 4 8 - A 48 49 48H 48 B 21 824 $2 Vs OATS 31 32 32 31 824 32 81K B 82 A VALL STREET SHOWS STEADY UNDERTONE GOVER DEL IER OFFER TO HANG Salem,' Or., Nov. 27. Governor West has sent the following letter to Mrs. New Tork. Nov. 27. Today's stock market was a regular holiday affair. Extreme dullness prevailed throughout Charles Wynn of Klamath. Falls, who the session, with no features whatever, offered herself as a substitute for the London sent higher quotations at - the five men. condemned to bang December ,v ucuuie iiirri outs w tiia iiettv ,c,& lztng at Paris, as a result of the many rumors reeurdlna: the Kuronean situa tion. One was to the effect that Prance - "I asknowledge receipt of your let ter. X, too, regret that the people saw fit to render the verdict , they did In was mobillilng her armyT7 Howeveregj - capTtarTpninsTiroerit.. : Under PORK. vo. . 1775 1925 1925 1917 1930 1845 1870 1845 1862 LARD. ....1117 1126 1117 1125 1060 1067 1060 1065 ....1015 1025 1015 1023 RIBS. 1060 1022 1030 1010 1027 .... 982 995 982 992 " iAt the Stockyards. - f J North Portland Receipt light fv today; markets about steady. " ' South Omaha Cattle steady to strong; hogs strong to high er; sheep 18c to 20c higher. ' Tomorrow hetflir fotral tnHAmir' yards in North Portland will re 4 f main closed .? PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. -1 . ' "t Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Wednesday .. 676 , 4 , 246 Tuesday .,..1219' . 24 .. . 2ii Monaay-.,..;iC35 821 , $ 1239 Thursday ...1035 827 4 931 vveeK ago.... 638 140 16 1760 Tear ago. . . ... 283 193 , , 40 2 Yrs. ago.,.. 153 104 $75 The 25 head of steers reported yes terday from the yards sold at $7.50 to T. R. Howltt. Should havA hn ra. ported at $7. The mistake was made In tne preparation of the list of sales at the yards. The average weight of the steers was j 266 nounns The cattle market at North Portland today was a" trifle weaker If anything than yesterday. Several sales were made, however, that helped the situa tion. South Omaha reports cattle steady to Strang. North PnrllonJ o.ltl. Heavy feed steers $ Choice steers , Common steers Fancy cows Ordinary light cows r navy ngnt COWS. ....... .a . Heavy calves '. Best bulls I. Ordinary bulls ..... . ... . . r The Portland hosr market steady today. At South Omaha th marKet was reported strong to 5 cents higher. r, ri'.h ortIand h0 market range: Best light 7 en Medium light 7ss Best, heavy ' y jX Medium heavy 7 7 Heavy 77b -Sheep went 16 20c htgher today t 0mna; At North Portland the market held steady. General mutton market: " Best east mountain lambs. . .$5.85 Good east mountain lambs... 6 60 8es!i Yr1.1,1,111116148 valley lambs 5.65 Good Willamette valley lambs 6.35 Poor lambs Best vpnrlinc. '"ary wthers'.'.'.v.v;:::: 4.2504:50 GooVoPdinaryVwes::::::::: 8S68 Today's Becelpts at Tarda. Robert McCrow, Goldendale, Wash., hogs, one car. - C. Copin, Plalnvlew, Or., calves and hogs, on car. H. ii. Decker. Sllverton, Or., sheep, calves and hogs, one car; sheen two cars. A. B. Gale, Stayton, Or., hogs, one car. Pomeroy Meat Livestock association. Pomeroy. Wash., cattle and hogs, one car. 9- h Condon, hogs, one car. J. F. Flint. Junction City, Or., cattlo and hogs, onn car. Wednesdsy Morning's Sales. these rumors were denied and the mar ket showed a dull but steady under tone,, with practically little or no trad ing. Closing- prices- wers about- un changed from yesterday.. Money was quiet around I per cent at the close, loaning as high as 8 per cent during the day. Twelve industrials and 20 ac tive rails advanced. -.- Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck & Cooke Co., 214-217 Board of Trade building. ' ' d ..ription- i uiifiu Hitrn iai i ttm .7.00 6.90 6.7.'. 6.25 r 6.00 8..'.0 5.006.50 4.00S4.75 4.O0&4.25 in about 6.00 5.75 5.75 6.f.0 4.60 4.8 HIGH OFFICIALS 11 ATTEND CONVENTION fSoeclxl o Th Journal. Baker. Or.. Nov. 27. The state con vention o fthe Farmers' Educational and Cooperative union, which will be held In this city on December 3. and 5 will bring to this city Borne of the high officials of the organisation, including National President C. 8. Barrett of Georgia, Vice Prealdent J. D., Brown, and President Crow of the Washington state organisation. At least 600 dele gates are expected to be present and the local committee Is working in co operation with the Baker Commercial club in planning for their entertain ment. t o . . Co.. Co. . Co. , Co Co. . Co.. Buyer. No. V. M. Lacey .... 8 K. M. Lacey .... 1 Union Merit fn I nion Meat Union Meat Union M?at Union Went Union Meat Co.. Union Meat Co Union Meat Union Meat Union Meat Peonies Market F. M. Lacey COWS. Ray Falrchlld 30 BULLS. Sterctte ft Oberle. 1 HEIFERS F. M. L'acey 20 CALVES. Schlees, Bros 1 Hchless Bros 1 Schless Bros 1 Schless Bros 9 1 1 16 10 23 24 27 24 3 27 27 14 Av. Lbs. 1000 950 1057 1036 1043 1040 940 1175 1167 i.70 1194 11 15 1120 1133 1021 1410 750 310 100 140 1111 Price. $4.60 4.D0 6.69 6.60 6.60 6.25 6.25 6.85 6.S5 6,5 0.80 .90 6.S5 $3.76 $4.50 $5.50 $6.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 OMAHA LIVESTOCK South Omaha. Nov 91 1400; steady to strong; steers, $8.25 9.76; cows and heifers, $5.607.00. 6c higher; price. UAffa i ' fid d ..a ,A $7.45&f.60. Sheep. 3500- market 1520o higher; jhiiisb,; wetners, 14.00 white, (c; pink, 6c; bayou, 4 Vic; llmas, 3c; redsllc. BALiT uoarse, nan grounas iuus b.6u per ton: 60s, $9.00; table dairy, 60s, $18; 1 AA. ,17- k.L, tO V f- .vtra einA r . rels.' 2s. 6s and 10s. $4.005.00; luropl j 'J' lambs. $7.267.60; ewes, $3.60 por k 120.50 ner ton. .. HONEY New, $2.75 per case. Paints, coal OIL Etc WHITE LEAD, Ton lots, 8c per lb.; 600 lb. lots, 8c per lb.; less lots, 8e per lb. LINSEED OIL Raw, bbls., 61o gal.; kettle boiled, bbls., 63c gal.; raw cases, 66c; boiled, cases. 680 gal.; lots of 260 gallons lo less; oil cake meal, $44 per ton. TURPENTINE-In cases. 78c; wood barrels, 70o; Iron barrels. 660 per gal lon; 10 case lots, 72c. OIL MEAL Carload lots $87.60; less than carload lots $40 per ton. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS (Uolteit Pre Ltsr4 Wire. I San Francisco, Cel.. Nov. 27. Wheat White Australian. $1.67 H? 1.60; So nera. $1.70(1.721 club, $1.60 0 1.62 i; northern" bluestem, $1.86l.S?tt; turkey red, $1.66j)1.60; red Russian. $1.45$p Barlev Feed. Brood to choice. S1.47U: fancy. $1.60; noor to fair. $1.47H1.60: shipping and brewing, $1.62H1.55; onion MET AT VALE. JAN. 3 lhnuolLir tl 7 K if ,11 lift Eggs Extras. 43 c; select pullets, 354c. Buttei Extras, 33c; prime firsts, 82c; firsts, 81c. Cheese New California, flats. 14J4 17Vic: Oregon flats, fancy, 17c; do Young America. 18c; California do, IT 18Vi; New York twins, 20c; Wiscon sin twins, 19 Vic. Potatoes, -. per cental Oregon Bur banks, 90c: river Burbanks. 40 50c; sweets, $1.25 per sack. Onions, per sack California sllver sklns. 1535c; Australian browns. 2S 80. . Oranges, ner box Valencies, fancv, $4.004.45; choice. $3.76 4.00 ; sVandurd, x.60j2.0o: navels, fancy. $3.6004.60; choice. $2.75(5?3.2S. SEATTLE MARKETS (Qnlttd Pr! 1114 Wire.) Seattle, Wash., Nov. 27. Eggs Local ranoh, 63c; eastern fresh, 28040c; do Storage, 28030c. Butter -Washington creamery firsts, ?Bfli37c.niaBternT-2e. ' 1 Cheese 'Tillamook. 19o; limburger, 20c; Wlsoon sin,. 20c:. brick, 20c; block Swiss, 22oi- wheel. Swiss, ,28ct Young Amerlcs. Sle. - i . ! . Onions California, 8Oo01.Ca per ssi k. - ' ''- :. -- r. PotatoesIrfcl. $12014 fef ton Ya kima; $15016; sweets,: liia per pound. " Join al Want ds bring results. (Special to The Jonrntl.l Baker, Or., Nov. 27. Secretary John G. Hoke cf the Oregon . Woolgrowers' association has announced the dates for the state convention, which will be held at Vale, Malheur county. The dates an nounced for the two days' meeting are January 2 and 4. , The meeting is fixed for these dates at Vale so tbs visitors may attend the Idaho meeting at Boise on the Stlvand th national conveutlon at Cheyenne, which begins the 9th. Amona the nrnmlnunt anonLan- .t.. will bo present at the Vale meeting Is President Gooding of the National Wool. sruweia assuciauon. Among other matters of importance which will be taken up are tha bill segregating por tions of the forest reserve for elk. The woolmen soek a modification of the act which, according to then. If carried as It stands, would greatly affect every ft-m airier awl Inn nf tliA nn,,i.mMt i work a hardship on the flock owners Leasing of public lands for grazing pur poses, and freight rates will also be taken np, and the latter subject especi ally will rernlv. atnHnr Th. ' " . - ni ci - tary has not yet announced th apeak- VI Via i(J TKI tUUl VULrlUH. NORTHWEST RANK STATEIENT . . T , Portland Banks. Clearings today $1,626,094.38 Tacoma Banks. , CUarlnga today 697,765.00 Seattle Banks. a carlngs today $2,230,344.00 AniaL Cop. Oq. . Am. Car fc F.; c. Am. Cur- a . do pfd.' ...... Am. Cot. Oil, c. Am. Loco., c. . . . Am. Sugar, c, ... Am. 'Smelt., c . .. do pfd : Anaconda 11, Co. Am. Woolen, c. Atchison, c d pfd. B. & U. . c. Beet Sugar Brooklyn R. T.. Can. Pacific, c..-. Central Leath., c. do pld. . , . . C. & O. W., c.. . do pfd C, M. & S. P. . C, & N. W.. C. Ones. & Ohio, . . Col. F. & I., c. Cons. Gas Corn Products, c D. & R. G., c... do pfd Erie, c do 2d pfd do 1st pfd.... Gen. Electric ... Grt. N. pfd....'. Ice Securities... Illinois Central.. Int. Harvester .. Int. Met., c do pfd Lehigh Valley. . . K. C. Southern. . Louis. & Nash... M.. S. P. & 8. 8. M. M., K. & T.. c... do Did Missouri Pacific, National Lead .. Nevada Cons. . . N. Y. Central . . . N. Y., O. & W... Norf. & west., c. North American. Nor. Pacific, c. Pacific M. S. Co.. Pennsylvania ... P. G., h. t C. Co. Pressed S. Car, c do pfd Reading, c lc 2u pfd .... do 1st pfd Rep; I. & 8-, c. ao pra Rock 1-s., c do pfd S. L. & 8. F.. 2d. South. Pac, c. South. R'y do pfd Texas & Pacific. T., 8. L. W., c. U. 1 C do pfd U. S, Rubber, c. U. S. 8teel Co., c. do pfd Utah Copper. .. Va. Chemical .. Wabash, c . do pfd W. U. T West'house Elec. Wis. Cen.. c Total Sales 165,600 shares. Delaware & Hudson ex. dlv. cent. American Smelt, common, ex, per cent. 84 123 H 67 46Vi 78U 16V 43 21 107V4 04 92 265 Vi. 28 17 34 114H 13k 25 142 16 21 24V4 6i'i 184Vi 137 1 17ft 28 144V4 62 43 60 23 '4 123 123V4 -37 V6 i?6 23 25V4 48V4 80 110 Z9V 84; 69V4 41 123 67, 46 79" 106 43 21 107 Vi i6 64 92 265 29. is" 34 114 10 142 16 21 34V4 6i 185 'A 137 19 '19 65U 175 28 144 62 43 60 V4 23 115 123 ijs 'i7V4 17i 84 59 40 123 46I 78V4 10 42 21 107 106 64V4 92 'A 265 ' 29H 17 34 114 139 80 35 142 16 21 33 60 l4 a 137 19 19 65 173 27 143 V, 62 40 60 22 115 m i23" 37 170 28 ii'vi 48 30 110 29V 23 !Vfc 90 69 74 111 63A 46 81 23 -1 00 61 74 111 63 46 81 27 25" 48 30 110 29 23 89 59 74 111! 62 46 81 84 69 40 123 2 120 78 106Vi 42 21 107 101 106. 64 92 65 29 96 17 34 114 139 so V4 35 142 lo? 21 38 Vb a'i Va 42 60 1371 19 128 119 lVs 65 174 27 V 143j; 144 28 62 43 60 23 114 33-4 115 83-4 123 i 34 123 115 37 Vi 101 170 94 90 27 89 L'o 48 30 110 29 '81 23V4 12 172 89 60 74 COUNTY TO CONSTRUCT FIFTEEN MILE LINK Ul COLUMBIA CANYON ROAD (Continued From Page One.) our system of government, however, the highest autirorlty is the legally ex pressed wish, of the people,' and in ac cordance with that wish, expressed No vember 6, hanging must be the general rule in Oregon from this time until the people themselves decTde otherwise. ; ' I " 1 1 1 I'll SUSPEQT REARRESTED J ON A BENCH WARRANT! W. K., Gilbert, arrested Saturday night for offering the Gilbert-Tilbury com pany a wprthless check in payment for $10,000 worth of stock In the concern, and released on his own recognisance by Municipal Judge Taswell,- was re arrested yesterday by Detectives Hyde and Vaughn on a bench warrant When Gilbert's case 'was called in municipal court yesterday morning, he was not present A bench warrant was Issued and he was rearrested. On his second arrest Judge Taswell placed his bond at $5000, which he was unable to" fur nish. , " M. M. Gilbert of the Gilbert-Tilbury company says that W. E. Gilbert is in no wise related to him, though some confusion has arisen because of the likeness of names of the bad check operator and his victim. JUdge Taswell says there was nothing at all unusual about Gilbert's release Saturday night on his own recognizance. "Saturday night at best is always a hard time to get ball." said Judge Tas well this morning, "and Gilbert's wife pleaded so hard that ber husband be al- 1 lowed to go with her that I finally con sented. Gilbert had been released by me before without bonds and had re turned. He was represented by counsel In court Monday morning, and his non appearance through counsel yesterday morning was the result of a misunder standing." Gilbert Is said to have an exaggerated conception of his resources whloh seems to cause Mm most of his trouble, 111 62 46 4 13 79 81 62 $50,000 Is available at once. By the time this la spent, another 250,000 will be available. " .; . .'. s-.--''. - Bsd Experts Zad arse Project. In the construction of this road, the county will have the benefit of the advice and experience of Major H. U Bowlby, ex-highway commissioner of Washington, known throughout the United States as a road builder, and of Samuel H11L In fact the enthusiastic lndoremntgiven-lo - the , pro Ject. by these men caused the county court first to consider It. ."-;" . . Major Bowlby already baa turned over to Philo Holbrook blue prints and plans of convict camps built when be used convicts as road builders at Lyle, Wash., In 1910. Mr. Bowlby la executive offi cer of the Pacific Highway association, which has given tha project the highest indorsement. ( . For ita whole lenth the new highway will be built 24 feet wide, and it will be partially hard surfaced with an as phalt preparation. MADER0 TO DISTRIBUTE OVER. 2,200,000 ACRES f United Praia LmumI Vrirm Washington, Nov. 27. To carry out pledges made when he assumed office, President Francisco I. Madero pf Mex ico plana the distribution of more than 2.200,000 acres of land among small farmers, according to consular reports received at the state department from Chihuahua and Coahuila. More than 1,700,000 acres are to be distributed In Coahuila alone, and at least 600.000 acres will be divided in Chihuahua. At the outset of his rebellion against Por firlo Diaz, Madero promised to break up the concentration of land among a few big owners. "TEXAS TOMMY" IN HIGH HEELS BREAKS A LEG (United Preat Leatwt W!re. San Francisco, Nov. 27. Because she attempted to dance the "Texas Tommy' in a hotel ballroom here, while wearing very high-heeled shoes, Mrs. J. A, Henry, wife of a business man, is in the hospital today, suffering from a broken right leg. CLEMENTS WILL USE THE UNWRITTEN LAW PLEA (Oult'cl lTeM leaned Wlrr.) Redding, Cel., Nov. 27. The "un written law" and not emotional or sen timental Insanity will be the plea of William K. Clements, on trial here for the murder of William C. Landls, al leged slayer of Clements' mother, Mra. BradHhuw. This was indicated today by questions to prospective Jurors who were sounded regarding their belief as Mo the right of a man to kill the slayer Of his motherj MRS. LESH ACQUITTED OF OLD MURDER CHARGE (Doited Preae Leued Wire.) Sedalla, Mo., Nov. 27. Under per emptory instructions from Judge H. B. Shaln, the jury In the case of Mrs. Pansy Lesh today returned a verdict of not guilty of the charge of murdering Mrs. Qualntanoe. Prosecutor O'Bannon announced he would file no information against Mrs. Lesh In the Coe poisoning case, and she was released. Mra. Lesh surrendered to the police In Los Ange les some weeka ago, confessing that she had administered poison to both Mra. Quaintanca and Mra Coe. - Lo:;Do;rs FOLibt (Tnlted Press Lead Wlr. London, Nov. .27. Police ComraU- aloner Henry was shot and seriously wounaea nere tonignt as no lett ti s home in Kensington. He was Immedi ately hurried to a hospital Two shots were fired by . the assassin, who was captured. C- :' - " '.-L CONVICT' FORMER' HEAD - OF THE PHILADELPHIAS (United Preae Leased Wlre.1 ' ' New York, Nov. 27. Horace ' Fogel. former president of the Philadelphia Baseball club of 1 tha. National league, was convicted by the magnates of that organisation this afternoon of five of the seven charges preferred against him by Thomas J. Lynch, the league's presi dent. The two charges, involving Fo gel's letter to . Lynch and the telegram to Garry Hermann, president of the Cincinnati club, were dropped on : the ground that they were privileged com-, municatlong and therefore legitimate The meeting then adjourned. iu. '': 'fr'--- Secretary Stimson's tarty Leaves. (nnltea Praaa Leaard Wlre.t , ' ' 1 Colon, Panama, Nov. 27. After visit ing all the principal pointa in the canal zone, Secretary of War Henry I, Stim son and party, Including Miss , Helen Taft, are today en route to the United States, i.-it--; 2 per . dlv. 1 BUSINESS MEN FAIL TO IDENTIFY CRIMINAL Local business men who knew Sam V. Davldor, polished crook, who oper ated In Portland in 1908-9, fail to iden tify pictures of Henry Vogel, criminal, who was shot to death In New York Monday night as being likenesses of Davldor. There is reason for belief, according to dispatches from the east, that Vogcl and Davldor were the same men. Vogel, It developed after" his' death, was the master of a band of working girl thieves, mostly foreign born, who stole for him, it Is charged. Vogel and his wife and a private de tective were killed and four persons were wounded at the Elsmere hotel when the police raided the place. Milwaukee police are said to have Identified Vogel and Davldor as being one and the same. Davldor worked a bogus realty company deal through the malls In Portland In 1909, and he was finally Indicted by the federal author ities. He escaped arrest. It is said he went from Portland to British Co lumbia and then to the Philippine Islands.' Perhaps we are a little exacting; (n the selec tion of security. Btrf our plan of loaning money is advan tageous to every good borrower. In every department of banking UNITED we are prepared to serve the people CTATDC in, an acceptable way. Have you 51 AlLa tried us? NATIONAL THIRD AND OAK BANK IT'S OUT AG'IN IN AG'IN I FOR SMITH, HORSETHIEFj (Spetal to The Journal.) Prairis City. Or., Nov. 27. Pherlff Collier of Grant county arrived here yesterday from Salem having in custo dy a prisoner who had just completed i a term in the penitentiary for horse stealing, having been sent up from! Harney county. He will be tried here for the same offense committed in ; Grant county. If convicted and sent up from this! county, he will, upon the expiration of his sentence, be met nt the door of the prison by the sheriff pf Umatilla ' county where he is also wanted for i what seems to be his specialty in ap- j propriatlng ether people's property, 1 stealing horses. The very uncommon 1 name of this persistent and industrious thief Is "Smith."' I FRATERNAL ACCOUNTS OFFICERS of fraternal societies are invited to confer with us regarding the safe and profitable disposi tion of funds in their custody. Interest paid on Certificates of Deposit Lumbermens National Bank Corner of Fifth and Stark Resources Q Millions Jan. Feb.. Msr.' Way , June July Aug., Hepc. Oct. . Nor Dec,.- New York Cotton Market. OpenTlIIgh, , , ' ,- , ' . , . , I'M "4 open, nigh ...1271 12fs ..127S 12t 1.1281 1284.. l!i2M ins ,.126?f126 !'iii iis "Low", J2C ' t -v -1271 1264 . ' 3256 ; 1357 1180 ..1260 1276 1SS9 Close. 1278W80 127882 1283i84 12777 1272A74 I2707S 12C5u68 120304 '1I8.HU 84 lJ5fM? 1267 .1 CARNEGIE'S HEIRS WILL ! GET ONLY $25,000,000 U nited Vth raaeil Wlr. j New York, Nov. 27. All but $15,000,-: 000 of his great fortune will be left to the Carnegie corporation, which is his residuary linateeo, and which will carry on his educational and charitable work, ! according to the announcement of An-1 drew Carnegie here today. The above ! named sum Is to be disposed of in his will. j Carnegie alswi explained his reasons i for wishing to pension ex-presldents of , the United States. lie cited the cases of three former presidents I.Jncotn, Grant and Cleveland as affording Jim-1 tlflcatlon for tho project His trustees i and himself were all hoping, however, i ho said, "that congress would meet the ' situation by proper action." CRUlSERTENNESSErnr-! RUSHED ON TO SMYRNA Wulilnlnn Nnv 97 A Atrla rM ! ceived by the navy department today say the cruiser Tennessee has reached Malta and will proceed at once to Smyrna in Aslatlo. ffutkey 4 ortue-protections! Americans' and American interests there. Ladd &Tilton Bank ESTABLISHED 1859 Capital Stock - $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $1,000,000.00 COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS tetters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued, available in all parts of the world Corner Third and Washington Streets T&aJrspOBTATIOV. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD Express Ballings Tuesdays, rest Mail Bailings Thursday. . LONDON - PARIS - BREMEN Salllnc! en SATURDAYS (or THE MEDITERRANEAN THRU WETTER CBUISIS TO TB3 Panama Canal ' ad West Indies : JAN. 1 FEB. 10 MARCH X7 By the S. S. vsresstr nriatrsr OSLRICHS al CO., Oaaanil Aiaiits ' I Brodwr. N. T. or UKiAL AlTjili Robert Capelle, O. A. P. C 250 Powell st opposite St. Francis Hotel. Ban Fran. Cisco; A. D. Charlton Oen. Pass. Agt N. P.; C. W. Stinger, Ticket Aft, O. K. ft N Co.rjrouTtat Agent and r Travel Bureau.. 69 tth ave. SYDNEY SHOUT LIIIE AUSTRALIA 19 DAYS VIA HONOLULU AND SAMOA The Pleasant and Comfortable Soute tPLENDIO TWIN SCREW 10.000-toa stcsmen "81ERHA," "SONOMA" and "VENTURA.' , FOR REST. RECREATION ssd PLEASURE ee otte trip tomptiei with this in tUMHER or WINTER. - sTEVENSON add of Samoa: "No part et the world ncrU th bum attiaetir poww upon the visitor." $110 HONOLULU SSSoCgSf STBMEY $333 ROUND THE WORLD SKM lit cabin; SJ7S 2d abio, ria Oarloa, EitdL Italy, (to. libenl itop-orBrf. SaiUngi annr two waeki: See. 8. 17, SU Writs or wire NOW for bertha bend lor folder- t OCEANIC STEAMSHIP CO, 171 MvM St. Sas FrtnclMe FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS $900,000 OLDEST NATIONAL BANK WEST OF THE " ROCKY MOUNTAINS " X.oe Angeles and Baa Siege YALE Steamahipa HARVARD Railroad or any ship to San Francisco, tha Exnosltlon City. Larzest. fastest and the ONLY strictly first class pas senger ships on the Coast; average spesa 28 miles per hour, cost $2,000,000 each. UXX rSAHCZSCO, POBTLAVS ll LOS AHOEX.E8 8. B. CO. FRANK BOLLAM, Agent " Main (28 198 3B9 BTBEBT. A-4598 New YorK-Portland American-Hawallaa S. S. Co. iBHTAjrripo otm Freight CarrtecJ oa Schedule Ttma - . &OW aiUS, rrequent Regular Balllnga. , C, U KEN N KPT. Agent. ' ' IU ftaUway Saeaaage MlAg. ANCHOR LINT STEAMSHIPS aw Toxk. Londonderry and Glasgow, Slew goik, ValexiBO and VapUs. Attractive rates tor tickets between New York and all Scotch, English, Irish, Con tlnental and Mediterranean Pointa Su. perlor Accommodation, Bxeelleat Cuiilia, EXfJeleat Bervloe. Apply tot Besetva Uon to local agent ot Anchor Line or HKNDERSON BROS, Qe&eral Agents, Chlcsgo. 111. COOS BAYLINE 8TSAMEK BXEAXWATILB, - Balls from Ainsworth dock. Portland, at 8 p m., Nov. 26, and thereafter ever Tuesdav evening at 8 p. m. Frelaht re ceived until 3 p. m. on sailing day. Pas senger fare first class $10, second class $7, including berth and meals. Ticket office at Ainsworth dock. Portland ft Coos Bay Steamship Line. L. II, Keat- ing. sgent. ; :- EXPRESS STEAMERS FOR San Francisco and Los Angeles WITHOUT CHANGE. . 88. Beaver Bails 4 P. sl, Sea, ft. : The Baa rranclaoo VortlanA B. B, Co. Ticket Office 13a Third St. - - - ybeaes Main 8600. and A&d6& tUX. FllANCISCO, XOS ANGELIC3 AND BAN DIEGO DIRECT rosTs rioino 8. a co. 8. 8. BOABOKB aad 8. I. HUH Ball Every Wednesdsy, e'tarnataly, at a n, m. Ticket office 122-A Third Bt, Bear Xldar Pbosea Male Mli, A-llle, MARTIN J. HIOLKT, Pasa. Agnl W. H. BLUSSKa grelabt. Asant l -j. .. . , 1 ! iii ' uuj.1.:1. l J.C.VIL50N&C0. .-', v"' .:' KXSCBEBS ''", NEW TORK 8TOCK EXCHANO": NEW TORK COTTON KXCHANb53 CHICAGO BOARD Of TRAM THE STOCK AND BONO EXUiAXC.: " v. SAN FRANCISCO PORXtANU OIFICU 189 Oak St arena floor, Lewis r".r. Pbones Marshall 4 laO. A-tlh ililiotl . fteeKs, Bonds, Cotton, Qnr. ' 118-317 Board el Trade DIRECT PRIVATE Wi TO ALL ir r f f f 4 r..--t. t-.'i'-' rs C'