111. j Ciii.vOIJ j 4 IL V m. OiCl LAI D, MONDAY; LVZIIIIiO, HOVE 1012. SAMMY SPAfmEM-HB-D RESPONSIBLE FOR A; MONKEY'S WEAKNESS (Coryrlght, 1312. by W. Xrvr.r.) 'i. '.. t , . .. ' v "... .i, " '..-i;f. i i i ' mi h'i i i i'i Mi .i i ii 'h'Im in j ' ii ' i ' ' 'i ' ' I 11 1 ' i ii i ' i i i ii m i ' ! ' i " ' " " mm "' .' . 1 t-.-- -.. . .. - 'i "" : ' ' '"' riii ' ' i I' ' ' " N , III . , , . , . ) -..-,'..,,.' I . ' The News of Sunday Resume of yeiiwdaj'g Event Briefly - aiui oi uic uasj ueaaer. Political. , It haJust betn discovered that th anU-rust plank In th Progressive plat , ( Torm, adopted at th Chicago conVentlen ' last Auguat, was eltmiated from the cot 'Je ot that document entJto' late edi ' lona ot . the neispapere and , from the 1 printed, oopUa of the platform dlatrlbut ' ed over the country later. Investiga tion is now on to determine who ordered , the expurgation. -. . Tha preaidenUelect; accompanied hy v Mr. vWtlaon and -the member ot hie family, attended the oldest Preabyterlan , church In Hamilton, Bermuda. Sunday. " Tha- pastor, the Rev. Archibald Cameron, - offered a prayer tor me King and then for the success of the close of President . Taffs administration, and that tha new rtmlnlnfmtlnn ha nna at . neace. .honor and prosperity. . . The state constitutional amendment for a modified single tax was defeated , at the recent election In Missouri by a ' majority of 421,000. Eastern. ' Point Judith, R. I., llfesyera ere called- upon Sunday night to take off .with the breeches buoy through a heavy sea, the orews of two bargee that were - , driven ashore behind Point Judith break- An aasteriy tale iept th,.jfew JSng-f land coast Sunday night, de laying and tying up shipping. At night fall the wind wan blowing 60 miles-an hour, accompanied by a heavy rain. , B. B. Pleohner, purchasing agent, and Howard James, director of purchases of th Great Northern railroad, were in fctantly . killed when their automobile 'v turned over on a steep grade eight mils north of St. Paul, Sunday. ' Thirty thousand locomotive engineers ..on Gl eastern railroads gain a partial victory In their demand for more wages, under the sward announced Sunday by the board of arbitration. In passenger "". service a minimum wage was granted of $1.28 for 100 miles or less; and an overtime rate of 50 cents an hour with an average speed ot 20 miles an hour, v The engineers asked $4.40 and 14.60 a day of 100 miles, Vlth an overtime rate - of 70 cents an hour after five hours, in .. Switching sen-Ice ,a minimum of $4.10 a day ot (10 hours or less was granted. Tha engineers asked $4.60 a day of 10 . hours in switching service and for belt- linn service. - r -Ten firemen working' on" an early morning fire at the Cudahy Packing company's hog killing house at South Omaha, had a narrow escape when they were caught by a falling wall. Five of tliera received serious lniurleo and one may die. The financial loss exceeds $100,000. Trouble approaching a riot had start ed In the streets at White Klver Juno- . tion, Vt., Sunday night, when the fire men turned the hose on a crowd of noisy Dartmouth students numbering more ' than 3000, who had gone from Hanover ' to attend a theatre. Two Chicago motorcycle policemen , puraued a speeder on a machine through Drives Out No More Blowing, Snuffling or Morning Hawking to , Dislodge Mucus, When You Sr Breathe Germ Destroying HYOMEI. , CATARRH .HYOMEI (pronounce It Hlgh-o-me) Is ' guaranteed to end the misery of catarrh or money back. Breaths it, destroy tile catarrh germs, ' and soon hawking and snuffling will cease. . Breathe It and crusts will no longer form In tho nose; mucous will not lodge In the throat; all Inflammation will leave the membrane of the nose and throat and your head will feel clear 4 and fine. ' ' Breaths It for coughs, colds and sore - " throat; Its soothing-, healing, antiscptlo ' ; action Is better than all the stomach ' dosing remedies in creation. v Complete outfit, which Includes ln-.-.-.halar and bottl of HYOMEI, il,-Hxtr -Ijottlet of irrOMEr,-If afterward need- 1 ed, 60 cents at druggists every where, result from inflammation of the delicate bronchial tubes which clog with mucus-pneumonia easily follows. W SCOTTS EMULSION wnk$ wonden in overcoming ticut ironcAfi; it ttopt the cough, its curative, strengthening food-value distributes ener gy and power throughout the body. niiif on SCOTTS for Vroncfutk. etn'l & P --wne. r'"""r-'M, N. J. W-) and Sunday Night lrftrpl4-or the - Entertain- Lincoln, Psirk today, at the rate of 40 miles an Hour, and were astonished to see the man turn his motorcycle into the lagoon, In which he vanished In a cloud of spray that splashed as high as the tree tops. The Speeder thanked the officers for saving him, saying It was his first ride nd he had forgotten how to stop tha machine. Kathryne Godfrey. 8 years old, of Fort Wayne, Ind..; la growing a nose, and the materials are the left floating rib from her body and flesh taken from the rlgAt forearm. A year ago, the -child, lost her nose in an accident. , .'Disclosure by Miss Genevieve Good win, 19 years, old, of Cincinnati, of an alleged attempt to use her as a "white slave, resulted in the arrest at Atlanta, Qa., Sunday night Of Mrs. Emma Pauline Hudson, manager, and Robert drier, stage manager of a musical comedy com pany, on federal warrants charging vio lation of the Mann act. Pacific Coast.. San Francisco's fight for the use of tha Hetch Hotcby Valley In the ose- mite National Park as a reservoir for the olty'e water supply la being waged before Secretary of the Interior Fisher at a final hearing on the application for a permit. The aqueduct, it Is con twrfeti; w6uT3nrnvoIvetn6T expenditure of possibly $60,000,000 and the labor of years to carry the Sierra water 152 miles over and beyond thfe San Joaquin Valley to the city of San FranclsOo. v, Dorsey Stephens, of Hoiiywooa, Cel., a Student at the University of California, received nptifip.at.Len Sundaj that a Rhodes' scholarship Dad been awarded to hitn. Stephens-will leave next October, for England. He will study law. A condemnation suit has been fliea in the Lewis county superior court by the Pe Ell & Columbia River railway to secure right-of-way through property owned near Pe Ell by M. E. Harlan. It is the intention of the oompany to con struct a road from Pe Ell to Cathlamet. One of the biggest real estate deals ever known In Jordan Valley was con cluded last week, when Jerry Shea sold his farm to Greg Valasquea for $70,000. The farm contains 320 acres and is well Improved, Representatives of the Southern Paci fic Railroad oompany announced Sun day that the company had decided to begin, almost immediately, the construe tlon of a new passenger station in San Francisco. The station will coat ap proximately $600,000, and Will be on the site of the station now in use at Third and Townsend streets. Six thousand sportsmen from Cali fornia,. Oregon, Washington and Nevada attended a "goose stew" at Sacramento Sunday. Over 2000 freese were served with all tho other good things that go with a monster banquet. Two hundred young women, members of the Seattle Business Girls' club, were guests at Seattle Sunday night of Sam uel Hill, ex-president of the St. Paul, Minnoanolla & Manitoba Hallway-, at a banquet in the ballroom of the Hotel Washington, which had been elaborately decorated. The only Invited guests, beside tho girls, were Governor-elect and Mrs. Ernest Lister, who attended, and Governor West, of Oregon. Tli dinner was given to celebrate the elec tion of Governor-elect Lister. Mr. Hill asserting that tho young women had trought about his victory. "Frank Jones," wlio was arrested in Seattle while trying to dispose of sil verware and jewelry he had stolen In Tacoma, -confessed to tho police Sunday morning that he was an escaped convict from the Oregon stato penitentiary at Salem. He was registered in the peni tentiary as 'T. L. Gordon" and made his escape November 13. He had been sen tenced from Union county to serve from two to five years for burglary. K. H. pyer & Co. will start a force of 150 men at work the fore part of next week tearing down the million dollar Bugar factory at Nampa, Idaho, owned by the Utah-Idaho Bugar com pany. It will be movod to Spanish Fork, Utah. Mrs. Martha Simpson, aged 97 years and 14 days, died at her old home near Alrllo Friday morninpr. of senility. She was born in Franklin county, Tenn., November 8, 1816, and crossed the plains and settled at the present site of Alrllo In 1846. . J. Criss, who was with John Alkmnn a short time before Aikman was killed Saturday by Great Northern trnln No. S67, on the Northern Pacific track near Vancouver Junction. Is missing. The 'police hava found that Crls and Aik man had been drinking. Aikman is saui to have taken Several shots 'eit Crlss wt thou t,ef feet, and was following him when struck by the train. Foreign. Twenty-four men lost their lives Sun day when fire damp exploded in a coal nilne at Amis, France. The United States cruisers Tennessee and Montana, which arrtved Thursday at Gibraltar under command of Rear Admlrat Austin M. Knight, proceeded Sunday for Turkish- waters. .. George .Edwards, manager of the Gaiety, tho Adelphl and Daly's theatres " in London, announced Sunday night that in future all principal women of his musical companies and all members of the chorus would be, bonded against ! matrimony. An antl-marrlage clause ;wlil be a conspicuous feature of every Gaiety or Adelphl contract hereafter. The Sooialist urtlon at Rome has pro claimed the candidacy for the Chamber ; of Deputies of Arturo Glovannltti to represent th constituency of Carpi, ; Province or Mortena. Glovannltti is now on trial, with Joseph J. Ettor, at Salem, Mass., on tha charge ot murder , during the Lawrence strike, i :'; A terrible panic was caused at Bllboa, Spain, Sunday by the cry of fire, at a moving picture show. About 83, chil-TrMd"WfteTeT-lrtHeA"-Thattw-; ber ot injured Is not known, as most I; Of them were taken home by friends. In view ot the international situation the revolutionary General Labor Fed eration met St Paris Sunday to consider ; the best methods of preventing war by ! crippling the machinery by which the t inubillzntlon of armies Is effected. A ; miediii rommftt'WfMt--appolnted-iw4 a i 'ii hours' general strike aj arranged to test the support which eould be se cured from the working; people. Miscellaneous. , Estelle W, Baggot, who was shot at Moan Springs, Nevada, Friday by II. S. Weems-who wrnt vnder the nam of OWens while lft Ban Francisco, died Sunday night. Mrs. Baggot was con scious up to an 'hour before she died, but the terror of the tragedy drove her Into hyaterla, and her' last hour Were fraught with terrible Visions. Pick Riley, an escaped life-term con vlot from the Michigan state peniten tiary at Jackson, who was captured a few days ago at Bakersfield,, Cal., is otf his way back to prison la the custody ot a guard. When arrested Riley hand ed over his gun and said he had become tired of dodging officers since July ti last, whan ho effected his escape. GRAND JURY TO MIX INTO FUSS AT KLAMATH FALLS f flnAMal in 'Tnm JanrflftLt Klnmnth Fulls. Or.. . Nov. 25. The grand Jury for the December term of circuit court will b convened shortly and It is likely sensational developments will come In connection with articles mihllHhhd rpuBidlnif a number of offi cials of Klamath Falls and Klamath county, Charges of crookedness have been freely made and the men who navo been maligned are now Insisting that the grand jury investigate so that tnose responsible for the articles in a local newspaper may be made to prove the assertions or face lnaictmeni ror cnmi nal libel Tftere In rumor that Governor west may be subpenaed to appear before the grand Jury to, tell what he Knows aoout violations In Klamath Falls and Kla math county, The first cases to come up will be those of Councllmen Herbert Bavldge and J. F. Goeller and Hunter Savidg?, brother of Councilman Savidge, charged with grafting and extorting money in connection wiili the LlVermOre lluense transfer. All three were indicted Ly the grand Jury a few months ago, BAN DON PUTS ON ITS GET-T0-THE-FR0NT SUIT - Bandon, Or., Nov. 25. In their new quarters oiv the second floor of tho Bandon Bank building, tho Bandon Com mercial club held an epoch making rally last Thursday hlght. The club has re cently been reorganised and a publi city expert, P. H. Pooler has been em ployed secretary. Mr. Poole outlined last night the purposes of the club and emphasised the Importance of good ad vertising, particularly In the stato pa pers. A special monthly meeting for wom en was agreed upon and a committee to provide entertainment for these meet ings was appointed. Good roads were discussed at length, and tho club pur poses to continue the fight for good roads In the county. f .-!; ! S SOUR STOMACH. V Gently Cloanso lour Htomach, Liver and Bowels While Vo- Sleep. That awful sourness, belching of acid and foul gases; that pain in the pit of the stomach, the heartburn, nervous ness, nausea, bloating after eating, feel ing of fullness, disxlness and sick head ache, means a disordered stomach, which rannot bs regulated until you re move tho cause. It Isn't your stom ach's fault. Tour stomach is as good as any. Try Cascarets; they Immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, re move tho sour, undigested and ferment ing food and. foul gases; take the exce. bile from the liver and carry off tiie constipated waste matter and poison from the intestines and bowels. Thn your stomach troublo is ended. A Cas caret tonight will straighten you out by morning a 10 cent box from any drug store will keep your stomach sweet, liver and bowels regular for months. Don't forget the children their-tile lnsldes need a good, gentle cleansing, too. CASCARETS CHICAGO, 72 Hours MINNEAPOLIS, 58 1-2 Hours ST. PAUL, 59 Hours FROM PORTLAND via NORTH COAST LI 11 IT ED ATLANTIC EXPRESS TWO FAST TRAINS DAILY THROUGH TO CHICAGO None Belter None Faster IXECrairrElOHTED, wmrtlGHT-IN'EACH- BERT! t Have your ticket read over this line of those GREAT fetO BAKED ; f 4 ; l .. POTATOES and Famous Dining Servica Portland Citjr Ticket Office, 255, -Hi .4 :, ' ...Telephones-Main 244, A-1244 8 A. D. CHARLTON, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent. ' Portland Or. NEW MEMBERS. ELECTED TO STATE LEGISLATURE if " v' ' I '" l If r"!'i 3 ' WW' r A U r nM L. O. Belland of Astoria, Republican, representative from Clatsop coun ty. (Special to The Jnnrnal.t Astoria, Or., Nov. . L. Q. Belland, who has been reelected to the state leg islature from Clatsop county by the Re publican party. Is a native of Norway, but had been a resident of Astoria for 28 years. He. was born May 11, 1862. He Is ut present a director of the Scandinavian-American bank of ABtorla, and for nine years has been a member of the city council. Mr. Balland, for many years, was engaged In the fishing In dustry heie, and from 1905 to IS 10, was superintendent ot the Columbia River Packers association. "I am always a progressive Republi can," said Mr. Balland, when inter viewed by The Journal. "I did not take statement No. 1, but will vote for the people's choice for United States sen ator Just the same. I have no particu lar bill to work for, but win vote against all bad measures that come up." SUES H0N0RE HEIRS FOR PART OP LARGE ESTATE (IJnltrd PrMU Letted Wire.) Chicago, Nov. 25. In a suit filed Sat. urday, Mrs. Potter Palmer and other mombers of tho prominent Honore fsm liy, were made defendants by Harriet Honore, who charges that her share of Harry H. Honore'S estate Is being un lawfully withheld. The property in volved Is valued at 1, 600,000. The other defendants are Judge Lockwood H-nore, Nathaniel IC Honors. Mrs. Ida Honors Grant, Adrian C. Honore and Henry H. Honore. WATER POWER TRUST IN FOR DEATH GRAPPLE (United I'rcM Lue4 Wire.) Washington, Nov. S5. A death gtap plo between the alleged "water power trt-st" and conservationists In congress will be staged this winter, it was learned today among congressional leaders. Attempted passage of an omnibus bill favorably reported by the house Inter state commerce commission will pro voke the fight, it Is reported. The house bill proposes to grant private power franchises In several states. Legal News. Milwaukee Sentinel, A Philadelphia man has died, leaving $100,000, without ahy indication ot where he wants it to go. However, the lawyers will get it, Just the same. Rubbing with a raw cut potato will remove most mud stains from dark gar- mp:ite. Morrison St., Corner Third St. , FIGHT COMING ON TAFT APPOIHTEES Judge Sloan,' Hanford's Suc cessor, and District Att'y t Coiner Are Opposed. r Washington, Nov. it Staging of more bitter fights In the senate over several of President Taft's appoint ments Is already being arranged for by Interested senators. Most of tho cases 4re of former appointments. Fifteen officials and 90 postmasters, whom the president appointed before congress ad journed last August have also failed to receive confirmation. Among the latter were the following appointments: Judge Richard E. Sloan, to be United States district Judge of AHsona; Clinton W. Howard, to be dis trict ludae In western Washington; Beverly W. Coiner, to be United states district attorney at Beattle. and Major Beecher B. Ray. to be paymaster gen eral of the army. Opposition to th confirmation or these appointments is being prepared for a "'showdown" In the senate. Judge Sloan Is bitterly fought both from Arizona and oth states, Nomi nation of Clinton W. Howard has raised another storm of protest. Howard was named to succeed former District Judge Hanford, who resigned when impeach ment proceedings had been begun by Representatives Berger and Morris. Coiner's nomination has also provoker! another fight. Ha is objected to by the Progressives of Washington. Major Ray is under nre from withlr. and without the army. He Is charged with having been a political henchman for Taft and also figured in an alleged scandal Involving the wife of an army man In the Philippines. Under the seniority rule, however, Ray is entitled 10 promotion. PEACOCK'S TOTAL FINES, $1000; JAIL, 170 DAYS 8pcUl to tha Journal. Albany, Or., Nov. 26. Al Peacock, who has been under trial most of the last week on various charges of running a blind pig In Albany, was sentenced Saturday by Judge wimam uauoway, the total fines amounting to $1000 and the total imprisonment to 170 days. He kb t once parolod on two of the J 1 1 was at once paroled on two of the Jail sentences, reducing them to 90 days, lie was granted a parole In one case where he pleaded guilty and' In another where he made no defense ahd the Jury brought In a verdict of guilty under di rection from the Judge. In sentencing Peacock, Judge GalloWay took occasion THIS TELLS THE STORY Sulpluirro Makes Man Feel Ten Years Younger Charles Vf. Moore of Charleston. Wash., writing about Sulphurro to the C. M. C. Stewart Hnipnur wi,, n Colum bia st Beattle, eaya: "Having received such relief and per manent benefit from the use of Sulphur ro in dvsoeDsIa and Rheumatism. I feel my thanks are due to you for the In- troanotion 01 wnai snouia no a univer sal boon to suffering humanity. It has made a man Of me. I. feel 10 years younger." (Signed.) CHAB. W. MOORE. This tells tho stery of Bulphurro's benefits In One case; there are thou sonds Just like it all over the land. For blood, skin and stomach disorders Sul phurro Is gaining an International repu tation. At all drug stores In 50-cent and 11.00 bottle. Splptiurro Bold by WooHarrJ, Clarke & Co. America's Largest Drugstore. Orders by Mall Promptly FLUsd. THE is no stronger in bird of cause humanity exercises its superior intelligence to. sentiment with business cares and money. , This THE HOLIDAYS ARE and regardless of wants you to be You owe you THE SAFE WAY to Tfucago and the East A PLEASURE To Answer Questions x to state that although It might seem that. he had been a trifle lenient with the defendant, he had done so in the belief that Peacock still had the mak ings ot a good man In him and he de sired to give him as much opportunity for refoim as-possible. He stated, how ever, that In ca other violators of the local option law were brought before him after the conviction of Peacock, they need expect ,no slackening of sen tehco as he considered ample warning had now been given. SUFFRAGIST GIVES UP HUSBAND TO FRIEND i (Publishers' Prees trtied Wire.) B6ston, Mass., Nov. 6-M&rlon Craig Wentworth, dramatic reader, playwright and one of the leading suffragists in Boston, virtually gave her husband, Kranklift H. wentworth, a prominent Socialist and writer, to a woman friend, Miss Alice Chapman, whom Wentworth lost no time in marrying after a mutu ally planned divorce had been procured. Mrs. .Wentworth arranged to live apart from her husband a year In tho west Tills protracted absence gave legal cause for desertion which, with incompatibil ity, were the grounds set forth. Mre. Wentworth declines 10 make public In what state the decree was granted and tho exact date of her mar rlege to her Socialist husband was dis solved. Her friends say it was In Cal ifornia, where aha spent most of her time during her long stay away from Boston, Others say It was In Minneso ta. Wherever It was, tho decree ef fectually severed the ties between her and Wentworth, who married Miss Chapman in Washington early In No vember. INDICT COLORADO ROADS ON REBATING CHARGE (Untti-fl PrtM ttM Wire, Pueblo, Colo., Nov. 15. Four Indict ments containing 61 counta charging giving and receiving rebates In viola tion of the Elkins aot have been re turned by tho federal grand Jury Great Northern Railway TRANSCONTINENTAL SERVICE he Oriental tliitecr ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAIN i For St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chicago Leaves Port land Daily 7:00 p. m. Through Standard , ahd Tourist Sleepers TO CHICAGO IN 72 HOURS . ' ' I- "THE OREGONIAN?'-;: Leaves Daily at 9:55 a. m. . ; Coast Line Service For Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, B. C, and Interme diate Points . . THREE DAILY TRAINS Leave Portland 10 a. m., 5 p. m., 12:15 Midnight All Trains From Hoyt Street Station, tlth and Hoyt L-lLi ' ' ' 'I HOMING INSTINCT beast than in man. The reason it appears so is be who you tre, you know tnere is somebody, somewhere. wbOi with them on THANKSQIVINU UAX ARE YOU GOING? it to yourself because you will owe it to them,, because they -are getting oiaer. Write them you tre coming via The Line of Block Signals here. The trUo bills were returned against the Denver and Rio -Grande and Colorado and Southern railroads, charged with granting rebates and against five Colorado Industrial corporations. charged with accepting tnenv The -Rio Grande road was indicted on i counts and the C. and S. on 12, The other in- -. dieted-were: ' -.. : . uoioraao jruei ana xroa , company. eight counts; Victor American Fuel - company, eight counts; Colorado port land Cement company, four counts; Great western sugar company, tnree counts; United States Portland Cement com" pany, two counts.; ' ' ':. In addition to the Teoatmg- indict- ments. the Denver and Rio Grande wa ' Indicted on five counts charging the giv ing ot free passes In violation of the act to regulate interstate commerce. ' ; ; ( . A iuw French bonis can includes a nuiai tab which, when pulled, rips oft me run oi ine cni Safe and reliable for regula ting the bowels, stimulating the liver, toning the stomach the , I . -world's most famous and most , approved family remedy 13 SoU biMMl0a,23r Good and True Tickets, Berths and Parlor Car Seats at City Ticket Office, 122 3d ' Street, and at Depot H. DICKSON, C. P. & T. A.V 71 supplantthis beautiful.. is wrong, COMING or chkisimas. feel younger; THE EASY WAY "o to ' " Kansas'City-ar.d St. L CITY TICKI'T Oi l Ii . " Tirtt Axn av ., rhonoe Mlll i i ; Oft