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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1912)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, NO VELIEI 1012 mm 1 tUiiLui IF Captain Henry Empken Strick en While in Kalama Rail- - road Station; Body Will Ar rive in Portland This P. M. Captain Henry A. Empken. Captain Henry A. "Emken, a member of tbe Columbia Blver Pilots associa tion, fell dead In the railway station at Kalama at 6 o'clock last night 01 heart disease. The body will arrive In Portland on the 6 o'clock tram this ar . ternoon and arrangements are being - made to have the funeral on "Wednesday Captain Emken, who was a pioneer rlverman in this section, had brought the- steamer Yellowstone from Rainier to Kalama and he and Captain jr. i-at-terson of the . Yellowstone had walked un from tha doc of tb Mountain irtinv ber company's mill to tha station, where Captain Emken asked the agent at what time the next train left for Portland and then collapsed In the arms of Cap tain ; Patterson. The latter laid him down and sent for a physician, but life was already extinct , v . ' Overtaxes Els Strength. It Is supposed that the captain over exerted himself In the walk from tne dock, which affected his heart. He had been often heard to use the expression "you must remember I am no longer a kid" when walking with one whose gait was a little too fast Captain Patterson Is quoted as saying that he made the same remark to bim on their arrival at the station. Member of tha Columbia River Pilots' association are taking are of the funeral arrangements and the pall v.prftr win be taken from among them. Captain Emken leaves a widow and' three children two daughters and a son who reside at 467 East Eleventh street . They have made their home there for a number of years. " Born at Bremerhaven in 1843, Captain Emken naturally turned to the sea for a livelihood and he began his career as , . m-rlno,. hv m vnvnn around thf. Horn at the ago of 14. In 18(0 ha made his first visit to tha Pacific northwest re tiring from deep sea craft during that earn year. Steamboat! on Tracer. At that time he engaged in steam tioatlng on the Frazer river. Having left the river In W62 he spent the fol lowing two years In the Cariboo mines 11 All 1 1 1 CI vui Jinui u. wiv.v . cam down overland as far as Wallula In 1866 and early In 1868 he treked to -Montana, A- year later ha returned to -the Columbia river, where ha took a po sition on the Loyal Ellsworth and then on the steamers Carrie and Minnehaha until later he leased the steamer One enta with Captain Troup and Jason Kel- - Jogg, operating on tha Vancouver route. After the Oregon Steam Navigation took over tha locks Captain Emken ran steamers In their employ until 1890, , when he was taken into the Columbia , Pilots' association. In which he became v known as a careful and expert pilot He -. was well known all along the coast ' from the Canadian boundary to southern California. LUMBER CARRIERS FIXED. Robert Dollar Company Charters German Steamer Veroiia. Wills there have been no vr rerrnt fixtures of grain tonnage, two lumber ; farriers were fixed the latter part of the week and the Germ: n steamer " w ...... v. ..."-. . n villlc tharter by the Robert Dollar company. according to the report. ' The schooner Nokomis was chartered , by comyn, juacsau uo., io ioaa a cargo oi iumDer on inn oinmria river for, the west coast bikI u sol oner ' Manila was fixed by W. R. Urace & Co, to take a similar carero from tlie North . Pacific port to Valparaiso for ori.--g Ill DQ viuiiiiirio. iiiu in nuw iua(u:i ; c . i . r 1 i l CI.. 4H . . i . . puget Sound for the west coast, and will not be t--e back until about July 1. The German steamer Verona, recently reported as elng sold -o .apancse 1n- tcrests, has been taice-i under time charter for one year by tho Robert l)ol jar company ai snuunKs iu, penfe, ': dollyery and redelivery In Japan. She , arrived at Kobe November 21. with wheat and flour, under charter to ; Frank waterhouse Co. BOADICEA IN PORT. tlrlllsh Ship io Load Cargo of Wheat v, - for United Kingdom. aiaaing aoout au average parage, the r British Ship Boadicea, Captain Jones, arrived In the river last night tfl days out from Buenos"'Ayre to load a cargo of Wheat for the united KIna Com under charter to Kerr, Glf ford & Co. She la on her first voyage to this port The time consumed In the same voyage by the British bark Colony. which arrived a few- days ago, was 15 laye less than that of the Boadicea and la considered a-rattling good pas sage, the bark making the run around Via Cape Horn In. 7 4 days. ALOSQ -lUE-WATEUFRONT Ta take on more of her wheat cargo the German bark It C Rlckmers shifted Ihta morning from the Oceanlo dock to Montgomery No, I. . The new plledrlver being built for the I nltod States engineers, - Major Mcln fVs district will be launched at the t irr's Bhlpysrda ' tfclf afternoon, "Bhl RESSUDDHLT. HEART FAILURE 111 f .JM' ' ' ' 1 r '' - J J) V'- & - - t - - will have her machinery installed while afloat . The Japanese steamer Nankal Maru, ex-British IndraVella, sailed from Otaru for. this port -lust Thursday,, according to a Merohat?' Exchange report this morning. Th3?ankal Is bringing a car go of oak logs to be delivered here to the Pacific Lumber & Manufacturing company. ; - : . . - Carrying passengers and 'freight, the stesraer Roanoke, Captain Purington, ar rived last night from San Diego, San Pedro and San Francisco. The steamer: Rose City, Captain Ran kin, will saira dayearller. this., voy age, and will leave here tomorrow af ternoon Instead of Wednesday, as she has to undergo her annual Inspection at San Francisco on her arrival there. The British ateamshio Queen Elisa beth, Captain .Munro, has been listed to ioaa lumDer nere ana at jsurexa ror Melbourne. Bhe Is under charter to the American Trading company. :t - MARINE NOTES. Astoria. No. 26. Arrived durlnsr tlia night British ship Boadicea, from Bue nos Ayres. Arrived at 11 a. m. Steam er J. A. Chanslor, front Monterey. . soutn tsena, isov. z 4. Arrived Steamer Daisy Oadsby, from Portland. Astoria. Nov. 24. Arrived at 4 and left up at 6:80 a. m. Steamer Break water, from Coos Bay. Arrived at S and-left up at 4:10 p. m. Steamer Roanoke, from San Diego and way porta. Sailed at 6:20 p. m. gasoline schooner Anvil, for Bandon and way porta. Ar rived down at 11:80 p. m. German ship Elfrieda. Balled at 4:10 a. m. Steamer Avalon, for San Francisco. San Francisco, Nov. 2 .---Arrived at 7 a. m. Steamer Jim Butler; at 8 a. m, Steamer Maverick: at 2 p. m. -Steamer Bear, from Portland; at 11 a. m. Steamer Johan Poulsen, from Columbia river. Sailed at 11 a. m. Steamer Yosemlte: at 3 p. m. Steamers coaster and Argyll, for Portland; at p. m. Steamer Camlno, for Portland, ; Eureka, Nov. 24. Arrived Steamer Alliance, from Portland. San Pedro, Nov. 84. Sailed Steamer Beaver, for Portland. Arrived Steamer jr. H. Leggett, from Portland. Honolulu. NOV. 24. Sailed Ja Danes steamer Unkal Maru No. 2, for Port land. Astoria. Nov. 26. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m., smooth; wind, north, 6 miles; weather clear. Tides at Astoria Tuesday: Hlsrh water 2:13 a m., 7.1 feet; 1:28 p. m.. M feet. Low water 7:33 a, m, 3.4 feet; 8:30 p. m, 1.5 feet. MARINE INTELLIGENCE Sae to Arriva Rtr. Alliance, Eureka Nov. 26 Ktr. weaver, Ban fearo Nov. 28 Geo. W. Elder. San Diego. .... . .Dec. 1 Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay Dec. 1 Str. Bear, San Francisco Dec. 3 Str. Rose City, San Pedro Dec. ' 8 Str. Rose City, 8an Pedro. ..... Dec. 8 ' Due to Depart Str. Geo. W. Elder, Btth Diego.. Dec. 4 Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay Nov. 26 Str. Rose City, San Pedro Nov. 'it Str. Roanoke, San Diego Nov. 27 Str. Beaver, Ban Pedro Dec. 2 Btr. Bear, Ban Pedro ....Dec. 6 To Xaeave Ban Francisco. Str. Harvard, San Pedro Nov. 21 Btr. Yale. San Pedro ..Nov. 22 Ttesels la rort, Boston. V. B. 8. Stream St Nicholas. Am. sh. Astoria North King, Am. ss.... Gable Berlin. Am. bk. ...Goble Levi G. Burgees, Am. bk. Gobi Daisy Freeman, ss . -dry dock BaiDoa. senr R. C. Rlckmers, Ger. bk ..Eastern & W . . . . Alnsworth ' .On way down i Rose City, Am. ss Koko ead, bktn Ravenhill. Br. str , .Elevators Valerie, Nor. bk Nokomis. sch Irving Astoria ...Astoria Boadicea, Br. ah , Anne Larson, sen. Clan McFarlane, Russ. sh ...... .runnier Rainier Albert. Am. dk , Astoria Llnnton T..k.v n Kir Jersbek, Ger. bk. Knko Head, bknt AVCaJO... wa. vi, ...a... amnion ABioria Ellbek, Ger. pa...-. un way down HouKomont, Br. bk Llnnton Colony, Br. bk. Llnnton Lahalna, bktn.. .....Astoria Elfr'eda, Ger. bk. Astoria a Mazslni, Per. bk. Port Lbr. Co. Drain Tonnage Inioute and Usteo. Aberlour, Br. fclr Nloolalefsk Adelaide, Ger. bk 8t Rosalia arabien, Dan. sir ..Antwerp August Nor. as Ban Francisco Bangor, Nor. str. Antwerp Boadicea, Br. as Buenos Ay res Detmold, Br. str ...ban Franclsoo FiUpatrlck, Br. str.. Coronal Ucn ae negrier, rr. dk snields Goldbek, Ger. sh. St Rosalia Inverclyde, Br. bk Buenoe Ayres JolnvUle, Fr. bk Antofogaata Killoran, Br. bk..,. Rio Janeiro Marechai virirs, jr. dk Santos Metropolis, Br. bk........ Buenos Ayres Olona, Ger. eh. Taltal Ossa, Ger. ss... Coqulmbo Osterbek, Ger. bk .....Montevideo Reae, Fr. bk. Sydney Terpischore, Ger. ss Rio Janeiro Thiers, Fr. ss. . .... , .Shield Misosllaneoas Porrtgn to Arrive. Bay of Biscay, Br. is Callao Christian Bois, Nor. str. . .San Francisco Drummuir, Br. ss San Francisco Dundee, Rus. bk ..Santos Expansion, Am. sch.. Valparaiso Frankby, Br. str........tjan Francisco Frankmount Br. atr Victoria Geo. E. Billings, Am. sch. .San Francisco Hecla, Am. bk San Francisco Hornelen. Nor. str. ...........Honolulu Makaweli, Am. bk ..San Francisco Mariechen, Bus. bk... Cardiff Strathearn, Br. str San Francisco Vennacnar, ur. sir ....Port Allen Stratblowrie. Br. ss. Australia Dally Rfver Readings. 3 za w J" 2i 27fi 30 3.3 25 '3. 7 30 4.6 1 20 4.4 20 4.0 7.2 15 4.7 STATIONS S 5 0.21 .0 0.1 .0 0.1 .0 0.2 .0 o'.s !6" 0.4 ;0 0.4 .0 0.1 .0 LewiKton . . Riparla .... Umatilla ... Eugene . . .. Ilarrlsb urg Albany .... Salem Wllnnnville Portland ... Rising. Fallinsr. CONGRESS TO PROVIDE EX-PRESIDENTS A JOB 1 - (Cnlted lre Lrnged Wire.) aslilnnUjn. Nov. 25. Fnrm., dents of the United States will become 'representatlves-at-large" of tho peo ple, have a seat In the house and draw $17,500 (salary thriUKh'out their life time, if a bill prepared by Congressman uuiu-Bwn 01 iexas is passed. BftiiiK the second man on tho house appropriations committee, Burleson It In believed, will Kain the approval both houstrs for his measure. No presi dent of the I'nitcd States, at the con clusion -of his term, should he nhldreA to engage in business or professional work, accord Ins; to Burleson. War Secretary Compliments Finzer. in accepting the resignation n member of the nations! militia board of Adjutant Geperal W. E. Pinter, Act ing Secretary of War Talbert Shaw Oliver took occasion to compliment the Oregon militiaman upon the character ... . "erv,c as a momber of the militia board. General Finzer has been a member of this board since its or ganization and has been frvin.ntl. uhL .if.".. " i orcori?nltatiou ; "i war on matters connected with the National Guard. ' ; After the theatre or at dinner tonight hear Ihlllp Pels and famous Russian vun ojrnipnonic orchestra, at The Louvre. Also Mrs. Philip pei and Miss Helen Horn, soloists. . Jotlrftar,?ranrAda bring resnltsiT'r"7 teach nil POULTRY RAISING School Farm Work Will Take ; a New Turn Next Year - Tha Oregon earth education campala for 1913 haa already been1 inaugurated. In a preliminary statement, N. C Marls, field worker for industrial fairs, thanks the newspapers for support of the work this year and asks mora sup port for, next. ... Poultry raising Is to be made the specialty. It is asserted by the gen eral, earth education" committee that in crease In ' production of eggs through Interesting school children, represents a value greater than the entire cost of conducting the schools In any given county. This information at a time when eggs are hard to get at SO cents a dosen is particularly pleasing.- A circular statement reads in part: ----- "If you would catch a train start in time. NO matter how fast you run you will not tt in time , if you start too late. If you would win a prize in the school children's industrial con test next year, begin now. Parents, if you would have your children grow up to be industrious, law-abiding, useful, cltisens, winners in the race of Ufa, start them early in tha right direc tion. " "We are all agreed that an education Is an essential to success, but what is education T True education la that which fits us for the duties of life. The old pedagogical idea waa to cram the child with text books. The new idea is that we must know how to apply our knowledge to practical uses- that we must know how jo use the hand and the head. Thus tha need for, and pop ularity of, industrial education along with the mental cramming." Mr. Marls calls attention to the fact that about $1,000,000 waa sent away from Oregon to pay for poultry and eggs last year, adds that this money might as well be left at home. He deplores the fact that so little atten tion has been given the industry n Oregon that the only reliable chicken statistics are those compiled by the government In 1899. An elementary poultry bulletin is to come soon from Oregon Agricultural college. BY THE GRAND JURY Elmer Toung, who killed Nelson Miller by hitting him over the head with a boer bottle November 16 on the Fatton road, was indicted this morning by the grand Jury for murder In the first A ,-r-. D4.h..J T-. V. for assau,t wltn a dangerous weapon on account shooting Phillip Pels, band leader, when Pels Interfered in a quarrel between Dohmann and a domestic at the home of Pels on November 12. An Indictment for extortion was re turned against Archie Hamilton, alias Charles Eggers, who attempted to black- man wesiey L,aa lor 6uuu on jno- vember 5. Ed Lewis, alias Ed Edwards, waa indicted for knowingly issuing a forged check October 12. He is accused of passing a check on Ashley & Rumme lln, bankers, on W. F. Myers, signed by Greenfield Shoe company by George Greenfield for $37.60. An indictment was also returned against Bud Shaw, alias Barney Murphy, for living off the arnlnga of a fallen woman. Shaw was recently tried for the theft of $900 and a diamond, ring from Thelma Shaw, a woman of the under werld, and acquitted, the acquittal bringing down the wrath of Judge McGinn on the Jury, as he held it was a travesty on justice. contrary to expectation, the arand jury returned no indictments against the cases involved in the scandal brought to light by the Juvenile court Further action Is expected within a few days, ui the cases are still being investigated. THREE TINY, LADYLIKE QUAKES SET SEATTLE CITIZENS TO THINKING 4 Seattle, Wash., Nov. 25. "Do 4 you think there will be another?" 4 is the question on everybody's 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 tongue here today as the result 4 of three earthquake shocks which Jarred this city at intervals of $ an hour last night. "Very ladylike little temblors. was the statement of the stu- 4 dents who observed the records e made by the seismograph at 4 Washington university. There 4 was none of the upheaving mo- 4 tion felt in destructive shocks, 4 'but JuRt a gentle shaking, strong 4 enough to make everybody in 4 town take notice. Tho first oc- 4 curred at 7:20 and the last 4 which was accompanied by a low 4 rumble, at 9:06. 1 4 4 4 4 4 4444444444444 4 Spend Thanksgiving at Clat sop Beach, Pacific Ocean Why not spend a day or two In the Invigorating; ocean air at Gearhart or Reaside. Clatsop Beach Is a delightful resort for rest and recreation at all seasons. Surf, salt water tub and plunge baths, golf, etc. Special dining service for Thanksgiving at Seaside and Gearhart. Dally train leaves North Bank station at 8:10 a. m.; Wednesday 6:30 p. m. train "will run through to Clatsop Beach points. Parlor car seats, tickets, etc, at Finn and Stark sts. GUESTS ROUTED OUT OF BED IN FIRE SCARE Starting from an overheated range In the kitchen of the Hill hotel at 2 o'clock this morning, fire caused a number of guests living In the house to rush to tho street, clad only in their, night clothes. Both the police and the mem bers of the fire department were con gratulated by the owners of the build lng for their Work. The damage amounted to aDout $-00. IMPROVEMENT BONDS BRING PREMIUM OF 3.10 A premium of 3.10 per cent waa bid by the Lumbermens National bank this morning for an issue of $127,684.89 of public improvement bonds. Tha.. bids were opened oy me ways and means I committee of the city counoian ,ht bid of tbeXu'mbermens bank was recom mended xor acceptance. A Missourian's Claim to Fame. ' From the Clark .Chronicle. .; i As usual. Midge Marshall won the b!u ribbon on his span of fine mules at the Hlgbee street fair.' Midge would be "la. the money"--with -these mules anywnere INDICTMENTS RETURNED L II IN CLUB TOURNAMENT V ., , - . .i. -i t.:.i -.--'."...'.. Multnomah Man Has Average ...of 174 for.2l Games; McGmnis Second. . - . Arens of the Columbus club is the leading bowler of tho Jnterclub tourna ment, with the average of 177 for six games. Wolf ell of the same club Is second, . with the average of 176, but he haa played In but four games. Capen of the winged "M" club is the real leader. He has bowled In ; 21 gam,es. and has the average ; or 173. Scharpff Is second, with 173, and Mc Ginnis Is third, with 170. - . ;rs ' . The complete : averages arafy t4 Multnomah. 1 Bowlers. . . Games. 'Average 21 21 21 174 173 167 166 166 16S 162 160 167 166 154 164 164 149 139 Scharpff ...... .............. Han no McCabe .18 Finck - ......21 Edgar .... ...... 9 Minsinger 9 Progiuore 20 McKay Bates ................. . .21 Miller .16 Dobson t 7 Dooley . ...... 7 Humphrey ............... 7 Gray 4 Columbus. Bowlers. Games. Average Arens 6 177 .176 170 166 166 Wolfell ..... 4 21 18 2 McGlnnls Smith Keller 1 . . ... Waschjer ........... ..18 "1 ..18 ,.18' ..21 164 169 168 164 151 160 147 143 144 143 129 3 Meyers . Pembroke Shannon Ehrgot . .... .a a, a. . . , . Morlts ' 17 , 16 ...aft 3 6 9 Richardson , Woldt Daly . Meyers Crowe ...11 MULTNOMAH CLUB NOTES y The Multnomah club will hold a big get-together smoker Wednesday evening in the lounging-room. A musical pro gram haa been arranged and there will be plenty of smoking. ' Tells for the game between Oregon and Multnomah will be reaU aloud and It is expected that every member of the club will help in rooting for the team. The program will start at 8:30 o clock. Sharpe, one of the players of the club basketball league, met with an accident during one of the games played last week. His hand waa broken and It will be about five weeks before he will be able to play again. The results of the handball tourna ment games are: Preliminary round S. Douglas beat H. C. Livingston 21-18, 20-22, 21-13; A. O. Jones beat J. M. Mc Kenzie 6-21, 1-18, 21-13; D. R. Clarke beat F. P. McGinty 21-13, 6-21, 21-15; R. Watklne beat A. IL Haffenden 21-14, 21-0. First round G. Eastman beat H. Lltt 21-0, 21-0; F. C. Smith beat C D. Starr 19-21, 21-16, 21-3; G. Ainslie beat C. P. Osborne 21-18, 21-16; A. M. Ells worth beat H. Jonea 21-4, 18-21, 21-14; Ellsworth beat G. Ainalle 21-18, 21-16; R, Watklna beat D. R. Clarke 22-20, 21-16, Joe SWaln, the middleweight boxer ot the Multnomah club, is in the hospital with an Injured leg, which he cut very badly. The consolation drawings for the squash tournament have been made by the squash committee and several matches are scheduled for today. The sixth annual pinochle tournament entry list Is ready to have names placed on it at tha office. Two names have already been placed on the list Gor geous prizes will be given to the winner. Checkers have taken quite a Jump In club circles in the past two weeks. Football Football tickets for the Thanksgiving game will be put on sale at Nau's Pharmacy, 6th and Alder streets, at 10 a.m. today. Get your tickets early. OUT TO RAISE $87,000 The dream o the regents of Albany college, to erect a, group of buildings that will be Ideal In their construction and harmonious In their appearance de pends entirely on the success of a com mittee that has been named to securo an endowment of $87,000 for the lnstl tution before January 1. This commit tee Is now working In Portland. This amount Is necessary to make up an endowment fund of $260,000, and to make available $113,000 that has already been subscribed. Of the amount secured $50,000 is to be given by James J, Hill, the railroad builder, n condition that the balance be raised before the end of this year, and many of the other sub scriptions expire at the same time. . H. M. Crooks, president ot the college, Is In the city this week working in be half of this institution -and is being aided by a committee of which Fletcher Linn is chairman. Of the amount already secured. $30.. 000 has been given by friends of the college at Albany, $40,000 by eastern friends and the balance by subscriptions from individuals In the state. It Is expected that at least $50,000 of the $87,000 needed will be secured in Portland. The campaign, that is be ing waged will be vigorously pursued by the committee, and already enough encouragement has been received to warrant tho assertion that the amount will surely be secured. Doyle. Patterson & Beach of Port land, architects, have already prepared the plans for the new buildings; which are designed after the University of Virginia, perhaps the most distinctive American institution in the matter of architecture in the United States. Al bany college was founded by the Pres bvterlana in the late '60s, and has been a prominent factor in the educational affairs of the state since then. 97200 Verdict Returned. , A verdict of $7296.45 waa returned in favor of Kasovitch & Co. against the McCabe Construction company on ac count of breach of contract in Circuit Co. held a contract tor maKing cuts and' tunnels on the road built by ths Southern Paciflo up the Deschutes val ley and claimed $7589,90 was coming to them at the conclusion of the work. The ease has been tried three times. The first verdict was for the full amount asked and the second gave $1149.90, Ueoh of the first two was set aside on technical grounds. -'-.'... , . . , . API r n n EAU b! ALBANY COLLEGE SETS Railway learnings in Germany. ' From the Railway Age Gazette. Lest July the gross earnlncs of the German railways averaged nearly 7 per eeni more than the year before. , AUCTION'S TOMORROW FORD Auction House, 111 1st st, auc- ium caie z p.- m. special orrerlngs- NEW TODAY NEV, MODERN, WEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE For Sale or Exchange . We have a new modern apartment house for sale,, will exchange for good farm in the Willamette valley, or well- lOcetftd Portland a1tr. N. haaw gages on this property.' Yours must be iiKcwise. froposnipis consiaerea only pn their actual cash value... No phone . F. E. TAYLOR CO. r ; 405 lewle Building; '-."-j t ,. MU 4th and Oak Sts. .'ir'W I0LLYR00D an addition in a class with Irvlngton, Laurel hurst and ? others high-class re stricted districts. Street improvements one-half what they are Ja other like tracts.- -v v-.. ,:-,,,.., I will extend the second-mortgage privilege to a few- good butldera in this tract, and w.ill loan you the money to finance your building. One wishing to take advantage of this opportunity to s- uuureuum lu auu you ion nair wnai you nave to pay to tne ordinary salesman, call East 1628. ' - . For Sale or Tradc-A Snap 760-acre farm, 4 miles of railroad, a good, live town: 60 head cattle is homi of horses, combined machine and all uuior maenmery ana implements to go with the farm; one man has made for tune on same and wants to retire. Ad dress 680 Lombard St, Room 17, City and Farm Loans Any amount at current rate. C. K. KADOW, -v'-i.: 408 Corbett Bldg. A-141, Btarahall ta. Phone Your Want Ads tf your name ap. pears in either phone book you can telephone your ad to M-7173 A-6051 nd have It charged. Bills will be mailed to you the following day for payment. The Journal can not guarantee ac curacy or assume responsibility for er rors of any kind oc curving In tele phoned advertise ments. REAL ESTATE TRAKSFER8 CERTIFICATES of title made, Tills Trust Co., Lewis bldg- 4th ana uan. Frank Templeton and wife to Ladd & Tllton bank, lot s. biocic 6. Hawthorne's First addition. . 600 Oliver P. Hedge et al to George W. Hpring, lot Zl, blocK 13 Ar- InttL Pork Nn 9 HKft Fannie K Dietrich to Rachel 8. uautorr, .g acre commencing 716.64 feet south and 292.63 feet east of northwest corner of southeast Vt section 19 town si. Id 1 south ranee 1 east 700 T; O ft -Tr Co. tnrChaiies Ar Ter- pening, lots 80, 81, 82, block 14 Dover 460 Max P. Smith and wife to Fr.l u. Thomas et al. lot 10, block 11. Alblna tees Constance Smith and husband to ' L.uiu B. Churchill, lot 3, block "B." Shelbys subdivision, block 26. Southern Portland 3,l0 1.600 1.000 Lula I. Pfaff and husband to F. k. uugan et ai. lot 16, block 63, Sell wood (assigned to A. G. Smith). Robert w. Wilson, trustee, et aU o waiter u. Drown, tots l, a, block 11. Council Crrmt Purlr George E. Qulggle and wife to Jonn b. vvebster, part lot 16, block 3 Willamette Boulevard 3.100 Thomas Splllman to Belle Erlck- sen, lots 15 and 16, block 26, Ventura Park . 400 Laurelhnrst Co. to A. A. A rend, lot 12. block 114. Laurclhurst.. The Western Securities Co. to 1,260 800 1.290 600 COO 600 800 690 ' 490 600 3,024 l.OW 8,500 Mary K. Patton, lots 6 and 6, block 7. Wlldwood 1 Frank R. Fletcher and Wife to L. Allison, lot s, diock 8, Broadway addition ' Base Line Land Co. to J. F. Wil son et al, lot 8, block 2, A 1 ta in ead (assigned to J. W. Kaste) Samevto same, lot 4, block 2, At tainted Same to same, lot 6, block 2, Al tamead . . . . , Same to same, lot 6, block 2, Al- lameaa , . Same to same, lot t. block 2, Al- tamead Same to same, lot 8, block 2, Al- tamead '. . Same to same, lot 12, block 11,' Al-" lameaa Same to same, lot 16, block 4, Al tamende i Eva S. Booth and husband to Gar rett Gleason an wife, lots 6, 7 and 8, block 1, Peddlcord & Hurlbert's addition ....... Mrs. S. McGregor and husband to Uutseppe Baitaiamacchla, lot 4. block 16. Glencoe Park ..... . Louise E. Hughes to Mark D. Hawes, lots 17, 18, block 6, Ir- vingion .....a........ Cltlze-nS" Bank to L. A. Turpen, lots 13, 14, 16, diock i, East Portland 1,060 3,400 3,000 Joseph C. Gibson and wife to J. W. W iseman, lots 4 ana 6, block 2. Belgrade May E. Gage and husband to Mrs.. M. u. Knoeii, iota 7 and 8, blook 4, Henry's Fourth addi tion . ..... a . . . i Alameda Lsnd company to H. C. Thompson, lots s ana 4, block 13. Alameda Park...... ....1. . 3,000 C. M. Steblnger to Flora B. , - ciouKii. ioi v. diock , eewiCKiv addition . . Jlofl . . . . 1 sit - . . - . J ' juarie u Lunnir ei ij joonney Metiger, lot 3, -( Diocit. ""V Green way , ..." 8. 13. Stansbery and wife to A, 3,860 f1cwr,oumWlre1Jht(l.-,J()o JU ri- lHinmun o umct woiver- ! .on,- 101 o, diock it, jtiigniana - Park . . . ..... ., .". . . . . .. , ; Title Guarantee & Trust company t Fred W. Ortman, lot 18, block 17, Rossmere . , Swlnton Land company to Josle .. McBee, lots 3 and 4, block 49, ; Swlrrton . 100 ,760 (30 Investment company ta Frank IW,..-. Front et al. lot 16, block 41. Piedmont 1,J1Q REAL ESTATE -.TRANSFERS B. M. Lombard and wife to K W. Foster, lots 31, 82, 83, 34, 85, - 86, block 2 Brazes Street addl- . -tion G.OSO Louis Partach, guardian, to Mary Partsch, undivided east 2H "' acres southeast northwest aoutheast Vi section 81, township 2, north range 1, west 253 W. R. HAIZLIP CO- Il Abstractors, 171. 4th st- bet. Morrison and Yamhill. PORTLAND RfcALTY .DEALERS CHAPIN & HERLOW, 838 "Chamber of Commerce. Matn165t. iCNAPP & MACKEK, -tlJ-18 Board of Trade. M. and A-2010. 808 Gerllnger Bldg. Main 8430. OREGON KEAL KSXATH CO- THE Grand ave and Mult, B. 67, C-1708. BRONcMANiUir COMPANY. Ground Floor Lewis Bid. M, end A-1743 BRUBAKER Jk BaMUHlCT. SOI McKay Bldg. Main 541 s CLASSgTED AD RATES ' ''v'ln'ef feet April" "1913." '" '- ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED. ..i ; CASH ADVERTISEMENT ' Dally ot Sunday. 1 time o per line. . I consecutive times, to par Una per In ... aertlon. . .'. t or more consecutive times, To per line . per lnserUon; or I Insertions for price No ad counted for lees than J lines. Tha above rates apply to "New To day'' and all other classifications, az cept Situations Wanted, Xo Rent and Wanted to Rent ads. Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent ada (Apartment and Hotels excepted) the rates are; . 6o per line first lnsertioa ' 4o per line each subsequent insertion. No ad taken for less than 16a ' CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time, lOo per line. - , . I consecutive tunes, la per Una per Insertion. T or more consecutive times, 8c per Una per Insertion. ; :- . The above rates applv to-Nw To day" and all other classifications, except -Sltuatlona - Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ada, Sltuatlona- Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent ads (Apartments and Hotels excepted) the rate la 7o per Una per Insertion. - . No ad charged for less than two Unes or l6o,"'!- . v Tha Journal will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect insertion! of any advertisement ordered lor more than one time. Contract rates upon application. A phone call will bring a solicitor. , MEETING NOTICES 41 ILLUSTRIOUS POTEN TATE W. C. BRISTOL, accompanied by Arab Pa trol and band will attend ceremonial session of Nile Temple, (Seattle, Satur day,' November SO. All who can make the pll (rrimaae are reaueated to nntif JthT imdersiEned Immediately In order that arrangements may be made for special train. Bands will be hot. but oases will be refreshing. Let all Shrlners come. ' ... 1, A. H. USA, care union saeav v-o. , ROBT. S. FARRELL, care Everdtng & Farrell. Committee. " kULTNOMAH, Council Royal T?vilv Arcaaum. meets at K. P. l ' hall. 11th and Alder streets, , lltne second and fourth Monday P 'JTof each month at 8. p. ml C 'ai Visitors cordially welcomed (J5anD dance Nov. 28,- 1912, Thanks givlng night. Prospect camp. No. 140, W. O. W. Temple, 11th St., near Alder. Prize waits. Admission zbc; union mu. R. N. A. Oreb Rose Camp, meeU FrL eve- A11BK7 nail. ia na mvi,.". MARRIAGE LICENSES Giuseppe Fragasse, 663 Front street, 22. and Analollna Dellgls.S32 Front street, southeast, 86, and Frances E. Enos, 330 Fremont street. Hen junan, hoouhuu, iiu.. 91 ami c.ora. Ramesbotham. Milwaukte. Or., R. F. D. 2. 1?. A. M. Jonnson, Jl oixiy-aiAin Biroai southeast, over 19. and Mabel Thib ban, Blxty-fourth and Thirty-seventh avenue, over 18. - ' Ernest Carlson, 621 Hood street, 28, and Hilda Hell grin, 188 Caruthsrs street, 22. inhn Rukoveek. 876 Gale street. 23. and Mary Magal, 204 Washington Btreet, 22. Seld Park Norn, Second and Colum bia streets, 83, and Lee Ngan Fun, 6econd and Columbia streets 19. Norman W. M. Donald, Myrtle, Or., 80, and Nellie E. Herman, 6616 Thirty ninth avenue southeast. 21. N. E. Thompson, 1043 East Tenth treefeSV and - Ruby-LanelQU-East Tenth street, 20. , .... Edward liariie, lit vrawiora street, nv 91 anil Flossis E. Gasnev. 1289 Wilbur street, 21. ..... . ' Joe 11. tieniing, i jtunen Ayari- ments, 24, and Thelma Abrams, 820 Adnen Apartments. 22.- John A. MasUn. 861 East Fifty-first treet. over 21, and Mary Stevens. 760 East Eleventh street north, over 18. . John Richards, 6680 Powell Valley Road. 28, and Anna, Dietrich, 625 Halsey ... ox . John Moore, Centralis, Wash.. 22, and Anita Haumser, Helen hotel, 19.. Herbert J. Turner, root uavis street, over 21. and Golda B. Ford, 1(7 Slx- Vv. rt. Jjuncn. iniri.y-i.iuru una annii streets, 23, and Sylvia Carothers, Sell- wooa, ur., iPf . fi. .Smith L Cu.&: JtZ Wawhlnnrton bid- cor. 4tli. on Wfcsh'ton DfUCSSF tiutU for rent, aU tlie. Uol)u AKIIUrtVlK VU sTVg uaaaisa, saw CLARlB BROS., florists fine flowers ana norai nemgng. jvinrriaon mi. DEATHS AND. Ft, .nEllALS BURTON In this city,-November 24, at his late residence, 909 Commercial street, Melvln Z. Burton, aged 61 years 11 months ana s osye, nusoaoa or Mary J. Burton, father of Mrs. George New, Mrs. Wessley Benedict, Mrs J. Logte Richardson, George and Harry. Burton, and brother of William Burton, of Everett, Wash. 'The funeral services will be held at the parlors of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street, unner tne auspices et airview li. ' a 4w s VT st t- n.Hi day, Novemner in. rienas inviteo. in terment Masonic cemetery. - luLLIsON' In this city. Nov. 24, Mrei Carrie Anna Ellison, aged 78 years, at. the residence of her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Romnson, tJNo. mi mast, sist street, south. Funeral services will be held from the above residence Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 1:30 p. m. Friends re spectfully invited- to attend. Inter ment Mount Scott park cemetery. ELLISON In this city, Nov. Ulh, Mrs, . 1 Anna ITIllainn 1,, 7tt . wimwm . . . . m An , n t fi!Dl la ... . XI a mains In care Of Erlcson Undertaking MEEKER in tnis- cuy. XNovemoer xt, Forty-seventh street north. Mrs. Emma H. lueeaer, aaea i (nu Aunuunog ment or lunerst nin. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 133 6 th, choice - CUt Iiowers lor au wxhiuui, yrvmpi service, m. niva, JdA W. SMITH, florist. 14 1 U in Selling bldg. Main 7816. -(ta at. FUNERAL DmEC3T,ORS GEO. W, BALDWIN. B. B. Lemons, Wll- r ' BIST Binm V-lINR'Dir. DIRECTUBStiuccessors F fUil4 ulnar, inc. mono cbv d. x-viu i rorU UnderUker.- Laflj ss cs i tt EV781. assistant. B-lRSs. (th-Alder. V D 7CI I CD Pll ln Williams .. U LL-Jl. UW-Beth phones. . .. orM Undertaking Co. ;, Main LllLOUIl6188. A-2285. Lady asst. Oaa r Funeral directors, 86V h Cdl dull v;Ui 871 niiBM st., R. insn HkMiiOCK, 167 tl 13th, 8ell. 71, B- Xi::, and Univora, Park. CoL 894-895. ruxcr.AL mr.ECTGr.3 J. P, FINLEY&SON Lady Attendant FUNERAL SERVICE Dunning & McEntee Cdtruk1,t every detail. 7th and Pine. Main 430. A-4558. Lady assistant. MR. EDWAIID IIQLMAN. the leading funeral director and undertaker, 22t) 3d stj cor. Salmon; lady assistant. PGRTLAKDartle orka 264-66 4 tft ) st Oppoitlte city hall. Main 8561. I OTTO ttCHUMAN, granite and marbio I works. East 8d and Pine. East 743. i BUSTNES3 PROPERTY 68 60xB0 Jefferson st, between Front and ,ait. on S. P. franchfee; balf cash, C 191, Journal. ' FOR SALE HOUSES CI S Ttnnf lYirkl An - KitnirolAM V t),,.. ri, Park, built-in buffet, bookcases, Dutclj Kitchen, twa large bedrooms, fine bath, large attic, walls tinted, electric light natures in, fireplace, furnace, full ce ment basement, view of city and ML' Hood, cement walks, curbs, water, gas in and paid, near fireproof school. 3 feo5ktMJfari ,385(' terms. .: ? PBOVIDENTr TRUST CO.rrOWNERS, Second T?lrmr fiAlHno. tJMrr . 9R. SAf,.T'JS,ew house. Just completed: ' 1 Vil Kit a I Ia a Til i . m , . m.m.ijti .., ntumoni; i rooms, .' bath and sewing room, fireplace, beamed cdiuhkb, paneteu aining room, hardwood floors, bookcasES,-buffet, lighting fix-, ' ",V mrniHJe, improvea street . with alley, and all other features to make a complete home. , For price and terms apply to P, G. Warner, owner, 839 Monroe st. Phone East 6643. :' YOU VHO ARE PAYlNd ' RENT ' Consider this 7 room modern house, I blocks from car, on paved street.-wltb fireplace, glassed in sleeping porch and sun parlor, hardwood floors a ' good house )n first class condition; new lawn, . fine, neighborhood. -The price, $4000; terms, anything reasonable, - Ses owners Mr. ionaro, a yourth at. 81500 - ... loi CASIL - $20 a month. Inc. Interest IJOZV 4 rnnm MMl.nihnn.alnw .til. large enough for 8 more rooms. Lot ! toclty. lor particulars call 305 CorbetJ 8 ROOM bungalow on west side, well "uui, vouunanas line view or Tualatin valley, nearly acre of ground, lawn, roses and fruit, close to car, 15 minutes PROVIDENf RUfeT CO., OWNERS. Second Floor Selling Bldg, - rvum vKiuurnia ounagiow. in vvll-' lamette addition; $.00 cash balance 125 per month. This is well worth your time to Investigate. Clatsop Co. Land Co.. 313 Railway Exchange. . : THREE rooms and bath, lot - 60x100, ew west siae, xuaiatm valley view, . 7 hlnolla n in k n..11, n . I i . - " w . , ni&a, ajiaueu BH CtJLB and water, good neighborhood, 15 mln tiouo: easy terms. PROVIDENT TRUST (Jo.. OWNERS." Second Floor Selling Bldg. BAA $60 CASH, , $10 per month. rnnm Vi n n a M nn nrifn 1 n f S .n n. m " fc. " . .. U . V I, m .Will St14 an.4 1 IHtH Pantn, mA This Is 4 blocks to car In good nelgU uui uuuu. tvo vuroni oiuK. SUNNYSIDK shap 60x100 corner, i room house, built for home, streets , hardscrfaced and nald for. fine sarden and roses, $200 cash, $26 month, furni ture if desired. Call 1079 K Morrison, corner 38th. Main 1166. . ; Hawthorne Building Co, Have . several dsslrahl lot a anil will build to suit you, easy terms; 1072 Haw- tnorno are.; iiDor ioui. SUNNYSIDK Lovely 6 room modern cottage hard surface and all Improve- -ments in and paid; furnished or unfur nished at a bargain; leaving city on Dec. 1; terms. Owner, 1076 E. Wash, st. FOR bALE New two room bouse, wltn woodshed, some furniture, 3 blocks ' from Oregon City carllne, $475; $20J down, balance easy terma, Courtney : wtaiion, two piqi-kb east one south. 4 ROOM house, modern, new, r en trie led district, in Rose City Park section, 7 blocks to car, $2400. terms to suit. PROVIDENT TRUST CO, OWNERS, second J loor Helling Bldg. SPECIAL PRICE This month ONLY, 3850 under value, improvements and hardsurfaca PAID: 8 room modern house, 60x100 corner, near car, part cash. ietinuvv toi vniivi. wvv am eij tvit , &ELLWOOD 7-room papered house, bath ' room complete with lavatory; 9 bear lng fruit trees. $1600; $360 cash, bal ance Installments. Owner, 698 Haruey, ave., or phone Sell. 844. balance terms, owner, isso iu. Taylor. THREE rooms and bath, corner lOOx " 186, west side, 3 blocks to car, 31800, -very easy terms. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS. second f loor selling Blag. Five Room Bungalow - New. strictly modern, 80 per month Including interest. D-118. Journal. i&0 DO' 'N. $10 MONTHLY baaim nla mi twa A Kmteisa 1tt 9114As MC Scott, $1100. Fred W. German. 426 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6445. -. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow; will trade $600 equity for lot or $400 cash; balance $23 a month, inoluding Interest, on E. Harrison st. Phone East 2521. t ROOM house $600, $60 down, $7.60 . month, the best buy in city j forced to sell. Mt. Scott car to Tremont Tabor ' 8029. Tremont Realty vo. BEAUTIFUL HOME. J Choice location, 7 rooms, small caslty'T; payment; balance monthly; East 273.r W. H. UKRnMAN SEVERAL iiOMEsl ou.A,vna4 U0. .. .. Trvlnvtnn 8 rooms, nnk flnlaVi- n- fecti very cheap. Ksst 273; AV. H. HKRDMAN. MAKE your own terms for a 7 room I ...... V. .a m n T -,,- n 1 1 . f . . 1. .. . llJVUVt.ft ..units, inuu,!,. AUQU. Vlgars. owner. I'hone Kamt 87i!6. $150, -buys rooming house, 8 rooms, (60 down, your own terms: aood nionnv maker; close in; phone Kast 1614. FOR SALE r trade by owner, 6 room "modern house, 1 blocks from Al berta carllne. Call 994 E. 17th N. FOR SALTS Unfinished house, cement basement, near Alberta car, $90o; $100 ah Wnodlawn 3011. - FOUR room house, lot 60x100, nothing down, $16 a month and 7 per cent ln- tioKn maw A !K.... -t . IIlWTHfintjR TUSTBli'T ' " Modern 6-room biinsalow. very eintv ICIIiia. " " 1 11 1,1,, WEST side snap Modern 7 room house, VOiumoia bi., near aoiu, lenns. K-181, Journal 1200 Nice house. $26 down, monthly payments. Woodlawn 802. ' FOR SALK- LOTS 10 HAVE! SEVERAL CHOICE LOTS In the Irvlngton district and would lnan.a hrtiiu fnr nitrr.hatiap An Ant. A payment plan, ueo. .Eastman, mast 4788. BEAUTIFUI view, near carllne, 100 by 100. "-You will like. You can't beat it.' Only $800: $26, 810 per month. M, E. ll fjorpen mag. "TERRACE PARK, FULL LOT, $390. $190 cash, of course lt'a good. Fred W. German, 436 Chamber of Com merge. Main A11B X HAVE a lot in Fern Park addition for tAS mull. OlAtunn P.rinntv l,n4 nn Z18 Rajiway mxenange ITO CASH, $8 month buys large lot, close in. near car. . Snap, $878. 720 Chamber ot tjommerce. xanor 771. " 1 MUST sell 4 lots price easy, terms; low , I nrlea tf taken Hundav Thou rmnlino. . SEE Le Noir A Co. lOr west aide propV ' , - Brty' . 1 a (01 n)ismn.a m r . res si iit. - aas iiaiiiuDi us. ...tivriTn mrr'm SEVERAL lots Irvlngton; 1. cor. Rus sell st, income $50 par month. All cheap.. East 273, W, H. Herdman.1 XTUNDY 60X100 lot near caTTVest side, .at snap. $326: $15 cash, $5 per month. M. K. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg. . M'EDFORD LOTS for Improved "oflHiT , lniprovel nprewgs.- p-l 30, Journal. FOU fAI.K by owner, U block! ciTI , 834 College BL