THE OREGON SUNDAY' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY HORNING, NOVUM 121: ABSTItACTS 3CHN A, BERRY, Atty., collections, ab eiracls examined, written pinion on ACCOBPSOIf rLATTIWO 1C fcrtephan, ladies' tailor, accordeon, Ktde and sunburst Halting, buttonscov-fii-il, Koods sponged, hemstitching, etc., S3 Aider st. Main S73 ACCOUHTAWTB fVBUO COLLI 3. BERRIDGB 824 Worcester bldg, & THOMPSON, Main 66T. FOSTER & B.LE1SER, outdoor advertls. lm: nsintna bulletins, uainted Walla. pouters. K. 7 th an K. Everett ats. East 1111. B-tm. t AaXITICIAI. LIMBS Do vou wear a lenT Oat tha beat It tiava. write lor vauuug. reerieBB Art. Limb Co- 49$ Wash.: AS3AYESS .WELLS CO., assayers, analytical chemists. 804 H Wash. Main 7608. ilON TAMA assay office, laboratory, testing. Marsnall 72. HO Morrl or son. KORNEGAY ft THOMPSON, lawyera; general practice, collections, abatracta examined. 40 Northwest bid., 6th and waanington streets, A. K. COOLER, Attorney at Law, Gen eral practice; abstract examined; H24-142 Yeon bldg. Main 878, A-2071. belt BBrantiwa PORTLAND Belting; ft Repair Co, II lat belt rcpg. Motorcycle belts II up. - BLAST BOOK MAKE HOWE, DAVWCOMPANY, 10 d Bt Blamt Book m'fg.; agents for J ones! Improved Loose-Leal Ledgers: see Uie new Eureka leaf. A-31S3. Main 181. BBA8S rOUDT AMERICAN Bronza & Brass Works, ISI . Upshur. Brass, aluminum, phosphor bronze coatings. Main 4111. BUSZXZ8D OABJDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO.--Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. , 7 lb Juiifi UAKHiOl ASPHALT PAVING CO, Portland onice ua naeotrio pica. CAJLTUiTU AMP BEPAXMMO , A E. WIKSTROM, bouse, of flea, store repairing, remodeling, bldg. Win. $. CAJUPET CltEAJOXO JOYCE BROS, Electric Cleaning Works, cerjets cleaned and laid, refitting our tpecullty. E, 440. B-H6. 04 B, HHh N. ...,;',, OAKFET WEAVIHa - - NORTHWEST RUO WORKS, rnga from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning, 35)1 Union avenue, near a. murrnun. piiMNaULA Rug Works, rag carpet and rugs. I6ia ration ave. nwu u . , CHIKOrOuISTS CORNS,-imnloiMfctnwla-MUl,"-te3 removed ana cureo, new uiomwu. tlvely Dr. Northwest th and Washington. CORNS, bunions, in grow a .naila, qulck : ly, painleaaly cured; most careful, Bclentlfio treatments on coast - Lady attendant - 207 Globe bldg. CKXBOraftCTXO PHTtaCIAH" HAVE given thousands of adjustments; $2.60 week. Bath office, 2d and Wash. CZBCULAJ XlETTEBS. MULTIGRAPH1NG, Printing. . tenof mnhers. Hill ft CO.. 232 HenJy bldg. SdULTNOMAH Multlgraphlng simile slgs. IpyEilera bldg. Co- fac Mar. 2382. CABBY MAITOTACTUBEB.S The Aldon Candy Co.; 12th and GUian ts. Hlitb trade chocolates. COAL ABB WOOD -Ifiil..: ,!!MJ Prompt Delivery ;.. Any Length Green and Dry-Slabs Short or 4 Foot '.'-ALBIMFUELGO. Phones; E, 182, C-1117. usv - t. ciTtnom TUT GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, $3.60. - , INSIDE GREEN SHORT; (3.60. DRT SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 1111. A-fOOl. CONSUMERS' FUEL CO. (Amer. Coal Win. Ca) Coal direct from mine to n.tnncr. Save middlemen's profit. Eaal llg, B-111S- Bankers, E. 1st and Taylor, pACSLABWOOD CO, Main 870U A-7358 ureen siaowuou, u Iblock wood, planer Green slabwood, big and small Inside irun kb, corawooa MCCDJ?, CARR A-l dry 4 ft'. Ur I1L.L.U ut i ruin ana oaK cordwood. Also sawed to order. Prompt pj Beilvery. Main 4696. A-4547. VUAL KaHKRa Wood Co. Dry fir. oak and slabwood, -cull, ties sawed to order from country mill, hock springs coal. Wain espy. a-zi Yamata Wood and Coal Co. EAST 818, B-1867. DELIVERED PROMPTLY ECONOMY Fuel Co, 31 Grand ave. Coal that .gives beat and satisfaction. East in H.zAiA. rruuiui service. "BOX planer, block, alab, cord wood and roar .Standard Wood Co., 847 East Mark. Eaat 2316, B-1695. , iLBlNA FUEL CO. All kinds of green ana ary wvvu. cwvk oviiuihuu men AM CO' COAL and all kinds of wood. Phone H U K8 te fWlx'. oeiiwwq bd. ITiOKNlX Fuel Co. Dry wood 1.50 per load. 6Z1 wavier. Main 8544 UliLEl-SEN handles wood and coal. COaUIZSSZOB ZCEBCHABTS J1KNRT EVERDING. ' 45-47 Front st Butter: eggs, pounry, veai. nogs, nidea fellMtOD Kanch Egg Co 114 Union ava nutter, eggs, yuuiw-y, tm, nun XAXBT ABB CBEAMEXT SUPPLIES MONROE A CRISELL? 146 Fr'oii't, dairy, cheese lactory macninery at supplies, bab cur a JT.OF. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School, Walts. twosteD. threesteo. scottische: loBsuns 25c; 4very morning, afternoon und evening, AH dances guaranteed, ii (Uka can learn to dance i learn vt i fitaee Mild limey dances taught daily. 85 6th st- ).. t. utara ana um bhi main ton. ijNGLEt Dancing Academy, thorough course in social uauuinn, ui- true tors! private and class instruction , .iiiy: social aance wea.oat. Morriaon, i t 24. Marshall 818. " i!ri I S limiclnir Academy, m l vat e le hi,j Tnorulnsr." afternoon iindeventng. i- , Mnn nil PrL evenmas. asem y after. 709 24, bet Wash, and Stark. ATti 3 Mi-hool. insaons oatiy- watts. Kten, three aiep, wnuinuri w . Hlwche taught In first lesson. , A1ID' i Mc. 8d andjaorriaen CEliltATOLOdlSI : wrlnUoa, scalp specialist . Mra. .ui,Ut, ill Dvkiuu bidg. Jl(ialn twA iorial ' and Busline inn BOO, CAT AND HOUSE HOSPITAL A-40K8. Res. 91 E. 12th. K. 5440. DEESSMAKIMO SCHOOL Valentine's system ludles tailoring. dressmaking taught. 163 Grand , ava, between MorriBon and Bwlnioiit. ELECTRIC M0X0E3 WE buy, aelL rent knd exchange new and aecond band luotoia. r Western Electric Works, Hi gth at. ir a pec; Wka., Kenale Eleo. 1U Union. East 117. XaQBAYEXa. EMBOSSED sUtlonery, engraved carda Uardajn Co., tot Alancneater biag. STB, JUAB, JNOSfi ASS TXXOAT -Treatment by specialist Glasses fit tad. Dr. b b Oaaaeday, 418 Dekum bldg. ralUt XaUHUtialadi 8 AMD TEKICLEd P. E. ESBEN SHAPE, 214 Front, farm implement, iooib, lawn at iieia rence. K M. WAutu CO., U Hawthorn ava. Wholesale -agricultural implements. : XQVmiiMX AMD HAQU1M& M.Q - Phoenix Iron Works, K. JdrHawthorna, General machine and foundry wora.' BOWERS ft PARSONS, 100H front. M. 744a. yurmture noapuai, pacKing. jtOHU AMO .tMJUUMMMUttt REMODELING and new work. F B, i inley taxidermist. H Columbia at. OLAaUl AMD QLA2IXQ Tlmm. Cress & Co.. 148-1 2d at Prompt service. Ring Main or A-2o. QASOLIaS UatUUTES 8TATI0NARX and I marina, electric aqulpmanta; launches, acceaaonaa, wboieaals and retail; angina repairing. Keierson Macnlnery Co., 11 Morrison. OEJIlilkaL MM&AUIXMQ GENERAL, machine and electric , work. repair i eieoino inoiora and dyoa mos a specialty, K. hippely, Oak. HAT AOXOX LADIES' and gentlemen's bau cleaned nd blocited; au'wora gutirantaed or no charges. W suute a specialty of ladles' beaver bata. Phone Atatu 442, Tha Royal hat Works, m 1st at. 9BSSSXVO UP TO DATS! halrdresaing. manlcurlna. race ana scaip treatmenia. uair woik made up. io awetiand Diog. GOODS - v FEB VET ft HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupea makers, finest stock of human hair goods; hair dress ing, manicuring. lace and acaiu treat- menta 147 7th, near Morrison. M. 848. XHSVBABCB McCARQAR, Batoa ft Lively, 301 Yeon Diqg. Hivery iorm or insurance, Donua. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCk! CO. Only Oregon fire, lnaurance com. JT7HH PEALEKS HIGHEST price paid for tools, old mi. cnuiery, copper, rubber, potties. M. 8378 XODAX BE VELOPZaa ROLLS developed free; prints, to up; mall orders solicited. i6 Merchant Trust bldg. . LAZfTEBB SLIDES STEREOPTICONS sold, rented; operator 4iavn iahail vuuaunahla Uannars ashtim a taa uBiivU bsivua w wmumo ava buv WW cards, signs. Enterprise Art Co., 73 H 6th LADIES' XAlLOBlBft THIS National Ladles' Tailors, guaran tee I1U worn by expert designers, ill 10th at near Washington. Main 1780. LABPSCAPB QABJOEJiaa Pacific Landscape Gardening Co. Wa design and draw plans tor Darka. cemeteries, residential tracts and su burban nomea; lurnxsn the necessary treea. shrubbery, eta; our. work la ab solutely guaranteed -"dona right- oj practical, experiencea men. w also plant ana care xor lawns, snruooery, aa general . up-aeep wora on privai grounds. Experienced men furnlaned on short notice. Phone Main 8V1. LEAZBBBj ABB riHBIBOS CHAS. L. MASTICK ft CO., 74 Front Leather of - every deacription; tac manufacturers, findings. LEP BBABZHQ KA.THERINE KING teaches tbe hard-ot hearing. 808 Central bldg. Mar. 288. LOCKS KITH V. J. Foychek, 224 Main at, locksmith, guns repaired, aaws filed, keys made. BtACBISBBY B. TRENKMAN ft CO., hydraulic and special pipe, smoae atacaa. oil tanks. mining macninery, repairs, ivt xx. 4 in. MESSEBQEBS 1 W il1' HASTT MESSENGER CO, open nlgbt ana oay. Main oa. A-tioj. MOXTOAQB LOANS. JOHN KER. mortgage loans. Insurance. 80S xeon.Diag. Main vzso, BCOTOBB ABB PTBAMOS Motors ft dynamos boupht, sold, repaired. H-M-rl n;iec. CO.. 6 1 i, rirsu M. azio. MUSIC SCHOOLS ABB. TEACHEBS MANDOLIN, violin, guitar, banjo In struction, h. a. weuoer, 4avi wasb 1 n gton at Agent Gibson mandolins. p F. KISS N En, violinist, practical 'teaching, 10 lessons $15. 16 Breeden bldg.. N. K. corner 8d and Washington. X ETLawson, 185 14th. Main. 6187. Pi 'a nr. lrsaons. 50 cents. CAROLINE SH1NDLER RULAND, voice. piano. 214 Fliedner. Main 2650. PIANO, violin, mandolin, ftultar. bani Instructions, uuc. 2 iiawmorne ave, RAGTIME g. aranteed In 10 to 20 les sons Popular prices. H-zii JournaL OHBAUEBTAL WISE ABB ZBOH PORTLAND WIRE & IRON W'KS, 294 ,za. t. arrummuurai wtra.ano- iro, OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIABB DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. sd clallst on nerves, acute and chronle diseases. 415 Columbia bldg. Main 8961. LR.AGNKS M. BROWN, 809 Journal bldg. Mrs. iu:3u- :6v. m, .mum KeB.iaporaal FAIB'f, OIL ABB GLASS PIONEEIl PAINT CO, 186 First st Main 1334. A-7043. RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High Standard' paint, ne. cor. 3d & Taylor. M., A-1171. THE BEAVER VARNISH WKS makes GOOD products. Asa your dealer. PAXSTIKG ABB VAPEBIBO, GOOD work my motto, A. Oabourn, 886 E. Wash. B-2 167. East 4214. FOR best work, prices right call P. A. Dcane. ;? K. Wash. East 105. TINTING 32 room up; painting, paper hanging. C. A. Barnes. "Main 1834. PATCHY ATTOBBSYS PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock. At-torney-at-Law. late of U. S. Patent Of flce; book free. 7lw Board of Trade bldg. PIPE fPORTLAI4ToorrPIbeC6.wractor sna ornce. Z4th and York. Main 3489. nVKB 7ACTOBY MRS. HARTNESS, feather worker, has ee Dye aevcred her. connection with Imperial ye Works, -JS71 .Taylor, and Is now cted at 350 YamhiH. Main 2920. loc OSTRICH plumes dyed, cleaned, cur'ed. Willows tied from .old pluniat.-etia-faction guuauteed... Ill .Wasblngton. PLtnviBISO SXTFFXJE8 M. I Kline, 84-8S Front at., wholesale puimmng and at(ant wuppiie. POPCOEW COUrECTIOKB. STANDARD CRISP CO., 2l Glisaa. popcorn crmn. Kornut. saikhi nuts. rxxarTxaro. MONARCH Prlntint 6th and Oak. & ft Mfg. Co., corner :ain 43. Quality printing. AS 6 LUX Printing Co.. tin Oak. . Mala 71. printing to pieaae. ' , rXZVATB BCEOOL. PRIVATE school, ahortband, typewrit ing;, modern methods; expert Instruc tion. 26k 14th at Main 883. HOOXUta. XAISTISQ, JUBTAXMIMQ TIN roofing, repairing, painting. j. jomi, mi jerrernon. Main itfiiiiii ft G1N1KH, sheet metal woraa. un anup. wavier, m 842 'A-184 K77BBEB BZAJKPS A1TO SEALS STENCILS and Office stationery; Cun- JMiAiu, traaa cnecas, brass ' signs, stencils. Kreba Bros., 114 id, Mar, 1871 SOOBS, WXaTOOWS ' United Glass ft Glaxlng Co.. sash, doors, piate- gia, iitn. uusan. Main 4481. SAHITOBIVU ROSE CITT 8AN1TORIUM. strictly raa nernny nospuat. . it jNortn X8rd St SHOWCASES ABB rXXTUXES THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFO. CO, new - ana via snowcases, . caoineta, store, oiilca. WHrfqTrtlxturei.4tb--Couch SHOWCASES of every description, bank, bar and store fixtures made to order, SZQBS AMO tUSOWCABBS WAHALANDER CO.. fill Com'Wltb bldg. anow earn, ciotn signs, window trims. spabtsb: teaches Helen Woods, Spanish translator and teacner; terms reaaonauie. tast 8381, towbl vmr CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, aoan. xowei supply vo.. via ana coucn sta. 11 per mouth. ' Portland Laundry Co, ynones main eip. A-i4ii. TAILOBJCBG SCHOOL KIESTER CR'S Ladles', Tailoring College, dremmak'g, tailoring. 143 H Uta. .Learn XBAHSrBB ABB SXOBAOS C O. PICU Transfer ft Storage Co, of. flees and cwainiodlous siory brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and fireproof vault lor valuables. N, W. cor. 2d and Pine sis. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping, bpeclal rates maue rn goods in our through cars to all domesUo and foreiga i . . . u.u caa i.iuas OREGON TRANSFER CO. Established 187a. Transfer and forwarding agents. - Staraaerrei tracaaaa Offices and storage, 474 GUsan street 13th and Gilsan. -Main 6, A-1168. pOR'iLANi Van and Storage Co., Inc 18th and Everett; most modern s tor tus warehouse in city; low fire insurance rats proof of this. Free trackage, mov ing, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods in through cars to and from east Main 6640. A-1620, BAGGAGai ft Omnibus Transfer Co. Baggage checked at your home, fur niture moved, stored or packed fur ship ment Park and Davis sis. Pbonea: Main 6980, A-2323. TYPEWRITER ft Supplies Co. Rebuilt 3d band 142 ft za at Mar. i. ALL mattes rented, repaired, sold. C.u- Ingham Co., zai Btarn. Main iU7. VIOLIB MAEEBS Kuden, violin maker, expert repalr lng. Km. 118 Allaky bldg., 2t6 Morrison. WHOLE SALB JwBBEBS M. A GUNST ft CO- DISTRIBUTORS OR FINE CIGARS. KUKTLiAIN u, un. EVERDING ft FARREL, produce and commlBlon merchants.' 140 Front st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. SlORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 id st. between Kaimon ana Mam. ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. MEETING NOTICKS 41 PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD NO. 4Z, B. A. meets every Thursday evening, in the Moose hall of the Royal bldg., S46H Morrison at B. W. cor. 7th st Visitors welcome. FRANCES FRY. 1100 Denver ave. Phone Woodlawn 94. Correspondent ANNIVERSARY and dedication of f lagr. on December 7. 1912. The 20tn anni versary of the German Military society ana tne dedication or nags 10 tne uer man veterans will be Jointly cele brated by both societies at the Swiss hall. Sd and Jefferson sts. Friends of our society cordially invited. Admis sion, gents du, ladies rree; Deginning 7:30. THE COMMITTEE. MT. HOOD circle No. 151. W. of W.. will give a grand Thanksgiving ball on Thursday evening, November 28, 1912, East side W. O. W. hall. E. 6th and Alder sts. A 10 pound turkey will be glveas a door4rhee. Weinberger's orchestra. Admission, gents 50c, ladled 25c. IVANHOE Lodge No. 1, Knights of Pythias, meets every Tues day night Castle hall, 11th and Alder ets. E. M. LANCE, K. R. S. PORTLAND and Webfoot drill teamB, W. O. W., will give a dance in the W. O. W. temple, 128 11th st., Friday night, November 29. Everybody wel come. Admission 25c. Ckl'H ID TEMPLE NO 18 Pvthlnn Ml. tcrs. meets -n Thursday evenings of each ween in k. or p. hall nth and Alder, at 8 p. m. By order of M. E. C HELEN M. LAMAR, M. of R. 0. ALBINA LODGE NO 470. F. W. OF A meets every Tuesday evening in Mair nail, is. is. cor. Williams ave. and iius sell fft. H. M.' Call well, secy. R. N. A. Ore. Rose cainpt meets .Frt axe.;" AtlBky ban." 3d and Morrison. BUSINESS CAltDS W. G. Smith & Co.yg.7 Sl Washington bldg.. cor. 4th. on Wash'ton DRESS suit for rent ail size. Unique t ailoring co., 309 stark st CLARKE BROS., florists, fine flowers ana riorai designs. 289 Morrison at DEATHS AND FUNERALS DOSCHER November 22. at the real dence. 617 Marshall streat.. Ann r. Doscher, aged 77 years, beloved wife of John C. Doscher and mother of Walter W. Doscher, Mrs. J. J. McDermott of neauie, Tan4.. iiimma ,., Phoebe C. and William S. Doscher. of this rltv. Funeral will take place from the above residence Monday. November 25. at 6:80 a. m. Services at St. Mary's Cathedral, corner Fifteenth and Davis streets, at 9 o'clock. Friends resnectfullv Invtfort Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery, Berv- ices at tne grave private. SLEEPER At his late residence 1784 East Ninth street Sellwood, Novem ber 23d. E. W. Sleeper,-aged 69 yearn and 10 days. The funeral service will be held at the parol rs of the East Side yMWre tretor,-l Kewt Alder ttreet, at 10 a. m.. Monday,.. November 25th. Frlenda Invited. Interment Mount Scott Fara cemetery : KREUGER At the home of her Bister. Mrs. KODert !aanch. 877 MIssIsbIdd Ave., Miss Fredericka Krueger. Age 62 yrs. The funeral servlocB will ie held at the above residence Monday Nov. 26th, atl p.: in. Friends are respect fully lavltad, laUrtuent Lone Fir cem etery. " , , i....-r-,,:.:'. - . -,. :i..r., ; ,.. DEATHS AND I LMUIAL3 DECKER The funeral service of the lat Henry Decker will bo held from Rt. Mary's church, Wllllnrns , ave. and Htanton. st, today, Sunday, Nov. 24th, at 2:80 p. m. Interment, Mr. Calvary cemetery, Friends are reapectfully in vited.. Remains at A. H. Zeilor Co. Par lors. 6&2-64 Williams ave. 1 HAGOERTlf November 23, John llag--gertr. aed 71 years. Funeral will take place Monday. November 25, at 45 a, m., ' from chapel. Services at St Mary'a Cathedral, corner Fifteenth and Davis streets, a 10 o'clock. Friends re apectfully invltod. .Interment Mt, Cal-val-y cemetery.--, .... TEALL The funeral, services of the late Claire A. Tealt will be held at Dunning ft McEntee's chapel. Monday, November 15, at 3 .p. m. Friends re spectfully Invited. Interment Multno' man cemeteryt ALLGUR Tha funeral services of the late Wllllanr P. Allgur -will be held today ; (Sunday) at 1 p, m., irom a. tt. Zeller Co.'a parlor, 54 'WllllamB- ave. Interment at Mount" Scott park ceme tery, , Friend Invited. ' )' '" ZERBEL Tha funeral services of the - late Charles Zerbel will be held to day (Sunday)iat. 1:30 P. m.. from the famllv residence at Lents. Friends re spectfully invited. Interment at Mount Scott Park cemetery. , , . i ; , n kplNNKU The funeral services of the late Leaten E. Spinner will be neid front the Woodman hall, 11th and Alder ets. Friends Invited.; Interment River View cemetery. GRAND dance Nov. 28, 191S. Thanks- giving night, Prospect camp. No. 440, W. O. W. Temole. 11th Bt. near Alder, Prixa wait. Admission 26c; union mu. sic. ' , ' ' -. ' TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 133 6ttw choice .. cut flowers for, all occasions; prompt service. M. 6102. A-U03. v ? ,, MAX U" SMITH." florist. "14 1)4 6U at, in Belling bldg. - Main 721a. J7P, FINLEY&SON Ladr Attendant Montgomery CUM CD A I CCRXIPU At Fifth St UMUimu i vu Dunning & McEntee ESEtt every detail. 7th and Pine. Mala 410. A-4558. Lady asslsUKf " ' GEO. W. BALDWIN, L. B. Lemons, Wll eon Beneflel, EAST SIDE FUNERAL DIRECTORS, successors to F. 8. Dun- nlng, Inc. Phone East 62. B-2525. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, tbe leading funeral director and undertaicer, z Id et, cor. Salmon; lady assistant ' r-, . IV-J . - I LtnL-hflB-1888. E-7S1. Lady assistant. 6th-Alder. K. f D 7Ct t CD 1 U 58 Wllliama .i Mi iLLL.LU.ll jJ Both pnones. Co, Main Lady aaa't L..iUoUIN138. A-2235. pQorcnn Vr . Funeral directors. 868 rcarSOn l0i 71 Russell et. E. 1080. HEMSTOCK. 1687 E. 13th. Belt 71. B- 1122; and id unn Ivers. Park. Col. J94-895. MOXUMENTS PORTLAND MarUe Works, 244-266 4th st OppoBlte city hall. - Main 8664. OTTO SCHUM AN., granite and marble works. East 8d and Pine. East 748. NEW TODAY Very High Class nvestment (.-.-.'- ; - . a, - for$30,000 This will net 7 with addi tional income enough to return you the entire investment in 8 years.-This is the best income investment in Portland without exception. 311 CORBETTLDO. Money to loan for the Mort gage Bond Co., of New York, on good improved city real es tate, in amounts ranging from $1000 to $20,000 and over. ' WILFRED SH0Rl&CO Investment Bankers. (Paclflo Coast CorrespOndente of Spencer Ti ask si - on., of ZTew York; Arnold Glliesen, of Rotter dam, Hederlandscb Admlnlstratle. en Truatkantoor of Amaterdam.) Lewis Building,' Portland, Or. NEWrM ODER NEWEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSE forSalc or Exchange xv a tiava a. new tnodm aoartment house for sale, will exchange for good farm In th Willamette valley. 'Or- well- located Portland realty. No heavy mort. gages on this property, xours must oe likewise. Propositions considered only on their actual cash value- No phone Information. i : F. El TAYLOR CO. ; 405 Lewis Building, , 4th and Oak Sts. . WANTED Live Salesmen for live proposition p experience unnecessary ; liberal commissions Call TIMBER TOWNSITE CO 507-8-0 Northwest bldg. ; - tee MORTGAGE LOANS NEAV TODAY 329 Haihyay Excli.mso C. F. Smilli a Son try r- 'Ml. 10 Acres, fair buildings, 4' year old trees, pears ana; appie?f jjeimont : district, 2 "miles out; $10,000,ilialf cashivbaK t- ; ; - ; ; T'X"k. 10 Acresr mild out, I Be"lm6ntxoad, :jplanted and cared; for by Da- r vidson Fruit 0o 'year old pears' and applies; a buy at C$12,000, 'half cash, balance 7 pei cent. 10 A.cres, good improve -j nients, buildings! etc. first class; trees 4 to 9 i years old; $14,500, would consider bunga low, $2500, and $2000 cash, balance mortgage 8 per cent, 5 years. 1 10 Acres, fine buildings, best cared for orchard in the valley ; apples 4 and 6 years old, straw berry -fillers ; -a-good buy at $15,000; might consider modern seven room house and lot in good residence district, up to $7500, balance 8 per cent. 10 Acres, liew improve ; ments, full bearing 10 12 years old trees, own er svcrvsold, has made his nile and "wishes to rcome to Portland ; price $15,000, half cash, or would take good seven oom hou'se and ; give iine on balance. Crops tVis year netted over $4500 ; will show bank books. This is one of few? bearing or- ds for sale in the y and will bear investigation. 15 Acres! 8 miles out, fine .CQunky home, fi acres 4 year la trees, balance slashld; $10,000, $3000 cash, palance 7 per cent for 5 years. Take from $2000 to ' $10,000 in . trade ifor Portland propefer- .. ' ;- i .These (places are the pick of lie valley and it will pay port to look pver our lists before buying in Hood Hi rer. No inflated prices aid dWt submit ahv. CF.SMkSSon :52D ltalhtif Exchange U ii 11 1 VsS' waUk,a'i.r : r-tfi " ' t V''"' ;,l'J;''r'L;:- char vallo strict m:v.' today r or mm i BT Cord Sengstake 80S YEOBT BLDG. , 10TH STBEET Corner MilL ' , ' ALDEHJBTREET East of 13th Street flOTRBTBEET Corner Carter . xne v;ream oi tr oriiana neignis. lunx 143 - in -the same block where Dr. Nichols 1b now. building bla new 140,000 residence. .; w. ..-.: TBOKPSOB STBEET near East 17th, with new modern 8-room residence, COLOBXAL XCEIGHTS, between B. 20th and 24th Street and Hawthorne Ave, E. Harrison' Street. r ary liberal terms to HomebuU4r. All tha above ar hlffh.elan nrnnr ties, prices very, attractive. ' CordSengstake i it'&C sos , TOO BLBGb UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW ' . 1WZ1UU, , PORTLAND HEIGHTS , . A GREAT SACRIFICE G, H. KLEINSORGE CO. ltlBoard ofTrade. rty W have for sale tha boat unomninleil factory Bite property, fronting on the Willamette River, In Portland, The Southern Paeifln rle-ht-nf.wav ail. Joins this propery and the Hill Una la uiuno oy,-' .!. ' ; is..!, : - ,.") ' We can sell In parcel b to suit at prlcek ranging from 13o to 160 per frfflt fOOt '-'.;.-. ' - r '. Pronertv-aa well lnpatail M. I. about all occupied and It Is difficult to find it where water and rail transporta tion easily accessible can be obtained. xne average depth of this land ex tending back from the river to the S. P. R. It tracks Is about 600 feetA . . tsb sxAW-rEAm cokpabt . Mala II - 103 Fourth at A-llon WiUL6anS2500 at on" approved, ' close-ihf irstrnor tgage loans. Call on our Mortgage Loan ' Department; Hartman-Thompson Bank Fourth and Stark Streets Chamber of Commerce Bldgs , West Side Income Property Modern Flat Building Always Rented Best Part of Nob Hill District s PAYS $1680 A YEAR PRICE f 16,500 Lot alone worth $11,000. Build ing could not be built for less . than $9000, This is a rare bar- gain. Let me show you " this. Owner would consider some go"0d"0niincumhered property "in ;. trade. See Ward - Ward & Younger Suit 426 Yeon Bldg. , Apartment Site Big Sacrifice lOOxIQO corner, close -in on "3rd street (or sale $5000 below market value. This is one of .the best located apart ment corners in the city and the price is s sacrifice. G. H. KLEINSORGE CO, 4tf Board of Trade Bldg. Wanted. 11,500 at 9 ON IMPROVED ACREAGE IN YAMHILL COUNTY Hartman-Thompson Bank Mortgage Loan Department Fourth and Stark Streets : Chamber" of Commerce Bldg. H0LLYR00D an addition In a class with Irvlrigton, Laurelhurst and other high-class re stricted districts, t Street Improvements one-half what they are )n other like HULL., -'. '-. .. .,U ....... - .- I will . ektend the . Becond-mbrtaaae privilege to a few good builders In this tract, ana win loan you tne money to finance your building. - One wishing to take advantage of this opportunity to get a home .built to suit you for half what you have to- pay to the ordinary salesman; call -iatM--MiuysT!rrrTTrr- ForSalcbrTrade-ASnap 7Sercv .farmV 4 ;fnlies' if '''rdiroftd,' ft good, live town; 60 head cattle. 13 bead of horses, combined , machine and all other machinery and implements to go with tbe farm; one man has made for. tune Qn eame and wanta to retire. Ad dress 680H Lombard St, Itoom 17, City, or can. Wanted, to Lease . 2 story building and basement. 100X 100. Give full description, class of building, location, and rent on long lease, M-So, -Journal. ' , LOOK THIS UP 50xl08V'on northwest corner tnd knd Sheridan streets, nan be bought for $7000 with $2000 down, balance one to five years. This lot is sure te Increase rapidly in value. The old buildings on 4, nHn fnl''ivft nf mnnf-fi THB BBUw:-PS tOMPAW," Main 3S loz Fourtn st. A-asoo Gfldlfmlins A Any amount at current rates. . 408 fefiSA' 'SWr. MarBhaU SX TO LECTURE CEFCHE school of mm Lectures on Journalism by 'members of the , profession from all divisions will be a part of the year's ciliirBo of Btudy 1 nthe class of Joumalla 'at th University of Oregon. E. A. Alien, who la at the head of the department, has filled every date from now until the end ef the first semester. Ha epenjj yestor day In Portland, and while lore se cured rromlBen ifrom rninv Portland newspaper men to spiak. , . Among mose wno win address ihe Btu. dentB are: C. 8. Jackson, of The Journal) Hugh Hume, of the Spectator J. p. Carroll of th . Tnlffirfnim Miad T..nn. Casa ; Baer.H of -i the ; Oegonlanu M. E. vmoy ui. me American ires .Association-, O. JL BalKof the Amerlcart Type Foundry comnanv: V. isr. niviii. ' .n,i Herbert Campbell, both of the Oregon- na aiumni , or tne uniiersity; Thoma Gallagher of the United press ABBOttiatlnnr ' Mi- ' iiul Xfr ' ti v 't..,i-. " I - m . .... iv. a, j,, T,lBi of the Journal; J. E. Murphy.. cartoonist ui - i no journal; o."p, Lelter, ftf the Oregonian. !and C V. Dyment,' if The Journal., v v.. v, .. ;r ,( "..,,. : The topics that" have' been aqstgnad thua far are for Mr. Ban to sptak o the business Bide of the country, news papers; Miss Bacr on dramatidi cHiN cisme: Mr. Irvine ' fin . ulitnrlolo m. Murphy on cartoons, and Mr. lenient vs wiiuunoa or wews in the Greek and Roman .World, or Newspaper History Up to the Tear of One."t . ; ' It la the Intention "of Jlr. Allen to have , the Portland - mere appear i every Other week. whll. i Akt. m .jpajuieojjy .country .editors. : jh first vwuiiiijr eunor win ; De Albert i Bede, Bon of the noted Adam Bode, humorist of the United States senate, of the Cot tare Grova Santlnal r T3 Tl. u i. - Oregonian was .the speaker at the last lecture given ui behalf of the proapect Ive reporters and editors. -, . T , AUCTIONS ' Auction Sales 'AT WilsoD s Auction House 16G-168 First Street -Ivegular Sales Days MONDAY, AVEDNES DAYand FRIDAY - EACH DAT AT 10 A. 'M. ' FOR MONDAY'S SALE W HAVE ' liA HtflE fl - LT11T1 vtrntm - - .- fcS?:IP?STEEL RANGE, HKATKWS, f??0?? BOLD FOR MORIOAGKB:! - e. sr r uniiii i nr . ftuou nu kijimun a.a ISIKCS3 - - fJHUNUUKAPHS: ALSO FIVE-PASSKNOKR "Hi t AUTOMOBILE, IN GOOD CONDI- ' " -TION, TO BE BOLD AT 10 t,.,A M- SHARP. , OF-GOOb SECONDHAND t ; SB FOUND IN THM CITY, Xnr,i-rL a ociju at AluLi TIMES AT PRIVATE, SAI.H! . irro vtotu T J-.. X. TION ENABLES US TO MAKE A' MUCH LARGER DISPLAY, IF YOU ' ARE INTERESTED IN FURNITURE ORANYTHING PERTAINING TO KyIiISHANO A HOME, , WB COR. LOOK-f HROUOH OUR BTOCkT" , ' WIT. TtlVR (t X?Ttr Ly I ., i-rttn j Vn BTAiN8.-Wa,"LErr ovSr raoM tri?0.1 HAGEDORN STOCK, WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT COST . BANICRUPT STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE si aii CA Babjw .. CORNER SECOND AND YAMHILL TKBJSTS. ' ' SJPPSSB&V FPR GENERAL MKR- ?A.5HiSJ?. - VIZ: groUeriks. Si:KilSS'i " v ss. miscellaneous TSIAAAIfP-SJO1 ROCKERf Nhowcases,. scaleb.ahh i Iegis- i,fiila i? ""rWUK HAJh'lCa, ETC. IF v YpU fEED ANYTHING IN THIS ' u will, rAj xuu TO COME J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. --, Merchandise, etc. Phone Main 12, A-4343. . ' ' " 7 'AT 166-168 PARK ST., ' NEAR MORRISON STREET ' i nnfnn id icbL TMti iTURNIBH- HAVE MOVED THESE GOOD8 TO OITR fiAI.KSRnnVd jrni mr.xT . IENCE OF AUCTIN SALE, COMPRIsl a.vj wiiji vvsy cnair covered in gen ulna lpather nurlt.r -.Ir - ui...... . j: . 1 - . . ... . . ' - uv huh), comer taoies, iace curtainM, velvet rugs, brass and iron beds, best springs, cotton felt and other '"mat. ". icuiiier puiuwn, Deaaing. ores- - English dining-room suite, via: - Pedes- tal table,- buffet- and chairs? ailvar ' water r'febar, knlyea and Xorks, vases and bric-a-brac, table linen, books, gas range, with water attachment, granite utensils, etc. .. . -V.. v, Also the following from various con-' Blgnor: Dining ,t tables," sideboard, llMiRM : KrilflAAlltt' tla mam ...... - t- ; f . ... r, B ''t Belli .water .h eater,.. ef r Igercrter; lwit mqw err garuen iiuoo, wararooe, sanitary couches, '' c wins iiiButiiiiv, iinu many outer lots. These gopds will be on view tomoc- row. " , Sale on Tuesday Next at 10 o'clock ;, On Thursday Next BEING THANKSGIVING DAY WE . SHALL BE CLOSED, . ' On Friday Next at 10 A. M. , - . ' "... We shall hold our Regular Weekly Auc tion Sale of Household -Furniture, etc. at 166 Park street. . - -W. C. BAKER AND P. A. CROWELT Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers. I661 100 fara st. t NEW TODAY ' SNAP: BuslnesrTotrWooutock, must it sold at once. Price only $425 cash. G. H. KLEINSORGE CO., ' ' r 418 Board of Trade. ' " ' ". A-i066M. 906. laua a a. MORTGAGE LOANS On city property tt fusonable ratea-crAks-CAKHOW Company, 1017 Board of Ti-artt eulldhig. 1 .-. -' ... '. i'.i. 1 ' -' a"i t