The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 24, 1912, Page 34, Image 34

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ID 12
1 u:i ::;; 1:00513
wi.ivr side ,
Hotel Madras
1IT1I AND WAfcir.
Is making special Inducements on 14 a
week rooms; steam heat, hot ana cola
water and good service. Get In while
the setting's good. 'm " ' ' ,
HOTEL CORDON, corned Yamhill and
West Park, now under pew : Taylor, housekeeping room $3.60 per- f y"" L.
mnt In heart of th city. cnl'y week end u p, Including heat, phone, light $1 $2.26 WEEKLY Furnished hpuse
rnovated and painted- Modern, steam an(. bath. Also sleeping rooms, $2.60 keeping rooms, free phone, heat, laun.
l.hones in each room, $4 per wee up.
, i, ,yt b 11 nor vcrk HO
privet baths. $7 per ween up. ,
Eleventh, between Morrison
hill Recently opened, pery morn
convenience, Conducted abov. reproach
Plenty hot Water and heat. BSa.u.u"'
lobby and parlor; $17.60 ups $22.60.
bath. -r--
WELL rnj.h.d front room
. i. .... MA-rta o r fUtd UD
Vrs.rXrZ: fi ted"u? ttrao-
tively arilvUg rooms. Will make rea
sonable price to aelrabl people.
Ulisan. wrimu
MCia, comfortable front room, suitable
ror i or . u. a.".-..---' i
rhW SusX "phiSS
Main S07.
MfLTpN totel. cor. W.M f
moaern, nqiwiersi.
teady fueata, Phone Main . snaii zu.
Evans. $13, two nice clean furnished H. K.
frURNlSHKD' rooms, aiwaya warm, hot rooms, free laundry, bath and phone.
and cold water? close to P. a: 7io and 5 min. walk from P. 6. 823 7th. Vhone
$t day. Special terms by week or month. A-6$. .
Hotel Armlnlu. 410 Morrison st. TWO front housekeeping rooms private
ir' ' 1 family, conveniences furnished; walk-
FURNISHED ftOOMS , 52 Ing distance, fine neighborhood; parties
i'A , ' RASTSIDH ' employed, 88.76. 190 N. 23d.
s ".. -T,7 , , , - ' - SFkcIAL price If rented today, large
L'1' !. ; 1 1 1 ii housekeeping room, all conveniences.
. . ,' RlVGrVISW nOtei Blackwell, 183 N. lth St.. cor. Johnson.
'' ' '$d nd E. Burnslde." THcl LEBANON Furnished It K.
Th best equipped fireproof hotel In rooms for rent, single and eh suite;
city Centrally located. grlvats 421) Main gt. -
phones, alevatpr, 70 per day. Private IW0 y ti,ce, furnlghed modern H.
bath $1 per day "P;. e5 VmoUsinl K- rooms, heat, light, bath, phone,
rates to permanent uf?"-,fim "sm vciy reasonable; 807 Clay St.
tT".t9 .'T .. " . NiCKLY furnished roomsThoTsekeep.
jU JAL opportunity Private home. , ftnd $ WMk; ,u 6th.,
clean rooms, home V? ,haV corner Main. .
,ld,JiaiSiiUS !iWMMrU HbUSkKEEPINO and furnished rooms.
lt ad wife board 11 desired Osm-hotel, 666 1st at. Bteam heat.
. WtH.VlSi.X&ffi new bldg.: rooms $1 week up. free phone
y1u1,'" i!...nt ,nma for rent in home Jil TAYLOR Convenient sultea and ?tal. housekeeping rooms; reason-
ath and 40th: bath, phone, fumace mo'-
ht. alectrio ligUts. rates per month $4, ONE single housekeeping room, heat,
Iftf i.cfr.0hii gn"' V ltaht gas1, phone and bath free. 843
VVarpb rooms suitable ior club of I Jefferson.
iT. mek Private home, neat good car. iiOUSEKEEPlNii rooms, ilngle or
iJm 1oh In. rent reasonable. 8(2 Bac- suite; rent reasonable to people em-
y,ff!!?..lh't . Union and Williams avs. ployed. 61)6 Qllsan. near .1st Bt.
J hMplJiTELY furnished molern bun- TWO partly furnlehed or unfurnished
with garage. E. 62nd near housekeeping vooms, bath, connecting.
HaVthTniZ $36. Pbona East 2239; no 613 Rodney ave.. cor. Russell.
iounr children. ' LARGE front housekeeping rooms, all
4 a iiONfH. nloaly furnished front conveniences, suitable for three. 810
rotm with heat, bath, phone, suitable Clay. - r - r -
for 1 or 1 genuemeiu' til East Pine. JTtoOM7TsTfloor7 3 or 4 II. K. rooms.
1 nur Grand ave. ... 826, planoj electricity, gas, fine loca-
KlCB ' furnished rooms with hoard; tlon. A-6620.
strictly modern conveniences: in pn- xW0 furnished housekeeping rooms;
vate family; hom ooeking. v gas, electric lights. Also single room
st N. - ' ' ' r for baching. 666 6th st
NICELY burnished front rs, abome 2 LARGE front housekeeping rooms,
accommodations, "h private rami y. ,ft u h batn Md ph0IM)
$2.26 per woek, close in, walking oia- t3a WPe 2n Montgomery. cor. 4th.
tance. 6 B. 8th st N. , . XWO large front housekeeping rooma.
NICE iurnlshed or rom.""";a,virth 8as range, free llgnt. bath, phone,
heat, lights, water, phone ana Dam. )3'6Q wk in MontKOn,ery Comer 4th
864 Bacramento st , . NICE light housekeeping suites, phone.
NICELY furnished 'ront roo m, n eat, abUnlanc, not watar J3 up!
light and bath, reasonable. 481 Wjnter rat,, by month. 808 Mill st
Couoh. - " r , HOUSEKEEPING rooms, thoroughly
NICELY furnished rooms, close w1"- clean; running water In rooms. 241
ing distance, . modern conveniences, n. 16th st
887 R Ankeny. - FURNISHED light H. K. rooms, single
THB! Larrabee. 237 U "Jt hot or rooms; close In. 431 7th st
83wkup. Brick bidg., steam heat hot. Mar. 4635.
5Jd-?ri bath: ,ph!L?I IZm tZtK. ONE sleeping room nicely furnished.
NICELY furnished front fooii Ss. oain, j, b4tn phone free, Marshall 1616.
best, hot and cold water.- 6 lZta st, 410 Jefferson st
on M&ntavllla, carllna. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms,
i'URNlfJHED housekeeping f"0"'."" very reasonable. Sunday or evening.
largeoutaida rooms. $2 up. isi 129 6th st., opp. Hotel Congress.
heat, $10 per month.
son Btreet.
AIA)ER-GRAND-r-Nice steam heated, ,
larito-front room; other rooms. $1.60
Grand ave.
TUB MONTGOMERY, cor. 8th and East
Morrison: Nicely furnished rooms
Morrison, hVth. i.ii
spectame; rwww- U. :
i'RONT room with alcove, furnace, , bath
and Phone. Close in. 22 E. 10th st.
(HiREE" unfurnished rooms for rent.
V..thlkln: distance. E- 7th st 8.
GIBSON Hotel, ell oUtBiae rooms, $l.5
. . . . ir v Union ave. N.
' " . i il-ht'
NICE furnished roomB. close in, lights.
" iSth ano heat 461 E. Couch st,
VR6NT room reasonable moaern con-
" veniences, priTntn i,om.j.
TWO 1 room suites $ and $-60 per
i month. 192tt Market st
I LARGE rooms, 430 Stephan Bt, $10
per month, Including water-
r ii -i.irixntlv furnished, steam heat.
liEST room and board In the city; steam
' heat. 8 anu uji, suuu u -"
girls, piano. 664 E. Madison, corner
33th St
. KENlLWUKXtl young umu uw
- and room in private family near ,8.
r car shops. Kenllworth addition pre-
. J ri I g'-r. - .
THE DUvlNM. JNew moaern now,
steam heat. $3 to $3.60; board op
tlonal. 88 Grand ave. Phone E. 206L
FRONT room, with board for 2 young
'' "men; homo cooking; close in. Mar.
ROOM and board, 3 meals a day. Sunday
'included, $25 month; bath. gas. phone.
S22 14th st. Main 608.
NiCE front room and board. $6 week, 2
In room. $5 each. Free phone, bath,
heat 660 Rodney ave
JiOOM and board for four gentlemen,
$26 Per month; 4'blocks' from postof
flce. Casa Rosa, 300 Jefferson, for. 6th.
1'OUR young meii to'room nnd board;
home cooking ; home comfOr.tsA.
tfcveTWir'lPnoric MafsniBl 3a o 2.
.. M:B1 mom and board for 2 eentlemen '.
in a private ramiiy; reiisonauic. bss
B. 9th; phone Sell. 732.
HONEST woman with nice little home
wants child to board; will give moth
er's care.' 11-83, Journal.
a home' cooked meal appeal ta
vou7 .Outside rooms, board and bath.
$5 wk., up. Meal tickets. $4.50.
BOARD and room, in modern bungalow,
close ln $4.60 week. Phone Sehwood
870. ;.
WlL't board children, make their clothes,
mother's care, : 8 N. nth st.
lJVDY with nice home will board child,"
any age, reasonable. Tabor 1761.
; ' - a H6mr.
Home cooking and privileges, M. 70S5.
BOARD and room. 2 in room, $5 each;
1 In room $6. 236 E. 6th st. E.8109
- JlRST class, room and board $5 a week;
Phone Eat 4204.
I'LEASANT room and good board for
3 young men.
691 Davis.
board and room In private
family, west side, 469 Clay st.
. WXNTED Care of two schoolchildren; i
good-horn and care. U-136, Journal.
itit'NU lady desires pleasant heated
room, with bFetikfast imd supper,' in
inndern home, refined family, $16, west
o'rfe. Nob Htll preferred. L-li6, Jour-
. ANTk-.l Private board; man and bi.ii
l; slate location and piK-e. J. R.
: . Jvui oaL v
jtouse.i:ki'ING rooms
west side
THE UPSHUR 26th and Vptihur ate., i NICELY, f urnlshed 2 and 8 room apart
furnished room apte., $15, $18 ami , ments, baths and many conveniences
tip; Includes steam peat, hot and cold far from $12 to 120 per month .uu
water In every apt.: private phone, pub- cannot beat this anywhere In the city
lie bath, electric lights, gee ranges. laun. for considerably niore moijey. Take
dry room, all free; also $ room unfur- ; U car and get off at Russelll and go to
nished apt. with private bath, $18; 4$00 Flint street. " '
rooms, $2u. Take 8, 23d or W cars north. Sh3Ekr"N 3 room apartment, furnished
rnon Main sds, .. i
xhkj WALLOWA." 198 W. Pttrfc.,. cor.
ri.z -".e- , nn.
.live iluuKeRCByiu. a..
n0UBek)!ep,ng room.- private ,
house, on two carllnua; modern, heat, i
light phTne and bath? in N. til Main 1
77 . i
CAMuftlbAkS'bld.r.'1 iaree. light ' ..oue.'.
. . : --- . - -; - , i.
fiii-nl.liBd and unfur
nished, central, cheap rent, room 36, 8d
ana Morrison sis.
THREE large housekeeping rooma, Jaeat,
son street. - : .
BASEMENT housekeeping rooms, warm,
dry, auluble for plain worktngmen or
mall family; $6-$iT month. $S Couoh
JLD kuU want to rent 3 and $ room fur
.rrr, :r':. :;v. ; t;;.),. with
Pf S? Jk V ,u"Calt .t
6Ufi Yeon bldtf.
THHEld rooms furnished complete, bath,
Dutch kitchen. See this, they are fine.
jfnone anar
heat, $3 up. 208 Third at. .
n , 1$ per montlli n9 j5tnt
FURNISHED H. K. rooms, modern. $1.60
up. a car 10 vi enerman. Marshall
11 3
$7 PER MONTH, nice outside room for
housekeeping; gas and phone. SSf 3d
BURNISHED housekeeping rooms for
rent. 114 North 16th st. cor. Gllsan.
THE MITCHELL 7th c Flanders. H. JL
sleeping rooms, very mooerate.
TWO and 3 strictly modernOkVroughly
clean, cheap. 680 2d., in, two line h
water. 633 Yamhill
Wr .v,.., J
CLOSE in, two fine H. K. suites, sink.
TWO and three connecting H. K. rooms,
neat, ti iamniu, It I otn St.
274 JEFFERSON Suite of clean, light
iiuuBcupetiiiii; ruo.iigj very reasonable.
2, 3 and 6 room furnlBhed flats. 402
3d st.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooma
$25. 308 Columbia st. Marshall 2196.
TWO housekeeping rooms. Phone, bath.
gas. 308 13th at.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms and furnished
rooms; call at 832 1st st.
LARGE pleasant front room for house-
Keeping. Hi jn. at.
TWO nicely
rooms. $10.
515 Clay.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms.
n'io rni, xi. main
XiARGE, neatly furnished housekeep
lrig rooms. 467 Wood, near Corbett.
831 7th.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms at 70 NY j 4 th".
WANTED Some one to rent 4 neatly
famished, rooms, private bath, light,
heat, water, also a new piano; walking
distance, near S S car. 546 E. Alder.
fnone jb. io40.
NICELY furnished 2 and 3 room apart
ments, $12 to $20 month. You can't
beat them anywhere, baths, phone, etc.
600 Flint street Take U car, get off
at Russell st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, brick
building, $2 week up; walking dis
tance. No. 11 H Union ave.. northwest
corner E. Ash. "
$ 1 . 50 to $175 week, clean furnished
.. hoiuiekiavecwsi'-fnw 1itT,"7aun
dry, baths, phone, gas, suitable for 2 or
4. 408 Vancouver or 203 Stanton. U car.
-omuieieiy turnisneu, clean,
rooms, bath, sink, laundry, phone, fur
nace heat; no objection to child. 825 E.
3 ROOMS, newly cleaned, lower floor.
free lights, water, gas plate and "wood
stove. 607 Mississippi ave. L car.
$16 3 OR 4 furnished Iiousekeeplng
ga&, range, water, tubs, woodlift. 245
Kast 37th, near Main. Tabor 1798.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, in
wuikine distance, $3 per week, 692 H
W. Morrison. East 6901.
LA RUE well, furnished and unfurnished
housekeeping rooms, close In, reduced
rates. 231. E. 6th St., south.
FURNISHED housekeeping, apartments,
residence district, $1. Blandena, cor.
Alblna ave.. No. 985. L car.
Housekeeping rooms, nicely furl
nished, at St. Mark's hotel, cor. Grand
ave. and, Burnslde.
NICE 3 room anartment In nrivute fm
"y..l H"iry,, ano cioset, everytning
ftirn ahed. li!nt!Ri7 mi ci ink. .
, i . .. . . . . . . r . . i
nl,n .w.,i
fif II w'
Hawthorne, at
FUltNISHED housekeepi
rooms, reasonable. 625
n.. itn.
SPLENDID modern H. K." room. 693
Commercial st. Frea hent hth cr. u
NEWEt furnished front suite, modern,
walking distance, near new bridge. 44$
M IgDmiiu,
EOWER floor, rooms furnished; light,
water, phone, no children. Woodlawn
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms., 640
East Stark, corner 12th,
IIOUSi:Ki:i1IXfl ROOMS. 48
ror ugiii housekeeping; iree iigni u
!.5?HV-Bi!..'.J?.5nM T1'5
nry, unui, gas. t oov wwiiiuiwvmi ' ."y
Take U car.
- , '
$133 fu
rnlHhad houankaeDina- rooms;
$16, 4 unfurnished rooms, lower floor,
69 E. J2d at., near Stark. Apply 187
K. 16th St., near Morrison. - -'
LARGE rooms" furnished completely;
v.rt if r
furnace heated. U. K. allowed; rea
sonable; 1 squares from Morrison car,
406 PARK at, modern 6 room flat $30.
K 23d near Nlcholal. 6 room cottage.
$12.60. x.. ,
6B8 Overton, modern 3 room house,
4 Stanton, near Union ave., S room
cottage, $16.
233 Stanton, near Union ave., 7 room
house, good barn, large yard, berries,
etc., $25. -
llVt Union ave., near E. Everett, 6
room flat $15. -
. 463 Larrabee St., room house, $20.
464 H Larrabee st upper flat, 6 rooms
and bath. $17.60. .
454 Larrabee st, lower flat, 6 rooms,
Jnoutre Louis Salomon . ft Co., 228
Stark at., near 2d. . -THE
Is for the convenience of both Port
land people and strangers In the city
who may be looking for homes, apart
ments and flats. We have an excellent
private list as well as the combined
lists of all real estate dealers. We can
also give advice as to the new buildings
in course of. construction. ,
House hunters, especially, wui 111
rolluf in thla ancolal aarvlu. - f Or
help you to get quickly, comfortably and
desirably located., 'When you want to
rent, visit .
BUREAU. 4th Floor, Main Bldg.
1 T
Gives you first choice of the
most desirable "For Rents" in
Ask for List
263 Washington St
Main 6868. A-6267.
For Rent
6 room house, 463 E. Couch ......$16.53
6 room house, 1321 Corbett st 18.00
b room house, 488 Montgomery .
6 room house, 646 Front
6 room house, 827 E. Kelly
I he Lawrence Co. - .
171 Fourth st.
Between Morrison and Yamhill.
Main 6915 A-2815
. Houses for Rent
kT maih. HO. ft a.A-.. 4 J . BT
W IWUllia, ft IUUU1D, 0 IvUIUt
furnished, $20; 5 rooma. new, $18; upper
nai, 9iu; lower riat, fiz.&u.
Chittenden & Neill,
Both phones. 810 Oak Bt.
7 ROOM modern house, 236 W. Sumner
st, 3 blocks south from St. Johns and
Portsmouth cars; cement walks from
car line to house. This is a snap at $18
per month. Let us show you.
Main 35. 102 Fourth St. A-3500.
CUT cost of living, 4 room house, 125x
100, large chicken house, barn, good
for garden, oow, chickens, $12 month;
see it 1489 East Ash. Montavilla car
to 65th, 6 blocks south. McCoy, owner.
864 North 26th, 7 to 9 evenings.
NEARLY five acres, large house, barn.
iota tree rruits ana oerries; good for
garden, chickens, cows, cheap rent; for
directions sea McCoy, owner, 364 North
26th, evening, 7 to 9. S car north on
Tihrd to 26th, block south.
A MODERN 6 room cottage, partly fur-
- nisnea or unxurnisnea, cneup to per
manent tenants; W. W. or V. R. car;
834 Clinton, corner 27th; phone Main
6384, apt B. . r
ARE you tired paying high rent for
flats and apartments? Have Vs acre
where you can raise your own vegeta
bles and modern 2 room bungalow that
will appeal to you. Main 1103.
$20 6 room bungalow, good condition.
1015 E. 12th N., 1 block south of Al
berta st. Ward &, Younger, suite 426
Yeon bldg.
FOR RENT Union ave., 167 north, on
car line and paved street, 4-roon.
house, $8 per month. Inquire, 1463
Union ave., north.
MODERN 6-room upper flat, walking
distance, west aide, unexcelled view.
sleeping porch, $16. Phone Marshall
2408. 441 13th, cor. college.
FOR RENT Excellent 10-room house,
suitable for one or two families; walk
ing distance. Rent very reasonable.
szo Btn st.
87.60 1 acre and 4 room house. Wood.
J. Day, 422 Board of Trade. Phone Sell-
wooa 1908.
SEVEN room house on corner Com
merclal and Blandena. all modern im
provements, 3 blocks south of Jeffer
son high school, fis per month.
NEW modern house, 4 rooms, will rent
very cheap to parties that will care
ror same; winter wooa in, can morn.
lngs, Tabor 4332. ,
6-ROOM HOUSE, modem, big yard. or.
ner, within 2 blocks of carllne. Snap
at Mam punaay is. zauo.
FOR RENT 7 room house; bath, big
yard." 792 E. 7th st. W. Phone Wood
lawn 27.
NEW modern 6 room bungalow $20. Call
2 to 6 this p. m. 738 overlook boule
yard, or phone Sellweod 1108. '
SEVEN rooms, 7i Keiiy st, - near
Good American neighborhood. Sell-
wood 1640. -
LIST your houses for rent, with Wag
ner & JHunt, They're young and alive.
435 Chamber or commerce. ..
MODERN 6 room house. North Irving-
ton. $20. Call 441 Failing st Phone
woodlawn 5 1 8.
6 ROOM, $10, or furnished, $14. 419
Webster st Call between 6 and 8
p. nv
SEVEN room house near Portsmouth
cheap. AiaTden ana rruit. call 18 Re
WKt."'"" -
FOR RENT 6 room modern house, fire
place, furnace, on Hawthorne car. 352
E. 54th st. Tapor 813.
BUNGALOW 6 rooms, modern, 80th
st. uood district, canines. Whit
Main 9281. '
$14 6 room house, modern, except
. lights; large lot, fruit trees. 1378
E. Gllsan, on M.-v. carllne. Tabor 2674
NEW Laurelhurst bungalow. 8 rooms.
, all conveniences, $35 month; lease for
year; pnene h-idzu
n.RfiOM bunaalow. new. modern, fur.
naee. fireplace. $25 per month. Main
1940. Sunday East Z305.
6 ROOM house, 1268 Hawthorne ave.
toilet and bath, $16 per month. Phone
Tanor 7 m.
$17.60, 5-room cottage, 122 E. 80th,
, blk. from car. Phone East 1820.
EIGHT room modern house, 770 2d
St.: rent per munui; my wovar st.
5 ROOM cottage, modern, $19; 601 Ev
nth M. rnone peuwooq goz.
THREE . houses close In, $10-$12-$15.
i S.atind 03 Worcester hid
- I Kastiuna, tea . Worcester piog.
U'QR RENT 6 room cottage, close In"
7th. between Oak and Pine.
? nom hl!rua ith an(, -jjg
coin sts., $30,
SIX rdotrj house, plose in-Si-HU
$26 7-roon house, gas, bath, good con
. dltion; 630 Flanders, .near 16th.
$18. modern 6 room house, apply 54 E.
join n.
5-4-8 ROOM houses to rent, west aide,
low rent M. B. Lee,. Jll. Corbett ble
5". ROOMS, partly furnished, cast elde.
no cnuurcn. nv juumoerreons LWif.
Houses and Flats for Rent
room hou
ISO, Willamette Heights, i
. '
ern house. Walnut Park, I
1 . . ..
7 room mod
7 room noli.rn hnuaa..' Walnut" Park.'
room modern house, 696 Front st,
corner Meade st, $25.
6 room cottage, 6U2 E. Morrison st,
$M. .
7 room urper flat. Sandy Road, be
tWOCiir27th and 2SHi sts., $28.60. -7
'j1" modern house, 236 Sumner
4 room modern house, ' 837 PIvIston
St. $22.60. v .
9 room house, 718 Brooklyn st, $15.
The Shaw-Fear Company, v?
Mam 8, 102 4th st. A-3500.
$25$ rooms, 634 Raleigh st, corner
l'$25-i$ rooms, 438 E. 6th st; hear TM1-
laniook. - x
$869 rooms', 758 Z. Burntldo it, near
E. 22d. -:.v"" ' :-.. j'-$20-8
rooms, 997 Commercial st,' edr
Jefferson High School. -- ., .
$250 rooms, 66 Front et corner of
Meadet modern flats. ;
$20-122.604 and 6 rooms at corners,
28th and Stark sts.! gas range, lino
leum in bathroom and kitchen, light fix
tures and shades. , . i
$256 room lower flat at 884 E. 1st st
N., near Schuyler; hew stove and gaa
heater, fireplace shades and fixtures.
404 Wilcox Bldg- ;
Phone Main 8699, A-265S. .
T6 strlotTy .modern 6 room fiats,! jusi
finished, west side? furnaces, gas and
electricity. 149 Hamilton ave. A-1248.
HOUSES' for renf, furniture for sule.238
11th st.
FOR RENT New 6 room modern bun-
galow. Call Woodlawn 678. V
ilODERN 6 room house.. E. 13 th and Di
vision sts.; on a canines, em
modern 7 " room house for rent
cheap. Inquire 672 Haroia st.
il6 5 room bungalow, bath, lights,
shades, lawn. Woodstock. Sell. 1335.
FOR RENT Modern 6 room house, part
a " t k. - .11. '
ly lurnianeq ivo jtiuBir . -
$154 lower rooms of house, bath, base
ment. 890 Ellsa st, Union ave. car.
MODERN furnished home In Laurel
hurst for rent or sale; garage and all
modern improvements; will rent for the
winter, or sell on reasonable- ierma to
the right party. Phone Tabor 3409, or
call at 1212 E. Qllsan at.
FOUR room furnished cottage at $10
pr month, Treroont. Mt Scott Una.
Cheaper than owning your own home,
605 Yeon bid. ,
FIVE rooms furnished, modem cottage
on 89th and 60th ave. S. E.. $18. Call
Tabor 1042, after 4 p. m or Main 6187
any time. " .
UviNQ east; will rent part of my house,
4 rooms, for the winter for $16; striot
ly clean, entirely furnished. 749 John
son, near 33d. " ' '
8 ROOM, house. 1 block car, large yard.
fruit chicken houses,, garden, well
furnished; rent $25 month. Call 88 10th
or phone Marshall 1298; A-8799.
FURNISHED 4 room cottage with bath.
piano and garage; reference; call 398
Roselawn ave.; take Woodlawn car;
pnone 830".
$20 6 room furnished cottage, 1 block
to mi. uaoor car. las ta. totn su
SIX room furnlBhed house. University
Park; nice home, only $18 month to
right parties. 605 Yeon bldg.
$30 Partly furnished, 6 rooms, -at
49. S. 10th st north. t
FURNISHED 7 room. house, 3 bedrooms.
gas and wood range, new piano, phone.
$32.60. 958 E. Gllsan. Phone East 6163.
4 ROOMS Nicely furnished cottage, 1
block from 2 carilnes. 1203 Borthwick
ROOM bungalow, $26; one block from
Rose City Park car. Tabor 8686.
CLEAN, nicely furnished modern 6 room
house. 888 E. Washington, 835.
4 ROOM house for rent cheap, fur
nished or unfurnished. 756 E. 9th. N.
$12.50 Furnished house, St Johns, nice
lot. ail-six Lewis mag.
fX)R RENT Furnished new modern 5
room bungalow. Call Woodlawn 87.
A NEW 5 room furnished cottage $18.
Cajl 444 E. 14th St. Tel. He! I wood 1877.
HAVE 2 places, must sell one, 9 and 11
rooms, Z'ano 8 room suites, almost
new furniture, fine income, terms if de
sired. Investigate, make offer. Phone
East 6190.
FOR SALE Furniture of 6 room resi
dence, cheap: party trains- south:
house for rent; no dealers; 129 E. 20th
near Morrison,
SPECIAL bargains in exchange dept.,
uset furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges.
etc. Call and be convinced. M. Ontrow
& Co 64 N. 3d st.
FURNITURE of 8 rooms for' sale for
cash; house for rent; $30 per month.
442 3d st.
GOOD furniture of nice 6 room flat, 2
rooms win pay rent; going east;
very reasonable. 424 4th st, near Hall.
FURNITURE of a 6-foom modern
house. 389 Knott st.
BEAUTIFUL solid mahogany genuine
Windsor folding bed, with full length
French mirror. A costly, artistic piece
in perfect condition at a bargain price.
T-81. Journal.
FOR SaLE 1 library table and gas
lamp, bookcase, carpets, linoleum,
books, odd chairs, dishes curtains, dra
peries, jellies, etc., eta Phone Sunday,
Monday and .Tuesday. Main 8898.
FOR SALE One dining room, table and
four '-atner seated chairs; made b
Peters Mfg. Co., used 8 months. 430
6th ave. . a. senwooa 18Z9.
FOR SALE Cheap, 6 ft. dining table,
Kitcnen treasure, sugniiy useo, sewing
machine; 792 E. 7th st N. Phon. Wood
lawn 27.
12 ROOM house, furnished completely,
ior saie. an in i room nouseiceeping
suits. If sold by the 26th price $600.
194 N. 17th. Main 8135.
COMPeTJLed to go east, must sell fur-
niture ror 3 rooms; rents ror jil per
month. 163 N. 14th st.
FLAT for rent, furniture of 2 bedrooms
for sale, both rented; kitchen furni-
niture, some wood, coal. 8 24 7th
$300 Furniture of 7 room house, rent
$26; Call after 3 n. m. 307 Jeffer-
son, near 6th.
G4fcAJjiy.eA fc- 4W hi reow tM e, -$ 1 6 ;
vxie rug, t-nona A-iiuou.-
STOVES. 'Iron beds,, dressers; bargain
prices. Ill Grand ave. near E. Alder.
FURNITURE of 4 rooms, will sell by
piece. its iitn. near Lincoln.
FURNITURE of 7 room house for sale
cheap; leaving city; 147 Grand ave. N.
Peninsula Apartments
113516 Alblna ave., 2 and 8 rooms,
furnished or unfurnished; gas. electric,
hot and cold water, phone, bath, $14 to
$25; plenty of steam heat.
All Outside 2 and S-room apartments;
steam heat, strictly modern, walking
distance. 606 Jefferson, Muln 6485. .
RUSSELL Apartments, newly fur
nished, 2 and 8 room apartments,
steam heat, very reasonable. 390 Rus
sell. East 2748.
FOUR light convenient rooms, furnished
for housekeeping, 4iath, gas, etc. 80$
NEW brick building, modern, unfur
. nished apartments, cheap rent. ' 46th
and Hawthorne ave.
for houseke.
nd 3 room. aoarU -
rnent."E. 84T. boo Vancouver ave.
THE DEL MONTE, attractive. furnisne3!
8 room apts.; reasonable, walKlng dU-
tanoe. lev atout st., near futn & wastt
14th & Salmon; steam beat, phone; mod
ern, furnished 8 aVid 4 room apartments.
AliliivMAKlr 2i alid 3 room
2 ahd 3
ments, private bath, phone, steam
beat a.i -Williams -ave.- tast 4193
THE -UPSHUR 26th and Upshur sts..
furillHhi'd 2 room OPIS., tla. 15 ami
up; Includes simm bent, hot and cold
water in every apt.; private phones, pub-
llo bath, flvctrio lights, gas ranges, hum-
dry room, all free; also $ room unfur
' . j. a. i l. till A
iilMhed ant. With private ath, $18; .4
rooms. 121) Take S. 23d or W oars north.
Phone Main 86D.
' ' THlfVlLLA 8T. CLARA. :
tilth snil Tavlor.
-a n'.iiin "
Most -nagnlficently frunlshed apart
ments .ln the city: location perfect, rent.
als reasonable; every modern conven-
als reasonable; every mouera conven- - j.Tfi ; fawtern "Olsteln springer heifers; uii
lence, banquet hall and roof garden. $01' URN1S1IED I room flat; as. .ot'tubsrouHn tested, now at the Portland
high class scrvloe: references rsqulrsjt ' and .-t walking -jnl0B Btockyards. Geo. It. Mokel. Cow
Roth phones In all apartments. . Main distance, Main 929. 671 6th st. m, 1 -;o. .
2276.. - - . .liu. room f.irnlahe.1 flat, gas plate, iWUt t.V Li " IS.,i..i. "! 1
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Swl8?.ch-iet, i
' new apartments ready in iv uays, a
rooms, heated, bath, pantry, laundry,
fireplace, superb view, panoramic car
rtile in rltln home. Dure air, Greeii"
way and Talbot Boud; references. Phon
Main viv6,
Kfiftler ADartments ' -
14th and Clay Sts., 8 and 4 rooms un
furnished suites, v private v.vestlbules.
tihonu. anil hMtha; choice location. OSW
building, electric elevator, etc.
ANKEN Y COURT New , management;
8 and 8-room apts.; new building, new
furniture, hot water' heat; main line
phones In every apartment; $21 to $2;
everything first class,. E. Ankenv, or
Montavllle ' car. B-3B34. East 3800.
M Lucretia .Court
On Lucretla St., near Wash, and 3 J.
most exclusive 3 to a room unfurnished
apts. in city; references.' a-8687.
. Burch Apartments '
New. modern furntahed 3 rooni apts
dressing room, fins location. Marshall
4141.-110 21st st. N. MW" car, -
Gray Gables;
A n . m a tall 11 ft . lfM
heat, electrlo 'light, walking distant.
289 JOth. A-2629.. '
808 Stanton: : 8 rooms
heat, phone, bath; also
8 furnished
housekeeolnaT rooms. ltgl
light, beat K-.
phone, $12; phone E. 1066, ' -THE
CARROLLTON Iiousekeeplng
apartments, under new management;
newly papered and tinted; light and lin
ens tree. $2.60 to $4 per week; $73 Vs lt
I'tii nor jMoiusyiugi ji
Tavlor Aoartments ;
Newly furnished t room mites $3.54
a week and up. Free phone and bath.
206 H 1st, corner Taylor,
Overton ADartments :
list and Overton; beautiful, new, mod.
ern 2, 3 and 4 room apta; $23,611 and up.
Phone Marshall 880. t
841-14th St.. at Market .
New 3 and S-room apts,. completely
furnished; reasonable. Main 1739. -
" Cincinnati Court :
Modern furnished 2-room apts.; walk.
Ing distance. 401 10th St.
THB DB LAIR. ' 618 H Williams ave.
modern furnished S-roora apts. pri
vate phones and baths, $25 up. East
Modern 3 and 4 room apartments,
newly furnished, high class service,
$32.50 and up. 883 llth st
I'M E ELMS, 181, 14th st Modern 8
and 3 room furnished apartments; ex
cellent location walking distance; rates
reasonable. - ;
THE M1LNER Under new manage
ment steam heat, recently renovated,
heart of bustnes district 3 and 8 room
apts. and offices. 3504 Morrison.
CLINTON apartments, E. loth, Clinton;
new building, finest up to date apta,
best service, $15 up; 6 min. car service.
W-R or W-W line. Sellwood 1571.
Jeffersonian ADartments
Two and 8-room apartments; modern;
$16 and up; 614 Jefferson st.
108 16th st, near Taylor.
Handsomely furnished or unfurnished
5 room apartments, pleasant surround
ings, conveniently locaieq to para,
Rose-Friend Aoartments.
7th A Jeffer. Modern, unfurnished apts.,
1st class service, phone in each apt, ref.
Lincoln Apartments
4th and Lincoln; all outside I room
apts.. $22.60 to $30. Main 1377, A-3472.
Hawthorneave. and 6tlu Furnished
apartments, IT and 8 rooms, best ser
vice. Drickston Apartments
448 llth, near College, 3 and 3 room
suites, strictly first class. Marshall 67.
FINE, new upper flat; B rooms and
sleeping porcn; also large attic, narq-seen at 7Z ja. Baimon at. . .
W.0o1 J1?0'!' f.eplKIVKbUwiiev!?- D??'iFOR'SALE A blooded mare with foal
nace; nicely tinted throughout; best
" """r- -
part ol Hvingion, near car. naisey st..
near I9th st.; phone J-ast za.
WEST SIDE, Nob Hill district 6-room
flat; carpets and curtains for sal. if
desired. Wouldn't you like to get out
Ml limb Olliai. b...u.a . .
Sunday or Monday and Tuesday only,
Main 8898.
NEW modern 8 room flat, walking dls
tance, very private; oath, elegant
wardrobe, china closet, large plate win
dows, linoleum, gas range, furnace, hot
water, laundry, etc.; very choice loca
tion. 44Y -joucn, onr, tn.
INVESTIGATE this: Modern and clean
4 room lower flat, porches and yard.
478 Falling. $11. Modern 6 room house,
newly tinted, $16. Take Union ave.
cars. Call Woodlawn 1943. Tabor 2896.
STRICCTLY new niodern corner flat,
with beds, gas range, heater, furnace,
dresseis, can sublet rooms and make
rent. W1 East Washington St., corner
28th. East 1775. -STEAM
heated modern 6 room and bath
lower flat, not xurnisnea; no imau
children. 307 llth st, near Columbia,
A V. Poulann.
9-ROOM up to date modern flat 88 (iH
Mill SU 100 leet irora new juiincuin
Tlltrh school.- Inauire 387 Mill st Or 382
Washington, phono Main 6472.
MODERN 6 room flat. 2 blocks north old
steel bridge, fronting river; oeauuiu.
location. 317.50.
6 ROOM flats, furriished and unfurn-
lshed. IUl-3U3lA m. litn. near jasw-
thorne. East 4133.
MODERN 6 room flat $20; 621 Love
joy st, cor. 16th; key upstairs; A-
WEST 6IE)E Modern flats, comfortahle,
Clean llgov, iurni;7, ni.iii.hij ."
UES1RABLK 6-room flat furnace, fire
place, walking distance, 2d and Clack
amas. C-1001. - ' "
NICE' modern 6-room flat tor rent; gas,
electricity; furnace; noA children or
doas. 4824 E. Ankeny. '
NEW up to date 6 room flat opposite
New Multnomah club.
Inquire 680
Salmon st.
MODERN. 4 rooms, over corner store,
$12.60. en wuuams ave. woocuawn
1507. '
UNION' ave. flat $10. J, Pi Jaeger,
owner, 266 Morrl son st.
FIVE room flafrfurnaca, free phon
E. 24th, bet Ankeny and Burnsld.
rOR RENT 6 rooni flat; B3. 27th and
BEAUTIFUL 8 and 4 room flats, low
rent, 658 Market St., near Chapman.
WEST PARK, 489 Larg.v.3 room flat
$12.60 a month. ; .
t'Oft RENt 1 room flat, 82i ' Crr-
bett st. Key at 814. Corbett st
8 AND 4 room unfurnished flats, cheap.
B4o ganay roaa. t-none Jtusst 4ZU4.
8 ROOM flat, reasonable; water, garb
age cared for. 306 Vancouver ave.
TWO modern flats for rent. . 425H and
427V4 6th st.
f iiODKitN i room flat heapv- Woodlawti
1958. 706 Vancouver ave.
ilODERaSI 4-room upper flat, private
furnace. , Main 6416. 434 College.
MODERN "horn, flat, 'all conveniences.
'- 641 6th st ' , '
; FURyiSIIEP FLATS ;. i 80
MODERN 3 room flat, with atov. and
linoleum, $18. -650 Mill st - - ...
NICELY furnlHhed 2 and 8 room spart-
mnnin, imnis aim ninny ihjii vi'iiicmru,
for from $12 1 to $20 pr inontli. You
rantiut ' beat thli anywhere In the city
for considerably more money. Tuke
"U" cur and get off at Ruuaell and go
t lAii Iflliil k)
to 600 Flint st
iTa ij.u ut.TTooni" lcir fiirnlaliH.! fliT.
close In, reasonable. Call or phone
Ksst 291. Room 803. . i
VTSW";...1Ui-' nirn .i.,r int-
sleeping porch M4 block from car. Main!
.4079, 69 Market. Hpaei, n KarHifd.
qimwnre, mum p.g. pi phi at,
il4, 4 room furnished flat, gas plate,
steel ran ire: 620 7th St.: Main 4529.
COMPLETELY fiimlsh9d room fiat
830. 1 fto3 Ml" st. -
HOTELS 'i'-.i.'-f.-v a 64
HOTEL PORTLAND- European ,' plan
only ii. d ai a u
ly $1.60 at d up.
BELVEDERE, Euroooan. 4th and Aider.
FOR RENT Desirable stors room, $89
East, Burnslde, between Union and
Grand ave.: suitable for shoe, jewelry,
bakery and delicatessen. Inquire Mo
Carger, Bates A Lively, Yeon Bldg,
STORE, with' living rooms and barn,
suitabl for grocery. Cheap .rent
Lots families near.. For location write
McCoy, 894 North 26th, la evening,
7 to ,-- "" - -v i "- - ;
FOR rent or lease, store building and
S living MAmi anil iinnee flal. mod
ern, at Greaham; inquire Mrs. C. Har
man, Qresham, Or,, or Miss IS, O, Tom
llnson, 274 2d st. Portland. ;
FOR RENT Large modern store with
BMi basement; electrlo and gas llghti
plat glass front; .good location; car
stop; suitaDie for grocery, nry goons or
general store: cheap rent. Tabor 682.
FOR LEASE--8d and Flanders, second
' floor, 78x95, suitable for printer or
light manufacturing; rent reasonable.
Phone Sellwood 603.
- Warehouse 100x100,
For rent, on .railroad, adjoining Gold
en Rod Mill Co., Alblna, Columbia 216,
NEW brick building. Small store
room, very choue location. Rent $15.
46th and Hawthorne ave.
FOR RENT Store, 681 Washington st
Apply on premises; rent reasonable.
FURNISHED office, $15 per month. 430
Worcester bldg. Main 1940.
Large one for Monday, Wednesday or
Saturday nights; small one for Monday
or Saturday nights. Special rates for
afternoon meetings. Central location,
reasonable. Call 203 Commercial blk.
GOOD floor, light and ventilation for
. icags meeting or aancing
08vji 8d st
OARAGE for rent, corner 10th and Han
cock, phone East 4607.
EXPERIENCED bachelor wishes to
lease a 1 well Improved ranch; no
sgents. YX-125, Journal.
WANTED To rent a dairy ranch fully
quipped f References and security.
M-189, Journal.
WANTED Small furnished office on
west side; will consider from $70 to
876 per month. Z-76, Journal.
aoHSfcS. YEmCLEsi. EI'J. IS
Wagon and harness, new and second
hand. Come and inspect them.
1 pair mules, weight 2400.
1 pair mares, Weight 2400.
1 pair geldings, weight 2600.
1 pair geldings, weight 2400.
All of these guaranteed. Take Mt
Scott car to Lents. Inquire at Gran go
FOR SALE Chestnut gelding, rid and
drive, very gentle, about 1200 pounds,
cheap for cash. Bay mar. 900 pounds,
gentle to rldo and foaled to imported
hackney stallion.
16th and Jefferson Bts.
IF YOU hav. a horse to sell bring him
to Kramer's Riding School. It costs
no more to keep them, here than else.
where, and with better nrosoects of aeli-
Ung.-- -" " '"
Tho Horse Show Stables.
1J3AM and wagon wanted In part pay
ment H acre, 8 room house. 2 large
chicken houses and yard; good terms;
471.3 80th st. a E.. Firland station, Mt.
pcott car; A-iaa, journal.
FOR SALE Good ranch horse, 7 years
old. weisrht 1260 lbs., eood to work
1 single or double. Price $85. Can be
. in a atanaara Drea stainon: also a
yearling stallion colt out of same mare,
y-1 27, Journal. -
WANTED On. or two young mares
WaCh Vreferrei must be sound. Phone
I Si Vsift ouna. pnone
weigning Detween ijqo and 1200,
3 CHEAP1 work teams suitable for rano
or any slow work; can be seen until
sold at 14 Union ave.
WANTED Large horse to work for
keep; easy work, or might buy. C-
iu, journal.
A GOOD team of big work mules, cheap
for cash, or will take horses In ei
change. . 14 Union ave.j
BARGAIN One 2600 1b. team, 3 H inch
farm wagon and harness. 440 E. Mor
rison st -
1000 lb. horse, 9 years old; work any
place, $25 1028 E. 30th st N., Alberta
OR SALE Horses, harness and light
aeuver" wagons in gooa condition.
L-124, Journal.
LOT In Westmoreland to exchange for
horses, or for sale cheap, 381 Water
st. Atain zzus.
10 ACRES of land at Palls City ' 11000",
or will exchange for horses, 14 Union
ONE team mares for sale or trade
cheap, Call Main 8844 or 621 Savler,
YOUNG heavy draft horse. Call 848
Miss, ave. or phone Woodlawn 202.
TEAM horses, reasonable. 8 West Go
ing. 6 blocks west Mlsslslppl car. '
Sti ETLAND ponies for sale or trade.
What have youT R-80. Journal.
A GOOD top grocery wagon with good
team ana narness. i union ave. -6NE
$1200 ranch or delivery horse. 446
E. Morrison st. '
("WILL etMitfige'lhe-iorat lfIiff,JWash.:
ior good surry norse. Tapor-iBBti.
LAUNDRY wagon for sale. In good
shape. Phone East 2270. .
TEAM on farm at Gresham, $150. R.
F. Walters. 138 1st st ;
HEAVY span of mules, for sale, cheap.
Call at 988 Williams ave.
HORSE clipping don. at the Portland
itorsesnoeing snop. by ictn rt. -
$100 BUYS a team of mares, 7 years old.
Call at 892 K. Tavlor st.
AAWIuri.V.l'Uf Vf avniuii.i
To buy 12 head of fine blood Hoi
stein cattle; also 21 head of high grade
milch cows, Holsteins. On acoount of
change In business. Address Ticknor
A Doollttle, Medford,' Or. :
s- FRESH COWS for sale, Jersey and
Guernsey, at 843 East 69th st North.
Take M-V cir - -V' ' '"' , "' '' ;' ' 'J.'"-JERSEY-tlOLSTiiiN
, cow, ' fresh, -with
. calf; rich milker and large quantity.
W Wmg.- aiev "--4 -y ;. '
PREfiH cows for saie. . 430 E. Killings.
'Worth ave. '.'-.-".'--.;.'';."'"'; --'r.
16 head of cows, coming fresh soon,
221 8. Mam St., agents.
FQitlY-choU'. ..dairy 48Qwawfe-ale;
M-,110, Journal. -t-j--8
G06lJ fresh Durham cows. 79 4 Ta-
coma eve. Sellwood ,804'!.; '
ONE 6-year-old- Jersey Guernsey . cow
for sale. East 2d and Flanders.
5n"E family milch coviTlor sale ' $55.
jr'nono vvooaiawn ivi.
FOR SALE 2 fresh cows.
Vlnimi St. .
16"9. Dl-
1'UK BALE Good cow. Phone JI. 9513,
ixnxisnrm flats
1 HAVE in a carload ;Of fresh dairy
cows, alHO some ('(milntr l'reh sixin,
Jersey, Durham and IhilUiin, aged from
3 to 7 years. Ulve from 3 Mi to 6H KhU
5er dny. Also some good oretitii cows.
. L. Mayberry, Take Woodstock car to
9tii av. Walk s blocks west, coiner
8lh t. end 6th ave
ITVll regis lerediloUtein bulls, 8 to
18 mouths Old; ulup one rljistere4
Jersey bull. . .
n eaMern Guernsey cows, one.'
ear eastern;Holstoln cowa, one .car ci
'A vv liil.vjii Dutch Ilelted uows, on
Dutch belted bull calf and one Dutch
Bolted bull at the head of the herd, alt
registered; also one carload of 1st class
eastern and ,. California dairy cows.
Hruo Commission Co., Woodlawn 2400.
. 4 good family milch cows, prices very .
reasonable for Quick salt; 1076 Schiller 3
st: Woodstock car to 48th ave., go
west ' 1 ' -' '.'
ioil SALE 2 and 3 year old heifers; "
Will make ' BXod . cowa: 1 olno vouncr'
mare: St. Johns car, to Rutlege. west ;
i wnne nouse. -.j ,.. -r-'.--
b'Oti. SALE Carload of frenh hi Dur-
. ham cows, big milkers, also some good
jersey cowsj line ror lamuy. A. Hessr
Hmtle east pf Lents, Foster road, ' y
i'OR SALE $ cows. I Durham, 1 Durv
- ham. and Jersey, 1 Durham and Hol
stein; Tabor J644k IB. F, Pond, Kendall -
HORSES, to trade for cows pr young ;
stock. Johnson 411 :,Ry.JSxhange,,
MaeshalJ 2763. ' . . . :,
AM LEAVING City, -must ' sell -laying
Black Mlnorcas and blooded cock at
pullets $1.! Makt offer on lotr Sunday
1468 East 27th.. North, - corner Dekum
ave. Woodlawn car. " - - .,
WILL sacrifice thoroughbred Black .
Minorca and Rhode Island Red laying :
hens and pullets, $1 each. . Leaving city. -1468
East 27th st' North, ,ornr Bara -r
h8,; . uuuiawn car,
.. . .. ....
n ec i -1 A i 1 I ' 1
5 duii Lesnorn uocKere s
$1.60 and up. ' Lonsdale's, a723 East ;
vix pi., ia. Bcott car to yoweii valley.'
FOR SALE CHEAP Thoroughbred
- Rhode Island Reds, pullets,, cockerels.
i ii f : ii i u. i hi . nrnnnAra mr it n iu.
ave. soumeasc. vnona Tabor zey
wv., w euii ay j a kill sr.
. ftlln firiA gMnryi tr.m tui I
pullet $ l and up, Wyn Dyep.MUwau
He. - Phone 442. -
- X" saiw ailA iJI VU ' llBM. ,
. .1 r -k at I T ii.j. Tin. -er a x .
aw AIM A ItOUDi VtlilLf II V M IItlLILLS4JC- 1 '
mu ii ii a iv v$ wans tuna, - Alio ju. ad La
vvnue urpingrtoa ena R. I.; Red pul-i
'' "Vm. 1.. ''!. It 1 II!.'1 m. '. -.
ti a. own van
""ami uiu jLiKiigrn uuueis, ian. ,
crnd: Mit' an wmn rt...Ka
6t Cftmmerce. 1 : . ..... ...y
MY BEST $5 Ancona cockerels' at $2.60
- I J. lUKcn Bar nnna iMin a harta,i nn the.
VV"H . Wwsjuay unci VTV7UU, - ' 1 i(
19 .l01! Hocks, 7 months -
old. 75a each. 138 re. 2?d mt .: M. im,
oR SALE 200 thoroughbred hens. al.
SO 260 nlirnona. chusn. 1184 I.'
iim norm.
h'xvrx v.M. kk... ' tj t l. - : -
cockerels for aaU ehnan.
1251 East;
r i .
nuiflV must aAll il l Ti..4 '.:
Z-T . J , pan iv a i iiq aua,
urpington hens and pullets. Call this
A n . m n .-t. a ft Tt A m 1 a. Ik a 1, M .
" i i'. 8a st., m-v car. . -f
t.i'i r r- . t , .... .. ... 1 1 j -
oiajcj xjibck rainorca7 coca - ana
cocnereis cneaD. 110. w. Himnson at.
WII1TP " ,i-.i. .al 1 ,
.,. ui iiiivvii, mm jwinorca.
White Leghorn, Ancona cockerels and
mixed laying hens for sale. Sellwood 111.
run HAJL.JV Barred Rock laying hens,. 1
$1.60 each, $18 per do. Mrs. F. Bock
man. Aloha Or., box 24. .
BARRED Plymouth Rocks.'
Tel, Woodlawn 1388, ,641 Going, - v
nun iiuiiH nruiiisv rr Mmarni s.Train
I '4 Af 1 a KAB.. t t Tj 1 . - J tin. I Z
Orpingtons at 678 69th aye, a E.
' -w --bw wivow Aia iiqu TV 111 LIS
"Y nr una. j aoor 113.
" T . " vaaa liana. A VVBlQi -
also 10 June chickens. 880 Williams
F3 BALE Crystal Whit. Orpingtons.
282 Halleck st. ' 1 . -
lOfl-aJHICKNSr-fourTbreedr- to lelecf
WANTED Blue ' Andaiuslan cockerel;
state price and age to T-186, Journal.
CHOICE corn-fed. turkeys, 23o lb.; 1 mil.
north of Lents on main road.
if ii ju a -.Til iff ii u L'lini rv ni-ra aia .
Rollers. N tot 1n rulv ...
nne, healthy singers; no culls and no
harsh chop notes.
SPECIAL PRICT0 $3.50. " "
CANARY AND PARR.1T . trnmna -mw
sale. Mall orders. We ship to all parts.
or in. country and guarantee saf. ar.
rival. Oregon Bird Co., of fie. 280 3d.
. 5 French- Bulldogs, 7 English Bull
dogs 4 Boston Terriers, 3 Yorkshire
Terriers, 3 Faxterrlers. Stud dogs, brood puppies, jwog snow every flay..
Evenings until 9. Boyd's Dog Store.'
667 Washington. . M 2134.
BOSTON terrier mal. puppies, brindl.
anil VarKllA a.l,h a..a.M ...11- t . -,
...M ,1.1,, M,,,n, alirCU U-r .;
vni i -j i4ji.-u ouy. i none a,, Viii, on .
East 12th, N.t near Stanton.
ANGORA cats and kittens; wlU
chanae for men
or dining
chairs. Phone Woodlawn 237
1 BULLDOG pup for sale.' cheap, or
.will exchange for-hens, 18 E. tjnd
and female, French bulldog, bull ter
rier and Scotch collie. 806 2d st '
FOR SALE -month-old Cocker Span
iel, female, 784 Thurman st.
WELL rotted fertiliser fpr sale; phon.
luncii, vjf i,
jn. w, auiu oriuuij, nao AiDina ava,
open Nov. 1st automobile, gas engine
vvtiBki u..vii vaK a vs. i I. Wlliyv
tent practical tnstrurtors. Wdln.. 1 69.
nn i r -it tr inn nnaia t inn tantfht -. a-. .
Mil' Mi. ii k TTifin m I i h a .1 nnnaanneiu
vuuu tw uww, wwv ffiwv. rncj 010.
filfl Chamber of Commerce bid,. Main
liuit ,-
WANTED No. 1 old auto tires,
lh. delivered: No. 2 auto tlr.
Inner tubes, 16 to 23c lb. - J. Leva,
vomrnoia sc.; Main oiss,
1912 BU1CK, 25 horsepower, cost ill So!
will sell for $710; terms, but no trade.
Poll Thfimun' A.?NKfl . ' J
nrai" Trnwr" k uai ariimi ui nrin vfJtr t
1912 FLYING MERKEL, 7 horseDOwnr
SACRIFICE My automobile must The '
Bum iu nveti. upv. .wmi out no'
traaes. -ot journal
VVANTHiu a set or tires, second-hand
or new: must, ha cheao. 34x3 U or)
8Ki4. -127 Journal. '. ,.
;' i . LOlNS , . ' ""
, - on AUtos
w AWTciiTo rent a gooa seven pas.
NMifffir naf altto- a mori Ablivarv oar
1200 lbs,, with driven N-142, Journal. "1
ivit rijoiorcjrijia, ji-i coimuion, sail
cneap on easy terms. ., iu. rx iura St.
Main '11763. 'A-7042. - i: J :,,:..
Wanted Auto for' my
;o for my equity ol $810
bungalow. P-llg, Journal
In fiVe room
1 PPAM ,.,,n1r V... . I
A Wa, -- li uv.-iui ,ai. i,ii,au, ruu- 1CBB .
than 10M) miles. -8-113. Journal.
eio Jtveiianue., jouuo cyimuer. I n. n.u
l..f 1 i. . , " J .. ..V. i 1 TT " al1 '1 1
used only 6 months. Stein's Pawn-
shoo. 26 N. 8th St.. near Burnslde-
LtAjnujy v pttHBeiiK-jr lureaqor .uaalliao
v auto. 83.60 hourly. Rex Auto Pn aa
laiun. wa a . i. mm w www . l ju . . i . ... . ,, .
i j. 'i i .fli-Miiw :
A yAutuusA 4W. condition,
nickel trimmintr: chess for r-inh koo
ngmliwii mug. ' iiaaiil
KUNABOUT for- naie. Iioft;-' W! good
uii iti tiimiiifui nuLij til irr no Tnn d .
monds. Phone Woodlawn 2028. 1 ,
CHALMERS 30 delivery car for sal.
rhean. Funk Auto Co Ph
' . . 'I.'. 1. AM.. 1 liBU,
P" re