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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1912)
sum TOUniJAL. rcilTL AI'ID, :UIJI)AY;:i;;G, uovEr.i 21,' ioi: 57 i o7 TO!! SALE FAIISW 17 lOU SALE FAK5I3 17, ion sale fae:.:3 17 I L. Tin: oin:c! 10 Acres $750 ' $150 Cash arid $15 Per Month Particularly adapted to berries, A large crop can be . llarvcvted next yoir. Fruit drier half mile away. Crossed uy a spring brook. 1 miles from the depot. At Newberg. On tho comity road. A Hide walk half the way. I electrlo roads under construction And completed through Newberg. 10 Acres $250 $50'Qash, $5 Pef Month Kare It from Portland. , , , Telephone, school, .church, neighbor. -Crossed by trout ceek, :Rich 0eeTFertile Soil $25 and $30 an-Acre-No Hills, No Step Roads .In the fertile Columbia valley ,. Directly overlooking Columbia. rlvcix Fare $1 from Portland. ' In 10 find 20 acre tract. 1 Small cash payments, easy term. , Every tract on a ro'ad. - ; " -? . - . . Creek running through some, , " A spring on many. - ? , ' : TeleDhone. nelhbor."'senool. church. i Lumber camps near by where . ,. Vou can grot employment and , Kelt milk and butter, potatoes, hay, " Ijarge ' outrange for pasture. . , .' An Ideal dairy farm, ;.. Three miles from a vlllag .' " On the Columbia river. ; Three steamers dally to Portland, . ' Remember, no hills or the land.., No steep roads to the land. . v ' Fred F.' Huntress " 418-415 McKay- bldg,, U and Slark. Orchard 9 aercii of 6-vear-old apples. 640 trees, new 5. room cottage, , with full basement, small barn, good well, etc.. only 11 miles from Portland court house on tomoblle road; one "third mile from electric line; electric lights and mountain water in the very near future? this Is In the Upper. Tualatin valley, west of Council 'Crests Will exchange for Laurel hurst or west slope of Mt. Ta bor residence up to $6000. Here Is your opportunity to combine fruit, poultry and berries and ao close to Portland.too. Main 85, 103 4th, at. . A-3500. The Shaw-Fear Copipany v Acreage The largest platting (4008 acres and the largest'and oldest acreage firm In vicinity of PorJ larx insures you. Moderi)." transportation fnoua--taln water, electric "lights, low commuters' fare, are all assured. Let us show you. Any sised tract from H acre op, at MOO to $500 per acre and upon. (monthly payments. Proper reductlcns for cash. The Shaw-Fear Company Main 35. 102 4th St. A-3500 " I ACRES cost less than a city lot. Buy n'rMci for nrofit: 1. 2. 3 and 6-acre irartn lAnun tn Portland, on electric Caf lino, $200 to $400 per acre easy terms, -excellent soil, plenty neighbors, store, : telenhone. daily mall. etc. Splendid lor the Farmer who wants a email arm distance from t ortland. Also have other i FARMS NEAR PORTLAND close to the City. Weal for the working- other tracts of 4Vi, 10, 22 land 58 acres! 85 acres, north of Silverton, in Ma ;man to get away from the grind ana jn Bame looallty in cultivation suitable rion county; at station 22 acres in nign cost ot living. Mwm RiiHinpBsman who appreciates a beautl ful subufban home with its large, spa clous (rounds, electric car service and splendid 'auto roads. Investigate, com pare values. We can interest you. J. V. Hefferlin, Owner, 307 Railway Ex change bldg, .Main ,2248. . ' RICH LAND ON GRAYS HARBOR. - The last splendid opportunity to buy 'etch, lnvat fra from rocks' and Well- ' watered land at $16 to $80 per acre, pre- school, good stores and churches, 3 min sents Itself to you within five to 12 "ten to electric station, some fine sub miles from Aberdeen and Hoqulam, two irrigated bottom land good for onions of the best and fastest-growing cities on or celery, all rich black loam, no gravel, Pacific Coast; easy terms. A wilderness no waste land; Improvements all new. only 3 years ago is converted touay in a ; nrosnerous community of 100 settlers, 3 'BcliooIs.Trostotfice and 4heee storea, BUY NOW. Do not wait till spring, when land values will double. For fur ther Information write v . . WASHINGTON STATE COLONIZA TION COMPANY. ABERDEEN, WASH. ONLY $125 AN ACRE . FOR, CLEARED LAND ON SALEM ELECTRIC S, 10 and 20-acre tracts, close to eta " tlon good school on ground, good roads, 'telephone, ft. F. D., the best cleared land buy anywhere along the line; you make your own terms, . Come in and : talk it over. Atchison & Allen ' 210 Ocrlinger Bldg., 2d and Alder Sts. Acreage on West Side Jnsldo 6 -mil a circle, excellent soil, good drainage; large area of beaverdam soli; part of this tract Is under culti vation, part In stumps and some heavy timber, 2, 5 and 10-acre tracts; prices range from $376 to $600 per acre; sold on easy terms. We will build to suit purchaser, PROVIDENT TRUST CO., OWNERS, s Second Floor Selling Bldg. $30 Per "Acre I have a fine 40-aere tract 1 miles from, railroad and town. This land is , free-from rock or gravel: deep rich bo!H easily cleared. NO better land anywhere. If you are looking fdr a home at the right price, with good neighbors and Hchool. call. $200 duwn will handle, bal ance $100 per year. 23 2 Washington s. room 16. - .- FINE -PIECE OR ACREAGE. Will guarantee this the cheapest acre-1 are on the market: miles from Portland postoffice;' wall -""i. i A 1 eon and lays fine, 13- acres in " -cultivation and 10 acres fair timber; price. $200 per acre. Neal Brown. 510 wetland Plug. Swell 4 Acre Home AH in cultivation, good orchard, 4 room house,. Jays on main county road, ; .. Cheap at $8000; 20 acres at Reedvillsi ' ' highly improved; stock, crop and imple- ' ments Included; will consider some trade. For complete Information write " ' ' or call on . J.L. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, . Ground FloorSoard'bf-Trade-fildg. - .2 Two Acre Tract , On ' fcillingsworth ave., all in straw ' berries and in good condition; fine, sur roundings, - Easy term can be ar v -s, ' ranged. Miller, . 41$ Chamber of Com , , merce. ' t , -. r, $30.00 PER ACRE Buys - 40 acres, Lincoln county, IK miles .to depot: finest soil, no rock, easy to clear. $200 down and terms. 603 Bwetland bldg., ',!.;..; -" ' ,,,' r 6 ACRES east of Mt.' Tabor, between Base Line and Section Lfne. Specially adapted to poultry, vegetables and smau ! ' tVilV' Ti11 U on e4sy . terms. Inquire, - A I h ' ' ' y 1 y I 30 ACRES, all in cultiyatlon, no build-j ".H ml? f'om C001, town end l1! 85 'rom Portland. Price, I 32000; terms. Room 301 Henry bldg. . MUST have cash; sell beautiful, unlui- proved 40 acrea near White Salmon, to hiKtieet uiaaer. ,124 Michigan ave.. 1 -oqy..,.,,, 10 or 20 ecres fine stump land. 85 miles frotn Portland. 1 mile from Yscolt Wash:, at $45 an acre; Wm.trle.v 681 E. 8th st.. Portland; phone Sellwood 196.' LQUITY $200 in two acres on Oregon electric, at Bonlta station, to trade. Brnnd.Kant -3994. " -y. VACANT half acre, home euol, in piouth Mt. Tenor -district' for sale. Phonn Trtljnr 4D JO, or T-117. .Inirrrnl.-- , " Here Is -a Country Homo Right ut city UmlU, clone to car, Htores mid schools,- corners on two good -'macadamized roadH. consisting of ON1C ACRE, all cleared and in cultivation, . full- bearing fruit trees, good-, H-room , .house, bam and other building. deep well and windmill, hot and " ' cold water In house,- splendid -., view,- excellent noil, just; the home for a person wanting a country : , Jiome with neariy every city con- , vonlenee. Price only $2600; $500 ' down, balnnce easy monthly pay- Y ments. Call for C O. Reagan. ; Chapin-Herlow Mtg, & ' Trust Co, 7 84 Floor Chamber" of Commerce. ua . - $3060 40 Acres i miles, from Castle Rock,; Wash ' Ington; 10 acres under cultlva '. i tion, good ' 8-room house, barn, i 1 w fine - running stream j ', ' wagon, (, I chickens, farm - tools, complete, ; , $150082 acres at Gaston, Dr.", . SYt ., ,.0.-.--, .....vo .ivili , oi vnu niaiiun, nw acres -iunfier . cultivation, g 'springs house, barn and out buildings; team of mules, 8 4 .' years old,' 8 cowa, bogs, chickens and farm , tools. .-, -' '.y. -,,..,-. 1400040 acres, .1 miles from Barton, i : 6 acres under - cultivation,, live " ' stream, small house, 2 barns, ', milk house and outbuildings. , MILLER & CONKLIN, . ; ? '"'.rV-'f.-''. 618 Henry Bldg. . ' ' A Little Hpme Wlth Fruit. ' acresl2 miles from the cen ter of Portland-and. In the Beav erton, district; close to school, church and store and in a thick ly settled neighborhood; all the ' best of soil - and all In ' cultiva tion; family orchard of apples, pears and plums: - large tract of strawberries - and - other small fruit; buildings are old and don't count for much; price $1500; fa vorable terms. Alvord-Carr-Hunter Co?, 218-219 Board of Trade. Celery Land At Sherwood. 13 miles from Portland, In the rich Tualatin vallev on the 8. P. railroad, now being electrified, we have li acres of rich bottom ' land, with a fine spring creek running through the down, balance easy terms. Owner, Nel ,1am. and a soring- high enough to irri- , on. Yeon bldg. gate the tract; part Is now In celery, would also be fine for trout ponds. This subirrigated bottom land Is hard to find. If you want something good that will pay $o00 per acre or more per year thia Is it. right in the center of Sherwood. Has grove of natural shade trees, fine building site; is the making of a fine country home and a moneymaker. Price touuv; nan caen. W. H. LANG CO. 315 Ablngton Bldg. 5 Acres, $450 $100 CASH, BAL. EASY PAYMENTS. 3 miles from Hlllsboro, toward Pnrtianrl 9 Tnlloa tr ulai-frl,.' inia is high class land. Ideal for hops, potatoes, I orchard or chickens. No waste, beat! valua in Tualatin vnllnv. rnnRtderlna- f lor irucK garaen or dairy, xnis is A-t , luuu, yiiiu price auu lerms extremely ai tractive. Q. A. NICHOLS, OWNER, - 907 WILCOX BLDG. 8, Acres Suburban home, 40 minutes out, 8 acres, good 6-room bungalow, fine trout stream through the place; Is in the cor porate limits of Sherwood; good high frit s oniy 3tuu. part cash. w. h.- Lang co. -,215 blnglPJBjEidfc .. rWnflr Will Qol! 1(111 UUI 4 Acre Tract Partly cleared, for less than prree of uncleared land around It. On county road, 10 minutes' walk, frond station, 11 cent fare. Any old payment down and $20 a month. A good Investment. W. H. Allen, 210 Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Al der HtS. I Have 6 1-2 Acres 9 miles from courthouse, on macadam laed road, 10 fare, on the Estacada line, 2 blocks from station. This can be had for $3000. which Is $200 per acre less man aaioimng iana. n.T.J ) ,, .. i. ri r. ih. lT wlicre the price is r ght In- lis. I Will take $200 down lor acreage v estigate tin anu terms to suit. Washington et. Room 16. 5 and 10 Acres Cheap $20 up to $45 per acre, on terms. Tracts of 6 acres or more; deep, red shot soil, well watered; easily cleared. Ideal for general farming, fruit, vege tables, dairying and chicken raising; lo cated on county road, close to live town on R. R. and river near Portland. Own ers, 703 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. Main 8078. Evenings East 394. - .5 and O Acre Tracts Near electric line.--xvJch deep soil, all iciAur welt Ha chicken raising. Steady employment near home. $300 per acre. Small cash payment, balance very easy terms. The Westlyn Trust Co, l Fifth Street. Close In Acreage ft Btpa hlD-h a a I-a n ...11.... t. good cottage and barn, school on tract! ii xi. jn, uu tuumy ruaa. to trHde rnp bungalow or vacant lot Ask for Spoon- er, A-iuno ai. ue, G. H. KLEINSORGE Cn 418 Board of Trade' bldg. Get 80x175, $550 $10 down, $8 per month, 5 minutes east of Sellwood station on ground school store. i AK-RRROK Jb- firtnrti 'in-Horn- -eMdeljav . Main K 7 A A?C"ft CHICKEN and fruit "ranch near Port land. , Best soil, good roads, spring water, free wood, 10 acres, $400, $500, $60j per tract; 20 acres, $800; 40 acres, $1200; 60 aores, $2000; 40 acres timber. $2400. Ranches all kinds for sale. Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co., li)i "-on Bldg.; Portlend Or. : - - t ACRE $600. . IH minutes' Oar rlrlp . e-nnd anil ein. view, 100 feet from car track. Terms to suit you. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO.. 4th and Pine sts. One Acre Bargain Within cltv limits. 4 room homaa other buildings. Price $700 below value. No traoes. r-none arter 4 labor 629. """ HAVE OU $36 JN CASH?'" " -if so. it will make your first naVm, nn a 10 acre tract of good land, l hour and 80 minutes from Portland. Room 215 Lumber Exchange blag., turner . 2d and Stark sts. - " '- -- VOR SaLe by owner, a- fine ii acre tract adjoining Cornelius; on Oregon Electrlo end S. Pv-tatlroads." , For par- ticulars write or 'call . Jams Nelson Comellua, Oregon. 10651 Cornelius. in aodv. ir.iu n. cn.rn... . II" mo hi,n,itno- ihmnrh i. ,:. ..n amt ,,pnty f nt 125. 340 ner ftnre; easy terms. O-l 1 5." Jdtt,rnV.'-',' FOR SALE OR BENT acrev 4 room house, close to 60 fare, Charles Kirk. Capitol Hill. Oregon Electric. ' 26; ACRES, -1 -pUle from Estacada, 10 cleared; sirfl boose, well, tc. $3000; cn!h. t"f twetland bldg. $100 .-eiuity la .,rir- .uurtcr acre tract for 815 ,ili;' -i,rocke from car. 20 rnltnits ou', 0-132.-Jowrnal.-i-- .--- BCAI'I'OOSK AC'flES. On tlie railroad Just L'5 miles Troni Portland, In -the Coluiulila River liaeln. IMvkliftl ltito Hinall tract from 7 'j to 25 acres, at 2b to !or acre. Kasy I clearing, with fine eoll end Rood, water, no rocks. No tract more than 1 mile from railroad. Kmplovinent In logging camp , for thoae who winli It We d - acrlbe below a few tracts, but have many others: - jo. lto contains 14 acres at i-e per acre :,sil down and balance .sa monthly. Good creek and spring; easy clearing; on county road V mile to eta- tion; tract slopes to south; fine for ber- n, or nog or chicken ration.. ' No. 81 Ifas 7tt ac.reH at 150 uer acre, on easy payments; every foot fine tilla- oie jana; mne to station; gooa spring; eaHy clearing. Will raise abundant crops. wirn reaay marKot rigui at nana. No. 60 Has 0 acres at $05 per acre. Only $15 monthly payments. - This tract la nearly level," readily- cleared, 3-4 mile to station and school; fine clover land., ' i . . , ,.t .:',,..- ', No. 28 Has 9 acres at $55 per aere. $55 down and $13 monthly; on graveled county road; W mile to railroad; all this tract is fine' land and Ideal small farm. . . . -;."''.,', i We can show this property any day. Descriptive literature and, maps on re quest. .'.- -.- -T- . ... : ' -, -',. - - LUEDIEMANN,' RtLKY; & CO., 1 13 Chamber of Cemmerce. " ' 4 Beaverton District - v A f'no country home of 1$ acres, all In cultivation, fine spring .water, a new modern, . bungalow of 8 rooms, flne- uuernsey cow and calft a lot. of Xancy chickens, all household furniture and tools, only miles front Portland, 16o carfare. Is right near station on the Oreron Electric, between Beaverton and Orenco. Trice $8500; $2000 cash, bal ance long time at per cent,. , f W. II. LANO CO. i i ' 315 Ablngton Bldg. ' L 6 or 10 acres near the new golf links at Tualatin: fine view, best of soil, good road and right at station on Or egon Electric. Price will advance rap idly in this vicinity. Ground has been selected for new club and this tract is undr market for quick sale. Main 172L BiSCUtlTV DEVELOPMENT -CO., -' 4th and Pine sts,J - -Blfi BARaAlSwTi acres on United Railways.. 17 miles from Portland, all cleared. 3 , acres . cultivated. 4 acres beaverdam; ideal for gardening,' fruit and poultry; 4 room; house, 8 chickan houses, pigeon house, fine well, Bmali fruits; $2200, on terms; 703 Lewis bldg. Main 8078, ' Look Look Look Ranches for everybody. Beat Invest make you Independent Fine aoll; close v) tj ,K, iunnn, nii 9Kn ment on earth. : 10 acres enough to to R. R, and boat landing. Only $350 on your own terms, lzoa yeon Ding. $20 PER ACRE. 40 acres. No Waste land. One hour's ride from Portland. Nine miles from good town. Small payment 20 ACRES -. NEAR VANCOUVER, WASH. . Only $100 Per Acre. C. A. RUFF, 823 Chamber of Commerce, Main 3608. 50 TEN acre ranches on the Willam ette to exchange separate or together for income or merchandise and build ings. Address Owner, P. O. Box 21.1, Portland. 240 ACRES good land for apples, quick sale $45 per aero. Big bargain. Lup- ton, B Appie St., Mearorrt. ur, EIGHTY acres in Yamhill county, in cenar, suu. si Kusseil bldg. FOB SALE FAKMS 17 ,hops. balance nearly all in cultivation: excellent soil; 7 room house and other good improvements; one of the best producing farms in Willamette valley; running water on the place. Will sac rifice at $10,000 and give good terms. 23 acres, 30 miles from Portland, half mil from station and on good road; all In high state of - cultivation, and with Improvements that cost $6000. Will sell for $7500, good terms. 68 acres, 2 miles from S. P. station and only 8 miles from Hlllsboro; 17 miles from Portland by auto. 0 acres in cultivation on Tualatin river in one of best districts of the state. Fairly goou Improvements. This is a fine-bargain at $135 per acre, good terms. 82 acres near Halsey. close to station oftqregr.n Flert.rlc.-iil .acrea cultivated,! s acres oeaveraam land, balance good eoll but in native grass and not culti vates. :so buildings. Price $70 per acre. $1000 down and balance long as desired at 6 per cent. .J0i acres near Cornelius, 23 miles from Portland: near srood school and rhurrh! It. F. p., milk route, telephone; 14 acres' cleared, balance good; no rocks, gravel or waste: 5 room house. lare hum nil of hay, other good Improvements, some stock and implements A snap at $4800. 21 acres. nea Hillsboro. nartlv cleared and small improvements; $300 team. $150 stumppuller and other personal propjert' Included in price of $3750. Electric line now under construction will buHd within U mile of this prbn- wl" ouho witnin s mm or. ert' thls Wnter. affd price wil 21 acres at Cove orchard, a. P. station: nearly all In r, wiu jump. . A mile nf running water; fair Improvements and i-, station nearly an in cultivation some iino mock ana implements includ ed. $4500 for everything. 10 acres adjoining town on Willamette river; ail cleared and no better garden land in state. One year's crop will pay for It. Small improvements. Oregon Electric, S P., and river service. Price fZbuu. We have a large number of fine farms both largo and small, improved and un improved, for sale. If you are looking for farm lands, come in and see our list uinnnKMAVN. nm.vrr in 913 Chamber of . Commerce. " Western Canada offers the best opportunity in North America to the homeseeker and investor. The very best of land can be had for the value of a single crop, with 10 years to pay for it. Let us tell you the inducements we offer to the intending settler. . Join our next party to Canada. Canadian Land .Co., General Agents Canadian Pacific Railway Lands. 91 Fifth St. HIGHLY developed dairy, about 400 acres ' ltr Tineirt -dafry dts--trlct, supplying Portland with high class milk, - now paying handsomely. Owner interested in other business and unable to de vote necessary time. Value $80, , 000. Including all equipment and nearly 100 head of stock. Would accept Portland property in part payment - Address W-l 2 6r Journal, A SNAP Everything needed but vour mwn f;'.rnUur1?; Is5 acres in heart of Willamette valley near live town ; "all . lntiJjoomhome- hpt and, cold water, large bam. garage and buildings, farm Implements, horses, . jaltra. nhiclrena- fln .' 160 ACRES $1600. v Half cash; this Is a dandy farm for stock or hog, ranch; If well improved. 1 all fenced, good iSduse; give us an offer on thin! nwnor onrnnn lolf tr, .oil - . on this; owner compelled to sell.' (R 38) J. E, NICHOLS CO., a 61E feon bldg. ; 180 ACRES. A well Improved farm for sale, part cash and terms; 140 plow land. 40 pas-' ture; good water, clear title, taxes PftM up; chickens, turkev,, Cow and hogs do u. cn,c"e"B- luiaev. WvM t HAVE a splendid farm Of 21 or 61 Portland for'saleru nVrUer acres on tne Wlllamett rlyr neur iiimi 10 chii n mum zz finivi , -iqrir 1 - r and aee m before Wednesday if you want a nice farm. '.- Fort ' Fraser, on r -Grand Trunk. Pacifio.lL,lU,., cows frac-tsrdoM rarparternvs? Tt S"etTl500rtcre Lincoln Apt:, M-135. Journal. - . . . . i r'.vr ; 310 .Acre Farm .A Good, Buy ' At $55 Per Acre 1 Nonresident owner makes a price to unload his Oregon holdings; 100 acreb cleared, balance oak and fir; 10,000 cords woou; timber win pay for the place two sets . buildings, lneluillng new o room bungalow. Located IV miles from station in Willamette valley, on mac adam road. Oraded school and church ; within . a mile. Milk condensory and butter factory iU miles. Kin tract for subdivision. Must have $5600 cash; balance can b arranired. . Atchison & Allen 210"qerUnger bldg., 2d and Alder St. Farms 1200 acres on Columbia river, : railroad station adjoins " place; will, make an Ideal stock ranch: eoll l good and has several beautiful creeks; close to mar ket, having rati and water trans' portatlon; this place Will stand !hf?e Investigation. For prices and particulars see ' ' . ' The Lawrence Co,' ,' a' . 171 Fourth St. Between Morrison and YarahUl. : Main 6915. A-2815, , - Stock, Fruit or Dairy Ranch wants u sen. use acres, n miles from Brownsville, all A.l noli icn fin. est bottom land, in cultivation, 100 acres of upland could be put In cultivation with very little expense,, 40 acres good iiiuDPr,--wen lenoen ana cross renced; fair buildings, good orchard, spring wa ter piped to buildings; 50 tons hay, crop of i fruit and garden truck;" J-horses. 6 head cattle, 8 hogs, 130 sheep, 15 tur keys, 100 chickens, 3 wagons, 1 buggy 4 plows, hay rack, new mower, hay. fork and rones, t setB - harness and all amall tools. Price, Including all, $45 per acre. Terms on part- Neal Brown, 810 Bwet land bldg, r 56 1-2 Acre Choice Valley .Here' Is one of the best farms in the Willamette valley, located not far from the Salem Electrlo Ry. and boat landing on the Willamette river, about 25 miles south of Portland, school just across the road, lays ideal, no waste land, good 8 room house and large barn, other out buildings, about 25 acres In high stats "fnlU aVni 25Ar" 1f n cleared wnich Is used for pasture. 6 acres heavy fir piling, good spring ar.d run ning Water, tha vary hnnt nf anil nma fruit; this place Is offered for a short time for only $7000; extra good terms. ENDERS ft HARTSHQRNE. 227 Stark st. UNTU, DECEMBER FIRST ONLY We offer this most .exceptional farm bargain: 5Hacres, 42 acres under cul tivation, balance fine fir timber. Sandy loam soil, specially adapted to hops. Not one inch of waste land, all level and under highest state of cultivation; 5 room house, large barn, hop kiln, gran ary, chicken and hoghouses, 3 wells, water tower and gasoline Diimn: in toil 2 miles from Aurora; "A mile to school and 26 miles from Portland; farm fully equipped; price $125 per acre, half cash, balance terms to suit; no trades JNUKXUN REALTY CO., Aurora, Or. - .For Sale at a Sacrifice 60 acres of the best farm land In the Willamette valley, near tiie Oregon Electric railway between Portland and Salem. 25 acres planted to fruit trees, 3 years old. Easy terms. Francis Labadle, owner, 306 Villa St. Clara, corner 12th and Taylor sts., Portland, Or. Phones Main 6056; Home A-7333. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Farm -of 228 acres. 50 In good culti vation, 6 acres apple orchard, balance good pasture and timber. New house and big barn with good outbulldlngsr team, wagon, harness, plow, harrow, rake, mowing machine, hay fork, cider mill, fanning mill, cream nennrator par. den seedar, wood saw. Incubator, brooder and all small tools. 12 milch cows, 1 heifer, 43 goats, brood sow. boar, 8 shoats. 4 doz. chickens, about 1000 boxes f appies-pieked.-petate-wop, Railway station on piace. trice il2,oou. Part cash, Mrs. C. W. Colyer, Eddyvllle, Or. A Bargain 10 acres, 8 miles from Vancouver. IWash. IU mllon north 1 U. tt,II oi, of Sifton electric line, 'close to school church and high school, 4 miles to boat landing, on good road, cream, mall and leiepuune routes, i acres cleared and cultivated, balance easy to clear; 6 acres In potatoes, young orchard and berries, good well, 6- room house, new barn, horse, buggy and harness, two cows 1 sow, i shoats. 70 chickens, some hay, all for $2600. $1500 cash. G. W. Llntiley. R. F. P. h Vancouver, Wash. Linn County Farm 240 acres in cultivation, all level and good soil, 120 acres on either tide of county road, S. P. station at coiner of ianu; mues enner way to good town. rooa urcnara, gouo wens, new 7 room bungalow and large barn. Price $65 per acre; must have U cash, will not con- siaer traue. is oircrea very cheap to raise -money. iieai urown, 610 Swet land bldg. A Real Farm Farm of 80 acres on Sholes Ferry road. 12 miles from Portland; 65 acres now in cultivation; a good house of 6 rooms and good barn, a family orchard; Und Is all the very best black loam soil; Tualatin river bottom land, the best in the Willamette valley. Price $100 per acre; god terms. W. H. LANG CO. , ., 315 Ablng'on Building. One of Oregon's Best farms near Salem and 4 other valley towns, 3 miles to 2 R. -R., 242 acres, 180 acres cleared, balance easy, old orchard and bldgs., running water and wells, deep, rich soil, no white land, raises bumper crops. $26,000. half cash, balance own time, 5 per cent. Owner's son 441 Hawthorne ave. Phon- East 485. Sellwood 1584. Beaverton Snap 18 acres, all improved, fine orchard, all kinds small fruit; good house, barn and outbuildings; 25 . electric trains daily. Very small cash payment and easv annual navmenta u'hiph or k,. made from the place. -- - .- , h THJfi .. S. HOWB CO.. 824 Chamber of Commerce. British Columbia Land 40 ACRE TRACTS Thefie can bo bought on easy terms, $16 per acre, $50 cash $15 per month. Land 4 Jevel good-aotV -splendid vege tation. We have field notes and pho tos to show. Call at our office. RUMMELL ift McBRIDE. 274 Stark. TEN acres beaverdam, onion or truck land, for sale at a bargain. Ten miles from bregbnlan bldg., on railroad and other-electric line. Property has runnlne creek fhi i.. i .J..2ig.!,? - " i."" """S". vwner A. Fine Hopyard 25 ,..' ' p n R so house ilf A-l PP"Be A1 adjoining good. town on 8. acres ire- nops, good hop soil. 80 toAf from Vlenn, ; $3000 will handle it. Neal Brown, 610 Swetland bldg. . v Jio acres, 100 acres open land, nearly ready for plow, balance timber and "IH" "VniTi 'LJJZ nwL. aUB,rlnKS il.rf.n"'"! 9ft,atHinrPvriCheMi,22" ! p6r acre; terms, 301 Henry bldg. nrusn; z - nines irom ratiroaa; b; i SMALL farm, partly Unproved. 2 14 mi lea ?.'J' tJ'1 1 '?.B-i'd4"taM "V V" ' .7 Wn - . ' -. - 10 ACRES, mile from Beaverton. This I a fine building site and on county rvnu, i.v-i,a.i, ijuui iini J ,4 ACRES, hnuiuiu at kind fruit, 60 fare, city Jlmlts. .Wolfsteln, 205 AHsky bldg. iTTWWE BUYS- .. ;ln Farms 10 Acres PRICE $3000 $1000 CASH, ' BALANCE TO SUIT. 8 acres In cultivation, 1 acre In tim ber, balance in Rood pasture, good 4 room house,- woodshed, chicken house, large barn, 3 cows, will all be fresh In December, milk route pannes door, horse and light wagon, 100 chickens and all farming implements, 3 tons of hay in barn, , -. - - . 80 Acre's 17 miles from Portland. - located on best automobilo, road out of city, al-,. 2? '"""i4?"1 ,tt "roaa. auu uear ng iruii trees, or very Dest assortment, oooa iiou, iroru ana outDuuaings, zu acres cleared, 10 acres slaahorf ready to burn balance in small brush, $100 per acre, 1-3 cash, terms to suit. 80 Acres 24 miles from Tills monk. 9 ml. front Detart beach, aood 4 room . house. nli cultivation, "balance in standing timber. cruisers estimate 2.600.000 feet. This balance good suitable terms. V .. ; 1 20 Acres ' $30 ner acre, very favorable terms all timber to he removed bv July 1. 1913. big part already cut in sawmill now In operation. . When timber - Is off this land can be easily and cheaply cleared, practically all tillable and excellent oil, will make a good farm, located near jiucwiiai or wgni station, vvasningion. 202 Hamilton Bldg. Phone Marshall 4623 -of A-4011, or call Lents office al't- ernoons or Bunaay, Tabor 1028. ' 40 Acres ' Very Highly Improved Just north of Vancouver on the main Padflo Highway. : This is an excellent farm, all first-class black soil, not a rock on the place; lies beautifully; 20 acres in cultivation, 12 acres in extra fine pasture, with a few scatter ing stumps and the balance in fine timber. It is all fenced and has a fine new- well, good spring and a large stream of water run ning through the pasture. Two houses, 1. large new barn and sev eral smaller ones; fine commer cial orchard of 240 bearing trees and at least $2000 worth of stock. Implements, machinery, tools and crops for the price of $7500. I actually sold this place this sum mer for $9300, but the owner Is compelled to sell. $3000 cash handles It Will accept home up to $4000 in city as first payment C, DeYOUNG 514 Chamber of commerce." Back to the Farm 40 acres, 10 to 12 cleared, some fruit, no buildings. 7V4 miles from Kalama, in Cowlits county, worth $40 per acre, on account of mortgage foreclosure $800 buys this. 40 ACRES, $17 PER ACRE. Log house,, 2 acres clear, 10 acres old slashing, creek, all tillable, in Wash ington county. 2 MORE FORTIES $16 PER ACRE. Adjoining above; A-l soil, all tillable, perfect title, 2,000,000 fir. HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENT $275. 5 ACRES, 10 MILES WEST On Oregon Electric, y, mile of station, 4 acres clear. A snap at $1050. 6 ACRES FOR $400. On Electric line at station, 18 miles out; some improvements, running water. We are selling land all the time. There's a reason. Call 214 Lumbermens bldg. II And look over the best buy In Clarke county, 40 acres, 16 in cultivation, with 6 room house, fair barn, wondahed. chicken house, tool house, etc., partly fenced, on county road, 1V4 miles to hciiooi, store, v. u. and railroad station, land lies nearly leveL has orchard in Traai'inKr-Brrmer berrfeir and -wnair-frtrlts, a Bu wens, span gooa norses, 3 line cows, bunch chickens, wagon, buggy, plow, harrow, barnee, cultivators arid all small tools and what hay and crops are on place at time of Bale, all go for azow ana gooa terms can De had on part Chittenden & Neill 310 Oak st. I m ACRE 80 acres. 34 miles from Portland, 1 mile from Crawford on P. R. & N., about 1,000,000 feet of- timber, 1 mile from sawmill; 60 acres of good plow land when cleared and no better soil in Washington county. $40 per acre. 40 acres, 5 miles from Banks on county road and -mall route; 4 room bouse, good barn; 7 acres cleared; 30 chickens, household goods and all small tools and nnu mare goes with place; $1600 $850 cash. 4jal. on or before 6 years at 6 per cent. Guy D. Bell, 805 Henry bldg, v SPECIAL ATTENTION TO FARMERS. We have a large list of good Im proved farms in tho Willamette vallev at the right prices, which you can buv on very easy terms. Yes, some of th:ni with nothing down and the bal ance in five years. Others will consider some trade. Some of thae firm, ur 11 stocked, and this ybar's crop iu in- ciuaea. it you are looking ror a farm you will do well to. call on us and look over our list before you buy. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. Ground floor Board of Trade, bldg. Banks, Oregon 40 acres, I miles from Hanks, 25 acres cleared, 12 acres slashed, 5 ecres of good standing timber, 7 acres fine bottom, all fenced, house, barn and orchard. Iand in this vicinity sells from $160 to $300 per acre. $4500 takes this tWe if sold soon: about $2000 cash. Onlv fl cents round trip from Portland and Just think, only 30 miles from your barn gate to Portland. No trouble to show land, come in and let me tell vou some thing about cheap farms thut'are good. wii it. rjfJL.ti. dp nemy bldg. $18 an Acre '160 acres, one mile from Columbia river, same distance from town where 1 all Astoria boats stop; half stump land I eight acres cleared, balance has thre ! million feet saw timber. Fine living1 stream, on uiacHnam roaa. several good hox bouses. Ng:.bettejsoij and no waste jana JA.COB HAAS, 308 Gerlinger bldg. Stock Ranch .HA 1 . ..... 2000 acres but a Short dintnnr frma : . 1 , . , - - SSSreii? y2W ?.., iv'. JJ .,"uw''' ! wuj iu ft mu aviii, i9A ivi gav, Jast- man. G S, Smith & Company 432 Chamber of Commerce. HERE ARK SOM E LI VE BARGAINS-- HURRY. 800 acres, suited for stock ranch, enough To.od on place to-.'pay for land, running water, on county road near R. ( R. S6 miles from Portland, $20 per acre. oojne truae. - . . . , . SiALLARS & HANSEN, 601 Board of Trade bldg. $35 per acre, including stock and 1m- arr... I rnn hilanM .mul 4-I-11..K1.. lA . and all fenced. Situated on good road ptft'nnn1nnnmfrT,m ir - r r"?""" "" X '"u"" . , Small Farms and Acreage It you want a small lne of to 20 acres near rornanu, ootoa in anu see my list. Have some Choice email homes at reaeoname pnees. iNeai irowniTi swetiana bltlg, i . - . . r-I E 1! .' Good Farm Buys Hargrove & Sons , . Exclusive Farm Dealers .We now have the best list of farm of any time during our, long experience In Portland. If you are in the mar ket for a farm of any kind or slie, it will be greatly to your advantage to J fully Llth VZ call, on us and have us go over care- our. entire list which we wl, , nji,rin -w. knn. . ),. , jugt the niH?- win Vr. Tnnicinw for , kearf h VniiVu,fn ;tT7,nt i.Vna - -! ' 7??. 'o'wwing descriptions . care- I ' , " " I " r t j " oriuap lU Mcresai ugara The nrico nt hl ,inlro llltla farm home Is only $3800. ' There are 10 acres, all In a high state of cultivation. It Is a beautiful , niece of erround. lvlns ' ihed ch ckenusea granary ate There B?elo Tearing f?u?trees a'd an ab!n! ffard rnnvanlanl . a Mtt. mi.l ' 1 A miles from the center of Portland. Cheap 20 Acres at Damascus Damascus Is decidedly one ' of the very best farming sections of the state. We submit herewith one of the best pieces of land In that section. There are 20 acres, all In high state Of cul tivation, all the very best of land," and lies Just right, Living spring or water. 3-room house, good large barn and other outbuildings. Price only $3500. Riglit at Damascus, lust 8 miles south- cam irom me city limits or Portland. Improved 80 Acres, $3700 Thi place in located 25 miles south east of Portland In good section of Clack amas county, There are 80 acres, 1$ acres in cultivation, balance pasture and good timber. The soil Is good; 6 room house, barn 62x48, granary, milk house, wood shed, hen houses, etc. Good bearing orchard, nice living, stream through the place. This farm Is now being used as a dairy. It is on milk route. R. f. D., telephone, etc. and right at school and church. Prlca $3700. - Choice 60 Acres Base Line Road Some Trade Here Is one of the choicest farms In Multnomah county. There are 60 acres, 40 acres In high state of cultivation. The soli l unexcelled conceded to te the very best In the state. Good 6-room house, one of the best barns in Ahe country, other outbuildings. Good bear ing orchard, perfect water system, pure spring water piped to house and barn. Located east of the city on the Base Line road. Just where you get a vlaw conceded by all who visit the place to be one of the most magnificent in the world. Just 80 rods from tho hotel Just erected on "Chanticleer Heights." If you haven't been there by all means you should go. I'rlce for this valuable piece of farm property tis.oon: wnuid accept home In Portland to value of $5000. Beautiful 20 Acres for Trade Here is something very choice in a 20;a,cr.ihon,eW All in a high state of i uiinmiuii. very Dest or son and Use perfectly. Splendid 8-room plastered house, one nf th vArv k.., . ti,. city; large barn and outbulldlnes. Goo, bearing orchard and berries of all kinds. ir 19 acres are what you want, and nothing but the very best will suit you. by all means look up this place. It ? JU8t ' mlleB east rni the cltv limits of Portland, good graveled roa'l. Price $9000. Would accept home in the city to value of $6000. , Hargrove & Sons, 122 North 6fh St.. cor. 6th and-Qllsan DO YOU WANT AN IDEAL FARM? Close to railroad, good buildings. vary heat irino fif Vr -kX'.. u " i and family fniit WSltSSSite tr ? fheavJryv ni'i Y,J l? .. " u . , w .,l vauey, boh the to the very particular. 92 acres, price A number of small tracts. 5 and 10 acres, r.t station on Oregon Electric, all cleared, best soil, $126 per acre on very caey terms. We can exchange some lands clear of iiii-uiuuraiicfl ripm pncea, ror Portland properts". The Willamette valley Is now the center of great activity, but it la only the beginning. We specialize In farms near Salem. nnr CAPITOL TRUST CO., 225 Henry bldg. Marshall 203. To Divide Property Among neirs 150-acre well Improved farm; 19 miles from Portland, g miles from Oregon City, on good coun ty road, 14 mile from school; 100 acres of good, level land, bal ance hilly and covered with tim ber, mostly cedar: estimated value of timber $4000. Farm Is well watred by 2 springs near the house; all necessary farm tools and machinery, seed and feed for another year and some livestock go with this place at only $60 per acre. Owner is ill and quite old and wishes to apportion his property to heirs before his death, and will make a sacrifice of a large percentage of, value In order to carry out his wishes Here is A SNAP if you have $4500 In cash. Call for 114. Geo, C. Shefler 822 Chamber of. Commerce. ' Phone Main 6826. 160 Acres With 6 acres under cultivation, 40 acres more nearly cleared, 100 acros tillable, some cedar and a few large fir trees, 8 creeks and 2 springs, on county road, 5 miles from a good town, 3 miles- f the-road -is good anS- the balance is not so cood: one mil' tn 'school; It's all open land and the finest or sou, line out range; its an Ideal V. ., .1 1. .lt) ,AtrA ...... ,ii.(i anv, 11 wi.i iiiuaq juu nuiiif, money o.i tin j 1 nSX " - ..J " A. JL H, r ,,U C UIU filUV I HKII Will .ha.nJle lt- a your own time on the oaiance. The Chance of a Lifefrftie 40 acres, with 14 acrea under rultlv. tion, level; assorted family orchard and f,mall fruit: 2 wells. 4 rnnm hninu h.m etc., team, harness, wagon buggy Urn) 'machinery and Small tooiaUay iff the barn, fine outrange for tock, one mile nil...- 1 .. I. j. , . from Silver lake and one mile Trnm , Tuttle river. Jioth; full of fish; ; good. roads, neighbors close. 3 miles from ine town or silver and 10 miles from a good town of 3000; high School wagon takes- the children to school and nring mem nome. frice only $2300 and $750 cash, the balance ; to suit you. lAjUii. II UVfi,n V F. r" Hllhprt .Washington St., Vanconver, Wnh. 285 acre'..oo acres in cultivation. 60 - c:res mdr nearly . cleared, balance int rollme larid. 1 mllaa tn irnnrl tr.r, . .... I in b. lees tnan as miles from Portland,!' $50 per sere if sold in 1 0 days; need 'i lime cast,;, terms on Litlance. for par- ticulnr. -addreKM- Z-',8, . J.mriml, . , ') I Ottiiyuibtu) u bud ujl,, , $.100012 acres. 34 inll.s froi 1 (Hove, 4 room lunine, j.'un i . 14 apples. 12 cherries, 3 I" -r. , prunes, ,; tnilu to . school .... i a church; terms. $ 860 20 acres, B miles fi'oni R. It.. i hcroKgtn valley, 4 loom Imu .-. small barn, well. ,", $3260 30 acres, neer Gales Oily ni 1 ' Forest Grove, 20 acres under plow, fair house, 1 acre applex, 3 hoi i - ' prunes, phone, near school. $600038 ucres, 2 miles North Plain; : - acres under plow, 8 room houyt, , good orchard, A-l place and a bar- gain at the pi ice. . - - $4000 30 acres, 4', 4 miles from Forest . - - Grove, 20 acres cleared, somo bee- verdam, small house, 3 horsen and - r . - other stock and all Implements. $270012 ecres, water piped to house of , .8 rooms, near Forest Orove; bII ' tools, implements, team, ; 2 cows and chickens, $1050 8 acres, all -under plow, smnU . house, $100 per acre lens than an v ' around It; paid $1500 last fall; . , . ' $560 will handle. . ,r - $1800 7 acres on electrlo K, R.. nenci. , , Forest Grove, all unwer -: pt,"' ' ',: shacK and barn; easy tentui. $1200 5 acres at Gales City; 7 miles " from Forest Grove; house." bant "'" and outbuildings, fruit; terms. $210010 acres; 2 miles' from Forest Grove; house, new ' barn,v young orchard; terms. . , ,, , . : ' $300040 acres, I mile from Gales City. - 16 acres cleared, 16 bottom land. 9 room house, barn 4fx6, family '. orchard, 10 acres fine timber,' mile to sawmill; terms, $110040 acres, 5tt miles from Buxton;. 12 acres cleared, 10 easily cleared, $200 cash, balance $125 per year, I ner cent $1800 40 acres, 4 miles north of Banks, ' 6 acres cleared, spring water, 2 S acres 1n orchard and walnut trees, 2 acrea in clover. $3000 40 acres, V, acres cultivated, 21 miles from Forest Grove, 5 room house, 65 assorted bearing fruit trees; terms. , $2000 80 acres, 4Vi miles north of Bux ton, 26 acres under plow, fair house and barn, family orchard and 2 acres of prunes; terms. : v Pacific Coast Brokerage Co, 618-21 Board of Trade bldg. " At the Right Price 38 acres, 2 miles from North Plain, 18 miles fpm Portland; 6-room hout,, goou orchard, all kinds of small fruit, . 20 acres In cultivation, fenced and cross fenced; good trout stream runs through place; on main county road, and clone to school. Land In this vicinity1' sells from $250 to $601 ner acre. The Owner Ba'-s let this go for i0 per acre, with a small payment down, or will take $3000 worth of Portland property. Banks Oregon -, v 40 acres, 2 miles from Banks, 25 acres cleared, 12 acres slashed. 6 acres of good standing timber, 7 acres fine bottom, all fenced; house, barn' and orchard. bant! tn this vicinity Sella from $160 to $300 per acre; $4600 takes this place if sold soort; about $2000 cash. Onlr 95 can's round trio from Portland, and lust think, only 80 miles from your barn , gate to Por gate to Portland. NO trouble to show ?al.ld- Come In and let me tell you some thing about cheap farm that are good. Just What You Want 40 acres, 1 mile from Crawford and 4 miles from Banks, on county road; good house, fair barn, SO acres cleared, goou family orchard, team, wagon and har ness, disc, plow, cultivator, nuggv. 2 COWS 4 hplfr 4 -elv, 6A ahlnkanu 1 brood sow 10 plws and all small' tools. ! This is a choice 40 In a good location and is the cheapest land in Washington crtonty for 1500; $2000 cash, balance $20 Per Acre 80 acres 34 miles from Portland 1 mile from Crawford on P. R. & N.. ahout i 1. 000,00 -feet -4lmbvloii)a.irnin Hr-wmui; - so acre of good mow land when cleared and no better toil in. Wash ington county. $40 per acre. 40 acres. 6 miles front Banks on county road and mail routs; 4-room house, good barn, 7 acres cleared, ' ow ciucRens, iHHisenoiu gooas nnu s ' i ,n,n 100,8 tnd one n,are 8 V; 1600. $850 cash, balance on or before 6 years at 8 per cent. GUY D. BELU 505 Henry Bldg. SACRIFICE PRICE. , 88.64 -acres 22 miles from Portland; 1 mile to station on Salem Electric; sidewalk all the. way: Vi mile to town and boat landing on Willamette river: land lies perfectly, no rock or -gravel, good deep loam soil; 4ft acren in cultivation, mostly- in crop, balance timber pasture, good spring never-falling; farm Is located In fine open country surrounded by beautiful homes, and commands splendid view of valley and mountains; good 7 room house nearly new, painted , and plastered,' good barn and -other outbuildings; all kinds of fruit with peach orchard Just coming Into bearing, plenty of hav'and grain; 2500 kale plants;' splendid team of mares 2 and' 6 years old.- weight 270: one colt 2 years old, 5 cows, 12 hoirs, -4 dozen chickens, wagon, rubber tired buggy set double harness.: set single harness, plow, bar- - row, cultivator and all ; small tools, cream-" separator- , and household furniture.:, We guar antee that you can't buy unim proved land adjolniner this farm for the price, wner is rail-, read engineer and hat to de pend on hired help, which la his . reason for selling. Everything goes for $10,500; terms, mort gage to run 5 years at 6 per cent. . . . CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO., 9ai Chamber of Commerce," Anjdeal 60 Acres I have cms of the best 60-aere - farm-that b.. found ltr the state- of Oregon. I make this statement (Without reservation and without fear of contradiction. It lies beautifully; It is at the forUa of two county roads and l right close to Portland. For otup use as one farm or for sundlvtd- . ing thls"foTttively csnnnt be ex celled. There l no debt aealnft it I will sell It for a small chhU payment and give av and -long terms on the balance. J. E. (Smith, 414 Chamber of Commerce. Port land. Or. . . . 5' ACRES, .fin black soil, riefui- Donald and Willamette, 60 acres cultivation. well - improved; an h! '-'arm l every respect: stock and J i i , ments; mut go at A iittin n . In a aiilr 4B4(1 1-J nt 1 1 tn n I , t , I . . balance to suit. , , i SOUTH' DAKOTA. s Choice quarter section of land in-1 eulttvation in Marshall county. '! If desired. ' Would consider land.) Phon residence, East 4091. (;; Martthall 4023. ' FOR BALE--Bcautlfiilly lo-at- 'I t: rr,nl .,.,. Ro n,. ln ertys an. or a poriipn, or part fine (.roekr modern tmiMtne filcte and large outfit; 4 im own: y-114, J on r n I . kcurs "1 rr,H,. f.-i i- "rum from i,i fruion. b;i.i!.iv;V ' ' ."' A