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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1912)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, TORTLAND. SUNDAY HORNING, UOVEIIER Zl, 1ZV Tarn io. the Back Page of SecfwivOne fo .Pull-Page fihnoimceuient of . Regular. Store Hens 12 All Credit Purchases Tomorrow and Balance UV-.r ''rra french names on toilet pREPATONS'bf'unabtfiii c , ' , . . 1 , 1 1 . 1 ' ', j-issssi. lM 1 II t J) I 1 1 tyvUS M 4 C ts not advertised by The Meier & Frank Store. Only Toilet Articles of of Month Go on Dec. Acc't, Payable Jan, let H'U W Ms,(jHjJ U(AVU g) ?"ho)Z StvTSST. GaIIct Pivcrs n Cty are her' fr TO f f " i ::' Brings Hundreds of Daily-Used Articles fF ONE THING be certain that our, First Floor Drug and Toilet Goods Section V i positively never undersold. Note the articles a listed on this full-pace an il nouncement. ; You'll find here daily used articles at prices cut to mean the greatest CI I i ' ' at Prices the Lowest Obtainable 1 Dossible savings to you. " Our regular monthly Toilet Goods Sale begins tomorrow and continues in force for a week. But make out the list of needed articles now1 then order tomorrow. Purchase the needs for weeks' to come. v Included are special articles suitable for Christmas guts. - , ' . . ' ' . . " V Keep this page for referenceorder from it note the reductions and you'll acred that the sayings are worth while. . i Mary Garden Perfume ! A 25c Bottle Given Free INCLUDED free with, every 35c package of Trentini Talcum at-25c is a 25c bot tle of Mary Garden Perfume. Trentini Talcum is made by the manufacturers of Mary Garden Perfume, and is the new imported Toilel necessity. 50c Palmolive Shampoo flree1. KNOWN everywhere as the perfect combination of pure vegetable ingredients, with Just the right amount of pure olive oil is Palmolive Soap.; For this sale aOc bottle of Palmolive Shampoo 'given free with -every purchase of six 10c. cakes of. Palmolive Soap. A $1.10 value for 49S ' rALKMUVI mmSm Face Povder Fre! A Package With Every 50c Purchase DURING this SaIe,;subject to stock, we will give free .with every 5oc pur chase' of Toilet or Drug "Articles a pack-1 age: of Mairan .or JSanitol Face' Powder. TOOTH Brushes A 25-cent Package of Any Standard Tooth Powder or Paste Free With Each Tooth Brush Purchased Here J? VERY one of these Tpkalon Tooth Brushes packed in a sani tary box, made with sanitary ventilated backs. Has Four rows of pure bristles. Bristles ar set to fit over the, teeth. , We replace any Brush, should bristlei come out For this Sale, your choice of 25c pack age of any standard Tooth Powder or Paste free with each Tokalon Brush, at 35f. ' CreainThatCieans Beautifies! SCORES of the world-famous beauties are enthusiastic in their praise' of Melorose Beauty Cream. Few face creams that combine so perfectly and effectively the essential tf massage tnd cleansing as does the famous Melorose Cream. Trial application will show you how the pores, of the skin are purified how wrinkles, blackheads and other blemishes are re moved. Of a delicate and fine texture is the popular Melorose Face Powder 50c boxes Melorose Cream of Powder, 39f. ' Proved a THROUGH the use of the Willard-White Vaucaire Galega Tablets, hundreds of women have improved and developed the figure 1 Wasted tissues have been- built up bust and neck have developed and nature's intended beauty has been the. result. Vaucaire acts as a tonic and a medicine. For the November sale we price regu lar $1 boxes of Vaucaire Galega Tablets at only 79. r ; Kdoleak Rubber Goods of Quality ! IUST what the name implies-i-the "Knoleak" make of rubber goods. Of high quality and gua inteed for one year is every "Kno leak" Water Bottle. xaolfftk Rot Wattt BottiM, "a-t ili..Siis KaoUak Xot Water BottUa, 3-q.t. alia. .L80 50c El Perfecto Veda Rouge Only 23c THE famous Veda Rouge has long been a favorite of the atrical stars, and is -used by women the land over. Gives to the user's cheeks a color true to nature. Of the dull tinge that imparts a clear healthful color and not the bright unnatural red that rouges of imitation make do. El Per fect Veda Rouge is made of the finest and purest ingredients and known to be absolutely harmless. An unprecedented reduction made for this sale. The OO regular 50c boxes of this Rouge'are priced-it only, special &JC fmmM The Wails & Hands Attractive With Alabastrine! HERE'S no chipping or .cracking . of . hails wheri Beecham's Ala bastrine is used. Invaluable to every one in keeping the nails looking right. Softens the cuticle,, pre venting hang nails and rough finger tips. Large size jar 65c. ( - Beecham's Vere de Vcre Cream is a splendid skiri food. "The jar. 65c. Violette Veritable a wonderfully delectable, genuine - and rare odor perfume. ??WJL Face Creams-- . . . $1.50 Oriental Cream (Gouard's) 89. - ' 50c Sempre Giovine, 23. 50c Dr. Chas. Flesh Food 23. 50c Daggett & Ramsdell's Perfect Cold Cream, 32& 50c Pompeian Massage Cream, 24tf. 75c Pompeian Massage Cream, 25c Carmen Cold Cream, . 50c Theatrical Cold Cream (full pound), 39. $1 Milkweed Cream, 65. 50c Derma -Viva -Liquid Face Powder,23. Perfume Houbig ant's Ideal Perfume, ounce $1.59. $2 Mary Garden Perfume, ounce $1.59. 75c Pivert Azurea, L a t r e f 1 e, Florayme and other odors, oz. 58. 75c Roger & Gallet's Bulk Per fumes, the ounce 55. vrug Richard Hudnut's Specialties of Incomparable Quality ! NO place in Portland where there's a mnrp. rnmnlptp anrtmpnt nf I Richard Hudnut's preparations. Articles that embody all that skilled science in years of experience can produce. Just a hint here of the many delightful creations of the famous Hudnut's make. Violet Sec Toilet Water, Gardenia Perfume, Marvelous Cold Cream, Almond Meal, Liquid Green Soap, Marvelous Nail Polish, Violet Sec Soap, Dantaluxe Tooth Paste and Powder. Anc' assorted Sachets. .. " . , Fletcher's Castoria, 19. $1 Listerine (Lambert's), 57. 25c Malt Nutrine (Anheuser- Busch Malt Tcinic 12. $1 Syrup Hypophosphites Com pound, tonic, 57. 10c Ammo, 7. 25c Bay Rum 6 ounces for 16 25c Olive Oil Pure Califofnian -16. 25c Glycerine and Rose Water, 0 ounces 10. 25c Witch Hazel, full pint, double distilled, 15. 10c Spirits Camphor, 2 ounces, full strength, ---y '- - Face Powders 35c Java Rice Powder, 20. 50c La Blache Face Powder, 28 Piver's Face Powders, 7 4. 50c Pozzoni Face Powder, 28. 50c Carmen Powder, 25. Talcum-- 25c Mennen's Talcum Borated, 7. 25c Lily of the Valley Talcum, 14. 25c Riverfs Violet (Lehn & Fink) 15. 25c Spiro Powder for Perspira tton, 2 for 25. Rubber Goods $2 Hot Water Bottles, guaranteed 2 years, red rubber, 3 quarts $1.39. , $3 Combination Fountain Syr inge and Water Bottle, red rub ber, rapid flow, guaranteed for two years $2-19. $1 Fountain Syringe, red rubber, guaranteed 69. $1.25 Hot Water Bottle, guaran teed, 79. $2 Female Syringe, $1.29. Sachet Powd'rs 50c Sachets violet, helio, orchid, jicky, rose, jockey club ounce ' 33. ' :y . : ' 75c Pivers' Sachets, ounce 57. $1.25 Djerkiss Sachet, the ounce 83. Henckels' Cutlery A MOST complete stock of the world-famous Henck- els make of Scissors and Knives is al ways found in the First Floor Sec tion. Henckle for years the name that has stood for highest possible quality in Cutlery. Ask for it,. First Floor Section, ;.. j:..,'. Dentrifices 25c Sanitol Tooth Powder or Paste, 2 for 25. 50c Graves Tooth Powder, 23. 25c Sheffield's Tooth Paste, 14 25c Euthymol Tooth Paste, 10 25c Listerine Tooth Powder, 16 Odol Powerful Liquid Antiseptic, 43. Hair Tonic- 50c Hays' Hair Health, 29. 50c Fitch's Dandruff Remover, 34. 50c Parisian Sage Hair Tonic, 34. $1 HerpiddrNewbro's),-69 Miscellaneous 5c Lusterite Nail Polish (cake form), 15. 25c Lusterite Nail Bleach, 15. 15c Imperial Nail Enamel (stick form), 10. 15c Jergen's Benzoin and Almond Lotion, 10. 25c Eversweet, 2 for 25. 25c Parker Pray's Emery Boards, 12. 50c Chamois (oil-tanned), wash able. 3 7. Loofah Bath Sponge, 5. 15c Wool Sponges, 9. 50c Silk Sponges, 37. 25c Nail Buffers, 19. 15c Whisk Brooms, 8. $2 Traveling Roll-ups, silk with rubber lining $1.19. v , $2 Toilet Sets, brush and comb, $1.49., $1 Hair Brushes, 79. $1.25 to $1.50 Hair Brushes, 98 25c Tooth Brushes, 19. 20c Nail Scrubs, 12. 50c to 75c Scissors, 35. 25c Scissors, 15. Nail Files, each 10. Pearl-handled Pocket Knives, 20 OFF. t Hospital Cotton, pound 20. C5e Bath Brushes, with or with out long handles, 49. ' " Mme: Hit t 'en's Prince s s Cold Cream W OR years Mme. Hatten worked and experimeat- ed to perfect the formula from which this Princess- Cold Cream is manufactured. Princess Cold Cream as well as all other ) Mme. Hatten preparations, bear the original "(Bee Hive" label. The Cream, the jar at 50c and $1. Other 20th Century Specialties Bleach ream, Aimoni creatn, i-ace rowder, etc. and $1. - ' ' ' ' V. h f runnr rvturt rjTONCES5JC0U)Cl?EW J Cream, Freckle Variously, 25c, 50c Try Aubry Sisters Perfect Beautifier IF you haven't tried the famous Aubry Sisters' Beautifier, -do so now you'll be delighted with re sults effected at once. A delightful paste that takes the place of powder, and applied to the skin with a moist sponge imparts clear,- refined freshr ness. Cannot be detected and does not rub off. Triced, a jar at 25c, JiOc and 75c. Other Aubry Sisters' Preparations re Liquid Tint, .Beautifier Soap, Cream, Powder. - . - Demonstra tion Celery Phosphate ! A MOSTdelteht- ful and effect ive tonic for the nerves is this Cel ery Phosphate now beinfdemonstrat- ea in me main Aisle, First Floor, New Building Try it, served hot! 111 i The Malted ThatHasNoBqnal SAFE to say &g) there is no jiBaiil . equal .to the famous Borden's. Milk, pre- (jjy" -1 pared under the most OL... ' 1 scientific process. Of !' !f BORDEN, richest cows' milk, and jjjl fffp7T in a manner that com- i; vSnJiS- ,t!!!Li i-JJPft1'- I, . .-.WlIK.. . eninjf and nutritive ele- I pmsL ments. Put up in glass 'A ja&oSS' -bottles. easily and 7j?ldr quickly prepared. Small j , size, 39c, large size. 79cV I t I, ) Hopital size, $2.98. ' WffgMpiflrJ 50cSempreGiovine-Queenofiieautifiers,23c MiRIETTASTANtEY'Sltle-JgjffiE Pink Brick" has ' Been ; the Queen of Beautifiers to hundreds of fpJgwK Sempre Giovine (pronounced Sem tw6men from coast to coast. It has '?: psipfS!W pray Jo-ve-nay) js remarkably deans meant to them the building up of V Iww ing and soothing-can be used on the depleted tissues, the bringing back of ApffSST llimr lJSS' "lintr skin without injury, the glow of youth and natural beauty. ... no. ... , 'Regular 50c size for this No- ) It eliminates the tired expression that Ot vember sale at the low price ZOC Mme. De Garmo's Carrot -" "'; f"r'"-' '.'!'"!'. 'u.l ' "' ' '!" ; 1 1 "T."". .I'.'.""" '" ;' m ...hi'1 Ceme Special Offer! WE ARE exclusive Portland agents for. the well-known Mme. de Garrhos' Toilet preparations and during this monthly, sale will give FREE with every purchase of a 60c jar of New Gull Creme or Carrot Creme -a 25c jar of Mme. de Gar mos.' Face Towder. Carrot Creme is a vegetable astringent fof removal of wrinkles and chaps. A rebuilder for sunken tissues. New Gull Creme prevents and dispells wrinkles by softening the cuticle. Take ad-vantage-of-this .special, offer- tomorrow, Mail Orders Promptly Filled TELEPHONES PAFICIC, MARSHALL, 4600;" HOME A-6101. Mail ' - t. Orders Pr?riiptly Filled 0 1 5 c Colorinefor the Hair Bottle Special ; FOR ray or faded hair, ScheffleW Color- inft hz nn nnal " Tb cfmnt Ai- .... tw. oiuii, UilCU- I f uMvuv nui, iiiuui iui nuuau JU51 UIC Snaue' Ot. hair most becoming for individuality. Hundreds of women use Colorjne whenever needed to keep the hair lustrous and in natural shade, pry Regular 75c bottles for this. Sale only o(Q JI.JkI.FSff J I BLACK NO. 1 1 ill felorfnc