t 11 r " Sab Dmncrvcro. Silverware, "Cut GIgcs, RcactcroBlninn-Ilc Lruruili:ro .Sab Ccu&c. oleost Gift Doolis, Newest Fiction, Doo!is of Travel, Etc, in Pool: Storo, Basement ,Am:3X Vclltito Bomoiictrction, First Floor ! Ill III 1 II M I HI . - I .. I) HI III I.I II 1 I . II .1 ....i ....lUill. .1 " ' ' "" ' """ "" ' ' " ' II I' II !! I I I I HI I I Furs refnodeled, renovated and manu factured here in our thoroughly equipped thop. Everything in Furs made to your order. GOVT WEATHER FORECAST Fair tonight and probably Saturday; southerly winds. Any style;Columbia" or "Victor" Talk-' ing Machine may be purchased here on our Club Plan of easy payments. - In 'the new building on ,thc FOURTH FLOOR. In purchasing Furniture use our Install ment Plan of Easy Payments. .Whether you buy at sale prices or on regular pur chase, we gladly extend you this courtesy. Ii!iMii ,rj T Take Your stricted Choice of Any Third Floor $20, $25 and $38 Fancy Suits, the crxcon His m n OHO L" 1 oaiua mm A Claus! Yes; He's Here - With Toys and, Playthings and, jolly, good cheer come, children, come to. Toy Town, 5th Floor, -rAf Santa Claus Headquarters The Meter & Frank Store - See the wonderful exhibits of toys and playthings. Santa Claus Only oj "i . .O S5 Eyeglasses, $29 fp. HE least trouble with the - eyes should be immediately cared for.,. Have our graduate optome trist examine your eyes. And whether you need Glasses or not; there'll be no charge made for his services. For those who do need Eyeglasses or a change in those they now use, we special for Sat urday only our regular $5 gold-dJO QO filled Eyeglasses or Spectacles VwO - Wrrt Quality lam ritted to Tow rnmii, pair $1X0 . Overcoats or Raincoats at IVJEN. do not delav the selection of Suits. Overcoats or Rainenati UndiniaWv th AniUinn ntf mA a And now. when we cive vou unrestricted choice of our immmtA ttorlr M Mn ?n t95 j too p n..n. Raincoats for just $1751 . ; . . : "' '. " Choose tomorrow! You'll fincl the best selection of new Winter styles at your command. Suits and Overcoats that Hress you with marked distinction and the stamp pi fashion the latest! Clothing to fit men of every build we specialize on that! Finish and tailoring ;with closest kinship to "custom' - make. Again we counsel you to come to our Men's Store and make unrestricted choice of any $20, $25 and $28 Fancy Suite, Overcoats and Raincoats at. $18.75. , And a Right Royal Peering for the Boys f .?5 for $8.50-$ 1 5 Suits and Overcoats What an opportunity to clothe that boy iniafments bf hfghestrade and Over coats at prices you'd ordinarily pay. for popular priced clothW. ' The boys,'-too, will take greater pride and care in Suits and Overcoats such as these. . ; ; i !t V The wearing quality of Clothing for the boy is usually a paramount feature with mothers in the selection.. Every Suit, and Overcoat included ;this sale : comes up to highest standard and possesses every feature- that makes for greatest wearing service and all-around satisfaction. Every garment all. wool and lined throughout. Thoroughly reinforced seams, double Stitched and taped. Mothers, bring the boys early tomorrow for best; selection of these 8.50, $ 10, $12.50 to $15, Overcoats and Double-Breasted Knicker. Suits, on sale at $7.75. r ' Sale of Stationery I Last Day of the November Event bringing scores of savings in articles for personal and gift' use. Maribou Stoles andMuffebff ISOR Saturday only we offer these stylish Marabou Stoles,. Capes and Muffs, at J4 off. In black, natural and combination of colors. Insets or separate k pieces, ranging at $10 to $25 at the fAfff very special reduction 4Vll 50c Guimpes Of shadow lace and net. Made with lace yokes, lawn bodices, with elastic at waist, or In white and ecru.; Special, ea. LiDC $4 and $5 Neck Ruffs Of maline, in the newest and prettiest -styles. For street or evening wear. Made very full and tied with satin ribbons. In black, white and col- AO ors. Regularly $4 and $5. $L,VO 75c Union Suits Fot women, of fleece-lined cotton. Made high neck, long sleeves and ankle length CO regular 7.5c Union Suits at OOC Ilrtt Tloor Mala Bullftin only, 3 i we or Women's and Children's Hosiery 1HOMEN will do well to purchase their Hosiery needs for self and " V children Saturday when reat saving reductions will be in force. Children's 25c fine ribbed lisle feet, with linen toes. In black Regularly 25c, pairs single" Hose Of Seamless heels and and tan. Saturday for 22c pair 'it Women's '350 Hose Of Fall Weight lisle, reinforced where ' the wear comes. Made in outsizes. In black 'and ' tan. Regularly 35c, Saturday only, 3 OQp fairs'. for 85c-pair V .Boys' 25c Hose Of Ajax make, . extra heavy ribbed cotton;" seamless feet, made" for" exceptional wear. In black only. Regularly 25c Saturday only, 3 OA pairs for 55c pair vU Women's $3 Silk Hose Of the famous Kayser make. Extra weight pure thread silk. Double knit feet and double tops. Also made in flare-top style. Black only. Reg- QTnt? -tilarly $3, pair at I O Women's $U5 Silk Hose -Of pure thread silk, with lisle flared tops, with col ored bands. In black only. Regularly $1.25, Sat- QQ urday only, the pair OIv Women's 50c Hose Of imported lisle, extra fine quality, medium weight, high spliced, double tops and feet. In black and col ors. Regular 50c. Satur day only, 3 pairs for OKp 95c the single pair Otli Infants' 50c Hose Of silk and wool. Feet made seamless. Fine, soft fin ish, in all colors. Regularly 50c. Saturday only, OKa 3 sair $L00 pairiJtJyJ Infants' 35c Hose Of pure wool, with silk heels and toes. Card of darning wool, included with each pair. All wanted colors to choose from. Regu- OKp lar 35c, Saturday, pr. tJl Women'a NWool Hose Of fine quality, full fash ioned. In Oxford; fcatural and. black.. , -They're soft and durable, and positively the best grade of wool Hose possible to purchase. KH Saturday only, pair OvC Greatestof All Men'sFnrnishing Sales Continues HUNDREDS of men have already taken advantage of the genuine economy possible in this greatest of all Men's Furnishing Sales. Offerings that are" not and undoubtedly cannot be equalled 1 selves of tomorrow. Phenomenal reductions that the men, their mothers and wives should avail them- $2.00 to $2.50 Gotham Shirts $1.15 at Only Men's Negligee Golf Shirts, of silk mercerized materials and soisettes. Made with soft French cuffs, and have extra military style collars to match. In all colors and all sizes. Of the famous Gotham make. Regular $2.Wimr$2.5rShm57fo: tomorrow s sale only, at 1 , f 1 - y i - ' ", If ' ,. ;, . " i.T , ..:', .- ' M l' M ' - 1 ll-lld lJI . , ? , i Last Time to Pur chase $3.00-$3.50 Derbies for $1.98! Men, you'll gladly pay $3 and $3.50 for Hats such as we offer in this sale tomorrow. From -the factory of one of the most famous hatters in America, and this lot includes all black Derbies, with the minutest of imperfection which you'd hattiflLbe shown? to havt them.4ioticeable.-The8 - Black Stiff Hats are the newest shapes. d1 QQ Regularly $3 and $3.50. Tomorrow at vJ.50 $5.00 Wool Sweater Coats, Special $2.98 Of high grade pure wool, 'you'll find these Sweater Coats for . men and women. Made with ruff-neck, V-shape and Byron styles of collars. In oxford gray, navy, ma roon, white and brown. Regular $5.00 PO QQ Sweater Coat tPi0 Men's M. & F. Spe cial Gloves at $1.15 Fine quality Tan Cape Gloves fot stref t and dress wear, are the M. & F. Spe cial make. Reduced for tomorrow's selling. Made in regular and cadet sizes.. Gloves that ordinarily sell for $1.50. Special for this sale, tomorrow 3"l " C at only, the pair D Jultl 25c Cashmere Wool Hose at, the Pair 17c . Cashmere Wool Hose for men. In black, Ox ford, gray and natural gray. With seamless feet, slight imperfections, class th.ejn.as "seconds." Every fair of fine wearing qual ty and good Winter weight Reg. 25c 1 H Hose, pair at only ill 50c, 75c and $1 Neck wear on Sale Only 39c Appropriately boxed for Christmas gift purposes, is every . Tie included in this sale. You'll find tomorrow the advantageous time to pur chase them for much . less than later on. Large flowing ends, all colors and patterns. Regular 50c, 75c and QQ, $1 Ties, tomorrow at 057C g Thanksgiving Turkey Dollar-Dinner5 E3 S3 a 7TH FLOOR TEA ; ROOM SATURDAY! fil SERVED FROM 5 TO P. M. - Olympia Oyster Cocktail . Consomme Richo Chicken Piemontaisa i Branchi.Cclcry Eipa .Olivet Salted Almonds r Chinook Salmon, a la Fegence Pomrnes Gastronome Sweetbreads, Supreme, en Petit Calssei . ' Maraachino Punch . y Rout Oregon Turkey, Chestnut Dressing v Cranberry Sauce Roast Prime Ribs Beef, u Jotf Yorkshire ., Pudding : -..- v .. v. Potatoes en Surprise r cn Cora Saute with Green Peppers ca Combination Salad id Nuts and xRaislns English Plum Pudding, Hard an . Walnut Bisque Ice Cream Brandy Sauce Cakes b Tillamook Cream Cheese Toasted Crackers ta Cafe Noir 3L3I IBI Last Day of Mid Month Grocery O ' 1 Housewives who have not a 1 r e a d y ordered i: their grocery needs for weeks to come, from the advertised specials in force here, should do so today the last day of our great Mid-Month Grocery Sale. A few of the specials mentioned here : Fancy Boiled Ham, pound for 33 Home Baked Ham, special, lb, 45 Imported Swiss Cheese at, lb. 33 Imported Roquefort Cheese, lb. 50 Home-made Hominy, quart at 15d Asparagus, new pack, at only 20 Lemon, Orange, Citron Peel, lb. 17 Raisins 3 packages speciakfor 22 Mince Meat, special, 3 pkgs. at 25 Daisy Oyster Crackers, pound 15$ Milk, special, four cans at only 30 Supreme Pork and Beans,2 cans 25 White or black Figs, 3 pounds 25 Victor Cocoa, special, pound 28d Dry Granulated Sugar, sack $5.40 .,. Fwr Tood Oroctry Bamnt Btojr jUcgiilar 50c Un- dcrvear Only 39c! Women'a estg and Pants Reduced. Fleece-lined Vests and Pant for w a xsl en. I AJadchigh-neky-long- slee-ics, and ankle-lengtlt pants.' Our. regular - 50c Undergarments- qa -on sale Saturday, garment OVC Girls $16.5018.50 Xoots $ 13.85 THEY'RE not the ordinary sort of Coats these we special tomorrow at $12.8 I Of beautiful quality rich winter fabrics -of per fect finish. Two of the styles just as illustrated one with handsome coljar and cuffs of black velvet other in Norfolk Delt style, tan with tan and white checked wool lining. Then splendid variety of models in heavy man serges, cheviots, chinchillas, corduroys and fancy tweeds. In blue, red, fcrpwn, black and "gray. Ages 6 to 14 years. Mothers who delight in that careful and attractive dressing of the girl should not fail to see these beautiful models $16.50 and $18.50 regularly, at $12.85. Bathrobes They're iust as snu and . comfy as can be 'theDa,th Robes in our splendid assortment for the girl of 2 to 14 years. Of.efderdowns and blanket materials oin blties, red, pink' and gray. Square, round and I) high necks. Finished,with satin and silk bands. v gut mat any iirae or young jniss wouia una comfort in! F.or ages 2 to 14 years, prices range from $2.75 to $6.50; 2 to 8 years at from $2.00 to $6.00. Bvcond nxr Mln BaUaiiur TOaH Orders ruled O If Wometfs Regiilaiv$10 Felt Slippers Only $ 1 . 1 9 Fur-Trim'd Felt Juliettes That Sell Regularly $1.50 WHAT comfort and daintiness , the women always find in these warm Felt Juliettes! So tastefully trimmed in fur. Made with medium heeb, plain toes and hand-turned soles. In black, red, gray, wine, brown and green. Regular $1.50 Felt Juk a iettes, for tomorrow's sale only, pair at t0 1 i 7 Boys' $3.50-$3.75Shoes, $2.85 Every boy has a keen desire to wear the heavy high-cut. stprm shoe?. And they're priced for Saturday within the .reach of all. In tan or black calf leather. Vith double soles, bellows tongue and .buckle style. Reg-Art nr ular $3.50 and $3.75 high storm Shoes, pair.Ot) -, ..... llilrd rioev BWlUn 1UU Ordn CoffltlQIi'S S0c Society Chocolates Only 38c C ' ' jT 30c Turkish -Caramels Special 20c and y : - . 1 , 40c After-Dinner MinU Only 30c SpCCilsr 40c Mount Hood Nougat for 30c BROWNIE: CAMERAS! Oboou Mow tot Olftt pr Own Via. Children take a natural and kean da ligtit and lntereat in taking picture. Why noi buy them a Brownie Camera? Any child can operate them. We have 35o M. ft r. tlauld Developer only 94 36o Eartmaa Acta Plxlnr Powder 19 38o Xnresto sereloplnr TaUlata fot 2T - " 1 1 " ' -- 11 " 11 J!!SaeaMMeMi iW:l" i TELEPHONES-PAFICIC, MARSHALL 4600;. HQME :A-Q101. at 98c Regolafto$2iOGrades r Included , for Saturday aell- Jnf,.ftJ,'2KJftJJ5cirtaJ iln sizes JL8 to 36, ana medium and high but atylee, with hoso upportera attached. White only. Ordinarily selling l $2 tach. Tireee corpeta oloee nnA out Saturday only, pair Silver Plated Knives andForUsatSl.W r., JUST'lOOsetsof'Silver-Plated Knives and Forks ;to offer at - this price. They're Mhe i kind. , that . give, such ? perfect every day satisfaction. 'Made from the high est grade blanks and heavily silver plated on nickel 'silver1' base Set consists of 6 four tined forks and 6 swaged bladed d 7fi knives. The set priced for only J 1 f j Hartz Mountain Canary Birds at $2 .69 :We've iust received .a' lare-cL: number f beautiful Hartz Mountain Canary Birds. Aim lias 19 surci an uppunune time to pur chase one of, the'e household . delights, for gift purposes. " Every-one of these Canary Birds is guaranteed, to be a singer. ' And they're specially" priced. tomorrow, ?3.C0 ..... ,, '(