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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1912)
), i 4 v 1 1 J . i. JL. j. . J vLi.ii. ijI r VAZ. 0 T. Thursday's News Briefly Sketched Uarrenlnjis Of Human Interest Occttrrlnsf Throughout the World A'fer y., Yesterday's Isaao Wept to Frcsa. , ' j -I'U- Political.' . The official complete returns show that "VVoodrow Wilson's plurality ' for president In Kansas is . 23.447. ; Taft failed to carry a, single county, and ran 60.000 behind Roosevelt , Debs carried Crawford county, the first time in the history of the state that a Socialist has carried Kansas county. - . ; f Members of the Navy League of the United States are preparing a statement to -be presented ta coneresa to back up -ths demana of the general navy board, . presided over by Admiral Dewey, which recently reported that congress should appropriate for four battleships at the , next session or this nation wouldfall behind even' Japan in the race for naval supremacy. , , t .- -,. Determined to prevent a railroad mo nopoly in New England, the department of Justice tentatively plans to' enjoin the consummation of a pending. traffic agreement between the Grand Trunk and the New Tork, New Haven & Hartford railroads. , To this end a special agent has gone to New York, to inspect the papers - and correspondence la this con nection which the roads have filed. V James Stacey, accused of complicity in a bank robbery at New Westminster, B. C, a year ago last September, was in. dieted at, Chicago' Thursday on the charge of attempting to murder former .Lieutenant of Police Burns when the latter placed him under' arrest In that ' city recently. '''ijjt'1- j'-:' ,Wlth a full Jury selected, ths trial of the National Cash Register company of f Iclals began at : Cincinnati Thursday. The organisation is being attacked by ' the government under the Sherman anti. trust iair.-r " : t-y-xi , , Mrs. Aimee qivens, divorced wife of Robert ft. Olvens, member of Chicago's fashionable set and' former Detroit beauty, who sloped Wednesday to Crown Point, Ind., with a man. aha believed was,a son of Marshall K. Klrkman, for mer president of the Northwestern rail- .road, was told Thursday that the man was Mr. Klrkman's chauffeur, William Boehm, who represented himself as Ed ward B. Klrkman. ' Luigl Naorao, a young Italian girl, 'threw herself In front of an automobile at Chicago Thursday, and thus p'revented the kidnaping of her 16-year-old sister, Nicollata, who had been seized near her home and thrown Into the car. Rather than run down the girl, the driver of the machine stopped and the delay gave the police time to capture the wotld be ab ductors. - At Lowell, Mass., Thursdsy, a priest and 20 firemen were overcome with smoke from a firs that destroyed the Interior of St. Jesn Baptists church, a large French Catholic edifice. The fi nancial loss Is estimated at $100,000. About ISO worshippers were attending mass when the fire was discovered in a room behind the altar. The mutilated body of Frank Bentley, ?5 years old, foreman In a cheese fac tory, was found Thursday tn a shallow grave on a farm near the village of North Java. N. T. Althose Prince, 35 years old, a farmer and neighbor of Bentley, and Louis and Harry Webber, Prince's brother-in-law, are held in con nection with the crime. Both legs had Jjeen chopped off Just below the hips. Every particle of clothing had been burned off and portions of the body were charred and blistered. Pacific Coast. Declaring that by false representa tions and. imposition of confidence she was led unknowingly to sign a deed transferring all her community interest In the 1500,000 estate of her husband, Mrs. Rose Oct, widow of the lata Bern hard Gets, wealthy real estate operator, filed suit Thursday in the superior court at San Francisco to Set aside the latter's trust., will."' , i -;. -.. Considerable mystery surrounds , the death' of C. L. Beat at the Oakland re ceiving hospital, where be was . taken after, being found in an open lot near Emeryville,' unconscious and suffering from a basal fracture of the skull. Real, who was a , veteran employe of the United States customs service, was par ticularly active lately in running down opium -tsmugglers, - and - Jt - Is believed that he may have been the victim of re venge.' -'-u .Cl--V-'i-----.''. In order to raise money for a woman in meed, Charles .Grant is willing tsell himself Into temporary slavery, accord ing to a letter he has written fo the chief of police of Los Angeles. Grant wants $100 and will give himself up to do the bidding of theibuyen the trans action to be carried on under polios su pervision. 1 ' . y. ? ,." . After-starting on a hunting trip sud denly disappearing and being mourned dead since November 10, L, E. Wells of Balnbrldge Island, i near Seattle, Is lo cated at ; a hotel near: San Francisco. Wells who was caretaker of the summer home of William J. Alexander on Baln brldge island, where , he lived with bis ylfe and several, children, declared he had no recollection of anything since the morning he started hunting, v For a week past train service on the Wallowa county branch of the 0.-W, R. s N, company has , been demoralised. The train has beer, derailed three days in that period, In the canyon of the Grande Ronde and Wallowa rivers, through which the only .railroad into the county leads. ' Continued heavy rains have caused numerous rock and dirt slides. ' ' ' - , Fearing the readjustment of freight rates as a result of the passage of the Initiative law November 5 will be slow and that, in view of the fact that the law Is likely to go to the courts, before an adjustment is reached, J, H. Dobby of Joseph and John G. Hoke of Medical Springs, president and secretary of the Oregon Woolgrowers' association, have announced a determination to continue the association, fight for a new classi fication of wool rates. Harry Timmons, sentenced to serve one year In Jail, on a charge of contri buting to the delinquency of Valera Prof fltt, a 18-year-old girl, who com mitted suicide, at her home in Oregon City, after an all-night automobile ride in Portland with Timmons. John Flnu cane and Clara Johnson, also of that city, was paroled Thursday by County Judge Beetle. Fannie Whlttaker. 17 years old, was divorced at Lebanon Thursday from G. 11 Whlttaker, 45 years of age. It devel oped In the trial of the case that Mrs. Whlttaker was the defendant's third wife, and that he had married each Of his three wives when they were 17 years old. Hit first two wives Were sisters. The office of the reclamation service has received telegraphic Instructions to be In readiness for the construction of what is known ss the fifth unit of the Umatjlla project. Orders' by letter to commence this work are expected any day. The fifth unit comprises about 1100 acres along the extreme north side of the project, and It is possible that the Brownell holdings of nearly 900 CASTOR I A - lor Infant and Children. Tin Kind Yon Hare Always Bought Boars tht Signature of Sale! Books, Stationery Christmas Goods STOCK MUST BE MOVED TO . . . . . MAKE WAY FOR NEW TENANTS . Jones Book Store 284 OAK STREET Bids solicited for fixtures, cash registers, electric signs -!) also will bo inclmlid. lirlriKlng tne total up to nearly acres. The cost of the work la estimated at $30,000, Richard J. Ilalnoa, a prominent ranch er Bouth of Malheur lake,'' was Shot and dangerously wounded, about midnight Sunday, by James ifi. Hall, a nelRh- boring homesteader. . nail , says mey were both drunk and that . Haines was crotnir to tilt him with a chair. SO he shot to stop him, and not to kill. A painting picked up m a Monwrey, Cal., secondhand stofce by the' famous Danish artist, Hugo V, reaerson, lor $15, has been sold to en English mu seum for 20.000. the Picture proving to be an oia uutca masierpiecej ; A statewide movement 10 : prevent Orientals from owning property In Call fornix was berun at a meeting in Sacra mento of the executive committee of, tne nortnernaisirict oi iuii en's clubs. t v; j '-;-;imi' f Foreign.'. -&K.- .'Th TTniti Rtt rniisers Montana and Tennessee, en route to Constantino pde, arrived at Gibraltar Thursday, and, after taking on coal, proceeded imme diately toward the Turkish capital, harlottenberg, Berlin's ' fashionable residential v suburb, , nas ao.sss more women than men, a larger surplus of itrnman than lit other oltv. This has Just been disclosed by the new census figures. - with a population or sn.sue there 113,67 smen. and 173,862 women. ,'... .:'..: A popular agitation was started in Italy Thursday for'a 'series of rewards and promotions for ithe army aviators whd played such an important part in Tripoli during the Turkish-Italian war. Practically air of the army and naval officer and private wha distinguished themselves have been generously re warded. Nothing, however, has been don for the aviators. '. " Beporte from Durango, Mexico, to the state department, say that the American-owned Maguey ranch, 60 miles west of Duratigo, was completely sacked, and its buildings burned November, 20 by a force of 100 revolutionists. American, buyers purchased from $750,000 to $1,000,000 worth of gold on the Londonl market Thursday, to be shipped to New York. Thofflclal estimate of the dead in the hurricane and tidal wave that visit, ed the western part of Jamaica, places ths number at mors than 100 In ths coast towns alone, Details gradually coming In, indicate great devastation In the western section; Two aviator were killed in France, Thursday, one Andre Frey, at Rhelms, and the other, Bub-Lieutenant Laurent, at Etampes. Frey was well known on both sides of the water. He finished third in the international aviation race at Chicago in September. i The town or AcamDay. in tne norinern t-art of the state of Mcxlro, Is practical ly in ruliift us a re.Hult of the earthquake there Tuesday. Fifty-nine bodies have been removed from the ruins of a church and other buildings. Many more remain In the wreckage.. The Injured will number 100... Scarcely a house or public building Is Intact. Many deaths and great loss of property are reported from other towns. . . One hundred federal' troops defending -the Mexican port of Palomas on the New Mexico border, made a determined fight against some S00 rebels and sur rendered only after two distinct, en ' gagements, the last of which was fought i from house to house. Reports give the federal loss 'as seven killed and 10 wounded, while ths rebels lost 14 killed and wwunded. . n liiiffln Between Knee and Ankle. Skin Loose. Leg Dark Red. Cuticura Ointment Entirely Cured Her. K6 Fuller St., Redwood, Cel. "My two-year-old daughter tipped a basin of hot water on her leg between knee and ankle. Pbe was burned so badly, la places as large as a man's hand, that the uun was loots. The appearance of the leg was dark red. I applied the Cuticura Ointment at ones and put on a bandage. I removed the bandage twenty-four hours later, opened ths water blisters, applied mora Cuticura Ointment and bandaged again. The skin did not come off and I did this until she was completely cured. 1 did not let her walk much until It was healed. 6he did not complain after the first day. and after the Cuticura Ointment was put on. slept as usual. The scars are gone; Cuticura Ointment entirely cured her." . (Signed) Mrs. E. O. Chapman Mar. 12. 1912. ITCHING AND BURNING SPOTS Spreading All Over Face. Sometime Sores. Gaston. Ore. "I had itching and burning pots all over my face, It came out In rough places and Itched and burned all ths time. It was spreading all over my face. Sometimes there were sores, and they were red and Inflamed. I washed the affected parts off with ths Outlcura Soap, then applied Cuticura Ointment. 1 only put t on three times and the sores were all gone." Signed) Chas. Wahl, Dec. 27. 1911. Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are old throughout the world. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept.T. Boston.'! StrTender-faced men should use Cuticura Soap Shaving Stick. 25c. Sample free. Instantly BeliOv and rapidly Cure OOUT.KHEUMATISM.RHEUMATIC GOUT, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, and all pains In the head, face and Umbs. At all Druggta, ei fraa Sol Asenn E. FOUGERA St CO.. lac N. Y. M HOMING INSTINCT is no stronger in bird or beast than in man. " The reason it appears so is be- AM a A w t A 9 A f Ayi! anff 4f a Am! Ah !m111! iai a X 1 A iL 1 . 1 .cause umiiduujr caciuscs ju ouycnui iiucimrciiuc .10 supplant inis Dcauiirui sciiiuircai wuxi UU51HC33 uncs anu money.- i nis is wronj(, - THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING and regardless of who you are, you know there is somebody, somewhere, who. to be with them on THANKSGIVING DAY or CHRISTMAS. wants you N X ARE YOU GOING? You owe it to yourself because you will feel younger; you owe it to tnem, because they are getting older, write them you are coming via The line of Block Signals THE SAFE WAY to Chicago and the East A PLEASURE To Answer Questions IpII vm". . va vm m " THE EASY WAY Kansas City and St Louis CITY TICKET OFFICE THIRD AXD WASHINGTON rtjones Marshall 4200 or ' A-01S1 Miscellaneous. With a delay of nerhans a year. In the completion of the Canama canal in prospect, unless foreign vessels are al lowed to continue carrying material and supplies to the Canal Zone, ths inter state commerce commission ha decided to modify its recent administrative rul ing . "that shipments destined from points in the United States to porto Rico, the Canal Zone or the Philippine Islands are coastwise shipments." ' : - Chief Justice Gudger of the supreme court of the Panama Canal Zone, has refused to grant a writ of habeas cor pus Jn thecase of the Nlcaraguan revo- lutloniiit lea'lor. General Louis Mcna, ari his eon, Colonel Daniel Mcna, "de tained? at Ancon by the United Btates. Clyde B. Aitchlson and Frank Miller, members of the Oregon railroad com niiHHlon, In co-operation with the stats railroad commissioners from Washing ton, ; California and - Nevada, now In Washington attending the annual con ference of stata railroad commissioners,! have perfected an organization, to be known as the Paclfio coast public ser vice commissioners, and to comprise ths commissioners of each of ths states named, Mr. 'Aitchlson has been chosen president of the Pacific Coast associa tion; George-A. Lee, chairman of ths Washington commission, is vioerpresl dent, and- Commissioner Edgerton of California, is secretary. t , News Notes of Huntington, Or. Huntington, Or., Nov.- 82. Walter Fbrath, who was held In conectlon with an assault on railroad men, was dis charged in the recorder's court John C. Rogers, the long time host of ths Depot hotel,-. has purchased from the ' railroad acompany the old . depot building and will move it onto a central location as soon as the company takes possession of the new depot It is his intention to remodel and refurnish the hotel. ..' One way to go broke In a hurry is by attempting to get rich quick. mm, cousin, bi ME DEUCI5."1U P OF FIGS." Removes the Scum from the -Tongue, Sweetens a Sour, Gassy, Bilious Stomach; Cleanses Your Liver and 30 feet of Bowels Without Gripe or Nausea. coated, stomach sour and full of gas, you belch undigested food and feeV sick and miserable, it means that your liver is choked with sour bile and your SO feet of bowels are clogged with effete waste matter not properly carried off. Constipation is worse than most folks believe. It means that this waste mat ter in the 30 feet of bowels decays Into poisons, gases and acids and that these poisons ara men sucxecr-inio mo dioou through the very ducts which should suck only nourishment to sustain the body. Most people dread physic. Thsy think of castor oil, salts and cathartic pills. They shrink from the alter errects so they postpone the dose until they got sick; then they do this liver and bowel cleansing in a heroic way they have a bowel wash day that is all wrong. If you win taxe a teaspoonrui or aeucious Syrup of Figs tonight, you will never realise you have taken anything until morning, when all the poisonous matter, sour bile and clogged up waste, will be moved on and out of your system, thoroughly but gently no griping no nausea noreakness. Taking Syrup of Figs is a real pleasure. Don't think you are drugging yourself; 'it is composed entirely of luscious figs, senna and aro mattes and constant use can not- cause injury. Ask your druggist for "Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Benna,".tatjd look for the name, California FlgSyrup company, on the label. This is ths genuine old reliable; Any other Fig Syrup offered as good should be refused with contempt Don't be Imposed upon. If s Best to Remember that every organ of the wonderful human body Is dependent upon every other. If your liver goes wrong your blood will be impure; if your bowels are inactive your stomach and digestion will show it. And one trouble leads to another. have become the most famous and the most approved family remedy in the world. They are known for their wonderful and unrivaled power to cause regular, natural action of the liver and bowels. They are gentle, safe but sure. Beecham's Pills benefit every organ of the body brighten the eye, clear the brain, tone the nerves and incfease vigbr because they Remove the First Cause of Trouble Special dbvettMM fer womca witk every tioa. Sold erarrwliere, 10, XSe. Some Growing Children are under sizeunder weight Some grow tall and thin, others are backward in studies pale and frail improper ataimilation U usually the cause, J If your children are not rugged and ruddy and rosybubbling with energy and vim at all times, you owe them SCOTrS EMULSION nature' concen trated nourishment to build body, bone, muscle and brain, CoHdrea need SCOTT'S EMULSION ts progress. Trade-Ma 8COTT & Bownb, Bloomfield, N, J. u-e CHICAGO, 72 Hours MINNEAPOLIS, 58 1-2 Hours ST. PAUL, 59 Hours FIOM PORTLAND via 0 NORTH COAST LIMITED ATLANTIC EXPRESS TWO FAST TRAINS DAILY THROUGH TO CHICAGO None Belter None Faster ELECTRIC LIGHTED, WITH LIGHT IN EACH BERTH Hava your ticket rtad over this line of those GREAT BIG BAKED POTATOES and Famous Dining Service Portland City Ticket Office, 255 Morrison Sw Corner Third St. TelephonesMain 244, A-1244 , ' , A. D. CHARLTON, Asst Geni, Pass. Agent r . Portland, Or. UoOiOoVO., 4Mi 'Fool Ball at Albany Saturday November 23d Z $3.05 ROUND TRIP '' ", " 'f 'Via''' : -'VA''. OREGON ELECTRIC RY. ffOXVG) JJTT TXAiar lATTTBSAT. WXTBnXXXQ axt nsxa ttovsAY, urcursxYis. , Schedule of Trairis onthbonnA &caL i UmltsO. oeal ... Xitave Jsffsrson , ftatlo.........i30 s m. v ti40 a, m.: HK a,'. IrrtTS Albany trio a. m.'SljlO a. uu SiOO p. m. VorthbouUU boeai, e ' XtOoaL - 'Owl boave' Albany ....tJil.,., ........... .6100 p. n.. tK p. a. UM p a, Axtlrs Portlan ........... .........B:0S p. a. lllOO p. u. , 8:4S . m. ' LsaTinf time at Nort,h Bank Station Is 19 minutes earlier than at Jefferson St Station. . . ' Additional trains in both directions are shown la folder. Llhilted trains carry observation parlor cars; seat fare to Albany1 35 cents. . The "Owl" carries a standard sleeping ear. All trains carry first class coaches. . " . i;v Tickets taad schedule at: ' '" , cuv 1 TxcncET orrxom riftk aad Stark Vte. Tenth and stark sts. Tenth and Xorrlsoa Its. yjkMrnraBB statxom -xnerenth aad X071 Streets. .leffersoa and Trent Streets. 7A Great Northern Railway TRANSCONTINENTAL SERVICE "The Oriental Limited" ELECTRIC LIGHTED TRAIN For Paul, Minneapolis an3 ChicagoLeaves Port land Daily 7:00 p. m.-Through Standard ( and Tourist Sleepers " TO CHICAGO IN 72 HOURS "THE OREGONIAN" Leaves Daflj at 9:55 ti, tcL ' Coast Line Service .-.,.':'"V.V For Tacoma, Seattle!, Vancouver, B. C, land Interme diate Points THREE DAILY TRAINS ; Leave Portland 10 a. m., 5 p. hx, 12:15 Midnight All Trains From Hoyt Street Station, 11th and Hoyt mm TWffF" Tickets, Berths and Parlor Car Seats at City Ticket Office," 122 3d t Street, and at Depot H. DICKSON, C P. & T. A. 2i a ML. . rm 4L V f (jj via! the I Vl SUNSET el I (OCOCNeSHASUl : I I t ROUTES i . I r v RAH! RAH! FOOTBALL GAME U. of 0. vs. O. A. C. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23. Qtizens from Wfflam- ette Valley towns will be there. X Join the S V1UWU9 Tickets good going Sat urday and for return Sunday or Monday. I Call at Cltv Ticket Office1, 3d and' I Washington; Union Depot or East a Morrison uepot.. - John M. Scott, General Pe it 1 " $ ' ,f .