the, c;:::go:i ij;.ily journal. ro.;i.:::v 'i;iu.::AV 020. S25 and $28 Suit, Overcoat and Raincoat at $18.75BoysVg8.50,.$10, 012.50 end 015 Suit OS J J it i ns til Ja11j J Furs remodeled, renovated and manu factured here in our thoroughly equipped shop. Everything in Furs made to your order. ' ' , Any, style "Columbia" or "Victor" Talking Machine may be purchased here on our club plan of easy payments. FOURTH FLOOR, in the litvf Building. Frank's Sporting News. Football GOVT WEATHER FORECAST Occasional Showers I'riJay, 3 P. M., Lincoln High School vs. Washington High Schdbl; Championship Game. Tickets and Pennants on Sale Here mile-Savings af The Meier & Frahti Stq Wo. 1190! FRIDAY will be a BIG DAY AT THE MEIER &' FRANK STORE you've but to note the oneway ,u tpccials as offered below and you'll agree thai tomorrow is sure to be a banner clay at The Big Store. what we've planned for you tomorrow. Offerings are here that are sure to mean women and shoppers waiting at 8 for the opening of the doors and they're WORTH COMING EARLY FOR every one. ' Purchase one of each of the articles as included in this Great' Friday Sale?, and the extent of your sav ing will be approximately $63. f That's what our Friday Sale means for' you tomorrow. Come come Note the regular and sale prices not a value quoteel Jbut is bona fidel And in many cases articles are .ally worth more than we've stated. It's a GOOD, OLD-TIME FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE that's MA- actually early you 11 not regret itl , " M. & R'S 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE $1.25 and $1.50, Dressing Sacques : Phenomenal bargains offered in this sale find evidence in the astounding reductions made on these outing flan nel Dressing-Sacques. One tyle just as illustrated. Surprisingly well fin ished is every one. They're made from very fine quality outing flannel and flannelette, loose peplum or shirred at the waist. Square, round, V shaped or high rolling collars, daintily trimmed with borders, edged in satin or satin bands. Large and small figured patterns or fancy stripes. In pinV," blue, navy, lavender, red and gray. Reg. $1.25 and $1.50 Dressing . Sacques for Friday only, each 78c. eon4 rioor iffala BullAlar ' ' 1190th Friday Surprise Sale Men's Hew 50c Ties at 500 dozen men's new 50c grade Four-m-Hand Ties. Received Just in time to include in this Friday Surprise Sale. They're made with flowing ends or full French fold. And youll 'find every one of the latest and all the standard pat terns and color combinations. They're regular 50c Ties, reduced almost to actual cost for Friday only, each 25c. Just Inside Morrison St. satrano Still Orders ruled 1190th Friday Surprise Sale Women's $3 Shoes at Only 51.89 We cannot recall when- such Shoes as these were ever offered at so low a price. Not a Shoe in the entire lot that you would not ordinarily pay at least $3 for. They're of -patent colt, and gun metal calf, with black cloth or mat tops or vid kid styles withypatent tips.' - Either button , or biucher cut, fuban heels, light weight or extension soles. Truly an excep tional surprise when Shoes of such values as these -are offered. Fri day only," pair 51.89 M. & F.'S BIG 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 200 $5 to $25 JUj Hats Friday for liu And right in the height of the season do we offer this entire lot of 200 dress and tailored Hats that range from $5 to $25 at half price. Youll readily admit this to be an exceptional sale when yon see the quality and style of the Hats included. We cannot empha size too strongly that it is for Friday only you may purchase these Hats, regularly $5 to $25, at half price. for Reg. $1.15 to $3.50 Outing Hats Not a woman or miss that would not find it a matter of econ omy to purchase Friday one of these ready-to-wear or outing Hats. Suitable for street wear on rainy days and outings of all occa sions. In price they ordinarily range at $1.75 to $3.50. But you may purchase them Friday only at, each, 95c. Second CToo-Vtw Bnildlm 1 1 90th Friday Surprise Sale $1.50 and $2 Corduroys Very popular this- Fall for suit Ingi are these 27rincb fancy Cor duroys. In changeable and mixed colorings.1 Of gray, green, brown, garnet, tan and cream. Just the opportunity that hundreds' , of women of Portland will . readily avail themselves of to. purchase i Corduroy Suitings. For Friday only,1 we will sell regular $1.50 to $2 grades-of fancy Corduroy Suit ings, the yard 98c rixat oot Mala Bunding - ' nu order rout. 7? M. &T7S 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE ; Another ' exceotional offer' " for women and misses for 'Friday only are these Waists we include at $3.55. One style, just as illustrated. Every ' , one a dainty and new style and beau-" . tifully '. finished. Of . chiffon, , messa- ' line, brocaded charmeuse and challies. Some of thetn made shirtwaist style especially popular with business ' women." ; Others fancy , over colored plain and striped lining, with white i satin vests and lace yokes. High and. low neck ' styles, long nd short V sleeves. These regular $5 to $6 ' Waists are on sale for Friday only at $3.55. .. : V. . . ' eooaA Jfloor .Kstn BnUdlnf u ocaori rout H e M. & F.'S 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE For the Ritual 50c Silk lisle Hose Therell be a tremendous inroad made on this Hosiery Sur prise of 3600 pairs.,. They're a delayed imported shipment direct . from Chemnitz, Germany. Every one of fine quality silk lisle, with high splicings, double soles and double welt tops, in black and tans. For Friday, the one day only, choose these 50c Hose at, the pair, 29c. 9tn Z1M aiaia Bundlnr Van Ortes rm4. 1190th Friday Surprise Sale $2.25 Plated Sandwich Trays $1.29 They'd make a beautiful Christ mas gift, these Silver-Plated Sand wich Trays. Only 100 included in this sale. Of neat, pierced design, otherwise plain and full burnished, 10-inch size very durable. Reg ular $2.25 Trays, for Friday only, each $1.29. Tho Biff BMmnt Btoro. SfUla Building Kali Ordon riUod 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE $1185 for Women's $20-$25Suits Only 50 women's Suits entered In this Friday Surprise Sale. And for one day only, the entire lot will be offered at almost one-half price. They're in two styles, and mannish tailored these women's Suits we In clude for Friday only, at the tremen dous reduction. One style plain tailored, with notch collar and side pocket. Plain gored skirt, with panel back. Of heavy daigonal storm serpre, in black, navy and brown. Another style has belted back of coat, skirt . made panel back, with side-kick pleats, self button trimmed. In brown ana gray stripes. In both styles of Suits' you'll find all sizes from 34 to 44. Friday, we include this entire lot of Women's Suits that are regularly sold at $20 and $25, for one day only, your choice 112.85 ootid llootacala Bundlatf -X&11 Order rnioa, M. & F.'S BIG 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE for 85c-$l.25 Semi MadeCorsetCov'rs Jin p iI.'i.i.i iiii'i mi 'l' lit Nicely boxed for Holiday gifts are these Semi-Made Corset Covers. Of Swiss. In eyelet and French work designs, that are dainty and fetching. You'll find a large assortment of these Cor set Covers to choose from. All that is necessary to complete them for wear is the sewing of a hem down front around bottom edge. Choose Friday only from these regular 85c to $1.25 Semi-Made Corset Covers, each 49c. 35c to 85c Shadow R Lace Edges, Yard A 'Not many women that will not quickly grasp the significance of the reductions made in these beautiful Shadow Lace Edges. In white and ecru, 3 to 5 inches. Also Venise and Baby Irish Lace Edges 'and Bands, ; in white and cream, 2 to 4-inch widths. The entire lot of 35c to 85c Edges and Bands for Friday only, yard 19c. Xlrst noorHow Sulldliif KU Ordorg rillod 9c 1190th Friday Surprise Sale To $6 PilloVs Scarfs and Centers AVhat a' wonderful variety! There's no two alike in this great assortment of beautiful hind-embroidered Pillow Scarfs' and Cen ters; included in the Friday Sur- frise. Furthermore, there's only 00, and they're here by special purchase. Buy them . Friday for Holiday gifts voull find no such oportunity again this year to pur chase $2.50 to $6 Pillows, Centers, and Scarfs. For, Friday only TMrd Tloor. Art Bootloii. XjlU Ordws riliod. 1190th Friday Surprise Sale 75cS1.73 Hand-Painted Plate at h9c Of the well-known Old Abbey French China, youll find these hand-painted Plates. Just 500 of them, in 5, 6 and 7-inch sizes. Vast assortment of beautiful dec oration. They're a direct t urchase from the factory at Limoges, prance, that makes it possible to offer for Friday only these regular 75c to $1.75 Hand-Painted Plates for only 49c M & F.'S 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Reg. 35c Fancy A cj Silk Mulls, Yd. l dl Many uses can be found in any home for these beautiful Silk Mulls we include m the Friday Surprise Sale. Women, think of it-3Sc grades of fancy Silk Mulls in all the. wanted light and dark colors reduced to 12c. , Soon after our doors open Friday morning the first floor ' of the new building will be a veritable mecca of women pur chasers who will take advantage of this opportunity to purchase Friday only regular 35c Mulls, yard 12y2c. d3 M. & F.'S BIG 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE ihefardfoiL'Aclual"50c lo $1 Ribbons, Tomorrow , Think, of itl Beautiful all-silk Ribbons at 25c a yard. Not a yard of the immense group that sells for less than 50c regularly, and hundreds of yards as high as $1. In 5 and 6-inch widths, beautiful patterns and colorings warp prints, jacquards, stripes and plaids. Also 10-inch Faille Ribbon. For fancy work, millinery and hair bows. 50c to $1 Ribbons for the Friday Surprise tomorrow, yard, only 25c W&FJS BIG 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Regular $1.35 Comforters Only 98c .Friday only you can purchase these splendid quality $L35 Com forters at only 98c! Double bed size filled with sanitary white cotton and covered in good quality silkoline. ' , - M & F.'S BIG 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Regular 10 c Outing Flan nels? Priced at, a Yard, Only Just half price for these good quality Outing Flannels.' Popu lar for night gowns and pajamas. Light and dark colors plain and striped patterns 5c for these 10c Out'g Flannels, Friday only! 5c 51aypecialsantajClauslnToyJown2toM ja;fgfl , V $150 BLACK' BOARDS FOR 98c Children's Black-boards,- made desk style, with roll of ABC Pictures and de signs. Maps on one side. Frame of heavy oak. Regular $1:50 Blackboards, Friday only, 98c. B O Y g' $2.25 COASTERS FOR $1.69 California Coasters for the boys." "Strongly constructed with steel axle and steel wheels. Have heavy bodies, nicely finished and strongly made brakes. Regular $2.25 Coasters, Friday only, $1.69. $4.50 DOLL BUGGIES AT $189 One-motion Folding Doll Buggies, with rub ber tires. Have large hood and reclining back, adjustable foot rest bed-Size 10J4 ins. wide, 30 Ins. long. Reg ular $4.50 Doll Buggies, for Friday, only. $2.89. $6.00 SWING HORSES AT mm Theso Swing Horses offered for the Friday Surprise art Jibe latest Improvement," and made so that it Is impossible for the child to fall off. Have stationary frames, and the horse operates on delightful swlnK glide. Have saddle and bridle. Nicely finished in gray with red. Regu lar $6.00 Swing Horses, Friday only. 14.39. BOYS' $1.50 FOOTBALLS 98 c - Seldom - that- the boys ' can purchase Footballs at such great reductions in price. Remera b e r, this sale is for One day only Friday, in which we include regular $1.50 Foot balls for only 98c M. & F.'S BIG 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Beaded Tanks Only t An0(feiTn5 nrt. t0 e of Merest 'to women of fashion Beauitful Beaded Tunica in the new pointed and round lengths mber anTSvVnde'r d COttn blUM bUck' The simplest of gowns. transformedjnto a fascinating .yenina? $.75 Women's $1.50 Puling Gowns, 98c Women's white Outing flannel Gowns 98c! and even atJ$150 the regular price, they're remarkable values. In neat yoke atvlaJl white only.' Friday at 98c. 7 4. M & F.'S BIG 1 190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 0Off on Parisian Ivory Wonderfully suited for gift purposes is eyeryjtrticle of Paris ian Ivory Toiletware jn our immense and varied stock. And for Friday only, without reserve, we include every piece of Parisian Ivory Toiletware, in the Surprise Sale at exactly 20 Off. 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Is the Butter (surp. Price Order the supply of Butter today hottr-of tiplirimir!lover!eafftfl(t ButtTtrnut brands 2-pound rolls at 69c. Mid-week Sale continues. V; ' 9w rood Orooery BaseweaS $5.98Tot- letSetsat An, unparalleled offer the finest of quadruple silver-plated Toiletware sets consisting of Comb, Brush and Mirror. BeatrtifttWtmlhch-designsrOtfriown- ' regular $5.98 Sets at $2.98 Friday only. See Fifth-street window. rmt anoor cw sosidiBf 9 r - .. . w mmm. a p TELEPHONES PAFICIC,. MARSHALL 4600; . HOME. A-6101i 50c for Regular 75c to $1 Gift Books Beautifully illustrated by. such artists; as Christy and Gibson. And boxed for mailing purposes, are the Books we offer Fridaypnljt.r4Dr-i0c-.Titlea-auch--a i Our Girls, American Beauties, Cuglds Understudy, Evangeline, The Right iilain and others. . ' r v Basement Annex. 1190TH FRIDAY SURPRISE Folding Tables at Jnsfat -the- begtnnirrpof -TheWTufeT card-playing season, makes this the most timely - surprise. Folding Card" Tables, finished iri golden or imitation mahog any, with imitation leather-covered tops'. Regular $3.50 Tables, Friday only $1.53. ,h