the onncon daily journal, Portland, Thursday i:vi:hing. hovi::: i. i: X.XXILD 10 KENT i ii n finall )iot-l, furnlFed,' In or ji ,r iuiUund.; Address, P-U2, Jour- -lohsls. vehicles, etc. L i 2 0 lb. learn. Iron grays, 4-5 years, ab mlutdy trua to pull and gentle. Also 3". inch wanon and haws, Must be i.,r, m nnoe to Bifttlo estate. A bar- i ruin 1!'W r.. rilHTK. lYl'imnvum. i 4 ,k riALL UoriWi harness and light dellverv nnyoui 111 jjuyu iuuiuu. 1,-124. journal. r :'"r.'. l"..,'".!.. u ini it work. suu innea waul v ivvi i" ;., ,; Come quick for nap, ; 1967. E. .btark m. Motitaviiift. ' ' " I65-BUy"8 good family mare, weight 1100 pounds; hnrncs and buggy. p none rwitwoou ii 00 : - i 1 1 .. t GOOD second hand buggy fr ala cheap. 1685 WI7 n'W, mm". ONE team mares for sal -or tram ctYeao Call M. 3654 or 621 Barter. TO UNO heavy draft l;ors.o Call 848 MIps. ave. or nhona Woodlawn 808. . LIVESTOCK 35 EXCEPTIONAL OFPORTUNIT Y . To buy 12 head of fine blood Hoi lln cattle; also 21 headof high grade milch cowa Holstelna. On account of change in business. Address Ticknor noollttle. Medford. Or. ; yon 'SALE 8 nice ramlly cows, one fresh days, 2 will be fresh soon. TskTwoodstock car to B9th aWwalk block west. Phone Sellwood 117L flJtKKli good fresh cows; one HOIsteln. Durham, on Jersey, one .Jersey Guernsey; 480 B. KUllngaworth ave. f"WO fresh cows, Jeraey-Durhani, heavy milker.. 96 K. 80th. cor. Washington. FORTY choice da&ry cows for sale. m-1 1 n Tnnrnal 1 I . FOR SALE 1 grade Jersey cow giving milk; easy milker. 789 Division. '.' FOR SALE 2 fine cows, one Jersey and . one Holsteln. phone Bell wood 651. 58' HEAD of cows, soma fresh, others "coming fresh. 221 S. Main t Lents, POULTRY 87 FOR SALE Pure bred White Leghorn and R. L Red pullets, 6 to t months old; also some Philo coops and brooder Third house norm or uiymmn, &. ou. "WHITE Leghorn hens 660 each; SO ee- lect young hens; no culls: phone B 8111; ask for 8023, or sea Hamlet, 114. 1st at. iOU SALE Barred Rock laying hens, $1.60 each, US per do. Mrs. F. Bock man. Aloha, Or., box 84. COME see these Barred Rook and White Orpingtons at 7S0 89th ave, 8. 15. They are fine. Tabor 4013. VVHITifi Wyandottes and cockerel for sale. tSi East Salmon. AUTOMOBILES-MOTOBCrCLES 44 Now You CAN AFFORD TO BUT A CAR. - We are orrermg special prices On used ears, to clean up bef ora Jan. 1. Write or call for price list.'-' '. - . THE WHITE CO., ' it Seventh St - BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED . CARS. We have a few snaps In slightly used cara and MICHIGAN cars taken in ax change. Ail cars fully guaranteed. Call or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO BUGGY CO, 869-171 Hawthorne Ave. -Phones East 1421. B-1346. MUST sacrifice 1911 Reo; owner leav ing town this week; car In perfect condition; paint like new; extra casings and Inner tubes; over $200 worth of extra equipment: ' a bargain at $535; terms, but, no trade. Call Williams, Main ' 4555. - . SNAP. Locomobile, fouc pass., cost t8!0; will aacrifica for quick sale. Only $1450. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGB, 495-495 Alder St. Main 1161. A-48ST. WANT a late model 4 or passenger auto to trade for vacant city property up to $1000. Owner, Woodlawn 2798. rail after p. m. tiPLENDlD Chalmers 80, 4 passenger. completely equippea, a-i ures, .ue mountable rims; machine guaranteed; cost $1900; price $825; $200 down $40 -month ly. wiMUMfc- 1 HAVE a 2-cylinder. 3-speed Bulck runabout, 1911 model. Just overhauled end guaranteed by company selling this make Of car; an ideal salesman's car. 4 'all whttehouse, Main o&u. hr KALE or trade, several good sec- ond hand autos. Madison Garage, 1111 Hawthorne ave, Geo, McCroskey, proprietor. K. W, AUTO SCHOOL, 1130 Alblna ave, open Nov. 1st, automobile, gas engine construction, operation taught, compe tent practical instructors, wain. ia. Vv ANTED No. 1 old auto tlrea, 1o lb. delivered; No. 2 auto tires, 60 lb. -Inner tubes, IS to 250 lb. 3. Lava, Ut Columbia t; Main . 1HU BU1CK, 26 horsepower cost $1185, and carries guarantee of one year; will sell for $710; terms, but no trade. t;au xnonisen, a-.odu. WANTED 4 passenger car In exchange partly for carpenter work, or cash If cheap. B-124, Journal. ; LARGE 6 passenger foredoor Cadillac . auto. $2.66 hourly. Rex Auto Co.. 860 LOANS ON AUTOS " - BAUER, 206 ALDER ST. FOR BALE $400 new Arco 4 cylinder 935 llaw- 4 oassenger automobile. tnorne ave. . FOR SALE 6 passenger car for $176; - 809 Railway Exchange; Tord. - LAUNCHES AND, BOATS 64 41 H. P. launch, write Carlock' & MU11 haupt, 1026 Chamber of Commerce. . ' MUSICAL INSTRUatKNTS 84 RELIABLE young man wishes use of - piano -for practice about one hour each tvenlnjf. Uptown building pre ferred. State terms by month. H-67, Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 08 600 STOVES, heaters, $1.25; cook stoves, $6; range at half price; furniture prices below cost 833-835 1st st. FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS 19 USED MACHINES, all makes, 'cash, or terms,. Prices right. Singer Sewing Machin Store. 882 Morrison st. STENOGRAPHER giving up work for . Jiiualo will sell dandy typewriter cheap. K-11 7, Journal. " , ....... STCRTILIZER, Well-rotted manure. Phone Main 791 7.' " " ' FOR SALE Rubber Urea buggy and set single harness, $55. Phone Sell wood 455. - ' -FOR SALE A small safe, almost new 16x17x26 Inches- outside; bargain. Cali 'E. HURTT, spiritual medium, con8ul Mn 1091. I tation. 10 to 8. Room 26-27, Mlliner IbiCK and neea money, ioo buys 700 ehares National Coppef Mines stock, worth $1 share now. 635 Taylor. " ' . " KITCHEN RANGE. " Lorain, used only few months, a bar-rafni-1208 K. Yamhill at. JF YOU hava anything to trade send do acriptioa and 1 wilt do the rest. Xi-lU, journal. II A ND printing press for sale or trade for bicycle, pnone wooaiawn 1915. 1 OR' SALE Buck wood or coal heat lng stove, good as new; easy terms. "a 11 Main 6891 apartment 38. DERBY DESKS and office furniture. Haley IMtek Co., zio 7tn st Mam 687 -UNCALLED far bailor made suits. $6.8'S tin, Taylor in tailor. N- tn o,U water heater. gaa range, otiica viciiki Hsnllary couc h. Fbon K. 4432. A CYCLES 810 and un. Bmi gains lo uiotorcyclea. 111 Madison, lou balemiscellaneous id ; $3.00 Dry Wood$3,00 fliargftln, AVo havo to move oind have on hand -2000 loads of wood from wreckeil buildings. We cut and deliver this wood within 1 milus of Eunt 2d mid Irving b(m. fur $3 for good large loads. Unlit and heavy mixed. Order to day, before It rainy... We charge no or ders at this place. Ijatcriiatlonal UllR. & Wrecking Co., A. Klrath, Mgr. riiono IJISI BID. iOUCKD OUTMUST SACRIFICE . STOCK. . Every pleco of furniture MUST BE SOLI) before January 1. Buy now. MONEY TALKS $1 does work of $2 and more. ' . GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EX SH9 k. Morrlaon. Kant 7B ItJlt r.'.LE Now and second-Tmnd Car--ont and pocket billiard tables, snd bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures or ail kinus; easy payments. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Coj 41 tures 01 an Kinus; easy payments, "in 41 ptn si. rapnes Main 7, A-lina. NATIONAL cash registers, credit regis . ters, computing scales, electrlo coffee mills and all store appliances, bought, sold and repaired. Sell for cash or (pay ments, ' The Pacific Slors Service Co., 227 Stark. Main 7711. jfQR. SALE Tent hoiiao on carllne, fur ished or unfurnished; 3 rooms, doors and windows In, . Gaa, water, lectrlo lights, telephone. Call' Tabor 386. SAFES New- and eacond-hand; large assortment; safes opened and repaired. Mofsler Safe Co,, 108 2d at. Phono Main $10 NEW HOME sewing- macnine, all attachments. 157 Grand ave. W'KLL rotted fer(,llUer, manure. East WAiNlKD MlSCLXLviNIiOUS 3 NOTICE TO MOVERS Ws want to buy everything in fur niture, stoves and rugs that ws can get.. All we ask Is an opportunity to maks.yoHi an offer,- Will pay all the cash It Is worth. Phone K. 63. A GOOD used billiard or pool table; Must be In good condition. Phone E. 807. after 6:30 p. m or address F-129, Journal. ' WANTED People of Portland to know that I pay the nighest cash price for second-hand household, goods. ... N. M. Seater, 124-128 Grand ave. East 16K2. WE ARE In need of a carload of 6lice ruruaura 01 an aescriptions. iei us make you a cash offer. Phone Main 2344. v ' t COVELL FURNITURE & COMMIS 6ION CO. Pays the best price for your second hand furniture, carpet and stoves. 204 lat Main 3032. WHY sell your furniture at auction! We pay highest prices. Make no mis take; address M. R. Beater, 248-60 Haw. thorne ave. Phone East S1S4. WANTED by the Eagle furniture house, your second-hand furniture, highest cash prices paid. G. Long proprietor. Phone Woodlawn 166. 92 z uni nlon ave. HIGHEST price paid for 2d hand furni ture, doming auu juna, juarsnait 3721. ' .- ' .' . BARGERS' AUCTION HOUSE. 268-870 E. Morrison st E. 1022. 11000 worth of good furniture at once. WE need the goods, you need the- mon ey. Rose City Auction House, 368-370 Hawthorne ave. East 683. BE WISE; get more for your second hand furnitura by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st Main 8981. A-2445. WANTED Complete moving picture outfits, folding cnairs. etc. x-iu, journal. WILL pay cash for second band fur niture and stoves. 414 E. Morrison. WANTED Kodaks, cameras, etc Cam- era Exchange, ZI5 Morrison. WANT seoond hand 8 or 6 ton. auto truck. 8-131, Journal. WANT 60 second-hand safe deposit boxes. A-190, Journal. LOST AND FOUND i 21 THE following is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway Light & Power company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barna as indicated: Turned in at the East Ankeny barn. November 20, 1912. Piione 1 suit case, . 1 package of needles. 1 bucket of lard, 1 package ladies' hose, 1 package drygooda, I stick pin, I shovel, 1 school book. Turned In at the Piedmont barn, No vember 20, 1912. Phone C-iaiJ; 2 umbrellas, 1 Iron pipe connection, 2 miscellaneous packages, 1 box ex press. Turned In at the Sellwdod division barn. November CO, 1312, Phone 8-4 144 2 umbrellas, 2 lunch boxes, 2 straw satchels, 1 shovel, 2 pieces of wood, 1 Sackaga containing four cans con ensed milk, 1 plant Turned in at the Savier street barn, November 20, 1912. Phone A-5586: 1 telescopo, 1 umbrella, 1 knife, 1 pack age books, 1 pin, 1 braclet STOLEN or taken by mistake, tan leather grip containing womenJs wear Ine ariDarel at Union dcootn afternoon of Nov. 12. Notify H. L. Powers, Spring field, Or., receive nDerai reward. JSO questions asked. LOST On 1th St., between Taylor and Morrison, a black fox fur cape. For reward, return to 726 Chamber of Com merce, or phono Main 2018. Scott & McDougall. LIBERAL reward for information, or re- turn to 407 Ainsworth ave., stray Eng lish setter dog, light body with black and tan markings. HOST Baby bonnet and dress on Union ave., between Fargo and Beach; re ward. 633 Alder st. FOUND in Willamette river, sailboat! ' r uiuiy mini;. intjuiic ir, j, x1 ur relly, 1072 E. 29th St., N. LOST Aloaogram watch fob, initials A. L. K. Reward. Phone B-2308. rliftSONAL 22 RELIABLE ANTISEPTIC CONES You want the best there are to be had. Wi) have them. ALDER ST. PHARMACY. 242 Alder. MRS. MAE HOWARD, electric treat ments, facial and scalp massago and manicuring. Miiner biug., ssuft Morri son, room l, nours 11 to . JOHN SLATER, piritual medium; cir cle mciay evening, a snarp; consul tation daily, 10 to 4. 426 Alder, near inn. 1AFE AND SURE Dr Brown's Female Specific for delayed perioos. Price $1.26. For sale by the Morrison Drug uo., z.v aioniBon etrcei.. ruune j. ,4n. CP1 A I r A WlsH 10 eee the case 1 I can't cure (110 drugs). Dr. DoueIhs. D. C 338 Uiiion ave. N. MECHANO-Therapist. J. B. L. Cascade tretitment cures rheumatism, stomach trouble, llis Mawtnorne. B-2551. EAotekn traineu operator. maHsage, electrical iruaiiiienisi iow ntorrison; Urn, 8ft, 3d floor; 10. a. tn. to 9:80 p. m. YOUNG business man, ae 36, wants to meet laoy, ooject matrimony; letters contiacntiai. k-, journal. SlBS X V tCROPP Knirifnal irfvl.. consultation daily 9 to 4, 65 Grand" ave.; K. 84. s SHlHl'l'UAL Medium. Hev. M. A Prir Headings, healing, dally. Circles, Tues.. 2. Wed. and Hun.. 366 4th St. M. 7227. MRS. SOPHJA B. SEIP. MENTAL AND Spiritual Scientist. 302 Allsky bldg. Main 6824. Meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m. MnS. A. HAMOT Expert chiropody and electric ns"t oauiis. tsivtf atarK st. liAiltuHESSlNG and manicuring , par lors. 215 Tllford bldg,, MIbb HedlSnd. DR. G. V. ICETCHUM Women's mutT- dies, acuta aiseasa wasn. nidg. cor. 4th and Wash., room 41. Marshall 448. MLLE. ROBERGE, physical culture: of- rice ou iwor. ouy Aiuer gt. FP.EE aovice, divorce, claims, adjust- mont ffS Chum Of rum U,l. hlaa BAiM of Figs, remedy for diseases oi VSE Basselt's Native Herbs for consU- p&tlon; 60c tablets 25c, All druggists. UAH'Ji $2 to $10 by buying .your trunk .or suitcase at S82 Wash. com' 17th r. SPIRITUAL and menlai scientist con- ultatton dally. 326 Stark at l'l-fiSOXAL HAVE YOU SUPERFLUOUS HAIR? SPECIAL OFFEU FOR 80 DAYS. To any lady with hair, on the' face, neck, arms, Imnda, bust, eyebrows, moles or warts we will give free treatment to convince you what can ba done by ex perts. Como In, have a number of hairs removed, watch the rcHults. ELECTROLYSIS COMPANY, R04 Bwetlnnd blilir., 6th and Wawhlngton: FOR RICH AND I'OOR. -' One dollar for six months' treatment. Cure or inoifey refunded under register ed guarantee. Hours 10 to 6; Saturday evening to 8 o'clock. Office 320 SweN land bldg. The Standard Medical Sod ety, Incorporated. ' . MRS.' bTEVENS, 18 years Portland a leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book, Palmistry Made Easy." on sals. 667 ,4 Williams ave.( corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. RELIABLE young nutit wiKlie us of piuuo for practice about one hour each evening. Uptown buildlngr pre ferred.. State terms by month, H-67, Journal. 1 NERVOUSNESS and rheumatism quick ly relieved and soon cured by physio lesion treatments. Try It Taught pri vate lesson or by mail. 630 Worcester bldv. " .. " ' . MRS. W. R. Wrenn, spiritual adviser, ivi - Jefferson, cor. 6th at Circles Monday, Thursday at 8 . m and Wednesday at X p. m. Marshall 4239, W7 A-46BS. ItiiAL REMEDY for MEN'S MALADIES We hava the latest and beat product of medical science, ALDER ST. PHARMACY. 248 Alder. MADAME ESTELLE, Spiritual medium Reading daily. 1 as ft jatn, sr. wasn. Professional andiBusiness ABSTKAOTS JOHN. A. BERRY," Atty., collectiona, ab atracts examined, written opinions on legal questions. 817 Allsky bd. M il 3826. . ACCOUNTANTS TUflLIC COLLI8. BERRIDGB ft THOMPSON. 124 Worcester bldg. Mam aaei. FOSTER & KLEISER, outdoor advertis ing; painted bulletins, paintea wans. posters. E. 7th and E. Everett at. r.asi Ull, B-2224. ' ASSAYXX3 WELLS ft CO., assayera, analytical chemlsta. 204H wasn. Main ovs. MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore testing. Marsnaii rzs. us morriaun. ATTOBBEYg. KORNEGAY ft THOMPSON, lawyera; general practice, collectiona. aoatracta examined. 402 Northwest bldg., ath and Washington streets. ' A. a. COOPER. Attorney at Law. Qen eral practice: abstract examineaa &ATXS BAKE oven treatment for rheumatism, lumbago, stomach trouble. 826 tara BELTEPAPtlWO PORTLAND Belting & Repair Co- 68 1st belt repg. Motorcycle pens uy. BIAWK BOOK MAKSaB HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d t, Blank BJok m'f'g.: agenta for Jones' improved Loose-Leaf Ledgers: ae tha new iureaa lear. A-nai. wain m. SBASS rOUHDBY AMERICAN Bronze & Brass Works, 669 Upshur. Brass, aluminum, pnospnor bronze castings. Main 4116. BPSUTEB3 CAJtPa WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, eiuewaiKs ana cronmuK. nu floor Journal building. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING CO. Portland otflc 606 Electrlo bldg. CABPENTES AND BEPAXBINQ A- a WIKSTROM. house, otflej, .tor. repairing, reinuuqmi, " CABPET CLEANING JOYCB BROS., Electric Cleaning Worka, ...t. riux.!! and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. B-1963. 204 E. 19th N. CABPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, ruga from old carpeta, rag rugs, cariitv 162 Union avenue, near E. Morrlaon. PENINSULA Rug Works, rag carpet and rugs. . lots rauon ave. ' m v. CBIBOPOxlXSTS CORNS, bunions. l"rowln? nails, etc. rtimovea ana cureu. m uiciuu. . tlwly no pain.. Dr. D. W. Wayne. 609-10 Northwest bldg.. 6th and Washington. . pirraoPBAOTIO PHYSICIAJr HAVE given thousands of adjustments; 12,60 weea. pm uui, . . CIBCtTLAB LETTEBS. MULTIGRAPH1NG. printing, - atenog- MULTNOMAH Multlgrapliing Co.. tac aimlie Bias, ov "'" "" ----- CANDY MANUFACTUBEBS m. Aidon Candy Co.. I2th and GUsan COAL AND WOOD ylW y y w. - ouVru,,,- GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, $2.60. INSIDE GREEN SHORT, $3.60. 1 DRY SHORT WOO& SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 8119. A-7001, CONSUMERS' FUEL CO. tAmer Coal win. Co.) Coal direct from mine tu ."iKr inv middlemen'a profit. East TTa' H-Tlls-T Bunkers, E. 1st, and Taylo.-. 1 " '"TV -i i-i ii i i 4 ii ! PAC. SLABWUUU UU. Tf " Green slabwood, big and email inside block WQOu. pinttiwi ft ,,,, "Zr, , VirrD j. LAD D for A-l dry 4 ft. fir lLLri 06 mm ana oak corawooo. Also sawed to order. Prompt fAAl flBvarr. Main 46l6. A-4547. OUftL riviLuuii wood Co. Dry fir. oak and p .Yo hwood. cuil. ties sawed . to order from country mill Rock Springs coal. Main 6369. A-2415 Yamato Wood and Coal Co. EAST - BIB. P-lBtti. DELIVERED PROMPTLY i7. F. J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry st Main vnuv fc u ! Co.. 21 Grand ave. Coal that clvei heat and sutisfacUon. East Xmmnt a.rvlns . 714. ....y. . .w kox. Dlaner, block, slab, cord wood and coal Standard Wood Co.. 847 ( East coal. Stark. East 2410. d-ibo. ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of green and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men- and dry dota coal. coal and all kinds of wood. Phone Holgate Fuel Co.. Sellwood 485. PHOENIX Fuel Co. Dry wood $1.60 per load. 621 Savier. Mam 8644, KKSBN handles wood and coal EDI- COMMISSION MERCHANTS HENRY EVERDING, 45-47 Front . at Butter, eggs, pounry. Tgai. num, nmw BHEROD Ranch Egg Co lit Union ava, Butter, egsn, pvuuij, rw:, t.B., DAXBT AND CBEAMXBY ffCTPPLIES MONROE ft CR1SELL. 145Front, dairy, cheese factory machinery & supplies, DANCING RINGLER. Dancing Academy, thorough daily; aoclal dance. Wed.-SatM Morrison, at Z1. warBrmu cia. ';; - - Mm ATH'H Dancinar Academy, orivats les sons morning, afternoon 'and evening. Class Mon. and Fri. evenings, assem bly after. . 109 2d, hot, Wash, and SUrk. I'EKSON'AL GRADUATE chiropodist, manicurist, masseuse and tub butha. Entrance 3d St. l4 Dekum MliT., 3d and WrnIi LOANS WANTED SO WE have client wanting to secure a loan of $7600 for three years 011 prop erty located on East Morrison, corntr 18th st. Property la earning' good in coms and la fina security for the loan. - Tlira BHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 85. 102 Fourth st. A-3S00. WANTED loan of $2,000 on gilt-edge city property. Modern 6-rooni bunga low and three well-improved lots Just one-half block to tar. . Voltie $60410. Will nay 8 per cent interest. Hargrove and Sons. 122 north Sixth at,, JVIhIu 4381, A-7259. - IF you want to loan your money on first class real estate, list it at once With the . . - 6LAUS0N-CRA IO CO., , ' ; MORTGAGE LOAN DlfiPT., U4 uait at., near stn. $Too FOR 2 months & per cent a month, good security, C-1S5, Journ a 1. ..- - . WANT, to borrow $600 on good' real es tate aecuylty. Box 832 Portland. FINANCIAL Bl CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. 1 Or soller's equity In contract of aala on real estate in Washington or Oregon. II. E. Noble, l.umbcnnens bldK. M'ans, $260 Personal ' note, to bo paid $T0' month.i. indorsed by two responsible property owners, for sale cheap. D-128, Journal. .: i - 1 -. , DAMCIHO ,two step, thee ateri, Baltimore or chuiiibciib ibukiiv in iiimi lessun. Alia kv bldg.. 3d and Morrison sta. DEHMATOLOGIST Mole, wrinkles, scalp specialist Mra, Courtrlght. 711 Dekum bldg. Main 6042. POO, CAT AHD HOBSB HOaftTAIi BROWN BROS.. 646 Wash. Main 4086, A-4086. Rea. 91 E. 12th. E. 6440, B-2287 PBESSMAKXWa BCHOOIi ' Valentine' system ladies' tailoring, dressmaking taught. 152 Grand ave., between Morrison and Belmont zziECT&io MOToaa Wl buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second hand inotora. Western Electric Works. 213 6 th st, Electrlo motor specialists. James, Mo Kenzle Eleo. Wks., 108 Union. East 117. zaaaAvxxa. EMBOSSED stationery, engraved card. Gardajn Co., 402 Manchester bldg. EYE. SAB, HOSE AND THBOAT Treatment by specialist. Glasses flt tad. Dr. F. F. Casaeday, 418 Dekum bldg. I ABM IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES P. -E. ESBENSHAPE, 214 Front, farm implements, tools, lawn & field fence. R. M. WADE ic CO.. 82V ilawthornu ave. Wholesale agricultural Implements. rOUNDBY AHD aiACHUB BBOP Phoenix iron Works, E. Sd-Hawthorne. General machine and foundry work. BOWERS & PARSONS, 100 V4 Front M. 7443. Furniture hospital, packing. ytTBS AND TAJCUPEBMISX REMODELING and new work. F. B. Finley taxidermist. 249 Columbia u GLASS AND GLAZING Tlmms. Cress & Co.. 148-6 2d at Prompt service. Ring Main or A-2023. OASOUNB ENGIHE3 STATIONARY -and marine, eleotrlc imiilnrnents: launches. acceKaoridui wholesale and retail; engine repairing! Reierson Machinery Co., 16 Morrison. OENiUtAL SEP ALBINO GENERAL machine and electrlo work. repair ot eiectrio motors ana ayna mos a specialty. K. Hippely. 24 Oak. HA PA.Ot,Y ' LADIES' and gentlemen'a hata cleaned and blocked; all work guaranteed or no cnargea. VW make a specialty of ladies' beaver hats. Phone Main 8442. Th e Royal Hat Worka, 223 1st at HAIB GOODS "FEB VET ft HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock of human hair goods; hair dress- ins, manicuring, lace ana scalp treat ment 147 7th, near Morrison. M. 646. ZNaUBANCB McCARGAR, Etta. & Lively. 201 Yeon piog. Every iorm ot insurance, bond. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. Only Oregon fire insurance com. JUNK DEALERS HIGHEST price paid for tools, old ma- KODAK DEVELOPING ROLLS aevelopca free; XLantj JLojin; InalT orOefS soTIclled. Z0b MerchauLS Trust bldg. LANTEBN SLIDES STEREOPTICONS sold,' rented; operator furnished, reasonable. Banners, show cards, signs, Eiitarprise Ar Co., 73 H 6th LADIES'. TAILORING THE National Ladies' Tailors, guaran tee lit, wora by expert Designers. 13 1 10th st. near Washington. Main 1780. LAND 3 CAPE QABDENINQ Paciflo Landscape Gardening Co. Wa design and oraw plans for parka cemeteries, residential tracts and su burban homes; furnish the necessary trees,, shrubbery, etc.; our work is ab solutely guaranteed . "done right" oy practical, experienced men. Wa also plant and care for lawns, shrubbery, do general up-keep" work on -private grounds. Experienced men furnlsned on snort notice, rnone main sj. LEAXHEB AND FINDINGS CHAS. L, MASTICK & CO., 74 Front -leather oi every description; up manuracturers, ringings. LIP BEADING KATHERINE KING teaches the hard-of. hearing. 308 Central bldg. Mar. 293. LOCKSMITH V. J. Foychek, 224 Main st, locksmith, guns reymreu, wHwg liieu, Keys maae. '' MACHINEBY ' '' "" B. TRENKMAN & COi, hydraullo and epeclal pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining macnuiery, repairs, iim N. 4th. UESSENGEB3 HASTY MESSENGER CO.. open night ana aay. main pa. A-tiai. MOBTGAQE LOANS. JOHN KER, mortgage, loans, Insurance. 803 Yeon -piug. wain vzto. XSOTOB8 AND DYNAMOS Motors ft dynamos boua-.t sold, repaired. UVBZO SCHOOLS AND Tr,ACHEK8 P, F, KISSNER, vlolfnla practical teaching, 10 lessons' $16. 16 Breeden bldg., N E. corner aa ana vvashington. T..K. Lawaon, 135 14th. Main 6197. Pi B.BO ,AtfIIUM..OI-,WMfca. ' 1 CAROLINE HH.1NDLEK RULANO. voice, piano, zi r iiwoiigr. jHH.iii aoov. PIANO, violin, mandolin, guitar, banjo lnatrnctlunB, 60c 49? Hawthorne ave. RAGTIME guaranteed In 10 to 20-les- cons. Popular prkss... H-242. JournaL CI WILL BUY first nurg:igo for cnah; no dclny, , l'hona oVoiiIiiks or Sunday, Tabor i(2ii WANTED To buy real cKtutfl contruot about $1000; A. H. Mlley, Vancouver, WmhIi. CHATTEl, BALAKIES . MONEY TO LOAN 07 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO : BORROW MONEY. , ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITT. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL - HOURS-8 A.M. TO 6 P. M. SAT. TO 9 P. M. , ; STATE SECURITY CO., .' ' 808 FAILING BDG. riurAiiiT:'v On any security. . ' Confidential no delay. Bold Realty -.Co., 206 Alrhr at A desirable place for ladles and gentle men to 1 borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 834 Wash., opp. Owl Drutr Store. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own name; cheap rat as, easy payments, confidential. I, II. Toiman, room 817 lAimner kx, MnNEY Mold on limtallmenti confident v tlal to salaried people. F- A. New ton, 6M Hinry nidir. CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red tape; conditional; mortgages nought Adolphww Lane. -414 Ablngton Diag, LOAN for the asking, salary or chat tel. The Loan Co.. iH l'ijKuw mag. MONEY loaned on diamond and Jewel ryi strictly confidential . 141 hi 3d. Directory ; OBNAMENTAL WLBE AND IBON PORTLAND WIRE & IRON. WKS, 294 2d st; architectural wire and Iron. DR. LILLEBELLH PATTERSON, spa clalist on nerves, acuta and chronic diseases. 415 Columbia bldg. Main 8961. L-1LAGNES M. BROWN, 809 Journal bldg. Hrw. 10:80-4 :30.M. 8609. Res.Tabor2921 PAINT, OIL AND GLASS PIONEER PAINT CO, Main 1334. A-7043. 185 First at RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High Standard' paint, ne. cot. 3d & Taylor. M A-l 171. THE BEAVER VARNISH WKS.. tnakea GOOD products. Ask your dealer. PAINTING AND PAPEBING. GOOD work my motto. A. Oslwuro, 186 F Wash. B-2167. East 4214. FOR best work, priea nth I. call P. A. Ioane. 8;? K. Wash. East 10i5. TINTING $2 room upypainUng, paper hanging. C. A. Barnes. Main 1334. PATENT ATT0BNEY8 PATENTS procured of J. K. Mock, At-torney-at-Law. lata of U. 8. Patent Of flce. book fre. 71a Board ot Trade bldg. PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th and York. Main 8489. PLUME rACTOBY MRS. HARTNESS. feather worker, haa n.voroil her i,nimh,llnn h 1mnAAl Dye Works, 271 H Taylor, and is now located at 350 Yamhill. Main 2920. OSTRICH plumes dyed, cleaned, curled. Willows tied from old plumes; aalis faction guaranteed. 327 Washington. PLPMJING SUPPLIES M. L. Kline, 84-86 Front st, wholesale plumbing and . steam supplies. POPCOBN CONFECTIONS. STANDARD CRISP CO.. 293 Glisan. Popcorn Crlsn, Kornut. salted nuts. PBINTIMO. MONARCH Printing & Mfg. Co, corner 6th and -Oak. Main 3643. Quality ANSLEY Printing Co.. 260 Oak. Main 4671. Printing toplease. PRIVATE SCHOOL. PRIVATE school, shorthand, typewrit ing; modern methods: expert Inatruc Hon. 26! 14th st. Main 8893. HOOPING. PAINTING, REPACKING TIN roofing, repairing, painting, Jobbing. J. LqbII. Z12 Jefferbon. Main 1424. 1SEJ..E tc JNTEjrCjiieeL..lnatal -wfk, 'tin sHopTig Savier. M. SS42, A-1396. BUBEEB STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office etatlonery. Cun ningham o.. 281 Stark. Main 1407. BAOGcS, trade checks, brass signs, atenclls. Krebs Bros.. 114 2d. Mar. 1871 RASH. DOOBS. WINDOWS United Glass ft Glazing1 Co.. Bash. door, plate glass. 11th, Ullsan. Main 4431. SANnOBIUM ROSE CITY SANITORIUM, etrlotly ma- ivruuy iiuHpuai, ii NOrtn 23rd St SHOWCASES AND PIXTCBES THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO, New and old tihowcfl,,,. pnhin.t. store, office, window fixtures, 4th-Couch SHOWCASES of every description, bank. vmt auu bwii jLiAfcurca uiaae to oraer, The Lutke Mfg. Co. SIGNS AND SHOWCABDS ZANDER f!Q., tUXUuathHrfdr. W cardsTcloth signs, window trims. SPANISH TEACHES "cicii , uuuo, opuniBii translator ana teacher; terms reasonable. East 6381. XlTixAm . C 1 L A , . . TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels daily; comb, brush, sobd. wt. wuyyi wv., v Lll aim VAJUUil BtB, $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phonea Main 410. A-4410. TAILOBING SCHOOL KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College unuu uicBBiiinn g, tailoring. 141 Ilia, ZXANSPEB AND STORAGE C a PIC Transfer ft Storage Co., of. neea ana commoaioua 4 story brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms and fireproof vault lor valuables. N w. cor, 2d and Pine sis. Pianos and furni ture movea ana pacKea for shipping, special rates made en good In our tnrouga cars to au aouiesuo ana foreign ymm .im uu. Mai QKim IKANSFEH CQ. ' Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents, ' KtorairA. (rAA iritAL.v. Offlea and akoraga, iit Giisatt atreet. 13Mi and Glisan. Main 69. A-116V. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., inc. 13th and Everett; most modern star ere warehouse lncity;low fire insurance rata proof of this. Free' trackage, mov ing, packing. shiDDlna: reduced 'fretvht rates on household goods in through cure to nu in'iii eam. wain B04U. A-lazp, BAGGAGa; ft Omnibus Transfer Co. Baggage checked at your home, fur niture moved, stored or packed for ahlp- mentPark and Davis at. Phone.- Main U, A-332Z TYPEWBITEB3 Smiths and ail other make at reduced price and easy terms- L. C Smith ft . - fl,.,..n... . nan .. i- . . Jryp. i;pcwmer toy van Bt. TYPEW RITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt go nana ma iq. Bt. Mar. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun- ingnamuo.. si Btark. Main J407. VIOLIN MAKEBS G. Kuden, violin maker,' expert repair lng. Rm. 312 Allsky bldg., 265 Morrison. WHOLESALE JvBBEBS . f ' M A rlTTVST a fn DISTRIBUTORS OR FINE CIGARal EVERDING ft FARREL. produce and ; commiaion merchants. '140 Front at. yortiano. 'it. r-nonywnin MORGAN -WALL PAPER CO.. 23u .. at., between Salmon and Main. ' ALLEN ft ewTS G ROCL RIES. l'I,.-tIAL C7 '. NEED MONEY? ' Sco Us- You can it' t It TODAY. , This NEW" COMPANY wns orpanlzed to help people in need of, temporary assistance, and to pay off lomis with the HlUli RATE money lenders. . ' Special Novenil'er Kates; I .40 Weekly puys a $ 10 Loan ' I .95 Weekly Pays a j 25 Loan , $1.40 Weekly Pay a $ 60 Loan 81.80 Weekly I'ays a I 76 loan $2.20 Weekly Pays a $100 Loan Other Sums in Proportion, r , Loans for one month to one year. Business confidential. No extras. PRIVATE OFFICES. No Investigation. No red lap. We Buy and Sell Mortgages, , . , Portland Loan Co. , , 207 Macleay bldg. - COR. 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL 8 P. M. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN On watches,, diamonds, Jewelry, kidaka, furnitura storage receipts, gun, piano. i Elby Company - . Collateral Banker and Broker. ' ; 220 Lumber Ex, bldg., 2d and Stark. salary Loans. chattel loans. . Tou can get '$S to $100 today at cheapest rates, best 'and-most private terms. P. D. Drsk. 807 Snldln hldif, MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. E. NICHOLS. 618 YEON BLPq. MONET TO LOAIf 27 . 1 HEAL ESTATlg , MONEY TO LOAN On elty or farm property.' THE HARBOLDT-WILSON CO... INC i - U0-7I8 LEWIS BUILDING, ! . . 4th and Oak at. - , Marshall ' 4200 . , A-7188 HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce bldg. We hava on hand funda for Inveat ment In good first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortgage loan department MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. 6LAUSON-CRAIO CO, i " Mortgaga Loan Dept ; 804 Oak St., near 6th. ' X HAVE money to lend on Improved Portland property. A. E, Poulaen. 412 way Exchange. Marshall 2763. MONEY TO,I.OAtf ON REAL ESTATE. 2U Afilf ur, - T w XTT-tiTr,T a 616 YEON BLDG. MONEY ,to loan, improved Portland property; special facilities for large loans, i me At i rust t;o., 4tn ana uaK $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenzht ft TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 10-18 Mulkey bldg.. 2d and Morrison. MONaiY to loan; large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire In surance, w. u. necK. 318-316 Failing. PRIVATE money to loan in sums of $50 nu uy un rem, personal or collateral fceeuruy. ivi uregonian niag. MONEY loaned on all kinds approved security. Room 212 Commercial blk.. za ana wasmngion $1""0 T Tt i 500 to" loan on city property. $3000 or part to loanl Money can be IltltU V uiivn. tlUIIIT lftUUF I (1, MONEY lo luan on improvea ral estate. l. Li. wnue. vui commercial Club bide. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrlngton. 416 (Commercial Club bl d g. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent mollis paiomon m uo., otarK St, MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATS a. . iiaiu'iiiu, si unamuer or Com. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Helta at Co.. aio Spalding bldg. 12000 tO LOAN for 8 years. Bell ft Reg- ipw tvi .Mriinner Plug. CITY and "farm loans; -mtgsi purchased. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., Wilcox bldg. s NOTICES . 26 CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of that chattel mortgage made and executed on the 6th day of August, 1912,' by Valentine Bauer to Milton Marx to secure the payment of that certain promissory note dated Au gust 5, 1912, and for three months at the rate of 8 per cent per annum. d- fault havlng-been-made lirthe panaenY f oi saia uoie, ana tue cunuuions ot said chattel mortgage having been broken, I have taken possession of and now hold as agent for said mortgagee) and will at the request of. said mortgagee, aell at public auction to the highest bidder for United State gold coin, cash In hand, on Tuesday, the 26th day of . No vember, at 10 o'clock, at the premises' known as the Market Street Villa room ing housd, No. 223 Market street Port land, Oregon, all the property covered and described in said chattel mortgage and recorded In tho office of the county clerk of Multnomah county, Oregon, on tho 6th day of August, 1912, in Book 69, page 132, consisting of furniture. carpets, curtains, crockery, cooking utensils, linens and miscellaneous ef fects to satisfy and pay the amount of said promissory note, to-wlt: $300, to- getner witn interest rrom August 6, 1912, at 8 per cent per annum, anoVthe costs and expenses and counsel t c on this foreclosure. . ANDY WEINBERGER. Constable. Agent for Morten epn. Dated this 16th day of "November, 1912. u MONEY TO LOAN CI I AX T ELK, BALAKIES U 01 BEST Tl CONSULT v '"' M.JOISIAN (1) Ha la an HONEST SCIENTIFIC man of extraordinary experience. During an active practice In allmenta of men covering a period of more than 16 years, I have had unexcelled opportunities for ob servation. I can make the positive assertion that I have treated and cured more- men on the Pacific Coast than all the rest of the specialists put together, This vast experi ence coupled with years of study places me among the leading specialists of the world. My reputation for tho past 16 years can leave no doubt as to mv ability, honeatv and -4n- the most skeptical that I possess experience acoulred In such a, wav fSsss UmtM0S DR. C. E HOLSMAH yourself under my care you are assured of a , 1 square deal and a permanent and lasting 22114 MORRISON ST., COR. ; cure, at a 4air- and r-eisonable- f eer-t-wotitd-riRSTi 'PORTtiAI'Dr.'ORr"' like to have you for a ttient -If -you will -'como' to me on a atrictly professional bala, - accepting, the Inducement that I offer, which are my ability, 16 years' experience, time saving treat ment and cure of certain aliments. - ' THE GREAT SECRET of my succes Is easily explained, and suf ferera from any form of disease should Impress this fact on their mind befor seleotlng a physician. I absolutely and positivelyt employ scientific treat ment only, , such as Is acknowledged to have the greatest mef It and, advlfed and prescribed -by, the Jjioat celebrated'medical aclentlats, authors, lecturer and genlto-urlnary specialists the world over. I have at my command thou sands of drugs employed by all scientific physlfclans, from which are se lected those best adapted for the treatment and cure of. each Individual case, acoordlng to the aymptom and requirements manifested from time to nmc My vast experience in the treatment of Men' Ailments enables me to dc termlne with unerring skill the combination of drags most applicable to each case, the one calculated to bring quick and permanent results,; there by effecting surprising and -wonderful cures of cases which have resisted ,tle4tment prescribed by those who hay been left behind in the rapid prog ress of the scientific practice of medicine. 2 - 3 .:: ' '-':-' ;-'' My practice Is-limited to the disorders of the male, and Is further -confined to theae epecial and chronic- affections of the oelviq tract. These include LOST VITALITY. ENLARGED VEINS, HYDROCELE BLOOD DIS ORDERS, CONTRACTED AILMENTS AND BLADDER AND KIDNEY DIS EASES. I have taken up these allmenta especially, because thousands of lives are ruined and thousands of man are held down by chrohlo weakness -or diseasei-whlch th average practicing: physician does not understand and, usually tries to make' light of by .telling tha patient that, nature will soon repair, toe wania f :. ..,,.,'.....'..;. .y, A ;iI..Offler Free Consultation andExaminatitt ' " You' axe al way a welcome to a friendly visit -and- the most reliable AD VICE will be given, you FREE of charge or obligation. My Immense prac tlna has been built UD by honest service. LOW, FEES and the fulfillment L-ofvarypOHilaau JLievar rafua-thntth-weeda-help' " 1 .- 1 " Tf vou cannot call WRITE for self v My methods appeal to those who Insist en the best I never use a NEW DISCOVERY until it has proven safe and successful. If you need help make your wants known 'No matter about money. Call of write me. SEE AD DRESS ABOVE. My advice Is cheerfully given Free of Charge, or obliga tion. tMY OFFICE is open all day, 9 a. m, to a p. m.; Sundays 10 a. m.. to 12 p. m. t. - y .t- . t . Isoiu : Mim I IF IIP iiWE mm. Notice is hereby given, That Healed bids will bo recoived by Anaon oil Rogers, treasurer of board of coinmls slonera of port of Coos Buy, a municipal corporation duly organized , under th laws of Oreuon, at .Chamber of Com merce office. Coke bulldiiiK, Maiwhllehl, Oregon, until 10 o'clock a. m. of Monday, December 0, 1912, then to ba opened at me regular meeting or the board ol commissioners of suid port, for the pur. chose of Styles A bonds of snid port aggregating in principal $800,OUO. duly , authorized by law and ordinance of said port, each bond to be 4n such amount and payable at such' place as purcnasara shall direct in gold coin with Interest thereon in like coin at rata of 6 - pes--cent per annum, puyabla semi-annually on the, first day .of January and July Of each year, Id accordance with in terest coupons 'thereto attached, $25,000 principal payable 20 years from date of ' issue and a like sum each year there after until said series Is fully paid. Each bid with certified check for 3 per centurn thereof to be enclosed In sealed entcjope without distinguishing marks except tha words "Bid for pur chase of , Series, A . bonds of Port of , Coos Bay." . The right to reject any and , all bids is expressly reserved. ' AdJi- " tional Information, copy of ordinance, rules governing bidding and Issue of bonds can. be hud on application to said treasurer at Marjihfleld, Oregon, . or1 First National bank, Portland, Oregon, ' Assessed Valuation - of . said port of .. Coos Bay as approved by county com - . misslonera January, 1912, ; $8,857,068; bonded lndebtedneaai' none; : population estimated 16,000. , ' . i .'Dated November 4, J912, ' at Marh field, Oregon. i ANSON OTIS ROGERS,' ' Treasurer oft Port of oa Bay. . AddreaB, Marshfleld. Oregon. ' , . 8EALED bids wilt be received until 4 ' P. M., November 25th, at the office of The Port of PSrUand, for, aupplylna; the. following' . . ; One 24-inch awing, standard lathe,' movable headstock to raise for tO-lnch awing or larger. ' . . ; ,- ,.. '... One chuck for aame."':;' V '-v'fy ! One pipe machlnetwith revolving cut ter, 1-inch to 6-inch cap, ; . X One 24x24 Inch planer.. " ' ' " One 20-lnch drill with back, gearing capacity to lH-inch drill, - , Detailed Informatldn concerning tools must be aubmitted and time of delivery : Btated. "v? -"- ',"-'.. The right t? reject any or all bids 1 reserved. ' THE PORT OF PORTLAND, m " . By J. P. Doyle, - ' Clerk of The Board. THE Jofferaon Grocery at 615 Jefferaou st., has changed hands; all bills against Wm. O. Rocheleau should ba presented at once for settlement. THE Undersigned will not be responsi ble for debt Incurred by members of" crew of Barque Valerie. N. Petterson, Captain; M. 1L Houser, Agent . see me Free, if you are worrying about any ailment in cluded among those within which I spe cialize, I invite you to call at my office and 1 will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agonals and adVlaa ycu of the proper iiiira to ' Dursua 10 . . . i m nf tour worrv and no jouiku mi"" v ytmr Hlflt.-4y-yw t ap;wja. and my qualifications have made rna an expert in the treatment of the all. nients with which MEN are aff licted. Every man culling at my office la aasurcd of my personal and Individ ual treatment until a cure la ef foe tod NEOSALVARSAN Improved German Remedy for BLOOD POISON I administer the remedy according to the very latest method. Come to me If you have any of the following disorders; Enlarged Vein. Pimples, Nervous Debility, Nerve, Blood and.6kln Drsordera, Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailmunta, Piles or Fistula. a to 67 to 8 Dally; Sundays 10 to L Examination Advice Free. , J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Roopis 11-16 Lafayette Bldg, WASHINGTON ST., COR. 6 313 6TH. PORTLAND. ..OR. . skill and Z- - that no - examination blank, mi mi. wm v ,y catarrh: vilimfAi24, Hours j ; Y'M. 'Lfl K jr Ech Cap- , t Bguanctf counterfeit . IBD KEEFE f A v i A L A J 4- A