The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 21, 1912, Page 15, Image 15

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    o::lzqu daily
TO 20
Boat Built for Work on Lower
; Bay Harbors Found Unsuit-
" ed and Is Transferred to the
River.' ,
J. Authority has been granted by . the
war department for the trasfer of the
r .United states engineer tug Arago from
; the First Oregon district to the Second,
uthe consideration to be $10,900,. whlcP
will revert to the appropriations of som
(Of the southern Oregon coast porta, the
' division being In proportion 1 to the
, amount of the appropriation of each,
Captain H. H. Roberta, corps of en
, glneers. United States array, temporar
ily In charge of the First district, was
authorised this morning through the of
fice of the chief of engineers to' make
the transfer to Major J. ,J Mclnuoe,
corps of engineers. In charge of the Sec
ond district and the former will turn
:the tug over as soon as possible.
v The Arago was built hero in 1905 and
lias been used principally at the mouth
of the river, as her construction Is toot
such that she can be used on the bars of
the lower coast She has been employed
: a great deal as a tender at Fort Ste
vens. The Arago is it feet 10 Inches In
length, II feet1 beam, and has 9 feet
depth of hold. V . v '
The 110,900, which will revert to the
First district as a result of the transfer
of the tut will go to the Coqullle, Coos
Bay, the Sluslaw and Tillamook proj
ects. Cbos Bay will get the largest
1 share1 68 per cant as it has the largest
appropriation. The Arago was original-
, ly built for the work, but was found not
fitted for the bars.
As the work goes on on the Oregon
oast, says Captain Roberts, It became
necessary to have a tug fitted for that
work. However, one is not being asked
for at present ;
VlM Bad Place at Mouth of Cowlitz
1 River Is Finished. -
Dredging of the channel in the.Colum-
la Is progressing well, says Captain H.
- T. droves, superintendent of dredgers
for the Port of Portland, atd It is ex
' pected that the remainder of the dredge
Columbia's work this year will be per
. manent as it finished up on the last bad
place at the mouth of the Cowlitz rivet
yesterday. It moved up to St. Helens
J; bar on the Columbia City ranges last
-fnlght and it is expected that it will get
;to the SO-foot depth there, which will
'l . .3
Gaino 30 Pound
; in 30 Dayo
- Builder, Protone, in Many Cases
Z y , ciBttn -Down Men
and Women.
Frovs It Yourself by Beading Coupon Below
wr a 500 raekag-s, Jree. -
ft Wouldn't Leek Like That Again fr
AJ1 the World."
"By George, I never saw anything
" like the effects of that new treatment.
rProtone, for building up of weight and
ljwrve-force..It!. acted, laura . Ulio
1. a miracle than a medicine," said a well
"known gentleman, In. speaking of the
"revolution that had taken place In his
. condition. "I began to think that there
. was nothing on earth that could make
me fat. I tried tonlcst digestives, heavy
eatinir. diets, milk: beer, and almost
everything else you could think of, but
without result. I had been thin for
a a o vol avtf kas-an r e V i r i I n . na.
1 ural for me to be that way. Finally I
read about the remarkable successes
brought about by the use of Protone,
so I decided to try it myself. Well,
whenr I . look at myself In he -mirror
..sow. I think It is somebody else. I have
put en lust SO pounds during the last
month a nl never felt stronger or more
, nervy' In my Ufa"
f Protone is a powerful Inducer Of
; nutrition. Increases cell growth, makes
penect ins assimilation or rooa, in
creases the, number of blood corpuscles,
e-snd as a ' necessary result builds ' up
muscles ani solid, healthy flesh, and
, . rounds out the figure.
1 y For women who can never appear sty-.
11th in anything they wear because of
their thinness, this remarkable treat
ment is a revelation. It Is a beauty
t maker, as well as a form builder and
1 nerve strengthened
The .regular $1.00 slse of Protons is
for sale by all druggists, .or will be
mailed direct, upon receipt of nrlee. bv
The Protone Co,, fiOOt Protone bldg., De
troit, MiCh.
" It will cost you nothing to prove the
remarkable -effects of this treatment.
It la absolutely non-lnJurloue to the
"most, delicate system. The Protone
company will send to anyone who sends
-name and address, a free 60o package
of Protone, with full Instructions, t
prove that It does the work. They
. will also send you their book on ''Why
. You Are Thin." free of charge, giving
-jii;ib wuiuu wm (ii-oDBDiy asionisn you.
' oeiiu cuupoa oeiuw loaa
day with t your
name and address,
Free Protone Coupon
. It will cost you nothing to prove
the remarkable effects of tht treat
ment, t The Protons company will
send to any one a free 60c pack
age of Protone, if they wilt fill out
this coupon and enclose 10c in stamps
or silver to help cover postage. -They
will also send with. it full Inst mo
tions and their book on "Why You
Are Thin." ,
EOOIProtone Bldg. Detroit, JBch.
......... State
The regular 11.00 size of Trotono Is
f or nnle in J-'nrtliind by Owl - I rnar Co..
3;;5 WHhiM".tnn Ktiot-t. No- free yok
WU4 f .Ul.l UiOui,'Jl.
J ,. X
w - - at - . a i
probably be rermfinent, Tlifro are fctv
era! jiluces tlila eld of the prexent johU
tlon thut will have to be touched up, as
the dredge did not have time to do per.
manont work on the way down.; From
now on th work will consist principally
of straightening and widening the chaa
nei. ;;' ;, ,
The dredge Portland will finish work
ing at La Du's Landing! this week; and
will, then shift to Walker's Island.
Japanese Sailors Leave Vessel
rort Head Tar.;
Two more Japanese sailors are in a
fair way to become residents of . uie
state of Oregon .without the consent of
the Immigration authorities or the cap
tain of the German bark R. C. Rickmers,
from which vessel they suddenly de'
camped Tuesday night In addition to
the fact that the United States govern
ment collects a head tax for the sailors
if they, are not captured, the officers
and crew of the Rickmers are liable to
be embarrassed for meals as the desert'
ers were 8. Ohala. the ' cook, end K.
Tlnamura, the steward, according to the
report made by Captain Schwetmana
to Immigration Inspector Barbour, yes
Gas Packet Anvil Has Rough Time
Maldng Port. O;,
Rough weather of the1 past two or
three weeks placed the gas packet Anvil
at a disadvantage as she only arrived
front Bandon and way ports yesterday
afternoon after being barbound four
days at Astoria on her trip down and
again 14 days in the Yaquina. She
finally succeeded in discharging and
taking on more freight at her different
ports of call and reached ber dock here
at ,1:46 yesterday afternoon. -. oue
brought, a full cargo of 1?7 tierces of
saimon, n (5 cases of canned salmon
and t BO sacks of cascara bark. She also
had, 40 passengers.
Steamer Goes Into Drfdock for Re
pairs After Striking Bar.
The steamer Washington, which ar
rived here leaking last week, was un-
docked f.-om the Port of Portland dry
dock at noon today and the tug Star,
belonging to the Star Sand company,
will go on this afternoon. The Star
broke her tall shaft and lost her pro
peller overboard last week near the
mouth of the Cowllts river and she will
be docked to have a new tail shaft
wheel and stern bearings. The steamer
Washington Is undergoing repairs as
the result of striking the Coos Bay bar
a few weeks ago.
Has to Arrive.
Str. Alliance, Eureka ..Nov. 23
Str, Breakwater, Coss Bay Nov. 24
Bir. none uny, can reuro.....iNov. z
Roanoke, ss.. San Pedro Nov. 24
Str. Beaver, San Pedro Nov. 88
Geo. W. Elder, San Diego....... Deo. 1
Str. Bear, San Francisco Dec.' I
Sue to Depart.
Str. Geo. W. Elder, San Diego.. Deo. 4
Str. Bear. San Pedro... v Nov. 23
Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay Nov. 26
Str. Rose City, San Pedro Nov. J7
Str. Roanoke, San Diego Nov. J7
Str. Beaver, San Pedro Deo. 2
To Leave Baa xraaolsoo.
Str. Harvard, San Pedro, ..Nov. 21
Str. Vale, San Pedro Nov. 2
, Teasels la Port.
Boston, V.' B. .......Stream
St. Nicholas, Am. sh. ...Astoria
North King, ss Qoble
Berlin. Am. bk. . .Qoble
Levi Q. Burgess, Am. Uk,........Gobl
palsy JTreeman, ss .dry dock
Balboa, schr ...i... Westpon
R. -ft Rickmers. Oer. bk... Eastern Sc. W.
Bear, Mnier. ss. Alnsworth
Koko a(J,-bkta. . , , ....On -way down
Kavenhill. Bn strt, . . lfilevators
Valerie, Nor. bk. . . . . Irving
Nokomis, soh . , .Astoria
Anne Larson, sen. , Rainier
Clan McFarlane, Buss, sh Rainier
Albert, . A nr. . bk Astoria
iHCUVH. - use.- mk. iiimiiyn
jersbek, uer. dk.
Frankdale, Br. ss
EHUek, Qer. bk,,,,..,,
Uousomont, br. bk.
Colony, Br. bk..,
Iihalna. bktn ,
....... . Llnnton
, Weatport
..Montgomery, 2
,...On way up.
. . . .Columbia 3
EU'rleda. Ger. bk...
u. Mazaiiu, -er. ua. fort. Lbr. Co,
Ikala, Br. ss Tongue Point
Grain Tonnage Eaxoute and Listed.
Aberlour, Br. sir .Nloolalefsk
Adelaide, Qer. bk..., St. Rosalia
Araoien, Dan. str Antwerp
August, Nor. ss ....Ban Franclsoo
Bangor, Nor. str ....Antwerp
Boadioea, Br. ss......... Buenos Ayres
Detmold, Br. sir :. ..ban Franclsoo
Fitapatrick, Br. str Coronei
Gen de Negrier, Fr. bk .Shields
Ooldbek, Ger. sh. St Rosalia
lnverclyde, Br. bk Buenos Ayres
JovUle, Fr. bk
nr. oa Antoiogasta
Br. bk... ....Rio Janeiro
Kllloran, ,
Vtrtrs. Fr. bk.. Kantn.
Metropolis, Br. bk... Buenos Ayres
Olona. Ger. ah. .TaltaJ
Ossa, Ger. ss Coqulmbo
Osterbek, Ger. bk.... ....... Montevideo
HtMa, -Ft. ba.,. ...... .. ..JSytnujr.i-
Terpiscnoro, uw, ruo Janeiro
Thiers, Fr. ss.. .SblelUa
lUsesllaneons Porelgn to Arrive.
Bay of Biscay. Br. t3 Callao
Christian Bora, Nor. itr. . .San Francisco
Drummuir, tr. ss...
Dundee, Rus. bk....
Kxpansion, Am. sch.
Frankby, Br. str...,
Frankmount. Br. str
..San Franclsoo
. . tian Franclsca
Geo. K. Billings, Am. sch
. San Franclsoo
Hecla, Am. bk ........... . San Francisco
Horuelen, Nor. str........ ...Honolulu
Makawell, Am bki. , ,, , . ,tau Francisco
Mariechen, Rus. bk, Cardiff
etrathearn, Br. str San Francisco
Vennachar. Br. str Port Allan
Btrathlowrie. Br. sa , ,. Australia
Astoria, Nov. Jl. Arrived down dur
ing the night British, steamer Frank
dale. Sailed at 6:20. a. m. Steamer W.
F. Herrin, for Monterey. Arrived at 7
a. m.--Steamer Daisy Gadsby, from San
Francisco, Sailed at 8:40 s, m. Steam
er George W. Elder for Ban Diego and
way ports. Sailed at 10:15 a. m.
Steamer Jim Butler for San Francisco;
steamer Nehalem for Grays arbor. Left
up at 8:40 a. m. Steamer Daisy Gadsby
at 11:50 a. m. British bark Colony.
San Francisco, Nov. 21. Sailed at I
a. m. Schooner W. F. Jewett for Co
lumbia river. Arrived Schooner Annie
I,arsen frbm Columbia rivers steamer IT.
H. Leggett, from Portland.
Port San Luis, Nov. jo. Arrived
Steamers Oleum and W. & Porter from
Ban Francisco. Nov. 10. Sailed at 4
p. m. Steamer Yellowstone; at t p. m.
teamer Navajo; at 10 p. m. Steamer F.
S. Loop, for Portland. Arrived at 7 p.
m. SteamerJtQse City from San Pedro
Coronei, Nov.- 20. Arrived previously
British steamer Strathflllan from
Portland for St. Vincent. iv . -
Punta , Arenas. Nov.. 10. British
steamer Willesden from Portland for
Avonmoutn, . . . .
Coos Bay, Nov. 11 Arrived Steam
ers Alliance and Breakwater from Port
lnnd -
t Astoria, -Nov, 21, Condition at the
mouth of the river at 8 a. m., moderate;
wlnd-ast, IS miles; weather,, clear.
i Tides at Astoria Friday High water.
feet. .-Low water 4:44 a. 1.7 ,Xeet;
6:85 p. m., 0.0 feet.
In tow of the steamer Ocklahama, the
British bark Colony left up this morn
ing from Astoria for the Llnnton bal
last dock.
To look over the situation " with a
view to making a-report on the feasl-
linity-of estnblishlnK ait all at or near
tli i enil of th SrJuth, Jottv. tha
Ju.iroliitcd fur that ' purpose,- composed
of Major J. F. Mclniloe, rlmlrman; Hen
ry I liock. Major J, X5. Cavanaugh and
Edward L. Woodruff, went down to Fort
Stevens this morning, , ,
To commence loading wheat for the
United Kingdom, the Norwegian bark
Valerie shifted up from the Llnnton
ballast docks to Irving dock yesterday
afternoon. '..'..,,...
Carrying freight from- Bandon and
way ports, the gas schooner Tillamook
arrived up during the night , '
Laden with 800 tons .of grain and
600,000 feet of lumber, the steamer Ava
Ion, Captain Chrlstensen, has cleared for
San Francisco. The steamer Carlos,
Captain Hanson,' also cleared' for the
same place with 700 tons of grain and
400,000 feet of lumber,
The ' lighthouse tender Manzanlta,
which arrived up at 1:60 yesterday at t
ornoon, will return to Astoria with gas
magaslnes to be established at the
mouth of the Columbia river.--'Laden
with 1,446,660 feet of lumber,
valued at 120,264, for Wellington, New
Zealand; the barkentine Koko Head left
down from the Inman-Poulsen mills at
1 o'clock this afternoon in tow of the
Monarch.. The captain signed, a crew
of It men yesterday and will be accom
panled on the voyage, by his wife and
children. The Monarca wiu return to
morrow from Astoria with the British
bark Hougomont for the Llnnton ballast
dock. - '
v Dafly River Readings.
Rlparla ,
' 0
Eugene ............
Harrisburg ,,.
Albany ............
6.7r 0.
Portland r.. .......
() Rising. ) falling.
Revision of returns at the office
of the secretary of state on the . ln
tax amendment to the state constitu
tion shows an adverse majority of
260 votes. This Includes the official
returns from every county in the state
erpt Malheur.-and the vote of that
county will not change the result
The vote on this measure was the
closest In the state. Until a few days
ago It was supposed It had carried
as errors in earlier returns gave li
a strong lead. Strange to say, the roi
sakes made nearly all Increased the
yes"-vote, and when these were, cor
rected the scales turned the other way.
rne total official vote of the state.
Malheur county exoeptcd gives 62,043
In favor and 52,303 against
While numerous mistakes have bemi
found in the secretary of state's office
in figures Bent in by county clerk.
no other results are affected. In the
returns from one county. 22 columa of
figures reported by the county clerk
were found to be Incorrectly added.
Ia another, errors wera found in i
(Wh!nstoB Bureau ef Tb Journal.)
Washington. Nov. 21. SuDDlementarv
statements of election expense are com
ing In from congressmen, but those from
the Paclflo coast are rather slow. Boms
congresamerr -who--admit they had diffi
culty in not exceeding the limit imDosed
by law, manifest curiosity over the state
ments wnicn declare that no expense
was incurred.
John E. Raker, of California, la on.
who spent nothing. H. M. White. Rel.
Ungham, Democratic candldate-at-large,
recejvea no contributions and spent
nothing. 8. Warburton, Progressive,
spent 1765: J. A. Mundav. Vancouvr.
Democratlo candidate Second district,
spent 111.50; Lafferty spent $233.9;
Henry B. Dewey, Washington, $2.46; E.
O. Conner, Washington, CO cents.
Skin Diseases
Eczema, Sores, Boils,
Bums cured without fail
It U many rears (at leut 20) since I flnt
Sled PURIFINA. Altbongh I tried man
Other ointment., bare found nothing ao fooil.
W. f. THURSTON, M. D., Loa Angeles, CaL
Hold by Clarke. Woodward Drus Co.. Btlf-
nwe Pnig tio, Acra,v PJiarmary, Jjui.-DhyI,
Pros Co..
Hlrkman Mfg. Co., TO Oortlandt 8t..
New York City.
filwm 10c and 25c:
No Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn or
Dyspepsia Five Blinutea After
Taking 'Tape's Diapepsln."
Every year regularly more than a mil
lion stomach sufferers In the United
States, England and Canada take Papa's
Dlapepstn, snd realize not only Immed
iate, but lasting relief.
. This harmless preparation will digest
anything you eat and overcome a bo
gassy or out-of-order stomach five min
utes afterwards.
If your meals Bon't fit comfortably, er
what you eat lies llks a lump of lead In
your stomach, or -if you have heart
burn, that is a sign of indigestion.
Get from your , pharmacist a fifty
cent case of Pape's Drapepsln and take
a dose just as soon as you can. There
will be no sour risings, no belching of
undigested food mixed with acid, no
stomach I'M or heartburn, fullness or
heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea.
debilitating headaches, dizziness or In
testinal griping. -This-will all go. and.
besides, there will be no sour food left
over In the stomacn to polsloa your
breath with nauseous odors.
Pape's Diapepsin la a certain euro for
ut-of -order stomachs, because it takes
101 Tm, thought
Bola-wfToee-atadirets tJust
the same as If your stomach wasn't
Belief in five minutes from all stom
ach misery Is waiting for. you at any
drug store.
These-large fifty-cent cases contain
more -than sufficient to thoroughly cure
almost any case of dyspepsia. Indiges
tion or any Other stomach disorder, ;y
t i . - ' :
, ! k -
columns. Secretary of RUte Oloott Is
having all tlRiirts vcriried, and when
errors are found the papers are returned
to me. county atliclala for correction,
(fnlted Prw XVin. i
Paris. Nov.' 21. That 1812 is destined
to be a bloody year Is. the predlotion
here today of Mme. De Thebes, a well
known prophetess, former friend of Gen
eral Boulanger end the younger Dumas.
Among th events predicted are that
Paris will be the scene of a terrible
theatre fire; the German emperor may
Letters of a Slim-Made Worn
- an to Her Fat Sisier
Fourth Xettert On the Housekeeping
. '.' Burdens of the Overfat woman.
Dear Sis: In solving the fat problem,
I've also solved the servant problem so
far as I'm concerned. My last mald-of-all-work
donned her hat and- departed
two weeks ago. And when I say "the
last" I mean "never again." I'm doing
my own work now and enjoying it all
because that terrible burden of flesh I
carried has goner-never to return.'
How plainly the mirror of memory re
flects the past I see myself as I was
a mountain of palpitating flesh, catering
to servants whose lightest duties I could
not perform because. I could not carry
the burden of my weight and of my
Now, sis dear. I know you haven't seen
the suppleness of mv slim-made Self J
xranow inai many iormuias, aiei sys
tems and exercise methods have robbed
you of faith In all reducing methods, but
"take a little tip from sister" and use a
few boxes of those harmless little Mar
mola Prescription Tablets I told you
about Any druggist will furnish them
at 7 So the ease or you can send the
Brlce to the Marmola Co., Farmer Bids.,
etrolt. Mich. They contain exactly the
same Ingredients as the Marmola Pre
scription that left me slim, firm and
smooth, and they won't nauseate you
either. f
It may take a little time, but be patient
and you'll solve all your problems so
cial and domestic. Let me know1 re?
suits. I'm sure they'll be amazing. Lov
ingly. ' BETTY.
Weil-Known Optician
Joins Thompson
Optical institute
Dr. L. E. Sook, for several years with
the Columbia Optical company, wishes
to announce to his many friends and
patients that he can now be found at
the Thompson Optical Institute, 209-10-11
Corbett building.
Dr. Sook has made many friends since
coming to Portland. He not only Is an
optician of exceptional skill, but he Is
also an expert "In grinding lenses. Hs
Is a graduate of one of the best colleges
in this country, and with the exception
ally good facilities afforded by the
Thompson Optical Institute for examin
ing the eyes, he Is confident that he
can now give the publlo better service
than ever.
Moes Astonishingly tow rriflay
and Saturday Only.
. Macbeth-
Evans first
quality X n
verted Oas
Globes, as
1 1 1 ustrated.
Friday and
Sat, only
Genuine Boots h
Oan. Imported
Oena Crlobes. as Il
lustrated. Friday
and Saturday only,
2 for
rixtares Electrical Supplies
Wiring Xepalr Work. Light
house prloes mean a saving of
J f '
r I
Suite 813-314-315 Merchants Bavtars ft
.Trust Bids., Portland, Ors -
Wholesale distributors for the Knsbe,
Bennett Btrohber, Haines Bros,, Arm
strong and, Hoit-Schoeubarg Pianos and
Player Pianos.
Territory: now. open for reliable deal
er. '-. v
"WWtrtoa.jri'or-prlcef ana terms.'
' v
t Jl
come tj Parln, but not as king; the pope
will dlo; Italy will witness a political
upheaval end perhaps a new king; the
I'rlnce of Wales will resign; Poland Will
be freed, and Bulgaria will play a stu
pendous role in Europe.
Madame De Thebes predicted the pres
ent Balkan war last .December,.
' : (Cntted Press Leued Wlre.1
; Berlin, Nov, 2L That the kalsir's
capital is the champion, rice suicide
city in the world lsthe declaration of
Dr. Julius Wolf, the noted German
sutlstical authority In 'the Statistical
congress, which has Just closed a weeks'
session here. According to Drv Wolf,
Berlin ean no longer point the finger
For Rapid, Accurate Firing
For quick, repeat shots nothing can equal the Win
chester Self-Loading rifles. They hold the World's
Record for rapid firing. Being made in .33, .35, .351 and
.40X calibers, they have a range of power adapted for
hunting game of any size, The .401 caliber is the most
powerful of all recoil-operated arms, and no animal is
too big for It It has even more power than the .30
U.S. Army rifle. Winchester Self-Loading riflesarevery
simple in construction and operation and built to give
long and satisfactory service. Their handiness, quick
ness and ease of operation, make them ideal as hunting
rifles. You will make
Send postal to Winchester Repeating Anns Co., New Haven.
Conn., for complete illustrated catalog describing guns for
all kinds of shooting and ammunhloo lor all kinds of gone.
They Are Sold
ByiAll Dealefsl,
At Less
Vz Off on
Sale Starts Friday,
. 415 Washington St., Corner 1
of scorn at Tarls. Statistics show that
while the decrease In the birth rate of
Paris from 1880 to 1910 was 7.6 pr
cent, that of Berlin was 18.4. Not only
has the birth rate in Berlin fallen more
than that of Paris, but ltl s greater
than that of any other large city.
(United PrM Leswd Wire.!
Tokohama. Nov. 21. Battered by
head seas from the time she left the
Straits on the American side, the steam
ed Lord Curson from Seattle for orien
tal ports, was towed into port late yes
terday in a badly damaged condition by
the British steam.;, trawler Minotaur.
Over 40 days ouC tha Curson was
sighted off the north of Japan by the
no mistake in buying one.
f"K i-sjl ej-l s if-iriCV
Than Manufacturers' Cost
Formet Price $19.75-
Suits of mixtures And fancy
"weaves, also serges in navy and
black; plain tailored and cutaway
models, satin lined; good range of
sizes. Great values at M
Former Price $30-
Extra fine selection of plain and
trimmed suits, all newest materials.
Also large collection of extra size
suits, sizes 37 to 9; fine materials.
Exceptional values at. ,
Former Price J39.75-
. J?!Dettynavf&iA.&i
tailored models, in all the newest
and most wanted materials and col
ors. All sizes. Great values at....,
Former Price $12. 75-
Full length, warm winter coats
in pretty chinchillas and mixtures,
good range of sizes. Fine values at
Former Price $29.75-
The coats at $14.75 represent
wonderful values. Full length and
three-quarter length models, styles
suitable for all occasions. Newest
materials. Exceptional values at. .
Former Price 535--
Grcatest variety of styles and ma
terials. Black plush and caracul;
coats, satin lined. Rich black broad-
cloths, whipcords, zibeUres in fact,
all popular materials! . .-.v
Minotaur flyi,,..; ,: ., t i
Captain I Icndi-I. kf-i,. n ,1 s --;
ancn. wh'.cli was lnimca.ut..!, .
The condition of the ti ' '
known, ,
' " 1 ' (United rrew VenrtA Vibi
Boston, Nov. 11 Pol lea think the
post cards received yesterday whkU
were believed to have given clues t th
slayer of 7-year-old Joseph Josopha In a
Buffalo suburb, are fakes. They s,iy
they, have discovered strong evidencn
here - tending to show that J. Frank
Hlckey, the man arrested for the crime,
was In Boston. end implicated in sev
eral attacks on children .here.
' "f1' " 1 i ' V
alls Gr
aU Of