THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL- PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBR '20, 1012. mm f 1 ill New Rule Applies to Work on Government Tugs, Barges, Pontoons and Pipe Lines; J Affects Building of Tugs. ' That tht sight hour law is now appli cable to work on tugs, barges, pontoons and pips lines, waa the. Information re f calved this morning by Major J. ,Mc- Infos, corps of engineers, United States armr. from Chief of Engineers General HUby at Washington, and in the fu " ture ail contracts will have that clause Inserted. This will affect the tug H. M. Ad ' a mi and J.- C Post, which are to be built, for tenders for the new edgers , Multnomah and Wahklakuk, but the , dredger contracts will not bs affected s they were let prior to the supreme fourt decision that all government vea- eels come under public works, the de cision being rendered on October 23. The telegram stated that from now on the eight hour law of 1893 voulu be " applicable to contracts for such vesels , and Instructions were given to furnish ; prospective bidders with full lnforma- Hon In regard to the law. The paragraph covering It is as follows: The Incorporation of the provision of the act of August 1, 1892, in these speci fications was necessitated by a recent ruling of 'the department, and as the eight hour provision will be Included In the form of contract to be entered into, intending; bidders will govern thera selves accordingly. STRATHDENX3 PUTS BACK 8teamer Which Loaded Here for Calcutta, Disabled at Sea. (SjMdtl to The Journal.) Seattle, Wash., Nov. 30. The steamer Strathdene which loaded lumber at Portland last month, for Calcutta and proceeded to sea after coaling at Ta coma, November 12, is returning up straits having lost part of her deck load. While at Portland the steamer was reported leaking and after being detained a week, while surveyors in : vestigated, she was permitted to pro ceed. When passing Tatoosh the Strath dene did not signal in distress, but she has lost some of her cargo and is sup posed to have been disabled In recent Storms. , Local Insurance men are great ly interested end are anxiously await ing details. BLINDED BY LIGHTS -Pilots Complain Against Are Lights - - on Montgomery Dock. Complaint was made this morning to Harbormaster gpeler by the Columbia ,' river pilots that arc lights on the north vend of Montgomery dock No. 2 and the south end of Martin's dock are giving them much trouble when handling ships. ' as the lights blind them by their flare , and tbey are unable to pick up the rid ing and other lights of ships. Captain Epeler will take the matter up with the proper authorities to see what can be done about it. LIGHTHOUSE COMMITTEE MEETS Aid to Navigation Will Be Estab i -. llshed on Sooth Jetty. In the office of Henry I Beck, light house Inspector for the Seventeenth district, the committee appointed by , Lighthouse-Commissioner Putnam met at 19 o'clock this morning to discusa the matter of an aid at the south Jetty, The members of the committee are: Major J. F. Mclndoe, corps of engineers, United States army, chair- Easy to End CATARRH Just Breathe Booth's HYO : MEI Kill the Germs and Soothe the Inflamed Mem- braneo tart. Today, Is. V- J. .41- - am. particle of morphine, cocaine, or any ln . Jurlous or habit forming drug in HTOMEL - It Is made of Eucalyptus end other grand antiseptics. It will greatly relieve the misery of catarrh or any affliction of tho nose and throat in five minutes "NTa tomah doBlntr lunt k.i.. OMEI. U gets at the catarrh germs and - quickly destroys them. Ask for HYOMEI pronounced High- o-mej ouuii, 11 vu.y costs 11.00 and . consists of a hard rubber pocket inhaler which xan be carried In vest pocket a bottle of HYOMEI, a medicine dropiJer and simple directions for .use. Extra bottles. If needed, 60c. --Leading druggists everywhere sell HYOMaU, which Is guaranteed to end , catarrh, oughs, colds and croup, or money returned. If you could go to the Eucalyptus for " estsof -Inland Australia you would - qulckly-get rid of catarrh. Booth's HY- OMEI brings the identical air of these forest direct to your home. It is most wonderful catarrh remedy. taf TfofseT by local txscteentf; to arrest the flow of leciclios jroa must remove the cause; tab symptom is only om of nitare's wsrnirjgi of a Itm-dowa system. -' Bafld your strength and vital forces with SCOTTS EMULSION; It strpplies the needed lime and concentrated fats; the glycerine soothes and heals the delicate organs; the cnmlaioo nourishes Iha.tisimfi and nam centers twof swoAss) rw( eTcfiPti bfooL Sett'i EmwhUn eoercowtes est rrft by composing htalth mtut sVgon .. Qcott a Bowse. Konsneldi N, 113-79. !07 APPUGADLE, SAYS fffilDOE in. snector: Major J. M. Cavanaugh, corps 'P J nt ani-lnnnrn Ktattld. and Edward Woodruff, lighthouse Inspector. Detroit The committee is. a board to consider the most feasiblo. practical and eco nomical means of establishing ah to navigation at or near the end of south Jetty. v ' LORD CURZON IS SAFE . J'': k ' " -.. J aid tht ' Seattle jpablo Indicates Big Steamer Arrived at Yokohama Overdue. (Doited Pre Loiscd Wirt.) Seattle, Wash., Nov., 20. Local agents of Frank Waterhouse and company here today received with glee the short Cable "Yokohama Curson.' This signifies that the big freighter Lord Curzon, 45 days out from Seattle and lv.days overdue at Yokohama, la safe In port. Great anxiety was felt for1 the big steamer as sh had on board a cargo of wheat, lumber,! flour, machinery, and general merchandise. The Lord Curzon put to Sea on October 16 in the teeth of a gale. No, details have. been re ceived as to the nature of the accident which delayed her. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Seventy-five days- from the Britlshhark Colony arrived In the river at 7:15 this mornlntr. and half an hour later the British bark Hougo mont cam in over the bar, 70 days out from Iqulqui. The former Is under charter to O. W. McNear and "the latter to M. IL Ilouser. The lighthouse tender Mantanita la scheduled to arrive up here from As toria at S this afternoon, doing some buoy work on the way up and then load store supplies for Tongue Point. Carrying 75 passengers and 400 tons of freight, the steamer Breakwater, Cap. tain Macgenn, sailed last night for Coos Bay. The British steamer Frankdale Is scheduled to sail tonight from West port for Australia wittt a cargo of lum ber. With passengers and freight the gas packet Anvil was scheduled to reach the Couch street dock this morning from Bandon and way. To load a cargo of wheat for the United Kingdom the British ship Raven. hill was towed up rronn Linnton to the elevator dock this morning. Tho Ger man bark Isebek was taken In from the stream to the ballast dock. To oomplete her cargo of lumber for Australia the schooner J. H. Lunsmann will be shifted from the Portland Lum ber company's mill to the North Pacific mill this afternoon. MARINE NOTES Astoria, Nov. 20. Arrived at 7 a. m. steamer George W. Fenwick from Kan Pedro; arrived ut 7:15 a, m. British bark Colony from Buenos Ayres; arrived at 7:25 and left up steamer Maverick from San Francisco: arrived at 7:45 a. m. British bark HouKomont from Iauloue: arrived down at 8:30 and sailed steamer Breakwater for Coos Bay; lert up at 8:30 a. m. German bark -Jersbck. San Francisco, Nov. 20. Arrived at I a. m. iiteamer Beaver from Portland; sailed at 5 a, m. steamer Falcon for Portland. Honolulu. Nov. 1. Sailed British steamer Ikala from Columbia river for Melbourne. San Pedro, Nov. 19. Arrived steamer Iaqua, from Columbia river, steamers St. Helens and Kose City from Portland; steamer Roanoke from Portland. Victoria, Nov. 19. Arrived British steamer Strathdene, leaking and lost part of deckload and had decks dam aged during heavy weather. Astoria, Nov. 20. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m. smooth; wind south, 24 miles; weather cloudy. Tides at Astoria Thursday High water: 10:11 a. m., 8.3 feet; 11 p. m., 7 feet. Low water: 4:02 a. m 2.1 feet; 4:53 p. m., 0.8 of a foot. ... . fe-''j MARINE INTELLIGENCE Dne to Arrive. Str. Alliance. Eureka Nov. 2S Str. Breakwater. Coss Bay Nov. 24 Str. Rose City, San Pedro Nov. i!4 Roanoke, ss., San Pedro Nov. 24 Str. Beaver, San Pedro Nov. 28 Geo. W. Elder, 8an Diego. ..... .Dec. 1 Str. Bear. San Francisco Dec. 3 Due to Depart. Str. Geo. W. Elder, San Diego -.Nov. 20 Str. Bear. San Pedro Nov. 23 Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay Nov. 26 Str. Roso City, San Pedro Nov. 27 Str. Roanoke, San Diego Nov. 27 Str. Beaver, San Pedro Dec. 2 To X,eave San rranclsco. Str. Yale, San Pedro Nov. 20 Str. Harvard, Ban Pedro Nov. 21 Teesels la Toxt, Boston, U. S. S Stream bt. Nicholas, Am. ahr Astoria North KIT'S. Aju. as Gable Berlin. Am. bk. ...i Gobi Levi U. Burgess, Am. bk. Uoble Daisy Freeman, &s drydock Balboa, sclir Westport R. C. Rlckmers, Ger. bk. . .Eastern &; W. Bear, Mmer. ss Ainswortli Koko Head, Dam .....i. r. juius Ravenhlll, Br. str Elevators Valerie, Nor. bk Linnton Nokomls. sch Westport Anne Larson, sen. Rainier Clan McB'arlane, Rues, sh Rainier Albert, Am; bk; i; : . . . r;?AstoMV Isebok. Ger. bk Linnton Jersbek, Ger. bk Linnton Frankdale, Br. ss Westport Eilbek, Ger. dk Montgomery l Strathlyon, Br. ss Oceanic Lahaina, bktn Astoria EUrleda, Ger. bk Columbia. 2 G. Massinl, Per. bk. Port. Lbr. Co. Ikala, Br. ss Tongue Point drain Tonnage JSnront and Listed. Aberlour, Br. ttr Nicolalefsk Adelaide, Ger. bk St. Rosalia araoien, Dan. str Antwerp August, Nor. ss ban Francisco Bangor, Nor. str Antwerp Boadicea, Br. 63 Buenos Ayres Coiony, Br. bk Bunnos Ayres Detmold, Br. str ban Francisco Fitrpatrick, Br. str.., Coronel Gen de Negrler, Fr. bk Shields Goldbek, 'Ger. sh. ,SU Rosalia Hougomont, Br. bk. Iquique Inverciyde, Br. bk Buenos Ayres Join vllle, Fr. bk Antofogasta KlUoran, Br. bk Rio Janeiro Marechal VilKrs, Fr. bk. ...... . .Santos Metropolis, Br. bk Buenos Ayres Olona. Ger. sh. ................ Taltal Ossa, Ger. ss Coquimbo Osterbek, Ger. bk..... Montevideo Reae, Fr. bk Sydney Terplschore, Ger. ss.... Bio Janeiro Thiers, Fr. ss .Shield Ulscellaneoos roreigm to Arrive. Bay of Biscay, Br. m Callao Christian Bors, Nor. str. . . San. Francisco, Br. ss San Francisco Dundee, Rus. bk Santos Expansion, Am. sch Valparaiso Frankby, Br. str San Francisco Frankmount, Br. str Victoria Geo. E. Billings, Am. sch.. San Francisco Hecla, Am. bk San Francisco Jiornelen, Nor. str Honolulu Makaweli, Am. bk ,k..San Francisco Mariechen. Rus. bk..w Cardiff Btrathearn, Br. str... San Franolsoe Vennachar, Br. str... Port Allen Strathlowrle. Br. ss. ........ Australia Dally River Readings. 9a a if It r S9 c 3 STATIONS 0"t3 P Bl Ln wis ton . . Rlparla Umatilla .. liugrne .... Harrisburg 24 30 25 10 16 0 20 37 0.2 0 0 0 0 .11 -4, 9 0 0 8.8 4.0 0.8 6.4 1.1 fl. ZU-0 .1 haiem Wllsonvtlle. Portland . . , 6. 0.2 10. .6 15 6.6 3 () rising; ( ) falling. Many a man who howls for Justice would probably try to sneak uu an alley men: Henry L. Beck, llelithousa u.s: Postoffice Building F. N. I JV Another of .the hak WmAr old time edifices F R fil theunprece- i f -li-rmM dented growth' of If I Ljli . Portland ; ! 1 11 MIllIII I II Gentlemen, we jf M JPIIIL are in the midst ofphenBmenal rosTKUf, voyjrrnro txb way to "w" car. axjostt at z,ori- JOT. WALK TO COaUTEXA. TO WXSTQTIiB TXB&ACES. Every activity in this city points -to prosperity. I have made it a business, the last few days,.to ask 'How's business with The answers I have received would make you think that every man is a bloated bondholder. Business conditions were never so good as they are right now. As a direct result of excellent business conditions, men are enlarging their plants, their stores, their outputs; they are moving to bigger quarters, into new buildings, remodeling old ones. Truly, Portland's fade is being chan ged every day. . iYes, the old postoffice building is to be vacated. ? Why? Because the business of the postoffice department . .... The government is to build bigger, better and more Better things are in enormous dema nd. Even, better homes and better home sites. You would actually be surprised at the list of PORTLAND MEN OF ABILITY AND STABILITY who have expressed themselves forcibly as in tending to build their homes on WESTOVER TERRACES. A list of them would look like a list of the bank directors, presidents of corporations and other BIG MEN OE THE CITY. It is a shame that WESTOVER TERRACES is not big enough for all of them. Not that all of them will eventually buy, but that all of them will EVENTUALLY, wish thoy had. - 7 .. I venture to say, without fear of contradiction, There will not be a group of 300 lots in the Pacifc northwest, a few years from now, that will represent such an enormous aggregate wealth of own ers, as WESTOVER TERRACES. The finest, richest and best known people of western A,merica will drive fo their homes in WESTOVER TERRACES, . ' Not far from now. . CLARK, Director of 1 prosperity; you?" . ; -.. the postoffice has increased faster than any man in ever had any idea that it would. Sales, 818-823 Spalding Bldg.-HIain 2113-A7617 - this question : costly quarters. I if he saw It . coming, '