OREGON DAILY .TCUXvIIAL, r ;day THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST LAND PRODUCTS SHOWr-What wonderful sur prise has been given to even the old-time. Oregonians in the showing that the State of Ore gon has made in the way of agricultural progression during the last few years. Arid tracts of land in the eastern part of the state have been reclaimed by irrigation to productiveness of the most prolific, and almost unbelievable extent Exhibit held daily at East Morrison and First ' Use our household Club Plan of installment payments vhsn buying "Victor" or "Columbia" Talking Machines, "Willamette" Sewing Machines, Globe Wernicke Bookcases, Ostermoor Mattresses, Hastings Kitchen Cabinets. 7hy Do You Shop at The r.loier Frank Store? TUB 1 Ji qio :Caffejn Koom Pimiiima ConiinuQS, floor. The Shop Early :SmX0X is now un Cr osacfe d e r f u 1 1 '. ... 'headway. J. "The Call" sent out three weeks ago has yielded results greater and quicker than was anticipated. "All -lover "the Pacific "northwest the;' good influence of starting this movement early is being felt - v ;" The self-satisfaction enjoyed by l inoseVwho took the pledge that "No Matter WBeferShop.l will Shop Early," is alone sufficient re ward for responding to "The Call." And when the ' material benefits also derived are taken into consid eration the arguments in favor of Joining this movement are over whelming. . 4 Our own store is only one of the stores that are in every sense ready ready to show the , results of months of travel and prepara tion ; by our corps , of department managers ready with perfected monster stocks of beautiful holiday merchandise gathered from every corner of the world. ; Resolve nowrand act at once, on the resolution that "No matter where I shop, I will shop early." Umbrella Repairing OUR previous announcement . that "John Allesina; the well-known, and popular umbrella repair, expert, had taken charge of our Umbrella' Repair ing Shop, has meant the complete satisfaction-of hundreds of patrons. Bring your .broken umbrellas to Mr. Allesina now; for. expert wort You, too, will be satisfied. v ; Redactions on Recovering 26 -IN: COVERS FOR WOMEN $1.00 now for 87c $1.50 now $133 $2.25 now $1.89 $3.00 now $2.67 $4.00 now $3.47 $4.50 now $3.98 All Work Guwrafi . teecL . 28 -IN, COVERS FOR MEN $1.15 now at 93c $1.75 now $1.4? $2.25 now $1.89 $3.50 now $2.95 $4.00 now $3.47 $4.50 now $3.98 ' first Hoo Xata , ; , ie Notion Specials A S USUAL Wednesday, Trv Bije: Store' holds ut-of-the-ordinary savings for yon in your Notion needs, tomorrow it's s big 10c event 5c Spool Silk, 100 yards, all colors, specially priced now, 3 for 104 5c Hooks and Eyes, black and white, tomorrow, 3 cards for 10 15c Nainsook Shields, white, 10 15c Children's Supporters, black and white, special, the pair, 10 15c Spool Holders, nickel pltd. 10 Corset ! Laces, white,' mercerised, special for tomorrow, 5 yards 101 3. spools Conqueror Machine Thread, special for tomorrow, 10 Collar Stays, wavy wire, white and black, for tomorrow, dozen, lOeV Wicker white Eyelet Tape, bolt 10 Vassar Lingerie' Braid, washable, special tomorrow, 10 yards at 10e 15c Needle Books, assorted, at 10f 15c Beauty Pins, gold plated, per card tomorrow at low price of lOf Kleinert's Shirtwaist Belts, ea. iOf Victoria Haif Pins, loop shell, 3 on a card, special tomorrow at 10 Silver Plated Trimbles, each, lOf lowly New ' Waists Every Ona A Direct ' Copy of Imported Models $18 to $35 Grades at - S 1 4.50m$ A LIMITED number of dainty and : lovely Waists, in filmy chiffon, -lace, nets, crepe de meteor. Charmeuse and figuredTchif fons. Have full length and short sleeves; lace yokes in.V shapes. High girdles of-silk and. satin. Ap propriate and afternoon and evening shades. Three sizes only 34, 36 and 3Saccounts - for this'un heard of reduction. Regular $18 to $35 P A PA Waists are on sale for tomorrow at only y &!) v Afternoon and Evening Gowns Evening Gowns, elaborately, trimmed with lace Jet Imported govgns of panne velvet. and the nov elty materials, in-white, gold and evening shade, Afternoon Gowns in shaped i effects, - with ; Robes pierre collars, -yests of satin or lace. ; ' $40 Gowns Tomorrow $30.00 ; - $50 Gowns Tomorrow $37.50 $75 Gowns Tomorrow $56.25 ' $100 Gowns Tomorrow $75.00 v ii r i-1 Mil . 1 m v uinv. - - Ml GreatlyR edue'd BEAUTIFULrand rich is the , fabric of every Suit included in this offer,' and of styles the. latest. You'll find them trimmed in fur, brocade, velvet," braid, sating cording and broad cloth, in contrasting colors, ".The Suits are shown , in taupe, navy, brown, new blue, wine, stripes and black. r Also fancy leaves. See Fifth street window display. $48 Suits for Tomorrow $36.50 $55 Suits for Tomorrow $41.50 $65 Suits for Tomorrow $52.50 $75 Suits for Tomorrow $58.50 I $98 Suits for Tomorrow $72.50 ' RftYAQAiwrA Suits for women. timwuvi Made of navy blue, ' '"' ' ' ' men's wear serge, mC CTf in th severe man OiHiOy QiZJ nish tailored -style. .. , Regulation length. In semi-fitted style, with rounded cor ners. Small knot collars . and revert. Skirts, with high girdle and pleats on either sidei all sizes. Select from AAA this exceptional lot of Suits to- II morrow at the special price, eachYr Phenomenal Offerings in Shirts, Undemearttiosiery Nightgowns, Pajamas, Neckwear, Mufflers, Gloves, Sweaters Great Thanksgiving Sale Dtoerware, Silverware, Carving .RbSl ITS the great annual event that Portland and Western housewives have come to look for! And what could be more timely for those who wish to complete their table service for the Thanksgivins: dinnerlr ' -Here in-The Bi Basement Store and in the popular First Floor Section every want can best be cared Maviland China lie JU5T at this time, when the npfrk fnr fhft "Ciimntunii1? ' f Thanksgiving dinner are up permost in the minds of the housewife, comes this great and timely sale of the -world- famous Haviland & Co.'s French China. ' Much of the success of the dinner for Thursday, the 28th, depends on the service for the table, and . hundreds of homes will provide what's most needed at decided economy during-this event Every piece of Haviland & Co's China is reduced for this sale. Dinner Sets of Haviland & Co.'s French China. New Derby shape No. 4. With yellow and bfaclc con ventional border. Gold edge. Solid gold decorated handles and knobs.-Regular 60-pc (JJQO At Dinner Sets, at only nDQ&Av ... 100-piece Dinner Sets ? 46.80 ' Dinner Sets of Haviland & Co.'s French China. Silver shape, with heavy gold edges. Solid gold dec orated handles 60-piece Dinner Sets for this sale re- CJJO HP duced tomorrow to iSrxLi O : , 100-piece Dinner Sets f 62.55 Dinner Sets of Haviland & Co.'s fine French dinner ware. Decora tion of red and green Grecian key border, Edged with two gold lines. Alt ' handles and knobs solid gold decoration. 60 piece Dinner Sets f 40.50 100 piece Dinner Seta f 54.00 Dinner Sets of Haviland & Co.'s famous French China. Plain Derby 6hape, with conventional Grecian key border. Gold band edges, with solid gold decorated handles and knobs 60-piece Din- fljf OA ner Sets, reduced to tDIO.OU 100-piece Din&et Seta f 68.00 Dinner Sets of Haviland & Co.'s French China. Plain Derby shape, with heavy gold encrusted bor ders, solid gold decorated handles 60-piece Dinner Sets, re- flJQI duced tomorrow to only PO 100-piece Dinner Sets, at f 118 Dinner Sets of Haviland &. Co.'s fine French Dinnerware. Wreath decoration of pink blossoms and blue ribbons. Handles and knobs stippled with gold. 60 piece Dinner Seta f 28.20 100 piece Dinner Sets f 36.00 American Semi Porcelain KNOWLES, TAYLOR & KNOWLES American Semi-Porcelain is one of the most popular low-priced Chinawares onthe market And we include three different styles of Dinner Sets of this well-known make in this sale. rJ Dinner Seta of Knowles, Taylor & Knowles Amer ican semi-porcelain. , Artistic lotus-shaped, in plain white, with embossed edges. 1 60-piece Dinner Set, on sale at 4.37 100-piece Dinner Set, on tale at f 6.S7 Dinner Seta of Knowles, Taylor & Knowles Amer ican semi-porcelain. This design'has pink Grecian bor der, with pink floral wreaths. 60-piece Dinner Sets, on sale at 10.35 100-piece Dinner Seta, sale at 115.75 Dinner Setsof Ka6wles, Taylor JlCnowIea Amer ican iemi-porcelaliL In plain shapes, with gold band edges, and solid gold decorated handle.- 60-piec Dinner Sets, on sale at 11.48 100-piece Dinner Sets, sate at f 17.10 Zdeakaucr Austrian China Dinner Seta Zdeakauer & Coa Austrian China. Decoration consists of clusters of blue for-get-me-nots, with pale green foliage. 60-piece Dinner Sets, on sale at f 13.50 100-piece Dinner Sets, sale at 20.25 Dinner Sets Zdeakauer & Co.'s Austrian China. In plain shapes. Pink rose-spray decorations, with green foliage and gold lines. 60-piece Dinner Sets, on sale at 815.30 100-piece Dinner Sets, sale at 8 22.50 Imported China Fish and Game Sets V2 Price F LIGHT-WEIGHT imported china are these 14 and lS-piece Game and Fish Sets. Decorated in pheasant, quail and duck centers, with field and sky colors. Fish Sets have decorated centers, of every species. With marine, plant "and water background. u ' $10 Game Sets, 12-piece, 85.0O $ 9 Fi6j, Set8 18piece ,t 4.B0 $27.50 Oame Seta, 12-pc. f 13.75 $12 Fish Sets, 16-piece, at 8 6.00 --1 $l5J3ame Sets, 13-piece, at 7.S0 - . m9ua ! XT- ;- :. .'' ' ;vr ..V',; Famous Savory Roasters Hundreds of women of Portland have visited and .profited by the interesting demonstration of the 'famous Savory Roasters and Savory Double Boilers. now being held in The Big Basement" Store, The ing. Seamless and sanitary. No corners for grease to gather. Ask the demonstrator to sHbw you the points of superiority of theavory HKn ' CO Roaster. Priced special '. tomorrow ' V V ; lot? V TELEPHONES PAFICIC, n MARSHALL 4600; HOME A-8101.- -"iIRd rJtft are indeed worth while. - nhJnl? ONpurtire stock of fine ainaware at a reduced price-then . uwi wu lumuuuw auu ouaic m iiic savings 1 English Semi-Porcelain Included for thisgreai isk oL Dinnerware Are two styles of W. ; H. GrindleyV English Semi Porcelain Dinner Seta at great redactions. DINNER SETS Of English Semi-Porcelain. In plain shapes, with yellow and green border decoration and gold . edges. . : 60-Piece Dinner Sets, $ 9.00 100-Piece Dinner Sets, $13.50 DINNER SETS English Semi-Porcelain. In the new plain shapes ; has conventiqnal borders on cream-tinted background. 60-Piece Dinner Sets, $11.50 100-Piece Dinner Sets, $18.00 Rosenthairs Bavarian Cliina Dinner Gets of Rosenthall's Bavarian China, Donua talla shaped. .With green and yellow borders and gold edges, ' 60-piece Dinner 8 eta, on isle at 818.90 100-piece Dinner Sets, sale at 827.00 OLD ABBEY FRENCH CHINA-f da!ntydesign is the Old Abbey French China, made in Limoges; France, . . , Dinner Sets of Old Abbey French China. With fes toon border of delicate design and gold edges. All knobs and handles decorated in solid gold. 60-piece Dinner Sets, on sale at f 29.48 100-piece Dinner Sets, sale at $44.00 Dinner Sets of Old Abbey French China, with gold band decoration, set between two black lines. Very artistic shapes and pleasing designs. . . 60-piece Dinner Sets, on sale at 836.00 $100-piece Dinner Sets, sale at 852.20 1847 Rogers Bros, Silware MOST-every housewife knows by ex petience of the lon-wearin quali ties of Rogers' 1847 Silver-Plated Rat ware. Safe to say the largest and most com plete stock of this, famous Silverware in the entire city is to be found at Meier & Frank's.-included are the most popu lar patterns, such as Old Colony, Crom well, Vintage-, Charter Ctek, Berkshire, Avon and Sharon, at the following prices: ' Teaspoons, set of 6 at only 81.75 Dessert Spoons, set of 6 at 83.25 Table Sooons. net af fi. 'nnl ft.t.Kn - - -J -tl; i mint rviKS, BCl 01 u mi 4 it E&Jte: L6 fcJfCFAWecial, each, 1.00 Bouillon Sooona. act of fi K.KA Berry Spoons, each, only f 1.50 Olive Sdooiu. each at onlv 0 Jelly Spoons, special, each. 81.15 Salad Spoons. sDecial. each. 81.50 Baby Spoons, special, each, at 50 Suear Sheila, anecial. rh AA Mustard Spoons, special, each, 30t Dessert Forks, set of fi at X.1.2K Medium Forks, set of 6 at f3.50 Med. Forks, hollow handles, $5.25 Med. Knives, hoL handles, 6 f 5.25 Medium Knives and Forks, solid handles, 'set of 6 for only 84.00 Medium Knives and Forks, satin finish, set of 6 for tnW ft4.AA Ind. Salad Forks, set of 6 at f 3.75 Quadrupl Fickle Forks, aoecial at arh TK4 Butter Knives, special, each, 65 Butter Spreaders, set of 6, $3.25 Fruit Knives, plain, set of 6, 81.75 Fruit Knives, fancy, set of 6 $1.85 Cream Ladles, special, each, 90 Gravy Ladles, special each, $1.25 Oyster Ladles, special, each, $2.75 Fruit Ladles, special, each, $3.25 Pie t Servers, special each, $2.25 Carving Sets, 3-piece, each, $7.50 Child's Sets, 3-piece, now $1.50 Nut Cracks, plain, each, only 65v Nut Cracks, hollow handles, $2.25 e Plated Silverware HE Quadruple Silver-Plated Ware offered in this salels - representative of many of the leading- factories of the country- More suitahle and laeftner 'toVw -v than fha rtfm tar ins luH M U, Ant a mw aivvb ' v w vsuu iu iai$ PalC $1 Lemon Dishes, silver and glass."! special tor tomorrow, only ivf $32$ Cake Basket, with handle, specially priced now at only $2.59 $2.50 Bo'rt Bon Dishes, bright fin ish, special for tomorrow at $1.89 $1.50 Bon Bon Dishes, footed 6tyles, special tomorrow at $1.10 $2.75 Flower Vases, glass lining, special tor tomorrow, only f a.itt $12 Tea Sets. ' consistinur -of Ta Pot, Sugar Bowl, Creamer and Spoon Holder,- priced now $7,59 $3.75 Pie Dish, h silver frame and pojttery HningTIow at $2.08 $10 Tea Sets, 4 pieces, bright fin. ish, neat designs... This sale $6.98 $5 Sandwich Trays, now at $3.79 $15 Tea Sets, 4 pieces, at $11.14 9.i banawicn Trays, each. $1.49 High Grade Carving Sets LANDERS, FRARY & CLARK'S Cutlery has for fifty years been, the; criterion for v highest quality. . Every the tnno Vi fiit wnrkrra Th Carvinc Rffts included in this safe have stag,, pearl and bone handles. r,Sterling silver ferrules and caps., Sam uel E. Lee's steels, all 3-picce sets. " e $2.75 Sets now $2.19 $3.25 Sets, now $2.59 $4.00 , Sets now $3.19 $4.50.SetsnowJp3.5O $6.00 Sets now S4.79 $6.50 Sets now $5.19 H 97.00 Sets now $5.59 $7.50 Setf now $5.99 8.00 Sets now $6.39 19.00 Sets now $7.19 BONE HANDLED .,. .SETS' '. $5.00 Sets now $3.99 $6-00Sets-noHt-$4.7a $6.50 sets now $aa PEARL HANDLED ,SETS $12.50 Sets now $9.99 $14.00 Sets st $11.20 $2.50 Casseroles, $1.29 -There i rid finer vrky in which to cook and serve-vegetables for the Thanksgiv- inginnerrhanMiheseHsseroIeriV'r offer for this "said. Round or oval "shape heavilv. nlckelniatfl" frm ..,;.. r.. . a ......wm, null 1 il C proof, glazed, brown and white linings, 2-oint size.- Retrular $2.50 Cas. rt- tf seroles, -for - this sale, each tplWt