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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1912)
THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, -NOVEMBER 13. 1CU EIGHT FIRE III HOTEL KILLS 3; MP TO DEATH St. George, in Los Angeles, Burns; . Many Threatened People Leap Into Life Nets and Are Hurt. ' 1 ' ., 1 (Cnlt4 tru Ui4 Wlre.i 1 Los Angeles, Nov. '19. la a fir that ' flestroy.4 the St. George hotel arly tu ' ; day, three gticsts were Wllcdl They are: . Mrs. Charles Harrington, 38, an ao v tress'. whOBe atajre name was KHen ( Moran. -,.;,.' Joseph Martin, 3, Jewelry lerk. , Julius Malotie, 35, hotel engineer, r Mrs, Ilarrtng tort's elx-months-old baby airi is fenrfully burned and probably will die. Others who are believed to t fatally Injured are FYank J. Bock, , who, received a sprained back, and his Wife, -whose back was broken, - ttMrs. Harrington was- killed by tolling; . from the f if th ' floor. Her baby was found In the hall outside the room, nhence she fell. It Is 'believed that siue loft the Infant temporarily to find a way of escape and was overcome by . vertigo while looking from a window, Martin also fell to his death. Malone ' died In a hospital from terrible burns. Ills clothing ablase, he rushed scream inf. to -the street whtia firemen tried ,, to wrap him in blankets. '. ':. Was Tneatrloal Hotel. ' .The hotel was headquarters for a portion of the theatrical profession We," and was crowded with the mem bers of several companies last night. Several scantily . clad chorus" girls were ; among those ! who evaded death by l?ing Into the firs net&r Many of these are among the score or more who received minor injuries. ' : Although, several of the goeate of the hotel havo not yet been accounted for, the police have searched the ruins carefully and are. ot the opinion Chat no other have met death. A further search, however, will be made. Fire .Chief Archie Eley ascended a scaling ' ladder through thick smoke three times, rescuing two hysterical ( women and an unconscious man who j were neipiess on tne lourm xioor. : Woman Bares Uvea. Mrs. Edwin F. Wood, a vaudeville performer, probably saved several lives when ahe calmed a doxen wildly excited v ononis girls and. steadied the top of a . ladder "while they descended , to the v street from the fifth f lsflr 8he was . slightly burned. v . There were more than one hundred ; guests In the hotel when the fire started on ts second floor o the hotel, which ; was a six story structure. The flames ' soon cat off escape from the upper floors and ecores of guests were com rpelled to leap' Into the fire nets. ; Oscar ' Sell, an elevator boy, saved the lives of many persona by running his car through the flames and smoke, until compelled by the police to cease. ; THEATRES -rMWSELlEtlTS - EUmimULlEUTS. CENTRAL FIGURES AT THE LAND SHOW BULL MOOSE FAIL TO WIN PRIMARY PLACE; . VOTE IS 6000 SHORT '.i (Continued From Page Ona) , 21ght show that the total vote was 113, 1 exclusive of the Prohibitionist, So cialist and scattering vote in the First s and Second districts, which Is not now . ' available. It may be assumed that with these additions the total vote on con- TiirresBrnan -will be 12y)0d. " One fourth of that vote, or The Quota required to establish a political party, is 20,000. If It be conceded that Laf- ferty's entire vote can be computed for : the Progressives because he was the Progressive as well as the Republican - candidate, and .his vote is added to that . of J. W. Campbell of Roseburg, the only 1 other Progressive congressional candl ' date In the state, the Progressive total Is only 25.162. )f The new party failed to nominate a ' - candidate for congress in the eastern "r Oregon ? district, disregarding the ad vice of some of the leaders, who thought that K. J. Sinnott, the Republican nomi nee, should be named. Had Elnnott been formally nominated the Progressives would be a political party under the law, If It be conceded that where a candidate la nominated hy two parties his vote may be computed In figuring ', the strength of each. How the Tote Stands. The XenJOoretlo candidates for con gress In the three districts of the state spoiled 15,185 votes, or appromlmately 6000 more than enough to keep the place . of Democracy as a party entitled to par ticipate In the primaries. ' Below Is given the vote by parties on ,. congressmen: Republican Hawley 26,875, Sinnott 16,085, Lafferty (Rep. and Prog.) 16, 7831 total 8,763. . - Democratic Smith 15,410, Graham "IS!!, Munly 11,558-, total 5,i86. Progressive Campbell 8679, Lafferty (Prog, and Rep.) 16.783; total 25,462. SiJeTMist Lee Campbell, In Third dis trict, 30E5; vote polled by Socialist can-:- dldates in First and Second districts not ' available. - Prohibition Baldwin, in the Third. .,1419; vote polled by Prohibition candl ' dates in First and Second districts not available. Independent McCusker, in Third dis trict, 6880." a.W V I. . 1 Be. - V, 'fT-av V' to 7 J -. v w g- ; 7S u- Be 'I' , . ."..U-. ' . , rows and monster exhibits, the agrrloul tural band, the banners, badges and young ladles' division, have all attracted the greatest Interest i The slogan of the paraders la. "Back to the Farm." The parade will be lod by two mascots, small boys, one dressed as a farmer, the other as a conductor, by their actions to signify the commun ity of Interests, between railroad and farmer. Indeed, It Is largely to show how railroad and farmer must together work for land development that the big pageant haa been arranged, ' In the pa rade also will be Cy Perkins and his family, including the baby. This is the line of march: Form at 2 o'clock on Oak street, west of Fifth; east on Oak to Fourth; south on ; Fourth to Stark) east orl Stark to Third; . south on Third to Waahingt6n; west on Washington to Sixth; south on Sixth to Morrison; east on Morrison across bridge to land show at East First and,. Morrison streets. THREE KILLED II! MM 800 Punches Ver Minute.. , ', Wolfed i'reiMi UmmiI W -CTilCago. Nov. 1 9.-Clalming , that he can land 200 punches a minute, Charley, JVWte is confident: her today of grab bing a victory from Pal Moore, when they mest in Kenosha, Wis., on Thurs day night. "I've bcn doing a lot of target practice on my punching bag," explained Vhlte, "and one of my friends who kept a close count, told me I hit the bsg 200 times a minute.". White in intends to go after a battle with Johnny Kilbane if successful against Moore, Diamond Robber and Woman ? Shoot Five Before Meeting Death . Themselves. . New Tort Nov. It. Private Detective John Allen, who with Detecttvea Fay and' Louie Oerade ' was shot , down in a Raines Law hotel In the Bronx by Joseph Vogel and a woman companion while' attempting to arrest the pair, died at 10 o'clock this morning. It was learned -i today ? 4hat Vogel's right name was Therlrdo'Rasyesky; He formerly was a substitute chef at the Hotel Netherlands. r ' Voeel and the woman were suspected of. being accomplices in a diamond Job bery for 'which Sophie Beckeridorf, a do mestic, 'Was arrested. , The deteotives trailed them to the hotel in the Bronx. Vogel and the woman when cornered opened fire, emptying two revolvers at the detectives, all of whom, were hit, as welt as two other men. Vogel then turned and killed the - woman, after which he blew ou his own brains, Eats Freely But HasMompepsia Left Asahel Smith, "Potato King" ot Canada. RlghtC. L. Smith of Oregon, who hopes to win title. Below Oregon potatoes entered la the opnteBt. . THOUSANDS WATCH -THE POTATO WAR OF THE TWO SMITHS (Continued From Page Ona) light, dry land there. Kedmoni end Prinevijle are well represented. Th American exhibit Includes some 64 va rieties aS against .Canadian Smith's SO. , Though he is confident of success, Asahel Smith is not chary of imparting the secrets of his success. lie has been spending about 16 hours a day telling how he has grown world's prize winning notntoes. nnd wMl fh -nr..k " . . v .-..vQvi., t t ,qir lngfon and Idaho exhibitors declare he will not win, he looks with real affection at his neat tier of carefully covered tubers and Just smiles. The judginsfrof the individual W n. pie exhibits is proceeding today in charge of Judges C J, Slnsel of Boise and J. Glbb ot British Columbia. Presi dent Bateham Of the show has ap pointed as a committee to judge the ex hibits of apples for artlstio appearance, C. E. 8. wood, Dr. Holt a Wilson and W, B, Ayer. This committee Is also to pass upon the artistic appearance, of other exhibits, after judging the apples, Harrlntan Workers to March. . Since it was announced that the Har rtman employes weald have a half holi day tomorrow and parade in a body over the business streets to the land show, several thousand other people have decided to have a holiday so that they con see the parade. Announcement of the hundred and one stunts to be incorporated in the parade, including the cider handed out by Farmer Jones and bis daughters, the cages containing imprisoned. -dull care, gloom, pikers and the weather man; the loyal vegetarians, their wheelbar- Takes a. Mild Laxative With Good Pepsin and Insures His ' Comfort and Pleasure, Fortunate Is the man who can eat "anything" without suffering the tor tures of dyspepsia, but as few are so fortunate care should be taken In the matter of dleu Eating slowly, mas ticating the food thoroughly and tak ing a abort walk after the heavy meal of the day will do much towards as sisting digestion. Any grown-up per son ought to know the peculiar foods that do not agree, and these should be avoided. When these common-sense aids fall, the next thintr to no is to take a mild digestive tonlo with laxative properties, and there Is none better than Dr. Caldwell s Syrup PepBln. It contains the greatest of all aids . to digestion, good pepsin. It has other Ingredients that act mildly on the bowels, and combined It forma a com bination for the relief of dyspepsia or indigestion that Is unsurpassed. Its action Is to tone and strengthen the stomach and bowel muscles , so that they can again do their work na turally without outside aid, and when that happy moment comes all medicine can be dispensed with. It is the best remedy obtainable for any disorder of the stomach, liver and bow, for dys pepsia, constipation, biliousness, head aches, drowsiness after eating, gas on the stomach, etc. Thousands of users will testify to this, among them Sergt O. Shapar, Ft Douglas, Utah, and Mr. J. A Manchester, Manchester, la. syrup Pepsin is true In Its results, and a vast Improvement over chewing or swallowing tablets and mints, or taking cathartics, salts, etc, all of f x Jt ' J ' I - v ' s sr ' l Itm't'-'''""' rUlOLIG WEflTiE- L AtlB AUDI . PACIFIC COAST mm- - 1' rra rra rn rm nn nir n 1 u u Seventh and Taylor Phones Main 1 and A-1122. FIRST TIMK IIKIIE TONIGHT, 8:15 O'CLOCK, Mmf, Tarilnla Tarqulnl In W) llJiuiinil - SPECIAL PRICI3 MAT. TOMIIUHOW,,"IIJ THUVA MUHW , Tomorrow nlaht, "Luoia"; Thursday, "Salome; Friday, "Madame Butterfly"; Sat. Mat., "Salome"; Sat night, "Cavalleria Hustifana" and "1 PiiKUaccl.' . Kvpnlnits and Sat Mat, l, gl.CO, 1, 76c. 60c. Special price Mat, tomorrow. ; tl.Q.' tl. T6B. 60C. . .- ;-y- y ;' mAK "PfRirp Geo. Xk Baker. Mgr. Main 2. A-636 , . 1 l"jm. JUKI IT . . U . Tl.. I... T1....... ! All ,!,. UULbMBHriPPH Wed. and Hat. Tha nlav thev'ra all talking about, "TH1D SfilVKN B13TEK8,"- one of the greatest of all come dies. Joln the multitude and see it yourself. Evgs., KEc, S Co, 60c - Mats., 2 Rc ftnly. Next week -"Going Some." - MATINEB DAILT "-MAIN , AJ1020. ...r.,,. FLORENTINE BINGETtS , ' V ADRIENNE AXJGARDB s Mat. It. 25. 8QO. , Nights. JO, 2?, 10, 7 Bo, ' ' ' OTHEn GREAT ACTS IBJASItME MATINEE DAILT Phones: . A-2231, Main mt. 0 ':YRIC.;TD3EATH it WEEK .NOVEMBER l-Stagedoor Johnnies, with . Trlx Oliver;. Al Carlton, Howard s Animals, The Arl, , ; Ingtoa Four, Maybelle Fonda Troupe, l'antagescope, -Extra, The Garden of Allah." PopSlar prices. ! Box j office open from 10 a. m. td1 10p, m.. Phones, ;A 223i, , Main 4636. 'Curtain, :0. filS and 9. : . r The World's Greatest Herculean Juggler, : l-MORE HEADLINE AQT8-4 v - v. "i'i -if, j BPICRTAIi PRICES.".' r V' K iT Refined Vaudeville r Matyneesi any seat. 10c. Nights, lOo, 20q, Duiuvan & uonswine ' '. MATINEE JJAJLx Vullns JL IMnnA Pn PravkfilM WEEK NOVEMBER 18-Keatlng &. Flood Musical Comedy Co. pre- : sents "The Heartbreakers." Two per. formances Nightly. 7;8( and f :lvt Mati nee Dally. '2:90. Sunday and-hollday evenings, ontlnuous performar.oev com, menclnr at 6:80. Friday alght Chorus Oirla' Contest Tou'll like te Lyrlo. There is never a minute of tjie day or night that ocr service Is not ready at your beck and call. On duty 24 hours every day in tho'year.";?,M next time. " i I 1 (0 i WASHNGTONATrWEliTr-nifST MA A. MA1N6U 6118 SERGT. O. SHAPAR which are harsh and nauseous and at best do but temporary good. v0u can obtain Syrup Pepsin at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar a bottle. If no member of your family has ever used Syrup Pepsin and you would like to make a personl trial of It be fore buying it In the regular way of a druggist send your address a postal will do to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 416 Washington St, Montlcello, II., and a free sampe bottle will be mailed you. Results are awaya guaranteed or money will be refunded. . mi FK! On account of the late fire on our premises, cor. Second and Yamhill THE SPRING VALLEY WINE COMPANY J I Now Temporarily Located at the HeSd Uqifflto Coo Quality ALDER ST. NEAR SECOND Service Phone,A-1117, Main 1053. Free Delivery. S . e Tlie Malt Iox Closed. Mid Be voM ' aft Oirae Getting Ready for the BIG SALE Thottsands of Men s High-grade Dressy, Nobby Hats and Caps, All the Latest Fall and Win ter Styles. I An unsuccessful season has left us with $5000 more stock on hand than this time last year. Conditions exist whereby this high class stock must be turned Into ready cash. Store is closed and will ' remain uosea unui tomorrow, inis stocic is six new and up-to-date. Men will find all the standard makes of Mats, including the leading American makes and Imported velours, Hats, caps and Umbrellas all must go. An idea of prices : took for the Big Ul.ctrio Sign. THANKSGIVING BUT 9 DAYS AWAY! Time to Get . Your New Clothes We sell the better kind, formenand women, at moderate prices, on CREDIT? EASTERN OUTFITTING CO. .,409 Washington Bt, a Tenth if mm M Hundreds of 50c and 75c Men's and Boys' Caps cut to Hundreds of $1.50 and $2.00 Men's and Boys' Caps cut to-. Hundreds of 75c and $1 Men's and Boys' Caps cut. to 49c BOYS' HATS Res. $1.50 and $2.00 grades, all colors, cut to I MEM'S Soft and Stiff 'AT. Si e t m n . i Here is an extra' good special to show you that we mean business. An elegant assortment of Soft and Stiff Hats, all colors, that you can't buy anywhere for less ,L.U o c ri I- i j uuui irum w special saie price amy S $l.S0-$2 Umbrellas at 98c 1 ; fl : , Reg. $4 ana $5 Hundreos of Men's l 1171 fVt TDC Soft and "Stiff Hals VLLUUKO in fa new gilk fin. All colors, rJOA $3 OA soidev- KM 10 3 nn erywhere iUt, values, U i at $4-$5V .c4 cut W. ... ...5a " .:. 13M- ', ',, Rcv$750 Men's $3.50 ana $4 Import'd Velours Hats, soft ana stiff, erywhere "Wpj snapes, f a for $7.50. 3 cut to. . . Cm ' "'"ssBWBsssifjafjpisss lflimmmm0mmmmnmmHmmmBmmmmmmmmmmmmm : REMEMBER, this is an Exclusive Hat Store, ami nothing but the very best of Hats to3 Caps carriea iri stocfc all of which will be place3 on sale and must be turned into cash.. Sale Opens Wednesday, .'November -20, at -10. . A. M ' MORRISON Cor. 2d AHD WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE STOCK IS DISPOSED OF In rM T7 77 T aiJs LILLAGAR & SON, EXCLUSIVE HATTERS 235-L MORRISON, v Cor. 2d 1