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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1912)
THE OREGON: DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 10, 1012. MI AI M i-UMfl OF A SAILOR Skipper Does Heroic Service ' "for' Man Who Was Hurt in 7.. Fall Aboard Ship; First Mate 1 Passes' Away. , 1 .;-Tb ability of Captain Haas, skipper f tha German bar Jsabek, as t aur- ' isoon was demonstrated two days after i the VBSol had sailed from Santa Ro salia when he skilfully sewed up the oalp of a sailor and also set his broken arm after a fall that the man had Into lh hold. Captain Haas was also the ; mfty maii aboard the Isebek who was not at some time in the hospital at ,.; '-ffcnt Rosalia wjth the fever durlnn her slay there. , -' ; w There was' one fatality from the fever, th first mate, Udo Hartung, dying ' September 20, a month before the bark 41 led for the Colombia river. . ,-;.At tha time Seaman Sack fell from ie 'twa deck on October 22, another ' prtnarjr seaman, named Schrader, fell iron tha deck landing on the ballast but was not Injured. Sack was bad ly cut about the head and had an arm broken;' The- skipper sewed S the cuts and set the broken arm, doing; th Job so well that the man is practically well now. j, The Isebek did not atrlk any bad weather on her 27 days' voyage up from the West Coast until she was about off the Columbia river. She then cauffht a blow and was off the river, threa days before she got 4nIM wa partly due, says the captain, to the fact that she didnotget a tuff. "- This Is. the first voyage of the Ise bek to Portland and Captain Haaa has never been here before, although ha has visited other ports on tha Paoifia coast After discharging her ballast at Linn ton the Isebek will come up to one of the local grain docks to load wheat for the United Kingdom under charter to M. H. Houser, Munly Expended, $720, Haw- WANT BIGGER DRY DOCK Congressmen-Elect From Washing ton Pledge Aid for Bremerton. (United Pram L1 Wlr. Bremerton: Wash.. Nov. lS.-Dread- naughts can dock in pairs at the Puget Sound navy yard If the plans of Wash ington's -congressmen-elect do not go astray W. E. Humphrey, Albert John son ana J. w. uryan, memDers or tne next lower honse, pledged themselves to work for a third drydock here, at a banquet last night, which was also at tended by Admirals Cottman and, Rey nolds. The old dock can handle small craft such as torpedo boat destroyers and gunboats In pairs, but Is not wide enough to hold vessels above le000 tons. United States Senators Jones and Polndexter and Congressman-elect Fal coner and La Follette wired their pledge of support to this measure. (Salem Brea of The Joirnl. Salem, Or., Nov, 19. It cost Ben Sail ing 1723.60 to conduct his campaign aa Republican candidate for United Statea senator, according to hi "statement filed here today. v F. W. Mulkey, who aspired for the Bull Moose nomination for United States senator, and circulated a petition which he never filed, filed a statement show ing; expenditures of 1772.09. M. G. Munley, Democratlo candidate for congress in this- - district, spent $720.28, while W. C Hawley, successful Republican candidate for reelection to congress In the First district, spent 1746.90. . To Get Relief iJi; ;from Indigestion Vou eat,-without the aid of any arti ficial digestives. If it won't do that, "then you ' are continually subject to : .dyspepsia. Indigestion,- heartburn, head- ; jachea and constipation. i -instead ci laving aigestive meat cine, take steps to get your stomach , and Intestines again In a healthy, nat 'tiral condition. Jayne's Tonic Vernil ' fuge will do' this for you If you will take It regularly. It Is not a digester 'of f noils hut it will resin vonr Ktnm- k and Intestines so that they will at- ' .lng what you eat and giving strength , teethe body. ,For . more than eighty years thou pmds of men and women who had snf- ;f?.ed thv pains caused by dyspepsia and indigestion nave been praising this '1'onlc aa the only remedy which brought SUem permanent relief. As the Tonlo ' acta -directly upon the stomach and In Usstines, It is a natural appetizer and i '(Strength builder. 2jlany forms of supposed Indigestion ' "Are. the result of Intestinal parasites, Sot Which Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is unsurpassed. Insist upon Jaynes; ac itrept no other. Sold by druggists every where. D. D. Jayne & Son, Phlladel- , fjhla, rtu BRITISH STEAMER CHARTERED S. S, Lonsdale to Carry Floor and Wheat to Japan. Flour and wheat will be transported to Japan ports by the British steamer Lonsdale, which has been chartered for that purpdse by Balfour; Guthrie & Co. She is now, on the west coast and will De due to arrive nere aDOut November 29. The Lonsdale win carry about 2500 long tons. The German ship Efrleda, loading wheat at Columbia dock No. 2, is ex pected to complete her cargo this after noon for the United Kingdom. She Is under charter to the Portland Flouring mills. pifll Enjoy the independence of rooming here v , this winter. Free to command gcas you please. HOTEL IMLL0RY all within a radius of one mile and ap parently drifting eastward. Clear weath er and smooth sea. S. C. Ibsen, second officer Am. ss. Admiral Sampson,, reports that on No vember 13, 1912, Haddington reefs gaa buoy, Broughton Strait, B. C, was out Of position, being ' mile E. Si. E. Mas. of the north point of Haddington reefs. LIEUT. W. H. TOAZ, In charge, per John McNulty. New '" Fireproof Convenient Reasonable Rates Private phone in each room. .V A-6585 Main 1077 yVith or without bath or meals. LOWNSDALE AND YAMHILL I. si-- FUREVHI Excellence "To excel that is the one prin ciple underlying every step in the .production of Cascade; .Pure Whisky. As a result discriminating men demand it (or its rich' mellowness' and physicians recommend At or us purity. 1 MELLOW AS MOONLIGHT Original botUlna ta ' .fiasoiagoiaiaoci. iT 16 ;CE0.A.D!CKa CO., :.,':Dulillerg, t, , Nathvijle, Tenig &OTKCKZXJD BIOS. ttiAJKKEU& Distributors for the State of Oregon. "4m 9 NEW MASTER IN CHARGE Captain Paulsen Now In Crarge of the Steamship Elder. When the North Pacific steamer George W. Elder reached her dock at ( last night from San Diego, San Pedro and San Francisco, she was In charge Of a new master, Captain O. L. Thorn sen having resigned while the vessel waa In the south. The new commander la Captain Andrew Paulsen, formerly first officer of the Elder. . No reason could be learned for Captain Thomson's resigning, but It Is hinted that it was because of the difficulty the steamer was In through lack of fuel oil on her last trip to pallfornla. CHANGE Hi HARBOR LINE War Department Approve Altera tion for Dock Commission. Major J. F. Mclndoe, corps of en gineers. United Statea army, was ap prised yesterday afternoon that the war department has approved the change In the -harbor- line which permission was asked by the Publlo Dock commission here. The change Involves the harbor line In front of the American Can dock In the lower harbor and will require the una to he throws in about ten feet to take a Jog out of it. ley $746 and Mulkey $772. Their Statements Say. PRESIDENT WILL HAVE $25,000 FOR TRAVELING (United PreM LuteA Wire.) Washington, Nov. 19. The house com mittee tomorrow will begin drafting ap propriation bills. President-elect Wil son will be allowed $26,000 for traveling; expenses, the same amount provided for President Taft Journal Want Ads bring results. an sli; MAN IS A SUICIDE If Old- Story of Finding Letter, Then a Double Tragedy, - Is Reenacted. - tJnUd PrtM teased Wire.) Seattle, Wash., Nov. 19. -Charles K. Noe, a ship carpenter, ahot and instant ly killed his wife, and a moment later ended his own life In her room In tbj Craig hotel here today." Noe and his wife had been quarreling for' some tlm, and last week fc threw her out of thell room after threatening, to out her throat with a razor. In the room a letter was found ad dressed to "Dear Friend," advising great care lest the husband "find out, as he was In Tacoma Jast ' week, making In quiries about a man named May." It Is the opinion of the police that the kill ing followed the finding of this letter by Noe. Mrs. Noe had been married before and has a grown son whose whereabouts the police are now endeavoring to locate. ALLENS GET RESPITE; TO LIVE UNTIL DEe: J 3 (United Press teaied Wire.) Richmond, Va,, Nov. 19. Governor Mann of Virginia granted a respite to day until December 13 to Floyd Allen and his son Claude, convicted of first degree murder -In connection with the shootings In the Hlllsvllle county court room by the Allen clan of bandits. The men were sentenced by the trial Judge to die November 22. Certainly, Oregon has an almost un limited number of Democrats fit for cabinet positions. GIRLS! GU SURELY USI OF mm m All yoti need is a 25 cent bottle of "Danclerine" Hair get lustrous, fluffy and abundant at once. Immediate? Yes! Certain? that's the Joy of it. Tour hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a Danderine hair cleanse. Just try this moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw It through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt or excessive oil and In Just a few moments yon have doubled the beauty of your hair. A delightful surprise awaits, particu larly those who have been careless, whose hair has been neglected or is scraggy, faded, dry, brittle or thin Besides beautifying the hair, Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff cleanses, purifies and Invigorates the scalp, forever stopping Itching- and fall lngr hair, but what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use of Dan derine. when you will actually see new hair1 fine and downy at first yes but really new hair growing all over the scalp. If you oare for pretty, soft hair. and lots of It; surely get a 28 eent bottle of Knowlton'a Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and Just try it. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Laden with 800 tons of general mer chandise, the steamer Avalon, Captain Chrlstensen, will be due to arrive at the Oak street dock from Ban Fran cisco. In tow of the steamer Monarch, the German bark Jersbek la scheduled to leave up from San Francisco for the Llnnton ballast dock this afternoon. The last of her lumber cargo Is ex pected to go aboard the British tramp Frankdale this afternoon at Westport and she will probably sail tomorrow morning for Australia via Puget sound for bunker coaL The steamer Nehalem, Captain Tlet jen, arrived at the Oak street dock from Ban Francisco at 4 this morning laden with 200 tons of general freight In addition to 600 tons of general freight, the ateamer Carlos, Captain Hansen, had a deckload of asphalt and oil pipe when she arrived from Ran Francisco last night. She discharged the deckload at the Weldler dock and then shifted to Couch street. When she arrived at 4 o'clock last night from Los Angela and San Fran cisco, the San Francisco & Portland steamer Bear, Captain Nopander, had 147 passengers and 1400 tons of gen eral freight. Among the passengers was O. B. Englehardt, city ticket agent of the company at San Fra&clsoo, We Want You To Know MARINE NOTES Astoria, Nov. 19. Arrived at 8 SO and left up at 10:30 a. m 6teamer Avalon, from San Francisco. Arrived at 9:50 a. m., pasollne schooner Anvil, from Ban don and way ports. San Pedro, Nov. 18. Arrived, British steamer Ikala. from Columbia river, lor Melbourne; put In for fuel. Astoria. Nov. 18. Arrived at 2 and left up at 4 p. m., steamer Nehalem, from San Francisco. Arrived at 2 and lft up at S p. m., steamer Carlos, from San Francisco. Arrived at t and left up at 8:30 p. m., steamer Johan Poulaen, from San Francisco. San Francisco, Nov. 18. Arrived at 2 ji. m., steamer ..U&isy, rrom rortiana. S&111 Ht b J. m., steamer uaisy uaasDy, for Portland. Arrived at 7 and sailed at P p. m., Hteamer Yosemtte, from Co lumbia river, for San Diego, Sun Pedro, Nov. 18. Arrived, steam ers Koanoke and Rose City, from Port land; steamer General Hubbard, from Columbia rtver Astoria, Nov. IS. No bar report; cape linn down. Tides at Astoria Wednesday High jvater. 9:27 a m., 7.9 feet; 10:08 p. m., 6.7 feet; low water, 3.12 a. in., 2.2 feet; 4:10 p. m 1.7 feet. Dailr River Radlngt. STATIONS LewUton . . Riparia ... Umatilla . . Eugene . . . Hyrrl?burg Albany .... Salem Wilsonville Portland .. 2 - Q 3 ? S 5 i- 3 g.2. ? 3 "Z 5 24- 3.20.2 T SO 3.8 0.2 0 25 4.20.1 0 10 6.3 0.2 .27 16 20 ,3 0.9 .44 20 6.1 1.0 .M 87 10.61.8 ..18 15- 6.90.7 .2S GoodLaundryWork Perhaps it does sound a bit conceited in us to make the statement. But we're sure that you don't know what best work is unless we get your bundle. We know what ordinary laundry work Is used to be satisfied to turn out that kind ourselves years ago. But since then we've spent a good many thousands of dollars in installing machinery that would do it better. We pay the best wages to skilled operatives, too that the machines may do the work we bought them to do. Shirts Pressed into the right shape neck bands ironed by hand shaped right. Collars Domestic finish flexiblehug the neck- smooth edges. Want to see our driver? Call us by phone Phones East 33, B-61 18 PHONE EAST 33 PHONE B 6118 EL HI LIVER RIGHT, SWEET. HEADACHE GQHE STOMACH GASCARETS Rising; ( ) Falling. Cascarets make you feel bully; they immediately cleanse and sweeten the ptomHch. remove the sour, undigested and fermenting food and fe)ul gases- take the exeees bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison from the bowels. A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a 10-cent box from nny druggist will keep your Ktotmach regulated. Head clear and Liver and ns. Howels In a splendid condition for mo nt Don't forget the children. HydrogranUlc Office Notices. Captain C. J. Manna h. Am. ss. Senator, reports that on November 10, 1912, In latitude 48 degrees 16 minutes north lojjgitude.,124 degree 41 mtmrtes 'weef, he passed two large logs about 24 feet long. Captain H. It Patterson, Am. ss. Arl zonan, teports that at 7:30 a. m., No vember, 1912, in lutltude north 16 degrees -3S minutes, and longitude west 9!l degrees' 38 minutes, 'passed one can buoy,- two nun buoys and one spar buoy 10 CeiltS Never grip or sicken. XASCARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP," . . Y;! jf2w"! V.': . ltOTHXA," ' . -. I want my wee small vote heard be tween the noisy sale oraahea. - -' Just remember this one bit of Informa tion. : f .: r v-':v;?-; v-;'';-.'r";r:"' bio aznuraa aauirs bio norm. Bala or no sale, a fixed expense la hung on avery merchant. ... Now For a Few Facts I am never oinr to have sale. Why? Because I sell the same clothing; at less than Mr. Otherman's sale price AXJU YXBf mm. Whyt j Because I have none of his ex pense of KZOHBSHT, JCAVJkQEBS, BtTTEJtS, OAMmXM, BXPBXSIYB nzSVSBSt ate, etc. ,. j ...'A ,-5 . I have the best lighted oldthlnj: sales room in Portland where you can see the best value In tha best clothing at the lowest prlcea at. all time. Come Up and See My Raincoats, Overcoats and Suits AT ' ' . $15 , And you will be convinced you can. RIDE UP AND SAVE $5 MAX MICHEL Upstairs Clothes Shop BBCOBD TIiOOB 2CA.0LXAT BXAO 883 WASXXVCrTOB' ST. Two Zatraaoea laii rourth Bt, ITear Washington Two Elevators. To The Elite ' I' am offering a select " line of. imported Milk crepes, brocades, laces' ' And embroidered dress . patterns..' 1 - . t Andrew Kan. Jr. I I 204 GLOBE BLDO. I j Eleventh and Washington v Toilay and Wednesday . The Beautiful Irish . Drama, The KERRY GOW Three Reels Splendid Scenery ancpUl Acted in Ireland ' GLOBE- . . T H E A T Ft JE Washington Street, Bet Tenth and Eleventh rr SALE hZbV Til I i J iFnilM IHHg (NrVnONALl W1NE. I fll rWA a fn Cdlee Big Thanksgiving and Holiday W1ES AND .'LIQUORS' Wines and Liquors of QUALITY that's the policy which has stood supreme with the National Wine Co. during the eight years we've been in business at this location. So SAVINGS LIKE THESE HAVE A REAL MEANING HERE. Order your Thanksgiving and Holiday Wines and Liquors in this big sale, which begins at 8 a. m. tomorrow. Sweet Wines in Bulk AU $2 Wines, Per Gallon Half Gallon III $1.50 . 75c All $1 Wines, Per Gallon , Half Gallon . , . . . 75c ...40c Choice of fine Claret,. Reisling, Zinfandel, Burgundy, SaiK terne, Haut Sauterne, Tokay, Sherry, Port, Angelica and Muscatel. Phone your order right now-don't delay. Open evenings. BOTTLES ILLUSTRATED, FREE WITH EVERY GALLON OR HALF GALLON. If n demijohn, a 25c deposit is required. 75c Sauteme Wine, quart bottle . . .50c Six for $2.50 50c. Reisling Wine, 6 bottles, sp'l. .$2.25 $1.50 Tarragona Spanish Port, qt . $1.00 Six for. . . ........ ........$5.00 $4 California Muscat or Cognac Brandy, f gallon $3.00 Tipo Wine, red or white, 75c bottles . 65c $1 Jas. E Pepper Whiskey, 6-year, bot tled in bond, bottle 85c $K25 Jas. E. Pepper Whiskey, full qt., bottled in bond $1,05 $4 Best 90-proof Whiskey, gallon. $3.00 Half iallon .$1.50 National Monogram Whiskey, full qt75c All $90 a 1000 Havana Cigars 5 for 50c FINE WHITE CHINA DINNER WARE GIVEN AWAY ASK FOR COUPON d"C WITH EVERY PURCHASE National Wine Co. pfflly FIFTH AND STARK STREETS PHONES MAIN 6499, A-4499 0 M HOMING INSTINCT no stronger in bird or beast than in man. The reason it appears so is be cause humanity exercises its superior intelligence to supplant this beautiful sentiment with business cares and money. This is wrong. THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMING md regardless of who you are, you know there is somebody, somewhere, who. wants you to be with them on THANKSGIVING DAY or CHRISTMAS. ARE YOU GOING? THE SAFE WAY to Chicago and the East You owe it to yourself because you will feel younger; you owe it to them, because they are getting older. Write them you are coming via The Line of Block Signals 6Y VGV m amt- v m ft . mm aim 111 W I AW I THE EASY WAY to Kansas City and St. Louis A PLEASURE To Answer Questions CITY TICKET OFFICE THIRD AND WASHINGTON , Phonea Marshall 4500. or A-6t2i YOUJ CAM STEI.IL GO TO THE PAGIFICNORTBWESXLAPPRODUCTSSHOW EXCURSION IF ARES . From All Q.-W. R.&N. Stations TickeU nn Sale Nov. 1 9-120, Final Limit Nov. 25