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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1912)
o::::con daiia' jouiwiAL, i outlaid, iioijday i:vi:;jii.j, i;ove:iei::: u i: r r um. o r"1 MY : ' -1 " iv- " ' , l" 1 ... II 1 1 I I I.. mmmm i ML I . . I ' " ' ' M "" 1 ' " n n ' ' i im II i. 1 1 i ' ' " S in i Z iHj . liii mi n i m 'um .'i'U iw-'ni'i i n Jill - U Products NoV.;2M 1 - i "MADE IN OREGON" l. .ft,'.'1: ' , i ':-v , . ZM F RALLY MEANS GH AIR COMFORT : ' Can Be Found, in; v MUCH TO OREGON llllf M -. iff 1 it 1 "The Line With Character" Made in your own city and backed by an unqualified guaranty, by the largest chair manufacturing "plant in the west. All the Chairs in this line are full quar tered white oak, especially selected. The seats are full spring construction, guar anteed sag proof, built up with pure felted cotton and stitched, .making tho seat absolutely sanitary, and prevents lumping. The leather is a full stock gen uine Angora goat, not a cheap split, or imitation, and will wear a life time. These Chairs can be had in all sizes and finishes. t The price is no moro. The name is on every piece. Insist on tHo 'dealer showing it to you. If he says he cannot supply you, call us up or write us. We will tell you who can. Oregon Chait Co. 1190 Macadam St Portland, Or. The Center of Attraction for baking good, wholesome bread. GROWN Every housewife wants the best re sults with flour, and Crown Flour makes good bak ing easy. JCROWN MILLS PPATEK pl Um for making fine cakes, pies, pastries. FLOUR Your grocer has Crown Flour. Ask him for it PORTLAND, Or. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR KNIGHTS OREGON MADE PICKLES j .-.-,.. . . . ..... .t -- - 1 " -mmi " Condiments, Mincemeat, Apple Butter, Etc. ALDON Brand Chocolates A Made-in-Oregon Product That ltlSuperior' ' Purest -ingredients and . - , V- " expe r t workmanship y MX$W ; t T Tnem Nov. 21 The Mark Aldon Candy Co. or furity t - - Portland, Ore. - Home Industries Campaign Is Destined, to Prove of Great ValueSome of Direct Results to Come From Fight Mors ships In th Portland harbor, liora eara colnr nut wall loaded. ' Mors money in th pockets of Oregon people. . . ' r itore people and homes in the Qreron country, ', i Tbese are to be some or the results or Home Induatrlea Jr properly obaerred. 'Tbat ia the reason the day Thursday, November II has been set aside by proclamation of the governor and tho mayors or Oregon cltlea, The people, therefore, are called upon to rally In the name of "Made In Ore gon," consider seriously the slogan'a significance and always hereafter lend uieir support to a movement so vitally related to the state's prosperity. ' Largest Tres Water Martot. Take the matter of mora ships. That means outreach of Portland to the world'a markets. Transformation of raw products into finished materials up to the extent of the opportunity offered in Oregon's undeveloped resources means a great surplus of goods after all that can be locally consumed are bought. The problem of a market for the sur plus would become serious to a city less well provided with outlets than Port land, Alaskan and oriental marketa beckon. Along the Atlantlo coast la a great consuming population to be moro accessible upon the completion of the Panama canal. The canal, indeed, Is very closely as sociated with the need for success of a Home Industries era. The bill passed at the last session of congress provides mat sups engaged in coastwise trad may pass toll free through the canaL Cheap Transportation sreeded. Thus, low freight rates. Cheap trans portation has always been the great tmng needful between the two coasts. Here are the rich lands, and areat nro- duotlon. There are the people. Between me two districts has always stretched the great Interior of the United States with its problems of transportation by rail, wmcn can not be so cheap as by water. Cheap transportation means that ws can send to the eastern coast our fish, potatoes, apples, wheat, furni ture and other manufactured articles. With the orient. Alaska and the At- lantlo coaat presented aa chief markets, a great Impetus will be given the manu facturing Industry. Factories will spring up like magic. Employment will be given thousands. People Must Aid. Raw products will pour like a flood out of Portland's 260,010 square miles of tributary territory; will be here transformed Into articlea for the use and benefit of men, and go in a great current to the markets of the world, both by ship and by rail. But, without the will and enerrv and determination of the people who now uve nere, tnia could never be. with out organisation demanding first utili sation of made-at-home products, there would bono Incentive for manufacture. It isn't to be expected that outaldera will buy what home people Ignore. Without production and manufacture, tho ears would continue bringing, their heaviest loada from the east and go back empty, the ships would continue bringing their heaviest cargoes Into this port, wm Throb Wlti Industry. With the kind of organisation It is pro posed to perfect on Home Industries day every corner of Oregon, and the domain tributary to Portland will throb with Industry. Rail lines will penetrate more rapidly the rich country that baa so long- waited development. Channel Im provement will be ftiors aggressively carried on along the Columbia until the reach of navigation will bo steadily into BrltUh Columbia and Idaho. The ships of the world win throng in tho Portland harbor, and this will be known aa a world port. All these things sound bis, and. to many, rar away. But they are only as rar away as the determined organlsa tion for them. oux ouAjuumaB r tye guarantee ail roods packed under the brand d -DKPKNOABUt" to arre absolute aaUsfaottoa. Purchase a package ton your grooer, sm half af , It, and if yeu are not saUaflad, return the paekaga to your grooer woe Is authorised to rafund your ssjonsy tjyow fnr ksiUU, writ D WIGHT EDWARDS GOANY PORTLAND OREOON J. A. Westerlund. atate renresentative rrom Jacason county, is here from Med- rord to attend the Paclfio Northwest Land Products show which opens this ween. MMe to fcepDna Try Violet HMs . and Pearls of Wheat for breakfast Allibeirs Bros. MSilneg C, Gow ALHAMBRA GoM w,th MACARONI Ifs the Truth that its Quality and Uniformity;' are Guaranteed. ' It's the Truth that its Purity and Greater Strength are Unquestioned. ' It's the Truth that it will give you better satisfac tion than you have ever had with any other kind. V IT IS THE TRUE CEREAL MEAT Manufactured by" Northwestern Macaroni Factory Portland, Or. Weinhard's Columbia "A MADE-IN-OREGON PRODUCT! ! Unexcelled for Flavor and of Sparkling Purity Order for November 21 -' - Henry Weinhard's Brewery Phone. Main 72, A-1172 Portland, Oregon Better Than Eastern Sausage BRAND Pure Pork Sausage (U. S. Government Inspected) Made in Oregon Contains only the finest ingredients, and You Get It Fresh Every Day In One Pound Sanitary Cartons Order From Your Dealer UNION MEAT COMPANY r Cn ir -r JONES BROS. & CO. .. 64 Albina Avenue fBIue Grass Bene" Pare Apple GderVmegar- Establishea on the Pacific Coast for Fourteen Year;' Now Manufactured in Portland. Oregon Believing in the future of Oregon, we have, added -Portland to our chain of factories. Other plants lo- cated at Watsonville, Cal.; Denver, Colo.; Atlanta, . Ga.; Rogers, Ark.; Springdale, Ark.; Centerton, Ark. -making this concern one of the largest vinegar manufacturing firms in the United States. A-1310 Mairi 141 S. BAN SHINGLE CO. MADE IN OREGON 32 North Third Street Portland, Oregon ' Oregon City Woolen Mills Established 18(54 l J. Makers of Indian Robes and Blankets; v Mackinaw Clothing, Flannel Shirts and r "Z Celebrated Oregon City Cassimeres. For sale by leading' 'retailers and tailors f everywhere. Look for the tabel. r Made in A Complete Line of Trunks, Suit Cases, Bags,cter Oregon Have your Old Trunk Repaired. Order wprk a Specialty TRADEMARK PQRTLAND TRUNK MNPG, CO. Wholesale and Retail ' . . - ' Third and Pine Neustadter Bros. Portland, Or. Manufacturers. A Boss of the Road s TMOC na MARK STANDARD SHIRTS Look for the Trademark Made in Oregon CarbonBFiqiaete THE NEW MADE IN OREGON FUEL The Ideal Solid Fuel ..Manufactured and Sold by ' EORXLANDGAS;&:COKE,CO. Orders 'taken at Fifth and Yamhill Ft ret! -. Telephones Main WOO; A r 7 1.