SUNDAY JOURNAL, FONTLAND, SUNDAY HORNING, NOVEI.IEi:: 17, 1312 rOUI.TKY 37 AUTOMOMLES-MOTOIXTClliS 41 OK SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 WANTED 3USCELLANEOU3 S I I'EKSOXAL NOTICES 23 ' ,-,v; i.) i.m : r A t r BLACK MINORCA end mixed chickens fnr sale 752, E. Yamhill B-3216. BKLGIAN hare for Hale. 4417 6 6 th Jit ' DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD FETS 48 BOSTON terrier male pupple; pedi greed; brindle and white, w,tttv acrew tails; nothing better on the coast Phoue Fust 8223. Call B86 KaBt 18th at. N. , AIREDALE, 20-montha-old--bitch, reg istered. Dell Elliott, and Division; FOR SALE Leaving the town; beauti ful Japanese spaniels1 for dog how, rnsw iintt remain. su a i. PEDIGREED - English pointer puppies for sale cheap. Or, C, X Brown, y. S bi k, u'tn at t CANARY bird tot aale; good uingera. 4614 tlth avv block north Kern Park. 'Tabor- 3569. -, .' 7 v . ." ' FOR SALE 3 Canary ingers; im ported atocki cheap; Tabor 1781. AUTOMOBlLES-MOTORCYCLES 44 i i ItAYNEI 5-passenger, guaranteed in ..fiist-clas condition. $900. , ! 912 Warren roadster, SO h, - p., Al condition. $800. . ' 11 2 Mitchell Baby. Six, a bargain. '-passenger Cadillac,. 1500; enap. . Tope-Toledo roadster Just overhauled. we nave etner. Paquet & Peck, East Eighth and Hawtnorne East 1373 B-:1614. SPECIAL BARGAIN. I Those cars must go in the next few , days to make room for several new ones purchased the past week. Une Moaei i , : Locomobile roadster, just out of shop. .- There Is no mora powerful car of Its tilze made and just as good looking as she la powerful (chain driven). Cost $4700. $1200 cash takes it the coming NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE, ' 531 Alder. . Will sacrifice my beautiful 6 cylinder ilmouslna auto, electric lighted through out, self starter, lust like new, cost '-$6600; will take $1800 cash if sold at once, finest In the city. Address C-180, Journal. HAVE one 6-pasHenger Chalmers 40. This car is a foredoor car and there la no better or better looking car on the coast for the. money asked. Just out of the shon. We f ullv guarantee cars we overhaul. Price $900 cash takes It. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE, 631 Alder. FOR SALE 1911 Piere-Arrow 48 7 passenger complete equipment. This car has had excellent care. Has just been repainted and la In perfect condi tion. It la the best high grade car bar gain to ba had anywhere. SEK THIS OAR AND UET MY PRICE. H-75, Journal. FOR SAuE l-ton truck, $1650, A-l . - condition. New tires. Just the thing for faat delivery. Also 34-ton truck, $1850; just overhauled. New dual block tires. At this price these trucks are the best buy in the city. OREGON ROAD OILING CO. ' 211 Couch Bldg. Main 9341 or East 2831 BEAUTIFUL Winton 6 cyL Limousine, strictly up to date, electric lighted, self atarter, In perfect condition, fine for winter use. can't be beat: cost $6600; will sacrifice if sold at once for $1800 Must be aeen to be appreciated Call 618 Board of Trade, ask for man- figer. v AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a .new cheap car when you can secure one of our high grade used cara at the same price? We guarantee them; different makes and models, all traded In on new White cars. We also offer aeveral second htrnd trucks. Write White Car Agency. th st.. at Madison, "WH HAVE 66 autos to pick from and you muat be hard to please if you don't. find what you want at the nrice yuu wish to pay. We also exchange nuius ior real estate. . NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE, 531 Alder. FOR BALE 1913 Packard, 6-cyllnder, i -passenger, nam run only lew tnou sand miles. Just like new. Has com. plete equipment. Can be bought at the igni price. Anyone wanting a Jfackard VESTIGATE! J-139, Journal. SEVEN passenger car. Just the thing for stage line or rent car; easy pay- iiioiiiB. a-l iv, juurnai, FOR SALE or trade, 190 7 White, 30 horse steamer, first class condition! fully equipped with 2 bodies, roadster and 5 passenger. A snap. Call tele phone 966 or 946 Milwaukee st. WILL sell either my high-grade road ster or 5 passenger car; no further use for two cars; terms, V-110, Journal. 1-OR 8,i.E Pierce-Arrow 7-passenKer, 1 1910 model. Just overhauled; RL'NS LIRE NEW PIERCE. Tires in fln miape; WILL SACRIFICE. A high jjrade. car at an ordinary car price. WRITE. K-126, Journal. '30 H. P., 4 passenger Garford car, equipped with top, glass front, elect, lights, all new tires and 4 extra tubes, juKt been overhauled;., a rare bargain. Phone A-1128. THE Flying Alerkel 7 h. p., chain drive, 1912 model, brand new, cost $350; ful ly equipped. Owner goin: east; no rea KonablR offer refused. Call Main 3503 Monday. 304 Lewis bldg. HIGH-GRADE motorcycle, new, cheap U-12U Journal. Fbft BALK.or trade, several good set ond hand autog. Madison Garage, 1111 Hawthorne ave. Geo. McCroskey, proprietor. TWO trucks for sale cheap. " Journal. W-lll, WILL exchange 7 passenger - Pierce Arrow car In first class condition fir city lots or improved property. OwlWr, U-72, Journal. NEED, the money '09 Chalmers cheap oh quick sale. Y-112, Journal. CASH talks electric for sale. Journal. Z-62, N.'w. AUTO SCHOOL, 1130 Alblna ave." open Nov. 1st, automobile, gas engine construction, operation taught, compe tent jraoUoallristfuctor WdOv 150. SMALL delivery car, slightly used; forced to sell. T-113, Journal. WANTED No. 1 old auto tires, 7q lb. delivered: No. 2 auto Urea, 6o lb. Inner tubes. It to 28c lb. J. Lava, In Columbia st! Main 6198. WILL sacrifice my Ford for price of motorcycle; cash only. S-112, Journal. LARGE 6 passenger foredoor Cadillac auto, $2.50 hourly. Rex Auto Co.. 350 Aldir, Main 6896, A-3277. "AUTOS for hire, $2.50 per hour. Du piex Auto Co., 309 Stark. Main 614. A-4314. LOANS ON AUTOS BAUER, 206 ALDER ST. INDIAN motorcycle, free engine clutch, worth $160. to trade for diamond. Nolan, 170 6th st. Main 7141. LATE 1810 3 Pierce, A-l condition. $1650; terms; Main 1082. A-1071, apartment e $"3 00 EQUITY in high class lot to trade for small machine; might tay some flffereiice. tos Lumber fcxonange. WANTED Second hand Melcle motor ' cycle; must be cheap. Call 720 E. Mo rrlson, Sunday mowiirtg.' FOR SALE Runabout in good shape, - $12B"lf taken at once, 1279 peintont. ''.'!. , . r . 1 OR HALE 5 passenger car for $176;. ;io Railway Exchange; Ford. IJtf AClt ; lot And " cash "for motorcycle, onver now Aider st. , IltirtO FIRST MORTGAGE TO TRADE FOR AUTOMOBILE. . Marshall 4200. ' Studebaker Good Used Cars,. HUPMOBIXE .tsoo.oo 360.00 . 250.00 CADILLAC, : 2 BODIES OLDSMOBILE E. M. F. '30"i 6 PASS. NICKEL 635.00 FLANDERS "20" ROADSTER..., 660.00 FLANDERS 20" TOURING..'. . 660.00 STUDEBAKRR FLANDERS "20" DELIVERY ., .". 600.00 GARPORDS, J MODELS ...... i $00.00 EVIKETt" "30. TOURING. 850.00 THEY STAND In VrONT OF OUR SALESROOM READY FOR A RIDE. ; - ' Studebaker . . CHAPMAN AND ALDER, , MAIN 6968 . A-:43 REMOVAL' NOV. 20 "THE TIRE SHOP" - From 435 Stark st. to' larger quarters at 550 Washington. and 551-553 Alder, at .Chapman st, Same Price's Oregon Vulcanizing Co,, Marshall. 379, FOR SALE In oou condition, for 1400. a 4-cylinder Maxwell automobile, with two seats. It was taken In bh sale of a larger auto and la a bargain at this frice. For sale at $850. a 6-Dassenirer S31R0 Croxton Keeton cutomobile in first-class condition. Has been used for family purposes oniy, ureal Duy ior we money. For sale at $1100. A 1910 6 or 7-nas- senger Knox automobile, which was bought ;w the fall of 1910 for $3650. First-class condition, It was taken In on sale of a new auto and offered very cheap. We-have had our mechanln In. spect these carg and know them to ba C. I.. BOSS A CO.. ei8-17 Wash. St Automobile- BARGAIN HEADQUARTERS BIG SALE OF OVER 40 CARS TO SELECT FROM . We are going to sell these cars for less than it cost the manufacturers to make them. This will positively be the last chance to secure an automobile at such a sac rifice. Don't forget the place and date. Big sale starts Monday morning at 8 ocioc zor six cays oniy. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE. 493-496 ALDER ST. Main 1161; A-4837. 1 foredoor 1912 Flanders 20. 1 4-passenger Garford 40. 1 7-passenger Garford 40. 1 6-passenger Buick. 1 6-passenger i'ierce-Arrow. 1 6-nassenster Thomas. 1 Flanders 20 roadster and 50 pthr cars to cnoose rrom. NORTHWEST AUTO EXCHANGE, - . oil Aiaer. 30 h. p., 4 cyl.. 6 pas., top, glass front, tires in fine condition. Cost S3250. First check for 1200 takes It Good for 1600 lb. truck. Just overhauled. PACIFIC COAST BKOKEKAGE CO., 618-21 Board of Trade. NOW You can afford to buy a car, aa we are offering special prices to clean up be fore Jan. 1 on -used cars of different makes traded in on new WHITES. Write or call for special price list. The White Co., office 69 7th at. BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED CARS. Wa have a few snaps In slightly used cars, and MICHIGAN cars taken In ex change. All cara fully guaranteed. Call or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO BUGGY CO., 869-271 Hawthorne Ave. Thongs East 1421. B-1345. STRICTLY A-l Chalmers SO, four pas senKer. pony tonneau. every eouln ment, 6 first class tires, demountable rims; macmne positively guaranteed; cost $1900. Price $825; $250 down, $50 monthly, 3b0 Alder st. A BARGAIN FOR SOMEONE. Have purchased a new roadster and will sell my 5 passenger car at a low price for cash or exchange for clear lot or acreage up to idu. Mr. Mater, sen wood 2013. MOTORCYCLE, 4 H. P., run 500 miles, worth $235. for $175. including $30 o equipment. Brand new P. K M., never used, at big reduction. E-158, Journa FOR SALE $400 new Arco 4 cylinder 4 passenger automobile. 995 Haw thorne ave. WOULD like to purchase a first class motorcycle. Portland Phonograph Agency, 350 Alder st. I WANT an automobile for a modern bungalow. O-120, Journal. A 1910 Cadillac. 6 passenger, fine con dition, tvou. can 52 Hamilton bldg. 1912 MOTORCYCLE, sell cheap for cash. Call 440 Sd st. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 61 GOOD 4 cylinder pleasure launch; cost 1700; rorced sale, i.-ou. Bee Mr. iiecx tell, 82 4th st. 45 H. P. launch, write Oarlock & Mull haupt. 1028 Chamber .of Commerce. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 WILL sell my $500 Hardman piano, In fine mahogany case, for $276; lint nlano. largest slzer and excellent shaDe will accept note for part payment If wponsiDie. f-ui, journal. MY $760 player piano can he bought for 1290 cash; as good as wnen 1 got It pnona C-Z30. or auuress . j4 sacra mento. . PIANOS. Player-piano, with library of Tnuslc, Will traoe ior unincumDcrea city lot value 1600. N-izs, journal. FORCED to sacrifice my very fine piano for little more than storage charges. ' i-iu, journal. HAVE a $600 Hallet & Davis piano, like naw; 'Will sell ior nan; terms to re sponsible party . Q-117, journal. WILL exchange first class talking ma chine for musjo box. Portland Phono graph Agency, '350 Alder St. , GREAT bargain in high-grade, slightly - used pianos; will sell regardless of cost. H. Slnschelmer, 109 Uth st A FINE Ludwlg piano at a sacrifice; mission oak case; must sell at once; .tiake me an offer. R-71, Journal. FOR SALE Chlckerlng "baby grand, nearly new, cost $950, for sale for $475; terms. X-104, Journal. VIOLIN, cost $25, for $19: a bargain; i.vov .v. n. imigf st sell. J-136, Journal. . ' mu KIMBALL piano for $135 cash. This Is a snap. B-117, Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 68 boo st 600 STOVES, heaters, $1.26; cook stoves, i i hlow -roat. lal IL FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS jj.0 SPLENDID Smltn' Premier typewriter, only $20: $5 down, $2.60 tnonthjy, 350 Aider - ; : The Greatest Bargains . KVKR KNOWN '- In slightly used household, articles as guuu aa new. .- - -.- A lo-foot mission extension taDie.-ior- merly $39.60. now $19.50; 1 8-foot round WANTED Peoula of Portland to know" I perl8' ""'". ?ave a number or naira Charter Oak table, formerly $42.60. now , W,ha ibT tn I $20; 6 box leather seat oak chairs, for-' .-iond-rand household aoodl'N -m! ! - KCECTItOI.y BIS-COMPANY, . hat r in tn tm. c k i.athop , secong -rami nousenuia goous. "."IE04 Swetland bid?.. 6th and Washington. I ieat oak- chairs fornWriy $uTnow VV ateP"-1Z8 Untn1 av. .8t " ' I NO MATTllt what has failed whn in W hav several Wilton rugs former y; Wfa AKh. la neea of a car aaa m mucj peed ot - regular monthly remedy, get IT R , I O E n ,DM...kJ. Inrmnrtv . flirnitlirA fll all deHCriDtlOnS. Let US I U . I , . . ; . v. a j l . ll$i7m? -1?e75TndVpV;W. you"- .cash Coffer. , . Phon. Alain hairs, 60o up. Iron beds,.,$l and no: 2344. - mattress, $'. and up. Rockers. $1 and vp. CoVeLjL FURNITURE & COMMIS- mattress. A $66 JEstata steel . rangS for $$7.60.1, neaier. fi ana up. Also oeaaingr, co ; curtains of all descriptions at your own prices, uive ua a call to aausry your Town-Market Furniture Co., 871 Eawt Morrtson St. Phone East 1547 m Sewing Machines Droohead Sincers. Naw Home. Wi & TV.. Standard. New Royal. $10 to $30: also good box top machines, $3 to $10; casn or payments. , xsi 8a at, near Co lumbia. Main 4728.. " COUNTRY dealer failed to sell auperb largest siae, very latest Player plana Strictly brand naw. and sella regularly at $650. Goes , at half price. Soma terms. , See wholesale manager Ellera Musio House, Seventh and Alder ats. GAS tank heater $10; new Snow Ball washing- machine: $5; boiler 60c; rlnspr 11- nnrlnra tl: 3 burner' blue flame oil stove $5; -e nnrner-hole piate 3t B flat cornett $6i, xaoor 30i. 1286 E. Clay. - r;eWtS?nfrTtwe.d Cand om and Docket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix- turea or all kinds; easy payments, xne Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., '4$ 4$ 5th st- Phones Main 769, A-1769. ACCOUNT Of moving to South America, wui sell almost new nign priced -i-. anoli piano and over 125 rolls of music t Dig sacririce. or win rent xo re ponslble home far $10 monthly, Ad Iress N-132. Journal. NATIONAL cash registers, credit regts tera, computing scalea, electric coffee mills and all store appliances, bought, sold and repaired. Sell for cash or pay ments. The Pacific 6 tor Service Co., 227 Stark. Main 7711. STEEL blue diamond for sale, weight l karat, cost soo: a perfect gem. Room 45 Washington bldg. Only those need apply who appreciate a rare atone; no time for .fakers. WATCH chain, fob, charm or pin of your own nair ror nis a mas. we ma ice them. Phone for samples, A-4178 or call 414 N. 21st. SAFES New and second-hand; large aauArmanti oaf a nnanaH a tiH ianD .rarl aOQlUl VIII VT 11 V DUl VptlHU I VA f . 4 VU Mosler Safe Co., 108 2d St. Phone Main 10 10. WILL sacrifice $36 tuxedo suit, size 36 or 37, for $12; worn once, call 9S2 Division st, between 6 and 8 p. m. or call Sell wood 129. LADY'S bicycle, typewriter chair, new go-cart, new 8x10 tent 4 new glaHs paneled doors. Phone woodiawn Z7b tzi Knowies ave. MUST sell up to date $800 Pianola piano and 75 rolls of choicest music. For quick sale $400 takes it Pall at 89C E. Harrison at once. ' UNREDEEMED overcoats and raincoats cheap. Steln'B Pawn Shop, 28 N. 6th, near Burnstda. 40 OPERA chairs for sale cheap. Stein's Pawn Shop, 28 N. 6th, near Burnslde. REPEATING shotgun, state lowest price: gasoline stove to trade; F-120, Journal. USED MACHINES, all makes, casn or terms. Prices right Singer sewing Machine Store. 882 Morrison st WANTED Experienced washer for flat work denartme-nt. u. S. Laundry co- Grand ave. and E. Yamhill. ROTARY air pump with outfit for vacuum cleaner; sell or trade ror ma chinist's lathe. Phone Sellwood 264. WOODWORKING Will pay cash for bandsaw. Jointer, pony planer, lathe. What have you? Phone a-4017 GASOLINE woodsaw for sale; an A-l machine: cheap for cash. Call at 429 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE 1912 Racycle, $45 machine, for $16. Call Sellwood 98 Monday or Tuesday for further Information. FOR SALE cheap, diamond ring, white and perfect; weight 1 and 1-64; 2S0. 193 7th; phone A-3836. STENOGRAPHER giving up work for music will sell dandy typewriter cheap. K-117, Journal. LONG CANVASS, sheep-lined coat practically new; the thing ror anv- lng; $8. L, Griffith. Tlgard ave. FERTILIZER. Well-rotted -manure. Phone Main 7917. FOR SALE Genuine seal skin coat, 27 inches long, size. 36;. cost $400, will sell cheap. $85. F-122, Journal. DERBY DESKS and office furniture. Haley Desk Co.. 210 7th st Main 587. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.50 no.- Taylor the tailor. 62H N. 8th. ONE water heater, gas range office desk, sanitary coucn. rnone a. 4aa, BICYCLES $10 and up. Bargains in motorcycles. 181 Madison. f40 gas range, used 2 months; $20. B-2127, 371 E. 41st street. $10 NEW HOME sewing machine, al aitacnments. ioc urana ave. FOR SALE 2 ladles' coats; full length. Marshall 2618. NEW 38-lnch trunk for sale cheap. 3730 64th St., S. E. TWO Smith Premier typewriters, good order, $15 each, can Main 34. WELL rotted fertllirer, manure. East 4926. ., TYPEWRITER for sale. Woodl'n. 668. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WHY sell your furniture at auction? We pay highest prices. Make no mis take; address M. R. Beater, 248-50 Haw tnorne ave. Phone East 3134. vVAiNTa.U by the Eagle furniture house, your second-hand furniture highest cash prices paid G. Long proprietor. Phone Woodiawn 166, 925 Union ave. WANTED A camera, not lees than 4x5; must be in A-l condition; in excnange , w, at furs mink or black fox ll a brand new. WILL purchase 2d-hand furniture for aboutP6 rooms; must be cheap and good. Smith-wagoner, 311-312 Lewis OIUK. BARGERS" AUCTION HOUSE. 368-870 E. Morrison st. E. 1022, $1000 Worth of good rurnnure at once. ' A$TED ' to buy scales, show casen", meat sllcer and bicycle for grocery store. Address 163 E. 50th st. ' WANTED The use of single driving horse for feed through winter. C- 2646 or Woodiawn 2629. 712 Alberta st. WU need the goods, you need the mon ey. Rose City Auotlon House, 368-370 ... . i . - ...... Vna. 4tti4 Hawtnorne avo. v... 1 I i 'i " ir"'-:'..:'.1 " " i WoUlWOHKiNU-WUI pay cash for handsaw. Jointer, pony planer, lathe, What have you? Phone A-4017. BE WISE; get more for your eecond hand furnftura by selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st Main 8961. A-2446. 'Highest prices paid for house HOLD GOODS. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EX., 369 E. MQR. E. 788. WANTED Complete moving plctura outfits, folding chairs, etc. F-lll, Journal. WANT cheap, upright piano and kitchen range; must be theap for cash. Phone Marshall 865. WANTED A high-grade piano at a low figure ror casn. Mrizo, journal. WILL pay cash fbr second hand fur niture ana stoves. ti4 i. Morrison. TENT", about 14x18, In good condition. A -1 Tw," J00 fal.'V'"--""'''"' ' " WANTED To trade for pocket cam era. J-l$0t Journal. " JSj EARLY new 276 egg Prairie State in cubator, cheep. Inquire 28$ Taylor at WANTED Kodaks, cameras, e"0. Cain ; ra Exchange, S 45 Hi Morrlaca, ' w antfiv-2d-hand stumD Duller eood Y"-"-"' B'r, oi miaoie twent fs, foNrJiV;2Sdpr8r m le?S2 j ..gS'lsS ?SZ" & yUI'S 2(1 N 18t 8 ' V.. r af-.M ilia.. i i 'in , mHFST nrica Daid for 2d hand furnl-1 "UNG man, fond of amusements, H tnrl cloftalng and ' junk Marshall ! gl jZ'ZT 8'ne J"y NOTICE TO MOVERS 'M Wa want to buy everything In fur- nlture, stoves and rugs that we; can get. All we ask is -an opportunity, to make you an offer. Will tay all . the cash It is worth. Phone E. 63. ; L . sipN CO. : Pays the beat price for j your aecona nana lurniture , caipeia ana stoves. 204 1st. Main 3023. , L03T AND POUND 21 THE" following is a list of articles found on the car of the Portland Railway Light & Power- company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may secure same' by applying at barns as indicated: , . , Turned in at the Eaat Ankeny barn, November I4T I9Mb-Phone B-1188T Three umbrellas. 1 sack oysters, 1 pair eye glasses,' 1 fountain pen cap, 1 doll, 1 suitcase, 1 basket of grapes. 1 Turned in at the Pfediuont barn, No vember 14, 1912. Phone Q-1227: Two lunch boxes, 3 umbrellas, 10 miscellane ous packages. lurnea in at tne. cseiiwooa aivision iban'November 14. 1912. Phone B-6.14,1: One lunch box. 1 tie Din. . 1 pair eye glasses, 1 box talcum powder, I urn- ore ua. a doox. Turned in at the Savler street barn, One bank book. 1 package bread. 1 pack. age' clams. 1 gocart. STOLEN or taken, by mistake, tau leather grip containing women's wear ing apparel at Union depot on afternoon of Nov. 12. Notify H. L. Powers, Sprlng fjeld, Or., receive liberal reward. No fuestlona aeked. .OST'Ji-Cocker Spaniel dog, name Royal, .-collar and licence 1911; reward; phone Tabor 436, LO.Si' Between Graham avtw -and. Eu- gene St., on union, cnuu s cape, inone East 2859. LOST A gold brooch around town Fri day. Finder return to 629 E. Belmont st. Reward. LOST Gold cuff link Initials. . J. G. B. Main Ui 15. Reward. FOUND a roll of per wire, for in- formation, call 412 E. Everett. LOST Small Japanese spaniels; reward. 306 2d st. PERSONAL JOHN SLATER, tonight, 8 sharp, K. P. half, Alder, corner 11th; subject, "Spir itualism a Religion," followed by mes sages; consultations dally, 10 to 4. 426 Aider. i'OUNG man, 26, would like to meet young iaay. Am wen to ao ana nave food income. Object matrimonv. Ad. ress Frank E. Barclay, Box 909, Port land, Or. MHS. STEVENS, 18 years Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale. 657 H Williams ave., corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m, to 9 p. m. MRS. W. R. Wrenn, spiritual adviser, 2v4 Jefferson, cor. 6th st. Circles Monday, Thursday at 8 p. m., and Wednesday at 2 p. m. Marshall 4239, A-4586. GENTLEMAN 38, with some means and good position, wishes to moet good country girl or widow, object matrimony, n-iztt, journal. MARRY Thousands wealthy, anxious to marry, all ages, descriptions free. Western Oluh, Dept. 9, 268 Market. San Francisco, Oal. NERVOUSNESS and rheumatism quick ly relieved and cured by phychtc lesson-treatments, private or by mail. 630 Worcester block. MRS. MAE HOWARD. MANICURING, facial and scalp massage, Milner bldg, 350 Morrison st., rooms 1-2; hours 11-9. WIDOW, 48 years old, In business, wishes to meet a respectable, hones, working man; object matrimony; no tririers need answer. C-179. Journal nciu qiigwci. JUUTIiai. ASTROLOGER Let me read your Ufa free; secrets revealed; sand birth date, three 2c stamps. Bonaire, Box 15. At lantic City. N. J. BACHELOR, 38. Christian. desires acquaintance of maid or widow; ob ject matrimony; trlflers don't answer. A-183. Journal. REAL REMEDY for MEN'S MALADIES We have the latest and best productb of medical science. ALDER ST. PHARMACY. 242 Alder. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery, Ex aminations free. 302 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Wahlnrton. Maln404 7. LADIES Sunderson's Cotton Root PiXhL sure cure for delayed periods. $2 or 3 boxes $5. Money returned if it falls. 1. J. Pierce, 24ofr Morrison street. RELIABLE ANTISEPTIC CONES You want the best there are to be had. Wo have them. ALDER ST. PHARMACY. 242 Alder. SEXOiD A marvelous cure for weak ness in' men. By mall, $1 per box. Money returned If it fails. T. J. Pierce i.i.Miimm bu, Portland, ur. bAFE AND SURE Dr. Brown's Female . opecuic ror delayed perlocs. Price ?.1-25.For sale bv th Morrison Drug Co., 220 Morrison street. . Phone M. 8S58 GENTLEMAN, 37, American, steadily cmucu, wisnes to meet widow; -object matrimony, If suited; no general de- llvery. C-182, Journal. LADIES' LORENZ ANTISEPTIC CONE'S are SOOTHING, SAFE and SURE. STIPE TAYLOR DRUG CO.. 289 Morrison at. YOUNG man wishes lo correspond with some young lady, object matrimony. xv i it, juui imi, sPIAt IP A wlBh to ee the OUln I Ic-ncan't cure (no drvi e case I rim era 1 riv Douglns. D. C 838 Union ave. N. SCIENTIFIC massage by appointment only. Miss Carroll. Marshall 117. 10 to 6. SICK MEN visit Dr. Warren's private dispensary, treatment free, charge for remedies only. Cor. 2d and Alder ats. MECHANO Therapist J. B. L. i'mH. treatment ouren rhmim.tlom l. I trouble. 1128 Hawthortie. B?2651 . homw m? trittu n. . -. : "VM UJT TRUTH Treatments and lessons for health and success. 461 p. nurn.irifl t phon .7- , Trvirr v , j-: : ' , ET up- o-date woman wants u 'S tone" dress form; your exact flxuro. : Ro,,m '. FblllTlaat hlrln' , ...... MVB, GRADUATE Chiropodist nianicunm. masseuse and tub baths. Entrance 3d st. 514 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wash. LOKKNZ Nerve Tonic, Tablets restore lost vitality; 25c box; 6 boxes, $125 Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison st. MRS. PLUMMER, spiritual medium, 402 H Davis. Circles Tues. and Frl., z p. m. rteauings oany, SPIRITUAL Medium. Rev. M. A. Price Readings, healing, daily. Circles, Tues.. 2. Wed, and Sun.. 8.. 866 4th st. M. 7227. i ? x tfT If M ' trnlrmfl onurntof trtr.m . ; VV-nK r ttZ?7 Morrison st, room 30, 3d floor." MRS. A. HAMOT Expert chiropody and electric ugnt hhium. oo oiark st. I : . . i , . . . i . , i ... . . nAuiuntiooinu aim iimiucunng par- lora. iib tliToro oing., miss Hedliind. I DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala" rilaa acuta disease. Wmh hlHir 4th and Wash., room 41. Marshall 448.' SENSIBLE trusses for practical men at moderate prices. Albert Bernl, the druggist, 229 Washington, near 3d. DIVORCESUgd'TO ll vtw.K advice, divorce, claims, adinut. iwent. ma t.oaiii. ui yuin main ViSV. . nnn . . . . .. - BA I.M of Figs, remedy for diseases of women, bob oavis si. Main 9216. fJSl? Bassett's Native Herbs for cohstl- " .... v..Ma'nL, SAv $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or suitcase at aaa wean., cor. 17th st. SPIRITUAL and mental scientist con suttatlon daily. 326 H Stark at MLLE. ROBERGK, physical culture; of fice 29 2d floor, Si0ft Alder et HAVE YOU SUPERFLUOUS HAIR? SPKCIAL OFFER FOR 30 DAYS, Ttf any lady with hair on the face,' heck, arms, hands, bust, eyebrows, moles or warts we will give free treatment to convince Ton what can be done by ex- ; Evinced It 1. tV. bes "iSofSolt VK ' less rdv W put on the market f ! painful and suppressed period. Abso I lutely ifruafahteed and for sale in Port land by Tefferson Drug Co- $d and Jefferson. Main 7542, A-7915. LADIES $1000 reward. V, positively guarantai .. my. great ' suocessful ":-ontbly" remedy; safely relieves viivo tt 4I.U nui av mail uouDie iTt&gfnr-vtrVr-x: bouuun ton Remedy Co., Kansas City. Ma 5R AH Rou;orrl I - OJiUU ncWdlU ' I Fer information leading t the where- abouta of Joe Miller, height 6 feet 7 inchea,' black hair, smooth face, heavy oei. age i; can taix Pennsylvania uer man and English. A. K. Miller. Mc-Mlnn-vllle, Or. . ' MARRY Up-to-date matrimonial paper, -"with description of wealthy, refined marriageable people, all parts United States; a marriage consummated every other day during September; am mak ing marriages for others, why not you? Read the marriage testimonials; papT sealed, 10--cents.- Mrs. Bell, 1815 Mag- noua ave., lvos Angeles, cai. REFINED gentle'man, age 33, good ap pearance, excellent character and gen ial disposition, possessing an enterprise valued at $150,000, desires to meet young lady with corresponding qualifications who has upward of $10,000 in .cash; ob ject, a profitable investment and matrl- mony ir suited. Address F-124, Journal. YOUNG -lady, who Is considered very DrpittV nnd who ho, a nta'a aHila. tion, wishes to meet merely for com- va.riiuiiHuuj a wen educated man anouc u, Bivg iiuuiiB nuiuuer ana 11 pupnnjm enclose - small kodak nictnro O.1 14. Journal. MARRY Why remain aioue? The Ideal introduction club is a strictly pri vate, reliable medium for placing in correspondence congenial, marriageable Feople. Investigate JX. you wish satis actory results. Information free. Mrs. Wilson, Box 1776, Vancouver, B. C. SICKNESS compels me to sacrifice a nrst class bakery dellcateBBen and lunch in best district in city; rent $o, including living room ana basement S550 lfinr11,a fhfo - Kalnnna ,.(.. Rainier Realty Co.', 204 Lumber Ex. MIDDLE aged man, well educated and refined, wishes to meet a lady matri monially inclined; with a few hundred dollars to assist :in developing a fruit tract; my character and standing are of the best. 1122. Journal. MISS PERRY, eastern araduate mas seuse. New York School of C. and D., treats rheumatism, paralysis and nerv ous cases. 290 13th st; 13th or Jeffer son car. Open Sundays. Phone' Main 7661. ' DON'T BE Lonely Reliable up to date paper containing descriptions refined ladies and gentlemen who wish to marry soon, all sections U. S. and Canada, sent oealfjd 10c. Pacific Agency, Box 1292, Victoria, B. C. REFINED business lady Of 45 would like to meet gentleman of good ap pearance and of means; references ex changed. Address P. O. Box 1105, Port land. YOUNG business lady, age 20, medium size, nice looking, affectionate dis position, of well-to-do parents, wishes to meet a respectable young man; ob- ect matrimony, d-118. Journal. J. W. APPLEGATE, an old Portland photographer, who makes pictures night and day, would be very lonesome and feel forsaken if no one patronized or even called to see him, now located at 285 y, 1st st cor. Jefferson. HONORABLE, Interesting, elderly gen tleman, experienced, wishes acquaint ance of unencumbered lady of refine ment, owning farm or home near city, with view to matrimony; particulars by correspondence. 'D-114, Journal. WI DOW, with first -lass business abll ity, will go to California, Florida or Honolulu with person requiring some practical nursing; x am acquainted with the details of travel: small salary and expenses. M-121, Journal. AN absolutely sure remedy for remov ing superfluous hair; perfectly harm less to the sklh; consultations free. Come and be convinced; business strictly private. Madame Colllnge, 619 Sumner St., Portland, Or. Woodiawn 2975. GET MARRIED Matrimonial paper, containing hundreds of - advertise ments. Marriageable people from all sections, rich, poor, young, old, Protest ants, Catholics, mailed free. The Cor respondent, Toledo, Ohio. CANADIAN gentleman, 38, worth $25, 000, wishes to correspond with neat home-loving lady. Object matrimony. Address Pacific Agency, box 1292, Vic toria, BC. YOUNG man, 27, with good hablta and position, would like to meet sensible working girl with fair education; object matrimony. Address B. A. Griffeth, Gen. Dellv., city. NEW THOUGHT practitioner; cures cancer and all kinds of stomach and liver trouble; correspondence solicited. Mrs. D. Allison, 305 Portland blvd. ATTENTION Ladies belonging to the Standard Tailoring Suit club, please do not surrender your contracts, but see the district attorney. P-119, Journal. A MAN between 30 and 35 would like to get acquainted with a good girl; object matrimony If suited. W-112, Jour nal. GETNTLEMAN having a good business desires the acquaintance of lady or widow, age 25 to 40; object matrimony. Y-113, Journal. YOUNG business man, SO, would like to correspond with widow near the same age; object matrimony. Box 276, Dallas, or. MARRIAGE paper; highest character; Incorporated; 16th year; 8000 mem bers; paper sealed; se-nd 10c. L. L. Love, Box 1600, Denver, Colo. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, MENTAL AND Spiritual Scientist, 302 Alisky bldg. MaSn 6824. Meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m. THE HERMENIA, 400 Hall st. new fireproof building, new furniture. Mrs. Bach, Prop. Main 6444. A-2133. PIANO TUNER. George Anderson, 440 3d st Main 3753 A-7042. MADAME ESTELLE, Spiritual medium, Readlncs dally. 128H 13th, nr. Wash. NOTICES 20 CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE . By vlrtuo of that rjiattcl mortgage made and executed on the 5th day of August. 1912, by Valentine Bauer to Milton Marx to secure the payment of that certain promissory note dated Au gust" 5, 1912, an4 for three months at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, de fault having been made In the payment of said note, and the conditions of said chattel mortgage having been broken, I have taken possession of and now hold as agent for said .mortgagee, and will at the reuuest of said mortgagee, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for united mates goia coin, cash in htrnd on Tuesday, the 26th dav of No vember, at 10 o'clock, at tho premises known us the Market Street Villa room ing house. No. 223 Market street. Port land. Oregon, all the property covered and described in said chattel mortgage 1 and recorded in the office of the countv clerk of Multnomah county, Oregon, on tho 6th day of August, 1912, in Book 59, page 133, consisting of furnltvrre. carpets, curtains, crockery, cooking utensils, linens -and miscellaneous ef fects to satisfy and pay the amount of said promissory note, to-wlt: $300, to gether with Interest from August 5, 1912,. at 8 per cent per annum, and the costs and expenses and counsel fees on tnia foreclosure. ANDY WEINBERGER. Constable. Agnt for Morteaeree Dated this 16th day of November, 1912. THE -ondetfrtgned wllh not be responsible for any deots incurred by members or crew of German barqu. Eilbek. H.- A. Thoae. captain; nf a. Houser. agent THE undersigned will not be responsi ble for debt Incurred by member of crew" of Barque Valerie. N. Pet.terson, Captain; M. H. Houser, Agent. vi iu .onKi. mosi ODsiinate. aonormat and payable at uch place as purchasera ff " 'n to 5 days; no barm, . pain or , 8haU direct in gold coin with interest mi Notice is hereby given. That sealed bids will . ba .received ,-by iAnaon Glial Rogers, treasurer or board of commia- slonera ot port or coos tiay, a municipal corporation duly organized under the ?fll Lld.ln' 5fL8" W P1r?ii'' ""S" A? ,? c) h' Oregon, until 10 o'clock a. m. of Mondai Decexnbar 9,. 1912, then to be opened at th8 regular meeting of thV' board of commissioners of said port, for the pur. chase of Series A bonds of said port aggregating in principal $300,000, duly authorised by law and ordinance of said cellt per annum, payable semi-annually on tlrnt day of January and July or each jear, in accordance with In- (rpHt Vounons thereto attached. 125.000 principal payable 20 years from date of issue and a Ilka sunt each year there alter until aaia series is iuiiy paid. Each bid with certified check for S per centum thereof to be enclosed in sealed envelope without distinguishing marks except the words, "Bid for pur chase of Series A bonds of Port of Coos Bay." The right to reject any and all bids is expressly reserved. . Adai-. rules governing bidding and issue of, Donos can Da naa on application to saia i treasurer at Marsnneia, uregon, or First National bank, Portland, Oregon. Assessed valuation of said port of Coos Bay as approved by county com missioners January, 1912, $8,357,068; bonded Indebtedness none; population estimated 15,000. Dated November 4, 1912, at Marsh field, Oregon. " ANSON OTIS ROGERS, Treasurer of Port of Cods Bay. Address, Marsfineid, uregon I WILL not be responsible for any debts my wife,' Ida Orchard, may contract. B. F. Orchard. Nov. 16, 191 2. LOANS WANTED 30 Slausorr-Craig Company . MORTGAGE LOAN DEBT, We have clients who wish to borrow the following amounts on first-class real estate security, Interest 6 to 8 per cent. $900 $1760 $ 3,000 $1000 $2000 $ 4,600 $1400 $2500 $10,000 $1600 $27 750 $14,000 See manager of mortgage loan depart ment. vSlauson-Craig Company t 304 Oak St., near Fifth. Big Interest TT - . A ,M "-"T- port,, eacn oona to ne in sura amount; vva i thertiAn in IVa Pftin it m Tea nr h dap house and lot sold reliable purchaser . $100,000 op mortgages, city'-or taxm who pays monthly with Interest; money I Property, fire Insurance. McKenxl. A needed to build on next lot; the HberaliCo.. Gerllnger bldg., 2d and Alder. discount for cash- and in terest wiakee a -j. -. -' 1 . fh Intoroot .lmnof rtonhlo that nt nr. t to v TnTn r "iVTA vm," hniH 7h a.Va See the property- today. Mr. Logan, 815 Mpaiamg Didg. I WANT to borrow from private party about $600, and will pay 10 per cent Interest for quick loan; very best of Te'aT estate security in choice location on East Side. Sea. A. K. Hill, 419 Henry Bldg.; phone- 7342; office open Sunday from 12 to 4 p. m. IF you want to loan your money on first class real estate, list it at once with the SLAUSON-CRAIO CC MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT.. 304 Oak st, near 6thj WANTED A loan of $1200 for one year, on good suburban property, win pav liberal bonus and 8 per cent. U-122, Journal - - $1250 wanted on 17 acre and good 5 j room house, worth $3000. on Oregon Electric. Main 1940. WANTED J300. 2 vears. 7 ner cent I first mortgage on nouse ana 101 worm $2000. P-123, Journal. SMALL loan from private party for short time. L-123, Journal. Wanted $500 on Phone Tabor 1404. $2000 security. FINANCIAL 01 WE form corporations for legitimate business enterprises and sell their stocks or bonds. Write in details your proposition, or call Mitchell, 601-2 Spald- lngDiog. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real estate in Washington or uregon. H. E. Noble. Lumhermens bldg. Loans. .WILL BUY first mortgage for cash; no delay, rnone eveningB or ounaay. Tabor 220. WANTED Realty Association bonds. Give series, amount and best price. 3-151, Journal. . WANTED To buy real estate contract about 11000: A. H. Meley, Vancouver, Wash. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 NEED MONEY? See Us You can get it TODAY. This new COMPANY was oraanlzed to hrln neonle in need of temporary assistance, and to pay off loans with the HIGH RATE money lenders. Special wovemoer nates: $ .40 Weekly Pays a $10 Loan $ .95 Weekly Pays a $ 25 Loan $1.40 Weekly Pays a $50 Loan $1.60 Weekly Pays a $75 Loan $2.20 Weekly Pays a $100 Loan Other Sums In Proportion. Leans fer one month to on year. Business confidential. No extra. PRIVATE OFFICES. No Investigation. No red tape. We Buy and Sell Mortgages. Portland Loan Co. 207 Macleay bldg. nAo ito a w n WASH RTH OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL 9 P. M. PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN II 1 E V On watches, diamonds, jewelry, kodaks. furniture storage receipts, guns, pianua. Elby Company r'nllatnral Kank-arB and Rrokara $20 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES, j $10 TO CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS-8 A. M. TO P. M. SAT. TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., 308 FAILING BLDG. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $5 to $100 today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. D. D. Drake, 307 Spalding bldg.- A desirable place for ladies and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry st eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 334 Wash., opp. Owl Drug Store. MONEY p On any security. Confidential no delay. Bold Realty Co., 206 Alder at MONEY FOR. SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own name; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H. Tolman, room 817 Lumber Ex. CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red tape; conditional; mortgages bougntrf Adolphus Lane. 414 Ablngton bldg. MONEY sold. on Installment;. confiden tial to salaried people. F. A New ton. 514 Henry bldg.- . MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. E. NICHOLS. 815 YEON BLDG. LOAN for the asking, salary or cha tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg, MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel ry: atrlctly confidential 141 3d. MONEY TO LOAN 27 TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rate. Inquire attorney, rooms 10-18 Miilkey bids?., 2d and Morrison. MON&Y. to loan; large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fir ln eurancc. W. G. Beck, 315-318 FalUn.. If you wlslv t borrow on your real estate, conf-r with the head of our loan deimrtment ' AVe have funds for ap proved loans for $500, tlftun, $1600, $2000, $3000." $U00 and up to $100,000. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. ; Mortgage Loan Department, 4th and Stark Sta Chain - ber of Coramerc Bldg. , - Mortgage-Loans On real estate securityat reasonable rates In sums from $500 and up. . The Lawrence Co. 171 4th at Between Morrison and Yamhill. MORTGAGE loans on real estate, se curity in tire sums of $250 and up; first and second morta'ares and sellers' equities in contracts bought. 612 Gerllnger Bldg., Second and Alder HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK,. cnamDer vi commerce uiug. We have on hand funds for invest ment In good first mortgages. If you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortgage loan departmen t. ' MONEY. XO LOAI TT On city or farm propert. THE HARBOLDT-WILSON CO., IN& 710-718 LEWIS BUILDING. 4th and Oak ate. . - Marshall 4200 .. A-T1S8 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, BLAUSm-ilRAlG-XO- Mortgage Loan Dent 304 Oak St.. near 6th. I HAVE money to lend on Improved Portland property. A. B. Poulsen. 411 way Excnange. Marshall 2753. MONK TO LOAN ON REAL ESTAaEr $250 AND UP. . J. E. NICHOLS, ' 615 YEON BLDG. , MORTGAGE loans on city and suburban nroDertles: lowest rates: moturna-e . andjcontracts bought. Cowlishaw," lli " Oortmerclal block. MONiilY to loan, Improved Portland property; special facilities for large loans Title Trust Coy 4th and Oak ' MONEY loaned on real estate and good collaterals. Room 212 Commercial UIW A, V. - ' umu 400 ana up on reai, personal or collateral security. 207 Oregonian bldg. WE WILL purchase sellers' contracts and small mortgages. Smith-Wag-oner Co., 811-212 Lewis bldg. " . $3000 to loan Improved city or- farm property, aoia Keauy co., zpg Aider. $800 and up to loan, real estate. Smith Wagoner Co., 811-812 Lewis bldg. $3000 or part to loan. Money oaa to had at once. Phona Tabor 771. MONEY to loan on improved real estate. I. L. White, 701 Commercial Club bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrington, 416 .Commercial CJub bldg MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent Louis Salomon & Co.. 329 Stark st MONEY TO LOAN ON REAK ESTATE. ! - A. If. HARDING, 313 Chamber of Com. MONElf to loan, 6 to 8 percent W. Bt Seltg & Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. $2000 tO LOAN for 2 years. Bell & Reg- ister, su uernnger oiog. j jiuoo to loan on city property,. Main 1940. $1000 to loan on good city property for 3 years at 8 per cent. iN-ist), journal MONEY to loan on real estate." ' 664 Vancouver ave. s ' . . CITY and farm loans; mtgs. purchased.' Henry C. Prudhomme Co.. Wilcox bldg. CLASSIFIED AD RATES In effect April 1. 1912. ALL PREVIOU8 RATES CANCELLED, CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Daily or Sunday. 1 time 9c per Una. i 2 consecutive times, 8o per Une per in sertion. 3 or more consecutive times, 7o par line per insertion; or 7 insertion for prioe of 6. No ad counted for less than I tinea. ' The above rates apply to "Naw To day" ana all other classifications, ex cept Situations Wanted. To Rent and Wanted to Rent ad. Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent ad (Apartment and Hotels excepted) the rate are; . 6o per line first insertion 4c per Una each subsequent insertion. No ad taken for less than 16a CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time, 10O per Una. S consecutive tunes, 9o per line par insertion. 7 or mora consecutive times, $e par Una per insertion. . ; The above rate apply to "New To day" and all other classifications, except -situations Wanted, To Rant .. and Wanted to Rant" ada. Situations Wanted, To Rent and Wanted to Rent ada (Apartment and Hotel excepted) the rat la 7o par line per insertion. '' f - . No ad charged tor lees than two llnea or 1 5o. Tha Journal Will not ba responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement ordered for mora than on time. Contract rates upon application. - A. phone call will bring a solicitor. ' PORTLAND REALTY DEALERS OREGON REAL ESTATE CO,j THE Grand ave and Mult E. 67. C-1701. broKg-manarV company,- Ground Floor Lewis Bid. M. and A-1T4I BRlfBAKER BENEDICT. , 602 MeKay Bldg. - Main 841 CHAPIN A HERLOW. 233 Chamber of Commerce. Mala Hit KNAPP & MACKJSY. 812-18 Board of Trade.. M. and A-tOlO. SHIELDS, J. H. 205 Gerllnger Bldg. Main 1430, Phone Your Want Ada If your name ap. peara in e 1 1 h r phona book you c-m telephone your ad to M-7173A-CC31 and have It charged Bill will be main' 1 to yoi the followii.4 flay for payment. The- Journal n not guarantee -euracy r - ewwi-i vt any kin I curving lu -phonnd a"r oisnts. ' " :Wm- m k1 - f a,aai.iiaji. . i. .