; Portland; Oregon, sun'day morning, November ujim. GENERAL REAL ESTATE" 62 GENERAL REAL EJTATE 62 GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 GKNERAL REAL ESTATE 02 GEXEltAL REAL ESTATE 62 GENERAL - REAL ESTATE . 02 GENERAL HEAL ESTATE JJ! A- 'mm mmu : U HUU U U UUUUiJalisU-U . ' On' The Grand Trunk Pacific- Each and. every-day the, prospects in the Townslte are looking better, new buildings .are being constructed and the Railroad in making every effort to com plete the line to Fort .Fraser by the first of the year. We have been noti fied by the home office tljat after Nov. 2oth, .of this year, there will.be an In crease in prices. Xnd each and every person who has been looking Into this wonderful proposition should call at our office, loqk over the' big display maps and literature and make a selection be fore that time. reto Balance Easy Terms IMS Si 40 Acre Tracts and Up At l P Are located-in the Naaa Valley north .of tlia line of tho Grand Trunk-Pacific Hallway, where there is both water and ran .ii-ausnorauon, au grains, iruus aim vee ttHbIes. also ho i)B grow in this lo cality Mid the yield Is very large per acre: -' Tmf soil-fir a very deen rich, black loam, fcseyere winters, with plenty of rain and long flays or sunsnine during the summer months. Buy some of this land MUW ana in two or inree years, lhur will hfl a material raise In value and If you wish to farm, you will be more than repaid fdr your efforts. mm 10'ii down; balance In payments made monthly. DOMINION STOCK & BOND CORPORATION. : J, J.,; Long, Local Agent; - SI FOURTH ST., CORNUR OAK ST. Portland, Oregon, For Your U SHE SELLS HER OWN PROPERTY. - "Look for the Sign" 3 Blks East of P. O., Lents. Foster Road, $10 Per Month. iv 4 room plastered house, nice lot, near carline; a nice, comfortable home, for only $1150. $50 Down 110 Per Montli. ' '?.- You can purchase a nice 4 room house, fruit tree, roses, strawberries, close to school und carlinc, and the price is but $50 Down $10 per Month. i U........ X' Or , a f room iiuunr, intnj i imiiii;u, Tight on carline, near main street of Lents; electric street light uooii to be lilac.! in front-of iitruse; prico $1260, at $100 Down , - 15 Per, Month. K room home. k acre, all in berries, - all fencd, chicken house; place is close to macadamised - road - and carline, nice surroundings; price $1350, at the above terms. ' , ' ! ,'l ....I,., I .. .. I . .-. n u , , T , II i4v A -t rt lot. . . .- .. . ... . , .... At lBKPView, an cieareu ana in cul tivation, fine soil, will exchange; for ww in m PoUmid. -ymWi.ut jr opportunity Immediately,"" - We '"build houses $50 down'nnd $10 ' per month. Put your Installments Into ,tt home instead of renting; ' ,- i; egk kwm-- ft PER CENT 6A8H'. ei mw MRS. liffll OIE 1 Tnl8, Or., Bik.Kant of tho P.O.' . . v Oa Fotfcr Itoiid.-,. Tabor 249. ; - I 1 ,' B-6UL RAILWAY EXCHANG! RANCH WR- 111 IfHlii m c 0 o R HEAR BR00K8IDE ill IF ml BEST BUYS f I Bttf E IN -THE VALLEY'- p h UJ) WIIMiLSIKl.- " INC. - ' - 710-7l'8.Lewis Bldg., ; - 4tn ana uakv Marshall 4200 j :--At7158 - ' , Farmers v; ' . " . and : . r City .Toilers '1. New Comers- andOld Timers - See . The HarboltrWilson Company, Inc. 710-718 Lewis Bldg. ' . 4th-and Oak Sts, - - Portland, Oregon. For Best Bargains in" Farms; mr. farmer: ar you looking "". ""TfQr a good farm, LARGs3 OR SMALL, AT -: A SNAP PRICE ASK . . US! MR. WORKINGMAN: DO YOU WANT TO GET AWAY. FROM THE GRIND; ' LIVE GOOD. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. ASK US MR. BUSINESSMAN: WOULb YOU NOT " APPRECIATE A BEAUTIFUL SUBUR BAN HOME- WITHIN MOTOR DISTANCE OF THE OFFICE ASK US! Read! Think! I Then Actlll . Ask Us S acres. Finest' soil,, all In cultivation, right at G res ha m, between 2 electric lines; just the thing . for a poultry" farm; $1800. Good terms'. 5 acres. Within 4 mile circle; Tualatin, slope;' fine soil; VA mile from R. R., and within 20 minutes' walje of Council Crest. This is a big snap at $500 per acre. 12 acres. Rich, loam soil; all under cultivation: - 4-room house, barn, fine water; small bear ing apple orenara, strawDer rle8, etc; close to high school; 6 blocks from electric-line, on cood auto roads. An elezant place, within 10-mlle circle of Portland. Adjacent irmu seii ine from $400 to $700 per acrev .This place an-absolute SNAP at $a0 per acre. Ifi oorti flu Dfid'T.lnA vrta A .i.qi1v " 1 1 ' in' cultivation; good house and barn; orchard, berries, etc.; good soil; 4 blocks to electric line, 6 miles from Portland. Ideal for suburban home or subdivision purposes. 40 acres. Within 15 miles of Portland; partly cleared; gently rolling best red shot -soil; severs springs and small, stream; 4 room house, lance develop ments now Hfllng, on' . Jn - this section, makLiw-rhis excellent investmejrt-THRT CHEAP at $100 per acre. KZVi acres of Vflnest dark sandy leant soil; 1ALL UNDER CULT1 vationf; wire fenced and croFti fenced; 4 acres fine, orchard; 'good 7-room house, 3 barns,' - nheda and other outbuildings; GOOI ' STREAM ON PLACE) fine lell with windmill. Fully equip ed' with stock, machin ery,' tVole, hbusehdld furniture, everything goes. MUST MOVE i . QUICICK. Offering at $100 per! acre below surrounding prop . erty.J ASK ABOUT THIS. I Will consider good residence up to $5000. GOOD TERMS. 49(4 acres, Clackamas county, 25 miles frbm Portland; partially. Im proved; good small house and barn; good team, wagon and harness goes with it; fine dark sandy loam soil; running wa- ter, on R. F. D. and cream route. ;Thls is a big sacri fice at $55 per acre. S5 acres. All -under cultivation; rich black, loam Boll; grow any thing this climate will pro duce; 2 fine wells, 4 room house, barn 30x60; fnced and cross fenced; good Bchool ad mins; only 2 miles to B P. station. This Is a snap at $150 per acre; terms. Adjoining land valued at $250 to $300 per acre. Don't miss this chance to make some money. 130 acres, all under cultivation; fenced and cross fenced; fine soil; good 9-room house, large barn, good grajiary; family orchard; J wood wells; on good county road; will make fine dairy. You will say this Is the best you have seen at $100 per acre, $2500 cash, balance 6 per cent, long time. 300 acres, 140 in cultivation; good house, barnorchard; plenty of water, good soil, and can all be culti vated: 2 miles to station. You can't beat this at $60 per acre. Good terms. 26,00 acres. You sheep and stock men come in and let us tell you about this. Best equipped plant on the coast. Big money maker at a great big sacrifice. We have a few 5 and .10 acre tracts loft at $200 per acre, on the Salem Klec trlc. Terms $100 cslv$10 per month. All deep, rich soil; fine for small fruits, vegetables and chickens. Let ua show you one of theme. COME IN AND CONSULT WITH OUR FARM DEPARTMENT. HARBOLT-WILSil GO. INC;- .710-71 8. Lewis Bldg. 4th and Oak, Marshall 4200 A-71B8. m mm ramgh 817.PE8-ACRE'' Volcanic ash soil, iz6 acres alfalfa land, irrigated; 1260 acres ready for grain, plenty of bunch 'grass for 760 head cattle, watered by J streams and abundance of springs.- All Improve ments, implements Kim s neaa norses in- oluded; S sections government reserve allotted for grazing purposes, 10,000,000 feet vellow'Splne, located Z. miles euuth 01 Miteneii, wneeier county, Oregon. WHITMER-KELLY CO., 70 4th st. i'j-a&tt-tiu.ist.$1200llou.ii.btiili eU-toti" I list class anu modern in all re spects. Has 8 largt rooms and large closets-to an oeorooms; a large bath rooms, with Pll neeessary conveniences corner lot 100x100; good restricted dis trict, wi ll trade same ror 6 or 8 room house to value of about $5000; balance on Jinie. ur,wiu iraoe lor vacant lots. 413 -McKay Biagrmoritj Matn-7.'' r- WILSON COi ' 710-716' Lewis BlBg."- 4t,h and Oak, Marshall 4200; A7 158. uAsain: Hhe second, third or .thousandth time' a useless thing -Is. said "or done," e, g., we are at it again, We can not help presenting to . our cli ents and clients to be the vast amount or. opportunities we have to offer, Do not fail to investigate : the following .list for some rare- opportunity to merease-your wealth, " $ 6,00073 acres, A-l fruit land, lo cated at the famous "D" sta tion at Hood River, known for "Its -fine apples, to trude for city property up to $10,000. $ 10,00040 acres of high class fruit and vineyard land located at The Dalles, just 1 mile from ; ths city limits; 5 acres set-to fruit; with: sufficlenet-force of water to irrigate' ttie 40 acres; buildings and " some farm Implements, to trade for city vacant property. $ 12,0005 lots in Murravmead. The exclusive high-class addition ' adjoining Ladds. to trade for apartment house to about $48,- 000. $ i:,800 B40 acres. A-l Canadian wheat land, located southeast of Redmond, .with water on land; will consider eastern Oregon wheat farm. Portland or vlcln- Uy property and -assume $5000. i I $ 15,000 2 high-class houses; 8 rooms and sleeping porch; In Ala meda Park; will trade equity of $8300 for a ranch up to i:,ooo. $ 15,700 160 acres and 40 acres In Hood . River; A-l apple land, to trade for city income property up to rns.ooo. $ 16,000320 acres of A-l . fruit and vineyard land loeuted close to The Dalles; 140 acres In cul ' tlvatlon, balance easily cleared; to trade for city In come up to $:5,000. $ 16,000160 acres located In Olaeka mas county; 80 to 85 acres In cultivation-; 5 room house, pig pen. barn awl other buildings j 2-tfcfe" ' faniiVv orchard; 12 -'. acres .good beaverdain Jand, balance red shot soil, to trade for city 'Income property, Will . consider houses ana tots. $ 10,500-w-JlJ room -rooming- hoyse," lo ' oated on 16th St., with m in , ispnie of $146, to trade for eastern Oregon wheat ranch or valley farm up to 20,000. $ 25,000 SO acres of the best fruit land, -of which 20 Is set to fruit trees; 10 In' bearing trees and 10 three and four years old; balance ready to set; 2 miles from Hood Rivoi- city. All clear,' to trade for city in come up to $40,000., $ 25,000 Equities in high-class houses of the highest type and style; hullt by one of the best archi tects in the city of Portland; to trade for large wheat farm. $ 35,0003 ptory brick apartment house, located rlose in on west side; size of building 31x100; near ly new; leased for several years; good substantial in come, to trade equity of $20, 000 for A-l farm not too far out. 57,500 640 acres of wheat land In eastern Washington and 90 acres close to Spokane, in htgli state of cultivation, to trade for apartment house up to $65,000. Will consider busi ness property. $ 88,000 A-l apartment house located close to Washington st. on the west side, to trade equity of $JO,000 for good farm. $ 45,000 262 acres, all under cultiva tion, with improvement worth about $10,000, located near tialem; paying a net Income of about 10 per cent annually, to trade for some husineMs property. Would consider $30, 000 apartment house. $ 45,000 144 acres, located at The Dalles. 45 acres in full bear ing fruit, balance can be set to fruit and vineyard with the exception of about 15 acres. Returns for the past year $a00 net on fruit. Will tra.lo . this large fruit ranch for city income property or A-1 wheat ranch In eastern Oregon. $ 61,600 Mortgages $21,000; equities In 5 houses; JI3.500 in mort gages on land to trade for A-l farm. Will consider wheat ranch. $ 63,000 Mortgage $13,000: 13S0 acres in Kattle Snake Flats, located In Adams county, Washing ton. This is gilt-edge wheat ranch and will consider . come bearing property. Will consider valley farm. $ 83,000 8 houses; -160 acres fruit land; $1350 worth of mort gages to trade for large fa in); wheat ranch preferred: $100,000 in rash, $100 city lots and southern Oregon land, to trade .for Income business property up to $200,000. $400,000 Large inside business block with big income, showing handsome returns. WHI con sider CaKh and some trado on this. piece of property. In flated values, or property without cash not entertained. Our lists of exchanges are too numerous to mention. Call and let us match. 'you up, We supply' something for - every trade, INC 710-718 Lewis Bldg. 4th..ani, QaL Marshal! 4200f A-7158-- ' TB3E :- CMIIMGLSI1M. - - r" 710-71 8 teviris' Bldg., ! : -4th and Oak, -,- " Marshall 4200; A-71 58 ' Another Bargain Week Result Getters, Do you really want: a home? A cozy spot all your own? -If so come in and talk with '.The Live Wires." No -matter how much or how little cash you have, we can satisfy you, Sat isfied clients our long suit, The snaoDv oriced houses are gpiQg'quiklyiSQ.dam)t delay. . Do It Now!!! $1500 4, room bungalow, nearly new and modern, concrete foundation, . ju1j cetHi ljHsenieiit, cement walks: lot SOxloo. tine lawn and rdPfs. A SNAP AT THIS FIG J lkh. have your rent. " $1600 5 room modern cottage, new, double constructed. . concrete foundations, good plumbing, full lot 50x100, beautiful lawn, sev eral fruit trees und chicken house. THIS IS CLOSE TO ALAMKDA PARK. $200 casn .and $20 monthly. 8KB THIS "SURK. $1750-.5 rooms, 1U story, new, well 'built and nicely finished. fine bath ami toilet,' within 100 feet of car line, fine lawn, cement -.walks, will consider any reuson able offer. Your chance to MAKE some GOOD MONEY. $220O---4 room bungalow, modern in ev ery way, BI'lLT-IN Bl'FKKT AUD BOOKCASES. DUTCH KITCHEN, full cement basement, laundry trays, woodwork all el egantly finished, lot 50x100 ft., fiiiH lawn, lots of flowers anil fruit. Built by owner for home, but must sucrlfice now. See THIS. $25005 room, modern bungalow, gas, electric Ugh!, liath ami toilet, laundry truys, chandeliers, white enamel finish, cement basement and walkS) built-in buffet, pan eled walls, 2 blocks from car line in Kenllworth addition. Will ronsidur $300 down, balance S25 per month. $2730 5 room bungalow, large rooms, exceptionally well hullt and verv attractive; fine tias lighting 'fixtures; fireplace, bath and toilet. POLISHED OAK fc'LOORst, . ' Dutch kitchen, white enameled, lot -69x100, cement walks, full cement basemunt, laundry trays. This is a beautiful cozy homf J and is offered -.WAY, BELOW COST. -v $30006 room, modern hqtiHe.-. WEST . SIDE, well finished, laTge rooms, bath andtollet, gas and electric ity,, fine lawn witli roses and 'fruit trees, WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF BUSINESS CEN TER. This is a sacrifice. $3150 6 room, 2 storv home, extra-well bullf, nice dressing room, fine den and j-eeeption hull, attractive ' gas" anil electric "chandeliers, fine porcelain bath, toilet and lava tory, fifll cement basement, fur nace and laundry trays; If t' Sox 100; beautiful lawn, lots of tsB. berries and fruit trees. A SAC RIFICE. $500- BELOW COST. $3500 Bungalow with hardwood floors, beam ceilings, built-in buffet and bookcase. eenient basement, street improvenu-ntSfin and paid nil, luiaim 111 lilt- iHMiuun imw- thorne district, $2U0 cash, bal ance to suit. $1300 6 room California bungalow In Laurelhurst. close to car line, fir 1'inlnlL oak floors. Dutch kitchen, well ouilt and all conveniences, fireplace, furnace, everything a business mun requires for a home. Will sell this on your own terms. If you are respon sible. $5000 7 rooms and sleeping porch, double constructed throughout, Dutch kitchen and pantry, built in buffet and bookcases, beamed ceiling and paneled walls, beau tiful den. solid brass fixtures, fine bath and toilet, full cement basentent, furnace and laundry l rays, polisjied oak floors. This niuut be seen to bo appreciated. $3750 S large rooms and sliding glass sash, enclosed sleeping porch, (lied bathroom, finest plumbing, 2toilets. TILED VESTIBULE. large FIREPLACE, furnace, full cement basement, laundry trays. POLISHED SOLID OAK FLOORS, built-in BUFFET. Dutch kitchen with built-in serving table and all other conveniences; outside cooling closetM. A beautiful HOME FOR THE DISCRIMIN ATING BUYER. Can SAVE you better than $500 on this. Sec It QUICK. Easy terms. $6000 8 room story house, with sleeping porch, close to car lino. well built "ami attractive; this property cannot bo beat for con venience. Hardwood floors up and down stairs, alt beautifully tinted. If you are looking fur a fine home do not pass tills, one up. Yon dictate the terms to us. Must have quick actlonl Lau- rPttrarst. y $5000 R rooms and sleeping porch, full 2 story house, exceptionally well built and finished, polished solid oak floors, quarter sawed oak paneling tand beamed cell ing; beautiful large built-in oak buffet, breakfast room in whlto enamel, Dutch kitchen with ev ery convenience, including mar ble top serving bench; full ce ment basement' with ' furnace, nice targe garage, a magnificent home at sacrifice price. Terms. THESE ARE ONI A' A FEW AT TRACTIVE BUYS FROM OUlt LARGE LIST OF HANDSOME. LOW PRICED HOUSES, LOCATED IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. PRICES RANGE FROM $1000 TO $26,00(1 iAND FROM $25 CASH UP WILL HANDLE THEM. ABSOLUTELY NO - INFLATED VALUES HERE. - A-t ' fnr lfL!Micn Hnrto r4ivin4" nor-, iui nuuoc uvja iniciii WIllLWlLill (M INC. . 710-718 Lewis Bldg, , 4th and Onk.- - - Marshall 4200;A7i53" t MMiiraiiiiia . . INC. - ' 710-718 Lewis-Bldg. : , . 4th and Oak, Marshall 4200 A-71 58 $1000 BAKERT WITH DUTCH OVEX. Rent only $35. lease as long us you want It, runs two (2) wag . one. $1250 CIO ATI STAND. GUARANTEED, lllg tock, center of busy Wash ington street, owner . will - stay. two wet'ks and prove his sales . re a.ircipreacnted, Jong lease on uus. $1000 PICTURE SHOW In live wlro Oregon City, $300 catth handles this, all fitted np to snuff, has stage.' etc.. electric I'litno. ;3Q SfOts and large gal cry, right on MAIN ST., by the podtofljue, two ladles own It and are ill, the only reason for sell ing. $1600- PICTURE SHOW, cost $2900, ramny irouoies causes a- saie, i look for our special advertis-1 ment on this show in another ! column, rent $50,. lease 3 years, a. regular 10 cents-show running full blast, $750 new Peerless piano. $lt)00 PICTURE SHOW, cost $6500. ., Englishman- bought It, and the Americans did not like his style so no one - but the ENG LISH patronized him, conse quently closed. $50o will handle this, the place Is cheap for out fit alone, pluno, organ, 350-opera chairs is the way sne runs. $ 800 PRINTING SHOP. Kent- i2b, .closo in, west side shop, 2 presses, moters, etc., - a place for $8,00 that is wrth in vestigation. $1600 PRINTING SHOP. H Interest to a practical man, $1600, receipts owner claims run $1000 to $3000 a montli, pre fers to sell interest, but would lake $4000 for all, rent only $15 a month (SHOW US A GOOD PARTNER AND WE WILL SHOW YOU A GOOD IN . VESTMENT.) $1000 MEAT MARKET. FIXTURES MODERN, location, A-No 1. Business good. Show us n j meat cutter that knows values and we will cite him to a good buy. We aro large ad vertisers and consequently wo get the good investments, WE CAN SAVE YOU SHOE LEATH ER. $ 600 BAKV.RY and INVOICE. 6 year lease, 10x12 Dutch oven, fixtures neat and clean, stock will invoice about $200. THE RENT IS ONLY $25 a month. $1600 GROCERY and CONFECTION ERY. Rent $32.60 but subrents $33, good stock and fixtures, have the trado right In the PALM OF THEIR HANDS; sane rea sons for selling so good proposi tion will satisfy you. $ 450 CIGARS, and FRUIT... Right on BUSY WASHINGTON i KEET, here la a stand with a $10 rent, that on investigating wo feci confident that vou will buy It. THAT IS WHY WE AD VERTISE IT. $ 900 CAFETERIA. Elegant place for man and 'wife to in and put out HOME COOKING and homo made pas try ana sue win be a winner. $5000 GROCERY or INVOICE. Here --you are, a REAL GRO CERY, modern fixtures, runs two rigs; owner is going on ranch; sales $120 to $176, small price on xixtures, rent $33 and long lease. "Hotels and Apt, Houses." Exchanges That will gurgle "LIKE BULL RUN WATER" down tho throats of the money thirsty. 20 ROOM HOTEL. Comer brick at Vancouver, rent 75, lease 3 "4 years, lease ex change for $500 lot and $500 cash, worth more. 80 ROOM APT. HOUSE. A PirriN. exchange for close In acreage, one that is worth looking into, price only $7500. 77 ROOM HOTEL. Located 'lse in, trade for farm, or city. $10,000. 74 ROOM HOTEL. Flrfct class, exchange for HOUSE arid lot or acreage, not over 10 miles of Portland. Let's HAVE A LOK, only $15,000. 113 ROOM APT. HOUSE. Not a DUMP but a GOOD one, exchange for house and lot. DO YOU REALIZE that $5000 is some bargain, for 113-rooms? 85 ROOM APT. HOUSE. A dandy for $6000 caRh or, trade for clear city of clear farm land. No debts on this and the Pi-Ice Is put right- down to rock bottom for your edification. Here Is a house located right close In a brick corner that Is and has made good money for the last !l months and we will -satisfy you, we will show you a months' check on this and'oWner will back It up, no phone infor mation. Call at the office. 72 ROOM APT. HOUSE. Equity $3150, " exchange for cheap land. "Some Small Places for Sale" 9 ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING. Rent 40. will let you have ttils for $100. 32 ROOM VOTEL. All on one flo-- close in corner, price $2500 and worth It, rent $100 nnd leaso S years, $800 will handle this. ; 20 ROOM HOTEL, v ' " ' Rent $75. lease 3 4 years, all one "oor. $1000 gets aT good house. Will mane terms to any respon sible person. t . INC. ,.;':?'. 710-718 Lewis Blflg.1 4th and Uak. . - MarsnaiT 42001 'A-7 l'D8 r GDOAHGIES ; . . inc. f 710-71 & Lewis Bfdgr I , t '4th and Oak. . -, Marshall 42Q0;'a-7158; Ourbuslness grows. Trading has 1m." ' proved loo per cent since election. On f listings Increased and we can match you " on anythins. .Our line ar out all over the northwest and if you want to bo In ' touch with "live- wires" come and ea $1750Asi;nlncuiTibred residence site 1 W Irvlngton . to exchange -fop acre-. age within 25 miles of Portland,: ' $250.0 City property, buslnessand resU dence - in up-state town, to ex ' change for. good automobile. ; $2650 Modern 5-room bouse' In LTntYer sity . Paj-k; Will accept clear lot' , to $800 as first payment.- " $3800 Modern, new bungalow on the Peninsula, to" trade for vacant ' lots on east side near Irvingtoa ' or Laurelhur8t. 1 .. ,.:. $1500 7-room-house, east side; nearly clear; modern; rented; good Im proved district, to exchange-for acreage- not ever 10& miles from r Portland. Will add Other prop erty just as good for a larger farm. 6W'iHn ' Portland- will oiiirn .. " ! ,afAwii.ass"9-.ome AB. " oiiratr oa nw place,' $5000 10 acres, all under cultivation; witnm io-jniie circle; splendid , 9-room house and outbuildings; ' family orchard; all fenced? mtg. . $1000; will exchange $4000 equity and pay $500 cash for modern 6 or 7 room house. Pied mont or Irvlngton . preferred Ideal suburban home. . $600020 acres young orchard; smalt , incumbrance, to exchange for a residence in eastern Oregon town of 3000 or moVe. Prefer several lots, or acre of ground. - $600020 acres close In on United Else- ' trie and .$500 mortgage to ex change for house In Portland of equal value. - . . . .' $6400640 acres of wheat land, " unln-' cumbered; near Mesa, Franklin county, Washington, to exchange t for Portland property or near by acreage of good valuer would accept part trade and give long time; can add clear flat build ing and take good farm for both up to $18,000. $6500 8H acres Improved black swale . land, 8 miles from court house; 6-room house and all conveni ences; will trade for - close In " property or good farm. $6500 Jackson county ranch, 108 acres; gooo. ouiKiings; scnool on land; i fine land, part irrigated, part timber; excellent for diversified farming, to trade for city prop -erty or close in acreage. $6600 A good residences In a South Dakota city of 10,000 to trade for city property, farm or orch- -ard convenient to Portland. $7200240 acres stock ranch, 40 miles irom Portland. Just the place to " make money, and good money, ' v too. Will take Portland property. $80002 houses and 3 lots; good dis trict; houses occupied; will ex change for small improved "farm : , near Portland of equal value. t SOOO 20 acres Improved and nnlncu nercd iana at urenco, to ex change for city property; will take part trade and give long time on balance. $812513 clear lots, 2 Mocks from Mt Scott car line, $625 each; will exchange any one or all for houses or Income property. 0 INC. 710-718 Lewis Bldg.' -V, 4th and Oak, - ' Marshall 4200 A-71 58 Ideal Dairy Ranches' 65 acres of Columbia rivep1Ot- tom land no waste land can aH be tilled; 20 acres in cultivation; 20 acres open pasture, practically, -' frcs from stumps or trees, bal-"-ance has some brush and cotton wood timber; 4 acres now' seeded - " to oats and-vetch; 1V4 acres of -kale, some sugar beets; 10 acres . ' plowed for crop; plenty of fruit. Nice 7-room house, large barn, etc; also 15 good milk cows, 1 heifers, 3 calves, team, lmple- ' ments of all kinds, about 40 tuna of hay. Tho Income from this dairy has amounted to over $1600 !u the past 9 months. This prop erty Is beautifully located, right on main county road, 1 miles from good town. Boat landing on ' ' the place. Price, $7500; terms, $3500 cash. ' 80 Acres " r: Of splendid soil? lies slightly roll- . ing, but not rough; no waste land; , 30 acres perfectly cleared and In -cultivation; 30 acres open -seeded pasture ' balance piling- timber; v' all' well f encsd ; 4 acres orchard" of'assorted fruits; 13 acres seed-'! ; ed vetch and oats,-1H acres kal. some ' potatoes; .splendid WHter t supplies;-new 7-rooth house; barn 60x115 feet; also an old house; ' and other buildings. . Included with this property ia a flue team,.. 5 fine Jersey cows, 8 shoats. -about 100 chickens, all kinds of.: farming-implements, hay, grain, r ' etc. This is an -exceptionally well- . kept and improved property, lo-. catcd ia a fine neighborhood V , mile from, school, on phone line, ' R. F. D. cream route, J miles from good town, graveled road all the way, -and 25 .miles from Portland. Price.. $7000. Terms, $2500 cash, - . Only $25 Per 'Acre , For 160 acres of fine bmu-b land . Over 40 acres- In cultivation. 'Over -100 -acres of this Jand suitable for. cultivation with unv kind of farm Implements, when cleared; $1000 worth of cedar nnd piling timber; . large orchard; splendid water supplies from creek and springs; nle largn house," barn and outbuildings, old but serviceable; also young teain, ' 1 colt, good cows, 3 heifers, Mt hogs, all' necessary farming twin, , 30 tons of hay; -alt for loSOo, on -."yew easv twins, ,. Klgure tutu un. than $25 per acre. Thlt proprii v is on inalH -county roml, clore - school'siid near two s'md wn( WltU the best of . tnai-hfts--.ii.il-road and water tr(tnirlitli"u ' Alvord-Can-Hunfcr Un. 21-!10 Hoir 1 ..f 't i-t t.-