The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 12, 1912, Page 1, Image 1

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Rain tonight
and Wednes
day. Southerly
winds.: "
Boston, 8 . m. .64
ew York, " .661
Charleston, " . .68
Washington " . .44
Portland, 8 a. in,. 47
Seattle " ..44
Boise ..6
San Fran. . .6a
Bosebnrf " ..61 .
Chicago, T am,.. 63
Kan y "n'4
Bt. Paul . ,.40l
Bpokana , " ..44
Portland humidity 6 a, m,. .,..
VOL; XL NO. 213. '
i M i i i
1 '
Shot Down in Heart of Madrid
U,;:'.,- ,
Two Bullets Enter Head Be
; hind Ear and Statesman
Dies ' -instantly, Assassin,
Zarrate, Is Captured.
!j - Madrid, Nov. 12. Premier Canalejas
J0t Spain Wai assassinated tier today.
The murderer li reported to have been
' his part in the death of Professor Fran-
claco Ferrer.
. ' The assassination of the premier oe
curred In front of the building of the
'ministry of the Interior, which fronts
on the Puerto Del Sol, a square in the
center of Madrid. ,
Stepping behind Canelejas, the assas
sin,. Manuel Pardlnas . y Zarrate, fired
twice. Both bullets entered the pre-
- mler's head-behind the ear and he fell
I dead on the pavement.
It was at first announced that Zar
' rate had killed himself, but this re
j port was spread, it Is said, by the po
! ; lice to throw his accomplices off their
j guard. 7 ' - -
. Terror Pollowa snooting.
, -Tha square was packed at. the. time
Canelejas was shot down, and the wltd
f est excitement followed. Police and
military guards attempted to clear the
aduare and the throngs stampeded
wildly. Scores of loaded mules which
' were passing at the time became fright
. .en eil,. adding to the confusion. . Cavalry
finally scattered the crowd. Whn the
" body . of the premier ' was reached It
was found that death had "been lnstan-
taneoufl. "The body wag taken Into the
ministry of the interior.
-r Whe the- trgdy -eewr4 Canalejas
had Just left his carriage and was cross
ing the square to the ministry of the ln-
. terior, where ft cabinet meeting was
; planned." yhe itreet was crowded and
M as the premier always went about un
gqprded, arrat found no flitflcutty Jn
reaching his victim. When the shots
-rang out Canelejas did not even utter
c ' cry- tout collapse t ntfUntljr -t -the
DsvoinenL Zarratn. the' assassin: was
- 88earsd, He was tiv-f north
ern Spain.
Practically every prominent anarchist
"in the city war arrested within ft few
minutes after Canalejas' aesaasinatlon,
but despite this a general uprising Is
feared. The authorities believe 'the ln-
fiammatory speeches, delivered on Bun
day at s; memorial -meeting In honor of
Professor Ferrer Inspired Zarrate to his
deadly attack.
- - Xing Prays Beside Body.
King" ATr6"nsowBSWeatry shocVed
when he learned of the tragedy. Me
hurried to the ministry of the Interior
' and prayed at length beside the body.
ing waa held ana Minister rneto was
appointed acting premier.
JThia. siternap.aUi9c.ptRs.ft p.L th.ea.4
statesman lay in the mala hall of the
ministry of the Interior building, while
; ympathetlc crowds passed rt by. The
' royal palace is heavily guarded and only
, persons known to the authorities are al
lowed in the vicinity.
The assassination of Canalejas oc
curred at 11:30 o'clock this morning,
but the censor held up all telegraphic
and telephone connections, and the news
" was not generally known for four hours.
Not even commercial communications
jwer permitted.
NkJose Canalejas. whq was a liberal,
J audceeded Antonio Maura, conservative,
(Continued on Page Eighteen.)
Rev. Frank 3, Milncs, Formerly of Tendleton, Organizes National Move
ment to. Make the "Ideals of the Church" Compatible With the
;;: ' "Actualities ol the Billiard Room"; Meanwhile the Gome Is to Be
Divorcee" From Gambling,; Liquor, Bad Language, and Dlso der.
' (Special to The Jonrnal.l
- Prndleton, pr., Nov. 12.--Rev. Frank
J. Milnes, the billiard playing pastor of
the local Presbyterian church, whose
. resignation was forced several, months
; aso because of alleged unorthodojey, Is
' now the head of a national association
which has for its purpose the divorcing
of the game of billiards from immoral
surroundings and placing It as a promi
nent factor ih the development of young
manhood. In a letter received from him
from Evanston, .III., by a local friend,
, he states that he is the president of the
National Clean Play association, which
organization has . Juet . been formed by
his erforta. and is backed by billiard
manufacturers, the National Playground
" association, Jane Addams and other In
' fluencea of power. '
'""My tunction is to coordinate play ac
tlvitles with . reform activities," he
writes. "The church today is a mere
abstraction. The billiard hall filled
with young men Is an actuality. It is
-.hy(of"ih-tII w PUw-assaola.
jfon to bring church Ideals and billiard
i . "To V persuade or - force ' the - bllUard-
! room keeper to keep his room clean is a
i . function of. mine. 7 To . do this , I am
' affiliated with the billiard associations
... .... . . ,v.-, . ... . ... ...
Premier Assassinated,
h . : - A
-1. . ' y' .
f'N Ji
Jose Canalejas, Premier of Spain,
Announcement by Rushlight Is
Expected Within Few Days;
Baker Denies He Will Run,
- Mayor A. a. Rushlight is a candidate
for reelection. He will enter the pri
mary race for the Republican nomlna-
tlon '.next April Although the. mayor
nas as yet mad no-definite announce
ment to this effect, there is no doubt
as to u , intentions say his intimate
The published report to the effect that
George" tu Baker, at present president
of the city council, would enter the
mayoralty race next-year 1 denied by
Sir. Baker, who this morning declared.
If Mayor Hushlight decides to seek re
election, that he would not oppose the
On the contrary," said Mr. Baker. "I
will support Mayor Ruehllgnt for a sec
ond terra if he wants it."
Other reports to the effect that Coun.
cllraen Will JL Daly,- J.- J, - Jennings.
Ralph C. Clyde and James Maguire are
laying plans to enter tne primaries for
ing regarded seriously. Friends of
the mayor do not Delieve that any
of the men Whose names have been
mentioned will run against Mr. Rush
light, WthiTlavenr that he announces
his Intention of. seeking another term.
IS . Jl-.!?el!ey edjtha t on e of e issues
of " the "coming campalgn, 'wiil '"be'the
purchase of Ross island and the estab
lishment thereon of a new Incinerator.
"Mayor Rushlight has made good,"
declare)! one of his close political
friends -today, -"and he shonld be re
turned to office. He has uprooted a
good deal of the graft that has in times
past characterized the operation of the
police department; he - has reorganized
tfieclfy" "waterTlepaTtment and lsnow
engaged in putting it on a business
basis; he . has established a. municipal
vice commission and signed two import
ant ordinances for tne correction of
(Continued on Page Eighteen.)
and financially backed by the billiard
manufacturers, who are now determined
on a 'clean up' policy. The constitu
tion of the National Billiard association
cuts put gambling, bHnd pigs, obscene
pictures or language and disorderly con
duct of any kind. Those who will not
Join the association xwill be blacklisted.
We will cooperate with the reformer,
churches, etc., in closing them out of
business. .
"So tt happens that tha most purely
scientific : and beautiful, the most at
tractive and refined, the most artlstto
and wholesome of all Indoor games is
going to be emancipated from vice and
filth, with which It has no natural con
nection. Thus to clean up the plate
where the young man spends and will
spend his leisure becomes more than
mere preaching." - -- - - J-
kev. Mr. Milnes goes on to state that
the beginning of his nation-wide cam
paign will be In Des Moines, he having-
been invited there by the Physical
Directors' Association of Iowa to make
an address and-having' been assured toy
eyery billiard room keeper in that city
of a desire to cooperate.. With success
crowning hs efforts there, the ex-minister
believes tha influence of the asso
ciation .will soon begin to extend until
It has accomplished its purpose.
' i ' . f T ""T
Pack House of Aetna Powder
Co, Blown Up by Jarring of
Machinery. ' v
(United Pre tetied Wlr.
Gary, Ind.r Nov.13. At least six per
sons are1 known to have been killed to
day In an explosion which wrecked the
pack , house or, the Aetna aowacr
plant at Aetna, near here. Tltt bodies
of William Halpln, Oscar Carlson and
-C. Carlson have been recovered. It is
feared that other bodies are burled In
the debris. Twenty persons were in
jured, y '
Superintendent Edwards thinks the
explosion resulted from the stoppage of
tho machinery which packs the dyna
mite "crimps" and the shells. He be
lieves the Jar from the machinery was
the direct cause.
The bodies of three unidentified men
were blown to bits. About 1000 pounds
of dynamite, stored In the wrecked pack
house, exploded, and It is regarded as
miraculous that the shock did not cause
explosions In. the other eight pack
houses nearby:
The shock from the explosion was
terrific. It was felt at Grand Haven,
Mich., residents there believing they
were experiencing an earthquake. Rall-
QaxL-Araeka a mlleJroinaMantjwere
thrown out of line.
Latest reports here from Aetna say
none of the injured will die.
(United Presi Lraaed Wire.)
New York, Nov. 12. Universal suf
frage in the United States and Great
Britain within 10 years will result from
the woman suffrage victories in Oregon,
Michigan and Kansas, according to Dr.
Anna Howard Shaw, president of the
National Woman Suffrage association,
here today... She said:
"We hold the balance of power 70
electoral votes In any closely con
tested election. When the political par
ties are brought to recognize that fact
we wlli no longer need to -plead for the
franchise. It will be given to us.
"Men fear that woman will" seek the
spoils of office. That is their main
reason for hesitancy In espousing the
suffrage Idea, That Is wrong. Had I
to choose between a man and woman
for an office, each equally equipped,
I would vote for the man. Woman,
you know, cannot take, an office away
from a man as long as he runs for it
She has to run for it herself. We wil)
walV until?- are-equipped for affl cV
Astoria, Or., Nov. 1!. A southwest
gale la raging In the lower Columbia
river section today, having started
early this morning. At the mouth of
the river the wind is blowing at the
has been reported to shipping. Indi
cations are that the storm will increase
this afternoon.
ra on sm
Defendant in Lawrence Strike
Case Telis Life History and
Recites Part Played t)yrHim
In -Textile Strike.
Admits He Did Not Tell His
Wife of the Killing of Anna
(United Prei Leaied Wirt.)
Balem, Mass., Nov. U.--Cool recital
of the part he played in the great In
dustrial struggle at Lawrence last win
ter was given to the Jury today by
Joseph J. Ettor, co-defendant with An
tonio Caruso and Arturo Qlovannlttt, on,
trial here for the alleged murder of
Anna Loplzzo, a woman striker.
He outlined his career from the time
he first Joined the Shipbuilders' union
m- SanfYanctsco untl r t h e Lawrence
strike. Ettor testified that he was born
in New York City, but that he had lived
most of his life in Tacoma, Wash. He
admitted - that he bad addressed the
strikers at Lawrence, but denied that
he had incited the workers to violence.
"I told those downtrodden men and
women of Lawrence," said Ettor, "that
all worklngmen and women should stay
away from the mills to Insure solidar
ity and to avoid trouble among them
selves. 1 pointed out to them that the
bosses could call the police and then
more police, and then the militia, if
necessary, to protect property. I agreed
with the mayor thaAhe strike should
be peaoeful. I said: Tn the last analy
sis all the blood spilled in the strike
will be our blood.' "
Caruso preceded Ettor on the stand,
lie also gave a complete history of Jtls
"I do not belong to the Industrial
Workers of the World now," said Ca
ruso, Just before he left the stand.
"But I will Join the organization when
I am acquitted of this charge." Caruso
admitted under crosarexamlnatlon.that
he did not tell his wife of the shoot
ing of Anna Loplszo.
i . i
(United Fran Lcantd Wtre.t
Washington, Nov. li. Judge James
H. Blount of Georgia will be President
elect Wnson's tihOic Tor governor gen
eral of ttie Philippines-to succeed Gen
eral Forbes, according to report here today.-
AS a volunteer officer under Gen
eral Wood, Blount served through the
Cuban campaign. He also served Co) the
Philippines and for six years was Judge
of the court of first Instance in the
Lor) me r to Be Operated Upon.
(United Pren Iaard Wire.)
Chicago. Nov. 12. Former United
States Senator William Lorimer is very
ill at his home here today, suffering
from appendicitis. An operation Is de
clared necessary.
Dr, J.. B. Murphy who la expeoted to
arrive- from th east this -afternoon; writ
perform the operation. Lorimer suf
fered his first attack Sunday night .
;4 Nip- Wilip! m
"V tt:.i v" ."b,-
ill vmm. ..
' L. , . w-, w . ' . . 4
Scene of battle near Fodgorltza
Two" Big Animals -Killed by
Manny. Hill in Mountains of
Clackamas Uquntyr - -
(Special to The Journal.)
Estacada, Or. Nov. 12. Attacked by a
cougar In the mountains, 14 miles from
here, Manny Hill, a homesteader, killed
it after a ' brisk fight, during-which
he escaped injury.
Hill with a bird dog was hunting
grouse in a thicket near his cabin, when
the cougar shot out of a tree, alighting
on the dog. In passing,' the animal's
claws struck Hill, knocking his hat
off and slightly scratching him. The
dog wriggled out of the way and the
animal promptly rushed at Hill, but
the 23 caliber special bullet had wound'
ed him and while he crouched for an-
t ptherteapy Hill shot the big -cat through
tne neaa, Killing mm instantly.
(Continued on Page Eighteen.)
showing first Turkish block house captured by the fighting- men of King
Nicholas. i
Turkish Stronghold Captured
st t t t t t n "it it ,
Battle on Peninsula Continues
All Peace Negotiations Dropped
Thursday Set as Day Upon
Whic Army Is Jo Be Gath
ered Together.
(United Preet- Leased Wlre.V
- Betnn.-Nov. 11 An unconfirmed dis
patch to tha Vosslsche Gasette from the
Adriatio seaport of Pole, asserts that
Austria this afternoon ordered the mo
bilization of its naval forces.
The dispatch said the Austrian . war
flotilla on the Danube river had received
orders" ttrtnebtilawt--SemliB-- aarosa
the frontier from Belgrade, and that
plans were ln progress for partial mo
bilisation of the army on Thursday.
Many reservists. It was said, are ex
pected to Join the-colora.
American Cruisers Sail.
(United Prel lMd Wire.l
Philadelphia, Nov. 12. Sailing nnder
rush orders,' the armored cruisers Mon
tana and Tennessee left here today for
Turkish waters to protect American
lives and property Jeopardised by the
Balkan war and the probability of an
auti-Qhristian uprising.
Refuses to Acknowledge. Val
idity of Notes Assigned: by
Laemmle Film Service. :
(Salem Bureau of The Journal.)
Balem, Or., Nov. 12. The haiards of
a foreign corporation doing business
within the state without complying with
the corporation laws of tha -state are
Illustrated in the 'case of Leo Hlrsch
fleld vs. J. 8. McCullach, appellant,
which was reversed and dismissed by
the supreme court today. The case was
appealed from Multnomah county.
The Leammle Film Service of Chlcago
ap pointed an agent and opened an office
In Portland and did business In the
state about two years when It sold out
to J. B. "McCullach, who gave notes for
$9000. The corporation had never taken
out a license to do business in tha state,
or otherwise complied, with the law. The
notes were made payable 1500 monthly.
After a payment was past due they were
transferred to the plaintiff, who brought
suit to collect ' . ' ; ". ' .. ' .
"In any event the not was part of a
business transaction Jn Oregon cajxleA
out in coniraveniion oi, ua jaws andifalrs whlcu lie had pianwa.Hiuii 1,4
contrary to .the publlo policy of this Induction Into the presidency;
state, " as expressed In Its' legislation I President-elect Wilson dnfM tols ?
upon thla aubjecf says tha supreme jth'at he had discussed the twnbiu'ty .t
court's opinion. "On this account the !ls calling an extra eHi.n of e:
courts here will not lend their aill with anyone, h!" l Yi 1,1 s
towardi enforcing the contract" made up Ms mtftd in t-: 1 "j
1HJ by International News Service.
I : ...:,-..,
Bulgarian Dispatch Says Je--
sieged City Taken by Allies;.
Claim Tchatalja, Captured.
Iaaed rrim.
Bofla, Nov. 12. Reports from the Bul
garian front before AdrlanopU todayi .
declara tliat tha ' city baa fallen. No!
details have yet been received- as "- to
whether the Turks surrendered - or
whether the city was carried by storm,'
Bulgar troops have captured the main
fortifications at Tchatalja and that the
northern wing of the besiegers Is clos-- -
ing in on the fortification south, of
Derkos. .
Terms Too Severe for Sultan. '
(United Pre Ceawd Wlr.t
Paris, ' Nov, 11 Covernment an- .
nouncement was made her today that .
the French ministry is not Informed as
to the present status of peace negotla-'
tiona between Turkey and Bulgaria. It -is
believed here, however, ; thafrsr Bul
garia's terms are more severe than the
sultan la willing to accept and that ne
gotiations have for tha present been ter.
mlnated. . .
Turks Hold Defense.
(United Prs 1mi1 Wire.)
London, Nov. .12. -That the Bulga
rians are having greater trouble than
they expected in breaking through ' the
Turkish defenses is the belief of mil!-;
tary experts here. The. . fighting at
Tchatalja is on today, but little ad
vance has been mads by the allied ar
mies. . i ' ' i
An anti-Christian feeling la growing r
rapidly in Constantinople and It Is
feared that Moslem soldiers may start
a religious massacre at any moment
It Is charged by , the Turks that tha
Bulgarians mistreated ' Turkish non-,
combatants. . A , cavalry officer, asserts
he passed throughfive villages taken
by tha Bulgarians, and that' all tha
women" had their right hands cut off
and the children's fingers were sliced.
Inhabitants of tha territory taken by '
the Servians have acoepted their new
rulers, and are settling down to normal
conditions, :-:?'-'W--'TT'i7"X
(United Preas liMtad Wire.)
.Trenton; -N. J: - Nov.- 18.lovrBef
Wilson automoblled " here toda from
Princeton' He will attend to atate mat
ters and confer with hl New Jereoy
aides as to the course to be pursued in
the .
.1 V