THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, .foOVELlliElt U, IUZ. 1CU! JJ VESSELS AREGMTEREDTO LOADIIIPOUD Flag , of the Flowery Island Empire Is Becoming Very Frequent Sight In Local Port. Four new charter of Japanese steam- ara to load en thla coaat hevo been an s nounced, two of which will load here 1 - and two on Puget sound, accordlnf to the report This will. maka. four of that flag that are on the Hat for thla port now. two othera being engaged to load lumber lii in' near future.1 The ' fact that the Japanea flag la Been ao much on thla coaat recently Is aald to be due to the fact they have bought ao ' many tramps recently : Tha Rangoon Maru and the Hokuto . Maru are the vessels that have; been . fixed to come here" for grain. The lat ter loaded almllar cargo here last . .August but the Rangoon Maru will be , on her flrat voyage to , thla1 aide. The ' Hokuto..Mru.ift- under.: charter to Bal-, four, Guthrie & Co., and .the JRangoon . to Sugukl Co, The 'steamers re ' ported for the aound are the Luion ' Maru and the Manahu Maru, formerly the Brltlah aUamer BritUh Monarch. A - number ot tramp ateamera were bought by the Japanese, from British hipping firm during the ahlpping de " preaeion," some-of them oelng In" the Honolulu " trade, while Others are en gaged In tranaportlng hardwood from , Japan to Oregon and -California with .return cargoes of Jumber. - , i . 1 .. DREDGE HINDERED . Drift From Cowlita i Retards Work - In Willamette. ' Drift coming from tha Cowllti river la interfering aomewhat with the work of dredg Willamette, according to Captain ' V"H. T. Groves, superintendent of the dredging service for the port of Port land, and It la with difficulty that tne tender Is keeping the drift from inter " ferlng with the pip line and pontoona. The Willamette la working juat below the mouth of the CowUta, having gone down there the latter part ot last week, ' and aa the flrat freahet of the season .' always bringa down a lot ot accumulated drift, th dredge Is feeling th effects ' of It Th tender McCracken Is keep- ing the pip line clean .The dredg Port---- land,whlch is working farther down the 11. Columbia at. La Du's Beacon, la not ao - much bothered by th drift. In a day or two she will move to Walker's Island. Theve Is also a large amount of drift I coming down tha Willamette f rom-above th city. - The weather bureau's river forecast, however, says that th river --, will-probably remain- stationary after ' rising slightly tomorrow. : Th stage this morning was 8.6 feet ELDER IX rORT - Steamer Which Ran Out of Fuel Is Towed la By F. A. Kilburn. In tow of the steamer F. A. Kilburn, -the-Bteamerew'gffW'."1EIdei', Captain ' Thomson, which ran short of fuel off the Mendocino coast yesterday, arrived - In Astoria at 1 o'clock this morning, according to a report received by the - Merchants Exchange. The Elder was due In Sail Francisco Saturday morn ing," but owing to th fact that she ran - short of fuel oil th Kilburn, also be- - lonfrlng to the North Pacific Steamship company, had to assist her. She will - probably take on oil at Astoria and pro ceed on her voyage. STORM-.WARNING8-OUT Disturbance Centers Over Vancouver Island aind Is Moving Eastward. Storm warning's .wera ordered issued .' at all western Washington stations at 7:15 this morning by th weather bureau, for a storm of moderate energy which la J central over Vancouver Island and mov- - Ing rapidly eastward. The weather bu t reau report states that conditions are favorabla-forr raln-ln-ihla-dlstrtct-exi v : cept I southern Idaho, during the next :. 24 to 36 hours. Th wind at mouth of . th Columbia river: waa 55 miles south at t o'clock this morning, with rain and a rough sea. -, ALOXO THE WATERFRONT The steamer Hornet which arrived ;; from San Francisco Saturday night with a full cargo of cement and aaphalt will ' load lumber at the Portland Lumber w." companr mill for San Francisco. - Beginning h dally service between Portland and Corvallls, the steamer Po mona. of the Oregon City Tranaporte . tlon company's line, will leave for the 'I.. upper, river tomorrow morning. The British steamer. Strathly on, un der charter to M. H. Ho user, Is expect ed to complete her barley cargo for the , united Kingdom tomorrow. - To hav her wheel and rudder fixed, : the steamer Bowena, belonging to the ;; Hossford Transportation company, waa hauled out on the ways at the South - Portland shipyards Saturday and float - ed again this morning. i" A large number of logs, supposed to hav been a raft that has broken ud r by the freshet were seen In th Wil lamette river near its mouth by Cap tain H. T. Grovea last night In a fall of 40 feet from the upper to . the lower dock at the Inman-Poulaen , mills early yesterday morning. Captain John G. Pearson, 48 yeara ot age, was ' killed by having mi neck broken. He waa iriaster of the company's steamer : , Elkkader, which sank Saturday morn- ing at tne upper end of Ross Island. Captain Pearson resided at 474 Ella- worth street and leaves a widow. It waa reported this morning that t th German ship Arnoldus Vlnnen, 1789 tons net Captain Oreinger, has been fixed for a cargo of wheat from Port- land o the United Kingdom. She waa In port at Antofagasta on October 12. Also th schooner Wllltfm Bowden waa tajcen to load lumber here. She Is now on ner wsy rrom iquiqui to San Fran " Cisco. ' ' 1IARINE NOTES ' .v'' -it '-'y' ;y;.'' i . , " Astoria, Nov. 11. Arrived at 10 a. m. JBtef mer Toaemlte, from San Francla- .v- CO. fc San Francisco, Nov, ll, Arrived at . a. m. Steamer Geo. W. Elder in tow of - steamer JT, A. Kilburn; Elder short of fuel. - "A.- Astoria, Nov. 10, Sailed at 7 and left lip at 1:10 a. hl bteamer Breakwater. , from Coos Bay. Arrived at 7 and left ' pat a. m. Steamer F. H. Leggett from San Franoisco.. Arrived at 7:30 ., and left up at 1:80 a. m. steamer Daisy from San Francisco. Arrived down at 8 a. m. and sailed at 12:80 p. m. British - steamer Oswestry,, for Adelaide.- Ar ' . rived down at t a. to. -British steamer Mancunian Arrived at 11:15 a. m. and left up at midnight Steamer Asuncion, - from Hart Francisco. ' Sailed at 1:45 p. m. 1-BrltlsH ' steamer Robert JDollarr for , Shanghai. Sailed at 4 p. m. Steal AiimllB. foe Ban Francisco. 8aa Franclaco, Nov, 10. Arrived at 2 Tater Tooter Toots Again in Behalf , 7 7. of Proposed Land Products Show ' : It happened again. That pronounce ment In tfce Initial Issue, "Printed With Exact Irregularity,"' has baen fulfilled. Without any selamlo disturbance re corded by any instrument kept at the Weather bureau the . "Tater Tooter" hove to on th Journalistic horlson of Portland yesterday for the second time, B. F. Biter of the O.-W. R, ft N. legal department Is recorded aa tha "agl Tater of th sheet R. B. Moodle of the advertising department the "edl Tooter," and M. A. Lawrence Is dubbed the "vegl Tater." - That Is the full Hat of th re sponsible "Taters" at the editorial col umn head of the "Tooter.", There Is, In substance, but one blast from the tooter of the "Tater Tooter". A variety of eventa are discussed, but all resolve themselves Into the on duty, "Attend the Land Products Show In full force November 20." Among other things the lateat Issue of the breesy or gan of tha Harrlman railway lines em. ployea announces Is that there will be a great street pageant from tha Wells, Fargo building, November 20, to the Land Products Show building. Som Parade, This. . This parade will be memorable. What It will do to the "farmera" of the com pany la not forecasted, but it la re vealed that there will be a wheelbarrow division to tha parade, which will con vey the agricultural products of the office employee of the railway lines. There, will -also- be- a - grand marshal, muslcv probably a police platoon at the bead, ana many other things well cal culated to prov,. that Oregon is, was, has been, and always will be the great U. OF 0- PROFS TURN "HAYSEEDS" AND RAISE . SOME PRETTY FAIRCROPS; TOO, BY GOSH! (Special to Tbs lourail.l ' University of Oreaon. Euren. Or.. Nov. 11. The "back to the farm" move ment has at various times been advocat ed by members of the University of Oregon faculty and now it aeema to have vlctlmlsed the-faculty itself: No leas -than a-doxen members ; of that body are "farmera" when they are not hurling lectures and frantically gestur ing at their classes in the lecture rooms. Federick George Young, B. A., dean ot the graduate school and profeasor In economics and sociology, who adds dig nity by bis presence and with whom the governor of the state consults upon Important economlo problems, may be seen, it recognised in ma "hayseed" costume, with muddy boots and old hat tramping down the middle of a muddy road on a Saturday morning toward ills SO acre "ranch" beyond Springfield. Here he has 30 acres ot yellow pump kins growing day by day and hera-Towa of apple tree end under- the-weight of a Lane county crop. He also har vests quantities of cherries and wal nuts In their respective seaaona. Dr. James Duff Barnett, professor of political science, another "highbrow" In the economics department, is the latest to become a land owner. At pres ent he Is setting out 20 acres of prunes in th Mohawk valley, during the spar -moments, while he Is not pounding po litical theory and constitutional law Into tb,Jbeads ot. . th varsity ...pre-la etudes." The students say mat mere Is harmony between his courses and his prospective crops. ' But the faculty "farmers'' are not confined to -the economics department The brightest mind, perhaps, In mathe ai m.-Steamer Bear, from Portland. Ar- rtved Steamenreaver.-rrom can x-bui. Knr.Vo. Nov. at 8 a. rn. Steamer Alliance, from. Portland. Port San Luis. Nov. 10. Sailed 8taaaa..01uin,. or IWlawd. ..i.-,.,. Hoqulam, Nov.-Ifl-Arrived steamer Stanley Dollar, from -Portland. . Astoria. Nov. 11. Condition at the mouth of the river at 8 a. m., rough; Wind south 65 miles; weamer, rainm. Tides at Astoria luesaay: High water 3:07 a. m., 6.3 feet; 2:20 m., 8.7 feet" . . . . B.L Low water 8:30 a. m., 3.6 feet; 8:2J m., 0.4 feet MARIXB INTJXLIGENCU Du to Arrlva. atr. Alliance. EureKa nov. is Str. Beaver, San Pedro.. . . .Nov. 13 8tr. Bear, San Francisco. .... .Nov. 17 Geo. W. Elder. San Dlego.7. . . .Nov. 17 BtrBreakwatr,-eees-By s Nov. 17 Str. Rose City, Ban faro,....ov. i Roanoke, aa, San Pedro. ...... .Nov. 24 Dm to Depart. Str. Breakwater, Cooa Bay Nov. iz Str. Elmore, Tillamook Nov. 13 tr. jtoanoKe, esan vivpv j.f t.u- i tr. Reaver. Ean Pedro. NOV. 18 8tr. Geo. W. Elder, San Diego ..Nov. 20 Str. Bear. Ban rearo riov. zs So Leave sau rraaoisoo. . .- - -, Htr Tale. San Pedro. NOV. 13 Str. Harvard, San Pedro Nov. 13 Tssssls la Port Boston, U. 8, S...... "r"ni St Nicholas. Am. sh. ........ .Astoria North King, Am. aa. Gobi Berlin. Am. BK. uoo Levi Q. Burgess, Am. blc Ooble Daisy Freeman, ss.. . . .uryaoca . .WeBtport .L P. Mills Balboa, senr Koko Head, bktn . . Ravenhlll, Br. str-. Valerie. Nor. bk. ... Llnnton Llnnton VVestport Rainier Nokomis, sen. &nn ijarson, sen. Clan McFarlane, Russ. sh. Altalr, Br. bk. albert. Am. bk Rainier .Stream ....... .Astoria St. Johns ....St. Helens Llnnton Montgomery 2 , Oceanic Astoria Llnnton Llnnton .Tongue Point Frankdala Br. ss Oceana Vance, sen. Rene Kervuer, r. Ellbek, Ger. bk. . . . . Rtrathlvon. Br. ss. bk. Lahaina, bktn. : . .. Elirieaa, uer. u . . o. Mazzinl, Per. bk Ikala. Br. ss Drain Tonaag snroat ana lasted. Aberlour, Br. U Nicolalefak Adelaide, Ger. bk..., St Rosalia Arablen, Dan. atr.. .Antwerp Auguat, Nor. ss .Ban Francisco Bangor, zov. v Boadicea, Br. as ....Buenos Ayres Colony, Br. bk Buanos Ayres Detmold, Br. str ban Francisco iMtna trick. Br. 1 str. .... . . . . . . .Coronet Gen de Negrler, Fr, bk.... Shields Goldbek, Ger. sh. St Rosalia Hougomont Br. bk .Iquluue Inverclyoe, cr. ui. .ounwi Ayrea laebek, Ger bk -.St Rosalia Jersbek, Ger. bk St Rosalia JolnvlUe, Fr. bk Antofogasta Kllloran, Br. bk Rio Janeiro u.ruihii VIlKre. Fr. bk Santos Metropolis, Br. bk... Buenos Ayres Olona. Ger. sh. .Talta! Oasa, Ger. ss......... Coquimbo Osterbek, Ger. bk .....Montevideo R. C Kicumera, ur, moga urn. Fr. bk Sydney Terniachore, Ger. aa., Rio Janeiro Thiers, Fr. ss. .............Shields MiscsUaneou foreign to Arrive. Bay of Biscay, Er. as..... Callao Christian Bora. Nor. str. . . San Franclaco Drummulr, Br. st. .....-. San Franclsoo Dundee, Rua. bk Santos Expansion, Am. ach .Valparaiso Frankby, Br. str .Ban Franclsoo Frankmount, Br. str ....Victoria Geo. E. Billings, Am. sch. .San Franclsoo Hecla, Am. bk ........... . San Francisco Hornelen, Nor. str Honolulu Makaweli, Am. bk Ban Francisco Uariechen, Rus. bk Cardiff tftrathearn, nr. str Ban Francisco V mwehavr Bsr-tiN-, t Port-Allen itrathlowrle, Br. as. ..... . . . Australia i m M ii ' Journal Want Ads bring results. ' est agricultural state In th western circle. , No busier lot of men and women are to be found In the city planning a gala event than Is found In the Wells-Fargo building. ..-The executive-committee in charge of arrangements is busier than a Bulgarian general moving on Con stantinople. Ther. wilt h rhany fea tures to the pared which are not pub lished, and there will be opportunities to aid the Land Products Show which are not confined to a parade, attendance or caah contribution. ' This commute Is going out with the purpose of get ting every- employe of the Harrlman system quartered In the Wells-Fargo building to boost for this Land Products Show every hour of th day between now and . the closing time, l.. , It will be the most systematic and energetio campaign worked out by th employes of any one company in Port land to aid a similar cause, General Manager 0. E. A. Bond of tha Land Products Show, . has. moved across to the show building, East Flrat and Eaet. Morrison atreets, today, and from this-time on, will keep the office open for day or night entries,- and for pressing whatever work the exhibitors sre Inclined to hasten, , Exhlblta will come with a mah all the coming week. Reports from the great producing cen ters reveal that tremendous Interest Is being aroused In the show.y The best collection ot Oregon; Washington and Idaho products ver brought to the "city Is aaaured; Wlth-ltTdl-will h a course of practical instruction, a demonstration of what can be done when the proper system is employed. matics at the university as well as th most enthusiastic spoilsman on the Ore gon faculty ii Dr. Herman Burr Leonard, official scorer at all athletic conteats and professor In mathematics. He owns a hop yard and a-whole addition of city lots In Springfield. He, too, trudges through th mud with a hoe and shovel to grub hop roots. v He calculatea by Integral calculus the probable yield of his yard. Franklin L. Barker, B. M., professor of geology at the university, . grows "spuds," onions, berries and walnuts on the McKenxie river near Coburg, But he 'does not trudge through the mud. He rides a noisy motorcyole. After his classes In the afternoon, with machine gun effect his "auto" rusheshlra off the campus to his 50 acres, where he has made a complete analysis of the history of his land from the Archean age;Mhrpughth9Pieitoenand.dQwn to date. . iL-..4 L Even the engineers appreciate the value of Willamette valley land. Ed ward Hiram McAllister, dean of the college of engineering and professor In civil -engineering, owns 160 acres of the timber -In the McKenxle . valley, with part of It cleared for apple culture. He has used the moetjnodern means known to engineers- to survey It to plan log glng operations and to construct roads about It ' But. , whr least . expected, even the head of the journalism department claims to be a "farmer." Erio W. Al len, profeasor of the art of newspaper writing, owns 30 acres of the finest potato land In all Ireland, his native country. "- .2! Grack Wrestlers. Agree to 150 arid Forfeit, Articles calling for a wrestling match between Eddie O'Connell and Peter Bu sukos, tha Greek lightweight champion, November s 31, wer : signed - Saturday evening. The match Willi) neld In tha Bungalow theatre. ' Both grapplers will weigh in at the Portland hotel baths between 6 and 8 o'clock on the day of the match and will forfeit 50 if they fall to mak the required weight, 15 0 pounds. The match has been pending for som time and It 1 expected that on of th greatest wrestling event ever held In this city will be staged on that night O'Connell expresses himself as being confident that he oan defeat Buaukos. Buzukos is equally aa confident Th match will be eatch-as-catch-can and will be under the Police Gazette rule. Th referee will be sslected two days prior to th match. Baseball Men Gattaerlas. Milwaukee, Nov. lLTo attend four-days' convention ' of th National Association of Minor Baseball Leagues, magnates and managers are arriving here today. The principal toplo will be a salary limit for players. ; The session starts tomorrow. - Ushers' Want Games. Th Baker theatre basketball team would like to schedule games with teams averaging 136 pounds. For dates. telephone William Krause, 825 Thir teenth street Main 4361. All In the Point of yiew. From the St. Louis Republic. Here's the way they writ dog !'obUa,? over in Hiiisboro: "Penny, the dog which haa lived with George Seward 8 yeaxa, pecum u oecrepii wua age that they chloroformed him last Monday. Penny Is now hunting rata, chasing sparrows ana oatcning I lies in tha Elyslan flelda." Dally River Readings. 3 a. S9 sr of el w n i- STATIONS 2" 3 Lewiston Rlparla ....... 24 80 25 10 13 20 20 37 15 0 0 . 0 6 0.5 0.1 Umatilla . , . . . . 8.8 Eugene HarrisbUrg .. ., Albany ........ Salem ......... Wilson ville .... Portland ...... : 7-2 i66 10.8 M.i .19 'M .07 .21 .18 0.9 0.2 IS. 6 8.6 0.6 0.3 () rising; () falling. .witn passengers and - freight, the steamer sue is. Elmore, Captain And or son, Is scheduled to sail tomorrow night lorniiaisnus, ' ' . Labrador baa an area ot 200 000 square miles and a population of 4000. O CONNELL TO MEET BUZUKOSNOV Rev. Asa Sleeth Analyzes Rea- sons Why Liquor Traffic Exists. In dlsoussing th "Problem of th American Salootf," before th Methodist preachers today. Rev, Asa Sleeth de clared that h did not want to b understood as preaching a temperance sermon but that h was going to tell his hearers a few startling facts explaining why th saloon is an , important, and much dealred element In th civilisation of, th American people. t "While th saloon is tne most senoos problem confronting the people of thin country," sold he, "yet It is protected by. law, Indorsed by public sentiment and sustained by public patronage. Jt Is our Institution. We have It because we want It It Is the standard by which the-world Judges our civilization. "The monetary valu of th saloon to government la what gives It such prominent place among our Inatltutlonra There ar 400 saloons In Portland and they pay 3320,000 a year Into the clpy treasury. That Is why w hav 400 rav loon In Portland. Th liquor bustnws pays $400,000,000 a year Into the cofffcrrs of Jhe JfederaL : govtrnmnt.Jrhat jl la why w hav whlskeyj In. this country. A majority of 1 tha men who vote to license saloons do so because of th revenue derived by th various braoches of government - r "Mor than on half th men In this country want to smoke, swear ard spit every hour in the day. .They can do al of these things In saloons, and Ahat la why they vot for saloons." Notlo was given at today's tmeetlnar oi tn Meinoaisi ministers tnay a mass .. ... ... . F I meeting wm n nia on the night of November 20 at Centenary chunch under th auspices of tha Horn Mission and Church Extension societies at rhloh Dr. A. W. Leonard of Seattl' will deliver an address. ; WOMAN ON TRIAL FOR-SHOPLIFTING Th trial of Fredrika JRohs, a member of th shoplifting gantg which took a large amount of merchandise from sev eral of th big stores ofln city last September, was begun -fhjs morning be fore Circuit Judge Oaatnbelnand ' a Jury was selected at noon. The charge against the woman la larceny in a store, committed September 6, when she Is al leged to hav taken , goods from the Holts store. J L . i . Henry and Fredrika Rohs, Gus and Bertha Helnrlch and Bin ma Gelslck were indicted September 23 for the crime. Each will be given a Separate trial and 4t-4s not --probablo rmr of-th-"Others will com to trial before tha first -Of the year. Attorneys John Hannlng and Barge F. Leonard are defending the woman and Deputy .District Attorney Collier is prosecuting the case. Everybody's going I Going where? To th Louvre to hearRigo, the gipsy vio linist; also Misses iBois andJlornjro callsts, 6 to 8 and L-0 to 12 nightly. Journal Want Afts Tiring results. s.Finewth -The health of a city 'de pends upon the proper elimination of its refuse the efficiency of the sewer system de pn ds. upon the rade 'of mate rial used. PORTLAND GLAZED CEMENT SEWER PIPE fills every requirement. NEW TODAY Beautiful lrvington Home for Sale-Price $25,000 ' Corner lot 100x150 ft, located In th most exclusive part of this high-class distriot. absolutely on of th finest homes In Irvlngton.' Never before been offered for sale. This will Interest anyone-looking for a horn of this nature No phone information. , T. E. TATLOB CO, MVS Lewis Building. 4th and Oak sts. New 5-room modern hungalow;-attfo, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen; lot 83 1-8x100, on Wasco st, one block to carf street work all paid for; quick sal 13000; 3260 down and 320 per month. Why pay , rent T.. Will take lot up to 10 ' - O. X. 8USO-07, - 408 Oortert BlOg. A-1418, Marshall 99. on New 8-room modern house, 4 - bed rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, flrtIaceuJiiidrurnaceln fact- nothing WIsrilngrTot 50x100. on East S5th. near Thompson; iworth f 7600 out to 16800; $I0ap down and 330 per month. O. X, ZAOOW, 408 Corbett Bldg,, A-1416, Karshan tX I WORCESTERSHIRE Bungalow Irvingt KEW TODAY, Wante or Otter One of the best farms In th valley, large prriortlon under cultivation, ' 30 acres beaverdam soil, complete In every respect; Anoome about' 3000 per year; wlHhlngto exohang for Portland In. come prppwty. Will pay some caah and aasume (mortgage of reasonable amount Thla fnp-m.. Is listed at lta actual caah value. Properties with Inflated valuea will not lb considered. No phon Infor mation. - . 7? T. X. TATXOB CO, f - 404-B lewis BoUdlng, ' 4th and Oak Bta. I f, 40 ACRES Br C1AT XiOAlC. Free from gravel; rurunlng water; 2 miles from station on main line N. P. Ry 4H miles from RMgefleld. Clark Co., Wath.; 1 mil to sohooL church, - postofflc and stores. 810 per acre, 10 per cent cash, balance i'n 9 annual payments with 6 per cent flUtci vat- . ,'The ElweU Realty Co. 300 Main St, Taneouver, Wash. LAURELHURST SNAP Lot 18 -in block 51, on Hassalo, be tween SStth and 40th sts.: a real anan at J1050' f700 'own nd 325 per month 408 Ootbett Bldg. : A-1410, 'VarshaU ! Cityjndarm Loans Any amount at current rates, ' a M. EASOW, ,' 408 Corbett Bldg. -A-1416, MarshaU 33. Phone Your Want Ads If your nam ap. .pear in. ...a it Ji a r phone book you can telephone your ad to tel73A-60Sl anMiav-It charred; Bills will be mailed to you the following day for. payment '.The Journal can not guarantee ac curacy or ' assume responsibility for er rors of any Kind oo e u r Zing; in tele phoned advertise- ments. CLASSIFIED AD RATES - In effect April 1;-1812. ALL PREVIOUS RATES CANCELLED, CASH ADVERTISEMENTS. Daily or Sunday. 1 time 8o per line. -- 2 consecutive times. So per line per in- a.rttnn. I or more consecutive times, 7o per line : per insertion; or 7 insertions tor price oi e. i No ad counted for Jess than f llhea, Th above rate apply to "New To day" and all other classifications, ex cept Situations Wanted, To Rent, and Wanted to Rent ads. Situations. Wanted, " ToReht and Wanted : to : Rent ads (Apartments and Hotels excepted) th rates are: 6o per line first insertion, . 4o per line each subsequent insertion. No ad taken for less than 16a ' CHARGE ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 time, loo per Una. 3 consecutive tunes, 3a per lln par insertion. - 7 or more consecutive times, 8c per line er Insertion. i fhe above rates apply to "New To day" and all other classifications, except sltuationa Wanted XQ -Rent and Wanted to Rn . aUev--- - Ritnntlons Wanted. To Rent and Wanted to Rent ads (Apartments and HoUls ceptil the rate la 7o per Una per insertion. m No ad charged for lees than two lines or 15c ' The Journal: will not be responsible tor more than one Incorrect : insertion of any advertisement ordered for mor than one time. Contract rates upon application. A phone call wiU. bring a solicitor, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS CERTIFICATES of title made. Title Trust Co.. Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak. Elsie Graves and husband to Al ger A. Perry, lot 87, block 14, Arleta Park No2. f 1,000 Rivervlew Cemetery association to Lewis H. .Smith, lot 41, block 109, said cemetery....... ,160 Portland Trust Company Of Ore-' gon to B. R. Slchels. lot 8, blk. 6, vni&meaa Henry 3. Wllklns et al to Albert L, Maple, lot 9, block 91, Ross City Park , ISO 8,660 8,600 Gertrude Wiesner and husband to Clara M. Hulkey, lot 10, blk. 3, Eastover ................. . Same to Robert E. Hitch, block 8, Bene crest Clara M. Mulkey and husband to Gertrude E. Wiesner, block 3, Bell Crest . The Hawthorne eStat to Effle Barger, lot 8, block 13, Haw thorne's first addition ........ Tracy B. Qriawold and wife to OV H. Cullans st al, lot IS, block 38, Vernon . Ben Riesland and wife to T. Q. Hawley lot 10, block 2. Resur vey Of Buckingham Heights . J. A. Pattit and wife to George T. Moore, lot 7. block 13, Saginaw Heights George T. Moore and wife to Al cana B. Short, lot 6, block 13, Saginaw Heights Frits Wolf to A. B, Droege, 1.5 acres, beginning at a point 289 feet west of a point 80 rods north from S. E. corner of Ell- - Jah B. Davidson D. L, C....... James A. Gowanlock to Mike Dowgiallo, lot 10. block 1, View -Heights . . James R. Broyles and wife to 1,300 1,800 It4 3,863 400 108 100 1.000 171 Mabel B. Newcomb, lot 12, DiocK 82, Central Albina , A. Misner to James B. Fltspat rick, lot 1, -block 6, Welchbor- ough . . H. E. Ioble and. wire to M. 'AJ Fanning et al, lot 6, block 1,., Collinga addition V Fred -A. Jacobs and wife to Ruth Chapman et al, lots 1 and 2. -block 18, Berkeley v . , , Joslah Miller et al - to Adolph Wlldman, lots 6 and 6, south y at lot 7, block 45, Llnnton. .... Title Guarantee & Trust company . to Oscar Crane, lots 1 . and 2, block 33. Rossmere ......... 8,000 1.800 100 160 130 1,900 Gregory Investment company to Oscar Hergiund, lots VI ana sz, ' block 1. Gregory .Heights. ... . H. Hamblet, trustee, to Cyrus J. Bingham, lota 13 arid 14. block 360 HK-ji airport 300 River View Cemetery association ? to Maehel la Robertson, lot 28. block 104. said cemetery. . . . . . 100 W. H. Mead and wlf to Otto R. Doly, lot 12. blbck L Belgrade. ' 800 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Charles M. Menxles and wife to l'eroy Pop Labney and wife, V eaat 80 fwet ndrth by 130 feet, lot 8, Edge wood .......... 00 Percy Pope Dabney and wife to Charlea M. . Menales, east 100 feet north 86 feet of lot 3... Edgewood 100 Thomas J. Leonard and wife to ' Robert E. Hitch, lot I.! block, ' "81, Irvlngton ............... 1,500 Oregon Surety Casualty com-v-pany to Joseph Stof for, lot II and 13, block 2, Holly hurst. . 150 W. . H. Halnllne to Chrlatlana Hainllne, wife, lots 12 and 13.', ' block 1, Strawberry addition, . . 100 Chester Peering and wife to E. B. Jackson, lot 14, block I. . ... IrVlngton .000 Laura F. Cummtngs and husband , , . , to Mary A. Bchomus et al. lots, ... I and . block-84. Sellwood.... 3,500 Citizens' bank to R. B. Hansen, lots 8 and 4, block 1. Ralston's addition .... '..'.....;;....... 700 W. R, HAliSLJP CO.. Ir.o. Abstraotprs, 111. 4th at., bet Morrison and Yamhill. rORTIAND REALTY DEALERS . n-atrnnti uttat. irfrrATm rn.. the Grand ave and MulL K. 87, C-170J. Ground Floor Lewis Bid. M. and A-1743 603 McKay Bldg. - Main 343 HAPlN A HERLOW, 333 Chamber of Commerce, Main 1651 KNAPP A MACKEY, f 313-13 Board of Trade. M. and A-2016. SMELLS. J, sob ueriinger man. Main 3430.' MEETING NOTICES 41 '-iv 'vik "' Arcanum, meets1 at rK : P. t' 5 hH.-llthnd-Alder streets. . ura, a a an ssi va niui i ntivvtwi iltn Stcond and fourth Monday of each-month at 8.' p. ml ,rt Visitors cordially welcomed ' vrft' ' i aLbLNA-LODGB IO-470,-J,..W.OF-A . meets every Tuesday eVenlng In Malr hall, N. E. cof. Williams ave. and Bus seli st H. M. Callwell, secy. k. ti. A. Ore, Kue-Camp, meets Ft v Allsky hail. Sd and Morrison. BUSINESS CARDS aaWassMBesja4ej W'f3Cml4h-JP.- rn Wadglng - and III V4I OIIIUII VX. UVI VUltlna- Cards. Washtnston bids., cor. 4th. on washton LRES9 suits for rent all slaes. Unique Tailoring Co.. 303 Stark at CLARKE BROS.,- florists. , fin, flowers and floral designs. - Hi Morrison st. DEATHS AND FUNERALS' ARNOLD In this city, November 11 at th family realdence. 443 East Fifty third street southeast,- Mrs. Watty -R. Arnold, aged 76 years, 8 months, 25 days. Friends Invited to attend tha fu neral services, which will be . held at tne aDove residence at 11 a. m, tomor row (Tuesday November 12. ARMSTRONG The funeral services of th late Albertus C. Armstrong will be held Tuesday, November 12, frdm the hew parlors of J. P, Finley & Son, Mont gomery and Fifth street at 1 p. m. Friends invited. Interment Mt Scott raric -e emetery.- LOW The funeral services of th late Ink. n T . 11 v. ...... . . November 12, from the new chapef of j. r. i iniey at eon, Montgomery and Pifthtrete.-at- lfla-tt- im Krinnd in; 8TKEKTKR E. S. Streeter. 469 E. 19th street ' North. Daaaed awav anrirfeni v at Tacoma, November 3, from a stroke vi Hpiear, TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 133 th choice out i lowers ror an occasions; prompt service. M. 6102. A-1103. MAX-M. SMITH, florist. 1414 6th sL. in flelllng bldg. Main 7Jlfc - FUNERAL DIRECTORS JrPr-flNLEY0wnlIt Wth"' FUNERAL1 SERVICE nnnnintr X. MrCntoa Undertaker iuiiitiiig v mvuiiltU Modern In every detail. 7 th and Pine, Mala 430. a-4568. Lady assistant MR. EDWARD HOLMaW, th leading funeral dirGtor and nnil.riilri, ui I CDpU Undertaker, Ldy assistant. LLnUn B-1888, E-781. . th-Alder. A, RrZELLER COvBot'hwp"one; Co: Mam Lady sea t. Pexrsnn rn runorl directors, ss - r earson l.0i 371 russh t.. e? ioo. HEMSTOCK, 168J H lSth, Sell, ll, B- U"i una yniYwrn. rmrK. you SS4-1SB, EAST SIDE runerai director, ra. sucess- 61. B-2633. or to f. a. punning. Inc. E. uoxvmtxn OTTO SCHUMAN, . granlt and marble worn, casi a mna r ine. Kast 74S. PORl'LANb Marble works. Ui.iti i u iippomto cuy nail. Main 85(4 'TO LEAAE - C3 FOR RENT-i-Factory building. 60x100 feet on a half block' on East Seventh street, near Hawthorn avenue, with sld track and lots of yard room. Phon Woodlawn 3171. TWO atory brick warehouse, trackaa-e. - for lease forerm-of years. Apply r. vs. jHcaoun, jjuurnai oiuce. FOB BALP-HOUSES . . CI Furnished -Home7$50Cash Dandy lot 60x104. all street ImoroTe. ments In and paid, 1 block to car, very close-In; good small . house, furnished. H4 tittm perm ens piag. BUNNtSIDE snap buxiou corner. room house, built for home, streets hardsurfaced and paid for. fine carden and roses, 3200 cash. 836 month, furni ture it aesvea; can 107 . Morrison, corner 86th. Main 1168. HOUSES of all sizes and kinds; prices that ar right on easy term a Lots In addition lust opened, on easy terms and cheap. Call or phon Tremont Real ty Co.. Tremont Mt' Scott car. Tabor 80Z9. - Owner f32EO 3200 down, $20 - and - Interest per monm. aunaaiow. aouoie construct, ed. oak floors, buffet tc lot 60x100, ynone u-nso, i i i n it ii ' s 1 namnorne-uunains uo, Hav several desirable lots and will build to suit you. essy terms: 1072 H. tnorn ava; xapor zeos. 25 . Per cent Less Than Cost 5 room bungalow, recently completed, fireplace, built In buffet-Dutch kitchen; easy monthly payments. P-88, Journal. $300 Down Two 8 room cottages, strictly modern, In Hawthorne (district; call up owiur,' wooaiawn p, anu gm panicuitw. 2 i STRICTLY modern 4-room houses, fireplaces, furnace, one bungalow style; large barn; other all on one floor, large attio. 84260 and 13200. Nice 10- cation. f none owner, wooaiawn 197. ..MUST SELL. Magnificent home, fina location, oak nnisn,- piais giass. : vneap. ; . juast iv. w. h. Heraman. . .. . FOR SALE -Equity ,ln 6 room houae for 6585, from owner; equity worth 8850. Fnon lanor ton. Aaaress sous jrost road. :" 4 ROOM tent nouse, tot eoxioo, for noo, very easy terms: no Interest no taxes; a bargain If taken at one. Phon Main 77DU. ask mr uw. poenm. pROSi'ixRITY has come. You furnish the lot and I will furnish the money, and build you a house. Nothing down, nothing a month. Sellwood 1930. WAVERLY HEIGHTS strictly modern 6 room , bungalow, , 81000 , equity for 3350; owner leaving. Y-102, Journal iOU 6ALWA modern 6root bouse ia Overiooa. weeiricieu , aistricw Ad dress wooaiawn mz. AM going to leave city; will sacrifice - my renldenc, Hawthorn ava Call Tabor 2288. r . .- , FOU SALE IIOUSICS. 61 '8ME. -' , t mm, ' -.-.FUBiTURE- ONLY . 844.50 Good lot accepted as part payment Owner,, K-80, Journal. , Will Sacrifice . New 7 room house, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, full cement basement paneled dining room, hardwood floors, beautiful buffet restricted distriot; worth 36000; owner going sway. For i quick sale, 34000? terms. r-n- p Hawthorne District . .-. : . New 3 room bungalow, flreplaoe, laun dry trays, full cement basement, hard wood floors, large HgTit rooms. On lm; proved street. lMo 33200; terms. Pacific Cfiast Brokerage C6T" 1 " 61 j Board of Trade. " ' 8-ROOM r bungalow on - west std , . rooms on first floor, 3 large rooms on : seoond floor; well-built, commands fin V view of Tualatin valley; nearly M acr of ground, good lawn, roses and fruit; ' close to car and 15 minutes to poatof- . flee; MOOOp terms ean be arranged. ' PROVIDENT TRUST- CO., - OWNER8" ....Second Floor s Selling - Bldgr-Tir THREE rooms a.nd bath, new,- corner . lot, 100x100, on west side, high and sightly, view of Tualatin valley, v 3 blocks to car. 16 minutes to poatofflce, walks, graded streets. and Water, fin neighDornoodr33300," smairr;ash pays ment, balance like rent. - PROVIDENT TRUST CO., . - Second Floor flelllng Bldg. CHOICE building lots on -the west side. Inside the 3' mil circle, fin view ot Tualatin valley and Mt Hood; walks graded, streets and water Included In price; 3400 and upt select-your lot and w will build for you. Provident Trust Co., owners, 2d floor Beijing bldg. ..y SEVEN -rooms and bath on Hawthorne ave.; lot 60x1001 this Is a fin home, nicely located with good surroundings; . next to corner and on carllne; alt street improvements in and paid; price 530?j PROVIDENTTRUST CO.r OWNERS, eecona floor welling wing. GIVE an Offer, goes to highest bidder. 8 rooms, new, strictly modern house, beautiful corner lot built for my own, home, , remember some on will get a . snsp. .8. Peterson, architect owner, 365 East 88th st. north, corner Broad way. Tator 4104. FOR SALE or trade' by owner, 6 room modern house, 1V4 blocks from Alber- ' ta carlln. Call 994 E.(17th N. FOR SALELOTS 1 OWNER must and will sell at halt their value, 11 lots near Jefferson High school; Improvements all In, and-" 10 acres fruit land at Estacada, and my. , new modern-cottage at the water's edjre Bayocean, and another beach lot; no in cumbrance on any of this property. No reasonable offer refused. Inqulr for me at 228 Henry bldg. - ; ' lrvington District, tI hav two lots that I will all at each. They ' are excellent value but must be sold to close an estate,' anv reasonable terms made to respon sible part y. nee a ttoroey, o- unara---ber of Commerce. . " , ' - FINE, alghtly hi acre at Ryan station. -on Oregon Electrlo Ry., 20 minutes 4f mm Dnt1e rtA Am far Trti" 1 a ht n f' a I WUA wi aassss aw w, you-nn tmycrty- lot- Lovsly-tocattoft-f for family horn, garden, fruit etc , r . rt nO. Tln. mur vwb eriua. s. .... trvtv .. land. 2 LOTS FOR 3226 ALL CASH. 26x100 each, clone to addition wher 60x100 brings as nla-h as 3800. Fred W. German, 436 Chamber of Commerce. : Main 446. HAL.F ACRES, 3476. j , IS down. 36 monthly. 80 minutes out: - extra. fin soil, cleared, high and dry.: A. C. Masters, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3817, A-7340. Tabor 177Q. you-want ft JtigclOBe in hom sLteU Bee mis at once, suxauu, wnn water,,. 20, minutes' car ride, $800, 326 caeh, 610 p month. M. E. Lee, 211 Corbett bldg. J EXTRA SIZE 60x160 foot corner. 3660. close to Sandy road and car Una; lot is all cleared and under cultivation; no restrictions. i-b, journal. 100x100 CORNER for 3650 cash. No in oumbranc. well worth 31000, but own er must have cash, 20 minutes out, near Hose cuy ear. T-7i. journal. ACRE fine soil, on hard surface road,: ""IS minutes ride, cent fare, hlg f u- -ture, 8760; terms to suit buyer. M. E. ai . V. I , . L.J le, ail uurueu niu. uivu suvifR.i. (nHOirTii livra ' r K -- ltv4nt ai rilatrir't: anil - wmilfi finance house for purchaser on deferred payment plan, u-iva. joumai. 60x100 FEEX, 3425 Eaat facing. No resinci.uiia ana uui; v leqv irora Rosepark car. Your own term. W-88, journai. 60x100 lot beautiful View, eleae to car west side, big bargain 3400. 316 cash, 88 ter month. M. E. Lec 311 Corbett bldg. BUSINESS and. residenoe lot on Patton Patton ave. Woodlawn 324. AM leaving city; will give bargain In lot near Flrland station, Mt Soott car; terms. Tabor 2288. " SEE L Nolr & Co. for west side prop , erty. Exclusive dealer In west sld. realty. 837 Chamber of Commerce. 810 CASH. 38 month buy larr - close In, near carlln. Snap 3376i Own er 720 Chamber of Commerc bldg. ACREAGE 07, 1-4 Acre. Home This Is a dandy suburban horn. 5a far, new 6 room bungalow, chicken houses and runs, water in house, nle ion mnA flnwnra. command a beautiful View: price only 81300. ruitKkS and fruit rancne near Port- land. Best soil, good roads, spring water, free wood, 10 acres, 3400, 3500, 3600 per tract; 20 acres, 3800; 40 acres, 81200; 60 aores. 82000; 40 acres timber, 33400. Benches all. kinds for sal. Easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co 309 "-on BldBV. roruann nr, y 1 Acreage for Sale ii acre tracts, clos to car, city wa ter, all in cultivation; easy terms. J no. H. Gibson; "Owner, 912 Cnamber Com. bldg. Phone office Marshall 1585; resi dence Sellwood 478.- ' - 80x175 $550 - 810 down. 63 per month,6 mln, east ' of Sellwood, right at -statlon, stor, , level good soil and good neighbors. See Akerson & Geoch, 401 Board of Trade bldg. Main 670, A-7570. : HAVE, 40 acres partly Improved that I v will soil below value, and allow you to make up - part payment In work on my adjoining land. tOwneft 'Call even ings,, or atuureaa . vwuci mu. m. aicisuji, 817 4ist ave. a.m. Myrtle Park Station. Mt Soott car to 40 ACi.Eg good fruit land; timber and piling enougn to pay lor ineo piace. 1 mile from 8. P. railroad station. 35 miles from Portland. Pric 31400; 3800 cash, resr on easy terms. By. owner, O. Anderson. R. 2, Box 91 Gaston, Or. " --- - -- Fno BfVT flR HALF in nroved buildings, water and orchard. near Portland; 3150 per jyear. , 826 East sin rn, R6SEPARK. 3660-YOUR OWN TERMS'; ' .- 76x100 ft tract, all cleared, east fao- lngJine sou.. gooaYieariUo car. v-oi, juuinai, 160, aore 32760. 3750 cash, j, Hugk mij, ocviia.- mini", or. FOR SALE or trade,1 lose-ln acreage.' Woodlawn 624 1 , . .