THE OREGON DAILY ' JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 9, t 1912. 12 AiXOMOBILES-MOTORCrCLES 44 -fme 4 passenger iStearns. Rood condi tion, isuu. , - . . . On 191$ Warren, fore-door roadster, fully equipped; a snap at $700. One 4-paasenger Hudson, repainted, in good condition. $500. One 1910 Packard, T passenger; fine shape; only $2$60. . ' - - One Mawol-1ssefcRer.-45r-- One 1911 4 passenger American SO, m guaranteed, ,nly $1800. . These cars have been left u; to sell bv people wh have bought 1913 Ameri can and are all worth the Mice asked. Nob Hill Garage & Auto Co, 21st jand Kearney. Oregon distributors for the American Undcrslung. ; See our new 1913 line. HAYNES E passenger, guaranteed in firtst class condition. $990. 1912 Warren roaster, 30 h. P-. A-i condition, $800. -.1912 Mitchell Baby Six, a bargain. ' 4 pass. Cadillac. $500; snap. Pope Toledo roadster, Just overhauled. We have others. , Paquet .fit reck East 8th and Hawthorne, - East J373. -1514. 1912 CHALMERS 191?' rive passenger, fully equipped, self starting, cost $2200. This car Is as Owner must have money this week. First check for $1300 takes U l OTHERS TO BF.LECT FROM..$250 ' UP - OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 493-496 Alder st. . " Main 1161;- A-4887. HAVE got to sell my 36 Pierce-Arrow, or will trade for light roadster. Here la a snap for some one who wnnts a god car. Morton Apts,, Apt. No: 6. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 45 H. P. launch, write Carlock & Mull haupt, 11)26 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 68 too STOVES, heaters, $1.25; cook stoves, 15: range at half prioe; furniture prices below cost. 333-335 1st St. RUG and heater for sale cheap. Tabor 2124,- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 A FEW pianos back from rent left In our stock. Very low prices on these. $146, $168, etc. , ; 184 7th .st. New Journal Bide. FOR SALEJUSCELLANKOCS 19 POR S-'LLE New and second-hand Car. oin and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlek-Balke-Collender Co., it - 48 oth st. Phones Main 769, A-1769 NATIONAL cash registers, credit regis ters, computing scales, electric coriee mills and all store appliances, bought, sold and repaired. Sell for cash or pay ments. The Paclfio Store Service Co., 227 Stark. Main 7711. 5'OR SALE--Ohe houseboat 4 room. on 84-foot and 1 White Steam er engine. Will sell cheap. Phone Sell- wood 1178. bAF.& 108 2d St., phone Main 767, -atf actory - crleesi repairs, lockouts opened, bargains in second hand safes. Mosier fcaie t;o, lOR SALE, $275 Small gasoline con- creter batch mix capacity 40 yards per day; been used three months. Ad ., dress c. L. Wood. 734 East 40tli North. AhTRAKAN fur coat, three-quarter length. Almost good as new, $37. Bust 44 Call forenoon or after 4 p. m. !& MlssisBipni ave. 'iae miss. car. 1ACUBATOR, brooders, cider press 82 40 Winchester and 22 Remington - rlfle,-wilL trade, what have you 7 D-112, journal, t7& droo head Singer Sewing mac chlT very cheap; leaving city. 829 Filed' ner bldg., cor. Washington and 10th. CHEAP lumber for sale at E. Taylor and union ave. Tuning aown Dunaing, Thone East 4681. F. Colbora. . WILL -aaorlfloe- tan-broaduloth, after- nooa or . evening cloaK. trimmed in -rtrk-rlTiTity-lactv Matn-4404; - LSED MACHINES, all -makes, can or terms. Prices righL Singer Sewing ' Macnin store. Aiorrison ut. IF YOU want bargain, gas range and water neater, can toiuy. Marshall 1181. DERBY DESKS and office furniture. Haley l'eyK CO.. ith sL. Main 687. 'UNCALLED for uilor made suits, $8.60 up. xayior tne taiior, .-n, ui. ONE water "heater, gas range, office desk, tsanltary couch. Fhone K. 4432. "SlCiCLES ITu" and up. Bargains in motorcycles, mi Madison. tir-tvsw HOMgn?rmirTOa-eMeT-aiT ttsenments. joi urarra ave. WANTED AUSCELLANEOUS 6 FURNITURE WANTED. - We want to buy all the secondhand furniture, ptoves, rugs that we can get. All, we ask is an opportunity to make you an offer, and will pay ail the cash it la worth. Phone East 636 v ANTED People of Portland to know that 1 pay the highest cash price for second-hand household goods. N. M. Heater, 114-1 20 Grand ave. East 1662. CO V ELL FURNITURE 6c COMMIS SION CO. Pays the best price for your second band furniture, carpets and utoves. 204 lxt. Main 3dZ2, WHY eell your furniture at auction? . ' We pay highest prices. Make no m la ta ko; address 11. R. Seater, 248-50 Haw tnorne ave. Phone East 3134. WANTED by tne Eagle f urniture house, your, second-hand furniture, hi chest cashrprice paid. 'G. Long proprietor. Phone Woodlswn ir,e, 825 Union ave. BARGEJIS' AUCTION HOUSK . 868-3 E. Morrison st. E. 102, $1000 worth of good furniture at once. WE need the goods, you need the mon ey, Rose City Auction House, 368-370 Hawthorne ave. East 683. BE WISE; get more for your second hand furniture by selling It to Ford Auction Co.. 211 lsL Main 8961, A-2446. HIGHEST PRICKS' PA1U FOR HOUSE HOLD GCCDS. GRAND RAPIDrt FUR N 1 T U R E EX. 399. 1. MOIL K. 78 WE ARE In need of a carload of office furniture of all descriptions. Let us fnke-?ou a cash offer. Plione Main 2344. WANTED Complete moving picture outfits, folding chairs, etc, F-1H, .Journal. CASH for standard make, low price piano, pianola or Victrola, Marshall 1309. IF YOU want money for your furniture, call room 10 Cambridge. Main 9 4 5. VviLL pay caBh for second hand fur niture and Moves. 414 E. Morrison. VanTEId Kodaks, cameras, etc. Cam era Exchange. 215 Morrison, LOST AXD FOUND 21 THE following Is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway Light & Power company and turned in at the different division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as Indicated: Turned in at the East Ankeny barn, November b, iiz. Ph,one B-116R. One stiver awjiar, i duok, z suit cases, 1 ! or laundry 1 tin lunch box, 1 pair vi pnucs, umuieuas, i plant, l wood vise. ' ! Turned in at the Piedmont barn. No vember S;-1912. by trainmen. Phone C-1227:iFour suit cases, 1 rubber coat, 4 umbrellas, 8 miscellaneous packages, 1 lunch box. e ' Turned in at the Rcllwood . division parn, iNovemDer s, jiz, iy trainmen Phone B-6141! Six umbrellas. 1 Junr-h box, 1 music roll, 1 shovel, 1 pair shoes. 1 pair !- gloves, I book, $ mlscellancoua Turned in at the Savlcr street barn. November 8, 1912, by trainmen. Phone A.b&ish: . one suit case.. 1 grip. 2 urn bre lias. 1 pair slippers, 1 music' roll, WILL the parly who took alligator grip , from auto in front of Selling bldg., please return and receive reward. No ytn juons avaea. tilt K. lotn st. N. LOST AND FOUND LOST Tuesday night, silver mesh purse at Majestlo hotel or Empress theatre. Reward. . 173 11th st. Phono A-4064. LOST Lady's traveling bag. Nov. 7. on . ML Tabor car line or east side depot Call Tabor 14,15. Reward. LOST In shopping district hand paint- a1 marlitlHnn gold setting dlawn- 51. I tudv ho-Woodiawn5U--Reward. LOST Wednesday evening, : 5:30 St, Johns ear, 3 diamona rings, iireo in ward. 1168 E. 15th N. Woodlawn 2168. FEKSONAL -IB NO MATTER what has failed when In need or a regular mommy a bottle of Antiko Mixture No. . and be convinced It is the best and most harro- painful and suppressed periods. Abso- luteiy guaranteed wu it i land bv Jefferson Drug Co., 8d and Jefferson. Main 7642. A-7915. ; LADIES $1000 reward. I positively -. - . n -Aat AlinpAllflful KUftiaiiiQi i J ft v v - nnthio" imul' flv relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases in 3 to 5 days; no harm, pain or Interference with work; mall $1.60. Double strength. $3. Dr. C. T. Southing. ton" Remedy Co., Kansas City. Mo. JOHN SLATER of San Francisco wilt hold one of his remarkable spiritual meetings tomorrow (Sunday evening), 8 v v hall Alder, corner Elev enth. ' Mr." Slater Invites his friends and others to attend MRS. STEVENS," 18 years Portland s leading palmist and clairvoyant, nan her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy, on sale.' 667 Williams ave.; corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to p. m. MRS. W. R. Wrenn, spiritual adviser, 2H4 Jefferson, cor. atn sr., wircies Monday, Thursday at 8 ;p. m.. and Wednesday at 3 p. m. Marshall 4239, 4588 DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women arid surgery. Ex aminations free. 302 Merchants Trust bldg.. 6th and Washington. Main 4047. MRS. MAE HOWARD. MANICURING. ... facial juuI scalp massage,. Milner. bldg, $50 Morrison St., rooms 1-2; hours MATRIMONIAL paper, 10 cents. Many wealthy, many marriages. Read the marriage testimonials. Mrs. Bell, 1816 Magnolia ave.. Los Angeles. LADIES' LORENZ ANTISEPTIC CONES are soothinu, savk anu sum. STIPE TAYLOR DRUG CO., 289 Morrison st. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills Sure cure lor aeiayeu penoup. or S boxes $5. Money returned If It falls. T. J. Pleree 246 Morrison street, MARRY Thousands tired living alone, -many rlehi many marriages 4ew plan); Tells how. Mrs. Hyde. 2679-Z. Mission San Francisco. OOI a1 IP A Wish to ace the case I OOln I lUn can't cure (no drugs). Dr. Douglas. I. C. 338 Union ave. n, EASTERN trained operator gives mas sage and electrical treatments. 350 H Morrison st.. room 30, 3d floor. SICK MEN vlait Dr, Warren's private dispensary, treatment jreu, uuiii i medles only. Cor. 2d and Alder sts. LOKKNJ5 Nerve Tonio Tablets restore lost vitality; too oox; o ooxes, i.a. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co.. 289 Morrison st. STIRITUAL- Medium, Rev. M. -A. Price. Readings, healing, dally. Circles, Tues., f. Wed. and Sun., a.. 6 4tn L M. lill. . . . rr- t . ,1. 1 ...1 I . M,. Ui.v u, masseuse ana tuD oanis. nintrance u gt. 614 ix-kum ni'ig., J'l a n vt asn. I1AIRDRESS1NG and manicuring par lors. 216 xiirora oiag., tuin ana mor rlson., SCIENTIFIC message by appointment only. Phono Marshall 117. Hours, 10 to 6. " ' DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala dies, acute disease. Wash. bldg. cor. 4th and Wash., room 41. Marshall 448. MADAME ESTELLE, spiritual medium, readings daily. 128'4, 13th near Wash. rMVnDPCCA, specialty; lawyer, 61$ UlVUnbLORothchlld bldg. 287 Wn FREE aovice. divorce, claims, adjust ment. 32 Cham, of Com. Main 9269, BALM of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. ' eon Davis st. main vaio. SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or suitcase at 683 wash,, cor. 17tn st, MRS. L. FARREES. spiritual medium; readings daily ; 4-m-et, MLLE. ROBERGE, physical culture; of- floe z 8d floor, 3tyj Aider at. MRS. HAMOT, expert chiropody and electric light natns. sinft Btarg st, LOANS WANTED 30 IF you want to loan your money on first cluaxeal Jt6tate..!latlt at once with the SLAX'SON-CRAIG CO MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT.. 304 Oak St., near 6th. 14VA NT4obm w-abuut $500- for short time; will pay 10 per cent for quick parti lAiiity UAkefiiB ftftad "hoi tfl' swer. N-84. Jonrnal. FINANCIAL 51 WE form corporations for legitimate business enterprises and sell their stocks or bonds. Write in details your proposition, or call Mitchell. 601-2 Spald ing lildg. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity In contract of sale on real CNtate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lunihtnnens bldg. Loans. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 NEED MONEY 7 See Us You car. gt t it TODAY. This NEW COMPANY was organized to help people In need of temporary assistance, and to pay off loans with the HIGH RATE nvoy lenders. - - Special November Kates: $ .40 Weekly Pays a $10 Loan $ .96 Weekly Pays a $ 25 Loan 1.40 wecaiy pays a i ou joan 1.80 Weekly Pays a $ 75 Loan 2.20 Weekly Pays a $100 Loan ) Other Hums in proportion. Loans for one month to one year. Business confidential. No extras. 4 PRIVATE OFFICES. No investigation. No red tape. We Buy and Sell Mortgagee. Portland Loan Co - - 347tIao1a y- Mjr' COR. 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL 9 P. M. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN M J IE V On watches, diamonds, jewelry, kodaks. furniture storage receipts, guns, pianos. tlby Company Collateral Bankers and Brokers. 820 Lumber Ex. bldg,, 2d and Stark. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. 510 TO 6100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. M. TO 6 P. M. SAT. TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY CO., 208 FAILING BLDG. IMMEDIATE loans on pianos, furniture, autos. storage receipts, etc., at lowest rates. (Confidential). Also second mortgage loans on real estate; mort gstres bought. Room 312 Hamilton bldg. A desirable place for ladies and gentle- men to borrow- money -on-dlamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 334 Wash., opp. Owl Drug Store. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. You can get $K to $100 today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. D. D. Drake. 307 Spalding bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon, their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential, P. H. Tolman, room 817 Lumber Ex, laiA'i'Th'.L, and feat, estate loans, tie-red f tape; conditional; mortgagee bought. Adnfnbim Tn. '414 Ahlneton bldg. MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. New ton. 614 Henry bldg-.- MONEY -loaned on" diamonds and jewel ry: strictly confidential. 141 Vj 8d. LOAN for the asking, salary or chat- teine LoanCol pekum bldg,. Professional arid v Business A2STBACTS JOHN A, BERRY, Atty., collections, ab stracts examined, written opinions on legal questions. 817 Allsky bd. M'U 8826. ACCQtnirTAinra vxnaaa COLLIS. BERRIDGE & THOMPSON, 324 Worcester bldg. Main 656T. ASVEBTIBXXrCI FOSTER & RLEISER, outdoor advertis ing; painted bulletins, painted walls, posters. E. 7th and E. 'Everett sts. East 1111. B-2224. - , - ASSAYES WELLS" ft" CO", assay ers," anaiytlcal chemists. 204 H Wash. Main 7508. MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore testing. Marshall 2726M86 Morrison. ATTCSITBTS. KORNEGAY &fHOMPSON. lawyers: general practiW, collections, abstracts examined. 402 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington streets. A. E. COOPER, Attorney at Law, Gen- eral practice: abstracts' ' examined: 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 878. A-2071. BATES BAKE oven treatment for rheumatism. lumbago, stomach trouble. 326 H Stark BZiT BEPAIBINO PORTLAND Belting & Repair Co.,' 65 ist; oei repg. Motorcycle peua n up. BLABS BOOB MAKXBS HOWE, DAVIS COMPANY, 109 2d at.. Blank Book m'f'g.; agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf Ledgers; se the new Eureka Jest A-3133. Main 133. BBASS rOTTBDBT AMERICAN BRONZE & BRASS WORKS -All kinds of bras and aluminum cast ings. Phosphor bronze castings a special- J. , i'wiiu T11V, BUEIBBBS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossinga, 7th rioor journal building. THE BARBER "ASPHALT PAVING CO. Portland office 605 Electric ibldg. CABPEBTTB ABB BBVAZBZBa A. E. WIKSTROM. house, office, atore repairing, remodeling, bldg. win, zozd. CABjPjET CLBABIBO JOYCE BROS., Electric Cleaning Works, "cafpels cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. B-1963. 204 E. 19th N. CABFZT WBATXBa NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, ruga from old carpets, raz ruas. carpet cleaning. 153 Union avenue, near E. Morrison. PENINSULA Rug Works, rag carpet and rugs. 1618 Pstton ave. Woodl'n 2686. CHIKOPOillSTS CORNS, bunions. l""rowlng nalla, et&. removed and cureV new method, posi tively no pain. Dr. D. W. Wavne, 609-10 Northwest bldg., 6th and Washington. CHXBOP3AOTXO PHYSICIAN HAVE given thousands of adjustments; $2.60 week. Bath office, 2d and Wash. CXBOULAB XJSTTEBS. MULTIGRAPHJNG, printing, atenog- raphers. Mill & co., -jzi Henry ,niag. MULTNOMAH Multigraphing Co., fac simile Bigs. 609 Eilers bldg, Mar. 2392 CABBY UABVPACTUBEBS The Aldon Candy Co., 12th and Gllean sts. High grade chocolates, OOAI. ABB WOOD W SPECIAL PRICES ON UHlilliN DnUKT WOOD, 226. GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. 32.60. INSIDE GREEN SHORT. $3.60. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co, Main 3119. A-7001. XXRY-WJiodabaotutelyi4lryr From Wreck- ed bldgs. cut to stove lengths, $3.50 for light; $4.60 for heavy per load,. Ord er today for future delivery. Int. Bldg. & Wrecking Co.. K, 610, CONSUMERS' FUEL CO. (Arner. Coal Mln. Co.) Coal direct from mine to consumer. Save middlemen's profit. East 118, B-1118. Bunkers, E. 1st, and Taylo, PAC, SLABWOOD CO, warn a?os A-7366 Green slabwood. big and small ittaida block wood, planer trim'gs, cordwood. MPFR Ri FARR ' a-i dry 4 ru tu muuii vr t tmit and oaK cordwood. Also sawed to order. Prompt (ML ilellvfry. Main &;'6r . A-45ft7. BEGHERS Wood Co Dry fir. oak and Blabwood, cull, ties sawed to order rrom country mm. kock upnnga coat Main 6359, A-2416. Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 81 8, B-18S7. delivered: PHOMPTI.T Main Hlisl. F. J. EVERTS. Kt. Curry sL ECONOMY Fuel Co., al Grand ave. Coal that gives neat and atisfactlon. East 214. tj-zas. prompt service. BOX, planer, block, slab, cord wood and coal. Standard Wood Co., 347 East Stark. East 2316. B-1695. ALBINA FUEL CO. AH kinds of green and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men dota coal. COAL and all kinds of wood. Phone ii'MKaig ruei v,., oeuwooq 4?B. PHOENIX Fuel Co. Dry wood $1.50 621 Hayler. Main 3544. per load, EULEi! SEN haudlea wood and coalr C0MMIS8I0H MXBCHA1TT3 HENRY EVERDING. 46-47 Front sL Butter. PK ns.'noultrv. vphI hn hi. SHEROD Ranch Egg Co., 114 Union ave." Butter, eaas. Doultrv. venl. hum ' " tvin i t i.n r . i . , , - . v . BABCXBO RINGLER Dancing Academy, thoroueh course liv social dancing; eight In- Biruuiuii, i"ioij mm instruction daily; social dance Wed.-Sat Morrison PROF. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School. waits, two eiep, inree step," stage dancing. Lessons 25c, every morning afternoon and evening. 85 & 6th, between Dinin pmi v.,tii bib, i uuiih iviain tost. HEATH'S school, lessons dully waits, two step, three step, Baltimore n schottlsche taught In first lesson! re oi Alts ky oiag.. 3d and Morrison sts. , MONEY" TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. - J. E. NICHOLS. 616 YEON BLDG. MONET TO IMJI REAL KSTATK 87 $200, $400, $600, $800 small loans on real estate, contracts, mortgages or collateral. Odell, 03 Concord bldg. MONHiY toloanHtirge loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire in surance. W. G. Beck, 816-316 Falling. PRIVATE money to loan In sums of $50 . ana up on real, personal or collateral security, 207 Oregonian bldg. $3000 or part to loan. Money can be nad at once, Phone Tabor 771 MONEY to loan on improved real estate. I. L. White. 701 commercial Club bldg. $1000 to loan. Real estate security. Smith-Wagoner Co., 311 Lewis bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrlngton. 416 Commercial Club bldg. ilOitT Ga GEZioaosr. a-aiidX-4-. 00m, Louis Salomon & Co., 229 Stark st, MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE a. m, lAKinrso, 813 Chamber or Com. MONEY"to loan, 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. tfelta c V- l Spalding bldg. $2000 tO LOAN for 2 years. Bell & Beg Ister, 201 ot Jerlliiger bldg. ITEO to loan. Real estate security. Toi 6mith.-Wagonct,C(U.,$;LLwlE bldg 1 , BABCXSGI HEATH'S Dancing Academy, private lea Vona morning, afternoon and evening. Class Moo, and Frl. evenings, assem bly after. 109 2d, bet. Wash, and Stark. CEKMAT0I.0GI3T Moles, wrinkles, scalp apectallst -Mrs, Courtrlght, 711 Dekum bldg. Main 6041. POtt, CAT AJTP HOBSB HQSPITAX. . J. O." Slee, D.V.S. Dogs and cats treat ed, boarded. Wood. 3076. 1601 Alblna. BROWN BROSV 646 Wash. Main 4086. A-40S6. Res. 9.JE. 12th. E. $440. B-2287 BBXSSIXAXZSO ECHOO& Valentine' system, ladles' tailoring, dressmaking ' taught 152 Grand ave., between Morrison and Belmont. BIiBCTBIO MOTOBB WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second hand motors. Western Electrlo Works, 218 6th st. ELECT, motor specialists. James, Me Kenxle Elee. Wks.t 108 Union. East 117. BBtaBAVEBS. EMBOSSED stationery, engraved cards. Gardam Co., 403 Manchester-bldg. r EYE, EA, BOSS ABB TKBOAT --Treatment-by-pectalistr-t3lBSse-ltt- IBM. VBWtUHy, ,1. tKUiU Umg, FABJS 1MPLEMXHTB ABB VEKICItES P. E. ESBENSHADE. 214 Front, farm Implements, tools, lawn. & field fence. R. M. WADE & CO,, 322 Hawthorne ave. Wholesale agrlcuUuial Implements.- rOtfBDBT ABB MACKIBE SHOP Phoenix Iron Works, E. 3d-IIawthorne. General machine and foundry work. FUSS AKB TAXIDEBMIST jaEMODEiaNa.And-jjaw-.worlt; F.-B. Finley taxidermist. 249 Columbia s GLASS ABB GLAZXBO Tlrama, Cress & Co., 148-6 2d at Prompt service. Ring Main or A-2023. GASOLXBB EBGXBSS STATIONARY and marine, electrlo equipments; launches, 'accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co., 1H6 Morrison. QEBXBAX i BHAnUSa GENERAEr-inachlne -and-eleetrlo- work, repair of electrlo motors and dyna mo a specialty. R. Hippely, 224 Oak. HAT PACTCSy LADIES' and gentlemen's hats cleaned and blocked; all work guaranteed or no charges. We make a specialty of ladles' beaver hats. Phone Main 8442. The Royal Hat Works. 223 1st st. HA1B GOOB8 PEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock of human hair goods; hair dress ing, manicuring, face and scalp treat ments 147 7th, near Morrison. M. 646. ZHSVBABOa McCARGAR, Betes tt Lively, 801 Yeon bldg. Every form of insurance, bonds. fACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE -CO. ; Only Oregon- fire Insurance com. KOXJAX DIYELOPrSO ROLLS developed free: prints. So ud: mall orders solicited. 205 Merchants ;jTrugt bldg WAHALANDER CO., 518 Com' with bldg. gnow cards, cloth signs, window trims. LAHTEBN SLIDES STEREOPTICONS sold, rented; operator furnished, reasonable. Banners, show cards, signs. Enterprise Aft Co:, 7$H 6th IiADIES' TAZIiOKIUa THE National Ladles' Tailors, guaran tee fit, work by expert designers. 121 10th st. near Washington. Main 1780. XiAITDSGAPB OABBEBZBa Paclfio landscape Gardening Co. rWi tf e8iBBand draw-j)iana Jlut paxka, cemeteries, residential tracts and su burban homes; furnish the necessary trees, shrubbery, etc; our work is ab solutely guaranteed "done right" oy practical, experienced men. We also plant and care for lawns, shrubbery, do general up-keep" work on private grounds. Experienced men furnished on short notice. Phone Main 8916. XlEATHSB abb pibbxbqb CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 FronL Leather of every description; up mariufacturers, findings. UP BSAOXBO KATHliirtHsli IlN5 teachesTEeTia ri-ofT hearing. 308 Central bldg. Mar. 298. I.OCXSMITH V. J. Foycliek, 224 Main St.. locksmith, guns repaired, saw8 filed, keys made. MACBJBXBlf a TRENKMAN & CO.. hydraullo and special pipe,, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining machinery, repairs. 104 N. 4th. yassrsBGBBS HASTY MESSENGER CO., open night and day. Main 53. A-2153. UaBUBBBT BIG bargain, beautiful trimmed hats reduced 50 per cent, $2.95, $3.93, $4.95; 387 Yamhill. MOBTOAQB X.OAH8. JOHN KER. mortgage loans, insurance, 803 Y'eon bldg. Main 9285. OTOBg ABB PTgAMOS Motors & dynamos bought, sold, repaired. H-M-Il Elec. Co.. 81 N. First. M. 9210. KBSIO SCHOOLH ABB TBACBEB3 P F. KISSNER, violinist, practical teaching, 10 letons $16. 16 Breeden bldg., N. H, corner 3d aud Washington. G. E. Jetttry, violinist & musical Uirect- or (lnssons). 120S is. Taylor, i aDor42i7 T. E. Lawson, 135" 14th. Main "6197. p ahd'TuSBOHS, 50 ce'iifs. E. THIELHORN; violin teacher; pupil Bevt'lk. 900 Manmani. A-416U. Mar. 1629 CAROLINE SHIMJLfcUi RULANlJ. voice, piano. 214 FUcdner. Main 2660. PIANO, "violin, mandolin, guitar, banjo Instructions, 50c. 490 Hawthorne ave. RAGTIME guaranteed In 10 to 20 les sons. Popular prices. H-242. Journal. MONEY TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN On dty-or farm property. THE H A RBOLDT-WILSON CO., INC 710-718 LEWIS BUILDING. 4th and Ouk sts. Marshall 4200 A-7158 HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce bldg. . We have on hand funds for fn vest ment In good first mortgages.' If -you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortRaRo loan department. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. 6LAUHON-CRAIG CO., Mortgage Loan Dept. 304 Oak st,, near 6th. I HAVE money tarlend on Improved Portland property A. E. Poulsen, 418 way Exchange, Marshall 2763. . MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. $260 AND UP;. J. E. NICHOLS, 615 YEON BLDG. " propertyr"Bpecfar Tacmtles"foti "larKlj loans Title & Trust Co., 4th end Oak $100,000 on mortgagee, city or farm property, fl-re Insurance, McKenitle A Co.; Gprljnger bldg, 2d end Alder. TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current 'rates. Inquire attorney, rooms 10-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. $1000 to $2600 to lean on real estate. t W- a -Moore,- WUcok -bldg. -r. Directory BAPBAPATHIC PHTSICZABS , JNO?V. SPEARMAN; 809 Dekum bldg Hours 10-12. 1-2 and by appointment OKBAMEBTAL WXBB ABB XBOB PORTLAND WHIE & IRON W'KS, 294 2d st.; architectural wire and iron. TEggATBJO'- PtfTSICZABB DR. LI LLEBiLLE PATTERSON, spe cialist on nerves, acute and chrbnio dlHeases. 415 Columbia bldg. Main 8981. LR.AGNbS M. BROWN. k09 Journal bids. nrs. iv:ao-i:n.fli. n". rtearaporzitai PAIBT, CEL ABO GASS PIONEER PAINT CO, Main-1334. A-7043. 186 First st. RASMUSSEN & CO, "High Standard" paint, jie. cor, 8d & Taylor. M.. A-U71. THE BEAVER VARNISH WKS.. makes GOOD products. Ask your dealer. PAIBTIBa AHP PAPEBJgg. ' GOOD work my motto. A. Osbourn, 386 E. Wash. B-'2167, East 4214. FOR best work,, prices riffht, call P, A. Doane. 332 E. Wash. East 1095. TINTING $2 room up; painting, paper. imtmuiB. v. a. "arnes. Main 1334. PATEBT ATTOBjnSTB PATENTS procured of J. K. Moot' At-toruey-at-Law. late of U. 8. Patent Of flce, book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg PIPB PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and f Ho. 24th and York. Main 3489. piancs pactoxt OSTRICH plumes dyed, cleaned, curled. n iuuw neu xruiu om piumes; satis faction guaranteed. 827 Washington. POPOOBB COBPZCTZOBS. STANDARD CRISP CO., 298 Glisan. Popcorn Crlsn, Kornut. salted nuts. PBIBT1BO. ANSLEY Pointing Co.. 250. Oak. Main oii. priming to piease. PBIVATB BCBOOIW PRIVATE school, shorthand, typewrlt ; ing; modern methods: expert instruo tlon. 269 14th st. Main 3893. BOOrXBCh PAIBTIBa, BEPATBIBQ TJN roofing, repairing, painting. Jobbing. J. Losll, 212 Jefferson. Main 1424. ISELE & GINTER, sheet metal works. - tin shop. 648 Bavler. M. 8642. A-1396 BTTBBBB STAMPS ABB 8BAX3 STENCILS and office stationery. Cun nlngham t:o.. 281 Slaik. Main 1407. BADGES, trade checks, brass signs, stencils. Krebs Bros.. 114 2d. Mar. 1871 SAilHiBTOOWS United Glass & Glazing Co.. sash.' doors plate glass, 11th. Glisan. Main 4431. SABXTOBItriS ROSE CITY SANITORIUM. strictly ma- tniiiny imnynai. ii fortn 23rd st. SHOWCASES ABB CXXTUXES SHOWCASES of every description, bank, bar and store fixtures made to order The Lutke Mfg. Co. THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO new and old showcases, cabinets, store and office fixtures. 289 Conch. M. 2703. BIQBS ABB BHOWCABP3 OFFICE, door and window uttrtn name plates for desks and doors: aim. commercial printing. Ideal Office Sign vu. ir nuns juiuauaii 14 &i. SX2 4JeKUIQ bldg. AMERICAN SIGN CO.. 849 Oak at fimi ccssors to Commercial dept. of Foster , jieiser signs. Marshall 498, A-4 318. TOWEL SX7PPLT CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, Towel Supply Co.. 9th and Couch ata $1 per month. Portland Laundry Co. pnonea main iv. A-4410. - TAXBOBXBO SCBOOB KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College. . iviear n qressmaK. g, tailoring, us ft lltn, TBANSTSB ABB BTOBA&B C, O. PICIC Transfer & Storage Co.. of fices and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, witli separate iron rooms end firepfoof vault for valuables. N VV. cor. 2d and Pine ata. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping, ripeciai rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestic and foreign poinis. main o. a-idvd Established 1 870 Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, frea tracks Offices and storage, 474 Glisan street I3tn and uusan. Main 69. A-1169. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc, iiu anu uivereii; moBt niuuern stor- rata proof of this. Free trackage, mov ing, packing, shipping; reduced freight rates on household goods In through cars iq anu irurn ea&i. main ooiv. a-idu BAGGAGE & Omnibus Transfer Co. oBKgage cuecaeu ai your iiumo, iur nlture moved, stored or packed for ship ment. Park and Davis sts. Phones: Main 6980. A-3322. TYPEWBITZBS TYPEWRITERS, slightly used, L. C. Smiths and all other makes at reduced prices and easy terms. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co., 280 Oak st. TY.PBW Rl'i'KR & Supplies Co. Rebuilt. ia nana nsvi 2i st. Mar. ny. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun Ingham Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. VACTrCTM CBBABEBS Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners, 216 Com- monweaitn bldg. L.A.Amlck,Mgr.M.430 VIOT.1B MAEXBS O. Kuden, violin maker, expert repalr lng. Km, 312 Allsky bldg., 265 Morrison. WBO&BSALB JwBBEBS M. A. GUNST & COi. DISTRIBUTORS OR FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OH. EVERDING & FARREL. produce and commlslon merchants. 140 Front St., Portland. Or. Phone Main 179. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St.. between Snlmon and Main. ALLEN & LEWIS GROCERIES. notict:s 20 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of the United States, for the District of Oregon In the matter of A. H. Phelps, bankrupt; No. 2173 In bankruptcy: Notice Is here by given that on the 7th day of Novom ber, A. D. 19U,:A. II. Phelps, of Port land, Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; am that the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the offices of the under, signed, rooms 401-2-3-4-5. Fenton build. Ing, Portland, Oregon, on the 19th day of November, 1912, at 10 a. m.p at which time said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, ex amine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come 1 ' . 1 1 , . 1 - - ueiuiB ctim meeting. Claims must be presented in form re quired by the bankruptcy act, and sworn to. The schedule filed disclose fib as sets. CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee in Bankruptcy, Dated November 8th, 1912, GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK FOR R A LB. Sealed bids will be received for the stock -of general merchandise In the store at 244 Yamhill street up to 12 m. Monday, November 11,1912. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids. JAB. KANETZ, -Trustee, THE undersigned will not be responsible for any debts incurred by members of crew of German barque Ellbek. II. A Thode, eaptaln;M. A, Houser, agent. - 20 ,.T SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Multnomah Oregon Lumber & Fuel company, cor poration, plaintiff, vs. Ladd Estate com pany, a corporation, A. F. Flegel, 4l IL Hampton and ...... Blsby, , partners, doing business under the name of Hamp ton & Blsby Co., WV L. Van Alstyne, A. TuBko A. D. Doane and G. H. Hampton, defendants. " Ladd "Estate company, "a corporation, cross complaint, vs. V. Page Harris and Gertrude W. Harris, hia wife, G. H. Hampton i and ' Jane Doe Hampton, his wife, W. h Van Alstyne, A. Lusko. A. D. Doane. Oreeon Lumber & Fuel company, a corporation, Frank aiuttson, c. uan sningie company, i. v. Arnold, L. L. Smith, H. T. Drennen Lighting company, Keenan & Dodd, A. . F. Fleael. G. H. HamDton and ...... Blsby, partners doing 4uKines a Hamp- ton at uiBuy co,, cross defendants. . in tne name or tne state or Oregon: You. A- Lusko a. it. Hamntnn and Jane Doe Hampton, his wife, and Hamp ton & Blsby, partners doing business as Hampton at Bisby Co., are hereby, re quired to appear and. answer the cross complaint filed against you herein on or before December 23, 1912. that day be ing more than six weeks from the -date Of first DUblicatlnn of summons herairi. hand if you fail to appear and answer herein the cross complainant will apply to tne court for the judgment prayed for in the cross complaint on file here in, to which reference is hereby made and which la particularly as follows: ,.,..w,cv,v, i.ii unuu .akfc vuujpaii; i praya ror a decree foreclosing the mort-1 w nereiore, the Ladd Estate company gage executed by - V." Page Harris and uenruae vv. Harris, bis wire, to tne satd Ladd Estate company, ald,mort gage bearing date of the twentieth day of May, 1910, and given to secure the payment Of said nromlssorv not In said complaint described, with Interest and such other expenditures as might q wmurrea tnereunuer, ine payment or which said mortgage and promissory note was assumed by G H. Hampton and which said mortgage covers and de scries lot numbered and tne west one-half of lot numbered 10 in block numbered 2 In Blumauer's addition to the city of Portland, county of Multno mah and stat of Oregon, and that there be decreed ""to" be" due to Lndd Estate company on account of said mortgage ana note tne sum or Tour nunared and nnv collars (3460.00). with interest thereon from the twentieth day of Feb ruary, 1912. at the rate of seven per nant nai annn m mn4 4k 4ii t V i aum VV. lib J'J 1 duiiuill, l 111! Wit) IUI tun BSU11I U4 one hundred dollars ($100.00), attor neys" fees for the foreclosure of this mortgage ana lor its costs ana dis bursements herein, and that said mort gage given by the said V, Page Harris and Gertrude V. Harris, his wife, to the Laaa ustate company, ana dated tne twentieth day of May, 1910, on the prop erty above described, the payment and discharge of which -was assumed fey-G-. tt. itampton as aroresatd, be decreed to be afirst and prior lien and claim upon said property and prior and superior to the lien and claim of all other persons, firms and corporations whomsoever, and that said mortgage covering and describ ing, lot numbered 9 and the west one half of lot numbered 10 in block num bered S In Blumauer's addition to the' city of Portland, aforesaid, be foreclosed and the premises cov ered thereby and described there in be sold by the sheriff In the manner provided by law, and that the Ladd Estate company be permitted to purchase said premises upon execu tion sale by the snenrr, and tnat tne proceeds of such sale be applied as fol lows: "First, to the payment of the costs and expenses of suit and sale. Sec ond, to the payment of the amounts de creed to bo due to the Ladd Estate com pany under and by the terms of Its said noto and mortgage In said complaint de scribed and sat out. Third, that arfv balance remaining thereafter be paid into court ana aistrinutea nmong tne parties who may establish their claim and right thereto; and, further, the Ladd Estate company prays that the obove named defendants and cross-defendants', V. Pafte Harris and Gertrude W. Harris, his wife, G. H. Hampton and Jane Doe Hampton, his wife, ;W. I Van Alstyne, A. Lusko, A. D. Douine, Oregon Lumber & Fuel company, a corporation, Frank Masson, 8. Ban Shingle company, I. P. Arnold, U L. Smith, 11. T. l)rennen Lighting company, Keenan & uoau, a. jj. Flegel, G. H. Hampton and ' Bisby. partners, doing business us Hampton & Blsby Co.. and each of them, be barred and foreclosed of all right, title, Interest, claim and demand In, to or upon said mortgaged property, and every part thereof, pave and except onlv the statutory right of redemption, and Tor such other and further relief as Is meet and proper in the premises. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In The Oregon Dally journal, a nowspapcr of general circula tion, published In the city of Portland, county of Multnomah and state of Ore gon, and by order ,of the Honorable R. Q Morrow, Judge of the above entitled court-wiilch- urder ia.dated,.llie-9tk- day . of November, 1912. The date of the first publication oi thin summons Is Saturday, the 9th day of November. 1912, and the date of the last publication Is Saturday, the 14tb day of December, 1912. WOOD, MU.M AliUK t ti U IN 1 , AUmnevs Mr Ctusg-tTnprgrritLn MKf tare Company; - SEALED bids will be received at the office -of the Port of Portland, city hall, until 11 a. m. Thursday, November 14, 1912, for food supplies wanted by the Port of Portland during December, January and February next. Specifica tions may be had upon application. Thj right to reject nay or all bids Is re served. THE PORT OF PORTLAND, By J. P. Doyle, Clerk of the Board. FROM this date, November 8, 1812, I will not be responsible for any bills or accounts charged tame by my wife. Mrs. J. T. Ellerby. as she has left my bed and board. Signed J. T, Ellerby, 991 East Madison. - NOTICES -..DOCTOR Hlftl NEW-GERNUN REMEDY. ? FOR ML00B POISON . s . - It Is now two years since the introduction of the NEW GERMAN REMEDY for BLOOD POISON, and during that tlmo I have adminls . lexe4lhi s i rcpa ,raOjnJa. .te ynxAihundred-. cases, often giving as many as- live Joe in a single day. I know my experience with It Is far greater than any other physician in Portland. I have given thlB remedy a severe 'test, having met in my experience some ex tremely bad cases, and I can say without fear of contradiction that it Is the greatest discovery of the age and the nearest absolute and permanent cure for Blood Poison? regard Jess of the stage of the disease or the symp toms present Every .sympton of 'the disease, from the smallest eruption to the worst kind of running sore, are checked in their progress at once and completely healed within 10 days. There Is no lunger any doubt about i the wonderful curative power of this remedy, and when given by an expert there is absolutely! no danger of any l.lnd from Its use. i Intro 1 duce it DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOOL py tZ INTRAVENOUS METHOD, the only pxpr I method of administering it, and the one lec ommended by . PruL ETirllcli himself. . In the hands of an expert specialist there Is a any kind longer. ma ironi P yuu in w "Wisiui a new lease on life. My equipment Is as fine alt any In Oregon, and I give vou the GENU.' INE GERMAN REMEDY In the RIGHT WAY. . I also treat SAFELY AND THOROUGHLY AND AT THE LOWEST itfttW iSttt YASMSvA WfcAKNtSS, SKIN DIS. Offer Free Citatioa m& AMcc. I invite- you to come to mv office. I will explain- to you my treatment for enlarged veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debtlity, blood disorders oliee. fistula, bladder, kidney and all men's disorders and give you a FREE exam inalioa i . , .,,; ,b - .-!,.- If you cannot call, write tne Immediately, giving me a description of yenf -a e-iB- youJ-xiwn. w orda-B v-rfttur i ail -t-w HI- ad yeur asetuterTeg. a diagnosis of your case and my best professional advice as to how to pro ceed In order to correct your trouble. ' , . -, . .. . s My f flee is open all day from 9a. m. to I p. m. and Sunday fron- it to 1$ only. . ?'',-... ' ..- -.. . BMJl IE 0 E PEKEI IF Notice is hereby- given, That sealed bids will be received by Anson Otis Koirpra treasurer of board of commix- sioners of port of Coos Bay, a municipal -corporation - duly -organised - under the v laws of Oregon at ; Chamber of Com- I merce office. .Coke : building, Marshfleld, Oregon, until 10 o'clock a. in. of Monday,, December' 9, 1912, then to be opened 8t tha regular meeting of the board of commissioners of said port, for the pur. chase of Series A-bonds of snid nort. aggregating in ' principal $300,000, duly authorized oy law ana orainance or said ; port. eaehbond to be In sueh amount and payable at such place-as purchasers shall direct in gold coin with Interest ' thereon In like coin at rate of 6 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually . on the first day of January and July , of each year, in accordance with In terest coupons thereto attached, $25,000 principal payable 20 yearB from date of " IsBUe and a ilka" sum each year there after until said series is fully paid. jsacn ma wua certuied cnecK Tor' -ner contum thereof to be irLcIoan In sealed envelope without distinguishing maras except tne woras . uia ror pur chase of Series-A bonds -of' Port of Coos Bay.'! The right to reject any and all bids Is expressly reserved. Addi iiuiic&i iiiiurijieiLiuii, wyy ui vruinance. rules governing . bidding and.lssue- j1 tional information; copy of ordinance boiids caii be had on application to said treasurer at "Marehfield. " Oregon." or First National bank, Portland, Oregon. Assessed valuation of said port of Coos Bay as approved by county com missioners January; iiz, 88,357,058; bonded Indebtedness ' none; population estimated 16,000. . Dated November 4, 1912, at Marsh field, Oregon. ' ) ANSON OTIS ROGERS, ' ' Treasurer of Port of Coos Bay, Address, Marshfleld, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In ths matter "of C. Bakcsy;Tiarikru'pt; "K6. 2174 in bankruptcy: Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of November, A D. 1912, C. Bakcsy, of Portland, Oregon, the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudi cated bankrupt; and that the first meet ing of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned, rooms 401-1-3-4-5 Fenton building, Portland, Oregon, ' on the 21st day of November. 1912, at 10 a. m.. at which time said creditors mev NOTICES'. attend, prove tneir claims appoint a r trustee, examine the bankrupt, and , . transact such other business as mtj- f nronprlv come before said meeting. -: Claims must be presented in form required by--' he bankruptcy aetf-n4-- sworn to. - - The schedule fllyl discloses assets v amounting to $S0 wares. CHESTER G. MURPHY, Referee in Bankruptcy: Dated November 8, 1912. . SEALED proposals will be received at r the offioe of the undnrsigned, 402 Ttl-T ford bldg., until 12 m. Wednesday, No vember 20, 1912, for the general work of , the Jonesinore school. I'l.'ins and speci fications may be obtaintd at the office of F. A. Naramore, "superintendent of properties, 408 Tilford building, after 1 t) m Friday, November 8. Certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of : the proposal, payable to R. H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany each pro- , posal. 'Board of directors reserves the right to releot any and all proposals. A .,. deposit of $20 Is required for plans and specifications. ; - - - R. H. THOMAS, - i School Cleric, Dated November 7. 1912. NOTICE to the public: I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife on or after this date. P. G. y Wood. ' SEE ME FREE. If you are worrying about any ailment In cluded among those within which I spe cialize, I invite you to call atr my offioe and I will give you FREE a "conscientious examination and dl agonsls and advise yau of the proper, course to pursue to rM ,n,if forever of your worry and your ailment. My years of experience and my qualifications have made me aa expert in the treatment of the ail ments with which MEN are arnicted. Every man calling at my off Ice i assured of my personal and Individ ual treatment until a cure Is ef fected. NEOSALVARSAN rliPpr"l.Gfrman Rnmfdl-fot - RI OOD POISON I administer the remedy according to the very latest method. - Come to me if you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged Veins. Pimples, Nervous Debility. Nerve. Blood and Skin Disorders, Bladder Troubles, Blood Poison, Eruptions, Ulcers, Special Ailments. Piles or Fit tula. 9 to 67 to 8 Dally: Sundays 10 ttt L Examination Advice Free, J. J. KEEFE, Ph. G. M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. S1SH WASHINGTON ST., COB, TB; PORTLAND. OR. C. IC. HOLSMAN. M. U Licensed in Oregon bsolulely no danger of my office from one to two hours-ne US long as vou liva. a. It Will etva raik 22V, Morr :sp,n Street - Corner First St., . 'PORTLAND. OREGON. KEEFE UJUUn r: . sv V - i4V -5Wv J - 1 v d ' ! ' ' f SMI I 1