The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 07, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    i ",
Rebuke to Roosevelt," "Na
. lion's Weariness of Taft,"
.What Some Leading Port
tand Citizens Say of Result.
"A rebuk to Roosevelt."
t A nation's weariness with Taft."
" "A declslv blow by th people at the
, "A boss destroying attack on Repub
lican atandpatlsm."
- "A (treat confidence of the people in
tha wisdom, Integrity and strength of
tVoodrow Wilson."
""'7 Out ef'the'abov expressions from
prominent men of this city you can
read - Portland's interpretation of the
, significance of Woouruw Wilson's elec
tion as president of the United States.
, am. so deeply Impressed by the sit
: batlon," said "W. B. Ayer, one of Port
land's best known business men. "At
Itie least, as a nation, we art to bs
. congratulated."
In a further statement today Mr. Ayer
"The election of Woodrow Wilson by
an overwhelming majority is a stern
. reproof 10 the third term idea. It again
& comes perfectly clear that the Amer
in people will not endanger their In
ttltuUona .by electing any man. presl
Cent of the United States for more than
two terms.
' "Woodrow Wilson's election is also
significant of the change In public sen-
tlment regarding great domestic Issues,
'bs Republican party, practically in
" tontlnuous power for over BO years, has
been a party of great constructive legis
lation, affecting the material welfare of
the cltlxens of this country. Its defeat
at this time will make It a minority
' party, and It remains to be seen wheth
er It can play this role successfully. If
It is wise in Us choice of leaders and
In the advocacy of measures that affect
tha well-being of humanity it will be
- a great benefit to the people of this
! i "Whila I desired very much the elec
tion of President Taft, I look upon the
amocess of Woodrow Wilson without
- - the slightest disappointment. Tim only
can tell whether he and his party are
knade of the kind of stuff tbat will aid
the nrna-raaa and nraanarMv rf ik. ,,.,
try. but In' any event 1 do no antici
' : 5te any bad results in a business way
to follow from the accession of the
- democrat I o party to power."
ftsbuk to Roosevelt.
It has seemed to me," said IT. C
- -Wortman of Olds, Wortrnan & King,
... that the effect of the election wss prin
cipally to rebuke Roosevelt and his
methods. The people of the United
T"States have crushlngly shown that they
, approve of neither. They have shown
a loss of confidence in him because of
': frls attemptedly supreme, egotism and
, this , revulsion of the people against
- Roosevelt was the sreat causa, of ttm
landslide for Wilson, in my opinion. By
Chls statement I do not wish to be un-rieratoodL-LuaL:
Wilson.: would .not . have.
' been elected anyway. 1 believe that he
would have been elected, and I think
the nation la greatly the gainer throiiKl
choosing him, but what I do say is that
Itoosevelt's fWerlng- into th campaign
made votes. Tor wuson.
f William MacMaster, former preslden
. oi in cnamuor 01 commerce, expressed
the greatest pleasure over the outcome
.of the election. He took the position
.that the country had not only turned
figalnst Roosevelt and expressed dlsap
proval of both, but that the people had
In a way, lumped Roosevelt and Taft
. as objects of disapproval, and had by
the overwhelming choice of Wilson
.hown their desire for en absolutely
ham Wast-.. rfr lavassa an fm as m avav...
aire, order of things.
a nuun. iiia aictiion enowe a. aeciueo.
satisfaction on. the part of the peopl
witn the Republican policy of standpat-
ism, ' said Mr. MacMaster. "It Is con
elusive evidence that the people are de
termined upon a change of policy in re
gard to the tariff. I believe that the
vote received both by Wilson and Roose
"velt demonstrated disapproval of pres
ent conditions. The peopl w airL t.0.
eliminate trust control in national af
fair a. , They desired to detroy the Re
publican standpat policy and
polls on Tuesday they did it"
While not as enthusiasts over the
lection as many others, Julius I Meier,
Jiead of the firm of Meter A Frank, ex
pressed confidence In the outlook, say
There Is no cause for alarm; the
country for months has been discount
ing the effect of a Democratic victory.
Jit,, Wilson's assurance that thers will
be no drastlq tariff legislation removes
the only Democratic . policy that the
merchants feared. , . ; .
"I anticipate that no unfavorable
conditions will develop as the result of
Tuesday's election and look forward to
a continuation of the prosperity the
country is now enjoying."
Tire of Machine Politics.
Robert D. Inman, who has been con
fined to bis bed by Illness for the past
ten days, sent word from his horns tbat
the success of Wilson and his confi
dence In the strength and profit to the
nation of his administration had almost
made him well.
Adolph Wolfe, head of the firm of
Llpman, Wolfe A Co., assigned two
reasons in chief for the nation's great
vots for Wilson. "First," said he, "it
resulted from Roosevelt's entry Into the
field. Second," from the misrepresenta
tions of Taft and the influence of a
mysterious source that continuously told
not what Teft had done, but what he
had not done. Mr. Taft, In my opinion-,
is an huneHt and gocxl mun. And then,
generally upeaklna, 1 think the peoplo
wre feeling tln-d .of machine politi
cians and wanted a new order of things.
have great confidence In Woodrow
Wilson as a strong and clean man. I
believe that in electing Wilson the vot
era of the nation placed the country In
good and safe hands."
plete, ttt Imperial, 00 a total of !,.
Wilson carried, tweeounttse In the
6uth San piego, practically complete,
by 1S. and Ventura, with but two
missing precincts, by 41 votesa total
or int.;.Ai
The vots on the constitutional amend
ment. though still far from complete,
shows that the race track gambling
amendment was defeated by an over
whelming4 majority In the south. Th
free text book amendment xarrled by i
tremendous majority. ''
(Cnltert r'ri r.r1 Wire.)
Los Angeles, Nov, 7. That the Roose-
velt-Johnson Progressive Republican
ticket will go to the Tohachapl Pass, (Sl
iding the northern and southern sec
tions of California, with approximately
18,000 plurality. Is shown here today
by carefully compiled figures, based on
latest returns from eight counties of
southern California.
Roosevelt carried the following coun
Los Angeles, with 65 precincts miss
ing, by 16,081; Riverside, Incomplete,
2023; San Bernardino, with 15 preeinejs
missing, 76; Orange county, complete,
72; Santa Barbara, practically com-
Reaulta In Spokane.
(Bporlal to The Journal
Spokans. Wash., Nov. 7. Incomplete
returns Indicate William La Follette for
congress. Republican, who has a sugm
lead over Drumheller, Democrat. Good
wln.-rrogreslve-lr ourxf tb-Tacev '
One hundred and forty-seven out of
171 precincts in the city end county
show Hay, Republican, 8784; Lister,
Democrat, 8188; Hodge, . regressive,
WS. .
One hundred and fifty-one precincts
show Roosevelt, 12,478; Wilson, 8371;
Taft, 3289; Dbs,1921; Chafin, 38. 'The
race is close in the county between Hay
and Lister. ,
Bad Count j for Hodge.
- Bletl to The Jmjraal.i
Hoqulam, Wash., Nov. 7. Thirty
seven precincts out of 57 in Chehalla
give Hay 3243, Lister 1716, Hodge 1213.
Roosevelt Lend Increased.
(Wilted Pri U'Mtd Wire.)
Los- Angeles, Nov. 7. Complete re
turns from all but 31 precincts in Y.oe
Angeles county give Roosevelt 71.CH0 ;
Wilson, 64,038. This Increases Roose
velt's lesd south of the Tehachapt to
mere than 18,600.
(finltea Prems Lttel wire.
Milwaukee, Nov. 7. -With 10 coun
ties yet to be heard from, Governor Mo.
Oovern's plurality for reelection is
2600. The missing counttee, the Demo
crats claim, will Increase Wilson's plurality.
at; the
YOUR money's
worth is what
you want
when you are
compelled to pay
for paving. Insist
on bitulithic, the
durable, econom
ical paving.
5' ;""""V ,-.' it
E. D. Dolt Piano Co.
ntiw lor h Kntb
tVl 1 . l.a.i
-bj m mm ssisi ismsmsss
llannatf .UtsVtkhaP II a in aval Uwam A
va szv "iiwwi aioiuvv VI v., Al III
strong and Holt-Schoetfberg Pianos and
Player Pianos.
' Territory now open for reliable dsal
Irs. - - .
today for srtoe and taraav
Raincoats Are the Feature of Our Business, and We
Carry Everything That Spells
Come and see our win
dow display, showing a net
saving of 30 to 40 per cent,
for Friday and Saturday;
$5000 Demanded of J. Wesley
Ladd; Decoy Package De
livered to Hotel Where the
Sheriff Captures Suspect."
Less than 14 hours after he had for
warded a Utter threatening destruction
to the West Tark street home of J.
Wesley Ladd. assistant cashier of the
Ladd & TUton bank,' unless 15000 was
sent him by the banker, a titan who
says his name Is Jos Myers had been
arrested and confessed that he had
written the Utters.
Myers, who also has used the aliases
Archie ' Hamilton and Roy Holllngs
worth in Portland, was arrested by
Sheriff Stevens and Deputy Sheriff
rchle Leonard last night as he emerged
from a room In the Bt. Charles hotel.
Front and Morrison streets, bearing in
his hand a package which Mr, Ladd
had sent him by messenger and which
was supposed to contain 35000 In $20
aid $5u bills. In reality, the package
was made up of slips of stiff brown
wrapping paper. Myers is booked for
extortion, under his alias Hamilton. His
ball was placed at $10,000.
Little Is known concerning Myers,
who consistently maintains sllenoe in
regard to himself.
In his pockets was found $19 In
money, a purse and papers bearing the
nama"Charle til. JJggera," and sv bunch
of . awltchman'a , koys.. Myers .sal4 ha
tuuna me purse ana papers ana says ne
cams into possession of the keys at
Vancouver. Wash., a few days ago, when
he took them from a friendly brake
man employed by the Portland, Spokane
ft Seattle railroad, "as a merry Jest,"
and "forgot" to return them.
Myers confessed to the nolle that he
had selected Mr. Ladd as his victim
after six well known cltlsens had been
considered as likely victims. Those con
sidered, he said, were ft, L. Barnes of
the United States National bank; A. L.
Mills and Harry Corbett of thf First
National: and Dr. Andrew O. BntAh. Mr.
Ladd was chosen, he said, because ha
understood Ladd had the most money,"
' Myers insists another man, a "Joe
Kelly," originated the scheme, and that
ICellr nad agreed -to-gtvr hira -$500 -of
the $5000 for writing the letters and se
curing the money. No credence is placed
In this asssrtlon by the officers, who
declare "Kelly" Is a mythical personage.
Myers took clever precautions to
shield himself from arrest and Identifi
cation. Tuesday night while Mr. and
Mrs, Ladd wars at the theatre, he called
a messenger and met the boy by ap
pointment in an alley near the St
Charles, where he was registered at the
time as Roy Holllngsworth. In the
deew shadows of the alley the boy was
unable to discern Myers', features. He
gave the messenger a letter addressed
to Mr. Ladd at his home, $43 West Park
street, which waa delivered at 8 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Ladd returned home
shortly before' iftldnlfhtf and Mrs. Ladd
opened the missive. It read:
"Tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock a
man will calL You 111 pleas hand
him a sealed package containing $5000
In United States currency, 20 and 60s.
A refusal or false move will cause the
destruction of your horn. We mean
business, "ENEMT."
She Immediately called Mr. Ladd, who
In turn telephoned to Sheriff Stevens
and asked him to com to th house at
onoe. "" ' " ;
Yesterday morning th messenger boy
who delivered th letter waa found, but
h could' throw no light on th matter
and preparations wore mad to appre
hend th would-b extortionist In ; th
venlng.' ' ; "'!'.; '' 'a-
Detective were tatlonedln the vi
cinity of th Ladd horn as-soon as
darkness fell and an automobile stood
ready for Instant us within a hundred
feet of th dooryard. A woman detec
tive replaced the regular maid and th
ahrif f and Deputy Leonard waited In
th library, Promptly on th strok
of 7 a messenger called. He was ush
ered Into th library where th offloera
searched htm and found a letter which
Meyer had addressed to "Archie Ham
ilton, room SIS St. Charles hotel." This
waa opsned and found to contain blank
paper. It waa carefully reseated and
returned to th boy. Another letter
addressed to " Mr." Ladd demanded th
Stevens and Leonard then hurried to
th hotel and Leonard oonoealed himself
in a room adjoining 11$. - Steven
guarded th hotel exits.
Suspect Xa Captured.
Shortly afterward the boy returned
to th hotel and delivered th fake let
ter at th clerk' desk and then took
Mr. Ladd'a packag of wast paper to
Meyers' room. Meanwhil Meyers
watched from th lobby of th hotel.
Seeing that the delivery of the letter
had created no commotion, a he char,
acterlsed it later, he went to hi room,
secured th packag and waa just start
ing down th hallway when Leonard
stepped out and slipped th handcuffs
over th man' wrists.
Meyers was taken, immediately to th
Lad horn where he readily admitted
authorship of th letter. H wa than
taken to th county Jail. " :-'
Myrs is - about $0 yean of age,
smooth shaven and well dressed. Ill
manner is selfpossesaed. He said he had
worked in Spokane and Seattle recent
ly laying asphalt, but his soft' hand
do not bear out th asssrtlon, He said
Ha was born in Missouri' wher his
mother still resides, but . that h has
not corresponded with her for seven
years, .:).- v 'W v'v ,
J. Wesley Ladd i th youngest son
iaau ai in ion uana, , ,. -,
(UnlUd Preu Leased Wire.)
Lincoln, Neb Nov. LForty-nln 'of
th $1 counties Jn Nebraska indlckt
that Wilson' plurality will reach $5,000,
Moorehead, Demoorat, has been elected
governor by 11,000. ; Th Republtcanf
Frogreaslv tat ticket wa otherwise
States senator 1 9900. . ' , . : t '
A space saving piece of furnHur in
vented by an Illinois man ressmblo a
auara topped table when olosed but can
b opened to form a writing desk with.
a number of pigeon holes to hold papers.
At Fountains & Elsewhere
Thi Ordinal end Genuine -
"The Food-drink for All Ages.k
At restaurants, hotels, and fountains.
Delicious, bvigorating and sustaining.
Keep it oo your sideooard at home. -
Dont travel without it.
K quick land, prepared In a talirata,
raksnolmiUtion. JtutssyHORUCK'S.I
Mot In Any Milk trusi
r'i .
The significance of "Value" at 'THE OWL" is the offering of merchan
dise of superior qualityin good, full quantity at the lowest possible price.
Qf Without fhis quality and the adequate quantity, price would mean nothing.
:n..x.i'A t TUr mw c a ..At...
lvcij duvLjiijuiii.iii is a j;uuu iiiuouaiiun ui iiiti uifinj iutd ui value
You'll find every announcement backed up by "Owl" Drug Stores in quality,
quantity, price and service.
For the lady or man who
likes a waterproof coat
for double aeryice. Come
in and see these, we have
to offer you specially
priced for you 'Friday and
Saturday at only $14.50,
$17.50, $19.00 and
Men's and Women'.
English Slip-ons
Just received a new ship
ment of 350 all the
newest shades straight
and raglan sleeves $15
values. For Friday and
Saturday only
Store Open Saurday Night Until 10:30
t Ui r
i .ii
'maw mm
On Door LVeit of $ivnthSt. JtmXO
Parisian Ivory Toilet Ware
This is going to be a Parisian Ivory Holiday season. And what a
wealth of new things is ready for the gift-buyer at "The OwL"
Remember that our Parisian Ivory is superior to the ordinsry sort
snd inexpensive, too. A few suggestions:
Napkin Rings 25 I Soap Dishes 6SI
Tooth Brush Racks .......35M Corn Knives , ...50J
S3 r
Combs KOS T5, fl
Vanity Mirrors 65
Hat Pin Holders 75 $2
Mirrors (ring handle) on
sale f 3.25, f 3.50, f 4
Whisk Brooms f 1.25
Butn Hooka 25t.50
Nail Buffers 751 to $1.50
Hair Brushes ...$2 to $5
Pin Trays ..35 to $1.65
Hat Brushes 91-25, $1.50
Pin Boxes $1, f 1.25
Shoa Horns 50-75
Nail Files 50
Of this won
derful otoanssr,
pm dttoyr
Jr llll a household
Bosslt7 fuU
straaath and of th
alffhsst staadard la
parity, mday and Bst.
arday at ta
Pin Cush'ns and Jewel Boxes fl.25 to $2.25
COMPLETE SETS We are now showing
them in this beautiful ware. A deposit will
reserve sny selection you might make now.
No Extra
Charge for
1 -"mujiy "py
Candy Specials
raut lcaraulad. r
P in IOC
lPlrmiBt Wafrs, 1 r?
Pr lb IOC
VTlntergrsan Wafr. i r
Pr lb IOC
U1tn Toff, pt r
puad .............. IOC
Ooooannt Boa Bon. n
Pr lb ZUC
Ooooauut Onta OA
Orops, lb ZUC
Ooooannt SsUoaolsa, OA
9 Xt ...ZUC
Ipicsd Jslly Dala- OA
jts,.Jiiu-. zuc
Ooooannt Burprts. rA
r lb aUC
This Liberal List
of Friday and Saturday
"Owl" Specials
Point th way for you to oonomls
in buying drugs and other nend
fuls. W rsssrv th right to limit
quantities to purchasers at thes spe
cial prloes.
Bmary Boards, 10a packag, Pr.
clal at ;.OC
Oora oi Bunion masters, spew
clal at I C
Bin jay Oora Plaster, spsclsJ
at, mob
So Baker Headaoh Pellets, to.
special at 1ZC
WItoa Xastl Cream, B50 sUe, -
specUl at IOC
B5o ala meerea' Alqtond 1 C
Oream at IOC
OhuioMll Boap, a oak at th ir
Poi4 IOC
Benaola Oream, th aso sla. i r?
ipeolal at IOC
ISo ala W'ooaburys Pace i a-
Powdar at IOC
Utala Tablets, th QSo site, rm
special at 1 C
a 1 y e o TbymoUa, mouth o
wasb, 88 ala. ... . .......... IOC
100 Oaaoara Tablets, 3 grain, n
at th special ,.. IOC
100 Qninia PlUa, a grrala, at A
th specUl II7C
Bnvtoa Uvvr TabUts, ao nn
SUe, at a for aUC
Pluto Water, th SSo slse, ha
specIU at , ,ZUC
SagU Oondensed KUk, a
auooch's Plsstera at th spa- or?
clal 8 for 3C
Cocoa Batter, th half pound
Sflo a Is fteero Bouillon OT
Cubes at ZC
On pint Glycerin at th spe- o O
oUl OC
Two Packs Bloycl Playing
Cards for ..................
Cocoa Butter, 1 pound, spaolai
TSo Baker Tm ul I on Cod
I4vr Oil at
Bromo f(5eltsert th fl sis,
at th Bpeolal
fl sis Waaipol Cod Uvm
Oil at
11.00 sis Tyree'e Ajitlseptlo
wvwamt at..
Tauoalra- OeJera - Tablets,- th
ft. sue ai.. .
"Owl" Specials
On a Dozen Reliable
Tooth Preparations
Graves Tooth Powder Otf
Euthymol Tooth Paste 10
Sanitol Tooth Paste 12
Sanitol Tooth Powder 12
Sheffield's Tooth Paste 120
Saponol Tooth Powder 14
Rubifoam Tooth Wash 140
Lealeytine Tooth Wash 140
Soeodont Tooth Powder 140
Dehtyne Tooth Paste 1T0
Pebeco Tooth Paste 290
Pyrrohcide Tooth Pdr. 890
Household Liquors
Denote sarlnga worth whll taking
advantage of;
Port or oC-
at.. Oclt-
Baa Win.
O dar
at. . . ..
Halt at.
Ola at..
By o
"Owl" Bourbon, 10
old . '....$1.05
Black ud Whit
Old Cro-w, hoaded,
Henderson Boor-
IE $1.10
Canadian Club,
Special Only 49c
0o Peather Duster, loo Zowa
Dustless Cloth, 8So Bottle Pnml
sure Polish A combination that
no housewife should bs without
and one that should be In every
Exceda Violet
None better can be made,
for no better or purer in
gredients or skill enter
into the making of such
preparations. They have
"Tha Owl's" substantial
recomm e n d a t i o n and
Exceda Vlolat Toilet
Water, "tnw and
lasting," for I OC
Exceda Violet Cfs
Cream OUC
I Exceda
Violet Soao at
the special intro- 1 rt
ductory price, cake i. I C
only'! '50C
at Less
Than Coss
At a Saving
Thee tn th Bubber Goods Department Prlday and
Po Olas Uri
nals for male
or femal.
AO- Hi Bnarael
mal or female.
Pot regular Sflo
Infant Syringes.
Q2 j 'or regular
7 3 C fi.3S Pore.
lata Bed Pans.
il AQ rarulaa
pl.H7 fi.75 0)ray
Bnamel Bed Pans.
0 1 AQ 'or Xmouls
pitiJ Comb. WsWt
Bottu and Syrlng,
CI OQ roT urt
Pl,UO Hyrla"
Pouataia Syrlng o f
maroon rubbr. Bapid
now rauna and hard
rnbbar attachmenta.
ail la wood box.
The Best Special
Value Ever Offered
in Our Stationery Department
Your own initial
in gold, steel-die
embossed. Adds -
individuality to your correspondence. Cards
anj envelopes good fabric finish stock,
rnqay ana Saturday only st the
special, box
nly st the
New Stylo
Hand Bags
From Over The Set
New shapes,
new trim
mings, the best
I leathers and
the newest fin
I ishes they'll
surely find fa
vor with wo
men who desire something distinctive in
a Handbag. Thes are imported-
jtfst arrived a few days ago.. tPU
VELVET HANDBAGS still a . few of
those new $1.25 and $1.50 values QQ,,
left at the special price of iOC
Let He Owl" Derel
op and Print Year
' Next Roll of.
W assure yon of
th bst result frea
o u, r - a a a 1 1 .
nlokst time and
lowest pnoss. Be
valonms' ud nrintliur
yOf In at hours.
Established 1892
FREE! 13
A fall sit, e-S
" K?4
every HAIR BRSH ttf
iiiighteen Owl Stores on the Padflc Coast . at tl or over .V,: Sc
-'.- v-