THE . OREGON " DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, 'THURSDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 7, 1912. 1? WAS EVER HUBBY MS E HI i Hammer, Razor Wrench,' Gas . . Stove Just' a Few W the S ' Things She Threw. ' , Chicago, Nov. T. August F. w, Slebel, attorney In the Fort Dearborn building, -fc-tnade an answer to his wlfa't-bill r aivorqe, . wtxch, 11 an we wiea told (herein can, be credited, brand nun a the i tno4t, henpecked, huuband in America,-1; v. vy'v ,-.' -.V'1":-iv.'1 -'OK Blebel's answer avers that lO'far as tho cruelty and desertlonris concerned, the' shoe U on the other foot. He chroni cled hl married Ufa In detail, and, if hie avermenta tre accurate, mtttrlmouy for him was a continuous war. Mm. Siobel, said her husband, not only beat him regularly and earnestly, but boasted of her pugilistic ability. "Weapons of Warfare. Among the' instrumenta of her wrath were the JTollowlng; A hammer, sen sors, her fists, her feet, a Plate, a sec tion of gaa hose, a small gas stove, a foot rule, her-shoes, . his fasor,' wrench, a buecher knife, .'their furnl- i Ik . . ,ture. Alio, said Slebel, his wife looked hiro in the .house and locked hlta.out of the house - "Vhn she grew weary of beating him lioraelf,, he stated, she called in iter mother and her slaters to finish Uio Job. SoffietimaB some of her neighbor frlards camo in and operated on hl-n, he said. f On May 80, 11)08; his bill sUt ed, .lie was under orders to take th part of marshal In ,the Spanish War Veterans' division of the Memorial day Paradis; " He had Just got his uniform on, said Slebel, when his wife, without provocation, struck him with a ham nier. Then began a battle, which con tinued Until some of Sicbel's romrades appeared to inquire why he had not started downtown. Mrs. Slebel, said the bill, went to the door to answer1 these ' Inquirers, whereupon Slebel escaped to the street via a back window. Bit Him "la th Cheat Another tttne( said Blebel, he called at the house to take the children for s street car ride. His wife, he said, tried to aiatf him Into the house, "tearing his clothes and biting him severely on the cheat." Helng unable to get him Inside, he said, she "called to her as sistance oiio Ley I a PodJe, who came with. a hammer, and both of said women thereupon attempted to drag your ora tor In'o said house, and do him bodily harm, . and your orator was' released from the grasp of both said Women, only when ha called to 'passing atranger.' i One of the things that made' Blebel want te. leave home, said his bill, was his wife's curtain lectures. On other occasions, said BtebeVnls wife refused to" allow hinvlo go to bed, but lockid him and herself up in a bath room. .,:V3''');." ' "He wa obliged to lay on the floor," said the .bill, and endeavor to sleep, but said Patricia B.. Slebel, by her con tinual abuse, spitting In your orator's fac v and striking htm, prevented him from even securing sleep in the bath room." ' , Sara's Climax of AH. The crowning catastrophe occurred on New Year's .evenjng, Pecember 31, 1907. Mrs. Siebi, tald'tbe bill, went out cele brating while her hucbar.d remained at home-ykh -their-ChlldreflxSha waa.-out on the streets, said tha bill, until 1:18 In the morning, when sha returned and Invited him to Join her In the festivi ties. He refused, according to the bill, and she struck him and locked him out 2 Tired, feci With bnl a Single Thought-TJZ For Aching, Blistered. Bunloned, Chafed, Tired, Sweaty Feet .v-- -Get ' TIZ. . Sand for a Tree Trial Package Quick. Tou needn't rubber to nee foot mis ery; It Is forced to your attention every day. But there isn't as much it as there used to be. TIZ has educated us to foot comfort. TIZ works on a new principle goes Into tha awtat glands of the feet, foYces them -to exude all those acids and poisona that cause foot troubles. TIZ -softens corns, callouses and bunions, they shrink and fade away. Foot pains cease at once. There is nothing else known absolutely nothing else, to take the place of a TIZ foot bath. Get a 26 cent box from any drug KtOM, department or general store, or, If you want to prove it, write today to Walter Luther Dodge & Co., 1223 8. Wa bash ave., Chicago, III., for a free trial package of TIZ. One TJZ foot bath and your feet will never want anything but TIZ. " of th house, Hs stopped that day at a not!, but returned to his. residence January' 2. !;. ii. "X -v. '-. -t-v Whim she had got him safely Inside, said the bill, his wife attacked him wltr aa "elght-f oot-ga hose; breaking his nose and greatly bruising his face, con tinuing such beating; for over half an hour, and, while sherwss' so enragcd. she threw a small gas stove at your orator, bruising Win on tha back, and she ceased only when her mother came to 'the room, and said:' "tbjsr Is-no use doing .taut,:. you. cannot 'hurt hin that way. whereuoon- she-' took a one foot tule and struck your orator on the shoulder, thereby, breaKipjr aald rule." ' Shoes Tore Sis Jaw, Ha Pays..' f After that, said the bill, Mrs. Blebel threw her .shoes at her husband, lacer ating his Jaw, and followed this by burling -a,palr-et-aclors at hla .head with, such violence that the scissors were broken, hese weapons, said the bill, apparently, having failed-of their desired effect, Mrs.-Slebel went for her husband's rasor. 'He took the rssor from her and ran out of the house. She followed with the gas hose and beat him In the street till ha bled. He final ly got . awnjr and established himself -in l separate residence. . ' - DIOCRAIS mm F IGHT FOR LEGISLA I Almost as Interesting as the struggle being put up by A. W. Montague for the state senate IS tbe great fight being made by his Democratic confreres, Ha good and Flegel in the contest for place on the list of 12 who will represent Multnomah county In tha lower house at Salem. Every Indication Is that Hagood and Flegel will be elected. Carpenter, King and Upton, tha candidates who were branded hs undesirables by The Journal, bring up the rear of tha 12 regular Re publican candidates. The vote counted up to 1 o'clock give the two Democrats substantial pluralities over each of the three Republicans mentioned. The other Republican candidates, however, will probably be successful, as they are hour ly rolling up greater pluralities over the Progressive field and the Democrats excluelvi of Hagood and Flegel. , FINISH COUNT IN LARGE EAST SIDE PRECINCT Precinct 121, second largest In the City, with 2S registered voters, com pleted its count at 6 o'clock this morn ing. Precinct 121 is at East Thirty ninth and Broadway streets. Precinct 105, at Union avenue and East Wash-!' -Ington streets. Is the largest in the city. CHARGES MADE IN SI U CASE Attempted Extortion Alleged L Against JtestaantMan, A n B at Hearing. 7s Allegations against . Jake Kessler, proprietor of the Kosher restaurant at Second mil YimMII " trota rharfflnv h lm w Uh attain p ted x tortion were -tuade Ay tk ooxsa to axa " f.r TSB . VIA til HAZIX.WOOB r . ; -VA ill - about that dinner party we ill Ii l are giving tomorrow; It 111 HI will be just as cheap, and 111 111 - will save me at lot of .work III 111 and worry. ill V THE SAZXXWOOS IJI v Confeetionery and 111 . VA Bestanrant, oa . il Wi . -Washlagton, W, ( at Tenth. jW Musio ' wi$? ?oti this morning the " "municipal "court This evidence came out m a case of the city against Benjamin Somylo and Fred Stein, owners of a suit club in the Sweb- land building, --i? : - Somylo refused to Implicate Kessler, defying Judge Taawell, Assistant City Attorney Cahalln and his' own counsel. Stein went on the witness stand and told that Kessler eam to himself and partner, . threatening them with prose cution if they did not give him money. Kessler also represented that he could keep the newspapers quiet Bteln and 8omylo refused to consider Kessler' s prdpOslttOnrrtheysay, "and" TheJT Were arreated for conducting a lottery. Denies Seeing Btela. "Kessler came to me at Fourth and Washington streets," said Stein. "He said he was a good friend of Captain Riley, and that he stood well with the polios. . Ha sld.4hat-th other .suit club men had been arrested, and we would get the same. Boon after this we were arrested." '.!" i . When asked about the matter, Kess ler denied seeing Stein and Somylo, even knowing them, or ever making such a proposition. Captain Riley led the raid against the suit Clubs, and says that Kessler told him several days ago that the club was a fake. This information did not cause the arrest but action was taken from complaints made by women who became dissatisfied. Captain Riley further says that a man by tha name of Simon, who Is now on trial in Ban Francisco for questionable dealing in a suit club, declares 1500 was raised by three local clubs for protoo tlon. Simon came to Portland last Sunday, having been called when the clubs were raided. 'He. further told the police cap tain that he went' to the district attroney'a office Monday to see how the matter could be settled. Not being able to settle the matter, he returned to San Francisco that evening. Among the witnesses testifying this morning about Joining the suit club were.- Mrs. J. Stewart, '458 Williams avenue; Mrs. Burton, Tenth and East Market streets; Miss. Flemmlng,. 664 JCuat Davis Street; Mrs. Ilasel Plummer, 330 Grand ttvehue; and Miss Hall, 451 East Eleventh street Somylo testi fied he often refunded money, where the customer left the city or became ill. TAX POWER REPEA L MEASUR E CARRIED The county tax power repeal has car ried over the state by a good majority. In Multnomah county the vote counted now stands 12,045 for the repeal and 10,822 against. Tha statewide vote is running even a little higher In favor of the appeal. Journal Want Ads bring results. ITfffBSP'ar-!!'"., LUU'JJ , I He Mills t Ms ; n ft A Great Sensational Story of Lovfi and Hatred of Rich and Poor, told by the Vitagraph Co. in . .XEulLReels, with.HyiLother FeatureActs. TODAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Majestic Ttieatre Admission 10c. Box Seats 25c. Johe Eckked. 123-125 FIRST ST. Good Family Whiskies AS FOLLOWS: , Old Starling, per qt .... . 75 Old Hobbyrperirt ; . . . $1.00 Cream Rye, per qt....S1.00 Gerstley Rye, per qt..$1.25 Old Hobby, bt in bond 81.25 Jas. E. Pepper, bt. in bd $1.25 . Etc.,. Etc. Choice Califor nia Wines as .Port Sherry, Muscat,, Angelica, at 75 Cents ; PER GALLON Beer at Breweries' Prices FREE AUTO DELIVERY, PROMPT SERVICE.-'-' L PHONE MAIN 1934 OR HOME, A-1934 r . cvJJ el Have secured the entire general merchandise stock of j. p. worsley, one of Portland's pioneer merchants FOR A GREAT SALE, AND YOU CAN COME EXPECTING TO FIND THE BEST AND GREATEST BARGAINS , AT 25c ON THE DOLLAR. ITS AN OCCASION OF THE SEASON! ; Laifies9 All wool Tailored Suits. Wors ley price up to $15. QT Choice..... .$)) Ladies' Long and Short Jack ets, covert cloth and silk. Wors ley price up to $10.00. Choice., 98c Ladies' stylish, fine tailored Suits, values to $20 Choice. . Suits, values to $20. d7 Ar Dl.a7J Ladies Jheavy wool winter '. Coats, latest style d A ' A C $15.00 value; . . &i ;-rJ9;9J) Ladies' black taffetine Petti coats. Worsley 75c OJ? grade. Tfrr.tgOC Shoes Men's Suits Laides' felt Slippers and n A Your choice of any Worsley all Juliets, $1.25 values.... JVC wooi Suit, values to 7 0C ' $25.00... ...&ldu Ladies' $2.50 dress Shoes, gun- , metal and vici. d JO . , Choice. D I tO Kenyon & Priestley cravenctte : - . " . Raincoats. Worsley qj Children's Shoes,- val- 7fi Pc $20.00, at. . . . . 5.OD uestO$1.25 5?C ' Worsley's best $25.00 heavy 500 pairs men's, worn- Aft Overcoats within r en's and children's Shoes 70C Presto collar, at....(OeaJ Children's 40c Rubbers. Ofi t. Choice LVC fioys' heavy all wool Ovcr- , . - . - coats. Worsley price o jr. Men's $4 and $5 ,4 C $5-00, t...7;.:.t... JD Shoes........ ti&Ao - ' 1 . . , . . Cotton fleeced double f Men's and boys' high cut Shoes Blankets, per pair, . ... . D 7C at less than factory cost. ' "" ; ,.-' ' "1 . T Men's fine worsted and cassi- New lot boys' AQ mere Pants. '.WorsTdt A(i Round-Up Boots . . . 0 1 UO ley $3.50 grade at . . S 1 , ft 5 Notions White and smoked pearl But tons, assorted sizes. Wors- 0 ley price 5c, 10c doz., at IX, Writing Tablets, 10c size o at. , JC Silk taffeta and satin Ribbons, 3 inches wide. Worsley price 15c, yard jC 15c Whisk Brooms 5d Souvenir Post Cards, one q dozen for C D. M. C. Embroidery cot- ton, per skein. . 1C Valenciennes Laces, 12 yards for. ..." .DC Bone Hair Pins, 1 dozen for.. 3c ISM Men's and ladies' rubberized Raglan Coats. Wors- d 4 A ley price up to $12 04eD Ladies' rubberized tan silk Raincoats. Worsley tf AT price to $7.50, at ej 1 e J Children's rubber Rain Capes.'. . . $1.75 Ladies' Gingham Aprons. Worsley price 25c, at only. ........ 10c Ladies' white Shirt Waists, with embroidered OA fronts. Worsley $1 gde ejiC Viminprv 33 Trimmed Turbans and Dress Shapes, values to $5.00, QCj Untrimmed Hats and children's ready to wear, worth orj up to $1.50. .....&jC Ostich Plumes, long and full. Worsley price $5.00, Ladies' leather, silk and elastic Belts. Worsley price up if to $1.00, at IOC R. & G. CORSETS $1.00 Grade 50 $1,50 Grade .75J $2.00 Grade ....$1.00 $2.50 Grade $1.25 $3.00 Grade .T. . . . . . . .$1.50 Men's furnishings Coats. 49c Heavy knit Sweater Coats. Worsley price $1.00, at Men's black and tan Socks. Worsley 15c grade at only 6c Men's worlrand tlress Shirts.- Worsley 50c and 75c grades.. .......... i 29c Men's outing flannel Night Gowns, 75c grade, at J A only ...:AJC Your choice of the Worsley stock of men's $2.00 g 1 r A Hats....... ...IblsDU Men's natural wool Un- n A ' derwear . ? ; . . . . ...'. 0 JC Men's $2.50 Rough f f A Neck Sweaters. . . . . .O I U II 7T Sale Opens 9 A. M. WOTdefs Will Be Promptly Filled 2d Bet. AMer Porlland Agents for Piclorisl Rcvlciv-Palterns and Mofosom ,-'-,A,il- i V;,r ,;,, ,;