The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 07, 1912, Page 11, Image 11

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i ' - --
It'll Imppratlvo that tho contribut
ing new for the Sunday society puses
should have It reach the deek I Ilia
joniety editor not later than Friday.
News la always welcome, and thoewlo
have affair tarly In the week would
confer a great favor by sending thulr
reports In as soon after as poaatbla. .,
Largo Bridge. . - '', .': -: -
A LARGE number of guests enjoyed
yeaterday afternoon In ths royal
suite of the Multnomah, where
Mrs. Henry 0. Olle, Miss Oils and
. Miss Kleanor . 311 Invited them
to play bridge. Sixteen tables .were ar-ned'-fr-b'rldg-n4-nKfo-'lllst.4n,
the rooms artistically decorated with.
clusters of yellow chrysanthemums and
palms. Mrs. Mary E. Teal captured the
whist favor and Mrs. David T. Honey
man, Mrs, Thomas P. Honey man and
Mrs. John I. Rodgers proved the fortu-
-rams In for tea after the games, when
Mrs. A. E. Rockey presided over the
rns while. Mrs. , LoUls H.: Tarpley .eut
tcfs. ' Assisting about the ' rooms were
Mrs. John R.' Holman, Mies Genevieve
Thompson and Miss Janet Noble.
Betrothal Made Known.
Mr and , Mrs. Jacob George of Bt.
Helens have announced the betrothal of
their daughter, Anne May, to Walter
, Bertram Mdekay, son jpf Mr,- and Mrs.
Donald Mackay of Portland. No" dote
has been chosen for the wedding.
Krcnch Lecture Enjoyed.
Something like an audience of 100
gathered In Eflers hall yesterday at S
o'clock, to enjoy the first French leo
turs given by Pere Henri Langlard, for
merly of the University of Paris.- Lec
tures will be given at the same hour
and place on November 20, November
S 7, December t'and December 11. The
subject for the first two lectures Is
-France, Its People and Customs;
-1'he city of Paris" Is the subject for
the following lectures. Patronesses for
the affairs are Mrs. J. Andre Foull
houx, Mrs. K. A. J. Mackenzie, Mrs.
Henry L. Corbett, Mrs. J. D. Farrell.
Mrs. T. Scott Brooke and Miss Mary
Second Evening Bridge.
Mr. 'and Mr. Edwin Caswell gave a
second evening of bridge last night,
when their gueats were JJr. and Mrs.
Arthur C Emmons, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Burke, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. M. Ashley,
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph F. Prael, Mr. and
Mrs. Walter A. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. A.
W. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wil
son, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gray, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Heitkemper. Mr. and
Home-Made Beauty Helps
(From the Journal of Fashion)
"Jleauty aids made at home are most
satmfactcry in results, besides the sav
ins In LQaL Ysm cannot hint roaiiv
mode a sharrroo powder better than you
make by mixing four ounces of orris
root with a package of therox. Sift a
little on the head, brush out and your
acalp Is clean and your hear beautifully
lustrous, light, wavy nd easy to do up.
"A quick and painless way to remove
superfluous hair from face or forearms
Is to apply a jMiste made by mixing
del tone with a little water. Cover the
hairs with paste, leave on a few min
utes, then wipe off, wash the skin and
the balrs are gone.
."Eyebrows and eyelashes lack charac
ter because they are thin and deficient
fin color. Apply pyroxln with the finger
tips and they will become darker, grow
longer, thicker and silkier.
"Your husband would rather you
would use mayatone lotion instead of
- greasy I'aoe creams or powder that
shows. Dissolve an original package
of mayatono in a half pint of witch
- hazel and you have a three months' sup
ply. It makes the complexion soft,
smooth and satiny, restores youthful
bloom, and prevents growths of hair.
"Mother's Salve Is Just fine for cuta,
burns, scratches and skin eruptions
heaiing without leaving sears. RuBTrT
on briskly and It will give alrribst In
fant rener rrom acnes, pains and sore-
'V ;.t :..-:vi i V- - .-
iiuKi. ii aiiuuiu u on every
, dresser." Adv.
It's Up to You
It's Up to You
Friday and
$2.85 Switch, 22-in., 3-stem, at
$6.00 Switch, 24-in., 3-stem, f 1.40
$3.00 Switch, 23-in., 3-stem,' $2.49
$10 Switch, 30-in., 3-stem, $3.49
$12 Switch, 32-in., 3-stem, ?4.49
$3, $4, $5 and $6 natural''-fl 1 JP
curly Puffs, special at villi)
$5 22-inch natural wavy Transfor
mations, hair 22 inches d AO
long, all shades, now at eDl.aO
These Switches are 3-stem, all
long hair. Sell regular at $12 and
$15. On sale Friday and Saturday
Remember' our speciafty is Hair,
and Hair only. A match guaran
teed. We have ' thousands of
Switches. Naturally thousands 6f
colors to match frofn. ,.. "
Better Quality Hair.
Free Hair Dress,
The Hair Store
129 Sixth Street, Near Washington
Mail orders carefully attended to.
Send sn --:. !ci.
Mrs. Dan J, Malarkey, Mr. and 1 Mrs.
K. F. Jackson and Miss Tica von Bolton.
The decorations were plnlt ) roses and
chrysanthemums. ' ''.V
Bridge Afternoon. ,.
' Mrs. A. Xj. McCully Invited friends to
play five- tables of bridge with her yes
terday afternoon when her decorations
were yellow chrysanthemums. Mrs. -M.
A. M. Ashley end Mrs. O. a. Oammans
were th prise winners. The hostess wss
assisted by- her sister, Mrs. 1C. Shelley
i!f akc itunch In Our Beautiful Fourth' Floor Tea RoomPrompt ServiceArtistic Picture Framing A Specially
Grocery, Bakery and Delicatessen Fourth Floor Ualr Dressing and Manicuring Parlors on the Second Floor
Gossard Front Lace Nemo Marlette, Bon Ton and Royal Worcester Corsets Agents llomc Journal Patterns
You run no risks when you save ;
"S, & H.", Stamps, for they have
stood the' test of years and are
today the recognized "world's
best premium plan, Stamps on
charges if paid on of ; before
"Monday, November: II. ' ; . : , .
"The Daylight" Store Broad. Well Lighted Aisles and Plenty of Pure Air
Shop Early!
Tlan to do your Christmas shop
ping early. ' It will be a splen
did gift to . the thousands of
workingmen and women and
will bring you' many advantages.
Start now. Stocks are complete, J
h rr-Tr--" -f"'--,--
Scottlsh Bite at Home. '
The first Scottish Rite at home .of 1
this season will be given tomorrow
evening In the Scottish Rite, cathedral. ,
Patronesses for the evening ere Mrs.
Frank Vanduyn, Mrs. Robert Krohn,
Mrs. W, D, Jelllson, Mrs. Ben Oadsby,
Mrs. D. O, Tomaslnt and Mrs. Charles
E. Runyon. . '
' '';V;.;'"4. ' v -
Woman Club Meeting. .
The regular meeting of the Portland
Woman's, club will be held tomorrow
at-2 o'clock In Woman of Woodcraft
hall. Current events will be given by
Mrs. J. D, Spencer and ths program la
on, Tennyson A presentation of Enoch
Arflen, with musical setting, by Richard
eirauss, wui De given by Mrs. Q. O. ,
Young, reader, and Charles Swenson,
thl Omega Meeting.
- The regular meeting of the Alumnae
chapter of the Chi Omega was held
yesterday at the Tiome of Mrs. Rivea
Emerton. Members of the sorority will
probably give another large dance tills
year.' - ' v
500 Party Planned.
The Ladles' Auxiliary society of
Ahaval Bholom will give a COO party at
Chrlstenson's hall on Tuesday, Novem
ber 12, at 2 p. m.
Halloween Party.
A Halloween party was given by Miss
Catherine' Nelson at her parents' resl
flenceThe guesta numbered about 25
of the younger set. The evening was
spent in dancing, games and music,
after which luncheon was served. Those
Invited were: Miss Violu Held, Miss
Catherine Nelson, Miss Bertha Henntng,
Miss Marie Roberts, Miss Vivian
Wolley, Miss Flora Henry, Miss Carrie
Nelson, Mlsa May King, Miss Genevieve
Hay, Miss Margaret Marshall, Lou Nel
son, Gwynne Roberts, Bob Allen, Dan
Smith, Duff Bartu, George Torer, Mr
Colts. Fred Little, Jack Fischer and
Herbert Cornell.
Personal Notes.
Mrs. John McNulty and eon. Master
John, returned Sunday from the east,
where they have been for five months.
The summer was spent at Commander
McNulty's home, PotKdam, N. Y., and at
gpmg Grove, the park of Mrs. Mc
Nulty's father In the Adlrondacks. Com
mander McNuly returned with his wife
and son after a trip of two months
through eastern Canada and the states.
He represented the Oregon Naval Militia
forces at the naval review In New York
at t(ie request of the adjutant general.
Newton JJoundtree and Mrs. Robert
M. Clark have been called to San Fran
cisco on account of the illness of Mrs.
Roundtree, who Is Mrs. Clark's daugh
ter. Mrs. I. Ferguson Is In Oak Park, Cal.,
where sho Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
R. F. Shlnn.
Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 7. Cleveland is
about to embark on the antl dust cru
sade which promises to eclipse the war
waged on flies, the smoke abating battle
and even the antl vice crusade wblcn Is
Tfprcsent being fought.
Stats Factory Inspectors Peter Tr
Curley -aiidlYiliiain. JUnlacls-Ara jespqil
slble for the dust war declaration. They
have asked the local and state boards
of health to Join them. Shops and fac
torlcs where dust creating machinery is
used will be the enemy. The health
boards and lnspectora will fight the
dust making machines on ths ground
"Dust creating machinery Is one of
the most prollfio causes of tubercu
losa and for this reason the board of
hculth is Interested in the wmlC said
Curley. "I do not expect much trouble
In getting employers to remove exhaust
and blower systems which cause the
"Manufacturers throughout Ohio espe
cially, have seen the advisability of
safeguarding danperous machinery, and
are cooperating with t)i workshop and
factory Inspectors to the extent that ac
cidents caused from emery wheels, ex
posed gearings and flywheels, have been
reduced SO per cent.
Many Attractive Household
Articles Being Dis
Calef Bros., the home furnishers.
East Third and East Morrison streets,
have been unusually busy recently tak
ing care of new shipments In several
different lines. Noticeably to the vis
itor at their big east side store ate
beautiful Royal Push Button Morris
chairs, together with a complete assort
ment of Charlotte library tables and the
well known Lents extenson tables.
These tables are equal In quality, de
sign and workmanship to any of ths
arts and crafts' furniture on the mar
ket. ,
Hotel for Families
ySlnce purchasing the Sargent hotel at
Grand avenue and Hawthorne, recently,
Mrs. H. J. Held reports that the patron
age has Increased wopdcrfully. Many
features . hve been "adopted for the
pleasure of the guests. One In par
ticular worthy . of mention, Is the club
room, which is provided with a plana,
pool and card tables and Is used of
evenings for social gatherings.
The dining room, conduced by Mrs,
M. Cornell, Is attracting the attention
of those who enjoy good things to eat'
Those who enjoy the comforts of a
first class family hotel will find In The
Sargent all that is desired, at moderate
cost ' - " . "
New Republic Grille
You will enjoy the excellent 25o mer
chants' lunch we serve every day be
tween 11 and t o'clock. Different thai)
ollf-r places. Delicious Chinese dishes;
lo crawfish 'vrepared with wtne.-347&
jT'.'rr'fion st, bcf. 7th and Park.' -
Santa Claus Is Peering In al Every Crack and Corner of the Big Store
Oof EnttiFe Sttoclk ofi. Oolls Reduced!
Regular $1.50 Jointed QQn
Dolls, Special for Only wOt
Fourth floor. 24-inch Jointed Dofh, with sewed
wig and hair ribbon. Light or dark. Eyes that.
. open and close. Dolls that sell for $1.50 QQ.
each. On sale for tomorrow at, each, only IOC
Dolls' Ricksha wsv Special 15c
Fourth floor. Dolls' Rubber Tire Rickshaws,
made good and strong and well finished. Every
little girl will want one of these pretty C
"Noiseless" Doll Carts. Special tomorrow lwC
Noiseless Grocery Wagon 35c
Fourth floor. ' "Noiseless" Grocery Wagon, with
solid rubber tires and extra strong frame. A
handsome plaything that will outlast two OC
of the ordinary kind. Nicely finished. Now ODC
Beautiful Dressed Dolls fiQs
Values to $3.50 Special Ut7C
In the Basement Store. A sensational offering of
beautiful Dressed Dolls, light or dark hair, with
rosy cheeks and sleeping eyes. Sizes up CO -to
24 inches. Regular values up to $2.50 UJC
35c Dressed Dolls, Special 10c
In the Basement Store. 2000 pretty Dressed t
Dolls shoes, hats arid neatly made dresses; some'
have sleeping eyes. Regular values up to 1 A
35c. No phone prders and none to dealers ' 1UC
75c Folding doll Beds for 48c
Fourth floor. Handsome Folding Doll Beds,
brass finished, with strong welt mattress and pil
low. Size 18 inches by 9 inches. Regular ab seiling
price 75c. On sale tomorrow at TtOC
Regular $2 Rocking fl OA
Dorse, Special Only WJBl0&
Fourth floor. Rocking Horse, 18 Jnchei high
and 16 inches long. Best hardwood, with strong
stirrups and seat. JDappled bay, fin- 1 OQ
ished with hair tail. Reg. $2 value at )'
Noiseless Express Wagon 25c
Fourth floor. "Noiseless" Express Wagons, with
hard rubber tires and strong frame. The most
serviceable toy to buy for the children. OC
See these tomorrow. Specially priced at aWC
Noiseless Two-wheel Carl 15c
Fourth floor. "Noiseless" two-wheeled ' Carta,
with extra strong axle, wheels and bodjr and hard
rubber tires. Finished in the besrrpossible-t Cr
wayand a bargain at this price only Uv
Women's Cape Gloves 95c
Glove Department, main floor. Another great Friday sale of
women's Cape Gloves. Superior quality, soft, pliable stock;
1-clasp style, r. a. M. sewn, in assorted 6hades of tan
only; sizes 5j4 to 8. Supply your needs at once. Pair
'Monarch" Kid Gloves $2.00 Pair
Department jnain floor. "Monarch" Kid Gloves for women
are sold only at this store. Made from very finest quality real
kid, pique sewn, with two clasps at the wrist. Black; 0 AA
white and all desirable colors. All sizes at, the pair )favv
"Derby" Gloves for Women $1.50 Pair
Main lloor. ueroy rvia oioves tor women thn glove par
ly at this store in
Two-clasp style, pique sewn, with raris point backs.
excellence for dress or street wear.
Black, white and a full range of the popular colors.
Come to this store to buy this excellent glove. Pair
Women's Long Kid Gloves at $2.39 Pair
Glove Section, main floor. Only 500 women will share in this remarkable offering of
higli grade woves, tor tnats every pair we nave ot them. lull 16-button length white
kid, with J pearl clasps at tne wrist, uverseam sewn and a perfect fitting
glove. Will be on sale tomorrow only at the special price of, the pair, only
$1.50 Motor Veils for 98c
Main floor. Another shipment of "Our
Leader" Motor Veils just in. Complete
line of all the most wanted colors. QQ
Satin edge finished. $1.50 values HOC
35c Neckwear at Only 25c
Robespierre rolling or high neck effects;
jabots, Stocks, Frills, etc., in lacey and
fluffy designs; regular 35c Neck- .OC,
Wear on sale tomorrow at only JC
Sale Thanksgiving Linens
Main Floor. As usual at this time of the year, we
are showing a splendid line of fine Table Linens.
We are now offering exceptional values that we
claim are not to be duplicated in the city. Portland
agents Richardson's famous Irish Linen.
Pattern Cloths at Special Prices
$6.50 Table Cloths, 2j4x3 yards, with border, $ 4.34
$7.50 Table Cloths, 2x3 yards, with border, $5
$7.50 Table Cloths. 3'Ax3 yards, with border, $5
E9 Table Cloths, lyixiy yds., border all around. q
56.50 Table Cloths, Zx3J4 yds., bor. all around
68.25 Table Cloths. 2x3l4 Vds. bor. all around. $5.50
$9 Table Cloths, 2x4 yards, border all around, f
$ i2.&v z ftbifr Cloths, 7ix4;
S8.00 Dinner Napkins $5.95
scalloped edge,
h .,1 I ,
yos., Dor. an arouna, fa fm f ta-tVvr H
at' lgj
Splendid quality pure linen, with
size 20x20 inches. A bargain.
$ 5.50 24-inch Dinner Napkins,
$ 7.00 24-inch Dinner Napkins,
$10.00 24-inch Dinner Napkins,
$10.50 24-inch Dinner Napkins,
Sale of Women's
Leather Handbags
Main Floyr. You'll not make a mistake if
you fTuy two or tliree" or'tHeSt fine Bags-
at the prices we quote. Always a very
acceptable Xmas or birthday gift for
young or old. A wide range of shapes and
styles and leathers to select from. Every
bag "carries the famous "O. W. K." guar
antee. Reduced as follows:
$3.50 LEATHER HANDBAGS at 91.98
$6.50 LEATHER HANDBAGS it 84.98
40c Fancy Ribbons at 25c
Beautiful rich Dresdens in a vast assort
ment of dainty colorings and combina
tions. Also stripes and plaids. OC,
Anticipate your needs. 40c vals. mwC
Holiday Ribbons 9c Bolt
Splendid quality satin Ribbons for holi
day purposes. Every imaginable color
to choose from. On sale tomorrow Q
at the special price, 10-yd. bolt, only 5C
Women's $30 Suits $14.95
Coals Lined Wlln Skinner's Elgh-Grade Lining Salln
Women's Ready-to-Wear Section, Second Floor. Smart, dressy Tailored
Suits for women and misses in plain tailored or 4-button cutaway styles.
twx-Ht unrl ho nnmilar mannifth mixtures Skirts have the Stvlish side I
pleats, with panel back. Only a limited number of suits in this k QC
lot for tomorrow, so be prompt. Most unusual values up to $30 vl"vv
Women's Long Coats Only $15.00
Second Floor. Women who have seen these Coats tell us they are the
best in town for the money. And we believe them. Come in tomorrow
and examine them closely inside or out, fabric or finish, they'll come up
to your fullest expectations. Loose fitting belted back styles, with storm
oria6TFdcollars"antt decp-enffs Diagonal9,-ehinehilla,-tweeds-and-fancy-mixtures
in a good range of the season's best colorings. All A A
sizes. For tomorrow you may take your choice of them at vIwivU
Silk and Wool Dresses at V2 Price
Garment Section. Second Floor. Latest models in Charmeuse Satins,
Blouse and Robespierre collars, with high girdle eltect Uutch neck styles,
attractively trimmed, bplendid assortment
8 9.25
New Dress Skirts $5.00 to S12.50
Second Floor. An excellent assortment of new Dress Skirts in all the
most wanted fabrics Storm Serge, French Serge, Diagonals, Ratine, Bed
ford Cord and Corduroys. Four-piece models, with side or side-front
pleats; also two-piece styles with high waist- lines and gathered back,
trimmed with covered or velvet buttons. No matter what you fffO CA
may have in mind we can surely please you. Priced 9.00 to $19U
Carving Sets Reduced
Annual Thanksgiving sale of Carving
Sets and Table Cutlery. Third floor.
$3.00 Stag Handle Carving Sets fl.95
$7.00 Stag Handle Carving Sets $5.58
$5 Ivoroid Handle Carving Sets 93.95
$10 Ivoroid Handle Carving Sets 9T.95
$2.35 Nickel Poultry Shears, at 91.SO
$5.50 tag Handle Poultry Shears 948
$3.50 Ivory Table Knives, dozen $2.7S
13 on
Children's Hats
Worth to $12.00
Second Floor. Velvets, Corduroys, Ve
lours and Knitted Polo Hats in good range,
of colors. Handsomely trimmed. Prices
For tomorrow they go at just J VI
Children's Coats
$11.50 to. $29.50
Girls' Winter Coats, plain tailored styles,
with patch pockets and belted .back, all
range from $11.50 up ,1 As ff f
to $29.50. All tomorrow at Wil
14 OH
Cleanup Sale of Odds and Ends in Laces
Main Floor 10th Street Way 35c Linen Laces at 19c Yard
Tomorrow, a final cleanup of all short ends
of Laces, lengths from to 3 yards. Hun
dreds of dainty patterns to choose from at
prices from one-third to one-half tft QO
regular. Priced from 19eV up to di?0
Beautiful all Linen Laces in a great many,
attractive patterns, edges and insertions for
your every purpose are in this lot. Best
regular 35c Laces are on sale tomor- 1 A
row at the special price, per yard If
Women's and Children's Underwear
of Good Dependable Qualites Here In Great Assortmefs
Carter's Union Suits
Fleeced Vests & Pants
Women's heavy winter weight
Vests and Pants, heavy fleece
lined, gray or white and nicely
finished; all sizes. Special CA.
for tomorrow, garment at wwv
Women's Union Suits
Women's fine ribbed Union Suits,
aYiA nttnti iifinrAf Arifrilf uritll
I VV 11 I l kUllUU HUHVt VfVlCl"
f higli or low neck, long or short
i ...i i i ,L . . : mmm
m sieeves, antue ichkui, bic -K.
4, 5, 6. Special, the suit, at luC
"Dr. Denton" Sleeping Garments
Main Floor. i Fine knit merino fabric, soft, .elastic
and durable, made with feet. Neatly finished. Come
in sizes for children from 6 months to 10 years of
age. "Dr. Denton" Sleeping Garments are CI If)
what your children should wear. 60e to PIslw
m b u
I'M .
"Carter's" fine ribbed silk and
wool Union Suits for women. F'ine
soft' finish, high neck,
long sleeves, ankle 1'gth
Children's Pantalets
Children's School Pantalets, win
ter weight, black ribbed cotton;
good, serviceable garments; AQ
sizes 2 to 12 years 25f to OC
Vests and Pants 37c
Misses' and children's' merino
Vests and Pants, winter weight;
ribbed wool, cotton mixed. 07
Sizes for girls 3 to 13, garm't u(C
Boys' School Suits
Double Breasted ( I &
Stvlp 9PrPants Plioti
Main Floor. Boys' double-breasted School Suits
of excellent quality materials and attractive pat
terns in browns, grays, tans, etc. Extra pair
of pants with each suit. Regular val- PA CC
ues to $6.50
Your choice tomorrow
Department Second Floor.
Girls' all wool School
IwDrjESMs high or round
sleeves, kimono waist
styles, with pleated skirts.
Navy, brown and Cardinal,
in sizes for girls 6 to 14
years of age. OQ
Special now at ilitiJ
Special at $5.39
Dainty little Dresses for
the school miss. Gored or
pleated skirts, with long
or short sleeves and vel
vet collar, high or round
neck. Very practical Styles
for everyday wear.' For
girls ages 6 to fffi On
14 years. Spec! s.) J
Pony" Stockings for Boys and Girls 25c
Hosiery Dept. on Main Floor
"Pony" Stockings for boys and girls, light
or heavy weight ribbed cotton, with extra
spliced knees, heels and toes. The OC
satisfactory Ipse."" Tomorrow, pair IC
25c Stockings 3 Pair for 50c
Children's medium weight fine rib Stock
ings, with extra spliced heels, knees and
toes. Standard 25c Stocking. Sizes Cft
7 to &'. Special now, 3 for only )U(,
Infants' Cashmere Hose 25c
Infants' fine ribbed seamless Hose of best
grade cashmere. Silk heels and toes.
Black, white, tan, red and pinlc Full OC
fashioned. Regular 35c quality, pair mOC
Remember Me Silk Hose $1
Main Floor. Women's pure silk Hose, win
ter weight, lisle thread soles and heavy gar
ter welt. Black, white, tan and t AA
gray. All 'sizes at, the pair, only viVvl
Women's Wool Hose 3 Prs $1
Women's ribbed wool Hose,, winter weight,
seamless foot, with gray merino heels and
toes. Splendid c-ualitv, all sizes. AA
Tomorrow, special, 3 pairs for J).vU
Wayne Knit Hosiery 3 Prs $1
Two styles, cotton or silk lisle tnread, with
double garter tops. "Wayne knit." ; Inde
structible Hose are the best AA
wearing Hose made. Three prs. vl.yv
Men's S4.00 Shoes at 33.48
Main Floor. Four splendid styles of Men's Shoes in this extra
ordinary Friday offering. Tan and black call; also Shoes made to
JtaodJhis damp climate. A good range of lasts and sizes CO
iii TthT .lot" BesT regulars Sh6ert6morrowheT)atrr0
Children's $2.50 Shoes $1.69
Main Floor. A Friday sale of children's Shoes that oughr, to bring
manv-narents to the Shoe Department tomorrow. Patent kid.
patent ealf, gunmetal and vicl kid; good, ser?iceable lasts ff ?A I
for school wear; sizes Syi to 11; regalues to $2.50, pr. 1UJ j
Maurlna" Toilet
back of every bo or bottle,
for Your Complexion
Preparations are iold in Portland
tnlv at this Btore. The "O.W.K." Kuarp-tttee tand
provisions of the Pure Food and Drug Act.
Manufactured under the
Try It.
ijjftiy 5cTard
Iji the Basement. 5000 yards Mill Ends, best
quality Outing Flannels, in lengths, up to 20
yards. All good staple . patterns; checks,
stripes, etc. - Extraordinary value, this. -C
Kone'to dealers. Special tomorrow, yard JC
Healhcrbloom Petticoats OOc
Oiv".' the Main I Floor , bargain t
Cirelg."'-A -trpe ctaHot-of fmm
en's Petticoats-sateen, halcyon,
messalines, heatherblooni and
ginghams, with or without un
der flounce. Neatly trimmed
with tucks, etc. Several f?n
styles. Your cTioioe at
On the Bargain Circle tnmm
TOWT"I)aiiity styles it Imtr
and marquisettes. Hifi f 1
necks, long or short
Handsomely trt '
and thread !!'"!
to select f
cial f r