THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5, 1912. SAY JIGEIIT IS THIEF Mlchal Sporalsky, one of Its ,well known residents, , The reason for his act is not known as there was said to be nothing in his domestlo relations to lead to it. , As he was about to re tire he said, a ho took a drink from a bottle, "This is my last drink In this world." He was alone With his aged wife, who did not realize' that he was taking his life until, in a few minutes, he began to groan In severe pain. . fin ran to call a nolghbor but he was dead when they returned, The Aurora phy sician, Dr. B. F, Glesy, was called. The coroner decided that no Inquest would be held. ' The funeral was held today and Interment made In the Aurora cem etery. 's'i' V- ,'.'.' ,' NEW PASTOR FOR EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Tho Host in Value Tlio Peat in Quality Ladies' Home Journal . Patterns 10 and 15c Latest ' Styles Tin all Sizes ,- Ladies' Her o Journal fcr . November 15c a Copy, . On Sale in Pattern Sec tion. 4 us k yi v. v Wallace J.. Poland, Pacific . Coast . Representative, Arrested. ' , "; - President;' Arthur's Daughter, '. Victim of Anaemia, Secures. Tranf usion of: Blooterf fu . " 'w--aesBMa SAVES WOMAN If ) I (" -r m. W S M m ak.jr a a , - Dnlted Ptms M Wire.) San l-'rancluco, Nov. 6. Wallace 3. Poland, raclflo coas$ agent for the In ternational Harvester company of Amer. -loa,waa- taken-lnteutody -r her- by dutecUve agency on a warrant charging cmbeicleroent of 91600 on October .2. That the total defalcation of the.. ac cused man will reach $84,000 Is the re port mada .to. tha police -. by,!: th , com-, plaining witness, Aubrey, li Ambrose, the traveling auditor of the harvester trust.' - The complaint was sworn to be fore Police Judge Weller and Poland'a ball fixed at $50,000 bond .'or 125,000 cash, a ..- v'. c - Toland hf not been turned over to the police as yet, but will be lodged at the city prison late this afternoon. It Is believed Poland Is said to have squan dered the money in he operation of a Modesto theatre and the fit, Regis sa .lootv of this city, -( v'wVi ' DETECTIVE, HASTY; WITH , GUN, PUTUNDER ARREST ' L'; United Pnim Lease Wire. ' 1 ''. "'' ' tattlerAVaslw Nov, City Detective M. JMcNamee who -shot -Grover Pep , per, a ll-year-old farmer boy from Mis souri; after breaking In his door to ar . rest hlra, has been charged with assault in the second degree In a warrant is ' sued this noon by Prosecuting Attorney Murphy. The warrant followed a per Investigation of the case made - 'Baturlay by Murphy. Pepper and his "brother were thought to be suspicious .characters, - ' "EUGENE ON BASIS OF ' ' POLK DIRECTORY HAS , V , POPULATION OF 1 7,1 00 - e (Special to The Journal) e) , Eugene, Or., Nov. 8. Polk's e) ' new directory of Eugene, now e ' "being printed,. contains approxl- e ' e mately 8550 names, and using - the tisuat multiple of two for 4 every name in the 6ok, the es- e e tlmate of the population of the ie city Is 17,100. ft is believed " that this figure is not far from 4 ; e correct, as the city-tas expert- e ' e enced an enormous growth dur- e ;;.e lng the past, two years. : Rer. W. O. Shank. i.,-.- - When Jtev.. W, O, Shank, of WiaMeld, Kansas, arrives 'here some time, before December-3, when he will take up the paatoraU -of the East - Side Baptist church, In the place of Albert Ehrgott, he will be tendered a welcome that will probably excel any reception ever given to- a new minister; The plans for the reception are already under - way - and are being entbuslsstlcaljy discussed by all members. - ' , ' Bev. Mr. Shanks gives op the pastorate of the First Baptist church at 'Wlnfield to respond - to the call from , the local church. . . . ' .-. v- .. - Judge King Pairs Vote. . (Special to Tn JoereaLI Chicago, 111.. Nov. 6. Judge Will B. King, national committeeman from Ore gon, has found It Impossible to get back to Portland. In . time t6 vote. Ha has arranged to pair with a Republican and a Progressive and so will not lose his vote in the sense that he will negatively help Wilson's opponents, ; . -' Election Clerk Drops Dead. . (United Ptcm Leased Wirt.) Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. S. Henry Moest. 67 . years old, a Republican election clerk, dropped dead In a polling booth when the polls opened here early today. Nothing worries a nagging wife so much as a husband who won't get mad. New YorkN". Y., Noy. S.Mrs, Charles Plnkerton, onjy daughter of format President Chester Arthur, it " became known today, was saved from almost certain death rast week tjy" a blood trans fusion operation, which was performed at the pinkerton's home at Mount Kls k!o.'N. aV.J V.::: Mrs. Plnkerton bad long been a suf ferer from anaemia. It was-decided two weeks ago that only blood trans fusion could save her. :'; many volunteers. The operation was a complete success and the condition of the patient la reported aa satisfactory. Mrs. Plnkerton before her marriage In-j 1903 was Miss. Ellen Herndon Arthur. Ifer mother was a member of the Hern don family f Virginia, which was noted for the beauty of. Its women, ' "MY" LAST DRINK," SAYS SP0RALSKY TO OLD WIFE '...:.-, . ; ..,'V ... AUmr- Hp.. Vat' I.ff'hla Mmmnnttv .was astounded to learn of the suicide of TT mm (CltjHMK-. ...ii I'll Manufactured only by K JAMES PYLE & SONS. New Yor ,:,;,!..j,v.;X CAST MM REPAIRED tn3- REMODELED ' 1 AT SXJkXJi OO BT . tpedal yrlees on All 'Other ttjtes Wo Tell the Truth About OurVeUuef. '. Gloves Hosiery Xnit Ooeds , Porllaci KqltllDfj Co. 150 ,3d, Near Morruon. aCala e370 Fbones-A-TMO P.l 'Wl s N When in Portland aton at the Mo tel Seward. Ton will find it one of the newest, most artlstio, modern and elegantly appointed hotels la the arorthwest. located at Tenth and Alder streets, la bean of retail and theatre dirt rid. Kates 81 rn.nA up i with bath, 3 and an. Bus Meets aft trains. W. M. XTV7ASO. Prop, ($Plf IMPORTED ' ; PSTS MINIATURES j yJJ EachPackage J mm i , f 1 1 " -r LwrrSwe&temr r 1 V- 1 .1 -- W Them Your Eyes 4r.-; - " - - - -. - - - - ' T ' WMT MMIC IS TfflS"? It looks like a cigarette Ifs made like a ciffarette It smokes like a cigarette But it TASTES like a little adventure right out df the Arabian Nfehts. Complete Hew Lines of Knit Underwearjand-Hdsiery1-- The wanted' styles in fall and winter- weights in - all sizes for women and chil drenThose good durable sorts always found here. priced to you at less than the same qualities are sold for else where for instance : r , 7 Women's Hose, 3 Pairs 81.00 r A splendid line of women's medium weight, cotton Hose Made with Irish linen sole, double garter top and high-spliced heel-Sizes $y3 to 10 35c; a pair, or, three pairs for onTdoJlar.-rsr--- '-r- -r-r Children's Hose, 3 Fairs 50o "Ah excellent wearing cotton Stocking for boys,-made in the . reinforced heel and toe and shown in all sizes from 5 to 10, the kind sold regularly at W a -pair on sale atfjhree pairs for fifty cents. - -- - - Women's Wool Vests, Pants, CJ 1 T A Tights, garment at. . . . . .'. . . .9 1 OU A; full showing; of the celebrated Spring field . Underwear for women Vests in hlgh-heck, long sleeve styles and pants and tights in ankle length fine all-wool garments in all sizes Unmatchable val ues at $ 1.50 a garment. $1.00 Women's Wool Vests, Pants, lights, garment at. ....... . Fine wool high-grade Vests, Pants and Tights in gray and in whiter-Vests in several styles with high or low heck and long or short sleeves. Pants and Tights in ankle- length All regular sizes, un usually fine garments, on (PI AA Sale at .......... Values in Household Linens A great collection of Linen specials, all new patterns, bought this season especially for this sale All are depend able in quality, guaranteed by us to give perfect satisfaction. This is your opportunity to secure a generous supply: 75c DAMASK 59c ; ;, . One ot the best values we have ever been TeTV-lcw-piTceomesfull60lri 50c DAMASK 42c An unusually welPwearing Damask-at a wide, is full bleached and has a fine mercerized finish, shown jn a large va- riety of neat new designs Our leader at 50c a yard Priced This sale at 42c Natural Linen Crash for Fancy Work AllWidthsHJnderpriced 18-inch Crash, yard .18c to 25c 2Q-inch Crash,-yard. . . ..... .22c to 30c 3(inch Crash, yard 25c "to 65c 54-inch at. . . .50c 72-inch -at $1.25 PLAIN WHITE UNENS A Full Showing 36-inch Linens, yard . . . . , ;35c ten $1.00 5cHensardTz0( 54-mchinensryard ri rrTT75c-tQr$l UUNCH CLOTHS, $1.25 AQ GRADE, EACH.............. VOC One half Bleached German Linen Lunch Cloths, 63 inches square, finished with hemmed -and open work borders f Q n Regular $1.25 grade On sale 7Ut excellent wearing quality, comes full 70 inches wide and shown in fifteen differ- eTitijesigns7 regular75c qualityC A Priced This Sale at. . .... . . OyC BLEACHED NAPKINS, $1.35 KIND, DOZEN.... 95 c -iOO dozen Bleached Napkins of good size and quality, they come 20 by 20 inches, and - shownin -neat - patterns Regular $1.35 kind, priced at the dozen Plain and Fancy Linen Huck All Widths and All Prices rHrr 1 5-inch Huck, yard. .". . . .25c to 75c 1 8-inch Huck, yard:". . .7. ; iH7c to 50c -iOinehuckard .inHucK, yafd. ........50c to 60c HANDKERCHIEF LINENS Qualities to Suit -All Fine Sheer Linens, a yard from 50c up to ... . . . . .". .$1.75 Camb, Linens, yard. . . . ... .50c to $1.25 Good Mews in Dress Goods and Silks A great assortment of Silks, and likewise a large stock of. Dress Goods have been grouped into special lots and marked con siderably below regular worth. The va riety of the styles and colorings covers a wide range and assures the fulfillment of individual desires We repeat with empha sis that all of the fabrics are in the newest weaves and popular patterns 12,000 Yards of Fanoy Drcs3 -and Waisting" Silks Poplins Changeable Bengalines Messa- I A lines; Taffetas Etc., $1-$1.25 Grades )yL . All are this season's silks in standard widths and reliable qualities at this sale you have choice of yajd-wide Silk Poplins in the, wanted plain shades, cream and white 27 inch heavy changeable Ben galines 22 to 27 inch fancy black Messalines, Taffetas, Repps "and Ottoman Cords Chick new designs in novelty waisjing Silks Fancy Persians Scotch Plaids Neaf hew designs in Louissines, Messalines and Taffetas Also 20 to 27 inch nov elty Jacquard. weaves and neat striped novelties It is a most unusual opportunity to purchase de sirable quality Si&s for waists, chesses or fancy . work at less than regular wholesale cost. C A-, Reg. $1 and $1.25 grades Now On Sale, V jL 38 to 54 Inch Dross , Goods Reduced to 45o Yard changeable Diagonal Serges New novelties in checks and1 stripes Pretty Scotch Plaids and solid colored, rain resisting cloths and a great many other fabrics - A XI n in values to 85c a yard Now on Sale atv,v. .;. . . . .... . .