The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 05, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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lilt IS
Wyoming Tries to Defeat War-
ren; woman simrage rara
mount in Arizona; r)ot Sen
f atonal Fight m Nevada
. fUnttad Prem Ltsssd Wlre.l
; Phoenix, Aria., Nov, 6. "With perfect
election -weather- throughout- the- state
ft heavy early vote was caat la Arl-
. rona today, with Indications of the nor
i inal Deraooratlo majority. ,
' , Besides three ; presidential contests
; 6nl a. congressional representative, the
voters of the, state will pass upon sev
; oral constitutional i amendments. Wo
Xnia&suXfraga Xi the junendmont causing
most interestaAs there .has been.llttie
" real opposition to equal suffrage, it Is
expected tocarry.
In addition to suffrage, the recall of
, the . judiciary,- the right of state ana
municipalities . o engage in Industrial
pursuits, and seven bills passed by the
'-. taut legislature against which a refer
endum has been initiated, including a
. game law. a' semi-monthly payday law,
and five bills affecting the operation of
trains by transportation companies are
on mo oauot.
Of the total registration of 11.000. It
X; is estimated that 24,000 will g'to the
polls, and probably (0 per cent of these
will -rote-w the- ref erendum '-measures
Wilson and T.'K. Lead. -
(United PrvM tested Wtre.l ,
JDcjivervLNjByJWlUuldeal .weather
prevailing throughout all Colorado, the
biggest vote in the history of the state
;is bejng polled Jodayhe ballots are
' extremely cumbersome, containing 32
propositions besides thepresidentlal
electors, legislative, state and county
candidates, colonel Roosevelt ana uov.
nor Wilson are leading In the . early
voting, running on about even terms
with -President Taft a poor third. - .-.
I The Democratio, managers Claim the
state for Wilson and victory for the
state ticket by 0,000. Progressive lead
ers say Roosevelt' plurality will be
not less than 25,000, while Taft man
agers claim the state for their candidate
by looo
election 'of Secretary of Stale Tearce.
alleging he is guilty of misconduct with
- women employes of his office.
' The next legislature will elect-two
United States senatorsThere Is much
-Interest in the preferential vote, which
ia complicated by. lb fact , that, nearly
' half of the candidates- are not pledged
to support the preferential vote winner.
The other ' propositions put "up to the
voters Include most of the Oregon re
form laws.
" Wyoming Breaks Records.
T Cheyenne, Wyo., Nov. 6. The heaviest
; tdio tn xte moiury vt xry uiuury ttt ui"
lng polled indiiy. The Democrnla and
' Progressives are fusing in an effort to
carry the state legislature and defeat
. United States Senator. Francis E. War
ren for reelection. Congressman Mon
dcll undoubtedly Will be-Jreeleoted.
-" The proposition to adopt the initiative
. and referendum- measures has largely
been lost sight of In Jie heat of the
senatorial contest. -" t ,
, Believe Dixon -Defeated.
w - United Vtn Uawl Wlra. . :
Missrwrta, Mont., Nov. 6. Although
the Democrats are claiming Montana by
18,000, a cousorvative estimate of their
plurality reduces this to 2000. The reg
istration showed a 30 per cent Increase
over two years ago. - The "silent vote"
Is very largo. '
- The Socialists probably will poll heav
ily In Butte and Sllverbow county, while
- Koosevel t is expected to-run far a head
of the rest of the Progressive ticket
'Senator -Dixon probably. will. be defeut-l
ed for reelection. Progressives and Re
publicans also claim the state but do
not give any figures.
Jr5; Nevada to Elect Senator.
i (tJnltrti Prose Lnwd Wire.)
Carson, Nev Nov. 6. -Aside from the
three oomered- flplit -bet ween-Wilson,
: Roosevelt , and . Taft f or Nevada's eiee
toral vela ilivchlet. inte
dleated the same. Wilson, however, will
run exceedingly strong and is a danger
ous second. , Taft 1 hopelessly In third
place. ,; There Is a close race between
Governor Hay, Republican, "Bob" Hodge,
Progressive, and. Ernest Lister, .Demo
crat, In the gubernatorial fight Bet
ting seems tcr favor Hay and Hodge, but
there Is not much money being wsgereu
on this fight. The congressional rsce
in this district Is also close between
Congressman Humphrey. Republican,
Dan Landon, Progressive, and Charles
Helfner, Democrat. Landon seems to
be the favorite. . An early and heavy
vote is being cast.
Xioog lines Waiting to Vote,
. (Bnttclttl to Tht Journal. 1 -
; Salem, or., Nov, s.-Wtth ths clouds
breaking away In spots, after a heavy
wind and rainstorm last night, lndlca
ttonsTioinrw atlear day, 'and atsan
early hour voting began heavily in this
county. Soon after the polls were
opened In Salem dosens were in line
waiting for a chance to vote. am$ these
linos are being maintained throughout
the day,
; Farmers Vote) Despite Rain, .
lS'.'. (Speclsito Ths Jourtl. ' '.O-?-
Eugene; Or., Nov. Election day in
Lane county Is marked by a line drizilo.
which makes It disagreeable for voters.
but it Is believed that It-will 4eur jw
one from, casting his ballot V Farmers
Of the county have taken great Interest
in both local and national tickets and
It, Is believed that a record vote will be
polhe'd. ) .: ,.'.,'-!.' !' ::-y.-':- ; '
il la One Family Vote, V
(Suetial to The Joeroett j '.
Cehtralla, Wash., Nov. 6. Kelso holds
the record for solid voting In this sec
tion -oLlhe jtate. The family of George
W. Taylor, sons, daughters, sons-ln-lavf
daughters-in-law. and grandchildren, 14
In all. went to the polls today and cast
14 votes for-the Republican. presidential
electors, juage xayior, ine neaa oi me
family. Is a Civil war veteran, i ...'.V. ". -X
.Local Option Issue Floods Folia,
lbfcll ta The JourntLt '
Centr'alla, Wash., Nov.. 6. A heavy
vote Is being polled. With a total reg
istration of 3100, a record fof the city
by-over 600, and the Intense lstaresOn
thOcaTbpiroOsSuerihevoters went
to the polls In droves., A big suffrage
tote Is being cast, -:,:.-r.- '
m . I , ' c,r
Southern' Idaho Votes ileavllf.
- (Hpeelal to Tbe loorntLl ,
Boise, Idaho, Nov, S. Warm weather
but threatening sky were the conditions
in southern Idaho when the polls opened
this morning. A heavy vote Is Indicated.
The polls close at 7 o'clock tonight '
women voters are -righting -the re- r BadTVeather But a Heavy Vote.
(SoM!il ta Tha Janrnal.l
St Helens, Or., "Nov. (.-Bad weather
exists all over Columbia county. Some
precincts report the heaviest vote at
this time of day for years. Indications
are of a large vote on all amendments.
"' Downpour in John Day Valley.
iSpecltl to Tbe Journal)
'Prairie City, Nov. .It Is . raining
steadily throughout the John Day val
ley. Measures Attract Sherman Vote. .
Special to The loerasLl
Moro, Or., Nov. S. The morning
roke cToTiay, It wa raining at 8
o'clock but the sun was shhitag bright
ly at 10. Indications tend toward a
strong vote Considerable Interest Is
taken jin..Jhe...pr9R.osedmeasures. A
larger pereentagaswlllu Vote on e them
this year than usual, i:
SdlevIest big
vote producer
Chicago Will. Cast 350,000
allots; Race in Nebraska
Is Between Roosevelt and
-Wilson; . Ohio . for. Wilson..
(tlnlted Press Usees Wlre.1
. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 6, The concensus
of -opinion here today la that the race
between Colonel Booseveit and Governor
Wilson, for the electoral vote of Ne
braska will be close with President Tsft
running a poor third. The Democratic
state ticket probably wilt; be elected.
William J.' Bryan's four days' four of
the state has helped the Democrats,
hutitia considered-doubtful If-thla will
overcome the Rooaevelt-tr end, especial!,
ly In tha rural districts. - j
The adoption of the initiative and ref
erendum laws and four' other less im
portant propositions Is conceded. .
Ohio Looks Like Wilson.
' (Caltod PnM teuwe Wlre.l ' " " '
Columbus,. Nov. 8. 'That -Woodrow
Wilson, Democratio nomine for presi
dent, will carry' Ohio, and may pull the
state ticket with him are the indications
here today. There Is considerable bet
ting that Roosevelt will run ahead of
President Taft The Socialists expect to
poll about .125,000votesaniLlhaPxQ.
hlbltlonlsts 25,000. ; - .
James M. Cox, Democratio ; candidate
for governor, la a favorite In the betting
at odds of -to-1.
Claim Rooserelt Strength.
. Cnltrt Press Leased wirs.J
Jackson,- Miss., Nov. I. Progressive
Teaa'erseOTlodayarmecFtIiey would
be able to cut down the normal Demo
cratio pluralities in Mississippi today.
Colonel Roosevelt,- they said, Is Show
ing unexpected strength. The voters
also are passing on the proposal to
adopt the initiative 'and v referendum
laws. - - . ;-l
. t Big Early .Vote in Iowa.
(United Press Ussed Wire.) 1
Des Moines, Iowa, Nov. I. -Despite ex
tremely cold weather throughout the
state an unusually heavy early vote was
reported everywhere. . Hundreds of per
sons waited outside the booths here,
there not being enough voting machines
to accommodate the voters.
80 Per Cent Vote In Illinois.
(United Press Tie4 Wlre.t "r-
l-JChlcago, Nov. 6. With Ideal election
weather prevailing, it was predicted to
day that 860,000 ballot would be cast
In Chicago. This means that more than
80 per cent of the total registration will
go to the polla. The voting everywhere
in Illinois is reported heavy.
Rain Lessens Utah Vote.
(United Press Leased Wlrs.)
Salt Lake. Utah, Nov. 5. Very cloudy
weather; threatening rain. jnsdett
doubtful If the voting in Utah would
be heavy today. Political managers are
extremely confident, with the Repub
licans Claiming the state by 10,000 -plurality.
President rTaft 1s the -favorite
In what little betting has been reported
on the ,t ate result The-Progressives
claim the governorship but do not claim
that Roosevelt will jarry the state.
Wilson Leads in New Mexico.
i (TJolM Prf Leiacit Wlrs.i I
Santa Fa, N. M., Nov. .Desplte the
claims of ihe various chairmen, the
flKht In New Mexico todsy probably
will be between Wilson and Roosevelt,
with the former leading. Taft will be
a poor third. There are to be no state
officers elected. Harvey Ferguson,
Democrat, probably 'will be chosen for
congress. ' , V ' ' - , '
: r , - " '"' v.
Steady Ilain Stop No Vop. .
- "(Siwclsl to 'Tbe Jourusl.) '
-Walla Walla, "Wash., Nov. . With
rain falling steadily, tha. Vote today is
heavy, and promises to be the largest
ever cast In Walla Walla county. All
three parties are confident of majorities
for their entire tickets, national, state
and county, but . Indications are that
Roosevelt will carry the county, with
Wilson second. Lister will be likely to
get ; a plurality with Hay second.
Sounty offices probably will be badly
pht among the parties, '
: Missouri. Vote Light.
, - (United Prvra Ud Wire. I
8t, Louis. Mo., Nov, S. It wss feared
here today that rain, which is reported
generaT throughout Missouri, will affect
the rural vote. ! The feature of the vot
ing todsy Is a constitutional sir.'-n 5
ment proposing single tnx.- ,
' Bitter Fight Jin Kansas, , ( ;
(t'nlUA ftm tiS ?tr.V
vTopeka, Kans., Nov. 8.Vltlt McaI
weather today, a bltter flght is expect
ed. Oovernor Wr R, Stubbs, Progre.
slve,' and Thompson, Democrat, rival
candidates for the " senatorhlp, have
agreed on a preferential vot to s.-UI
the question,, A suffrage amendment I
also up. '- 1 -
Portland's Foremost Specialty Garment Store:
- ' Wm ' 'Miii
mm ;.-.:r::.r"5-:.:
I I llllfi "1 St
Great: November
The end 4 of the season will Karcllv brimr creater
mighty November event at Pottlancl's Emporiuml In
spite of , weather conditions, hundreds have responded
the last two days.-, -;'v,-
Still an immense selection at the three prices. Nd
woman whose Fall and Winter Suit is yet to be pur
chased will surely miss this SAVING OPPORTUNITY!
Come tomorrow 1 ,...'.: .
$19.50 to $22.50 Suits at
(35 HO
At least. 16 different models, two.
exactly at illustrated at left.. The
top style is a charming; 3-button
cutaway, of brown or blue boucle
cheviot Short belt at back. ,
. Lower model pictured it a jaunty, mannish Norfolk of gray, brown '
and tan mixture. - Other styles plain tailored, semi-dressy and Nor
folkin navy serges, cheviots, corduroys, mixtures. All sizes 14 to 44.
All linings guaranteedmost Of them famous Skinner's satin. ..New
$19.50 and $22.50 Suits, la this great sale, S 13.95.
To $30 Suits, $18.95
.We've illustrated two of the models above U oth
ers just as smart. One at left has the new, straight
.lines a strictly Tla'n tailored diagonal.
Of the other style, both front and back yiews are
shown. Jannty semi-Norfolk, of brown and. gray chev
iot. Splendid fadeproof navy blue serges also in this
lot. All sizes 14 to 44. Beautifully tailored; Skinner's
satin lined. $27.59 and $30 Suits in every detail. '.Sale
To $35 Suits, -$22.95
High grade Suits every one of them! Reproduc-;
tions and adaptations of Paris models.. Beautiful im
ported fabrics, faultlessly man-tailored.
' At least 12 different models at this price. Charming
cutaways, handsome plain tailored straight front styles,
chic Suits of the dressy type. Cheviots, diagonals, mix
tures and the finest men s wear navy serges. Lined in
Skinner's satn and peau de cygne. Elegant $32.50 to
$35 Suits, sale price, l
Big "Millinery Sale Continues Tomorrow
dear's election centered In the contest
Ijete-UniUd SUta Senator iionwUi
JAMasaey. whoserveoLjouJLi Nixon'sjin
. expired term, la a candidate for re
election. , lie is opposed by Sardls Sum
' snerfield as the Progressive candidate
T and Key Plttman, Democrat,
t For congress the candidates are: K.
H. Koberts, Bepubllcao ; Pat McCarren,
i pemoorat, and George Bprlngmyer, Pro
i gresslve. O. A. Steele Is the Socialist
candidate -for senator' and John A.
Worden for congress.
Conditions In Jackson Ooanty.
"- Wt (Special to Th JonrnuH
Wedford, Or., Nov; 5 Rain last night
and this morning nas caused tne vote in
the outlying districts to be light The
city vote la heavy and a rush ot country
t votes Is expected this afternoon.
. You can search the whole world over and not find another gift
that will bring so much pleasure to every member . of thefamily.
$i 5r$25$40 $50
Washington Likely Roosevelt's.
: ' (Onittd Pre tssed Wire. 1
Seattle, Wash., Nov. S. The state of
Washington probably will give Roose
velt 'its seven electoral votes. The bet
ting favors Roosevelt on this state's
vote and,: practically all polls have in-
Don't Blame Your
'Overworked Stomach
When your stomach -will not digest
, food, the worst thing you can do Is tfo
take a lot of digestive medicines. True,
- they give i temporary - relief, bat your
j, stomach is the sufferer. Loss of ap
y petltN Indigestion, dyspepsia and head
aches can only be permanently relieved
, by removing the cause. In many cases
various' remedies taken to relieve these
conditions result In ruining the stomach
and preventing it. from digesting food
in a natural way.
, ' It you want your stomach to do Its
own work properly, without resorting to
artificial digestives or predlgested foods,
use Jayhe's" Tonlo Vermifuge,! Take
small doses regularly, preferably before
meats. In a little time your stomach
will again do Its own work, and you
will eat Thoartljy, keep well and enjoy
" living. Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge Is not
a digester in itself, but it tones up the
stomach and Intestines, giving you all
, the nutriment and strength from the
. food you eat. . i
Many forms of supposed Indigestion
j fe the ' result of intestinal parasites,
unsurpassed.. Insist on Jayne's; accept
no other.' Millions have praised It ar
'more than eighty years. Bold brdnlg
gists everywhere., I)r, X', Jayne 4b Son,
Philadelphia, Fa. ; ...
ienor service, cour
tesy and the most com
plete stock of Victrolas
Any Victor dealer in any city in
the world will gladly play any music
Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. J.
on the coast makes
shopping at The Wiley B. Allen Cos a pleasure.
Tct $4 Monthly and Upwards
A visit to our record department proves a pleas
ant surprise to talking machine owners.
All the latest records all the time is our motto
and the records are here. .
-----ri -
Vrctor-Vlctrola IX, $50
- Mahogany or oak - i
. .,.,-.,,..- ii -SssS