Maybe You Think Mutt Doesn't Know Something About the Balkans wrr. x v "me captured QNwPFSTirAM AND NOW ArJVrvr,lN& Some ar. m Monday's Delayed Return of World Happening! Received From 3 o'clock Yesterday . r Afternoon Until 3 o'clock This Morning. - ' Political, ffort the ' president ' down, virtually everybody with a votlnn residence has -Hron homo to-roteiBecwtarrtrtenHH trlor Fisher, who has no vote this yaar because It was too late to register when n returned from hla Jonj trip to Hawaii, la the only cabinet officer In Washing- tatn and U acting president. FT Uurough a political' truoe, a compll- a tnentary vote in honor of the lata Vle - z-reaiueni cnerman ie ocing cast in me precinct where, he Tormerly voted. , Governor Wilson will receive the elec 7-tlon' returns , at : Princeton tonight through the aatne telegraph Instrument 7-that Uoked off victory to Orover Cleve ,,land In Hit. Commodore E. C. Bene diet, a lifelong friend of Orover Cleve v land, sent a messenger to Governor Wil son yesterday with the hlntorlo lnstru ' , mnt and the nominee had It installed. An automobile bearing Governor Nor rls, T. J. Walsh, Democratic candidate m tor senator, and Sam V. Stewart, Demo i eratlo candidate for governor, was as , sailed by a mob listening to an orator expounding Socialistic doctrines at ' Butte, Mont, Monday night The glass shield of the car was smashed, Mr. WsJaU'icaas , raised attha governor and Mr. Stewart ' The mob cursed the American flag and ' tore down patriotic emblems displayed - at a Democratio meeting. When Governor Johnson start back to California he will carry with him many presents that admiring Progres sives baye given to him during his 10 weeks' campaign tour. Among them are r fountain pen, hand painted vases, a act of the works of Rooseveft, original -yjalntlngaand-.-lnnumerabla bnitt nf 1 cigars. By the death Sunday of Represent. 4tlvo George H. Utter, former, govemor ; of Rhode Island, the house of repre - sentatives Is Democratio by states. Thus Is ended the anticipation- of a deadlock , In case the election of a prnldenf ahdujd 4 go to -thai-body, - JEactern. rather" John Russell, founder the Prohibition party and the oldest Metho dist preacher In the Detroit confereno. -Is deed t tb hom of tite daayhtor in ; Detroit, lie waa bom in Livingston .county, New Tork. In 1822. The method of teaching Miss Helen Keller, who was born deaf and dumb, to speak and Understand, what Is spokeh to her, has made euch deep Impression on the Queen of Hpnin. whose second on, Don Jaime, waa also born, unable Hair! Hair! Talilne Hlr krtft IWr Vlgar pfsoarf 4ttnjt ft that aanst httag hate. It aeurtahea the hair hufta, wstssai thoa health. The hair stos faMngoai gteinsin rapMy. Dandruff, AjWlRalr Vigor fr as prtmpHvoartw the gens that cum daadraft It nsaovw ovaty tnss t 4andraf ItteK aa4 keeps the aolp cltaa sai la a health coa dittos. , HDOC-NOT- COLOR THE HAIR t. 0. Am CW. LotwII, Km. Sab little Kindm' on roar fonbul loiaV . uuilajovM-ndbMdaub 1 Instantly 7 vi - rnTu Aoaaos , we original ana ft Ni tuna, Oatarrtial JallT la ulsuanC aroinatla. antlMDtMi. OkUrrtial lly It plwwnt, rointii, ntlMptie, - - ao9ttatn,oiian haalHi. (tlwH4ni I iiBKena awtimtv m mm mm rem I ant It in your bom, for eoldi. I . wiu aiwarr warn ii in your noma. lor ooldi. eougb, cor throat, Oktarrh, b7 r, uthrn, i I to. Banltarr tubw,2Sc and tot at all drutgltta. rnpi ruin. KOWOOia Kara. CO., 3TVim WHOOPING COUGH SPASMODIC CROW ; - ASTHMA - COUGHS BRONCHITIS r CATASKH , COLDS , CBTiautHco tare A simple, safe and effective treatment tor bronchiaitroables, avoiding drug. Vapor ized Creaolene stops the paroxysms of Whooping Cough and relieves Spasmodic Croup at once, It is a boon to sufferers from Asthma. The air carrying the anti- cptra vapor, raipirea wa every crwica, pakes breathing easy; soothes the sora sTnroat and stops the eongh, assuriag rest. ' f rui Btgnta. it is invaluable to mouers wiin yubhk vjuiurcn, g n n ap i i f 4e$criptvbookl$L ,y AfiiZJJ'' ? AtL DBCeOKTa, Try Orwolna Antlaeptle Throat Tabltta for tne Ir ritattd throat. Thrj ara tmpia, efTcrtlTa and antl- teptio. Ot yorlniwt er from ua, 10c In nun pa, vapo citrsoiL-?!! ro. 12 Cartliadt St., N. I. THE cweHyrcN no t n th.catsn no Vh sn' ifp. tm wiwu Cais : Y6 USStrP-mtf TO MAM M k AT Qt :'.(7' ; News Briefly Told to speak or hear, that she has sent a special court phystclanto New Tork to gatner data on this matter and under the Jlttle -prince.- Mrs. Louise Llndloff, spiritualist and crystal gazer, was round gulttjrof imir der at Chicago Monday night and her punishment was fixed at 25 years In the penitentiary. She was oharged with poisoning her lS-year-old son, Arthur. Mrs. Llndloff laughed hysterically and eaat a sneering glance at the Jury when the verdict waa read.' Later she col lapsed while standing .In an anteroom surrounded by friends. . ' The board of missions of the Metho dls Kplsoopal church has assigned Bish op J. F. Berry to preside over the Wy oming Spring conference of the church. Bishop Francis J.McConnetl - was s signed , to Mexico and Bishop. It. J. Cooke to Alaska. William J. Bryan Jr., has been elected president of the freshmen law class of Georgetown University. The herolo musicians, who played "Nearer My God to Thee!' as the Titan ic sank last spring, were honored Mon day in New York. A bronze tablet to the seven bandsmen prepared by mem lef4nMosla4ttiQfmrff unveiled at the club house of the organ. Izatlon. Pacific Coasu Because she waa arrested last week at Butte, Mont, upon information of a Montana deputy sheriff, and held In Jail thereupon an alleged theft of $10 .v ti.Munujii, uu iiKtus? sne was an coated in a Bleeping car of the Chicago Miiwauime a fft. Paul railroad by conductorwho Insisted upon her ar rest, mis viae coiilue, a Dutch oom. edlenne, playing at Lewlston, Idaho, this week, has filed a ttO.000 damage suit against the company. Rather than lose hla right to tote, T. L. Mack, a farmer living near Sandy, Or., has remarried his wife, from whom he waa divorced at Oregon City last Thursday. Mack went home -to get his effects, and told Mrs. Mack he would like to remain until after election, as he didn't care to loae his right to vote. Mrt. Mack agreed, lind It was hot long before a reconciliation was effected, fol lowed by a second wedding Monday. William Campbell died at Tillamook Monday from injuries he received by being run over by an engine at Wheeler. He was 30' years old. , Falling to reach a verdict after de liberating all of Saturday night the Jury that retired with the case of the Xmrred States vs. Gaylor W. Thompson, of Lewlston, and L. O. Bradley, of Boise, charged with misuse of the mails in the promotion of the sale of Medbury, Idaho, lots by the Medbury Land A In vestment -company,reported to Judge Dietrich in the federal court Sunday that it-waa hopelseuiy - huflgi- While Frank DeHart, .a -donkey en- gljcer near Aberdeen, Wash., was pinioned to the ground by a tree, his 7-year-old son vforked frantically to pry the Immense trunk off his father's body and, falling, ran four miles to his home to summon help. - Men rushed to the spot to find DeHart lifeless. .Mra. Pansy Hastings Lesh, who is in Jail at Los Angeles awaiting removal to Sedalla, Mo., where she probably will be tried for the murder by poisoning of Mrs. Ellaa'Coe, of that city, and Mrs. M. A. Quaintanoa, of Green Ridge, Mo., half a dozen yearr aa-o. was deciarari jftnopMaybr Dr. James T., Flshwy a pruimoent alienist. Foreign. A prominent building firm In London has brought suit for 130,000 against Lord Decies for work done at Sefton Park prior to the marriage of his lord ship or Vivien uould. Reginald MoKenna was prevented from making a speech Monday night in Holbernetown hall, London, because of the uproar caused by suffragetes. The secretary escaped a mauling by fleeing with his wife through-a aide door. Monte Cristo, on the north coast of the Dominican Republic, has been at tacked by revolutionists. The defender put up a strong resistance and the fight lng which occurred was of a desperate ..nature. ., ... . The sentence of death at Manila on Private Mike Bereham, . of the t First Cavalry, has been commuted. Bereham ran amuck and killed four of his com rades in May, 1908. It is held that the Crime was unpremediated and under the Spanish law the circumstances did not warrant the infliction of the death pen alty. v .-.,. The sale to former Senator William A. Clark of Montana of a collection of old masters for 1710,000 by Sir George Donaldson is the subject of a suit which began Monday In the Lord Chief Jus tice's court in London. Alfred Q. Tem pi, director of the art gallery of the corporation of London, Is suing sir George Donaldson for 1100,000 commis sion on the sale. , A batch of prisoners numberlng120, chiefly captured by the Servian troops in Macedonia, arrived at Belgrade Mon day tinder escort They presented a pitiable sight AH of them were bare footed and in rags and they were al most starving. , Miscellaneous, . .n...,. - . , inta'atata. commerce commission er's order - that something be done to avert a serious threatened car short. age. Northwestern Unas reported definitely In getting refrigerator cars to carry the potato crop, and said their cars were returned to them very slowly. In promulgating Monday the first re vision, t the . nuity.rules of federal OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, AND to &fMVlT-HOSPT Jf$'; court In the last 60 years the supreme epurt of the United States prohibit the granting of preliminary Injunctions without notice and restricted the grant ing of temporary restraining orders. The court embodied In the new rule many of the points of the Clayton antl injunctlon bill, for which labor leaders have been fighting,, which, haa passed the house and waits in the senate. Strains of sacred muslo coming from a church window, so af fected G. Jll Rose. , at - Dallas Texas, that he sur rendered at a local' Jail declaring he had killed Wr fir Morrison Covington; Kvtj f ti years ago. Mr. and Mrs. j, H. Kyler, of Denison, Texas, sent ' a telegram to President Taft Monday announcing the birth of three sons named William Howard Taft Kyler, Theodore Roosevelt Kyler and Wood row Wilson Kyler. The president telegraphed the parents expressing the wish that 'the triplets would live long and prosper. Reports from Balboa. Panama, are that the Pactflo Mall liner Newport, which waa sunk at its dock several months ago- probably never will be sea worthy again. The Newport was raised partially and a 100-inch hole found and patohed. As soon as the pumps were, stopped, however, she filled and sank again. Her .cargo probably Is all dam aged and unfit tor salvage. .Under the plans of Captain C, C, Marsh,. U. 8. N., a draft of legislation Is being prepared for submission to con greBf'Tfjfrie' naval reserve to include all of the ex naval sailors who can be 'reached, and other mariners whose service would be of value In case of war. Official notice was received at Phoenix, Arls., Monday from Washing ton that the time for opening the Roose velt danv and Salt river Irrigation pro Jflct had been extended to Deoember 1, 1913. The first payment of over $10,- iOOMOata be naid by rancheravwas also extended to one year from that date, POLITICIAN IS RELEASED FROM INSANE ASYLUM Hulled Prcsi Lasted Wire.) Stockton, Cal., Nov. I!. Jacob Ru dolph, once. a San Francisco politician, a olose friend of the late Chris Buck ley and Judge David Terry, has boen released from the Stockton state hospi tal for One in sen e .oil Jiftb isco rpu g j ro. ceedlngs. When Buckley went blind Ru dolph led. his old associate around the streets by the hand. When Buckley died, Rudolph attempted suicide, by cutting his throat Rudolph was ad Judged Insane in April, 1911, after a trial before Judge Van Nostrand in Ban Francisco. Journal Want Ads bring results. purest drugs minerals. You The fact that upon Beecham's remedy is proof 'Em IIS faculties clouded, and unpleasant symptoms are Pills can be absolutely depended upon to quickly :js$ Work of restoring perf ect health. Since so many people testify that Beecham's Pills are good for them, it is safe to, say they will be good for you. - If only a few out of thousands find relief from a. remedy, evidence of its worth might be doubtful, but when you find that so many Tceep it at hand, ready for unex pected uls, iViat remedy must be good actions speak louder than words. In countless thousands .of homes, here and abroad, Beecham's Pills are considefed the one family medicine for those common ills arising from defective action of Here is real you when so universally esteemed. ; - PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5. ,1912. Turn - ritMU .HWAKWAT WikU PALL !lY0 TH6 HANttS Of" TK SEl- TtLOOPS Bedraggled Campaign Orators Strove i Manfully but J. Pluvius Won Out. Although' the camnaign did not ejpd exactly in a flule, a lamper was' ijnit on what was to have been a griubd outpouring of oratory on the streeta of Portland last night, by an .almost con stant drlzale. It was a. bedraggled bunch of patriots, who, leather lunged but hoarse, addressed the voters" and prbmlaed "prosperity " or Ihreatehed ;ruTn dependent on whether they were "point ing with pride"' or J "viewing with alarm." And among the speakers 'were several candidates. Despite the downpour, thin crowds and lack of enthusiasm, a few of the party workers were on the Job, 'The moment th rain would lot . np a bit they would bob from under umbrellas aaid. bela.Uo-talk.hllaTiJWvwing clU aens would venture from the shelter of store entrances and awnings and gather around. Then with the next dash of rain they would scurry to cover, and patiently await another lull. It was Indeed a desolate ending for a campaign which had been waged se hotly as the one Just concluded. Not more than half the speaker who were scheduled to appear were on the streets at any time and a large per eentage of -those-vyhobraved - th Ele ments early -fled from the Oregon mist before I o'clock, By 10 o'clock, a scarce baker's doaett were speaking and the majority of these were Socialists. The campaigners for the Elephant, the Donkey and the Bull Moose had, for the moBt part, retired.' ' The more hardy followed suit a little later and by 11 o'clock practically all had -quit - ... PEACH BLIGHT TESTS "TO LAST TWO YEARS tSal'm Borean ot Tba Journal, t Salem, Or., Nov. 6. How most suc cessfully and economically to wage a fight against the California peach blight In Oregon 1 the problem for which Professor H. I Ree of the department of plant diseases at the experiment ta tion at the" Oregon Ag'rtculturaPeolTege, P , - 1 T Z - ,n. ,1 T ' - '. .. Ki QUEUED THE SPELLBINDERS i mi i iii' The Greai Family Medicine ThaliiBestSaleo are Nature's remedy, compounded xnly of vegetable origin, and are can use them with a perfect sense of security.' for generations minions of people have depended Pills as the standard the indispensable family conclusive that when the system is fagged, the. liver," kidneys and stomach. , evidence that Beecham's Pills The Fame ol the Name At all druggiaU, 10c, 25e Ptrcfton of trxcial talutU wvmm an tvttA nry oa 9 t BUT WHAT AftOUT is seeking nansw4r through experi ments he has begun here. -- He has selected Mayor Lachmund's peach orchard Jn- which to begin the experiment over a period of two years. Professor Rees says it .seems impossible Vo-dostroy - this blight, but that the peihgrower must constantly fight against It So he alms to determine the i Dest metnod lor eeourtng maximum re 1 suits in fighting it at a minimum cost. The peach trees will be sprayed this faltTmcr next spring; foTrthe benefit of the twigs. ' ---- BOOTLEGGER IN OLD FRANKLIN HOUSE JAILED " (Sotclal to The Journal. " Albany, Or., Nov. 5. Gilbert Olson, who was Indicted here last spring by the grand Jury on three counts for vio lations of the local option liquor law and Who pleaded guilty to the first Indictment last Thursday; was sentenced yesterday by Judge Tercy R. Kelly to a fine of tl&O and 10 days In the county Jail. Olson is commonly known a the bartender In the old Franklin House, that has since burned. He is now In Jail serving his sentence. HAVANA QUIET AFTER ELECTION; MEN0CAL WINS . 1 ;ifjAitea..FreM...Xleaadrire..i', Havana, l6v. 6. That the danpr of disorders resulting from Friday's elec tion is now past is the belief current here today. ' Mario Menocal, who was elected to the presidency, mad public his policy. The announcement' declares in favor of a tariff reform to reduce the coat of living, closer relations with the United States and greater govern mental economies. OREGON CITY MAN FILES ON CLACKAMAS POWER - (Balem Bnrraa ef Tb Journal Salem. Or.. Nov. S. a T. McBaln, f Oregon City, has completed his filing in the office of the state engineer on sufficient water in the Clackamas river to generate 11,36 horsepower. The water will b diverted through a canal and acg.ulr a 100 foot fall. The power project is to be begun within a year and be completed within five years. The estimated cost is l, 000,000. 10 Join Mak and Dagger Club. CSoeolal to The Jonrnal.t Oregon Agricultural Col lege, Corval lis, ur., Nov. &. Ten new members were added to the Mask and Dagger Dramatic club at the Oregon Agrloul tu,aJcoll?,Jn )h aeml-annual tryout The new menihers Include" the-Misses' iaae " I x. v from the free from insistent,) Beecham's v must be best for V I Helen McGuire, Portland, and Mildred Wilson, Salem, and Carl N. Anderson, Portland; E. D. Hallock, Heppner; R. N. Dobell, Corvallis; J. W. Scudder, Seattle. Wash.? W. B. Mtezger, Latourelle; L, Read, ; -Portland; X E.- Corn wall, -Bran 'C ALCOHOL 3 PER n!T AVcjctablerVciBifijAs slrallatlnt!MaiKffirtulJi tlntlie StoraaclB andBowsof I PtomolcsDcsttoiiJlicrfuI ncssawiKi'saontalnsiicEittr Opiimiorphine nor teal NOT NARCOTIC. UsrftfW'' JbiSaim jnt Aperfecl Remedy forConsfljia-j ttonSwStoin.Dlarrtm; WomsJLoimusionsjrcvErisa- H33 andLOSS OF SLEEP--ftcSimUt Slgnamri of , ' M. 'Hi. J.-.iW. 35&gI Guaranteed under tl toog t JL L r lwr" '. i i si I Hi "Exact Copy of Wrapper, - Greatest fJerve - Mo. 2 t have given oer- onai inspection to tne working ot M. I. S. T. on the bnmaa iriteci. and mutt sajr that it eotirely meets with my pro fessional sanction. D. H. LOOMIS. Late Demonstrator of Anatomy, fhtladel pbii Medical College . 1 - - . TTTr.. . '!.'-" " m,'mrrm 'g.?1 "i1; iaaimv-mrr -'0 wa w t VhatVe Guarantee U.hS.T. IJo.2Uill Cure RHEUMATISM, no matter how Ions standing. Any ease ot Inflammation of the Bladder or Snlarted Prostate Glaod. no matter if the sa lients hay" been for year forced tv use a estneter. blood poison in any btage. ANY CASE OP DIABETES. - - - -,v It Is no stimulant, its effects ars nermnnant tnd lastinr. Will ours any ease of Stricture without local treatment Will remote entirely from the system Cancer and Canoeroas Germ. In addition te the aboTe, M. I. 8. T. No. I fcai cured many ease ot Paralysis, Locomotor That yoa ma self, m irilh Addro i I. S,7. T9 sale bv Ibea Perrr. 31 fTie1nefc ic-Fo) rrf- Iter to p. to. Phone liin Vsi. epea L md.iis iJ a. tm. to li i.w Alvaxg xma... . .. ...:.., , . .... . . By "Bud" er . 4 don and C. K-Colvlg, Medford. Oa December 7 the eluh will begin sre-, bearials for a production of the comedy : "The Rivals," under the direction of Miss Thayer, who has had year . ef training in dramatic art.. r : 3 1 Ifl For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought v Bears Signature Use For Over tms eieraua mkv, new tees and - Blood Tonic Ataxia. Spinal Trouble and apparently Ineur ble diseases of the nerrea ' M. L S. T. hal been on the mkrbet for over SO years, and has eured thousands of suffernra ft Is presorlbed by leadlnf phyalclaos ail over the eountry. It is pleamnt to take end ab-toluwiy safa It never Increases or dimlnistii-a v.t action ot the bean If yen sr usnn from any ehronlo disease yon are urged to write to ua Bo matter bow many dnetore er kind r-t medicines jrou bar fled without relief.- S u OtJAKANTEH TO CUBE YOV, , iudte of the value ef the Great Rpeolfle for .. send yo wwe weeli'eer wi tr iu& 1 .. . , , the . . Thtrty-Yeatisl Mil err. : , ll,,M,,-;f&Ir.-l-, omj aaaiug that when enred yourseii suu win reniu ... i u to others. Writ eonfldentlaiiv to our mellrl iii-t i . ttvlngaymptoma. tl per bos, or sii botes for U C O. , To !nt!r; n r.. SJ asd 01c t