THE OREGON '. DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 5, 1912. 13 i i I limn-j3 43 Montgomery Apartments - Corner Third and Montgomery, bulld-rrpf-new and strictly mcxlern; all outside 'Towns; 2 -room apartments; furnished complete; elevator service. Close walk ing distance. Bates $25 to $33. Phono Main T46 . THE VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th ana ueyior. - Wont t-iagnlflently frunlshed spart - ments In the city; location perfect, rent. lence, banquet hall . and roof garden, htKh class service: references required, poth phones In all apartments. Main Davenport ' ' AU outside 1 and 3 room apts., ale gantly. furnished. Hardwood fl'9; ' every modern convenience. Walking " distance. , Phone Main 6435. 605 Jeffef- - eon at, -i 'm Keeler Apartments , 14th and Clay sts.. 8 and 4 rooma x in t urn- shed suites, private vestibules, Thon. and baths; choice location, new build. pp. electrlo elevator, etc, i Jeffersonian Apartmenis Two and t room apartments; modern; $16 and up; 614 Jefjejrson at FOR RENT FLATS 13 NEW modern 3-room walking: dls tanee. very prtvatel bath, elegant wardrobe, r-hina closet, large plate win dows, linoleum, gas range, furnace, hot water, laundry; etc.; very oholce loca tion. 44i in COUCILC"!,,' NEATLY furnished modern 4 room up- per riat. an new anu ve.. Failing. $18; modern 4 room lower flat, unfurnished, $11: 6 rm ,m0eP ,use $1S. Phone Woodlawn 1943. Tabor 2896. ivtt RENT A rnodea jroom flat Good view. oheaprtaL 69H Salmon. Kev. 600 Salmon eV- , 4 BOOM flat, $12: 6 room flat. $17; mod r ern briek buildlng,:vry convenience. Tnnnlre 620 Alhma st. MODERN upper and lower flat, heat ' furnished; large, pleasant rooms. : 715 'Johnson. LARGE rooms, trontmgjtjn river,- . blocks north of old steel bridge; beau- flful location;, FLAT tor rent, will sell furniture. In cluding high grade : Kimball piano; owner leaving city; rail at ts 6tn st. MODERN-TVonirlrtr-weodandr-ga Tnsef -terge-eement basement 207 Wnisev: McMillen addition; $16. 530 4 Second st., 6 large rooms, upper flat; $30 per-month; near Market Main 9804- or A-2199. FOR ' BENT Upper or lower 6-room, flat, $32.60. 626 Montgomery, near . itn. - -. ..r MODERN 4 rooms,, over corner store, $12.60. $11 Williams ave. . Woodlawn 157. NEW 3-room flat, very cheap. 706 Van- couver ave, vuumawn m. TROOM flat. 823 Corbett; key at gro cery, cor. Corbett and Whltaker. FROOM flat., 698 Salmon st; key a( $00 Salmon at BEAUTIFUL 3 and 4 room flats; View. 668 Maraet St.; near t,mpmu, i BOOM flat, all modern, Janitor Serv ice. 1ZQ 1 inviivu. i" MODERN -4 room upper flat, private furr.ace. Main 6415. 434 College. i FURNISHED FLATS Tn .flni furnished 6 rooms, hot water APARTMENTS -5' heated:TafgF"froTit poreirmttdecjF Ing porck 13x20; fine view wesVside, walking distance; reierences. ooyii Montgomery. rnont.AMaj, - - HUM BOLD FLATS Furnished or not, suits rooms or more, cheap rent 796 1st.- corner uiBBf. NICELY furnished flat, modern con-ventences-and- more room if needed, 7? Hawthorne ave. B-Z267. 3 ROOM flat, newly furnished $18 per month, adults who will take care of furnlturet.imytl.:,-T-1' 416a- ; NICELY furhished flats of J rooms at 225 ana a a t - iviarKet, VoR RENT 4. room furnished flat, ' 803 Graham ave. ' VERY nice, everything, furnished, 8 room flat, close in; E. 2833. HOTELS 54 HOTEL PORTLAND - European . plan only II. no anq up. BELVEDERE;" Europeanr4th"and; Alder; . ! STORES " AND' OFFICES -,11 .FOR RENT Desirable store room, 389 East Burnside, between Union - and ' Gran ave,; suitable for shoe, Jewelry, . bakery ana delicatessen. Inquire Mc Carger. Bates ft Lively, Yeon Bldg. KTORM for rent at 46th and Sandy -- Road," Rose C'ity Park. BuiUble for bakery; dry goods or toardware; rent $25 -4nclu41ng-ona stall In barn. DftYwLJL Bvan. Tabor 2227. - - ' Warehouse. 100x100 i." For rent, on rallreaa, .adjoining 'Oold- en Rod Mill Co.. Alina. i Columbia ,216. DESK room, witb 4sk, In nicely fur--j nlBlied "ratsider -etfteer -also- for -sate. --flat desk, 'Oliver" typewriter, stand, eta, tnt Wllivi hide vs.. v'.xyT3:..-,-'.-Ltx:r..ui.--.cTi Mtmtmi mum, STORE, central location, 2000 feet of ' floor space; win tease ai ;ou mo run. m, K. Uee, nil Cornell omg. STOREI 878 Hawthorne,- near bridge, large -oasemenL, Blue vracih 111 rear, Apply tiawtnorne uock jo. n,ast jtuaa. - OFFICE for rent, furniture, for, sale or will exchange for vacant lot , at cash value. 421 Abington Diag, SMALL hall for rent, Howe-Davis Co. Ill 2d jit. , ( WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO rent a good stock or dairy farm on shares or cash, prefer one ready stocked on snares; nave exper -tencerf armed -ail my life-in the east; will' rent for term or years; rent o owner only, W-108, Journal. I CAN rent , your property. H. N, Swank, 1036 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 4975. WANTED to rent a farm for cash or on shares. N-116, journal. - HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 13 40. choice;of 3 good work horses. $40, good driving mare. $25, good grocery wagon. $20,. tel tire top buggy. "$20, double hack. $15; L top express wagon. ' .- $16, Set double work harness. $1.60 takes choice of 60 collars. $16, good. pony. 267 E. th. between Madison and Haw tliorne. IF you are in the market for horses ot any aescripuon, come ana see us. as we always .have a good supply on hand. It you are responsible you can try tnem till you are satisfied THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO, n ta. em si. i-none is. 6316 Just Arrived, Carload Eastern Oregon horses, all young and broken, Weight 1200 to 1600. Madison Stables, 185H Madison st, at bridge, west sioe. 8176 buys good farm team, weiahs 2E00 works anywhere, with harness and farm wagon; take Sellwood car to Iris ley ave., walk 6 blocks east to house, .I HAVE for sale one 9-year-old horsa. " nice and gentle, good for delivery wagon,, and one driving horse. Both t. cheap. C, I. Young, Cornell road, above , KmaIaSiw lf ' --TO TRADE 700 equity In 6 room house and 3 lots, 100 feet to station,, Oregon City car, for 2600 to 2800 lb. team, bar- nes and wagon. Call Tabor-4012. WANTED A horse to winter for' his work. J, M, fiisenblatter, Scappoose, 'Or. " iOlt SALE 2400 lb. team, fat sound and true workers,' and new- Mllburn wagon. 3.7 K. 83d st. N. wVlLL-.Xaed , lioaJUorMa, t oxme wurk duriiiK winter. It No. 1. Box 22 'leone, Oreeon lo HKAD of grading horses and mulM for sale, rleht out.of hard work. Call 'OIl SALE OR- TRADE Horse and rir, Apply at 649 Falling st, HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC, 18 For Sale or'fient Wagons and Houses - t gooseneck furniture wagons. ..10 delivery wagons. . p.,. ' 6 dmible express wagons-" - - -4 laundry wagons and 'soma good larm norses. Hawthorne Ave. Stables 420 Hawthorne ave. j'OR SALE Team, harness and wagon, 1 cheap mare. Call 484 E. Stark. LIVESTOCK , 85 ONE) full blood, young Duroc Jersey sow and 7 pigs for $30. Inquire of Fred Pearson. Hubbard. Or., R. F. D. No. 1, or at 211 Failing bldg, city, phone A or Main 2029. FOR SALE 2 fresh cows and calves, Jeraey--nd"lnrhamj- givr from 3 "to fl gals, per day; 6 and 7 years old: corner 4un st. and 5tn ave.. vvooflstock car. WILL be in with 16 head of fresh cows, Wednesday, Nov. 6. 221 S. Main St., Lents. FRESH cows at 1445 . Milwaukee st. Sellwood car i GOOD family cow for sale. Inquire 1609 Mississippi ave; Take Kenton car. TOULTRT 87 THOROUGHBRED white leghorn R. L teds, white Orpington pullets and'eock erela,heap. Lockwood, 6226 67th at H. K. Mta Scott oar. THOROUGHBRED Buff Orpington cockerels-- for- sale; -4 70$ Maryland, near Fremont. THOROUGHBRED White Wyandotte ' cockerels, 76c if taken soon. .610 Charleston st, St. Johns. 11 thoroughbred; buff Orpington cock erels for sala 1101 Michigan ave. DOGS AXD HOUSEHOLD PETS uO SPITZ T)uppie-for sale,' 4 weeks old, 831 Market, or Marshall 197. AUTOMOBILES-MOTORCYCLES 44 30 h. p., 4 cyl., 6 pass.; top, glass front: tires in fine ' condition. Cost $3260. First check for $20ff takes It Good for 1600 lb. truck, Just overhauled, PACIFIC COAST BROKER AGE- CO 51 8-21 Board of Trade, BEAUTIFUL Winton 6 cyL Limousine, strictly up to date, electric lighted, self starter, in perfect condition, fine for winter use, can't 'toe beat; cost $6500: will sacrifice if sold at once for $1800 Must be. seen to be appreciated. Call 618 Board of Trade, ask for man ager. BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED CARS we have a few snaps in slightly used cars, and . MICHIGAN cars taken in ex change. All cars fully guaranteed. Call or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO BUGGY CO, 369-371 Hawthorne Ave. " Phones East 1421, 43-18 4 5, ' AUTO BARGAINS. $250 will buy a good 6 pass, car; over 40 others to select from. Call and look them over. " OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE; 493-496 Alder St. -Main 1161, A-4837. , s AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. Why buy a new cheap car when you can secure one of our high grade used uk in; amereni uidKes aua models, all traded In on new White cars. We also offer several second hand trucks. Write White Car Agency. th st at Madison. FOR SALE AUTOJIOBILE BUSINESS. Best paylllg proposition in city: only small amount of money required to han dle this, business. Other business in terests .require ail of present owners time. Investigate. D-92, Journal. 1912 CHALMERS. : V latino., 0U xx, x ,uii cuif ucu, uiub, be sold this week; best cash offer takes it. This car Is as good as new. OREGON AUTO EXCHANGE, 4i-ao Aiaer st. Main 1161, A-4837. HAVE! got to sell my 36 Pierce-Arrow, or win traae zor lignt roaaster. Here Is a snap for some one who wants a goa car. Morton Apts., Apt, imp, a, N. W. AUTO SCHOOL, 1130 Albina ave., open Nov. isi, aucomoDiie, gas engine construction, operation taught, compe- ten t pracucal- instructors. wainlft WANTED No, 1 old auto tire, 74 a lb, delivered ino. 3 auto tires. so lb. Innar tubes. 15 to 23c Ibi J. Leva. 181 Columbia st.; Main tia. WANTED Hjarr-the-elieapest that cash 1 win buy; ,'11 or '12 model: owners only. V-105, Journal. LOANS ON AUTOS BAUER, 206 ALDER STREBT. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 FOR SALE Brand new speed hull 22x4 A. T. Whitman, loot inn st - Phone Main 6684. a H. P. launch, write Carlock & Mull- Tiaupt, 106 Chamber or Commerce. - MUSICAL IXSTRUALENTS 84 EPR SALE For 475. a ..Chlckerlng ttaoy ui an a piano, uosi oy. in ear. ly new. Terms. X-104. Journal. FOR SALE cheap, fine piano. Mala 6094. . HOUSEHOLD GOODS 68 00 STOVES, heaters, $1.25; book stoves, $6; range at - half price: furniture prices below cost . 338-836 1st at '-. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 FOR SALE New and second-hand Car om ana pocket oiiuara taoies, ana bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46 - 48 Hh st. Fhoiia Maln 769, A-1769. K'ATIONAL cash registers, credit reglH. ters, computing scales, electrlo coffee mills and all store appliances, bought, sold and repaired. Sell for cash or pay ments. The Pacific Store Service Co., at istarK. Main wn. FOR SALE One houseboat 4 rooms, on - 34-foot launch and 1 White Steam er engine. Will sell cheap. Phone Sell wood 1178. SAFES 1U8 2d St., phone Main 76T6, at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened, bargains In second hand safes.' MOBier ssaie to. FOR SALE, $276 Small gasoline con crete batch mix - caoacltv 40 vards per day; been used three months. Ad dress c. 1. Wood, 734 East 40th North. AHTRAKAN fur coat, three-quarter lenath. Almost good as new. 137. Bust,44. Call forenoon or after 4 p. m. 965 MlHHlysippl ave. Take Miss. car. FUjuli dress coat and vest No. 86. Will trade lor suitcase, K.-S0, Jour nal. LARGE Studebaker wagon lor sale, cheap, suitable for farm work. 461 Goldsmith st East 534, C-1798. USED MACHINES, all makes, casn or - terms. Prices right Singer Sewing Machine Store. 382 Morrison st STUMP PULLERS i That pull stumps. 123 E. Water st, city. .. . WELL rotted fertilizer for sale. Call E. 2102. , DERBY DESKS and office furniture. Maicy mesa v;o., ziv im at. Main 667. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $6.60 up. Taylor the tailor, S2H- N. 6th. ONE water heater, gas range, office flesk, sanitary coucn. ynone rS. 4432, BICYCLES $10 andiip: Barcalna In motorcycles, isi Mauison. v $10-5-NEV HOME sewing machW aift attachments. 152 Grand ave. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 J BE WISE; get- more for your seeond- nana lurnnure oy selling it to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st Main 8961,- A-2445. flts wanted, opera chairs, electrlo fans, etc. w-104, Journal. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR HOUSE-' HOLD GOOUa GRAND RAPIDS r liiwi i vnni riA.., Hi. MUK. K, 768 WILL pay cash for second hand fur niture ana ."ves.... it, e. Morrison. WASTllUMIStLllEOUS -. . FURNITURE WANTEa 7. l"l We want to buy all the eeeofldhanfi furniture, stdvea. rue that we can get All we ask via an opportunity to make ?ou an oricr, ana- win pay att, tne cu t is worth. Pttone Enpt 636. - v - ; WANTED Women or man and wife to live with elderly lady; free- rent. 604 Fessenden St., fit. Johus;, get off 'Point view siaiion.' WANTED People of . Portland to know that I pay the highestrcash price for second-hand household, goods. N. ' M Seater, 124-126 Grand ave. ERSt 1662 COVELL FURNITURE & COM411S SION CO. Pays the best' price for your second hand furniture, carpets and stoves. 204 1st. Malr 3022. WHY sell your furniture at' auction T We pay highest prices. Make no mis take; address II. R. Seater, 348-60 Haw tnorne ave. Phone East 3134.- ' your second-hand furniture,"" highest caah prices paid. G. Long proprietor, phone Woodlawn 166. 926 Union ave. WILL BUY , .. Or loan money on diamonds. ' BAUER, 206.. Alder St. , : ... WANTED to buy 38 inch steamer trunk, rattan preferred. State phone num.- per. K-iu, journal NEAT kalsominiiiK. woodwork cleaned, $2.60 room. Papering, painting, etc. Main 2856. - BARGERS' AUCT16N HOUSE, ' W8-370 E. Morrison skJ3l022, 100O worth -of good furniture at once. 1 WE need the goods,' you, need the mon ey, Rose City Auction House,' 368-370 Hawthorne ave. East 883. ' WANTED- Teams to haul cordwood. Phone East 8502. WANTED Kodaks, cameVas, ete. Cam era Exchange, 245 V4 Morrison. L03T AND FOUND CI THE following Is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. and turned In at the different division points. Owners may secure eame by applying at barns as in dicated: . Turned in at the East.Ankeny bafn, No. 4, 1912. Phone Brll68T 1 black silk -glove,'- 2 umbrellas, 1 - hand bag, -1 pkg. needlework. - Turned in at the Piedmont barn, Nov. 4, 1912, by trainmen. Plibne C-1227. 1 suit cose, 3 umbrellas, D misc. pkga., 1 handbag, 1 lunch box, . Turned in at tne eeuwooa aivision, Nov. 4, T9I3; PBone B-614 Phone cope grip, 1 purse, 6 um brellas 1 ru; ber rain coat 2 nalrs rubbers.- 1 hand' bag, 1 lunch box, 3 miscellaneous par cels. a. Turned In at the Bavler gtreet barn, Nov. 4, 1912, by trainmen. Tel. A-5685. 1 box mdse., 3 umbrellas, 1 key, 1 book, legal papers, 1 pkg. can goods, 1 pkg. meat, i pkg. arugs. LOST Sunday morning, mink fur neck plece, long and narrow. One head at fastening. Miss Todd, 12th floor Spald ing bldg., or 886 E. Irving. Phone Marshall, 862 or East 8347. -LOST One automobile ski4 chain on Hoyt st, betweeni 21st and 22d. Find er please return same to L. O. Ross at Alien ft Iewis ror rewaru. LOST Small coin purse, containing be tween $3 and $4, at 3d and Alder. Call M. 1494 LOST Mink fur between B. Burnslde and Broadway, it iouna-cau jasi 1485 and receive reward. t'OUND A ray skiff. Owner can have same-by paying storage charges. Phone Mam in, rage, t.nsTNfw. 4 mink scarf. Phone East LOST Elk tooth charm No. 697. Leave at journal orrice ana get ,o. PERSONAL 22 NO MXTTER what has failed when In need of a regular monthly remedy, get a bottle of Antika Mixture No. 8, and be convinced it is the best and most harm less remedy ever put on the market for painful and suppressea penoas. aoso futelv guaranteed and for sale In Port land .byUefferson Drug Co., 8d and Jefferson. Main im, a-ivio fTXSliSSZiluaa : reward. I Dosltlvely guarantej my great suoceiu, 'r-nnthlv" rAtnedv: aafelv relieves Some of tha loneest. most obstinate, abnormal cases in 1 to b aays; no narni, pain ur Interference with work: mall $1.60. Double strength, $2. Dr. C. T. Soutnlns- ton Remedy Co.. Kansas City. Mo. MRS. STEVENS, 18 years Portlands leading palmist and clairvoyant has her jatejjook. "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale. 557" Williams ave.," corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. MRS. W. R, Wrenn, spiritual" adviser,' Su4 Jefferson, cor. 6th st Circles Monday, Thursday at 8 p. m., and Wednesday at 2 p. m. Marshall 4239 A-4686. SOBER laborer, 42, wishes to eorres pond with unincumbered lady, matrl- Taconia, Wash. . DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. . S 4 tHseases of women and -eargerr. Ex- aminatlons free. 202 Merchants Trust bldg., 6th and Washington. Msln 4047. MATRIMONIAL paper,' 10 cents. Many wealthy, many marriages. Read the marriage testimonials. Mrs, Bell, -1815 Magnolia ave.. ios Angeiea. LAijlES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills Sure cure for delayed periods. $2 or 8 -boxes-ffr.---Monoy rrmrnea ,f-it-ranife T. J. Pierce Z4oj Morrison street. QPI ATiPA Wish-tej see the case 1 Ouln I IvAcan't cure (no drugs). Dr, Douglas, IX C, 338 Union ave. N. EASTERN trained operator gives mas sage and electrical treatments. ZaOft Morrison St., room aw, au iiopr. SICK MEN visit Dr. Warren's private dispensary, ireaimeni tree, cnarge lor remedies only. Cor, 2d and Alder sts. IWillllATK ( 'hlronillllHt rnsnliMirlit masseuse and tub baths. Entrance 3rd st. 614 Dekum bldg.. Bra and Wash, LOHhiJNZ Nerve Tonic Tablets restore lost vitality; 25c box; 6 boxes, $1.26. Btlpe-Tayior umg uo., faa Morrison st SPIRITUAL Medium, Rev. AI, A. Price. ReadinES. healing, daily. Circles. Tups.. s. weo. ana nun., .. ooo tin si. m. 7ZZ7. MRS. MAE HOWARD MANICURING, elec. facial and scalp treatments. Mil ner hldg. 850M Morrison, rooms 1 and 2. SCIENTIFIC massaRe by appointment only. Phone Marshall 117. Hours, n to t. Tli. a. V. lOdTCHUM Women's mala dies, acute disease. Wash. bldg. cor. 4th and wasn.. room i. Marsnall 448. MA1J A ME ESTKLLE, spiritual medium, reaaings aauy. uoyt lain near wash, ninRPFQA BPctftRy:-lawyer, 516 li v ui i vi-wrtoincniia Diag. zs7Vj Wn FREE aavice, divorce, claims., adjust ment, szs trm, or mm, Main 9269. BAL.M of Figs, remedy for diseases of women. bui x.'avis st. .Mam zi5. SAVE $2 to $10 by buying your trunk or suitcase at oiz wasn., cor. 17th st MRS. L. FARREES. spiritual medium; . ii . .1, ..... . . rmo;nE uawy; inn hi. MLLE. ROBERGE. physical culture; of, nee iv aa iioor, bbi' Aiaer st LADY barber shop 410 Hoyt and 10th sts., near wortn Bang depot. KOTICK9 26 nVlTTPTT nf mio rt ormo atov Vn-t a..,AKU . we, f imvi , va UtCVLlia, Or., October 19, 1912. Sealed propos als in triplicate will be received at this office until 11 a, m. November 7, 1912, and then opened, for constructing two cisterns at this post. Further Informa tion may be obtained on. application. Augustus worion, ist Lit.. j, a, c. quar lermatgier. kj, j, yj. SEALED proposals for construction of fuel barges, derrick barges, pontoons and pipe line for two 24" dredges, will be received at this office until 11 a, m., December-4, 1912, and then publicly opened. Information on application. J, y. mcinnoe. maj. rngrs, , ' SEALED proposals for constructing two wooden hull tugs, "H. M. Adams" and j. u. r obi,- wiu ds received at t office Until 11 Vm.. December 4. IS and then publicly opened. Information on application, j. d, xacindoe, Maj Engrs. lHE..undersIgned will not.beuresponai. uio iui utuin juuuireu uy nieiuoers 01 crew oi a. a. ntratniyon. ' JOHN M. CANN, Captain. - M. if. HOUSER. Agent. THE undersigned will not be responsible ror any aeots; incurred bv members of craw of German barque Ellbek. H. A. jnoae, captain; M. A. Houser, agent. LOANS VANTED ' l 30 flrt clniia rpal ,.wiflt. liat It St Once with, the 'r;f",-:,"i ;-:-:--.-'..--iv;v-'v,. StAUSON-CRAIw CO., - - - MORTGAG61 LOAN DEW, , WAN'fEt-BuIlding ou Ot 41600; will pay 8. per rent. Z-38. Join-nal. v ' FINANCIAL " 51 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller'a equity in contract of aale on real estate in Washington or Oregon, H. E. Noble, Lumbermens bldg. Loans. ii CHATTELS, SALARIES "need luNE Y. T " See Us -lou can. getit-T'ODA Y This NEW COMPANY was organized to help people in need of temporary assistance, and to pay off loans with the HIGH KATE money lenders.- .- - special .in ovemoer Kates: IjlO WeeHly Pays $ J Lvan ,96 Weekly Pays a $ 26 Loan 1.40 Weekly Fays a $ 60 Loan ' 1.80 Weekly pays a $ 75 Loan : 2.20 Weekly Pays ft $100 Loan , v- Ofher Sums in Proportion. ' , Loans for, one month to one year, . Business confidential. ' No extras. -I . PRIVATE OFFICES. SiNo lnvestigationN red tape. , We Buy and Sell Mortgages. .- Portland. Loan Co. ' ,-tffl MacleaV bldg. rVra7rw, A MIl-WiBH UTS OPEN MON. AND SAT. TlLL '9 . M. ' PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN On watches, diamonds, Jewelry, kodaks, furniture storage receipts; guns, pianos. ; tlby Company i Collateral Bankers and Brokers. " '320 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark. IMMEDIATE loans on pianos,, furniture, autoa. storage receipts, etc., at lowest rates. - (Confidential!.;, laq fe second morteage loans on real estate: mort- gages bought. Rom 81 J Hamilton bldg. SALARY LOANS." CHATTEL LOANS. Tou can ' get 35 to $100 todav at .... ;etea-iterins. D-t)rxrake. 807v Spalding bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and . others. . upon their oil. names: cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. v. H. loiman, room 17 L,umber Ex. A desirable place for ladies and gentle men to borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 834 Wash., opp. Owl Drug Store. CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red . tape; conditional; mortgages bought, Adolphus "Lane. 414 Abington bldg. ' MONEY on any security. .: B D REALTY CO.. 206 Alder St MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. H. NICHOLS. . 615 YEON BLDG. MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. New- ton, 614 Henry bldg. - MONEY loaned on diamonds and Jewel- ry: stric.iy conrmentiai. hih aa. LOAN for the asking, salasy or chat- tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Uekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN 27 tEAL ESTATE SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE-TO BORROW JaUINai, BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTtAL ' HOURS 8 A. M. TO P. M. l SAT. TO 9 P. M. STATE SECURITY Ca, 808 'FAILING BLDG. MfltlTaAOTn loans on real estate se- curity . ln tlLajums ji J21Qand ..m first and second mortgages ana sellers equities in contracts oougnt. F. A. BEARD & CO., 611 Oerllnger bldg., Second and Alder, MOlTEY TO LOAN On city or farm property. THE HARBOLDT-WILSON CO., INC. 710-718 JliJVV13 tJUIUUlG. 4th and Oak sts. Marshall 4200 A-7153 HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce bldsv Wi have on hand funds for invest ment In good first mortgages, if you wish to borrow on your real estate, con fer with our mortgage loan department. . MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, BLAUSON-CRAIO CO., Mortgage Loan Dept 804 Oak St., near 6th. I HAVE the following amounts on han to loan on romana real estate: 11200 and $1600. Submit security to attorney at 730 Chamber of Commerce oiif HAVE money to lend on Improved UnrtlunH i.Min.1,v A Ml I'ntt I Ban Ifl Railway Exchange bldg. Marshall 2753 MORTGAGE loans on city and suburban properties; mortgages and contracts bought Cowllshaw, 615 Commercial block. Phone Main 6777, MONEr-'fO-LOAN-ON RJ?AIr E3TATB. 1260 JUL VI. L, -.J.,NICHOI,a 615 YEON BLDG, MONEY to loan. JFtE4X V" lBU, 111 1 1, i u , VU X VlliailVl property; special facilities for large loans. Title & Trust Co.., 4th and Oak l uo.OOO on' mortgages, - city or farm property, fte irisurance. McKenxis A Co., Gerlinger Ding.,, zat and AMer. $1000 to loan. Real - estate - security. ' smith-Wagoner Co., 811 Lewis bldg. mag. TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rates.Mnquire attorney, rooms 10-12 Mulkey bldg.. 2d ,nnd Morrison. MON lii Y to loan; large loans a specialty, W. Q. Beck, 315-316 Falling. FRIVA'iK money to loan in, sums of $60 and up on real, personal or collateral security. 207 Oregonlan bldg. $8000 or part to. loan. Money can be bad at once. rmintiaDor id. MON Elf to loan on improved real estate. I. U wnue, in uommerciai ciub bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or lesa real estate. Farrlngton, 4io immerciai uiub bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. tl. HAiiuiwu, ai cnamoer or com. MONEY to loan, 6 to 8 per cent W. H. Seita & co am wpaiaing niog. $2000 lO LOAN for 2 years. . Bell k Reg ister, zi uernnger ping. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCOUNTANTS WbMO COLLI S. BERRIDGE & THOMPSON. 224 Worcester D'- wain CS8T. ABSTBAOTS JOHN A. BERRY, Atty., collections, ab stracts examinen, written opinions on legal questions. 317 Allsky bd. M il 8826. ADTEanSINQ FOSTER A KLEISER, outdoor advertis ing; pain tea bulletins, painted wans, posters. B. 7th and E, Everett sts. East llll'B-2224. . - --- - - -i .: A8SAYEBS v.-,-;. - WELLS & CO., ssayeri analytical chemists. 204 H Wash. Main 7508. MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore testing. Marshall 2726. 186 .Morrison, ATTOBNEY8 KORNEGAY THOMPSON, lawyers; general practice, collections, abstracts examined. ,402, Northwest bldg., 6th and A. E. COOPER. Attorney at Law.sGen eral practice; abstracts examined; iwiii ukib, i-.iwin sis, a-207 I, "BATHS" BAKE oven treatment for rheumatism, Uimbago, stomach trouble. 826 Stark BELT BEPAEBING PORTLAND Belting Repair Co.. 68 lat; belt repg.v Motorcycle belts $rtrp. BU31C BOOK atAKEBS HOWE, DAVIS 'COMPANY. 109 2d st. Blank Book hff'g.: agents for Jones' Improved Loose-Leaf Ledgers;,. see the new Eureka leaf. A-3133. Main 13$. B00XBINDEB3- THE DITTMAR:PKTERSON CO.,' Mogaxlne.mtisici and law books b'ound, blank bopks and loose 'leaf svj terns, 63 6th -et. 'Phone Marshall ii 235. ,J. , . .1 - ii BUSXXTE8S CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 7th floor Journal building. THE BARBER-ASPHALT-F-AViaiG-COr Portland office 605 Electrlo bldg." CABPENTX AND KEPAX&IHQ A, E. WIKSTROM, house, office, store repairing, remodeling, bldg. Win. 2029. "CAEJPE ClEAIrt0" JOYCE BROS.. Electrifl Cleaning Works. carpets cleaned and laid, refitting-our specialty. E. 40, B-1963.-J04 E. 19th N. r OAKPET WEAVHJG- NORTHWEST RUO WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag-rugs, carpet cleaning, 183 Union avenue, near B. Morrison. - ; . PENINSULA Rug Works, rag carpet and rugs. 1618 Pat ton ave. Woodl'n 26S5. t CKiaoroiiisTd CORNS, bunions, I-Towinc nails, etc, removed and cured, new method. Posi tively no pain. Dr. I). W. Wayne. 609-10 Northwest bldg gth-end -Washington. CEIXOPBAGTZO PKTSICIAW HAVE given thousands of adjustments; 32.50- week. Bath office, 2d and Wash. CIBCUI.AB I.BTTEBS. MULTNOMAH- Multlgraphlng Co., fac simile Bigs, 509 Ellers bldg. Mar. 2393. N. B. WHITFIELD, civil engineer. "201 Gortinger bldg.. Main 4379.. Portland. Or." . - -'' -' 'V - .. CO All AMD WOOD SPECIAL PRICES ON iSKJWffi GrtrJj-jN SHORT ' Wouu. H-ii&, GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, $2.60. , INSIDE, M SHUKIj yi.OV, DRY SHORTWUUU, SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 3119. A-7001. CONSUMERS' FUEL CO. (Araerloan Coal-Mining o.) joai oireci irom mine to consumer. Save middlemen's profit. East 118, B-1118. Bunkers, R 1st and Taylor. - -- - - - -: PAC. SLABWOOD C0k Green slabwood. big and small inside block -wood, planer trlm'gs, cordwood. NFFR&FARR and oak cordwood. Also sawed to order. Prompt THAI delivery. Main 4596, A-4647. .vynL SKGHERS Wood Co. Dry-ftroak and slabwood, cull, ties sawea to order from country mill, rock springs coal Main 6359. A-2418 Yamato Wood and Coal Co, EAST 818. B-1867. DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main ii7. F. J. EVERTS. Ft. Curry et. ECONOMY Fuel Co., 31 Grand ave. Coal tUALXlyes neat anil aatialactiui 4. B-2343. Prompt sc BOX. planer, block, slab, cord wood and coal. Standard Wood Co., 847 JCaat Stark. F.aat u-iwtr Ai.BINA FUEL CO. All kinds of green and dry wooa. noun springs ana Aien dota coal. . COALand all kinds of wood. Phone Hoigate Fuel t;o, fcenwooa 8B. PHOENIX Fuel Co. Dry wood $1.50 per load. 6il savier. Main &44. BlL&FtiKN. lyandles wuud and coal. COHMXSSXON MEBCHANTS HENRY EVERDING, ... 45-47 Front st. Butter, eggs, poultry, veai, nogs, bides SHEROD Ranch Egg Co., 114 Union ave. Butter, eggs, poultry, veal, hogs. DAN CINQ RINGLER Dancing Academy, thorough course in social dancing; eight in structors; private and class Instruction daily; loclal dance Wed.-Sat Morrison, at 2d. Marshall 813. PROF. . WAL WI L3.QN S DanclngBchooL dancing. Lessons 25c, -every morning, afternoon and evening. 85 & 6 th, between Stark and Oak sts. Pnone Main 7637. HKATH'S school, lessons daily, waltx. -two step, three tpr Baltimore or schottische taught in first lesson. Al la ky bldg., Aa ana Morrison sts. HEATH'S school, Instruction daily in fancy, stage and social dancing. Class Mtm.-wid-Frtr-eveavr- -t-40;-l!h Jdrbecf Wash, ana stara. wessons zac. DEBMATOLOQIST Moles wrinkles, scalp specialist Mrs. Courtright, 711 Dekum bldg. Main 6042 DOG, OAT AND EOBSB HOSPITAL jaetv Dvy-B--???; and, .wtiOmia. ed, uoarueo. wouu. a mo. ibui Albina. A-4086rRes.-9rFrTtth7Frt44g:28tT DBESSWABINa SCHOOL Valentine's system ladies taMoring, dressmaking taught 152 Grand ave., between Morrison and Belmont ELECTBI J MOTOB3I ELECT, motor specialists. James, Mc- Kenzie Kiec. wkb., ids union, toast 117. ELECTBIO MOTOBS WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second hand motors. Western Eiflarxio-Wojjjua-tUi st. . ENGBAVEBS. EMBOSSED stationery, engraved cards. Oarqam CO., 4oa Manchester .blflg. EYE, BAB, NOSE AND THBOAT Treatment by specialist. Glasses flt d. Dr. F. F. Cnsseday, 418 Dekum bldg. ted FABM 4TMPLEMXNTS AND VEHICLES P. E. ESBENSHADE, 214 Front, farm Implements, tools, lawn A field fence. R. M. WAD &. CO 322 Hawthorn ave. Wholesale agricultural implements. POUNDBY AND MACHINE SHOP Phoenix Iron Works, E. 8d-Hawthorne, General machine and foundry work. FUBS AND TAZIDEBMIST REMODELING and new work. F. B. Flnley taxidermist 249 Columbia st GASOLINB ENGINES STATIONARY and marine, electric equipments; launches, accessories, wholesale and retail: engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co., 186 Morrison. OENEBAL BEPATSINO GENERAL machine and electrlo work, repair of electrlo motors and dyna-' mos a specialty. E. Hlppely, 234 Oak. HAT FAOTOBY LADIES' and gentlemen's hats cleaned - and blocked: all work guaranteed or no charges. We make a specialty of ladies' beaver nats. f none Main 8442 The Royal Hat Works, 223 1st st gAIB ooopa FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers; finest stock of human bair goods; hair dress ing, manicuring, face and scalp treat, ments 147 7th, inear Morrison. M. 646. JNS VBANCB McCARGAR, Betes & Lively, 801 Yeon - bldg.- Every form of Insurance, bonds. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE "CO. tJnTy OregottTIre lnrfurahce com. KODAK DEVELOPINO ROLTS developed free; prints, $o up: : mail orders solicited. 205 Merchants Trust bldg. - W A H A LANDER CO.. 618 Com'wlth bids. Show cards, cloth signs, windowtrims. rAWTEKIT EI.IDE3 STERF-OPTJCONS sold, rented; operator i rurtlihhcd, reasonal)le. iJanners, snow cards, -elfins, Enterprise Art Co.. 73 Vi 6t) LADIES' TAltOBIJia THE National. Ladies" Tailors, guaran- tee fit, work by expert designers. 131 10th st. near Washington. Main 1780. ; LANDSCAPE OAgDEiaaO , ' Pacific Landscape Gardening' Ca We design and a raw plans fur parka, cemeteries, : residential - tracts, and su burban homes; furnish . the necessary trees, shrubbery, ietc; our work is ab solutely guaranteed "done - right" ' -oy praTcaTrejtperie"ced nien. We also" plant and care for lawns, shrubbery, do general .; up-keep" work oa private grounds luxperiuDoed men furnished on fchort notice. Phone Main 8916. y LEATKEB AKD riHSXBOS CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO.. M Front t Leather-r-of --evcrjr'-descriptlonr-iajt manufacturers, findings. w KATHERINE KING teaches the hard-of-i hearing. 803 CentraJ bldg. Mar.-298. SiACBT-EBy B. TRENKMAN & CO.,'rydraullo and special pipe, smoke stacks, oil tanks, mining macuinery,' repairs. 104 N. 4th. ME8SEHGEB3 HASTY' MESSENGER CO., open nJgW ; and day.' ' Main 63. A-2163. "TMUaiXaiEBT"' HILDEBRAND -Millinery, 315-18 Swet land bldg.; ' latest models -ordered on short notice. ' Repairing and remodeling. MoaaoAas' LOANS. JOHN KER. mortgage loans, insurance. 803 eon bldg. Main D286, r MOTOBS AND DYNAMOS Motors & dynamos bought, sold, repaired. H-M-H Kiec. CO.. 81 N. nru M. 9210. MUSIO feCJiOw&S - AMD XEACBEB4 P. F. KISSNER, violinist, practical teaching, 10 lutikonu lie. 1$ Bieedton PIQg.-t N. ti, corner q ana wasnlngton. U. E. Jeifery, vivUiilsr. c musical dlrect- or yessons;. leys k. xayior. Tapur in v, t i ik i7 .1.. i.ii HT 1 nnlTrl'"''' ' ano lessons, VU cents. I h. XMiiJ-iiURiiN,- violin teacher; - pupil - Sevelkr 900 ftlarquam.-A-4l6rMar. CAROIAE SHlNDLiiiR RULAND, voice, piano. 214 Fliedner. Main 2660. Pi AMU, violin, mandolin, guitar, -banjo- iiigu uci.iuiib, puu. a nawtnorne ave. RAGTIME guaranteed in. 10 to.2u lee sons Popular pri:ee. H-242. Journal, NAjfttAVATUIO VUTSICZABS JNO. V. SPEARMAN. 309 Dekum bldg r Hours 10-12. lr2 and by appointment, OBBAMESTAI. WEBB AND IBON PORTLAND WIRE & IRON W'KS, 294 gq nrnniBciunn yire anq iron. OSTEOPATJHUO . PHYSICIANS DR. L1LLEBELLB PATTRRSflfJ cialist on iterVes, acute and chronic aiaeaseB. ia unumoia oiag. Main 8961 liR.AUiMES M. BROWN, 809 Journal bldic Hrs. 1 0:30-4 :30.M. 3HU9. Res.Tabor2 S s: i PAIlifT, Oil, JpXD QI.AS3 PIONEER " PAINT CO llln'TWT, ArTVI RASmUSSEN 4i CO.. "High Standard paint, ne. cor, aa Ac Taylor. M A-l71. This; BaJA v'ER VARNISH-WKS., makes uuuu prouucis. ask your dealer. PAINTING AND FAPEBING. GOOD work my motto. A. Osboorn. iiS e. TygBii. jj-ioi, cast ezif. ur Dest worn, prices riant, call P, A. Doane. 332 E. Wash. Eaiu 1095. TINTiNU SilJvuiii-tiprMliulngT-Kaper-l hanging. C. A. Barnes. Main 1334. I PATENT ATTORNEYS PlfRNTS nr(UnreA nt .1 W Mi. . . torney-at-Law, late of U. S. Patent Of flce; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. PIPE PORTLAND, Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th and York. Main 3489. FLUKE FACTOBY OSTRICH plumes dyed, cleaned, curled. - Willows Jled,froiflollDiuiiaa;. satla. faction guaranteeu. 327 Washington. ,POPCOBN CONPECTIONftv STANDARD CRISP CO., 293 Gl!san. Popcorn Crlsn. Kornut. salted nuts. PRINTING. ANSLEY Printing Co.. 250 Oak. 4671. Printing to please. Main "PBrVATE SCHOOL. PRIVATE school, shorthand, typewrit ing; modern methods; expert instruc tion. 26! J4th st. Main 88S. BOOriNG, PAINTING, BEPAIBINO TIN roofing, repairing, painting. Jobbing J. Lnslt. 212 Jefferpon. Main 144 ISEUE & GINTER, sheet, metal works. BVBBEB STAMPS AND SEALS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun--nlngliHin -o.. 231 Stark, Main 1407, baix; ihH. trade checks. hrnn rIdti. stencils. Krebs Bros.. 114 2d. Mari 1S71 ElBlifllilEir - -- JOk JLOOl) P0IS0H ' i It Is now two years since the Introduction of the NEW GERMAN REMEDY for BLOOD POISON, and during that time I have adminis tered this preparation In several hundred cases, often giving as many as five doses la a single day, I know 'my experience -with It Is far greater than any other physician In Portland. I have given this remedy a severe test, having met in my experience some ex tremely bad cases, and I can . say without fear of contradiction that It is tne greatest discovery of the age and the nearest absolute and permanent cure for Blood Poison, retard, less of the stage ot the disease or the symp toms present Every sympton' of . the disease, from the smallest eruption to the worst kind ef running sore, are checked in tneir progress at once and completely healed within 10 days . There is no lunger any doubt about , the wonderful curative power of this remedy, and when given by an expert there, la absolutely no danger Of any l.lnd from its use. I lntru. duce It DIRECTLY INTO THE BLOOL by th INTRAVENOUS METHOD, the only n?0Der narhn4 t urlmlnlatamnir It si rwi i ,a n .ommended by Prof. Ehrllch himself. . " Sensed 1 Oregon. In the harlds of an expert specialist hpr i-.i,.ni,,i.iMn.. ''' foYoTwf ZVUkfxJJ "w. houfsL, -i new lease on Tlife. ,on ft 'ou will giv.j,u - Myequipment is as fine as any m Oregon and f c-iva nii ihv r?it;ti , INE GERMAN REMEDY In the RIGHT "at. . E , I also' treat SAFELY AND THOROUGHLjf AND T Ttl!2 f.OWFtT COST VARICOSE VEINS, HYDROCELE, VrrALNVAKNES S' IN DI 5lXI?ESSWFLINGSANNERV ULCERS BORtB Vl" tvLatjA pfia? Knu'.T?,01' STRENGTH AND YITA1.1.' TY ANO ALL SPECIAL. AND Da,i.lCA'l. DiaOliDEitS OK MEN. 4 l invite you to come to m ortice. Enlarged veins, hydrocele, hernia, nervous debility, blood disorders, piles fistula, bladder, kidney, and all men's disordeis and give you a FREfcJ exam- If you cannotcall, write me immediately, giving me a description of yoijf case in your otfn words. Bv return mail i will send you, absoljtcly freV a diagnosis of your case and my best professional advice as to how to pro' ecoJirdexJ.iuorrcii)ULaiwulila, My fflca is open all day from 9 wwy, ' fc.M.llt n United Glass Se Glazing Co., sash, dome ' plate glBMS. l)th, Glloan.1 Main 44.Hli ,11.3.. ! 1, V " ' ' '' ' 1 . BANITOBITTM ROSE CITY SANITORIUM, strictly mtw ternity nowpuai. ii wortn wra st. SHOWCASES ABTD rXXTTTBES SHOWCASES of every description, bank. bar ana store futures taaae to oraer. The Lntke Mfg. Co.- THE JAMES I. MAREHALIj MFG. CO.. .. . 1 .. 1. . , .. I, n . , nnl,..i. . r. new aiiu UIU mii n wunn, i,nuutc... aiut, , and t)ff Ice fixtures. 289 Couch. M. 2703. SIONS AND SHOWCABDS j OFFICE. ; door ' and window letterln ntma mates ror aesKs ana aoors: alsu commercial printing. . Ideal Office Sign Co. Phone Marshall 4383-- 313 Dekum bldgr-- - - - -- ' AMEBJCAN-S1G11 COS 49 ..Oak at JBuc- cessors to commercial aept, ox a osier Kleiser signs. Marshall 496. A-4318. TAXX.OBZNa SCBOOXi KlESTER'S Ladies Tailoring Colle ge. Xearn nrfagumMtipg. Taiiurmn. na-n xu TO WEI. STJPPLT CLEAN towels dally, 'comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply Co.,- 9th and Couch sts., $1 "per' month. Portland Laundry Co. : Phones Main 410. A-4410. j , CTASrxn ANP STOBAOB C Oi PICU Transfer &Etorage Co., of- rices ana commoaious v story dhcks warehouse, with separate Iron rooms and -fireproof vault for valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods In our. through cars to all domesye and foreign points. Main 696. A-1996. ) OREGON TRANSFER CO,- Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. -, t Storage,. fre trackage. - . Offices and storage, 474 OUsan, street. 13th and Olisan. Main 69. A-U69. PORTLAND Van and Storage Co., Inc., 13th and Everett; most modern stor-, s fe warehouse in city; low fire Insurance . rate proof of this. Free trackage, mov- I lna. backing, ehinplnsr: reduced freight I rates on household goods in through cars ' to-and trom east, Main 64n. A-iiio. BAGGAGu! & Omnibus Transfer Co. "Si cueunev ;vur ' nv in nlturesoved. stored er -peeked fttrshlp mftnt. prirlnA. Dbv1 ta. Vhonesli ment- Park-and - Pavls-t,- Main esuo, a-mz. TYPEWBITEBS TYPEWRITERS, sllghTtly used, Us. f Smiths and all other makes' at reducelk. prices and easy terms. L, C Smith & - t it. 4n t . 1. m . .. J TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt. ; 2d hand -142H 2d Bt Mar. 4i. t-; ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun I lnaham Co.. -231 Stark. Main 1407. 1 TACUUK CEEANEBS . - . r - r. -1am ' ' 1 , monwealth bldg,L.A,Amlck.Mgr.M.4030 I ' VIOIJN MAJtEBB O. Kuden, violin niaker. expert repair- ' lng. Rrq, 312 Allsky bldg., 265 Morrison, WHOLESALE JwBBEBS M. A. GUNST & CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OR FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OR. EVERDING & FARREL. produce , and" Portland. Or. Phone. Mnln 179. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 ai St., between Salmon and Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES. SEE ME FREE.. If you ars worrying about any ailment in cluded among those within which I spe cialize, I Invite you to call at my office and I - will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agonals and ad vise you - of - the -proper mil- to cursus to UtieVyeurself .evar-JoLyoiit worry and your aiimenu -ay i -and my qualifications have made me an expert in the treatment of the ali ments with which MEN are afflicted. Every man calling at my office is assured of my personal and Individ ual treatment until a cure , is ef- fected. NEOSALVARSAN ' Tiprnvd Carman ...Remedy Jw. 1 BLOOD POISON I administer the remedy according to the very latest method..-''-- Come to me if you hove any of the following disorders; Enlarxed Veins, Pimples. Nervous Debility. Nerve, BTOodTrnd Sktn Disorders,' Bladder Troubles. Blood Poison, Eruptions, .4Meefc Speeial-TAiliBa4sv Pileser Fistula. - 9 to 67 to 8 Dally; Sundays 10 to L Examination Advice Free. J.-J. KEEFErPh.-G. M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. 813',j WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH. - , i. PORTLAND. OR. t l win explain to you my treatment f-f a, m. to 8 p. n. and Sunday froa iO te - , , . Street 5f OREdON. ' mm iv: f - f - -A 'V4 Y f 'V i v 4 1 r- i 1 '' f-"ief)-e tff- Mriir-y!