' 1 ArAtlTMEXTS ' 43 Montgomery Apartments .Irtg new snd strictly modern; all outside niiiiiii z-room- apartments; furiiiHiiea mtiot; cievaior- service. t.ws wai inr umionce, uatcs 82ft to 833. Phon . THE VILLA 8T. CLARA. ' , , 12th and Tvlor. Most nasnlflcentlv frunlshed apart mrnts In the city; location perfect, rent als reasonaoie; every moui'rn Kuinnr ipni'A hnnmiot .hail, and roof rnrd-n ki.i. ..I--- -..-..I.... n.fMui rrnulrnrf. Moth phones la all apartments. Main Lincoln ADartments 4th and Lincoln; all outside 1 room apts., $22,50 to 30, wain mi, FOR RENT -FLATS 13 -..- a m flat urnlVfnir I t w tance, very private; until, elegant wardrobe, cnma ciosai, iTBn iimm wm- water. laundry, etc.; very choice joca tlon. 447 E. Couch, cor. 7tn. NEATLY furnished modern 4 rpom up per flat, all new ana cien. y Failing. 18; modern 4 room lower flat. unfurnished. Ill; room modern noiise, 115. Phone Woodlawn iim. moor jbhq, I OH RKNT A modern 8 room riat Good view, cheap rent.- 698H Salmon, ICev. 600 Salmon n. Vivk mam unfurnished ' flat for ren I2.2S per month, 626 Mill at; water and phone Tree. tji ruiKT ft rooirt f at. fireplace, - sleplng porch, large lawn, close In, reasonable, z unerry. ot'ici j BAnn finf 112: K room flat. 117: mod ern brick puHdlng, every convenience. Yn,,l !n Alhorta t , ' HOLLADAY addition, very desirable I- . . n . .. m -1 a nlra ma B furnace, nrepiace. u-.uui. MODERN upper and lower flat, heat furnished; large, pleasant rooms. 716 -Johnaonr l i ARftE rooms, fronting on river, z , blocks north of old steel bridge; beau tlful location; su.ou. ti.iT for mnt. will sell furniture. In eluding high grade Kimball piano; owner leaving city; call at 688 Etn at. MODERN 6-room fiat, wood and a Walwer; McMIUen addition; 116 JUOUC.rll'! B iru.Il imicu Biurr, CuOd neignDornoou. xicau. juaxsuau 68. FOR RENT- JT Upper 2.60. 635 , or - lower 6-room Montgomery, near Ith. MODERN 4 rooma, over corner store, f 11.60, 111 Willlama ave. Woodlawn 607 KEW i-room flat, very cheap. 70S Van- couver ave, Woodlawn 1958. T ROOM flat. 823 Corbett; key at gro eery. Cor, uoroen ana wnimaer. I ROOM flat. 588 Salmon at; key at 600 Salmon at. BEAUTIFUL 3 and 4 room flats; view. 688 Market ft, near Chapman. E ROOM flat, all modern, Janitor aervr i. Ire. 28 a month. 464 Uth st MODERN 4 room upper flat, private rfurnace. 'Main- 6416. 434 Coller MODERN 8 and 6 room flats, free phone - I heat and water. East 6048. FTJKXISriED FLATS 00 .TO adults, furnished 8 rooms, hot water heated, large front porch and Bleep ing porch. 13x20; fine view west side, Walking distance; references. Call 625 h Montgomery. Phone A-468 JUUMBOLO FLATS Furnished or not, suits 2 rooms, or more, cheap rent 85 1st, corner Glbba. JsICELY furnished flat, modern con t venlences and more room If needed. 725 Hawthorne ave. B-2267. ' IjEAUTIFULLY furnished flat; five ' rooms; furnace, gas, electricity: $26. 42G Graham ave. Phone East 1868. k UOOM flat, newly furnished 318 per r month, adults who will take care of furniture Bunnyap, iaoor ioi, 1 ROOM furnished downstairs flat, farge - pantry and cloaet, heat, phone, batu, tc. Phone Eaat 2882. 104 E. 18th S. FURNISHED 4 room flat on car line, 116. 8 E. 80th. Tabor 638. ttlOELY-fumishelats-of s-roonis at 225 and 227 Market HOTELS SI JIOTEL PORTLAND European planjh oiiy"TT.6TranT-tip: tiELVEDERE. European. 4th and Alder. tJTOKES AXU OFFICES 11 BTORK for rent at 46Ui and Sandy Road, Rose City Park. Suitable for bakery, dry-goods or hardware; rent 325 Including one stall in barn. David H. Ryan, Tabor 2227. Warehouse 100x100 Fornt, on railroad, adjoining Gold en Rod Mill Co., Albina. Columbia 215. STORE - 278 - Hawthorne, near bridge, .. .large .basenient. sj de . trackln...jeMi Apply Hiwthorne Dock Co. East 2063. OFFICE for rent, furniture for sale .r.wll,L.Schang rash value. 421 Abington bid?. 7. SMALL hall lor rent Howe-Davia Co., WANTED TO KENT WANTED To rent a good stock or dairy - farm on shares or cash, prefer one ready stocked on shares; have exper ience, farmed all my life In the eant; -Will -rent for term of years; rent of owner only. W-103, Journal. WANTED To rent a good dait-y farm from 60 to 80 acres, within 9 miles of center of Portland: must be on the east side. Address E. Wahl, 261 E. 68th st N. Write. I CAN rent your property. H. N. Swank, 1038 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 4976. ,VATEy to rent a farm for cash or on chares. N-116, Journal. ; HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 40, choice of 3 good work horses, $40, good driving mare. 425, good grocery wagon. 120, stet-l tire top buggy. J 120, double hack. -$15, Utop express wagon. $15, set double work harness. - I 11.60 takes choice of 50 collars. $15, good pony. . $67 E. 8th, between Madison and Haw ,. t thorne. IF you are In the market for horses of any description, come and see us. . as we always have a good supply on hand. If you are responsible you can try them till you are satisfied. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO, 240 E. Sth st. Phone E. 6315. ARRIVED, carload horsea and mares, chunky build, from 4 to ycacs old, weighing from 1100 to 1500 lbs.; well . broke, sound, guaranteed. Come look them over they are first i-Iubr. Williamson's Sale Stable, foot of Main, west side. - - Just Arrived, Carload Eastern Oregon horses, all young and broken, weight 1200 to 1500. Madison Stables, 186ft Madison St., at bridge, west side. HAVE for ale one 8-y ear-old horHe, nice and gentle, good for delivery -. wagon, and one driving horse. Both Cheap. C. D. Young, Cornell road above Aiaoieny pane, 326 buys team and harness; one Is . Iron gray, 4 vears old, other Jet black, 6 years old. This team Is perfectly broke and weighs 2100. Call 267 E. 8th. 110 Gray mare. wt. 1050, and brown horse, wt. 1060, and good double har riess. Call 452 East Market WANTED A horse to winter for his work. 3. M. Elsenblatter, Scappoose, S'OR SALE 2400,1b, team, fat. sound and true worKers, ana new AlUburn wagon. 87 h. aa si. in. TO HEAD of grading horses and" mules Tor saierright out or nard work. Call i'OU SALB Team, harness and wagon, 1 cheap mare. Call 484 E. Stark. JioBSES ft for winter. Call Mala 417. after THE 1IOKSKS, VianCLE3,,ETC. 18 For Salo or Rent ' , Wagons and Horses - . . . 6 gooHPncck furniture wagons. jo delivery wagons.' . rt V-C double exproMS wagons, ' - " 4 laundry , wagons and. some rood mrm -iiorsen. , Hawthorne Ave, Stables, - 420 .Hawthorne ave. LIVKSTOCK 35 SEVERAL horses and mare, ranging In weight from 1000 to 1500; alao one pair muMs, harnesses and wagons. Call and see them. Mt Bcott car to Lents. Inquire at Ornnya store. TWO Jeraey cows for aale. Phone Co- luaihla 605. Vkk.SH cowa at 1445 Mllwaukie at Sell wood car fiQ.OD..iaMlyowXor n nle. Innulre 1609 MiMHlMHippi ave. Take Kenton car rocLTnv 37 THGROUGHllltBD- Whit Leghorn, Barcu Rock and White Wyandotte cockerelx, $1.60 up. 1602 Denver ave., Kenton car. XHORUUUHBUED Buff Orpington cockerels for aale. Maryland, near Fremont 11 thoroughbred,, buff Orpington cock- ereis ror sale, lioi Michigan ave. AUTOMOIJILES-MOTOKClCUiS 44 SO h. P.. 4 cyl.. 6 bass., top. glass front, tires In fine Condition. Cost S3250. Flint check for 3200 takes It. Uood f or liUO ib, truclt- Juatoverliauled. PACIFIC CUA.1T BKUKKKAU1S CU., 618-21 Hoard of Trade. BEAUTIFUL Wlnton 6 cyl. Limousine. - strictly .- up to; date,- electric-lighted, self starter, In perfect condition, fine for winter use, can't be beat; cost $6500; will sacrifice if sold at once for 31800. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call 518 Board of Trade, ask for man ager - - - BAKCiALNsi IN SLIGHTLY USED CARS. ; We have a few anuDS In allrhtlv' used cars, and MICHIGAN cars taken In ex change. All cars fully guaranteed. Call or write at once. MICHIGAN AUTO BUGGY CO, 869-371 Hawthorne Ave. Phones East 1421, B-1348, AUTOUOBILb BARGAINS. Whv buy a new cheap car when too can secure one of our hi ah grade used cara at the same price? We guarantee them; diirerent manes ana models, alt traded In on new White cara We alao offer several second timid trucks. Write White Car Agency, 6th st. at Madison. FOR SALE AT1TOMOUILK BUSINESS Best naying proposition In city: only small amount or money required to han dle thia business. ' Other busineaa In terests require ail or present owner a y-vz, journal. N. W. AUTO SCHOOL. 1130 Albtna ave.. onen Nov. 1st. automobile, gas enirlne construction, operation taught, compe tent practical instructors, wain. 150. WANTED No. 1 old auto tlrea, 70 lb. delivered; no. 2 auto tires, 6o lb. Innur tubes. IS to 29C lb. J. Leva. 1H6 Columbia st; Main 6198. FOR SALE Good runabout with top lamps, extra dhck seal, removame rims. $126. 1279 Belmont. LOANS ON AUTOS BAUER, 206 ALDER STREET. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 04 FOR SALE Brand new speed hull 22x4. Main 6664. 5 H. P. launch, write Carlock & Mull- naupt, 1026 Chamber of Commerce. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 VICTOR phonograph, oak horn and rec ords- by caruso, uonci, Constantino, Nordica, etc.; 'very reasonable. T-108, Journal. ,- FOR SALE cheap, fine piano. Main 6094. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 68 500 STOVES, heaters, $1.25; cook stoves. $5; range at nair price; xurniiure prices below cost 333-335 1st st FOR " SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10 FOR SALE New and second-hand Car om and pocket billiard tables, and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds? easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 48 - 48 6th st. Phones Mnln 7K, A-1769. NATIONAL cash registers, credit regis ters, compuuiig scales, electric coifea mills and all store appliances, bought, sold and repaired. Sell for cash or pay ments. The Pacific Store Service Co., 227 Stark. Mnln 7711. FOR...BALE Ohe houseboat 1 rooms, on 34-ioot launch and 1 White Steam er 'engine. ""Wlirseir cheap. '"IoneSe!I wood 1178. FOK pool and billiard tables see W. J. and repair work. Tables sold on installments.. SAF.ES 108 2d at, phone Main 7676, at factory prices; repairs, lockouts opened, bargains in second band safea. Mosier gare yo. FOR HALE. $276 Small gasoline con crete batch rnlX' capacity 40 yards per day; been used three mohths. Ad dress . L. Wood. 734 East th North. L.AKGK Studebuker wagon for salt), cheap, suitable for farm work. 461 Goldsmith st. East 634, C-1798. USED MACHINES, all makes, casn or terms. Prices right. Singer Sewlne Machine Store. 382 Morrison st. STUMP PULLERS That pull stumps. 123 E. Water st, rilv. WKLIj rotted fertilizer for sale. Call E. 2102 DERBY DESKS and office furniture. Haley Desk Co.. 210 7th st. Main 687. UNCALLED for tailor made suits, $8.60 up. Taylor the tailor, 62 N. 6th. ONE water heater, gas range, office desk, sanitary coucli. Flione E. 4432. BICYCLES $10 and up. Bargains In motorcycles, jbi Aiaciiaon. $10 NEW HOME "sf-wlng machine, all anacnmeniF. ioz urnmi ave. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 5 WHY sell your furniture at auction? we pay nignesi prices, jnaae no mis take; address 61. R. Seater, 248-50 Haw thorne ave. Phone East 3134. WANTED by the Efegle furniture bouse, your second-hand furniture, highest cash prices paid. G. Long proprietor, phone Woodlawn 166. 925 Union ave. WANTED Piano and player, also com bination, also Victrola; cash for bar gain; no dealers need answer. S-101, Journal. WILL BUY Or loan money on diamonds. BAUER, 208 Alder St. WANTED Piano; will exchange equity in 10 acres, Clarke Co., Wash. N- 110, Journal. WANTED to buy 88 Inch steamer trunk, rattan preferred. State phone num ber. K-107. Journal. NEAT kulsomining, woodwork cleaned, 2.50 room. Papering, painting, etc. Main 2856. BARGERS' AUCTION HOUSE. 868-370 E. Morrison st E. 1022, 11000 worth of good furniture at once, Wii need the goods, you need the mon ey. Rose City Auction House, 368-370 Hawthorne ave. East 683." BE WISE; get more for your second hand furniture by selling It to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st. Main 8951, A-2446. LOST Mink -fur between E. Burnsld and Broadway. If found call East 1485 and receive reward. COMPLETE MOVING PICTURE OUT fits wanted, opera ohalrs, electric fans, etc, E-l 04. Journal. . Highest prices paid for house hold GOODS. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE KX., 899 E. MOR. E. 768, WILL pay cash for Second hand fur - niture and stoves. (14 E. Morrison. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, I J!ULL...Jl.H!!A.ii.iJllIll!1 VAOTE05USCELLA;.'EOUS( FURNITURE! WANTED. We Want to buy all the seaondhang furniture, sloven, rugs that wn can get All we ask la an opportunity to make you an orrer, ana win pay au toe cuau It is worth. Phone East 6! WANTED Women or man and wife to llva with nlderlv lndv frea rent. 504 Fesacnden St., at Johns; cet off Point view million VVANTKI) Pfonln of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second-nand household goods, is. to. Heater, 124-128 Grand ave. Enst 1561. WJveLL imuK-iiljRii! L c6MMlti. BION CO. , Pays he -best price for your seoona nana xurniiure. carpets u atovea. 204 1st. Main 8022. ' ' wantku Teams to haul coic dwood. Phone East 8602. ' WANTED Kodaks,' cameras, etc. Cam tira Exchange, 846 Morrison. JL03T AND FOUND 21 THE following is a list of articles found 4- on the cars of the Portland Railway, L.iiTht & power Co. and turna in at me uinerent division points, owners may secure same by annlyinK at barns as in Ait i -a, : , .,, , J. . Turned In at the East Ankeny barn, Nov. 3, 1812. Phone B-1168. 1 stick pin. 1 brooch. 1 package suit and shoes, 1 umoreiia,. Turned In at the Piedmont barn. Npv. 3, 1912. by trainmen. Phone C-1227: 7 umbrellas, 4 miscellaneous packages, 1 can corn, 1 bottle olives, 1 pocket knife, 1 pnlr glovea. 1 mualo roll, 2 keys. Turned In at the Sollwood division, Nov. 8, 1912. Phone B-6141: 1 purse. 6 umbrellas, 1 hunting license, 1 pair shoe.s, l watch fob. Z miscellaneous par eels. 1 scarf. Turned tn-At-thvIer-sireet barn, Nov. 8, 1912, by trainmen. TcT. A B5t5: 1 pair rubbers, 1 book, 1 pair giovcs, l package preserved fruit. VViHt- the-persou- who- tookv-JJmbrella rrom the pons, no. oz, on noigaio, uaturaay, pieuso return it Tuesday eiec Hon? H, O. -...:!?7-'l;? WOTICBTS 20 NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY BY TRUSTEE. Notice la hereby given that the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Mult nomah county In the suit df Green C. Love, Frank Souersj by Harry Souers, is guardian au mem. jmia tsouers dxon. bv Elmer Dixon, her guardian ad litem, as plalntlfls, agalnat Mary C Stafford. Emma J. Walker, Alsistress L. Peacher, Nanoy M. Flnke, Sarah R. An derson, Lena G. Richmond. Sldella F. Price. Lewla O. Stafford. Fred D. Love. Belle Kelley, Mary McNerney. Maggie Roberts, Royal V. Love. William King, Palma .Shepherd. Lewis W. Love,, Henry Shepherd. Mallnda Shepherd, Pearl Shep herd, Lewis r. Love. John a. iove, Ulysses G. Love, Charles W. Love, Frank P, Love ana Hazel Mathiesen, as defendants, by its decree rendered April 11. 1912, adjudged and decreed the fol lowing real property situate in Mult nomah county, state of Oregon, to-wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of the Lewis Love donation land claim in township Ljrfiorth. range 1 east of the Willamette meridian, Oregon; run thence along south boundary of said Love claim south 89 degrees. 11 minutes east 1717 feet to the southwest corner of the tract of land to be conveyed; thence north 2424.91 feet to point for the north west corner; thence-east 937.66 feet to a point for northeast corner. In the cen ter line of Vancouver avenue, formerly known as Vancouver road; thence along the center line of Vancouver avenue south 3 degrees. 37 minutes west 2441.09 feet to southeast corner, in the south boundary line of the aforesaid Love claim: thence along south boundary of said Love claim north 89 degrees, 11 minutes west 783.66 feet to the place of beginning, and containing 48.035 acres of land, more or less, to be sold by the Security, Savings & Trust company of Portland, and duly appointed said Se curity. Savings & Trust company as trustee for such purpose, and adjudged and decreed that said trustee should have power to sell said real property at private sale, the purchaser at said sale to take title to the same free from all claim pr right of any kind or descrip tion asserted or wnicn may De assertea by any of the parties to said suit, as by reference to said decree the same will more fully and at length appear. - Now, therefore, public notice Is here by given that the Securlty.Savings & Trust company, trustee as aforesaid, in pursuance of the provisions of . said de cree will sell at private sale to the high est bidder on or after the 27th day of November. 19l2. the real property here inabove particularly described, upon the loiiowing terms, to-wiu- junar-narr4HcasnrDaiaTicfrTnT (3) eaual annual installments. De ferred payments to bear 6 per cent Inter est per annum. Tenders for said real property shall be submitted In writing to the trustee on or before the date above mentioned, and accompanying each tender shall be a certified check for five per cent (5) of the tender, to be forfeited In tne event the tender la accepted and the party making such tender falls to com plete the purchase. Sale to be made subject to the approval of the said cir cuit court. SECURITY. SAVINGS TRUST COM- SEALED proposals for construction of fuel barges, derrick barges, pontoons and received at this oince until 11 a. m., December 4, 1812, and then, publicly openedr-Infwtlwr-on--appllcattorj.--'J. F. Mclndoe, Maj. Engrs. SEALED proposals for constructing two wooden hull tugs, "H. M. Adams' and "J. C. Post." will be received at this office until 11 a. m., December 4. 1912, and then publicly opened. Information on application. J. F. Mclndoe, Maj. THE undersigned will not be responsl ble for debts incurred by members of crew of S. S. Strathlyon. JOHN M. CANN, Captain. At. ti. HUUaEK, Agent. THE undersigned will not be responsible for any debts incurred bv members of crew of German barque Ellbek. H. A. i noae. captain; M. a. Houser, agent FEKSDliAL 23 MATRIMONIAL paper 10 cents. Many Wealthy, many marriages. Read the marriage testimonials. Mrs. Bell, 1816 Magnolia ave., L.os Angeles. LADIES Sanderson's Cotton Root Pills uure cure tor aeiayea periods. 82 or 8' boxes $5. Money returned If It fall. T. J. Pierce 246 Morrison street. SCIATICA can t to see the case I can t cure (no druirs). Dr. Douglas, D. C. 838 Union ave. N. SICK MEN visit Dr. Warren's private dispensary, treatment free, charge for remedies only. Cor. 2d and Alder sts. GRADUATE Chiropodist manicurist, masseuse and tub baths. Entrance 8ra St. 614 Dekum bldg., 8rd and Wash. LORKNZ Nerve Tonic Ta,blets restore lost vitality; 25c box; 6 boxes, $1.25 Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison st SPIRITUAL Medium, Rev. M. A. PrlceT Readings, healing, dally. Circles, Tubs.. !, Wed, and Kun 8.. 368 4th st M. 7227! MRS. MAE HOWARD MANICURING, elec. facial and scalp treatments. Mil ner bldg. 350 Morrison, rooms 1 and 2 SCIENTIFIC maBsage by appointment only. Phone Marshall 117. Hours. 10 to 6. NERVOUSNESS AND RHEUMATISM1 quickly cured. Free inquiry, 630 Worcester uin DR. G. V. KETCHUM Women's mala aies, bcuid uibchbo. wasn. mag. cor. , . . j Al' U . ,t . . . . ! . . . EASTEKN trained operator gives mas sage ana, eieciricai treatments. 35UU . : ... ') , 1 : . A jHori inun bi.. on inMr. ivoom v MAIM ME ESTELLE, spiritual medium readings daily. 128H Uth near Wash DlVQRCESotrhTd'dg1 w n4 FREE isdvice, divorce, claims, adiunt. ment. 828 Cham, of Com. Main B2g. BA1.M of Figs, remedy for diseases of women, quo yavis 01. -main zjs. BAVI3 32 to $10 bv buying your trunk or suitcase at 632 Wash., cor. 17th at EASTERN trained operator, massage. eiecirmai tremunniii, BDVyi "lor, K. 80. readings daily; 144 Uth st. MLLE. ROBERGE, physical cultures' of. flee 1 29 8d floor, 360 4 Alder st, LADY barber shop, 410 Hoyt and 10th sts., near North Bank depot. PORTLAND, MONDAY: EVENING, NOVEMBER 4, -1S18. I ... FEItSONAIi NO MATTER what has failed when In need-'of a regular monthly remedy, get a bottle of Antlko Mixture No. 8, and be convinced it is the bust and most harm leas remedy ever put on the market for painful and suppressed periods. Abso lutely guaranteed and for sale in Port land by-Jefferson trug Co., 3d 'and Jefferson. Mln 7542, A-7816. ' -WILL the . gentleman or parties that saw the lady pay her car fare on the Mt Scott car Friday afternoon about 4 p. m., whom the car conductor Insisted that ahe did not and continued to annoy her during her trip to 44th and Hawthorn ave., please phone Tabor 1317. -- LaDIES $1040 reward. I positively guarantee my great successful "monthly" remedy; safely relieve some vi me longest, most ousunaie, aDiioruuu cases in 3 to I days; no harm, pain or interference with work: mall $1.60. Double strength, $2. Dr. C. T. Houtnlng- ton uameoy go,, Kansas yity, mo. YOUNG man. good position, wishes the acquaintance of a poor working girl or woman: looks and -dress not para mount: object, matrimony. U-116, Jour nal. ' MRS. STEVENS, .. 18 years Portland's leading Dalmlst and clairvoyant, has her late book, "Palmistry Made Easy," on sale. 657U Williams ave., corner Knott. Office hours 10 a. m. to p. m. MRS. W.. It Wrenn, spiritual adviser, ivi Jefferson, cor. 6th st Circles Monday, Thursday at 8 p. m., and Wednesday at 2 o. m. . Marshall 4239. A-4688. , ' YOUNG farmer, would like correspond ence with working girl under 25 years. object matrimony. Address John L. Longiey, woodburn, Or. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. Diseases of women and surgery. Ex aminations free. 802 Merchants Trust bldg,, 6th and Washington. Main 4047. loans Wanted" 30 IF you want to loan your money oh .. first class real eatate. list It at once with the MORTGAGE LOAN DEPT., 804 Oak st, near 6th. WANTED Building loan of $1600; will pay s per cent. an, journal. FINANCIAL 61 CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. Or seller's equity in contrsct of sale on real estate In Washington or Oregon. H. E. Noble. Lurabermens bldg. Loans. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALAKIES 67 NEED MONEY T See Us You can get it TODAY. This NEW COMPANY wim nrrnnlzoA to hel people in need of temporary assistance, and to 1, .pay off loan with tne WlGH kate money lenders. epcuiai govern oer nates: .40 Weealy Pays a $ 10 Loan .96 AVcekly Pays a $ 25 Loan 1.40 Weekly Pays a $ 60 Loan 1.80 Weekly Pays a $ 76 Loan 2.20 Weekly Pays a $10 Loan Loans for one month to one year. Business confidential. No extras. PRIVATE OFFICES. No Investigation. No red tape. We Buy and Sell Mortgages. Portland Loan Co. 207 Macleay bldg. COR. 4TH AND WASH. STS. OPEN MON. AND SAT. TILL 9 P. M. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN -MONEY On watches, diamonds, Jewelry, kodaks, furniture storage receipts, guns, pianos. Elby Company Collaleral Bankers and Brokers. 820 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark. IMMEDIATE loans on pianos, furniture, autos. storage receipts, etc., at lowest rates. (Confidential). Also second mortgage loans on real estate; mort gages bought. Room 312 Hamilton bldg. SALARY LOANS. CHATTEL LOANS. Tou can get $5 to 1100 today at cheapest rates, best and most private terms. D. D. Drake, 307 Spalding bldg. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. P. H. Tolman, room 817 Lumber Ex. A, destrahle placa for ladles' apd gaiptia- man - w oorrow ioneyon aiamonas and jewelry at eastern rates. Diamond Palace. 834 Wash., opp. Owl Drug Store. CHATTEL and real estate loans, no red tape; conditional; mortgages bought Adolphus Lane. 414 Abington bldg. MONEY on any security. BOID REALTY CO., 206 Alder 8t MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS. J. E. NICHOLS. 616 YEON BLDG. MONEY sold on Installment; confiden tial to salaried people. F. A. New ton, 514 Henry bldg. MONEY-loaned- -en diamonds- and lewel ry; strictly confidential. 141Vj 8d. LOAN for tha asking, salary or chat .. tel. The Loan Co.. 414 Dekum bldg-, MONEY TO LOAN REAL"" ESTATE " 27 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOURS 8 A. M. TO P. M. - - 8 AT. TO 9 PjM. STATE SECURITY CO, ' 308 FAILING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN On city or farm property. THE HA RBOLDT-WILSON CO, INC. 710-718 LEWIS BUILDING. 4th and Oak sts, Marshall 4200 A-71S8 . HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK, Chamber of Commerce bldg. We have on hand funds for . invest ment In good first mortgages. If yOu wish to borrow on your real estate, con- fer with our mortgage loan department MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. BLAUSON-CRAIG CO, Mortxage Loan Dent 304 Oak st, near 6th. 1 HAVE the following amounts on hand to loan on Portland real estate: $600, $1200 and $1600. Submit security to attorney at 730 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' - MORTGAGE loans on city and suburban properties; mortgages and contracts bought Cowlishaw, 615 Commercial block. Phone Main 6777. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. $250 AND UP. 1 J. E. NICHOLS, 1 615 YEON BLDG. MONEY to loan, improved Portland property; special facilities for large loans. Title & Trust Co., 4th and Oak, $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm property, fire insurance. McKenzle & Co., uernnger ning,, za ana Aiaer. $1000 to loan. Real estate security. Smith-Wagoner Co., 811-818 Lewis bldg. I HAVE money for immediate loans on real estate. A. E. Poulsen, 418 Rail way Exchange. Marshall 7263. TO loan, estate funds on real estate at current rate. inquire attorney, rooms 10-12 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison. MONH.Y to loan; large loans a specialty, building loans; lowest rates; fire in- aurance. W. G. Beck, 816-816 Falling.' CLIENT'S money, $700, $1200, $?Sdo; $10,000, 7 and 8 per cent S. S. Gll- lesple, 500 Henry Mdg. PRIVATE money to loan In sums of $60 and up on real, personal or collateral security. 807 Oregonian bldg. $3000 or part to loan. . Money can be nad ai onoe. i-none laoor ill MONEY to loan on Improved real estate. I. L. White. 701 Commercial Club bldg. WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate. Farrington. 416 Commercial Club bldg. Louis Salomon ft Co., 229 Stark st. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 813 Chamber of Com. MONEY to Ion, 6 to 8 per cent W. II. Sell & Co., 310 Spalding bldg, . 'I ' m irwiit-ujy j.jj.:.: , . MONEY TO LOAN HEAL. ESTATE 27 MORTGAGE loans on real estate se curity in the sums 01 $200 ana up, first and second mortgages and sellers' equities in contracts uougni. , F. Aj BEARD & CO.. 618 Oerllnger bldg., Second snd Alder. $2000 tO LOAN for 2 years. Bell & Iteg ister, 201 Oerllnger bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AccoujrTAjrr iublio COLLIS. BERRIDGB & THOMPSON, - S3 (Yornriinr nun. main Dr. ABSTRACT JOHN A. BERRY, Atty.. collections, ab. straets examinaq, written opinions on legal question, in AiinKy 00. M n APVBaYMIBrg FOSTER A KLEISEIl. outdoor advertls- ing; paynteaDuuetins, painted walls, posters. E. 7th and E. Everett at a. East 1111. H-ZZZ1. ASSATSmi , saos ssiswaM"slisasss WELLS A chemists. CO., ansayers, analytical v n wasn. wain 70OH1 MONTANA assay office, laboratory, ore leminy. Marsnau inn, 18 Morrison. ATTmSTS. KORNEGAY ft THOMPSON, lawyers; - general practice, collections, abstracts examined. 403 Northwest bldg., th and Tf VOIl Wish ta nurnhaal k .-II - -.. sets, text books, etc., write I Stevens, . j. nus d u. f-uriinnu. or. A. E. COOPER. Attorney at Law. Gen ar. I '.nraAtlAo V. , m n , . . . , . 1424-1428 Yeon bldg. Main 873. A-207ll BATHS BAKE OVett treatment for rhaiimatlam lurooago, etomacn trouble- 8 86 H Stark BEI.T BEFAIBACTO PORTLAND Belting ft Repair Co., 65 1st; belt repg. Motorcycle belts $3 up. i BLiBX BOOK MAXraS .. ; . HOWK. DAVTH rnMPNVl 9A .., DUnb TlynU . .. , - t Improved Loose-Leaf Ledgers; se the new a,ureaa iear. A-aiaa. Main 133. Boonnrnras THE DITTMAR-PETERSON CO., -Magazine, muslo and law books bound,, blank books and loose leaf sys tems, os cm st. fnone Marsnait izss, BUSIHTiSS CADS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewalks and crossings. 7th floor Journal building. - THE BARBEIt ASPHALT PAVING CO. Portland office 60S Electric bldg. CABJPEHrTES ASD BEPAXKIBJa A. E. WIKSTROM, house, office, store repairing, remodeling, bldg. Win. 3029, CARPET ClEAjriBG JOYCE BROS., Electric Cleaning Works. carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. B-1963s 204 E 19th N. CASPET WXAVIirO NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, carpet cleaning, 163 Union avenue, near E. Morrison. PENINSULA Rug Works, rag carpet and rugs, ibis ratton ave. woonrn Z68&. CHXKoroiixsTa CORNS, bunions.' 1"TOwlng nails, etc., removed and cured, new method, posi tively no pain. Dr. D. W. Wayne. 609-10 Northwest bldg.. 6th and Washington. CHXB0F3A(7TI0 FBTTSICXAJI' HAVE given thousands of adjustments; $2.60 week. Bath office, 2d and Wash. crjuraxAB, TjETTeks. MULTNOMAH MultlgTaphlnf Co, fae slmlle slgs. 609 Ellers bldg. Mar. 2393. CXVTXi E2TGIXTEEB N. B. WHITFIELD, civil engineer. 201 Gerllnger bldg. Main 4379. Portland. Or. COAX ASD WOOD SPECIAL 1 PRICES ON ' - GREEN SHORT WOOiA -332 GREEN 4 FOOT WOOD, $2.60. INSIDE GREEN SHORT $3.60. DRY SHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel and bedding. The Portland Slabwood Co. Main 3119, A-7001. PAC. SLABWOOD CO. "a!9 Green slabwood, big and small inside block wood; planer, trim gs, cordwoyd. MTPP Xi PARR for A-l dry 4 ft. fir nLL.11 vx 1 nun ana oag corawooa. Also sawed to-order. Prompt delivery. Main 4596, A-4547. COAL SEOtlERS- Wood Cor Dry- ftr tjak: and slabwood, cull, ties sawed to order from country milt- Rock Springs coal. Yamato Wood and Coal Co. -BAST--rl 8T. 1 DELIVERED PROMPTLY Main 8767. F. J. EVERTS. Ft Curry st ECONOMY Fuel Co., 81 Grand ave. Coal that gives heat and satisfaction. East 214. B-2343. Prompt service. BOX planer, block, slab, cord wood and coal. Standard Wood Co., 847 East Stark. East 2315. B-1695. ALBINA FUEL CO. All kinds of green and dry wood. Rock Springs and Men dota coal. COAL and all kinds of wood. Phone Holgate Fuel Co., Sellwood 485. PHOENIX Fuel Co. Dry wood 11.60 per load. 621 Savler. Main 3544. EDLEKBEN handles wood and coal. COMMISSION J0EZCHAKT8 HENRY EVERDING. 46-47 Front st Butter, eggs, poultry, veal, txogtt, hides SiiEROD Ranch Egg Co., 114 Union ave. Butter, eggs, poultry, veai, nogs. DAHCXHO RINGLER Dancing Academy, thorough course In social dancing; eight in structors; private and class Instruction daily; social dance Wed.-Sat Morrison, at 2d. Marshall 813. PROF. WAL WILSON'S Dancing School Waltz, "two step," "three step," stage dancing. Lessone 25c, every morning, afternoon and evening. 85 Vi 6th, between Stark and Oak sts. Phone Main 7637. HEATH'S school, lessons daily, waifs, two step, three step, Baltimore or schottlsche taught in first lesson. Alls kv bldg.. 3d and Morrison sts. HEATH'S Bchool. Instruction daily "in fancy, stage and social dancing, class Mon. and Fri. eves., 8 to 10. 109 2d, bet Wash, and Stark. Lessons 26c. JPEBJtATO&OaiST Moles, wrinkles, scalp specialist Mr Courtrlght, 711 Dekum bldg. Main 6042 BOO, CAT AND XOKSE HOSFXTAi J. G. Slee, D.V.S. -Dogs and cats treat ed. boarded. Wood. 8076. 1601 Albina. BROWN BROS., 646 Wash. Main 4086, A-4086. Res. 91 E. 12th. E. 6440. B-228 E-OESSHlAKnrCr SOSOOXi Valentine's system ladies' tailoring, dressmaking taught. 162 Grand ave between Morrison and Belmont JBUBOTXia KOTOU ELECT, motor specialists. James, Mo Kensle Elec. Wks., 108 Union. East 117. SXOIOTIUO H0T0B8 WB buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second.- hand motors, Western Electric Works. 213 6th st. ' EKOBAVESS. EMBOBBD-tatleweTyrwtnretr-fflrdKt oaroam co., 4 iwanoneater bldg. UTS. J3A, JTOBB AH THJtOAT Treatment by specialist Glasses fit I ted. Dr., F. F. (Casseday, 418 Dekum bldg. r AKU IMPLEMIMTS AKD VEHI0I.E3 P. M. E8BENSHADE, 214 Front, farm liiipleiiieiits, toois, lawn rmiu ti-n' g. U,' M. WADE & CO.. 322 Hawthorne ave. wnoieiidie awrirumirai impiernemw, rOUWDBT AKD MACHIKB 8H07 Phoenix 'Iron Works, E. Sd-Hawthorna, General 'machine and foundry work. rum AHS TAXIDEBMISX REMODELING and new work. V. B, Flnlev taxidermist. 24 Columbia st. OASOUHll XHOIHEg STATIONARY .v and marine, slectrla eaulpmentsi launches, accessories, wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Reierson Machinery Co., 188 Morrison. 6SIW6UJV BBPAHtlHG GENERAL machine and electrlo work, lepau or tioctrio nioiors ana ayn' mow a specialty. E. Hlppely, 234 Oak. HAT rACTOBT T.AntKS' snd aentlemen's hats cleaned and blocked; all work guaranteed or no charges. We make a specialty of ladles beaver hats.--pnone Main The Royal Hat Works, 223 1st st SAXB GOODS ssss''"'',l",,,,si' FEB VET ft HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers, finest stock ot human hair goods; hair dress ing, manumring, face and scalp treat ments 147 7th, near Morrison, M. 648. CTSTTXAJrCS McCAROAR, Br.tes ft Lively, 101 Yeon bldg. Every form of Insurance, bonds PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE! CO. Only Oregon fire Insurance com. ROLLS developed free; prints, So up; . malt orders solicited. 206 Merchants Trust bldg. WA HA LANDER CO.. 618 Com' with bldg. Show cards, cloth signs, window trims. NTSXZT SEISES . STEREOPTICONS sold, rented; operator furnished, reasonable. Banners, show cards, signs. Enterprise Art Co.. 73 H 6th INDIES' TAIXOBJOia- THE National Ladles' Tailors, guaran tee fit, work by expert designers. 131. 10th st near Washington. Main 1780. LAMTPSOAPB PABDBBnUtO Pacific Landscape Gardening Co. We design and draw plans for parks, cemeteries, residential tracts and su burban homes; furnish the necessary trees, shrubbery, etc.; our work is ab solutely guaranteed "done right" by practical, experienced men. We also plant and car for lawns, shrubbery, do general up-keep" work on private grounds. Experienced men furnished on short notice. Phone Main 8918. xjaATHE amp roroiMOS CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front Leather of every description: tap manufacturers, findings. XJP BBADISQ CATHERINE KING teaches the hard-of- nearing. 808 Central bldg. Aiar. . MACHIMEBT B. TRENKMAN ft CO., hydraullo and special pipe, smoke stacks, 011 tanas, mining machinery, repairs. 104 N. 4th. MESS5HOEBS HASTY MESSENGER CO.. open night ana day. Main 63. A-Z163; aSXXJUKEXY HILDEBRAND Millinery, 216-18 Swet land bide.: latest models ordered on short notice. Repairing and remodeling. MOBTGAGB Z.OARS. JOHN .KER, mortgage loans, Insurances 03 yeon mag. Main vzto. KOTOBS AITD PTMAMOS - Motors ft dynamos bought sold, repaired. ji-m-h iiec. co.. at jn. first, m. vhv. MVSZO SOHOOIV8 JLBTS TSAOKEBS P. F. KISSNER, violinist, practical teaching, 10 lessons $16. 16 Breedtn bldg., N. E. corner 8d and Washington G. E Jetfery, violinist ft musical direct- or UessoPB). izu ta. Tayior. 'tanor ii T. E. Lawson, las 14th. Mala 6197. Pl- son &(' b tr "e E. TH1ELHORN. violin teacher; pupil Sevcik. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar. 1629 CAROLINE SHINDLKrt RULANu. voice. piano. 214 Fiiedner. Mam 265U PIANO, violin, mandolin, guitar, banjo, Instructions, 60c- -490 Hawthorne ave. RAGTIME guaranteed In 10 to 20 les-j sona Kopmar prices, ii-iii. journal. HAPKAPATaiO VKYSZCZAJTS JNO. V. SPEARMAN. 809 Dekum bldg Haurg .10-18,- l-A ana by appointment. OBHAMEKTAIi WEBB AHD ZXOIT ia st; arcniieciurai wire ana iron. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. L1LLEBELLB PATTERBON. sn claliaton nerves, acute and chronfel dlseaseB. 415" Columbia bid g." Math" 19 6 1. T LR-AGNES M. BROWN, 809 Journal bldg. llrg. l:so-4:au.fli. abua. Kes.Tabor2 921 FAINT, OU AJTO QI, ASS PIONEER PAINT CO-. 188 -First St Main 1334. A-7U43. " RASMUSSEN ft CO., "High Standard'' paint ne. cor. 3d ft Taylor. M.. A-l 7 71. THE BEAVER VARNISH WKS.,- makes GOOiJ proaucts. ask your dealer. PACTTIJrO AMD PAJEBlgQ.' GOOD work my motto. A. Osbourn, 886 E. Wash. B-Z167. East 4214. FOR best work, prices right call P. tln... 0) V Wn-h IT-.,. ,niB TINTING $2 room up; painting, paper hanglng. C. A. Barnes. Main 1334. PATEMT ATTOBBBYS PATENTS procured of J. IC. Mock, At-torney-at-Law, late of U. 8. Patent Of flce; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. Z4tn ana xorn Main 8489. UBMjrftOTOttY OSTRICH plumes dyed, cleaned, curled. vviuows ilea irom 01a piumes; satls factlon guaranteed. 327 Washington. PBIHTIKO. ANSLEY Printing Co.. 260 Oak. Main 4671. Printing to please. FKIVATE SCKOOIk PRIVATE school, shorthand, typewrit-, ing; modern meinoas: expert instruc tion. 26h- 14th st Main 3893. BOOrigQ. PAIBTIHO. BiyAJBIWO TIN roofing, repairing, painting, lobbing. J. LiQBU, tli jetrerson. main itn. ISELE ft G1NTER, sheet metal works. tin shop. pa bavier. m. nan, A-13D6. BVBBEB STAMPS ABB SEAXS STENCILS and office stationery. Cun- nlngham ,. Z31 HtarK. Matn 1407, BADGES, trade checks, brass signs. stencns. KreDS i5ros...iif to. jwar. SASH. BOOBS, "WINDOWS United Glass ft Glazing Co.. sash, doors. . 11,1. flllann 1n l Jj,1 ymip gino, tim, ji man, .tjctiii SAHITOBTUM ROSE CITY SANITORIUM. strictly ma ternity nospuai. isortn zarq st BH0W0ASE3 ABB PIXTPBES SHOWCASES of every description, bank, bar ana store uxiures maae to order. The Lutke wrg. 00. THE AMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. CTd'QfttrrflTttiiT!rr88'cwteTiritf.2708- SXOBS ABB SHOWCABBS AMERICAN SIGN CO., 849 Oak St. Suc cessors to commercial aept 01 Foster Kleiser signs. Marshall 496, A-4318. BIOKJAWa EgQVCARP3 ' OFFICE, door and window letterings name plains for desks and doors; aUo commercial printing.,' Ideal Office Sinn Co. Phone Marshall 4383, 812 Dekum bldg. . . T TAXX.OKXTCO SOHOOIi KIESTER'8 Ladles' Tailoring College. - Learn dressmaking, tailoring. 143H lt Towxt BvmY CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap, Towel Supply Co., 9th and Couch sts. It 1 per montn. 1 roruana i.aunory co. Phones Main 410. A-4410. f TBAKSXEB AMD STOBAOE . flees and commodious 4 story brick , warehouse, witn separate iron rooms anq fireproof vault for valuables. N. W, cor. Id and Pine sts. Pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods In our through cars to all domestlo and foreign points. '"Main 698. A-1996." " 1 OREGON TRANSFER CO. Established 1870. . Transfer and forwarding agents, ; ; Storage, fret trackage. Offices and storage,. 474 Glisaq street 18th and Oilman. Main 69. A-1169. Poh'ILaMU van and Storage Co., inc., 13th and Everett; most modern stor ate warehouse In city; low fire Insurance rats proof of this. Free trackage, mov ing, packing, shipping: reduced freight rates on household goods in through oars to and from east. Main 6640. A-1620. BAGGAGE ft Omnibus Transfer Co. Baggage checked at your home, fur niture moved, stored or packed fur ship ment Park and Davis sts.' phones: Man 6980. A-3322. . TTFEWKITEBS TYPEWRITERS, Slightly used, W C .- Smiths and alLotber jake t reduced . prices and easy terms. L. C. Smith ft Bros. Typewriter Co., 28Q Oak st. TYPEWRITER ft Supplies Co. Rebuilt, . 2d hand 142H 2d st. Mar. 419. 1 ALL makes rented, repaired, sold. Cun Inaham Co.. 281 Stark. Main 1407. r TACTJPM CLBAMEBS Golden Rod Vacuum Cleaners. 31 Com monweaitn bidg.L.A.AmicK.Jvigr.M.itna Tiuua auus O.'Kudrfn, violin maker, axpert repair ing, room 113 Alisky blag., 281 Mor rison street. " WXOEE8AZ.B JwBBEBS M. A. GUNST & CO., DISTRIBUTORS OR FINE. .CIGARS.. -FOHTLANU. OK. EVERDING ft FARREL. produce commlslon merchants. 140 Front si Portland, nr. Phone Main 179. morgan wall paper co., 2S&ii St., between Salmon and Main. ALLEN ft LEWIS GROCERIES. Should be Considered Wbeh You Select a Physician to Treat You C K. HOLS MAN. M. D. I am Just now completing my sis teenth year as a specialist in men's diseases. During these yearf -close application to a single class of ail ments I have originated and perfect ed scientlfio and certain methods by which these diseases are cured. If I accept your case for treatment, a enre la but a matter of a reasonable time. 7 Mv nractlce Is limited to the dtsor- drs-ofthe- nlar-ami-4B Tthr-eo- 4- fined to tnese special ana cnronio affections of the pelvic tract - These Include Lost Vitality. Varicose Veins, Hydrocele,- Bloo DlaordeTi-r on imrtrA Ailments and Bladder and Kid pey.DiseasesI have taken . ug. thea I ailments especially, Because mou sands of lives are ruined and thou sands of men are not what thoy should be, because they are held down by chronic weakness, which the average practicing physician does ' not understand and usually tries to make light of by telling the paUent that nature will soon repair the waste. . . My methods are up to data, and ar endorsed by the highest medical au thorities of Europe and America, hence our success in the treatment of men's diseases. CONSULTATION FREE. If you cannot call, write for Symp tom Blank. Many cases can De treat ed at home, ah correspondence 00. fldentlal. Hours 9 a. m. to I p. m. dally; 10 to 12stn, Sundays. C. t HOLSMAN M. J. Ml MORRISON STREET, . Corner First St,, PORTLAND. OREGON. SEE MB FREE. If you re worrying about any ailment In cluded among tboso within which I spe cialise, I invite you to call at my office and I will give you FREE a conscientious examination and di agonals and advise you of . th proper .Atir to niii'sua ta rid yourself forever of you worry and your ailment My years df experience and my qualifications have mad rn an expert in the treatment of the all ments with which MEN are afflicted. Every man calling at my of floe IS assared of my personal' and Individ ual treatment until a, cur Is f- reCUdNEOSALVARSAN ' Improved Germ4n" Remedy fof BLOOD POISON I administer the remedy according to the very latest method. , Come to me if you have any of the following disorders: Enlarged Veins. Pimnlea. Nervous Debility. Blood and Skin Disorders. Bladder ind Skin Disorders, Bladder s Blood Poison, Eruptions. Special Ailments, Plies or 'j'rouoies, Ulcers, to 67, t 8 Dally: Sundays io to limn ' 1 Tfwn-iliiatlnnnMiiA rtl, rAw-. J. J. KEEFE, Pll. G. M. D. Rooms 11-15 Lafayette Bldg. 813 Va WASHINGT-ON ST.. GOIt. 6TH, PORTLAND, ok AMllty.aii.SMll yfX I v.w'-:V- ;..J''t: - :.. .. . . Iwi.i. f -Cm lit. ft W KEEFE