- AWIIfflttiM MM ;: Comic Section - S V' V i V - 111 v.v i ,L : . ' ."' ;""' 1 t,3iV ; I -pU M -J '. -.. "'.".. '. r - .. , V ' y.;' ' i. v . . ,. .' -. 1 .. . ' -i . Copvficht tftt; bjrne North Amenatn "Companj;. fx PORV.AND, OREGON, SATURDAY J EVENING, NOVEMBER 2, 1912 v ' Me'n Puppo goed to see a magniferous p'rade, an' ther' was lots o' peoples to it an' 'ey had us up oa a band waggin an', ther :was' lots o" music 'causer'-'cause it. was a a norgan-ration--no a organ-nation p'rade an' ther' was ,efelunts-an'-'-.mooas--an' possums an' eye'thing jus' like a circus. .. . ' i -..I" ' - 1 ' ' j,,, " y 1 . to peoples was cheerin' ah' shoutiri r anT anym? "Hunay for'lEe OrgainltionP'raderAn'--: Lfltf we stopped orf at Gwendylin Tangelin' May's house 'cause she had a-magniferous party 'cause it wjt the cook's 'ittle girl'a birfday, an' she had a chock 'let birfday cake to match the cook's 'ittlc girl wif six can niea an ngnieq onto . - , - - j,it,;,,,i, ;;,-4f..,.. ,,.V E iHWlfetWtt An ther' was ana lion trotted 'way from the Zoo-largical Gardens an' he corned in he corned in frco the pantry winder an' he sed, "Arool Aroo! Aroo!" orful fierce an' an' savagiferous an' ever'buddy was scared an hided x-cept meI--er--I---I was goin down the cellar ennyways wif Gwendylin 'Vangelin' May. ; . I ,.. . .' ? ' t i "LV ' i. ' 1 1 ' ? ' 1 ""I in w V V , i T ' c A V l''-VLl Grr?s&j: ":- " - VJ I i.i . -. I ... . . - " i -,i ' .,.,,11,,. i imn r "i t , , in ,' V '. f ' i , ' f j " r""? '-y f 1 An arf afterwhiles we goed up steps an' an' ever'buddy was goned 'way 'xceptin'Uhe lion, an he was sound asleep an' he was orful fat an' an' I taked the er the cake knife an I-Mrr I cutted his head ort riffht snancs--zftn!--orf an'- an dut corned the kittv cat an' the cook's 'ittle cirl an' anfPuDuo an' that- . o a -- , . , '((, . I che-know-'bout-'at? . - " " . --. .( . . -. i 11 tm W " "HI M mhwiiiIT Tnwe called Gwendylin Tangelin May's cook what had goned upstairs for a nap an' she. scd I was a biVmarvellv-ou!! hero to safe her 'ittle cirl an the chocklet birfdav caV an all the pan'nlea was all enned. I h'spect tiie ol' savagiferous lion must o' chewed he must o' chewed some on ;'at y " - J V, I - . -"lesicicHT I i -So-we-goed bacttatheOrganaticP'Tade-'enan'-all o' the peoples checrcJ rn vrrrl en r " ! : 5 an Puppo m a throne in the White House an ey sed Puppo s the Advice Precedent- j t-verx ; !y 4,yho'sthe Precedent? .An'-an' ever'buddy. els sed. "Hail the korn-curui hero t best Precedent what never was! ' Oh you-Kiddo!'' .-, - (Ctrrt'.:. 9"T r TV'fh' ill 5 ; '